How Russian students save money. How to live on a scholarship as a single student in a big city

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Many students, having entered universities, consider themselves to be very independent, ready for adult life and generally do not need any help or advice. But this goes away after about a month, when the parents’ money has run out, and the scholarship is already coming to an end. Here the question of how to save money for a student, and ideally, to make sure that the scholarship is enough, arises.

In order to figure out how to save, a student needs to understand where the money goes and how to spend it. less money, and also, find ways to increase income. Now let's talk about this in detail.

How to figure out where the money is going

In order to understand how to save as a student, you can get a notebook, you can write on a piece of paper, you can do anything. But we are in the 21st century, so I suggest not to waste the forest on paper, but to open Microsoft Excel, LibreOffice Calc or any other spreadsheet program and write down expenses there. Why do this? It’s just that here you can immediately calculate the total and build a graph so that you can clearly see where the most money is spent, and a small bonus - caring for nature. By the way, using spreadsheets instead of notebooks is also one of the methods for saving money for a student

But these are all details, the main thing is to write down all your expenses. It's better to do it every day so you don't miss anything. Then by the end of the month you will clearly see where the most money goes and you will be able to think about whether you needed these expenses? In just a few days the picture may look something like this; by the end of the month it will be much clearer:

Just an example of spending for a few days, it’s better to keep a similar diary for a month

I repeat, this picture is very truncated, all the numbers and categories of expenses are taken out of thin air, the task here is simply to convey the idea. It seems to me that this is very clear, now let’s think about how to deal with spending.

How to spend less money

First, let's analyze the resulting graph.

It is clear that saving on groceries and winter clothes is definitely not an option. Although you can always buy clothes not from the latest collections, but those with discounts. Your crown will not fall off, and the clothes from the previous collection are no worse.

But transport costs, as a rule, can be reduced. Most the best option– on weekdays, do not go home or to the dormitory, but stay overnight at the university. A more realistic option is to use transport cards, the savings are not very big, but it’s also nice, and it’s simply more convenient than rattling around with change in your pockets.

Going to cafes and clubs that are simply called “entertainment.” It’s easy to save money here, just go to these establishments less often or choose more budget establishments. And, most importantly, do not drink alcohol there. Not only to keep you healthy, but also to save money.

Internet means very little money, especially if you don’t pay for it alone, but share it with friends. Unforeseen expenses, for example, the cost of a birthday gift, can be quite large, but there is usually no escape, although sometimes you can try to save money, for example, not going to a birthday party

There is still cell service left. The amount for the month turned out to be quite considerable. Most likely this is due to the fact that you are calling to another subject of the federation, perhaps to your parents, perhaps to your friends, and it also seems like you can’t get anywhere. But let's think about how to spend less money on cellular communication. It’s so elementary - making calls via the Internet, fortunately there are plenty of programs designed for this, for every taste.

And in general, keep an eye on various kinds of promotions that are carried out by most of the most diverse establishments - grocery stores, clothing stores, cafes and clubs. All these discounts can be a good help for your budget, one more tip - eat outside of restaurants Catering, but cook it yourself, it will definitely be cheaper.

The toughest way to save money is not to buy new clothes for years and eat only buckwheat. Yes, it’s tough, but people survive, although they are not very happy from such a diet and the inability to buy new clothes. And with such a lifestyle, you can get by with one scholarship. But this is an extremely uncomfortable option for how to save for a student, so you shouldn’t even think about it.

How to make money as a student

you can earn much more in college

You can not only spend less, but also earn more. And if you spend less and earn more, then it will be generally good.

An article about that is available here. In short, there are quite a lot of opportunities for students studying on a budget to earn money - this includes work at the university, and work in some organizations that have nothing to do with the university (but this can lead to expulsion, with a very high probability), and, The most interesting option is to receive a large scholarship for doing scientific work. About scientific work, as well as about making money with the help of KVN, songs, dances and other things, read the article about how to make money as a student, the link to which was at the beginning of the paragraph.

To summarize, I would like to say that it is quite possible to reduce your expenses, an example was given in the article, but I have already written more than once about how a student can earn money, links are given in the article. Good luck to everyone, learn to save and earn money where it seems impossible, all this can be useful after university. See you on the pages of the blog site

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If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to answer as detailed and clear as possible.



How can a student learn to save?

It's no secret that life is very difficult for students (in financially). Especially if you study on a contract and not on a scholarship. All this waste on food, housing, love affairs, parties... To have enough money for everything you need, you need to change your habits. Of course, you won’t be able to change everything right away, but you can start small. Now I will tell you a few secrets of saving.

So that there is no need to save money, create your own website and teach it.

Method No. 1 – “Refusal of unnecessary waste”

  • Refusal from restaurants, cafes and even canteens. Of course, you want to eat quickly without wasting energy on cooking at home. But a lot of money is spent on this. Even if you eat in the canteen, it will be more expensive than preparing something at home and taking it with you to university.
  • Saving utilities. This applies to those who live in an apartment rather than a dormitory. Before leaving home, unplug all electrical appliances. Try not to turn on lights unnecessarily or start the washing machine because of a T-shirt.

  • Free software. In fact, few people in our country use paid programs and applications, but still. To save money, try to use online services or free analogues of the necessary applications.
  • Communication in messengers. Now there are many convenient instant messengers and video chats such as Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter. Correspondence and calls through such applications will significantly reduce the cost of calls and messages.
  • Withdraw money from a cash register or ATM of your bank. Typically other banks charge a fee if you use their ATM rather than their bank's ATM. Therefore, it is best to find the nearest branch of your bank and withdraw money from the card there.
  • Full cash out of the scholarship. As a rule, money from a card goes faster than cash. Therefore, it is better to withdraw the entire scholarship from the card and spend funds as needed. Cash “feels” differently than money on a card.
  • Exercise at home, not in the gym. A lot of money is spent on subscriptions and classes with a trainer. But you don't have to go to the gym to stay in good physical shape. You can do fitness at home, run outside, ride a bike. And if you also involve your friends in this, it will also be fun.

  • “NO” to impulse purchases. This applies mainly to girls. I saw a beautiful dress or a new lipstick – that’s it, I urgently need to buy it. If you are walking through shopping centers or streets with many shops, then simply do not take money with you. But since you have exactly the required amount, then do not rush to buy this thing, wait an hour, and then a day, and then a week. You will understand that this thing was not really needed. Also, try to only take items that you can return.

Method number 2 – “Changing habits”

  • Cook at home. Life without parents is a great opportunity to learn how to cook. Besides the fact that it will help you save money, it is also a great reason to see your family and friends more often. Cooking together brings people together.
  • Take lunch with you. At university you want to eat twice as much. Especially when you know that they sell delicious buns nearby. To avoid spending money on small snacks throughout the day, take lunch with you from home. In addition to a full lunch, you can take some other fruit or cookies with you.

  • Go to the store full. If you go to the supermarket hungry, then consider that the money you took with you is no longer there. When you are hungry, you will buy more than you can eat anyway. Therefore, before going to the store, you need to have a little snack, or even better, write a list of necessary products and stick to it.
  • Attend events where there are free refreshments. The Internet is a good thing. There is a lot of information about the various events that take place nearby. In any case, there will be places where there will be free food for guests. Go there, where you can not only have a good and interesting time, but also have a delicious meal. Of course, you don’t need to stuff food into your pockets or put it in containers to take home, but if you serve yourself a full plate, no one will say a word to you.
  • Spend more time at home. Many people think that sitting at home is boring. But in fact, you can find many different activities if you wish. Instead of going to the cinema, to a club or to a concert, you can watch a movie at home with friends, do your hobbies, and clean up your apartment, after all.
  • A bicycle is the best transport. In addition to saving money, you can also stay healthy and fit.

  • Ride the metro and trolleybus. In winter it is not very convenient to ride a bicycle, but this does not mean that you need to ride in a taxi or by car. You just need to start using public transport. It is especially profitable to travel on the metro, trams and trolleybuses.

Method No. 3 – “Smart Spending”

  • Buy textbooks online. If the library does not have the necessary books and textbooks, do not rush to buy them at the nearest bookstore. You can find the same textbooks much cheaper on the Internet. In addition, you can find students there selling textbooks that they have already used and no longer need.

  • Stock stores and second-hand stores. Clothes in such stores are much cheaper. Of course, finding something suitable there will be more difficult. But you can have fun there with friends, trying on different outfits. Plus, you can find good branded items there.
  • Products at markets or inexpensive stores. It is clear that shopping in a supermarket is much more convenient than at the market. But markets also have their advantages: you can bargain there, the goods are fresh and, most likely, there are less chemicals there than in the products sold in supermarkets.
  • A large number of products. Since you’ve come to buy groceries, you need to stock up in full, so that you can do it once and for the whole week. It's cheaper in bulk. And if you don’t live alone, you can buy groceries together.

  • Frozen food. Although they are not particularly useful, they are practical. Frozen food lasts much longer, meaning you can spend less money on it.
  • Cheap analogues of goods. Expensive doesn't mean better. There are many analogues of products and medicines that are several times cheaper, but no less high quality.
  • Take advantage of discounts. Nowadays, almost all stores have discounts and savings cards. Find out from the administration how you can get them and use them for your health. There are also often promotional days or hours. This is also very profitable.
  • Rent a house with someone. Living in a hostel is, of course, ideal for your wallet. But often you don’t want to live there, you want to live like a normal person, in an apartment. Therefore, it is very convenient to rent a house not by yourself, but with someone. It’s even possible for 3-4 people. It’s more profitable and more fun.

Method number 4 – “Provide for yourself”

  • Grow vegetables at home. Even if there is no plot of land on which to grow vegetables, you can always grow greens on the windowsill. There is also confidence that the products are organic, and there is also something to do.

  • Old textbooks and clothes can be sold. You need to get rid of unnecessary things. Don't throw them away. There are many sites and online services through which you can sell textbooks that you no longer need or clothes that you definitely won’t wear. And we got rid of the trash and earned some money.
  • Find a suitable job. Certainly, the main task student - to study. Therefore, there are many options for part-time work. Remote work is an ideal option for students. And if you have a favorite pastime, for example, you like to play the guitar and you are good at it, then you can even give guitar lessons for beginners.
  • One-time job. In addition to stable work, there is also one-time work. You can find one-time part-time work on the Internet, donate blood, work as a loader, or distribute leaflets.

Method No. 5 – “Manage your finances”

  • Expense notebook. Keep a notebook or notebook in which you will write down all your income and expenses. This will help you keep track of where more money is going and reduce expenses. By the way, there are special applications for phones with such functions.
  • Open a deposit in a bank. Saving a piggy bank at home is, of course, good, but it’s safer to open a savings account at a bank. To avoid spending all your money at once, put it in a savings account. Many banks have offers specifically for students.
  • Develop a budget. Add up all your income: wage, scholarship, parental assistance. Now subtract mandatory expenses from this amount - rent, tuition fees, public utilities etc. What's left is your budget for the month. Calculate how much you can spend, for example, per day. It is advisable to spread all financial expenses over the month.

  • List of things you need and want. What you need and what you want are two different things. Make a list of what you really need - clothes, food, hygiene products, etc. - and a list of what you want. First, buy what you need, and then, if your budget allows, what you really want. It is advisable to make lists in order of priority. That is, at the beginning of the list should be what is needed most.

I hope that this article was useful to you and that it will help you manage your finances correctly. The main thing is to start, and then everything will go like clockwork :)

Student years are the happiest, say almost 100% of former students. However, many of those who think so cannot but agree that this time is also the most cash-strapped.

Rent of an apartment or payment for a hostel, living expenses and education are almost always borne by parents. But at this age you want more freedom. And for many students, it consists of a substantial amount of finances that neither parents nor part-time jobs can provide. Our tips will help you save and redistribute funds so that you have free money every month for something really important and necessary.

1.Sell purchased textbooks at the end of the last semester

Your training has come to an end. It is unlikely that textbooks will be useful to you in the next course. If you bought them, sell them to those who will study a year younger than you. There are more effective method savings - consider renting textbooks for your next course. This will help you save a decent amount money.

2. Don't make impulse purchases

It is a mistake to think that a new spinner, the latest iPhone, cool headphones, or the latest brand of jeans will help you gain authority among your classmates and friends. In this case, it is important to listen to your mother. Surely she has said more than once that clothes are the only way to greet someone. They escort you according to your mind.

3. Don't go to the store hungry

This rule will help you save a lot of money in adulthood, when your student years come to an end. By visiting the store on a full stomach, you spend less money on food, buying only what you really need.

Try not to worry about the stress of an upcoming session or an important exam. Give preference to an active lifestyle and never snack in company. Eat only when you are truly hungry.

5. Don't smoke

The longer you drag out credit card debt, the more it costs you. Interest rates By consumer loans high. Try to repay monthly payment the highest possible amounts. And never take out loans in the future. Student loans are a huge pitfall.

8. Walk more

Spending on a taxi, gasoline or renting a car is not justified compared to a walk in the fresh air. Additionally, you can save on a subscription to a fitness club.

9. Find a roommate or apartment

This idea is not just a cold calculation: in this case, you will be able to pay half as much for rent. If you make the right choice, you are also guaranteed a cheerful company.

10. Stop paying TV

Think about whether you really need to spend money on satellite or cable TV channels? Perhaps this is the lot of pensioners? Reading, studying, walking, visiting exhibitions and other events, visiting, traveling with friends will leave more vivid memories of student life. After all, you can watch an interesting series on the Internet.

11. Do not pay for package offers from mobile operators

If you can find Wi-Fi almost anywhere, do you really need that 10GB?

12. Look for discounts

Before you buy your planned item, look for it in places where it is available.

13. Sell unwanted items

Don't throw away anything you no longer need. These things may be useful to someone, and thus you can make money.

14. Don't get a pet until you graduate from university.

A lot can change in your life after graduation. Up to the point that you can move to another city. Can your pet keep you company? In addition, not all owners of the apartments you rent agree to residents with animals. Will you be able to bear the cost of furniture damaged by your pet? Are you ready to spend extra money on his feeding and health?

15. Drink water

It's practically free and healthy.

16. Make coffee at home

Keep monthly records of your income and expenses. Plan your spending. Stay within your budget.

If debts cannot be avoided, choose credit card with an interest-free period, with monthly interest accrual on the balance, with the opportunity to receive discounts in stores when paying with this card. And never be late on your monthly payments.

Find out what benefits are available from the state when receiving higher education and get them.

21. Learn to cook

This will help you save significantly on trips to cafes and restaurants.

22. Turn off the lights

Students studying on a paid basis can return 13% of the money spent on their studies. Learn more about how to get tax deduction, Life hacker tells.


Many educational institutions offer vouchers to sanatoriums and health centers. To go there for free or with a significant discount, a student needs to find out whether his university provides such vouchers, and then submit the appropriate application.

Benefits for working students

Applies mainly to those who receive the first higher education. For employees studying at universities on a part-time and part-time basis, the employer provides leave to undergo intermediate and final certifications. This benefit applies to working students studying in institutions with state accreditation.


Trains and electric trains

Russian Railways provides discounts as part of the Russian Railways Bonus student loyalty program. Unfortunately, you can only get a 25 percent discount when purchasing tickets for compartment cars on branded trains.

Travel on commuter trains is much more affordable for students: the discount on season tickets from September 1 to June 15 is 50% full cost(relevant in most regions).

Intracity transport

Discounts on travel on the metro, buses, trolleybuses, trams and minibuses are not regulated at the federal level, but certain student benefits are provided by regional transport services.

Education and entertainment

There are benefits and discounts for students in state and municipal libraries. You can also visit a number of museums for free or at a significant discount. For example, students can enter the Tretyakov Gallery for free on the first and second Sunday of every month, and the Hermitage with a student card can be freely entered on any day.

Many cinemas, bookstores, and fitness clubs also have favorable offers for students. Ask about them before making a purchase or using a service.

Equipment and software



Adobe Creative Cloud programs are eligible for a 60% discount for students. More detailed information can be found on the developer's website.


For modeling students, Autodesk offers its products (including AutoCAD and 3ds Max) free of charge for non-commercial use. Details are on the developer's website.

International benefits


Registration of international student card ISIC is available for schoolchildren from 12 years of age, secondary vocational and higher education students educational institutions. ISIC card discounts are available in 130 countries around the world, many of them are available in Russia. Especially profitable card will be for traveling students: you can get discounts on tours, air tickets and accommodation in hostels and hotels.

Work and Travel

Perhaps the most popular student exchange program. Participation in Work and Travel provides an opportunity to find work in the service sector in any of the 50 states of America. Unfortunately, participation in the program involves significant financial expenses, students search for housing on their own, and many applications are completely rejected. Full-time students with a level of English knowledge of at least Intermediate can participate in Work and Travel.

Now everyone is just talking economic crisis and complain that the dollar is growing, everything is very bad... This is especially true for poor students! But we ourselves can change everything!

The main thing is to learn how to save money on food without harming your health, just the opposite - to get the opportunity to benefit it! In a healthy body healthy mind. We will help you not only save money, but also teach you how to approach nutrition in a new way.

Don't believe me? Study the 11 tips below and try to follow them and you will definitely notice positive trends: everything will change for the better!

  1. Buy discounted products. At grocery stores, don't be shy about walking up to the bargain bins or shelves. There you can find inexpensive teas, discounted cereals, or vegetables that have already begun to fade. Don't be afraid to buy beets or carrots that are a little flabby, they can be turned into delicious dishes! The only caveat is that you won’t be able to successfully peel them raw, so it would be better to eat them.
    Once you have cooked the vegetables in their jackets, they can be used to make a vinaigrette or other salad. Economical and useful! And grated boiled beets with walnuts and sour cream are just a delight. But be careful: under no circumstances should you buy black bananas, rotten apples or pears. If you could see under a microscope what is happening on an ordinary “crushed” area of ​​an ordinary apple, you would definitely lose the desire to consume such a product.
  2. Avoid processed foods. In order to save money on food, immediately give up the habit of buying frozen dumplings, dumplings, colored dumpling dough, pizza dough and pizza itself in boxes. Of course, when there is absolutely no time, semi-finished products are very helpful, but it is better to wake up half an hour earlier and cook yourself a full breakfast of porridge and salad. Frozen dumplings in Lately have become incredibly expensive, and if you add to this some unknown filling (it’s unlikely that high-quality meat goes there), then you will also get health benefits. I don’t even want to talk about “fish sticks” and “fish cutlets” in yellow breadcrumbs: we don’t recommend anyone buy this stuff, ever.

  3. Buy only what you need. Go to the store or market with a list of necessary purchases. Don't buy even a kilogram of beets if you have at least one more in your refrigerator. Even better, make a rough menu for the week ahead and on the weekend just buy everything you need for it. Don’t forget to “inspect” your refrigerator from time to time so as not to lead to spoilage of forgotten products. If you find leftovers of some vegetable that are enough to prepare a full meal, still “attach” it somewhere. For example, chop the leftover cabbage and add it to stewed potatoes to make a kind of stew.
  4. Choose cheaper cereals. Here we have great news! In fact, all healthy grains are the cheapest! These are millet, buckwheat and pearl barley. Your favorite long-grain rice, Artek porridge, or, especially, pasta, do not have the same health benefits as these three. Practice in the kitchen to prepare a variety of side dishes from millet, pearl barley and buckwheat, and you will really love them! If you don’t like “naked” pearl barley porridge, choose a good sauce for it or prepare a stew with gravy. You can make millet porridge with tomato from millet, and buckwheat salad from buckwheat. Unlike rice and potatoes, these side dishes will not harm your figure. At the same time, you will be able to put the principles into practice.

  5. Avoid homemade eggs and dairy products. Of course, homemade eggs are tastier and brighter, but so far no one has proven that they are healthier than store-bought ones. In general, you need to be very careful with homemade milk, sour cream and cheese, because they are much fattier than store-bought counterparts, so they can lead to excess weight gain and even problems with the pancreas. Therefore, we advise you to pay attention to industrial options with low (but not zero!) fat content.
  6. Avoid mayonnaise and ketchup. This is only harmful to your health, there is nothing to add here.
  7. Replace frying with stewing. Thanks to this technique, you will receive two benefits: the dishes will become more dietary (less fatty and without carcinogenic crusts), and the oil will be used much more slowly. Many housewives have even adapted to stewing without a single drop of oil, so we recommend this method of cooking dishes in water too!
  8. Avoid store-bought sweets. Better yet, cook them yourself. While you knead and roll out the dough, squat in the oven and take out the heavy baking sheet, calories will be burned and free up space for home baking. Since you don’t want to repeat this experience often, you will eat less and less sweets. A good weight loss scenario, isn't it?)
  9. Buy butter and milk with lower fat content. In fact, what difference does it make to you whether a stick of butter contains 72.5% or 69.2% fat? You can barely taste the difference if you eat a sandwich with butter. And if you are used to using it for cooking or seasoning porridge, then you certainly will not feel the replacement of the product with a less fatty one. The same thing with milk. Few adults drink milk, so it is used mainly for making pancakes, porridges, and baked goods. Believe me, 1% milk is also suitable for dough!

  10. Stop buying “glossy” vegetables and fruits. No matter how much food experts talk about the threat of “ideal” fruits, our women are still sure: life will not work out if you buy ordinary persimmons, and not “fashionable” Sharon. And it’s okay that a kilogram of the latter costs an order of magnitude more... You shouldn’t take your love for the ideal to the point of fanaticism: curved and not so bright vegetables or fruits are healthier and cheaper, they are also. The same can be said about dried delicacies (dried apricots, prunes, raisins).

  11. Avoid out-of-season foods. Why do you need fresh cucumbers and tomatoes in winter if they just don’t taste good? Even your favorite cucumber salad is not worth spending a lot of money on an out-of-season vegetable. What can we say about the growing conditions and origin of such peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes... The same can be said about greens. It’s one thing to decorate a New Year’s Olivier salad with sprigs of fresh parsley or decorate holiday cabbage rolls with green onions, but why are these ingredients in ordinary soups? If for beauty, then you can put more carrots in the soup. But if it’s for your health, then it’s better to wait another six months and eat healthy greens during the season!