Club velvet belarusbank reviews. Belarusbank velvet card - terms of use

For modern Belarus It remains a common opinion that pensioners are especially conservative in their financial habits, that they are still “afraid” of new technologies, prefer cash and use bank cards relatively little.

Velvet is an attempt by Belarusbank to change the situation by demonstrating to pensioners all the advantages of a comprehensive banking product.

Advertising tells us about the “Velvet Club”, “ Pension card Velvet", " Discount card Velhat Belarusbank”, etc. All these are parts of one project ASB Belarusbank, which provides many useful features.

Belarusbank Velkhat card for pensioners

Terms of receipt and use:

  • Any pensioner, as well as persons who have no more than 3 months left before reaching the retirement age established by law, can become a member of the Velvet Club.
  • To join the Velhat club you must register plastic card BELKART-PREMIUM-Maestro ASB Belarusbank.
  • This is an international chip card, with an account in Belarusian rubles and valid for 3 years.
  • The Velvet card can be personalized, or it can be issued quickly, without indicating the owner on the plastic.
  • You can apply for a card and join the Velhat club at Belarusbank branches or through its official website.

To join the club you only need two documents:

  • passport or other equivalent identity document;
  • pensioner's ID.

The essence of the Velvet product from Belarusbank can be briefly described as follows:

Velvet is a pensioners' club that promises its members profitable terms in several directions at once.

What does the Belarusbank Velkhat card give?

Some objective benefits and advantages that can be easily calculated in monetary units:

  • discounts at retail outlets cooperating with JSSB Belarusbank as part of the “Wow! Discounts" - usually 3 - 5%;
  • discounts on insurance services - 15%;
  • cashback of 2.5% when making payments with the Velkhat card in pharmacies, i.e. return part of the funds back to the card account;
  • 3% refund when purchasing train tickets with a Velhat card;
  • cashback when paying with Velvet in the project’s partner stores, here the return can reach 12%.

The last possibility seems to be the most promising, because The partner network of JSSB Belarusbank is large and represented throughout the Republic of Belarus.

In addition to the bonuses described, the Velkhat card provides ample opportunities for remote payments:

  • payments in online stores in Belarus and abroad;
  • Internet payments and mobile banking;
  • payment of utility bills, communication services, etc. through ERIP.

In the latter case, 1% of the amount is also returned to the card account.

Membership in the Velvet Club offers two more benefits:

  • the opportunity to issue an irrevocable deposit with annual rate 1% higher than for other clients;
  • the right to submit an application to Belarusbank for a loan at a reduced rate: in 1 year by 3%, for 2 and 3 years - by 2%.

Partner stores of the Velhat card of Belarusbank

Of all the features of the Velhat card, it is easiest for customers to take advantage of the right to receive cashback when making payments in Belarusbank partner stores.

There were already 7,450 such stores at the beginning of March 2018, and there is reason to expect that there will be even more of them.

A special advantage of the Velkhat partner network is its wide distribution throughout Belarus. If some other programs provide opportunities to save money when shopping in metropolitan stores and do not apply in small populated areas, then Velvet, like branches of Belarusbank, is present everywhere.

The scale and convenience of the Velkhat card partner network can be judged by the names of partner stores.

Let's choose the 5 most popular categories:


  • Euroopt;
  • Martin;
  • RAIPO of all regions.

Stores with a universal assortment:

  • RAIPO again;
  • retail facilities of the Zhlobin garment factory;
  • “Your” stores, etc.

Construction materials and household goods:

  • Wallpaper Empire, etc.

Clothes and shoes are offered by:

  • Svitanak;
  • Kalinka;
  • Belwest.
  • Sportscity;
  • Miauto;
  • Miltim et al.

Studying the list of stores offering cashback on the Velhat card, you will notice that in addition to well-known chains, small organizations and entrepreneurs are represented here. This type of trading is especially common in small towns, where the percentage of pensioners is especially high.

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The Velkhat card is an excellent offer for pensioners who are looking for a bank. This project from Belarusbank offers favorable conditions for saving money on the card and spending it profitably. The loyalty program has many partner stores, where purchasing with a card will be much more profitable.

Velhat Belarusbank card: registration

To register for the loyalty program, you need to go through several steps. At the first stage, you are provided with an application form in which you must enter personal data. To access the questionnaire, follow the link. Personal data such as first name, last name, patronymic, an identification number, as well as full date of birth. In addition, you need to enter your contact information phone number, as well as active email. This is important because it is through SMS messages and emails you will receive information about the most profitable promotions offered by the loyalty program.

After filling out the form, proceed to filling out the fields below. In them you must enter the number of the Belarusbank branch where you can pick up the issued card. You can also choose a payment method for issuing a card - using information machines or an online service.

After successfully filling out the form, an SMS confirmation will be sent to your phone number that you provided.

Important to remember! Enter your personal data carefully, since information of the following nature will be sent to the specified contact number:

  • about replenishing your account using a card.
  • about crediting funds to the card.
  • about returning a purchase.

Velvet card partner stores

The Velkhat card provides many privileges, including a cash back service. This is possible when purchasing goods and services from partner stores of the loyalty program. In total, there are more than 7 thousand trade and service organizations that cooperate with the program. The table below lists some popular organizations with the highest percentage of refunds.

Velkhat card: discounts

Among other things, Velvet offers discounts when paying for a variety of services. For example, 3% of the cost of railway tickets for BelZhD trains is returned to the account of the buyer and card holder. Also, the owner of a Belarusbank card receives 1% of the amount for online payments made through ERIP.

Loan and insurance arrangements

As part of the Velvet loyalty program, it is possible to obtain a loan for special conditions. To apply for a loan, you must contact any branch of Belarusbank. If you already have a card, it is advisable to contact the branch where you issued it.

To issue a card, the following documents are required:

  • copies of passports of the loan recipient and guarantor;
  • a copy of the pension recipient of the loan;
  • certificate of pension amount for the last 3 months;
  • written consent of the loan recipient to the processing of personal data.

When purchasing insurance, a participant in the Velvet program is given a 15% discount. We offer both personal injury and property insurance services. To apply for a loan, you must contact any branch of Belarusbank.

To apply for insurance, you must have a copy of your identification document with you.

March 3, 2017 7435

Which Belarusian bank offered increased promotional cashback for its clients, and how to pay to get it? Where is the commission for cash advances on loans cancelled? Who offered legal entities RKO for 19 rubles per month, salary service with a discount and currency payments from 0 rubles?

Belarusbank presented its installment card

Belarusbank and international payment system Mastercard announced the release of a new product and presented installment card "Magnit".

When making purchases in Belarusbank partner stores, the cardholder will be able to receive payment in installments for up to 12 months or a cashback of up to 12% as part of the “Your Bonus” loyalty program.

When making purchases at trade (service) organizations that do not participate in the bank’s affiliate program, payment for goods and services can be made under an overdraft or at the expense of one’s own funds.

When making your first purchase using an overdraft— with a one-time 30-day interest payment period for using an overdraft loan preferential rate 0.0001% (Grace period).

The Magnit installment card is issued for 3 years. Holders are given the opportunity without additional fee change the PIN code and register in the Internet banking system at bank institutions.

Terms of service and registration of the Magnit installment card:

One-time fee for servicing the Magnit installment card (Mastercard Standard) 4.00 bel. rub.
Monthly fee for servicing the Magnit installment card (Mastercard Standard) 1.00 BYN
The remuneration is charged starting from the month following the month the client's account was opened until the month in which the card expires, inclusive. In the month in which the volume of non-cash expense transactions using the card or its details in trade (service) organizations is 50.00 BYR. and more, there is no monthly fee for card servicing.
The amount of interest accrued on the amount of funds stored in the account 0.5% per annum

Increased cashback on cards of the Velkhat Club of Belarusbank

Belarusbank reported that when paying for goods using payment cards Club "Velvet" in the Euroopt chain of stores from 03/01/2017 to 03/31/2017 (inclusive), customers were given the opportunity to receive an increased bonus in the amount of 4.5% of the settlement amount in accordance with the terms of the “Your Bonus” Program.

At the same time, the bank draws attention to the fact that from 03/01/2017, when making payments in the Euroopt store chain using the Velkhat Club card, a discount is not provided under the E-Plus discount program.

Eurotorginvestbank has canceled the commission for cash advances on loans

Eurotorginvestbank informed clients that from March 1, 2017 the bank canceled the fee for issuing cash.

In addition, from March 1, 2017, the fees for cash withdrawals using bank payment (including credit) cards will change. More details about the changes can be found on the bank’s website.

Promotional offer for legal entities from Priorbank

Priorbank reported that from March 1 to May 31 when connecting to settlement and cash services legal entities will receive a set of three advantageous offers for a period of 3 months.

  • Settlement and cash services for 19 rubles per month - choose any promotional package of services and pay the minimum price:

Opening accounts
-Payments included in the service package
-Cash deposit
-Corporate cards
-System “Client-Bank”, “Internet-Bank”, “USSD-Bank”

  • Discounted payroll service - enrollment fee wages and other payments equivalent to them in the amount of 0.1% of the transfer amount.
  • Currency payments from 0 rubles:

Within the Republic of Belarus - free of charge
-In RUB - free
-In USD - 10 USD
-In EUR - 10 EUR
-Others - 10 EUR


- VTB Bank (Belarus) informed that in connection with the planned technological work from 21:00 03/05/2017 to 09:00 03/06/2017 there may be interruptions in the operation of remote banking subsystems, such as client-bank and Internet bank for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Also, during the same period of time, some online banking services for individuals may not be available.
- BPS-Sberbank as of March 1, 2017, we temporarily stopped accepting payments to replenish Yandex.Money wallets. Acceptance of funds to replenish Yandex.Money wallets will be resumed as soon as possible
- 6.03.2017 comes into effect new List rewards for transactions carried out Zepter Bank on transactions of individuals

It is obvious: with the same amount, clients can afford more. What's the secret? The fact is that “Velvet” is not just payment card, as well as pleasant bonuses in the form of part of the amount from purchases returned to the account, as well as the ability to register banking products on favorable terms.

The word “velvet” is associated with comfort, prosperity, confidence and nobility. This is exactly what we proceeded from when implementing this project, aimed at people of retirement age,” explains Inna Rusakovich, director of the retail business department of Belarusbank. - Club "Velvet" - not only pleasant associations, but also bonuses for those who, being retired, lead a dynamic lifestyle and value their time. More than a year has passed since the launch of the project, and clients have appreciated this banking product.

The number of Velvet Club participants today exceeded 320 thousand. And this is still an open club, which anyone who has reached retirement age can join. The Velvet Club card is issued in Belarusian rubles for a period of 3 years. You can make payments using this card both on the territory of the Republic of Belarus and abroad. It's reliable means of payment, the increased security of which is ensured by a special chip.

What are the advantages of cardss Club "Velvet"?:

- By paying with the Velvet Club card in pharmacies in the Republic of Belarus, you save 2.5% of the amount, since these cash at the end of the month they are returned to your account (the so-called “cashback”).

- When paying for utilities and other services through the Settlement (ERIP) system, Velkhat card holders receive cashback in the amount of 1% of the amount.

Daily purchases in large chain stores - Euroopt, Sosedi, Rublevsky, Belmarket, etc. - allow you to return 3% of the payment amount to your account. Maximum size The cashback that you can get by paying with the Velvet Club card is 12%. Today, the number of Velvet Club partners, where cashback is paid when making purchases, exceeds 7,200 trade and service organizations, so you can find goods and services for every taste. Together with partner organizations, the bank holds special promotions for members of the Velvet Club. Thus, by paying with the Velvet Club card in the Sinevo medical laboratories until February 28, 2018, clients receive a 10% cashback, and the Club card with a barcode can be used in the Belwest chain of stores as a bonus.

- Loan rate is lower. Belarusbank provides members of the Velkhat Club with the opportunity to obtain a loan with a rate reduced by 3 percentage points. Also, for the account to which the card is issued, in agreement with the bank, you can issue overdraft loan. In addition, members of the Velvet Club can sign an agreement with a 15% discount voluntary insurance from injuries "Express", as well as a contract of voluntary comprehensive insurance of property and civil liability of its users.

- Keeping money in a bank is even more profitable. Within the framework of the Velvet Club, you can open a deposit (for 9 months in Belarusian rubles) with higher rate by 1 percentage point. If desired, you can, at no additional cost, issue a power of attorney and a will, as well as SMS and e-mail notifications in order to receive notification of the due date for the return of the deposit.

- Money under control. Holders of the Velvet Club card receive an SMS notification about incoming transactions on the card. When a pension is credited to mobile phone an SMS message is received with the amount credited and the current balance on the card. For Velvet Club card holders this service free.

It’s easy to become a Club member and convenient to use

In order to become a member of the Velvet Club, you must be a resident of the Republic of Belarus, who at the time of concluding the agreement has the right to receive a pension in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus (for age, disability, loss of a breadwinner and in other cases), as well as for three months before reaching the generally established retirement age.

If necessary, you can easily withdraw funds from the card, since Belarusbank has an extensive customer service network. Also, without charging additional fees, withdraw sum of money possible at BPS-Sberbank ATMs, Belagroprombank, Belinvestbank.

When issuing a card, clients are provided with detailed rules using the card, as well as other useful information materials. The bank’s Contact Center is always at the service of clients, where you can get detailed advice on the use of cards by calling 147.

In a word, everything is conducive to the fact that, upon entering the “velvet” age, you can take advantage of the right to issue a Velvet Club card and receive a lot of pleasant bonuses from this.

To join the Velhat club, you need to apply for a plastic card in the BELKART-PREMIUM-Maestro format from the ASB Belarusbank. This card will have most of the special member benefits associated with it. That’s why they often talk not about the club, but about .

Terms and conditions of the Velvet card in partner stores

You can pay for goods and services throughout the Republic of Belarus with your Velkhat card.

Outside the partner network of ASB Belarusbank, the Velhat card acts as a regular card payment card, without additional benefits and restrictions.

Calculations within affiliate programs give the cardholder some bonuses.

  • The greatest benefit comes from card payments in the Velkhat club's network of partner stores. Cashback on individual payments is up to 12%. But the usual return rate is 3%.
  • The same 3% cashback is possible when purchasing tickets for BelZhD trains.
  • Cashback of 2.5% is provided when making payments with the Velkhat card in pharmacies.
  • 1% return occurs on remote payments in the ERIP system.

Discounts, i.e. direct price reduction for Velvet cards is also provided. Thus, premiums for civil liability insurance and personal injury insurance are reduced by 15%.

In which stores is the Velkhat card valid?

The Velvet Club page on the Belarusbank website represents the affiliate network, i.e. stores where you can get cashback when paying with the named card. All

The incomplete 7 and a half offers are divided into 26 categories based on the type of main product/service and store format.

The basis of the proposal is:

  • Food;
  • Clothes, shoes, accessories;
  • Products for children;
  • equipment and phones;
  • goods for construction, gardening and vegetable gardens;
  • furniture, dishes, everything needed for home and everyday life;
  • services of cafes, hairdressers, etc.

The cashback amount is determined individually for each organization.

Some details can be found by studying the terms of the Express and Your Bonus loyalty programs on the Belarusbank website.

List of stores-partners of the Belarusbank Velkhat card

The largest partners of the Velvet club are:

  • Euroopt;
  • Crown;
  • Rublevsky;
  • Vitalur;
  • Belmarket;
  • Neighbours;

As well as consumer cooperation stores, i.e. RAIPO, different regions of Belarus.

If we divide all program participants into categories, the first of them will be food sellers.

  • The most famous here remain the already mentioned Euroopt, Martin, Neighbors and other networks.
  • largest percentage Ushachi RAIPO stores promise refunds.
  • only 1% is offered by Brusnichka, Dobron and some other RAIPO.

Here you can immediately notice:

  • consumer cooperative stores of all regions;
  • GUM and TSUM of the city of Minsk, Pinsk knitwear;
  • regional private chains and single stores.

An important element of the partner network is pharmacies and medical institutions.

Presented here are;

  • dental centers in many cities;
  • clinics;
  • networks of private pharmacies.
  • Gomeldrev et al.
  • Furniture Territory, Minsk;
  • Furniture stores Cosmos LLC, etc.

The club’s network of partners includes more than 300 clothing stores. Most are single, the majority belong to individual entrepreneurs.

But there are also networks:

  • Kalinka;
  • Svitanak, March 8.

Among shoe stores, the bulk are also made up of individual retail outlets of entrepreneurs.

From large enterprises presented:

  • Belwest;
  • Amkodor-Belvar;
  • Mobile Company et al.

Another 100 Velkhata partner stores sell goods for children.

The first on the list on the Belarusbank website are:

  • Charounae dzyatsinstva, Myadel;
  • Chizhik, Mogilev;
  • many shopping pavilions, incl. in small towns.

Velkhat has partners among mobile phone sellers:

  • Mobistyle;
  • Samlen, Bonslavtrade;
  • sub-dealers of Velcom, Life in many regional centers.

The Belarusbank club and Velkhat card give the impression of a well-planned and successfully implemented banking initiative. Velvet's partner stores have become many relatively small retail facilities throughout the Republic and a chain of grocery stores. These are exactly the places where retirees usually go.

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