Teachers credit union vacation. Teachers Credit Union

Created in 1998 to provide Moscow teachers with cash loans at a small interest rate, the Teachers' Credit Union has over time become very necessary and in demand. Currently, the KSU unites more than 1,000 members of the Moscow city organization of the Trade Union of Public Education and Science Workers of the Russian Federation, and their number is growing from year to year. The capital of the Credit Union is also growing. If in 1998 it was only 50 thousand rubles, then by 2008 it increased to 8 million 214 thousand rubles. Compared to last year, the capital of the KSU increased by 72%, which even exceeded the initially planned plans. Net profit from KSU activities in the reporting year also increased by 50%.

The director of the KSU is the first deputy chairman of the MGO trade union, Marina Ivanova, which emphasizes the important role of the trade union in ensuring the reliability of this credit organization. In difficult conditions economic crisis Many people have concerns about the safety of their savings placed in various commercial banks. However, KSU shareholders have no such concerns.

Our mutual responsibility is the best guarantee that the money will not disappear anywhere, says Marina Alekseevna.

Now average amount loans of members-shareholders of the KSU is on average 33 thousand rubles, and the maximum loan from this year will be 70 thousand. Moreover interest rate on the loan at the present time remains very small - 12, 15 and 17% per annum, depending on the purpose of the loan.

“We recently attended a meeting of Russian credit unions, where we exchanged experiences,” says Marina Ivanova, “and it turned out that in other credit unions interest rates are incomparably higher than in ours. Colleagues from the Credit Union of the Trade Union of Agricultural Workers of the Russian Federation, having learned about our interest rates, said that we do not have a credit union, but a mutual aid fund. So be it. Let us be considered a mutual aid fund - we do not see anything wrong with this, because our goal is not profit, but to help educators.

Of course, a moderate interest rate is of great importance for borrowers. After all, teachers, even in Moscow, are still far from the highest paid workers. According to the deputy chairman of the trade union organization of education workers of the North-Western District, Alevtina Smirnova, many teachers in need of a loan simply have nowhere else to go but to the KSU. Equally important is that teachers at the credit union are accepted not just as clients, but as true comrades and colleagues.

At KSU we are always greeted with great warmth,” Tatyana Pimkina, teacher of school No. 741, shares her impressions, “they always smile and listen attentively. Thank you very much KSU employees for friendly communication.

The reporting year 2008 was marked by the opening of a new area of ​​work for the credit union. For the first time, it began to accept personal savings of shareholders in the form of deposits at 11.3% per annum. And although so far only 8 such deposits have been placed (in the amount of 733,740 rubles), this direction will be promoted and developed in every possible way.

The anniversary meeting was held in an atmosphere of great enthusiasm. Decisions on the reports of the director of the Constitutional Court and the control and audit commission were adopted unanimously. Including decisions to increase the entrance, monthly and target contributions for member-shareholders. After summing up the voting results, those who most actively attracted new people to the union all these years were awarded.

After the end of the meeting, many did not want to leave - they decided to sit still, someone started playing the piano - and a completely official event turned into a warm, friendly meeting.

The last hundred years in the Moscow education system and in the education system Russian Federation there is only one truly massive public organization, protecting the interests of workers and students. The All-Russian Education Trade Union unites about 5 million teachers, university professors, preschool workers educational institutions, institutions additional education, university and college students. In Moscow, more than 388 thousand people are members of our trade union.

The main function of the trade union is to represent the interests of workers, primarily in the field wages. Assistance in drawing up a collective agreement, consultations with chairmen of trade union organizations during labor disputes, representation of the interests of trade union members in court is the direct responsibility of the legal inspectorate of the Moscow city trade union organization.

Public control over compliance with this right of workers to safe working conditions is carried out by trade union representatives. Our technical labor inspectorate participates in the investigation of industrial accidents and assists workers in preparing documents for receiving compensation and benefits. We insure all members of the trade union in case of injury at work resulting in disability.

The Moscow City Trade Union Organization operates a Teachers' Credit Union, whose members have the opportunity to receive loans for treatment, recreation, study, and consumer needs.

Our programs for organizing summer holidays for students, educators and their children are very popular.

We also implement social programs in the field of voluntary health insurance, non-state pension insurance, we are developing a trade union discount card program.

The trade union participates in organizing professional pedagogical competitions “Teacher of the Year”, “Coolest Class”, “Young University Teacher”, and also organizes its own: “Teacher’s Salsa”, the festival of amateur artistic creativity of teachers “Rainbow”, “Pedagogical Start”.

An important area of ​​work of the trade union is the organization of training for trade unionists and young teachers in the capital.

Thus, a trade union is an organization that helps a teacher of any age, at all stages of his professional life. That is why we have been working for so many years and look into the future with great optimism.

Chairman of the Moscow city organization of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education

M.A. Ivanova

Moscow city organization of the All-Russian Trade Union of Workers of Public Education and Science of the Russian Federation


129010, Moscow Protopopovsky lane, 25

Tel. 8 495 688 57 74; fax 8 495 688 57 74




Who among us has not found ourselves in a situation where we urgently need money - to pay for treatment, travel, buy a new washing machine, refrigerator, make repairs, pay for a child’s education. But there is not enough money. In the bank for consumer lending They will require you to fill out various papers, and the interest on the loan is quite high. It is much easier, more reliable and more efficient to use the services of the Teachers Credit Union.

The Teachers' Credit Union was created by the Moscow city organization of the trade union of workers of public education and science of the Russian Federation in 1998. This is not a commercial organization; it does not pursue the goal of making a profit. KSU gives its members the opportunity to save and obtain loans.

LCC is a reliable savings and accumulation of funds, the opportunity to obtain a loan at low interest rates. Since 2008, the credit union began accepting personal savings of shareholders in the form of deposits at 15% per annum.


– low interest rate – 1% and 1.25% per month of the remaining loan amount, depending on its purpose;

Our address: Prospekt Mira metro station (ring), Protopopovsky lane: 25, office 243.

Reception days and hours:
From October 01 to May 31: Mon, Tue, Thu – , Wed – , Fri – ,
2nd Saturday of every month.
From June 01 to September 30: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu – , Fri – .


at the general meeting

members - shareholders of the KPKG

"Teachers Credit Union"



1. Members of a credit cooperative (shareholders) may be individuals who have reached 16 years of age.

2. An application for admission to membership in a credit cooperative is submitted in writing to the Board of the cooperative. The application must contain a commitment to comply with the Charter of the credit cooperative.

3. Membership in a credit cooperative arises on the basis of a decision of the Board of the credit cooperative from the date of making the corresponding entry in the register of members of the cooperative.

4. A member of a credit cooperative is issued a membership book confirming his membership in the credit cooperative.

The membership book contains the following information:

4.1. name and location of the credit cooperative;

4.2. surname, name, patronymic of the member - shareholder, an identification number cooperative member;

4.3. postal address, telephone number of a member of a credit cooperative, the date of his entry into the credit cooperative, the amount of mandatory share and entrance fees and the date of their payment, registration number of the entry in the register of members of the credit cooperative, the date of issue of documents confirming membership in the credit cooperative.

5.Members of the CCCG “KSU” have equal rights and bear equal obligations.

6. A member of a credit cooperative has the right:

6.1. receive loans on the terms provided for by the Regulations “On the procedure for providing loans to members of a credit cooperative of citizens”, approved at the general meeting, use other services provided by the credit cooperative.

6.3. transfer to the cooperative on the basis of agreements and receive your personal savings from the credit union, as well as receive income from them in the manner and under the conditions determined by the Charter and the Regulations “On the procedure and conditions for attracting Money members of the citizens' credit consumer cooperative "Teachers' Credit Union".

6.4. participate in the management of a credit cooperative, including in the work of the general meeting of members of the credit cooperative:

Initiate the convening of a general meeting of members of the credit cooperative,

Participate in the discussion of the agenda and make proposals on the agenda of the general meeting of members of the cooperative,

6.5. receive information from the bodies of the credit cooperative on issues of its activities, including getting acquainted with the minutes of the general meeting, annual financial statements, with an estimate of income and expenses for maintaining the cooperative and with a report on its implementation.

6.6. receive the amount of share savings in the event of termination of membership in a credit cooperative in the manner prescribed Federal law“On credit cooperation” No. 000-FZ dated July 18, 2009 and the Charter of the Constitutional Court.

6.7. appeal the decisions of the bodies of the credit consumer cooperative in judicial procedure and in the manner established by the Charter of the cooperative.

7.Members of a credit cooperative are obliged to:

7.1.comply with the Charter of the credit cooperative and comply with the decisions of the cooperative bodies;

7.2.deposit additional contributions, defined general meeting members of the Constitutional Court, within three months after approval of the annual balance sheet of the credit cooperative if it is necessary to cover the losses of the credit cooperative in accordance with clause 4 of Art. 116 Civil Code Russian Federation;

7.3. bear jointly and severally with other members of the cooperative liability for the obligations of the credit cooperative within the limits of the unpaid part of the additional contribution;

7.4. promptly repay loans received from the credit cooperative, and upon termination of membership in the cooperative, repay loans received from the cooperative ahead of schedule.

8. Membership in a credit cooperative is terminated in the event of:

8.1. leaving the credit cooperative;

8.2. exclusion from members of a credit cooperative;

9. An application for withdrawal from a credit cooperative is submitted in writing to the Board of the cooperative.

10. If a member of a credit cooperative fails to fulfill the obligations provided for in clause 7 of these Regulations, the Board of the credit cooperative has the right to exclude him from the membership of the cooperative. The decision to exclude a member of a cooperative may be challenged in court.