Reports in the 1C: Retail configuration. Reports in the configuration “1C: Retail Gross profit by suppliers in 1C Retail

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Information about the cost of goods is stored in the periodic register of information “Cost of items”. The register has 3 dimensions for analytics: stores, items and item characteristics. With the simplified method of cost accounting, information is recorded in the “Receipt of Goods” documents and the cost is equated to the price of the last delivery, and in the case of the weighted average method, information is recorded in the “Setting Cost” documents. You can find out more about cost accounting

In this article I describe typical configuration reports that use item cost. All these reports are located in the subsystem “Sales reports”, “Marketing reports” and “Warehouse reports”.

1. Gross Profit Estimation

The report displays information about the gross profit generated by selling products in a store. The report can be opened by following the link Sales – Sales reports – Gross profit estimates.

The report displays the number of goods sold, the amount of sales, the cost of sales and the amount of gross profit received from the sale of goods. The sales amount is always shown including VAT. The cost of goods can be displayed both with and without VAT. This depends on the checkbox selected in the accounting settings settings.

Gross profit is calculated as the difference between the sales amount and the cost.

The report also displays two indicators for analyzing the efficiency and profitability of sales:

  • Sales efficiency. Calculated using the formula (Gross profit / Cost) * 100%.
  • Return on sales. Calculated using the formula (Gross profit / Amount of sales) * 100%.

The report can be grouped by organizations, stores, and product items. It is possible to produce more detailed analysis sales profitability in the context of product characteristics, as well as detail the report to the level of the sales document.

For comparative analysis personal sales sellers report can be grouped by product sellers. In addition, to compare sales in different periods, you can group the report by day, week, month, quarter, or year.

2. Sales assessment

Purpose of the report: analysis of the effectiveness of promotions aimed at increasing the number of customers, the average purchase amount, repeated visits to the store (bonus sheets, discounts on discount card, birthday discount, etc.). The report can be opened via the link Marketing – Marketing reports – Marketing promotions – Sales assessment.

Report indicators are displayed by store, warehouse (department), and cash register cash register.

Absolute sales indicators of the periods preceding the promotion and during the promotion:

  • Number of receipts – the number of sales receipts per interval, averaged over the period.
  • Average amount check, rub. – the amount of the check taking into account the discount, averaged over the period.
  • Average income per receipt, rub.: Income for the period / Number of customers for the period.
  • Average discount, %: Discount amount / (Sales amount + Discount amount).

Changes in indicators are calculated relative to the corresponding indicator of the “Before the promotion” period.

  • Actual amount, %.
  • Income, %.
  • Number of checks, %.
  • Average check amount, %.
  • Average income per check, %.

Analytical indicator:

· Additional income, rub. – the difference in average income for the interval before and after the start of the promotion.

3. Product promotion assessment

The purpose of the report is to analyze the effectiveness of a campaign aimed at increasing sales of a product, product group, brand, etc. It should be taken into account that if a product promotion campaign is carried out under other equal conditions, then the report will actually show the effectiveness of this promotion. Otherwise, other influencing factors will not be taken into account. That is, if an action is planned to temporarily reduce the price of a new product that has just appeared on the market, then this action should not be carried out together with a mass sale of other goods. In this case, the effect of the promotion will be blurred, and the report will show distorted data. The report opens via the link Marketing – Marketing reports – Marketing promotions – Product promotion assessment.

Indicators are displayed for a product item, taking into account the characteristics in the context of stores and warehouses (store departments). The absolute indicators of the report are displayed in three groups: “Before the promotion”, “During the promotion” and “After the promotion”. Relative – respectively, in two groups located after the groups of absolute indicators “During the promotion” and “After the promotion” and are calculated relative to the level “Before the promotion”. The last columns display analytical indicators for the stock as a whole.

Absolute indicators:

  • Retail price, rub. – average for the period.
  • Quantity – average sub-period sales of goods for the interval in physical terms.
  • Amount s/s, rub. – period-average cost of selling goods for the interval in rubles.
  • Actual amount, rub. – the period-average actual amount of product sales for the interval in rubles (including discounts).
  • Income, rub. – the difference between the previous two indicators.

The increase in indicators is calculated relative to the “Before promotion” level:

  • Retail price, % – relative price change, discount percentage.
  • Quantity, %.
  • Amount s/s, %.
  • Actual amount, %.

Final analytical indicators:

  • Additional income during the promotion, rub. = Income after the promotion – Income before the promotion.
  • Additional income after the promotion, rub. = Income after the promotion – Income before the promotion.
  • Price elasticity = Percentage of increase in sales in physical terms / Percentage of price decline.

4. Sale evaluation

The main purpose of seasonal sales is to reduce inventory. The report allows you to compare sales indicators before the promotion and during the promotion, as well as indicators of the incoming inventory at the start of the sale and the outgoing inventory at the end. If the reporting period ends before the end of the promotion, you can obtain interim results of the sale. The report opens via the link Marketing – Marketing reports – Marketing promotions – Sales assessment.

Indicators are displayed for a product item, taking into account the characteristics in the context of stores and warehouses (store departments).

Incoming and outgoing balances during the promotion period:

  • Retail price, rub. – retail price in the store at the beginning of the promotion.
  • Quantity – incoming balance of goods in physical terms.
  • UI is the basic unit of measurement of the nomenclature.
  • Amount s/s, rub. – the cost of the incoming balance of goods in rubles.
  • Retail amount, rub. – the amount of the balance of incoming goods at the retail prices of the store.

Change in inventory balances. The indicators are calculated in relation to the corresponding indicator of the opening balance:

  • Retail price, % – relative price change (% of final discount).
  • Quantity, %.
  • Amount s/s, %.
  • Actual amount, %.

Sales before and during the promotion:

  • Actual price, rub. – average actual selling price of goods for the period
  • Quantity – period-average sales of goods for the interval in physical terms.
  • UI is the basic unit of measurement.
  • Amount s/s, rub. – period-average cost of selling goods for the interval in rubles.
  • Actual amount, rub. – the period-average actual amount of product sales for the interval in rubles (including discounts).
  • Income, rub. – the difference between the previous two indicators.
  • Discount, rub. – the period-average amount of the discount provided on the product for the interval in rubles.

Changes in sales indicators relative to the corresponding indicator Before the promotion:

  • Sales price, % – relative price change (% discount).
  • Quantity, %.
  • Price elasticity: Percentage of increase in sales in physical terms / Percentage of price decline.
  • Amount s/s, %.
  • Actual amount, %.

5. Assessing the effectiveness of marketing activities

A report showing changes in key sales indicators for a selected stock. The report is generated in the context of participating stores. The report opens by following the link Marketing – Marketing reports – Marketing promotions – Assessing the effectiveness of marketing activities.

The report displays the following indicators:

  • Sales amount on promotional items;
  • Cost of sales on promotional items;
  • Profit received from the sale of a promotional product;
  • Discount amount, provided when selling goods on promotion;
  • Leftovers– assessment of the value of promotional goods at cost;
  • Number of checks containing promotional items;
  • Average check amount containing promotional items.

Indicators are calculated only for goods specified in the discount segments for a given promotion, or for all goods, if there is no explicit indication, and are displayed in three columns: before the promotion, during the promotion period (in the second column) and the change in the indicator during the promotion relative to the original level as a percentage.

The report allows you to make transcripts of indicators generated taking into account the selection and for the same periods as the general report displayed on the screen:

  • Report Product promotion assessment opens when you click on the field “Sales Amount”, “Cost of Sales”, “Profit”
  • Report Assessing the application of discounts– for the “Discount Amount” field
  • Report Sale evaluation– for the “Remainings” field
  • Report Sales Estimate– for the fields “Number of checks” and “Average amount of checks”.

6. Reasons for returns from the buyer

Report Reasons for returns from the buyer provides information on the quantity and cost of goods returned by customers, broken down by the reasons for returns (analyst business transaction Return from buyer). The report can be generated in various versions, aimed at different users. In those report options where information on returns is grouped, the share of returned goods in sales is calculated, which allows you to draw conclusions about the quality of the products sold. The report can be opened via this link Sales – Sales reports – Reasons for customer returns.

Shopping– a version of the report aimed at directors of retail chains. It is formed according to those stores in which reporting period there were returns from customers.
Report indicators:

  • Number of returns– the number of product units returned by the buyer;
  • Refund amount, rub.– at the prices indicated in the buyer’s return documents;
  • Number of sales– the number of units of the product sold during the reporting period;
  • Sales amount, rub.– actual amount of sales for the reporting period;
  • Share of return from sales, %– the ratio of the amount of returns to the amount of sales.

By item groups And By product category– report options aimed at category managers. The report is generated by product groups or product categories in which there were returns from customers. The indicators are similar to the store report option.

Details– a version of the report aimed at section managers of the trading floor. The report generates a list of goods returned by customers for the selected store and product group.

Report indicators:

  • – average cost is calculated depending on the cost accounting settings;
  • Average selling price– average actual sales price for the period, taking into account the discount;
  • Quantity– the number of units of the product returned by the buyer;
  • Sum– the amount of the returned goods at the prices indicated in the return documents from the buyer.

7. Reasons for write-off

Report Reasons for write-off used as an analytical tool for the process of writing off goods from the warehouse. For a summary and detailed assessment of write-offs by store and product range, and the reasons for write-off specified by the user in the Business Operations Analysts directory
The report form can be accessed via the link Warehouse – Warehouse reports – Warehouse operations – Reasons for write-off.

Report Reasons for write-off can be formed in three cuts:
Shopping– an analytical perspective aimed at network directors.
The report is generated for stores where goods were written off during the reporting period.

By item groups


  • Write-off quantity
  • Cost of write-off, rub.
  • Number of sales
  • Sales amount
  • Gross profit, rub.
  • Share of write-offs from sales, %
  • Share of write-offs from profits, %
  • Write-off quantity– number of units of written off items;
  • Write-off cost, rub. – cost per unit of written-off items;
  • Write-off amount in retail prices, rub. – the amount of write-off in the retail prices established at the time of write-off;
  • Number of sales, number of units sold;
  • Sales amount– the amount of items sold at the actual sales price
  • Gross profit, rub. – the difference between the sales amount and the estimated cost of sales;
  • Share of write-offs from sales, % – the ratio of the amount written off in retail prices to the amount of sales as a percentage;
  • Write-off share from profit, % – ratio of write-off cost to gross profit as a percentage;
  • By item groups– an analytical perspective aimed at the category manager and store director.
    The report is generated by product groups in which goods were written off during the reporting period.
  • Details– an analytical perspective aimed at section heads.
    The report is generated only for written-off items.
  • Write-off quantity– number of units of written off items;
  • Cost of write-off, rub.– cost per unit of written-off items;
  • Write-off amount in retail prices, rub.– the amount of write-off in the retail prices established at the time of write-off;
  • Number of sales, number of units sold;
  • Sales amount– the amount of items sold at the actual sales price
  • Gross profit, rub.– the difference between the sales amount and the estimated cost of sales;
  • Share of write-offs from sales, %– the ratio of the write-off amount in retail prices to the sales amount as a percentage;
  • Share of write-offs from profits, %– the ratio of write-off cost to gross profit as a percentage.
  • Average unit cost, rub. – average cost of the item for the reporting period;
  • Average retail price, rub. – average retail price of the item for the reporting period;
  • Write-off quantity, – number of units of written-off items;
  • Write-off cost, rub – estimate of the cost of written-off items;
  • Amount in retail prices, rub. – the amount of write-off of the item at the retail price.
  • Warehouse valuation (Warehouse valuation)

8. Warehouse valuation (Warehouse valuation)

The report allows you to obtain a valuation of goods in warehouses in quantitative terms, in cost prices, in retail prices. The report opens via the link Warehouse – Warehouse reports – Warehouse assessment


  • Remaining in stock.
  • Cost, rub.;
  • Cost (in retail prices)

The report allows you to analyze the following information for actually sold goods:
1. Cost of goods sold without cost calculation built into retail.
(i.e. the report multiplies the last purchase price by the quantity actually sold)

2. The amount of goods actually sold at retail prices (Revenue)
(From Reports on retail sales, more precisely from the sales accumulation register)

3. Markup by amount and percentage

The report generates data on items in the hierarchy for the selected period; selection by Stores and Items is implemented.

To connect a report:

1. Go to menu Administration - Printable forms, reports and processing - Additional reports and processing.

2. Click Create - Continue and select the downloaded file.

3. Specify in the Placement field the section in which you want it to be displayed, for example Sales.

4. At least one user must be registered in the database; in the quick access field, you need to select the users for whom you want the report to be displayed.

5. Record and close

The report will be in the menu of the selected section in step 3. Click on the Additional reports button.

6. And if everything worked out and you liked it, put a star on this publication

The report was tested on the configuration:

Retail, edition 2.2 ( and Platform 1C:Enterprise 8.3 (

Retail, edition 2.2 ( and Platform 1C:Enterprise 8.3 (

Retail, edition 2.2 ( and Platform 1C:Enterprise 8.3 (

The code is open.

Changes in version 0.2:

1. Period selection is implemented using standard periods

2. Possibility of choosing the type of purchase price

3. Output of items with characteristics

4. Display and highlight items for which no purchase price has been assigned (checkbox: Do not display without purchase price)

Changes in version 0.3:

1. Numerical indicators are given to two decimal places

2. Renamed fields in the report for more conceptual and minor cosmetic improvements

Changes in version 0.4:

1. Added standard buttons (find, collapse/expand groups, autosum, print, save, send by mail (mailing settings))

2. You can select according to a specific nomenclature and group.

Changes in version 0.5:

1. The purchase price is displayed taking into account the packages (For example, if a purchase price (100 rubles) is assigned to a package (10 pieces), and the sale is in pieces, then the price will be recalculated in pieces (10 rubles)).

2. The Purchase price parameter is required.

3. Purchase price and Retail price in groupings are displayed as the average value.

4. Deduced the unit of measurement and selection according to characteristics

5. Cosmetic improvements

Changes in version 0.6:

Corrected calculation of markup percentage

Was (Retail - Purchasing)/Retail *100

Became (Retail - Purchasing)/Purchasing*100

The report is intended to analyze sales and gross profit for goods and services in 1C: Trade Management rev. 11, hereinafter 1C: UT 11 based on the documents “Sales of goods and services” and “Return of goods from the buyer” for a certain period. The uniqueness of the report is that the cost price is calculated without closing the month. The idea to make such a report came after a client contacted us in the middle of the year asking for help in calculating costs and profits. Such data in automatic mode in 1C: UT 11 can be viewed only after the regulatory document “Month Closing” has been carried out. When clients first contacted us, we conducted an audit of the database and found that throughout the entire period of using 1C: Trade Management 11.1 (2 years), a month-end closing operation had never been performed. Because of this, clients could not calculate the cost. There are several ways to solve this problem, from proper configuration and correction of all data, to switching to new base with the transfer of all necessary reference books. The St. Petersburg Business Solutions company proposed a third option for solving the situation - writing a report “Gross profit of the enterprise.”

The essence of the report is as follows, for filling out the cost price in 1C: UT 11, the data is taken not from the accumulation register “Cost of Goods”, as in the standard report (the register is filled out after the month is closed), but directly from the “Receipt of goods and services” documents. Thus, we bypassed the standard calculation mechanism.

The report includes selections by organization, manager, warehouse and client.

Detailing down to item items. You can see the cost calculation for each item and for the order as a whole.

Calculation of indicators:

· Gross profit = Data is taken from the document “Sales of goods and services”

· Cost = Data is taken from the “Receipt of goods and services” document. According to the FIFO method.

· Revenue = This is the difference between gross profit and cost.

· Profit percentage = Revenue divided by gross profit multiplied by 100%.

The ability to save report options has been implemented.

Each manager can view the report only for himself, except for a user with all rights - they can view the reports of each manager.

This report also has a second generation option in 1C: Trade Management 11. If in the first option the detailing is initially based on the document “Sales of goods and services” (or by Customer Order), and then can be expanded to the item, then here initially the main filter is item , and then you can open the movement and see what documents it was sold with.

If you have any questions, you can use any means of communication convenient for you.

The St. Petersburg Business Solutions company will be glad to see you among its clients!

This article covers the following reports:

  • "Movements with grouping by warehouses"
  • "Sales"
  • "Gross Profit Estimation"

There are times when it is necessary to see at what price this or that item was received, and at what price it was sold. Or you need to find documents for the receipt and sale of this item. In such cases, the “Movements with grouping by warehouses” report (Warehouse - All reports) can come to the rescue.

By default, the report displays data without movement documents. To obtain data on receipts and sales, you must perform the following setup:

  • Click the “Settings” button:
  • Select the advanced report type:

  • On the “Structure” tab, add the “Registrar” grouping. To do this, call the context menu by right-clicking on the line “Nomenclature (Hierarchy)”:

  • In the window that appears, select the “Registrar” field:

Do you have a question or need help from a consultant?

The report will show what movements there were for the selected item. In order to find out the purchase or sale price, you need to double-click on the selected document.

You can also view the average selling price of a particular product using the “Sales” report (Sales - Sales Reports):

If you add a sales document to the report structure, you will be able to see sales prices broken down by sales documents:

  1. We set the required period for generating the report and indicate the item for which the report needs to be generated (if necessary)
  2. Click the “Settings” button
  3. Selecting an advanced report type
  4. On the “Structure” tab, add the “Sales Document” grouping
  5. Click the “Close and Generate” button:

To obtain data on gross profit, the “Gross Profit Estimation” report (Sales - Sales Reports) is used. The report can be generated both for the period as a whole, and with selection by item, warehouse, store. In addition to gross profit, the report shows profitability and sales efficiency:

Likewise previous reports You can add detail to the sales document (recorder) in the gross profit report.



Added column "Markup (coefficient)".


Typical configuration report errors detected:

Increase in the number of goods sold. (Occurrence condition: the store is specified in the Cost Setting document).
- Incorrect calculation when returning goods.


The report displays information about the gross profit generated by selling products in a store. This report makes sense only if information about the cost of goods is registered in the program.

The report displays the number of goods sold, the amount of sales, the cost of sales and the amount of gross profit received from the sale of goods. The sales amount is always shown including VAT. The cost of goods can be displayed both with and without VAT. This depends on the checkbox selected in the accounting settings settings.

Gross profit is calculated as the difference between the sales amount and the cost.

The report also displays two indicators for analyzing the efficiency and profitability of sales:

Sales efficiency. Calculated using the formula (Gross profit / Cost) * 100%.

Sales profitability. Calculated using the formula (Gross profit / Amount of sales) * 100%.

The report can be grouped by organizations, stores, and product items. You can also perform a more detailed analysis of the profitability of sales in the context of product characteristics, as well as drill down the report to the level of the sales document.

For comparative analysis of sellers' personal sales, the report can be grouped by product sellers. In addition, to compare sales in different periods, you can group the report by day, week, month, quarter, or year.


After connecting to 1C:Enterprise, a new report “Gross Profit Estimation” appears in the “Sales” section:

Operating system: Windows XP SP3, Windows 7 SP1, Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2.
Database server: MS SQL Server 2008 R2 (WinXP, Win7).
- Platform: 8.2.18.
- Architecture: File and Client-Server.
- Configurations: "Retail 2.0".
- Launch mode: Managed application (thin client).
- Compatibility mode: Do not use.

With respect to the community MA!