Alfa insurance list of insurance companies for compulsory insurance. Insurance company alphastrakhovanie – reviews

Loss 0803/046/00042/15
After Car accident became untransportable, I delivered it to the dealer where I bought and serviced the car (Audi Center North), and there, in the loss settlement department, I filed an application for an insurance case, indicating the same Audi Center North as the preferred service station for repairs.
After 2 days I receive an SMS that I can pick up the referral at the place where the application was submitted. I'm glad the car can be repaired. When you call the dealer, it turns out that the direction was given to another service station. Moreover, what is typical is a multi-brand service station where they repair everything and it is located in the forests of the Moscow region (the address is in an industrial zone on the outskirts of Khimki). I submitted an application to the Service Quality Control Service, 3 days passed - no response. It’s impossible to solve anything over the phone, but it became clear why they didn’t send me - my dealer is more expensive. If anything, AlfaStrakhovanie has a contractual relationship with my dealer, but there are no referrals to him! And tell me, dear AlfaStrakhovanie - this is why I need such insurance, when because of repairs of 20,000 I have to pay 90,000, and then have to worry about transporting the car to another dealer, and then even if something happens to sort out between two dealers in the event insured event, and even wait until your Service Quality Control Service gives an answer?

In general, I still ask you to transfer the referral to a dealer with whom there is a contractual relationship and where the car was bought, serviced and where new cars are bought (for a second the second car is also insured by you, I’m starting to think that this was a serious mistake).

The insurance policies are sold by completely different, nice people.

Let me say right away that on April 5 I contacted AlfaStrakhovanie and only today, April 12, I received a response with a request to describe the details. I am duplicating my answer here in order to speed up the solution to the problem. My car was involved in a small accident in which the following damage occurred: the rear door, rear fender and bumper, one scratch with a small dent. Received a referral to the service station of ADES AUTO LLC. Before giving the car for repair, I visited the service station several times at the address: Moscow, st. Obrucheva 21 ADES AVTO LLC, during a preliminary inspection to evaluate the work, the car was washed and photographed from all sides. As a result, on March 28, I handed over the car for repairs. I previously warned the manager and appraiser several times that the car was pearl white and the paint job would be quite complicated; I also said that the front fender and door were being repainted. The date for return from repair was given to me on April 5th.

On April 5, I called and asked a question: can I pick up the car today, I received an answer that no, because the colorist had not yet selected the paint, they set the date for the car to be delivered on April 7-8, I agreed with these dates. On April 6, the owner or director of the car service called me and said that my front door had previously been repainted and it was necessary to make a smooth transition to the paint on the front door so that the difference in color would be invisible (yes, indeed, the front door had been repainted at the service station earlier, also in the area of ​​auto insurance, but there was no difference in color from other elements (fenders, doors, etc.) of the car, so I believe that the work that was previously performed by another service was done with high quality) and these works cost an additional 4,000 rubles, otherwise there will be There is a noticeable difference in the colors of the front and rear of the car; those workshops warned that they would not match the color. In my understanding, this means that I was told in plain text to pay 4,000 rubles or the work would be done poorly.

As a result, today, April 12, according to the manager from ADES AVTO LLC, they received a response from AlfaStrakhovanie that painting the front door does not apply to this insured event and they will not pay for coloring. Therefore, I must pay these 4,000 rubles if I want the color of the rear door and fender to be the same as the color of the front. I do not agree with this argument, because before painting, the color of the front and rear doors of the car was even and the same.

Having insured my car under compulsory motor liability insurance, I was always sure that after an accident where I was not the culprit, I would receive a referral from the insurance company to a service station, the insurance company was responsible for the repairs and that, as a result of the repair, the car would be original form before the accident and all repair costs are compensated by the insurance company of the person responsible for the accident.

In connection with the above, I ask you to organize high-quality repairs of my car and guarantee that I will receive the car in the correct condition. internal state(this means that the internal parts of the engine, chassis, etc. will not be twisted or replaced from high-quality to low-quality, which many service stations are guilty of) and the external condition in which it was before the accident (this means that the car must be painted the color with which the car was painted before the accident, respectively, before the car was accepted at the service station) in as soon as possible at the expense of the insurance company.

Looking forward to seeing you soon feedback, since the car has been sitting at the service station for two weeks. XXX 0021875170 - policy number

Good afternoon
On December 25, 2017, an accident occurred involving my car, which was at rest without a driver (the automatic transmission was faulty) in the parking lot near the house, i.e. The car-lady, moving in reverse, did not notice the car standing on the left (mine) and hit the rear right door and the rear right fender of my car with the front bumper of her car. I am the victim in this situation. A traffic police squad arrived at the scene of the accident, whose employees drew up the relevant documents and gave me a certificate of the accident to apply to the insurance company under policy XXX0018464379, which was issued to the culprit of this accident. My car insurance ended in November 2017, i.e. almost a month before the event described above. New policy I didn’t register because I don’t use the car for technical reasons (automatic transmission malfunction).

Next, an AlfaStrakhovanie employee in Penza assigned me to arrive at the office on 02/02/2018 with all the documents (Passport, STS, PTS, certificate from the traffic police, Bank details cards for transferring funds). Upon arrival at the Penza office, 28 Kommunisticheskaya St. (4th floor), an employee of the management department accepted documents from me, incl. claim for damages. Loss number 6092/133/00115, registered on 02/02/2018 and accepted for consideration. I was assigned an expert who examined and photographed the damage to my car at the scene of the accident (I can’t find the car, which is why it remains in that very place to this day).

Today, 02/22/2018, I called an employee of the management department at the above office to clarify at what stage the consideration of my question is, since I was previously informed that the consideration would take place within 20 days, after which cash for the damage caused to my car, will be sent to the bank card details provided by me at the request of an employee of the management department of SK AlfaStrakhovanie when I submitted my application on 02/02/2018.

The answer I received was the following:
Today, a referral to a service station to repair your car will be sent to this service station at the address Penza, Baidukova St. 69B. I asked why at the service station, because when submitting the application, it was specifically announced to me that the payment would be made at bank card. And one more thing: how will I have to deliver my car with a faulty automatic transmission across the whole city (more than 20 km) to repair the damage to the door and fender, and how will I be able to return my car after repairing the door and fender again to the parking place across the city? ?
The answer was: Hire a tow truck.
Is this a joke I asked? Those. I have to pay about 8-10 thousand. rubles for transporting your car to a service station, being the injured party of an accident? The Alpha employee told me that if I could provide a receipt strict reporting from the towing company about transporting my car from the scene of the accident (Penza district, Zasechnoye village) to the place of repair (Penza, Baidukova St. 69B), then AlfaStrakhovanie will pay me this service tow truck. The only caveat here is that this receipt must be issued on the same date as the accident, i.e. 12/25/2017 Rave? Definitely nonsense, and even a falsification of a strict reporting document!

Tell me, Dear Alfa Insurance quality control service, how can I refuse repairs at a service station offered to me on conditions that are extremely inconvenient for me by your company and receive payment of the amount for this loss using the bank card details I provided?

Handling statement of claim on this issue is not yet part of my plans, although if my question is resolved negatively on your part, I will be forced to do this, since you leave me no other choice.

27.02.2018 17:46
Dear Service Quality Control Service of AlfaStrakhovanie JSC!
In continuation of my appeal to you in this post, I would like to express my gratitude for resolving my question regarding payment for an insured event. Yesterday, 02/26/2018, as previously agreed with your employee, I visited the department of Alfastrakhovanie Penza, where a payment agreement was drawn up.
Today the money was credited to the card.
Thank you for your promptness in resolving the issue!
Sincerely, Sergey Maksimov.