Sun to report an insured event. How to report an insured event and begin the settlement procedure with the VSK insurance company

After the Insured has fulfilled all obligations and other requirements of the Rules and Conditions of the Insurance Agreement related to the occurrence of an event that has signs of an insured event, including after submitting all documents required by the relevant risk, the Insurer will consider the Insured’s application within 30 business days from the date of receipt of the last document, but not earlier than the day the vehicle is presented for inspection to the Insurer or its representative.

VSK insurance payments

VSK insurance payments provide compensation as a result of theft, theft, robbery, natural disasters, and fires. A traffic accident is no exception, from which no one is insured. Depending on the terms of insurance, the insurance rate is also set. After an incident, you must call authorized bodies(Ministry of Internal Affairs, State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and others), you will need their certificate and a copy of the protocol when submitting an application to VSK.

Receiving insurance payments from VSK

All victims of the actions of this company should not expect payments. There is a precedent for waiting more than a year, and this person never received the money. Promptly go to court as soon as you suspect that VSK wants to leave you without your due money.

Toyota HiAce №1 *Hard worker* › Logbook › Accident, insurance and payment from - VSK, repair

I was really shocked by his actions, and if he had not pressed the brake, the gazelle would have walked straight ahead freely without any problems, but the saiga, in fright, pressed the brake on the slope and TURNED THE STEERING WHEEL TO THE RIGHT - really an IDIOT. In response to my words that in icy conditions there is a rule that is observed by almost all drivers: if you press the brakes in icy conditions, there will definitely be an accident. If he just did nothing, everything would be in chocolate. I just really had no place to escape from the collision and here’s this photo to prove it

Reviews about VSK (former name "Military Insurance Company")

We draw your attention to the fact that the MTPL Law does not provide for full compensation for the costs of restoring the damaged vehicle. The calculation is made based on average prices; accordingly, they differ significantly from the prices of an official dealer. It should also be noted that not a single normative document OSAGO does not provide for the calculation of restoration repairs at official dealer prices.

What kind of feedback does VSK receive regarding compulsory motor liability insurance? Insurance company payments

On insurance market Russian Federation The company has been operating for more than 15 years. Confidently calls himself one of the leaders in this field of activity. As confirmed by numerous reviews, VSK for OSAGO ranks among ten best companies our country in terms of insurance fees and payments.

Reviews of the company VSK

At the end of last year, on December 23, I bought an e-OSAGO policy for my father on the VSK website, where I switched from the RSA website. The policy number is XXX 0022173039. The other day I needed to add a driver to my insurance, which became an almost insoluble problem. In your personal account on the VSK website it is indicated that you can buy a policy, you can view it, but everything else is not

VSK insurance payments

16.1. Insurance compensation for damage caused for a passenger car, owned by a citizen and registered in the Russian Federation, is carried out by issuing the amount of the insurance payment to the victim (beneficiary) at the insurer's cash desk or transferring the amount of the insurance payment to the bank account of the victim (beneficiary) (cash or non-cash payment) in the case of:

Insurance payments as a result of an insured event

After everyone has submitted necessary documents The damage to the car after the accident will be assessed by an expert from the insurance company. Quite often a situation arises when the insurance payment after an accident turns out to be insufficient, and the car owner has to pay extra from his own “pocket”.

Our partner is VSK insurance house

Many car owners turn to the Military Insurance Company to protect themselves from the consequences of risks on the road. VSK Casco and VSK Osago policies purchased here provide many additional features and benefits that reliably protect in unforeseen situations. At VSK you can insure your car against the consequences of vandalism and intentional damage by unauthorized persons, against any breakdowns and natural disasters. When contacting the VSK insurance company, clients know: they are always protected.

Vehicle insurance at VSK company

If harm was caused to health without death, then you must submit the following documents: an extract from the medical history, checks that confirm payment for treatment, checks that confirm payment and purchase of additional medications, and a medical report.

VSK reviews

I was insured with VSK under CASCO about 5 years ago. I remember that the insured event did not exceed the cost of insurance - they paid out immediately, without unnecessary conversations or hassle. It seemed that the guys were serious, we should rely on them. So I got insured again in 2012, but the following summer I got into a serious accident (head-on collision, the oncoming driver was at fault). According to official estimates, the repairs will cost around 200 thousand rubles. I still haven't seen the money! They motivate me with a lack of documents - they demand documents of the person responsible for the accident, which I do not even have the right to look at. What other options could there be besides court!? I'll serve it.

Insurance company VSK

Life insurance will help create a reserve in case of various unpleasant circumstances, it is convenient and safe long term investment, they will help provide education for children and retirement savings. Insurance payments on time are in a convenient way savings for the implementation of various long-term plans.


Good afternoon We issued an MTPL policy, all documents and numbers were indicated correctly, even scans of new documents were sent. When the insurance was paid, instead of a new one driver's license The serial number turned out to be old, although they put in a new one. What to do, what to do? We contacted the support service and were told to contact the place of residence where the registration was made. When we arrived there, we were told that this was your problem, and whoever filed the questions asked. We submitted an application to the site to make changes, everything was sent as expected, but no one gets in touch. So they took the money and everything is like solve your problem as you want!? There is no help, no one comes to the meeting. AND THE INSURED PERSON WAS INCORRECTLY INDICATED, THE OWNER OF THE CAR IS INDICATED, AND I WAS NECESSARY TO NOT DISTURB THE ELDERLY PERSON.

How to sue the insurance company VSK

So, what to do if VSK decides not to pay? First of all, preparation: It is necessary to draw up and send a claim to VSK. This is necessary in order to record your claims to the insurance company and have a documentary lead for further proceedings.

In addition to the direct registration and purchase of insurance policies Personal Area VSK allows you to report the occurrence of insured events, submit claims and attach the necessary documents online without visiting the office.

In order to apply for insured event online, you need access to your personal account. If you don't have it, register and log into your personal account using the instructions on the page.

In the top menu of your VSK personal account, find the item Insurance case and click on it. This will take you to the account page for settling insurance claims.

On this moment The website presents only three categories of insurance for which you can apply online:

  • health
  • property
  • rest

If any of the categories below fits your case, click on it. The page will open Remote settlement of an insured event. It has an even more specific list of types of insurance from the selected category. For these types of insurance, you can submit an application for an insured event and the necessary documents without visiting the office.

Select the appropriate type of insurance - a form will open with fields that need to be filled out. For example, to submit an online insurance claim for damage to household property, you must fill in the following fields:

  • what kind of event occurred that caused property damage (for example, fire, explosion, accident engineering systems, natural disaster, etc.)
  • when did this event happen
  • insurance policy number
  • last name, first name and patronymic of the applicant, his date of birth
  • applicant's residential address
  • contact details (e-mail and phone number)

After filling out all the fields, you need to click the button Continue

Follow the same steps when filing claims for other categories of insurance.

The insured event does not fit into the categories of health, property and leisure - what to do?

For other categories of insurance cases, for example OSAGO or CASCO, VSK has not yet added the ability to submit an application through your personal account to your personal account. In this case, on the right side of the page Settlement of an insured event find the link What to do if an insured event occurs.

VSK company phone number for insurance cases

If you and you could not find answers to your questions. You can always call the free 24-hour number of the VSK insurance company to settle insurance claims: 8 800 775 775 1

Insurance rules are a large, complex document. So that you can easily navigate it, our experts analyzed each point, wrote down the main thing and assessed the loyalty of the rules to customers. The higher the score, the greater the loyalty.


Sum insured

Sum insured – non-reducible (by default)/decreasable (optional).

Quote from the rules

When concluding a contract, a deductible (aggregate) and non-reducible (non-aggregate) rate can be established. sum insured. Unless otherwise provided by the contract, the insured amount for the risk of “damage” is irreducible; for other risks – reduced.

In case of concluding a contract on the terms of “incomplete property insurance", the sum insured is always reduced.


Compensation for damage

Compensation for damage is paid excluding/including wear and tear (optional).

Quote from the rules

Cash payment insurance compensation In case of damage to the vehicle, insurance compensation can also be paid using one of the following methods:

  • “By calculation without taking into account wear and tear” - payment of costs for the restoration of a damaged vehicle (TO) on the basis of an estimate (calculation) drawn up by an expert of the insurer or an organization or expert in the direction of the insurer, without taking into account the wear of replacement parts (components, assemblies).
  • “By calculation taking into account wear and tear” - payment of the costs of restoring a damaged vehicle (TO) on the basis of an estimate (calculation) drawn up by an expert of the insurer or an organization or expert in the direction of the insurer, taking into account the wear of replacement parts (components, assemblies).


Constructive death

Constructive loss – 75% or more of the value of the car.

Quote from the rules

In the event that, as a result of damage to property, it is completely destroyed or cannot be restored, as well as in the event that, subject to “full property insurance” (clause 5.6. Insurance Rules), the amount of damage caused according to the estimate made (calculation, including - calculation of an independent expert, prepared in accordance with clause or a preliminary order, the repair shop is equal to or exceeds 75% of the insured amount on the date of the insured event, the insurance indemnity is determined in one of the following ways:

  • in the amount of the insured amount for the corresponding risk (totality of risks) on the date of occurrence of the insured event, minus the remnants of the mentioned property suitable for further use (hereinafter referred to as the “usable balances”) and the deductible, if it is provided for in the insurance contract, while the usable balances remain at disposal the policyholder;
  • in the amount of the insured amount for the corresponding risk (totality of risks) on the date of occurrence of the insured event, minus the deductible, if it is provided for in the insurance contract, subject to the waiver of ownership rights by the insured (property owner) in favor of the insurer.


Wear rates

Wear and tear standards are not described in the CASCO rules.

Quote from the rules

There is no description in the CASCO rules.


Deadlines for filing a claim for damage

The deadline for submitting a written statement of damage is up to 2 business days.

Quote from the rules


Deadlines for filing a theft report

The deadline for submitting a written statement of theft is up to 2 working days.

Quote from the rules

The policyholder is obliged to submit a written application to the insurer in the form established by the insurer regarding the events specified in paragraphs. 4.1.1. – 4.1.9. – within 2 working days from the moment the policyholder discovers the fact of the occurrence of the mentioned event (or from the moment when the policyholder could and should have discovered it).


Deadlines for payment of compensation for damage

The period for payment of compensation for damage is up to 30 working days.

Quote from the rules


Deadlines for payment of compensation for theft

The deadline for paying compensation for theft is up to 30 working days after the end of the police investigation or legal process.

Quote from the rules

After the insured has fulfilled all obligations provided for in clause 7.3. Rules, other requirements of the Rules and conditions of the insurance contract related to the occurrence of an event that has signs of an insured event, including after submitting all documents provided for by the relevant risk (except for the risk of “Damage not confirmed by certificates”), the insurer considers the insured’s application within 30 working days from the date of receipt of the last document, but not earlier than the day the vehicle is presented for inspection to the insurer or its representative.

During specified period the insurer is obliged to make a decision on the event that occurred and perform one of the following actions in accordance with the conditions provided for by the Rules and the insurance agreement (policy):

  • issue a direction to refurbishment to a repair organization (at a service station);
  • make payment of insurance compensation in cash;
  • send motivated refusal in payment.

The period for making a decision to recognize an event as an insured event is interrupted if the insurance payment, refusal of insurance payment or change in its amount depends on the results of proceedings in a criminal or civil case or a case against administrative offense, or from a court decision - for the period until the end of the investigation or the entry into force of the court decision.

Additional expert comments

In addition to the main risks, the following are paid:

  • Costs for evacuation of a car (up to 3,000 rubles), including from another country (up to 3,000 euros).
  • Damage mitigation costs.
  • Costs for assessing the amount of damage.

Quote from the rules

The policyholder is reimbursed for expenses associated with the evacuation of a vehicle damaged as a result of an insured event (provided that the vehicle cannot move under its own power or its movement is prohibited by traffic regulations) from the scene of the incident to the nearest place of parking, storage or repair within the limits of: 5,000 rubles. – for vehicles of category A or B, 15,000 rubles. – for vehicles of other categories, with the exception of A and B.

In case of evacuation of a vehicle damaged outside the Russian Federation, and subject to agreement on the feasibility of such expenses with the insurer, maximum value The costs of evacuation reimbursed by the insurer are 3,000 EUROS in ruble equivalent at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of evacuation (the start of the evacuation, if it lasted more than a day).

The amount of reimbursed evacuation expenses may not have the specified limitations, provided that such expenses were incurred within the limits of the expenses specified in clause 8.6.2. Insurance rules.

Upon the occurrence of an insured event for any of the risks provided for Full rules CASCO (with the exception of the risks of “Government for damage to life and health” and “Gauge for damage to property”), the policyholder is also compensated for:

  • Costs associated with payment for services to assess the amount of damage caused.
  • Expenses to reduce the amount of damage caused and eliminate the causes that contributed to the occurrence of additional damage, including the cost of evacuating a damaged vehicle, the movement of which is impossible or prohibited by traffic regulations. The amount of indemnified expenses in any case cannot exceed 10% of the insured amount for the corresponding risk (total of risks).

Key exceptions:

  • Damage to the exhaust system, protective panels, and underbody.
  • Damage to tires and wheels (there are exceptions, see the quote for more details).
  • Spot chips of the paintwork without deformation of the body.
  • Damage to axles, transmissions, suspension.
  • Chips and scratches on glass (no cracks).

Quote from the rules

Not paid:

  • Spot chips of the paintwork without deformation of the body;
  • Defects in glass elements in the form of chips or scratches without the formation of cracks;
  • Damage to tires or wheels, with the exception of damage that led to a change in the geometry of the wheel or damage to elements of the vehicle body;
  • Damage to exhaust system elements, protective panels, underbody, front and rear axles, transmission, suspension elements.

Important information

The client is obliged to immediately notify the insurance company in writing of any significant changes in the degree of risk.

Quote from the rules

The policyholder is obliged to immediately notify the insurer at writing in person or through any available means of communication (including fax or telegraph), or by mail (subject to mandatory prior notification by telephone or e-mail insurer), about significant changes in material circumstances that occurred during the validity period of the insurance contract, notified to the insurer when concluding the contract in accordance with clause 6.3. Insurance rules, as well as other circumstances that may significantly affect the increase insurance risk.

With "VSK - Insurance Company"I had to face it less than a week ago.

A collision in the literal sense of the word - a truck drove into my car at a traffic light.

➡ It is noteworthy that my insurance(from another company) was overdue by 1.5 months.

The culprit of the accident had an insurance policy from VSK OSAGO.

Insurance House VSK (JSC VSK) carries out insurance activities since February 11, 1992 and currently occupies a leading position in the Russian insurance market. In 2017, the company celebrated its 25th anniversary.

The “kind” traffic police officers, when registering an accident, predicted and gloated that I would not receive payments, because My insurance is expired.

➡ But I didn’t despair, because I am the victim, and the culprit’s insurance pays.

The next day I went to the VSK insurance company.

VSK - more than 100 insurance services, more than 125,000 enterprises and organizations under the insurance protection of VSK, 14 million insured Russian citizens.

In the office I had to spend half a day, in the literal sense of the word, but that's half one day(! have a negative experience with another company), during which I submitted all the documents, passed the examination and assessment with photography.

It is important that the amount was not underestimated, and the extent of damage was recorded fairly.

I waited for the documents to be reviewed for about half an hour in the office, after which I was informed that Payment will be received within 5! working days(again, in another company I waited about a month for payment).

The high level of the company’s work was awarded three times with gratitude from the President of Russia for huge contribution in the development of the insurance business (2002, 2007 and 2017). VSK is a two-time winner of the National Competition “Company of the Year” (2013 and 2015) in the “Insurance Company” category.

So, I filed for an insurance claim on Thursday and calculated that the deadline (5 working days) would be next week on Wednesday.

➡ Imagine my surprise and delight when On Tuesday evening I received the full amount of the VSK OSAGO insurance payment on my card!

In 4 working days.

It's really fast!

On the same day (when I filed the insurance claim), I took out insurance for my car (as I wrote above, mine was expired), so, for a driver with 8 years of experience and adding one more person to the insurance, the amount was about 10 thousand rubles. Nowadays, I think this is an average (but not small) amount for insurance.

Having read and heard a lot of reviews about insurance companies from which it is impossible to get payment, I was afraid to go to the insurance company, but VSK OSAGO destroys these stereotypes.