Bki credit history online. Credit histories, functioning of the credit history bureau and the central catalog of credit histories

To begin with, as in the first option, you should find out the list of bureaus, for which we send a request to the Central Bank. After that, we go to the websites of these organizations and look in the list of services to see if it is possible to obtain data online. If there is, then you will have less trouble.

It is worth noting that gradually all banks and bank accounts will switch to an interactive work scheme. On this moment There are already more than 30 such organizations, and their number is gradually growing. Among them are the following options:

  • NBKI (national BKI) provides such a service through the Agency credit histories. The service becomes available after registration. Besides this, you can learn a lot useful information for those who are planning to take out a loan.
  • Equifax BKI offers the service free of charge only the first time. Subsequent calls must be paid. At the same time, this bureau provides such services as correcting errors in the CI, informing via SMS about changes in the CI, protection from fraudsters, etc.
  • On the Mycreditinfo web resource, the service is also provided after authorization. Here, in addition to obtaining information about your credit history, they offer services such as checking a car that is pledged, informing you via SMS, scoring tests, etc.

It should be taken into account that some bureaus may offer the service for a fee, since as commercial legal organizations, they also pay for requests to the BKI.


If the required banking institution is located in another region, you can visit it in person or send a request certified by a notary office to the specified address. To write a request addressed to the head of the organization, use a free form indicating your full name and passport details. Keep in mind that without notarization the request will not be considered. The cost of such certification usually costs several hundred rubles (depending on where you live). The bureau employees are obliged to send the answer to the address you specified within ten days.

You should know that credit history is never stored in one place. It usually consists of several parts and is stored in different places for your safety.

Checking your credit history through online banking

If you were unable to find the credit history check button in your account on the Internet banking website, then to clarify information about the availability of this service, you need to contact a consultant. Consultation can be obtained online (in real time) on the website by sending email contact support or dial the phone number free service indicated on the resource.

Surely every borrower knows about the existence of a credit line, but few people know what it is formed from? Who actually does this? Is it possible to check your line of credit for free? If this payable service- how much is it?

BKI - what is it

The definition of “BKI” means entity, which is commercial structure. BKI provides services for the formation, storage and processing of information on loans for each borrower.

In turn, a credit history provides information to banking institutions about each specific borrower upon request so that the lender can assess the solvency of its potential client.

In the event that the information provided by the BKI contains the fact of the availability of loans previously issued by borrowers, such citizens in most cases are denied new loans.

For today in Russian Federation carry out their work more than 20 BKI. Each bureau is ready to provide the credit history of the required borrower at any moment.

The most important thing about shaping history

Many people are interested in the question of how their credit history is formed. Let's try to figure this out.

First of all, when receiving a loan, each borrower signs an agreement, which contains a clause allowing the transfer of information about payments (whether there are late payments or not) and about the borrower himself.

Based on this document, the lender monthly transmits information about a specific borrower to the BKI, which, based on the information received, draws up a credit line.

If the creditor has informed the BKI that there is a delay, this organization lowers the credit line by several points; if there are no further delays, the credit line is improved.

In fact, this is the basic principle of creating a credit line for borrowers.

Many believe that the rating could be improved much more by bank loan, rather than from MFOs, but this is not at all. It is necessary to understand that regardless of whether a loan is issued for 500 rubles or 500 thousand, the rating decreases and increases in the same way.

Where to check history

Surely, many borrowers are confident in their impeccable credit rating, but sometimes checking their credit line is simply necessary.

This may be due to the fact that some bank refused to provide a loan, citing a negative credit line. In this case, the borrower must check why this situation arose; perhaps it is just an error.

You can check your credit history:

  • through the Internet;
  • by personal contact to the relevant organization.

How to check in person?

Checking in person can sometimes be faster than checking online. The procedure in this case is as follows:

the borrower applies to the nearest bank office at his place of residence with a passport;

  • submits an application;
  • receives his line of credit.

Where can I check on the Internet?

Today you can check your credit line on the Internet in many services. Among which:

  • Intermediary services.

If we talk about more specific services, then in this case we're talking about about such as:

  • Equifax is a financial institution that provides such a service;
  • Payment - in this MFO you can get a statement on the credit line;
  • at the National Credit History Bureau;
  • V Central Bank RF.

If we talk about the procedure for obtaining a credit history, then in all organizations it is not much different and consists of the following:

  • You need to go through a short registration;
  • indicate passport details;
  • confirm your information using the eID service;
  • submit a request for a credit line;
  • Get a detailed report of your credit score.

How to check your history in Sberbank

The banking institution Sberbank provides all its clients with a unique opportunity to find out their credit line.

To get a line of credit from Sberbank, you must:

  • go to your Sberbank personal account (if you don’t have one, you must first register);
  • go to the “Loans” subsection;
  • click on the link/button “Get a credit history”;
  • in the window that appears, fill in all required fields and make payment;
  • confirm payment by entering a special code that is sent to the client’s phone;
  • go to the personal credit history section.

Where to check for free

Today, there are several ways to find out your credit history online for free. To do this, it is enough to use one of the following organizations, namely:

  • with the help of the Agency credit information;
  • using Equifax BKI;
  • with the help of MFO Platiza.

With the help of the Credit Information Agency

The National Credit History Bureau is the main partner of the Credit History Agency. Thanks to this, in NBKI every borrower has every right check your credit line for free once per calendar year.

To receive a report from NBKI, just go through a short registration and send a request.

Equifax - BKI, which issues a free CI report

This credit history bureau provides each of its clients with the opportunity to find out about their credit rating for 1 time free of charge for 1 calendar year. If you need to check the CI again, you need to pay for it. We'll talk about the price below.

A distinctive feature of this bureau is the wide range of services that they are ready to offer. In particular, we are talking about such services as:

  • the ability to connect SMS notifications to clients about changes in their credit ratings;
  • free correction of errors in credit lines if errors are discovered;
  • assisting borrowers in correcting their credit histories.

It is worth noting that the level of protection from fraudsters of this BKI last year was recognized as the best compared to others.

MFO Platiza

Despite the fact that this company does not belong to the category of credit line, they offer their customers to find out about their credit line for free.

Moreover, this organization offers you a unique opportunity: fix in short time borrowers their negative credit line.

According to those who have already used such a program, they only in 3-4 months managed to restore a positive credit line and now they can apply for any loans in all banking institutions countries.

Where is it paid?

Everyone knows that obtaining a credit history once a year is free almost everywhere (provided that it is only 1 time). But at the same time, when you apply again, you need to pay. But how much should borrowers prepare when obtaining a credit history for a fee? Let's look at this in a table:

If there is an error in the CI

Often, after receiving a credit line report, borrowers discover errors in it. In this case, you can challenge your credit rating and return it to its previous state.

To do this, just contact the BKI where the credit rating was obtained and follow the following procedure:

  1. Contact any notary organization and, together with the notary, draw up an official appeal on the issue of appealing the credit line.
  2. The completed application is sent either by registered mail or delivered in person to the BKI office.
  3. In turn, BKI thoroughly checks the credit line for errors within 1 month.
  4. After checking, the borrower is sent a report indicating whether there are errors and they have already been corrected, or no errors have been detected.

If, after checking, the owner of the credit rating does not agree with the decision, then he has every right to appeal statement of claim V district court at your place of residence, and then challenge your position there.

Credit history management

Each borrower has full control over their credit line. To do this, it is enough to regularly check your credit line and, if you discover that it has deteriorated, take steps to improve it.

As practice shows, it is enough Check your credit rating no more than once a year. This period is quite enough.

If the borrower regularly uses loans, he has the right to check his credit line after repaying each of his next loans.

About credit history on video

About credit history - in the “Special Correspondent” program

Products of financial organizations in our country are in wide demand. Many people apply for borrowed funds more than once. Independent monitoring and analysis of a potential client’s creditworthiness requires constant availability credit report. Popular questions in this area are: how to check your credit history online for free and how to check your credit history by last name?


Find out the current list of BKI

Information is provided when submitting an application to specialized credit history bureaus (BKI).

Nuance! Before sending a request, you should find out where exactly the borrower's data is stored. Financial organizations have the right to cooperate with two or more financial institutions at the same time, so the history of a client can be scattered in the databases of several bureaus.

There are about 17 bureaus in Russia. The full list is on the official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The exact location of data on the borrower’s debt obligations in certain financial institutions is described in the Central Catalog of Credit Histories (). To check the list of bureaus that operate the necessary information, you need to submit an application on the official website of the catalogue.

It is possible to send a request remotely via the Internet only if you have an individual subject code. This code is assigned to the borrower at the stage of registering relations with the bank.

If the subject code is lost, the citizen should contact his creditor bank or the nearest bank office to restore it.

Check your credit history for free

The established provisions of Federal Law No. 2018 - Federal Law “On Credit Histories” give borrowers the right to request a report once a year completely free of charge. Any of the existing bureaus is obliged to provide such a service.

How to check your credit history online for free

To receive a report through BKI services, you can choose any of the options:

  • check in person at the office by presenting your passport;
  • send a request via Telegram;
  • send an application by letter by mail;
  • contact the agency's partners in person or with the help of online services.

In the first three options, to send an application you need to spend time and go to the office or post office. The ability to send a request via the Internet is only available when choosing the services of BKI partners, but a fee will be charged for providing data.

Receiving a report via telegram or letter cannot be called free, since you will need to pay for postal services. In fact, there is only one free way to check the report in person.

The bureaus indicate the necessary detailed information by all methods of checking the data stored with them on official websites.

Available methods of free verification

On the web resource "" you can find out how to an individual check the CI yourself. Standard methods are offered: contacting the office, letter, partner services and telegram. One request per year is made free of charge, all subsequent ones cost 450 rubles. Through the Internet It’s not possible to check the CI here, the service is for individuals. persons do not exist.

The ability to check your credit history online for free turned out to be a myth. Free verification requires spending money or time.

Check credit history by last name

A popular way for modern citizens to check a report via the Internet is to apply for this service to BKI partner services. One of the reliable portals is ↪.

An application for obtaining data is made in online mode through the Internet. The request form requires only the client's last name and passport information. The rating and report are generated within 15 minutes With detailed analysis the client's solvency status.

The report contains information on debt obligations and calculated indicators:

  • number of obligations;
  • amounts of overpayments;
  • credit load;
  • reliability points towards the borrower on a rating scale.

The Internet service conducts detailed data monitoring and points out the borrower’s weaknesses and provides recommendations for improving the status of the report. A feature of the rating provided by ↪ is the interpretation of data in a language understandable to each client. In this case, in-depth knowledge of the credit industry is not required to clearly understand the picture.

The advantages of using the online service BKI24.info via the Internet cover the nominal fee of 340 rubles.

Regular checking of your credit history guarantees the absence of ridiculous bank mistakes and the exclusion of fraudulent activities on your behalf.

You can check your credit history online for free. Further on this page there is detailed instructions about exactly how to do this. However, the number of free applications to obtain a credit history is limited by law. They also installed certain deadlines and procedures for credit bureau staff to prepare a response to a specific request. This means that in order to receive such a report as quickly as possible or more often than specified in RF Law No. 218-FZ, you will still have to spend both time and money (on average from 300 rubles to 1200 rubles). To minimize your material and time costs, in particular, you can take advantage of the following offer:

What is credit history

The CI contains the following information:

  • information about the borrower(in particular, identification document details);
  • loan data(amounts, repayment terms, etc.);
  • information about the organizations that issued the loan (lenders) and institutions with access to the CI (users).

You can check your credit history for free or for money through a request with the help of several organizations:

You can obtain free information about your credit history only from BKI and only once a year.

Why and who needs to know your credit history

Every person who cares about their future should have a clear idea of ​​their CI. There are several reasons for this (including for those who have never taken out a loan):



  • Presence of errors in bank procedures

There is a human factor in the work of financial organizations. Therefore, employees of such institutions may, due to their own inattention or failure in software transmit erroneous information about the repayment of a loan to the BKI and thereby worsen the credit history of a particular borrower.

  • Increasing cases of fraud involving applying for a loan using someone else’s passport

Due to the large number of simplified lending programs (especially consumer loans), the risk of issuing funds using forged documents has increased. First of all, this concerns lost passports.

  • Determining the probability of receiving credit funds the next time you apply for a loan from a bank

Financial organizations before registration loan agreement on a large sum Usually they check the credit history of a potential borrower. In case of poor CI, banks may refuse to issue a loan.

  • Unhindered travel outside the country

Systematic failure to fulfill loan obligations may result in a ban on traveling abroad.

  • There is no risk of an unpleasant meeting with bank services dealing with overdue debts, or

The bank's presence of overdue loans also worsens its financial condition, and reputation. Accordingly, banks are actively working with unscrupulous borrowers by all means available to them, including turning to services specializing in debt collection.

Why do you need to know your credit history subject code and where to get it?

At the time of CI formation, the client receiving the loan is assigned a CI subject code. The website banki.ru offers the following definition of this concept:

The CI subject code performs several important tasks:

  • helps you remotely find out the contacts of your BKI;
  • protects information about CI from outsiders;
  • allows you to change the old one or get an additional one through the Central Bank website new code.

If the CI subject code is lost or missing, a new code can be generated. To do this, you need to contact the bank or any bank office with an application to change the code. The cost of this service is approximately 300 rubles.

How to find out your credit history for free

The process of checking your credit history is presented in a simplified diagram.

The detailed algorithm for obtaining your own CI is as follows:

When filling out the form, please consider the following rules:

  • for citizens of the Russian Federation, write your full name in Russian letters;
  • indicate the date in the format “DD.MM.YYYY” (day, month and year);
  • Do not put a space between the series and passport number;
  • do not put a space between the word and the quotation marks adjacent to it;
  • do not allow more than one space between words.

If the request is correctly formed, the following information should be displayed on the screen:

  • Receive a response about your BKI to the specified email address:
    • In case of an error in filling out or a particular person does not have a CI on email You will receive a notification of the following type: “Relevant information was not found for your request. Please specify your request details."
    • If all the data in the request is filled out correctly, an email will be sent with a list of bank accounts in which a specific credit history is stored.
  • Find out your credit history directly for free and without registering on any websites.
  • There are several options for getting an answer without using the Internet.

    The easiest way is to personally submit your identification documents and their photocopies to your BKI, for which you need to do the following:

    • Provide documents and photocopies.
    • Fill out the application on site.
    • Get your CI.

    In this case, there is no need to have the documents certified by a notary, and the answer will be given on the day of application. This service is provided free of charge only once a year, and all subsequent requests will be paid according to the tariffs established by the institution.

    In addition, there are other options for applying for CIs offline. The NKBI website lists, for example, the following methods:

    1. Sending a mail request involves performing the following tasks:

    All subsequent reports, except the first, cost 450 rubles during the year. for each request. At the same time, if previous request was less than 12 months ago, a copy of the payment receipt must be attached along with the new request. NBKI generates a response within 3 days from the date of receipt of the documents and sends it by mail to the address specified in the request.

  • Sending a telegram with a request provides the following algorithm of actions:
    • Prepare a telegram indicating your full name, information about the place and date of birth, telephone number with address, as well as details of your identification document.
    • Have the signature verified by a postal worker.
    • Send a telegram to the NKBI.
  • If the request is not the first in a year, you must additionally fax a receipt for payment for the service for providing CI. The terms for receiving the report (as well as the cost of a repeated request) are similar to the conditions when sending a request by mail.

    How to find out your credit history for free online

    Forming a request online is much more convenient than visiting a post office, a notary or your BKI. To receive your CI via the Internet, you can use one of three main methods:




    Request through NBKI partner"Credit Information Agency"

    • Possibility of remote access.
    • Intuitive website interface.
    • Availability of bonus promo codes.
    • Declared efficiency in generating a certificate (up to half an hour).
    • additional service in the form of an assessment of the likelihood of receiving a loan.
    • Passing identification with the need to visit a post office or agency office.
    • Lack of information clearly indicated on the website about the cost of the service, although it is paid.
    • Mandatory registration in personal account.
    • The need to pay for the service in a specific way (“Sberbank”, electronic payment, Elksnet terminal).

    Receiving CI through Internet banking of your bank

    • The usual look of the site.
    • Remote request generation.
    • There is no need to undergo identification or additional registration in any account.
    • Convenient form of payment in the form of debit from your account.
    • Required connection to Internet banking.
    • Individual tariffs for the service, as well as deadlines for providing a response to the request.
    • The need to select a bank according to certain criteria (for financial organization there must be an agreement with NBKI, an Internet banking service, as well as a proven procedure for providing CI at the client’s request online).

    Formation of a request through intermediaries (using the example of www.bki24.info)

    • A clear indication of the cost of the service in the amount of 299 rubles.
    • Easy to submit a request.
    • Cooperation with more than 700 banks.
    • Prompt processing of the request within 5 minutes.
    • Loyal attitude towards clients (in particular, if due to technical reasons in the work payment system payment for the service was made late, the company is ready to provide a discount the next time you contact us).
    • Mandatory filling out a form with personal data (if you contact unverified companies, such data can be used by scammers).

    Most borrowers want to remain aware of their own credit history without visiting the bank online. Agree, it’s convenient to track your personal lending history while sitting on the sofa in your apartment or office. Specific part credit institutions has a similar service for clients on official websites in the lender’s personal account. Let's list them. Credit history bureaus, of course, have acquired websites, but not all organizations offer credit history checks to visitors online.

    How to find out your credit history online? Very simple! about this in our article.

    Free online credit history check

    It is enough to simply track your personal CI online without charging a fee on the official resource of the credit history bureau with an extensive database of your reports. There are over 30 similar institutions operating in our country, some of which contain information of interest.

    The Credit History Bank, also called the Credit History Bureau, is a similar organization that controls your credit history. Each such BKI has a database, access to which is most often paid, but below we will help you get KI for free online.

    Credit history bureau is a legal entity registered in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, which is commercial organization and providing in accordance with Federal law dated December 30, 2004 No. 218-FZ “On Credit Histories” services for the formation, processing and storage of credit histories, as well as for the provision of credit reports and related services.

    Important: similar bureaus operate on on a commercial basis. Only once a year, free of charge, users are allowed to contact the organization for reports of interest. All subsequent requests are paid.

    BKIs that allow you to find out CI online

    Only some agencies agree to provide users with information of interest online. Basically, data is declassified during a personal meeting or by mail.


    The only and most reliable paid CI check service:

    My Rating- an old trust resource where you can find out your credit history quickly, accurately and inexpensively - My Rating


    National Credit Bureau

    It is in close cooperation with the Credit Information Agency, on whose website it is possible to find out CI online for free (you must register). This is the only CI base in Russia. Every person falls into this database, regardless of whether you took out a loan or not.

    Why you need to know your credit history

    You live in a capitalist society where credit plays a large role in the economy. Imagine that you came up with an interesting business idea, but you simply don’t have the money to implement it, this is where a loan comes in handy. Of course, you can take money from friends or people with a dubious reputation (they will definitely give it to you), but think about what will happen if something goes wrong. That’s why it’s better to take a loan from a bank, they’ll give you at least some guarantees.

    In order for you to be approved for a loan, the bank will first ask about your CI. It will be the decisive factor on the basis of which the bank will decide to issue a loan.

    Actually, a credit history is your economic passport; knowing what is written in it, you can be confident in your economic condition. After all, not only banks are interested in them. Very often, employers check a person for his trustworthiness, and credit rating plays a significant role in this check. If you often took out loans and had late payments, this could negatively affect your hiring process.

    Insurance companies also always check your credit history. For what? Yes, they will simply be able to understand how solvent a person is. If you have a good story they will give you Better conditions insurance. So here's another reason for you to keep an eye on CI.

    Conclusion: You need to not only know your credit history, but also work to improve it.

    If you need to take out a loan to correct your credit history

    1. CashToYou - fast loan issuance, and online - CashToYou
    2. Turboloan - even faster and more reliable, they give even with a not very good CI - Turboloan
    3. Zaimer - the name speaks for itself, a fairly old resource with a proven reputation - Zaimer

    What affects the rating

    Let's look at the example of Sberbank:

    1. Historical delinquency rates - 25%
    2. Features of credit behavior - 23%
    3. Recent or current delinquency rates - 18%
    4. The nature and dynamics of requests in credit bureau — 16%
    5. Characteristics of the volume and dynamics of the credit load - 14%
    6. Payment discipline in the first months of debt servicing - 4%

    As we can see, the most important factor is late payments. Let’s say you took out 5 loans, and your neighbor took out 1 loan, but you were late in payments on 1 loan, while your neighbor paid everything on time and in full. Here your CI will become worse than that of your neighbor, despite the fact that you have taken out more loans. Therefore, it is very important to pay everything on time and in full.

    Second important point is the dynamics - the more often you take out loans, the better, but here you should maintain consistency or increase the dynamics. For example, your CI will be better if you take 4 loans per year (3 months each) than 1 loan per year, even if the amount of 1 loan is significantly larger.

    Using the example of Sberbank, we can make the assumption that such a picture is most likely in all other banks.

    How to fix your credit history

    In short, we take a loan and repay it without delays or late payments. This is the most ideal way. The larger the loan, the better and cleaner your CI will become. But what to do if it is already damaged and you are not approved for a loan anywhere? Here you will have to turn to financial institutions that do not really look at history, but set a higher percentage. Above we have listed several online services for issuing loans; they work very honestly and the interest rates are not too high.

    Checking CI online through a bank

    In the personal account of the servicing bank there is a link or tab to redirect to the request page for checking the CI. If the option is missing, please contact us free of charge. bank phone with a consultant to find out if they have a similar service. You can request online bank support through an online form.

    All banks take information from the BKI - this is the only official database, so the easiest way is to order a KI check there, it will be cheaper, faster and more accurate.