Where is the administrative fine paid? How to pay a fine for an administrative offense

Through Sberbank services you can easily make payments to the state budget. Moreover, the operation is performed different ways– from a card, via the Internet, telephone or in cash at branches, technical devices self-service. Sberbank’s universal range of services allows you to pay an administrative or other fine both online and in cash. The violator can only choose the appropriate option and fulfill his obligations on time.

Through Sberbank you can pay off any fines imposed on Russian citizens in accordance with the law. All of them are paid according to a single algorithm, regardless of the method of transfer and the authority that issued it:

  • traffic police;
  • Service bailiffs;
  • Pension fund, etc.

Important! You can check the presence of debt on fines through Sberbank Online, as well as on the State Services portal or similar ones operating in the region.

Payment Receipt Instructions

As a rule, about a fine individual notify by letter, which contains a protocol on the decision to apply punishment and a receipt for payment. If you have the latter, you can pay off the debt in any available way:

  • in the Sberbank Online web account;
  • in an application for mobile gadgets;
  • at the cash desks of bank branches;
  • through ATMs and payment terminals.

Let's look at how to pay off an administrative fine, for example, for drinking alcohol in the wrong place, using each of these methods. It is important to note that the algorithm of actions single, regardless of the type of offense.

Through Sberbank Online and mobile application

Payment of an administrative fine through the Sberbank Online system is possible only if the client has a valid account, an active bank card and a connected mobile banking. You can issue a plastic card only at the Sberbank office, and connect necessary services– remotely, by phone or via the Internet.

Important! To connect your personal account, you will need your bank card details, as well as your number mobile phone, to which the Mobile Bank service is connected.

After gaining access to the web account, the payment process will proceed as follows:

If the operation is successful, a blue bank seal with the mark “Executed” will appear on the screen. This means that the money has been sent to the recipient. At this stage, it is proposed to print the check, but this can be done later, in the “Operation History” section.

If the payment is made for another person, the receipt must indicate his details, and not his full name. and payer's address.

Through mobile app payment is carried out according to the same algorithm. The interface of the mobile account is the same as the browser one, and the procedure does not change.

At bank cash desks

Another affordable way pay off a fine imposed by a court decision, or administrative procedure, is to visit any Sberbank operating office. Everything is simple here - give the operator a receipt and passport, wait for registration, make payment and pick up the check. You can repay the debt either in cash or from a card, through the POS terminal installed in the service window.

In RKO, just like in the web account, you can pay a fine for yourself or for a third party.

Via terminal and ATM

You can deposit funds according to a receipt or a collection order from a government agency through an ATM or Sberbank terminal. The procedure will be as follows:

  1. log in to ATM using plastic card(authorization is not performed in terminals);
  2. select the Payments section in the menu (it may also be called “Payments and transfers” or “Payments in your region”, this depends on the USO model and the type of software);
  3. click on the banner “Staff Police, duties...”;
  4. select the organization that imposed the administrative penalty (it is most convenient to use the search bar, it will display a list of all government agencies that match the request);
  5. enter the number of the fine order;
  6. wait for the pre-filled payment slip to be generated, fill in the necessary data (full name, address, passport details, Taxpayer Identification Number, amount);
  7. when using a payment terminal, cash is deposited into the bill acceptor; when paying through an ATM, the money is debited from the plastic card;
  8. confirm the operation.

Many terminals and ATMs are equipped barcode reader. He scans the QR code from the receipt, and all data is entered into the system automatically. All that remains is to check them and confirm payment.

Sberbank technical devices allow you to pay a fine according to the UIN (unique document index), which is indicated in the upper right part of the receipt. Having gone to the payments section, you need to click on “Pay by UIN”, then enter the document index. The system will quickly find a fine where all the recipient and sender data are already indicated. Have a receipt with you for on paper not necessary, but it is recommended to always check the details.

How to make a payment without a receipt

The methods described above implied that the individual had in hand a document to pay the fine. But in its absence, you can make a payment if you know the number of the administrative penalty order, or the name of the authority that issued it.

If a citizen has a resolution, everything is relatively simple:

  • go to Sberbank Online;
  • go to the section on budget payments;
  • select the desired authority from the list;
  • select the “Search for fines” option;
  • enter the resolution number;
  • select the required payment card from the list, it will contain all the recipient’s data;
  • further actions are similar to payment by receipt - indicate personal data, check it, confirm payment with an SMS code.

If you don’t have any documents on hand, you can check for fines on the website of the organization that imposed the administrative penalty. As a rule, this requires the passport details of the offender. Then, on the same web resource, a payment receipt is generated, or the number of the resolution obliging the payment of a fine is displayed. After this, you can make a payment as usual.

Enrollment deadlines and fees

The term for crediting funds depends on the payment method. However, the execution date financial obligations the day is considered indicated on the check about payment, even if its processing takes 3-5 days. At the same time, in payment order there should be no errors. As a rule, funds are transferred no longer than 24 hours, but the control period is 5 working days.

When paying at bank cash desks or through self-service devices, the commission will be 2% of the payment volume. If funds are deposited through an online account, no commission will be deducted.

If you pay off an administrative fine within the first 20 days from the date of the decision on collection, you can receive a 50% discount, that is, pay only half of the imputed amount. Wherein minimum amount payable - at least 100 rubles.

Features of payment of fines

Some important rules payment of administrative and other fines that everyone needs to know.

  • Repayment of the fine must be made within 60 days from the date of its imposition.
  • During the first 10 days, a fined citizen can challenge the penalty imposed on him.
  • If a citizen has several administrative fines from one organization (for example, for smoking in a public place and for drinking alcoholic beverages), they must be repaid separately. The type of offense is indicated in the comments to each payment.
  • Failure to pay an administrative fine on time will lead to legal proceedings, which will result in either an increase in the scope of sanctions or restriction of freedom for up to 15 days. Bailiffs have the power to forcibly recover money - from salary card or any debit.
  • At total amount fines of 10 thousand rubles or more may prohibit a citizen from traveling abroad.

The listed features lead to one conclusion - all imposed fines must be paid on time. Receipts confirming payment should be kept for at least 3 years in order to avoid disagreements with the fining authority.

If the user transferred money using erroneous details, there are two options: write a statement to Sberbank or to the government agency that issued the fine, asking to clarify the payment. A copy of the check is attached to the application, and the correct details are indicated in the text.

Advantages and disadvantages of payment through Sberbank

Among the advantages of Sberbank as a tool for paying off fines, one can highlight, first of all, accessibility. Even if the payer does not have access to an Internet or mobile account, ATMs and Sberbank branches are located in almost all populated areas countries. Additional advantages speakers:

  • ease of payment;
  • the ability to search for a fine by resolution or passport number;
  • no commissions (when working with web services);
  • different payment methods;
  • If a Sberbank card is seized due to late payment of a fine, it will be withdrawn automatically within a week.

The only disadvantages include possible commission, but almost everyone puts forward such conditions financial companies, accepting payment. Another disadvantage is the relatively long time it takes to credit the money, however, if there are no errors in the payment, this factor will not cause problems.

On the service you will find

  • official fines according to the traffic police (website gibdd.ru)
  • MADI and Moscow parking (website avtokod.mos.ru)
  • Kazan parking lot

Information is provided from the state payment system GIS GMP. If you find a fine on our service, it means it has not been paid according to the GIS GMP data.

To check traffic police fines from cameras, you need to enter the vehicle registration certificate (VRC) number in the form at the top of the page. The search results will include:

  • unpaid traffic police fines in all regions of Russia
  • for violating the rules of stopping and parking in Moscow
  • for violating paid parking rules in Moscow
  • for violating paid parking rules in Kazan

Traffic police fines on a driver’s license are usually issued by a traffic police inspector in the personal presence of the driver and remain in the driver’s hands. Such resolutions can be paid according to the resolution number (UIN).

According to the law, information about new fines is sent to the state payment system GIS GMP immediately (Part 4 of Article 21.3 Federal Law dated July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ). In practice, fines are entered into the database within 1-3 days from the date of the decision.

  1. If you are sure there is a penalty
  2. More than two weeks have passed since the date of the decision
  3. No one paid the fine
  4. However, it is not displayed online.

This means that the resolution was not included in the GIS GMP (state payment system) database. In this case, you need to contact the traffic police or MADI, or the State Public Institution "AMPP" (depending on who imposed the fine).

The service allows you to pay fines online using any popular method.

You can pay fines with a bank card when searching for fines by car registration certificate number. On the search results page, you need to indicate the payer’s name and phone number to fill out the receipt, and click the “Pay” button.

It is possible to pay fines through Sberbank Online, as well as through Yandex.Money, QIWI and other means of electronic payment when searching for a fine by resolution number (UIN). For this:

  • search for a fine by UIN
  • indicate the payer's contact information
  • click "Pay"
  • select payment method: Sberbank Online, Yandex.Money, QIWI or another
  • follow the instructions to complete the payment.

Enter your address Email upon payment. The receipt will be sent by email automatically.

Repayment of a fine (display of payment) in the state payment system GIS GMP usually occurs within 1-3 business days. After another 1-2 days, the fine should be paid off in the traffic police database. If 5 days have passed and the fine remains unpaid, contact the bank or service that accepted the payment.

The traffic police checks the status of payment of fines in the state payment system GIS GMP. After this, it updates its database and the official website gibdd.ru. This happens within 1-5 business days after payment of the fine. If this period has expired and the fine has not been paid, contact the bank or service that accepted the payment.

Attention! Our service does not automatically debit money from bank cards. We do not store bank card data and do not make automatic payments for fines.

Fines can be paid in any way:

  • via street terminal
  • Sberbank Online
  • through the cash desk of any bank

When you pay through the traffic police service online, you are guaranteed to pay off your debt. We track paid fines in the state payment system GIS GMP and seek repayment of each decision.

The easiest way to pay the fine is to have a receipt with all the details. But what to do if the receipt is lost? Where can I get a receipt and is it possible? online payment fine for administrative offense without it, how to find a fine by name and UIN, what other ways there are to pay the debt without a receipt, and also what time period is given for paying the fine, you will learn from this article.

How to pay an administrative fine online by last name

You can find a fine by name on the official website of Russian bailiffs. The FSSP website does not require registration and provides verification results instantly. However, you should not try to check recent fines on it. The FSSP website provides information from the data bank enforcement proceedings, so here you will only find overdue fines that have already been sent to bailiffs.

For more information on how to check, as well as how to pay a fine for an administrative offense on the FSSP website, read the article “Check fines from bailiffs.”

You can also find debts on overdue fines by passport number, INN or SNILS on the website paymentgosuslug.ru. To do this, go to the main page of the site and select “Enforcement proceedings”.

In the “By documents” window, enter your passport number and click “Find”. Instead of a passport number, you can use INN or SNILS data, or enter all the data.

The site accepts payments from bank cards, as well as mobile payments. To get more detailed information How to pay a fine for an administrative offense online via the Internet on the website paymentgosuslug.ru, scroll down the main page and click on “How to pay”.

Where and how to pay a fine for an administrative offense without a receipt

If you have lost your receipt and do not know where to pay the fine for an administrative violation, contact:

  • To the authority that imposed the fine on you;

For example, if you received a traffic police fine, then contact the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the MFC and specify the details for payment. Or check on our website by simply entering the VU or STS number in the site header.

  • To the Sberbank branch.

Ask for a receipt for payment of the fine from a Sberbank employee, fill in the necessary information, pay it and save the receipt.

Details for paying a fine for an administrative offense will not be needed if you use the online fine search on one of the sites providing such services. Without having the details or a resolution on the offense in hand, you can find and pay the fine using the following data:

  • Driver's license;
  • Vehicle registration certificate;
  • Vehicle registration number.

Read more about how to find and pay a traffic police fine on the State Services portal or on the official website of the State Traffic Inspectorate here (link to our article).

Who pays an administrative fine against an official?

According to Art. 2.4 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation executive who has committed an administrative offense is held accountable.

“An official is subject to administrative liability if he commits an administrative offense in connection with failure to fulfill or improper execution their official duties."

Who is responsible as an official can be found out from the note in Article 2.4 of the Administrative Code. According to the note, an official is considered to be a person who:

  • Performs the functions of a government representative;
  • Performs organizational and administrative or administrative functions in the state. authorities, state and municipal organizations, military formations, etc.;
  • Is a manager or other employee of an organization who has committed an offense in connection with the performance of administrative, economic, organizational and administrative functions, etc.

According to Part 1 of Art. 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, an administrative fine is paid by the person who was brought to justice, therefore the official is obliged to pay the assigned fine at his own expense.

How to pay an administrative fine by court decision

If you have been imposed an administrative fine by a court decision, you will receive a copy of the decision. This resolution contains all the necessary details, as well as the UIN for paying a fine for an administrative offense.

Important: UIN is a unique accrual identifier that is used when paying taxes, fines and other charges for municipal and government services.

Knowing the UIN, you can check the fine online, for example, right in the header of our website, select “Resolution No.”

If a receipt for payment of a fine for an administrative offense has been lost, contact the court that issued the order for a copy. Remember that late payment of a fine will result in the imposition of new fines.

Is it possible not to pay an administrative fine, and how long is the deadline for paying it?

According to Part 1 of Art. 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a violator who has committed an administrative offense is obliged to pay a fine in full within 60 days.

“An administrative fine must be paid in full by a person held administratively liable no later than sixty days from the date the decision to impose an administrative fine comes into legal force...”

Late payment will result in the following:

  • an additional fine of two times the amount unpaid;
  • arrest up to 15 days;
  • compulsory work up to 50 hours.

“Failure to pay an administrative fine within the period provided for by this Code entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of twice the amount of the unpaid administrative fine, but not less than one thousand rubles, or administrative arrest for up to fifteen days, or compulsory labor for up to fifty hours.” (Part 1 of Article 20.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)

You can be exempt from paying a fine by court decision. Remember that you have the right to appeal the decision, but no later than 10 days from the date of its adoption.

“A complaint against a decision in a case of an administrative offense may be filed within ten days from the date of delivery or receipt of a copy of the decision.” (Part 1 of Article 30.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)

Every person needs to know how to pay an administrative fine. The point is that even a conscientious resident of the Russian Federation can encounter administrative violations. And the fine that will be imposed on the person will have to be paid. Not everyone knows exactly how. Next, we will consider all the features of paying existing administrative fines. There are a lot of them, but there are no difficult to understand points in the topic being studied.


The first step is to understand what time frame you will have to meet to deposit funds into the country’s treasury. Otherwise, the person will be in arrears. It entails additional liability.

Payment of an administrative fine to the traffic police must be made strictly deadlines. Namely - 70 days from the date of issue of the receipt. Of these, 10 days are allocated for review of the case, and 60 is the period of voluntary payment of the “debt”.


In Russia, until 2019, payment of an administrative fine can be made taking into account discounts - from 30 to 50%. In particular, if the punishment is imposed for violating traffic rules.

Discounts are offered to pay bills for those who decide to do this no later than 20 days after receiving the payment order. Most often, a reduction in the amount of the fine is observed when paying through “Government Services”,

In any case, everyone has a chance to reduce the fine. And you can use this! The main thing is to understand the features of the process.

Where to pay?

Where can I pay a fine for an administrative violation? There is no consensus. This is due to the fact that modern citizens are offered many alternatives during the implementation of the task.

To put it briefly, it is proposed to deal with fines in the following places:

  • traffic police;
  • banks;
  • Internet.

More and more people are using the Internet to make certain payments. Taxes and fines are no exception. But also banking services are still often used.

About the techniques

How to pay an administrative fine? This, as we have already found out, is allowed in different places. There are also many ways to deposit money for taxes and fines.

The following schedules stand out among them:

  • use of "Government services";
  • work with the website "Payment for State Services";
  • contacting bank cash desks;
  • work with Internet banking;
  • payment by terminals or ATMs;
  • transfer of funds through virtual payment systems.

Next, we will consider each of the techniques separately. Despite the fact that the types of administrative fines are different, the algorithm of actions will always be approximately the same. Every person should remember this.

What will be useful?

Before solving the problem, you need to stock up on some information. It will reduce the likelihood of failure when paying a fine to a minimum.

The offender will have to find out:

  • the amount of the fine;
  • details of the recipient traffic police.

The following documents and things may also be useful to him:

  • mobile phone);
  • bank card;
  • money (cash);
  • payment order.

You can do without the latter. However, if the payer has a payment card, it will provide access to a quick search for information about the fine when working with terminals and/or ATMs.

Box office

Let's start with the oldest and most proven, but not entirely convenient solution. How to pay an administrative fine? Go to the cash desk of any bank. Sberbank, for example, does not charge a commission for such services. Therefore, it is recommended to contact us here.

  1. The client gives the payment to the cashier.
  2. Identification must be presented.
  3. Money is given for a fine.
  4. A check and change are issued.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is time consuming. Because of this, the population prefers self-service systems for making payments on certain accounts.

ATM terminals

Has an administrative fine been issued? The Code of Administrative Offenses specifies in which cases a citizen is brought to administrative responsibility. And therefore, you can always check the legality of the fine issued.

It turned out that the person was fined legally? In this case, you need to get rid of the “debt” as quickly as possible. Otherwise, another responsibility will come.

Quite often, people use ATMs and payment terminals to make bill payments. Let's consider the operation using the example of Sberbank. The instructions are equally suitable for both terminals and ATMs.

She looks like this:

  1. Open the main menu of the selected machine.
  2. Go to the section "Fines, taxes" - "State Traffic Safety Inspectorate".
  3. Select the desired traffic police department.
  4. Enter the amount of the fine.
  5. Provide information about who is transferring the funds.
  6. Place the bills into a special receptacle. This step is only relevant when working with terminals.
  7. Click on “Ok” and pick up the issued check. In the case of Sberbank, the client will receive a message with a 4-digit code on their phone. You will need to enter it at the ATM before issuing a payment receipt.

As we have already said, if the payer has a payment order, you can act differently. Information about a fine is searched much faster.

Codes and receipts

We are talking about searching for information about the recipient using a barcode. This technique is used when working with terminals, as well as when using ATMs at the time of making payments.

What to do? Need to:

  1. In the main menu of the selected machine, open “Payments in my city”.
  2. Go to “Search for recipient” - “By barcode”. You can also find fines by last name, but it’s better not to do this. This technique works perfectly online.
  3. Present the barcode receipt to a special reader.
  4. Confirm payment.
  5. Deposit money towards the fine and complete the procedure.

As practice shows, this technique is not used too often in real life. After all, there are many other ways to pay taxes, fees and fines.

"Payment for public services" and fines

It is indeed possible to find and “close” fines by last name online. Typically this service is offered by third party services. It's better to ignore her.

To get rid of administrative fines without registration and fears, you are invited to get acquainted with the “Payment for State Services” website. It is officially recognized as safe.

To work with it smoothly you need:

  1. Go to the portal address in your browser.
  2. Click the desired item on the top panel. For example, "Traffic police fines".
  3. Specify information search parameters.
  4. Enter certain data in the highlighted fields, then click on “Search”.
  5. Click on the "Pay" button.
  6. Select payment method. Usually, it is offered to deposit funds into the account by card or electronic wallet.
  7. Enter the details requested by the system.
  8. Click on "Ok" and finish working with the service.

Payment systems

The last interesting trick is working with online wallets. How to pay the administrative fine in this case?

  1. Open a virtual wallet. For example, Yandex.
  2. Top up your account using any available method.
  3. Open the "Products and Services" item.
  4. Click on "Fines" or "Receipts". It all depends on the payment system used.
  5. Enter the TIN or name of the recipient organization.
  6. Provide information about the amount of payment.
  7. Check the available details and confirm the transfer.

Code of Administrative Offenses Russian Federation Several hundred administrative fines have been introduced for committing various offenses: jaywalking, late registration vehicle etc.

In this article we will talk not only about how to pay an administrative fine through Sberbank Online, but also about how to find a fine and make a payment without a decree in hand.

What fines can be paid through Sberbank Online

Sberbank pays any types of fines imposed on citizens within the Russian Federation. Full list Organizations in favor of which the violator can make payments can be viewed in the “State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, Taxes, Duties, Budget Payments” tab. If for some reason the right organization not in the list, you can search by name government agency recipient of the fine through Sberbank Online. To do this, enter either the name of the organization (in whole or in part) or its current account into a special search line. Thus, in Sberbank Online you can pay tax penalties and fines, fines from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, all types financial requirement from the bailiff service, etc.

If a citizen is not sure about the fines he has, he can check. To search for traffic police fines, you must enter the VU number (license) and (or) STS number (registration certificate) in the fields provided. You can also check traffic police fines for violations recorded on traffic cameras. To do this, you must enter the vehicle registration plate numbers in the specially designated fields. To search for other types of fines (indecent behavior, smoking in public places, etc.), you must provide documents confirming Russian citizenship.

Sberbank offers its clients a choice of the following payment methods for administrative fines:

  • Payment of fines through Sberbank Online.
  • Payment through self-service terminals and ATMs.
  • Payment at the bank's cash desk.

To pay via Internet banking, a citizen must be a client of Sberbank and have a bank card. This is the only way he can register on the site (registration is done on the following page: https://online.sberbank.ru/CSAFront/async/page/external/registration.do).

Payment of an administrative fine through Sberbank Online

How to pay an administrative fine through Sberbank Internet banking? To complete the transaction, the user must have a valid Sberbank card and activate the “ Mobile banking" Only after this you can register on the bank’s website and manage your funds via the Internet.

Payment of administrative penalties through Sberbank Online is made according to the following algorithm:

  • Go to the website https://online.sberbank.ru/CSAFront/index.do, enter your username and password and log into the system user’s personal account. Here on home page, all the client’s accounts (bank and credit cards) will be displayed.
  • Go to the “Payments and Transfers” tab and on the new page find and select the item “Staff Police, Taxes, Duties, Budget Payments”.
  • Find the organization in favor of which the payment will be made (UFK, FMS, Pension Fund, etc.). To do this, you must have a violation resolution in hand, which contains all the information on the payment. If there is no such resolution, the citizen should at least know who fined him and for what.
  • To search for the organization that issued the protocol, you must use the search bar by entering the name or current account. Also, you must first indicate your place of residence so that the system can search among those organizations that are located in this region.
  • On the next page you will need the decree again. Using this document, the user must enter all payment details into the system: resolution number, date of offense, full name of the offender and registration address. After this, you need to click “Continue”.
  • On the next page, enter the amount to be paid and select the source of funds for the transaction. Only a bank card, not a credit card, will do. Click “Confirm via SMS”.
  • A message will be sent to your phone with a code that you must enter in the provided field and confirm the operation.

Existing legislation determines the deadline for paying a fine for an administrative offense. So, if a citizen does not pay within 60 days from the date of the decision, additional sanctions may be applied to him. At the same time, when paying certain types of fines within the first 20 days from the date of the decision, the citizen will receive a 50% discount.

Payment of obligations through the terminal

Another way to pay an administrative fine is to use a Sberbank ATM. To complete the operation you must:

  • Find a terminal or ATM, you can choose any of them.
  • Insert bank card and enter your PIN code.
  • In the main menu you need to select: “Payments in our region” or simply: “Payments and transfers”.
  • Next, the section: “Staff Police, taxes, duties, budget payments” and the organization that imposed the administrative penalty.
  • If you receive the decree in your hands, you can pay the fine by entering the decree number in the field provided for this. If not, you must first search for a fine, indicating the data requested by the system (number driver's license and vehicle registration certificates, passport details, etc.).
  • After selecting the appropriate fine from the list, you need to provide additional details (if the system requires them) and make payment.

You can also transfer money using the QR and barcode reading function. To do this, you need to insert the card into the terminal, enter the PIN code, select “Payments and transfers” in the menu and bring the QR or barcode of the decree to the reader. Next, all the necessary information will be displayed on the screen and the user will only have to confirm the payment.

Payment through the branch cash desk

Sberbank gives its clients the opportunity to pay administrative fines through the cash desk of any bank branch. To do this, the citizen must come to the bank and provide the specialist with the details specified in the resolution on the offense. In this case, the citizen will have to pay the entire amount of monetary penalties indicated on the receipt. After paying the collection, the client will receive a check, which not only can, but must be kept for two years after making the payment. Payment at the bank's cash desk is traditionally considered the most reliable method, because all payment details are entered by the bank employee himself. But this method is also the most labor-intensive. The client not only has to come to the bank, but also stand in line there.

How to pay without a receipt

Loss (damage) of a receipt does not relieve the violator from having to pay a fine. There are several ways to restore payment data:

  • Contact the bank, indicating to the employee the organization that imposed the fine, its amount and providing your personal passport. The operation will be completed within a few minutes.
  • Find on the Internet the details of the organization that imposed the fine and make the payment yourself using a Sberbank card through a terminal or Sberbank Online.
  • Use the search for administrative penalties through Internet banking (requires a valid mobile bank Sberbank, connected to one or more client cards).

Also, a citizen can contact the organization that imposed the fine with a request to restore the resolution.

Commission and payment time through Sberbank

The commission and payment time affect the final payment amount. Thus, when paying a fine through a self-service terminal or at bank cash desks, an additional commission of up to 2% is charged. When using the service online, no commission is charged.

The fine must be paid within 60 days from the date of the decision. But if the violator makes payment in the first 20 days, he receives a 50% discount.

The most convenient way to pay fines for violations is through Sberbank Online: no additional commission is charged, payment can be made anywhere where there is access to the Internet, a receipt for the transaction is available for downloading personal account, the user can always check information about the fines he has.