Application for a loan otp bank credit card. Online application for a credit card at otp bank

The OTP Bank credit card is suitable for use in Russia and abroad. When traveling abroad, there is no need to declare card funds; cash withdrawal is possible through an ATM located anywhere in the world.

Conditions for OTP Bank credit cards

Credit cards Bank OTPs may differ in terms of their provision and a number of parameters:

  • status;
  • credit limit;
  • the presence and duration of a grace period;
  • interest rate;
  • limit and amount of commissions for cash withdrawals;
  • the number of documents submitted.

The cards are connected to the MasterCard payment system and are presented in two statuses: classic and gold. When ordering, the client can choose a currency (rubles, euros or dollars). Control over the debiting of funds is carried out using SMS messages. Provided for all cards Grace period lasting up to 55 days and maximum credit limit up to 1.5 million rubles Annual interest are installed individually.

How to apply for an OTP Bank credit card?

You can fill out an online application for a credit card at OTP Bank on the official or specialized website.

There are two ways to apply for a credit card:

  • upon presentation of one document - a passport;
  • with the provision of a complete package - a passport and a second document (SNILS, TIN, income certificate, driver's license).

Any citizen of the Russian Federation aged 21-60 years who has permanent registration in the region where the bank operates, a stable source of income and a good credit history can get a credit card from OTP Bank. The duration of work in the last position must be at least 3 months.

A credit card with a grace period from OTP Bank can be selected and issued using the “Let’s Compare” online resource.

In 2020, the bank will issue standard and gold credit cards payment service MasterCard within three tariff plans:

  • "Clear map." A special feature of the product is free service and cash withdrawal without commission.
  • "Big cashback" The card provides cashback of 7% of the amount of purchases in the selected category and 1% of the amount of other purchases.
  • "Lightning". The refund is 1.5% of the amount of any purchases, and interest is also charged on the credit card balance.
  • Conditions for credit cards at OTP Bank

    • Limit – up to 300,000 rubles for the “Clear Card” and “Molniya” TPs, up to 1,000,000 rubles for the “Big Cashback” TP.
    • The interest rate depends on the type of transaction performed (receiving cash or paying for purchases with a card).
    • Grace period – up to 55 days.
    • Minimum obligatory payment– 5% or 6% of the principal amount, depending on the product chosen.
  • Using a credit card

    The grace period for all credit cards lasts up to 55 days, during which you can fully return the spent amount without paying interest. It includes billing period– 30 days for making purchases and a payment period – the next 25 days for repaying the debt. The length of the grace period depends on the date of the transaction.

    Example: Card activation date is September 5 (beginning of the billing period). On September 15, the client paid for goods worth 7,000 rubles in the store, and on September 28 he spent another 13,000 rubles. Interest will not be accrued if 20,000 rubles are credited to your credit card account before October 30. The interest-free period for the first transaction will be 45 days, for the second – 32 days. If the conditions of the grace period are not met, a minimum payment of 1000 rubles (5% of the used limit) must be made.

    Interest for use borrowed funds are not accrued only when paying for goods or services. When receiving cash from ATMs, the grace period does not apply.

  • Do you want to buy an expensive thing, but you don’t have enough money for it right now? An OTP Bank credit card can correct the situation. Now it's means of payment the bank issues individuals per day. The card can be issued using a passport at a bank branch or remotely.

    Conditions for issuing credit cards at OTP Bank

    For those wishing to order an OTP Bank credit card, the following conditions for working with the means of payment apply:

    • interest on the loan - 24.90% per annum (the bank has a single rate);
    • credit limit on the card - up to a million rubles;
    • grace period for lending - 50 days;
    • release of 5 additional cards;
    • free annual maintenance (free cards offered by many Russian banks).

    Credit cards also allow you to get cashback on large purchases.

    Get credit OTP cards All citizens of Russia can use the bank. To do this, they just need to submit a request for a credit card on the organization’s website. You can submit an online application for such a means of payment at any convenient time. The bank will review it in an hour. If the application is approved, you will need to come to the branch, select the design of the means of payment and issue an OTP Bank credit card along with the agreement. The credit card will be active on the day it is received.