How to make money on banking investment products. Structured products with full capital protection for the growth of stocks, dollars, oil Investment banking products

To date credit organizations provide a wide range of services, even to the most demanding tastes.

Most often the population uses loans and, but for sophisticated connoisseurs there are several more useful tools.

There is an interesting service on the market; many people avoid it when communicating with a bank. You can start investing with the support of a lending institution.

Wide range of possibilities

The products that banks offer to their clients can be divided into three large categories.

Products aimed at increasing value. These include stock indices, mutual funds for stocks, raw materials and currencies. They usually follow the movements of the underlying assets or are a manager's strategy packaged into a unit.

This includes investment products that generate interest income. First of all, these are the least risky products - shares of bond funds. Because the bulk of assets is aimed at purchasing corporate or government bonds. The downside is low returns, very often even lower than inflation. Also, part of the income goes to the manager’s remuneration.

These are structured products. At the moment, there are a sufficient number of types of these products. Barrier products and capital protection products are among the most common.

Barrier Products represent a fixed reward if the asset group or underlying asset does not decline by more than 30%. Even if assets decline, the investor will still earn a fixed coupon. But he will receive not the invested amount, but the asset itself, at the price at the time of purchase, or the equivalent in money.

Capital Protection Products, act the same way. However, if the commodity indices or stocks underlying the product decline, the investor will receive 100% of the amount invested, but will not receive a return.

The simplest of the interesting investment products is . Suitable for those who do not have extensive financial knowledge and experience. Funds are divided into three large categories - classic, industry and specialized. The money can be invested in one of the funds. The minimum down payment can be 5 thousand rubles.

In addition, you can use an individual investment tool called a “basket of securities.” The minimum entry threshold is quite comparable to a large deposit - 500 thousand rubles. The investor needs to select one of the offered programs (for example, non-ferrous metals or construction) and submit to the bank’s specialists the management of your funds.

You can also choose several funds that will allow you not only to wait out the inflation storm, but also to make money.

The following options are possible:

1) invest in a bond fund

2)into a gold investment fund.

The first option assumes stability, low risk and low profitability. The second option is for those who understand well what investing in metals is and are ready for high risk with an appropriate level of return.

In addition to classic mutual funds, there is a trust fund management service. Experts will help you set priorities and find out how willing you are to take risks. They will also offer you a suitable investment strategy. After choosing a program and investing money, you can sit back and watch how they behave.

In addition, there is conservative investment, which allows you to transfer funds to the general funds of the bank management. Moderate risk and moderate income combines - OFBU mixed investments. High risk and potentially high profitability are combined - OFBU shares.

Risky business

There is always a risk when it comes to investing, so I recommend weighing the pros and cons before going to the bank with money. Today, there are gaps in the legislation that regulates two related areas - the activities of management companies and banking activities. Therefore, this category of products is not yet well protected.

Today, no one gives a 100% guarantee of the safety of your funds. Because there are many unclear aspects in transferring funds to and from the exchange, there is also no sufficient support for investing in securities, issuing funds to creditors, and so on.

At this point in time, it is only possible to obtain guarantees for .

Bank investment products are a fairly new opportunity offered by financial organizations of various levels. Their essence is quite broad, because there are many options for working with investments, but the role of the bank in most cases is approximately the same - intermediation. He himself will relatively rarely risk his own funds, preferring to use clients’ money and, in return, provide them with a portion of the income received.

Features and reasons for appearance

The need for such an instrument as investment products arose relatively recently. Until this point, banks were quite successful in making a profit by taking out loans at a small interest rate and then providing them to their own clients at a higher rate. In addition, these organizations actively used their own funds, because the deposit rate is always lower than the loan rate. However, the market situation gradually stabilized, and now, if you can make money on such a difference, it is only relatively small money, by the standards of banks. As a result, financial organizations began to look for alternative livelihood options and came to the conclusion that the sale of investment products is the most profitable method for making money and carrying out further activities.

Investment and services

Not all banks provide at least some of the possible services, of which there are many varieties. For example, most often the investment products of a particular financial organization consist exclusively of trust management services. That is, the bank simply takes the client’s money and, with his consent, begins to use it on the stock exchange.

As a rule, an organization gives preference to not very profitable, but reliable projects that will most likely consistently generate a certain income. This approach allows you to pay the client on time and in full, and he, in turn, will risk less with his own money. However, this is far from the only option for working with this financial instrument. The bank can also accept securities, which it will subsequently place on the stock exchange and dispose of them at its own discretion, but with the consent of the owner. Also, a financial institution can simply provide services for the purchase or sale of those same securities at the request of clients. Among other things, the bank itself can issue securities, issue loans for implementation, and so on.

Sales and creation of the product

In order for a financial structure to have the opportunity to use investment products in its activities to generate income, it must first meet certain requirements. So, the very first stage is obtaining a state license. Without this important document, any such activity cannot be considered legal, and the client should ideally immediately clarify the availability of this paper and demand its presentation. Most banks do this without prompting, posting such licenses for public viewing. Obtaining a document is not very easy, and you also need to prove that in the process of working with investments the organization will not go bankrupt, will be able to make a profit, and so on.

The next stage can be considered the bank’s entry into the international trading platform. In some cases, he must also provide access to it for his own clients, but this is not always the case. This is not to say that this is a difficult stage, because such sites are interested in constantly increasing the number of players, but some effort will still have to be made.

After all this is done, you need to hire or train specialists who know exactly how to work in this direction and make a profit. Otherwise, instead of the expected income, you will end up with continuous expenses, and for the bank this is almost fatal.

As a consequence of this requirement, there is a need to create a certain structure in the organization that will deal with, on the one hand, and provide investment products to potential clients, on the other. As a rule, such structures are divided into at least two more branches, but these are the specifics of the activities of each individual bank.

The last stage is the technical side of the issue. A bank can be registered in the system, obtain all the required licenses, hire excellent specialists and attract a huge mass of clients for service, but if these same specialists do not physically have the ability to work with trading platforms, all of the above actions will be meaningless.

Possible problems

Like anyone, there are certain problems. Thus, it is riskier compared to classical income generation systems; there are many legislative restrictions, as well as strict control by the Central Bank. The latter can simply prohibit the most profitable (but also risky) transactions, as this will disrupt the overall stability of the country’s financial system.

Investment loan products

This is another option for the activity of a banking-type financial organization, which is often offered to legal entities. Its essence lies in the fact that the bank acts as an intermediary between the client and the investment object, issuing a loan to the former and investing funds at his expense. The system is quite risky, but with luck and/or accurate calculation, it allows a legal entity to quickly repay the debt, the investment object to receive the required amount, and the bank to receive its share of the profit. In general, all parties are usually happy with the transaction if it was successful and no problems arose.


The benefits that new investment products provide are quite numerous. The first of these can be considered the amount of profit received. It is clear that the bank, as a rule, receives more income than the client himself. But he also bears the risks independently (at least in most cases). The second advantage is the help of specialists. Theoretically, anyone can independently become a player on the stock exchange and invest at their own discretion. However, in fact, such an approach will most often lead to the fact that a person or legal entity will simply lose their money if they do not use the services of specially trained employees.


Naturally, there are always disadvantages. Thus, investment products still remain not only the most profitable financial instrument of all existing ones, but also the most dangerous in terms of possible risks. Most often, the bank still returns to the client the amount that he deposited, but the profit may not be expected. Moreover, in some cases, when the organization’s income situation is very difficult, you can wait a very long time for a refund.


In general, taking into account everything stated above, we can conclude that investments are profitable investments, but only subject to the availability of guarantees of income and the general reasonable disposal by the bank of funds received from clients. Unfortunately, most often all this can only be determined empirically or, at best, from the reviews of other people or organizations who have already risked their money.

Forms of investment activity of commercial banks are classified on the basis of general criteria for systematizing investment types. However, it seems possible to identify a number of features of investment banking activities, consisting in the following classification of its types:

- real investments;

- financial investments;

- production investments;

‒ investments aimed at the bank’s own development.

It is advisable to present this classification in the form of the following diagram (Figure 1.1):

Figure 1.1. Classification and forms of banking investments

Investment banking services can be classified in the same way. Investment banking services include:

Investment banking services in the primary securities market (underwriting services, dealer services);

Investment banking services in the secondary securities market (brokerage services, dealer services, services for managing the client's securities portfolio);

Investment banking services in the credit, money, foreign exchange markets, etc. (purchase at the initiative of clients of foreign currency, precious metals, etc.);

Services for organizing and supporting mergers, acquisitions and restructuring of organizations.

Depending on the focus (goal) of investment banking services, it is proposed to divide them into three blocks: services to increase the financial resources of clients (due to their profitable investment), services to mobilize additional financial resources for clients (through the use of bank resources) and services to conduct and support of mergers, acquisitions and restructuring (Figure 1.2).

Figure 1.2. Investment banking services

At the present stage of economic development, the investment needs of clients are so diverse that they already require banks to create investment products as a more complex form of combining investment and other banking services (Figure 1.3).

Figure 1.3. Scheme for creating an investment banking product

Thus, the investment banking product satisfies the client’s investment needs (attracting additional resources to organize its activities) and investment intentions (the desire to receive additional income).

It is necessary to clarify that simple investment banking products are formed on the basis of the provision of basic investment banking services and accompanying services, without which this product cannot be sold.

Complex investment banking products are formed on the basis of the provision of basic investment banking services, accompanying and additional services. Additional services may not be provided, but they serve to fill out a simple investment banking product in order to satisfy not one, but several client needs.

Packaged investment banking products are formed on the basis of the sale of several complementary banking products, despite the fact that the basic banking product is investment, as well as products of other financial companies accredited by banks (or friendly ones) as a “financial supermarket”.

Based on the analysis of existing definitions of the concept of “investment banking product,” it can be argued that an investment banking product in a general sense has all those characteristics that relate to a banking product in general.

However, there are characteristics that can only and primarily be attributed to an investment banking product:

An investment banking product is always designed for a long period of time;

It is obviously a high-risk product in Russia, since due to the long period of time, the bank plans its activities (including investment) based on the forecast of future events;

The essence of an investment banking product must be adequately reflected in a more complex system of documents developed taking into account the economic benefits of the bank and the client, the amount of risk assumed by the bank and taking into account current legislation (feasibility study of the project, business plan for the implementation of the project, expert opinions and so on.);

The creation and implementation of an investment banking product depend not only on the bank and the needs of its client, but also on the investment policy of the state.

In accordance with the above, the following definition of the concept is proposed: “an investment banking product is a set of banking services, the main of which is an investment service, aimed at comprehensively satisfying the investment intentions and needs of clients.”

The content of the investment product (quantity and combination of services) depends on market demands and the investment strategy of each specific bank.

The conducted research allows us to present the “investment banking triad”, which is the basis of investment banking activities (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1

Main types of investment banking operations, services and products (with examples of products from the product line of Russian banks)

Investment banking Investment banking services Investment banking products
Investment banking operations for yourself: 1.Purchase and sale of securities in order to generate income through changes in the market value of securities and accrued interest 2.Purchase of securities for the purpose of participating in the capital of an organization and managing it 3.Investment banking operations for the client: Purchase and sale of securities on behalf of a client, both at one’s own expense and at the expense of the client 1. Brokerage services 2. Dealer services 3. Trust management services 4. Investment credit services 5. Issuance intermediation services 6. Mergers and acquisitions services Simple investment banking products: 1. Investment lending product.

Test questions on the subject

"Credit products and modern technologies"

    Qualitative characteristics and properties of the loan product.

    Types and characteristics of credit products.

    Factors influencing the qualitative composition of bank credit products.

    Stages of “life” of banking credit products.

    The essence of the loan product and its purpose.

    Stages of creating a new loan product.

    Strategies for introducing new credit products.

    The relationship between the loan product and credit risk.

    Main factors influencing the supply of SME loan products. Typical loan terms for SMEs.

    Current trends in the development of retail credit products.

    Typical terms of consumer loans.

    Features of investment loan products.

    Typical terms and conditions of investment loans.

    Basics of pricing new credit products.

    Current trends in the development of credit products.

  1. Stages of the relationship between the lender and the borrower (separately for legal entities, separately for individuals).

Features and trends in the development of mortgage lending.

Qualitative characteristics and properties of the loan product.

For example, the conditions for providing a short-term loan for a period of up to one year include: the client having bank accounts; positive credit history; satisfactory result of the analysis of the provided project. The following are accepted as collateral: pledge of real estate, fixed assets of the client, inventory, property rights; pledge of liquid securities of Russian and foreign issuers; debt obligations of the borrower's counterparties.

The product, which includes a loan for up to seven years, is aimed at medium-sized business clients. The loan is provided for the purchase of equipment, vehicles, construction and self-propelled equipment, reconstruction, and capacity expansion. Depending on the structure of the transaction within the framework of long-term lending, the bank can provide a loan, a line of credit, or open an uncovered letter of credit.

As collateral for loans up to seven years, the bank accepts property as collateral, including real estate and fixed assets (machinery and equipment).

Thus, the basis of a banking loan product is a service. However, not all services are sold in the form of a banking product.

A banking product is characterized by a set of certain properties:

– it is offered on the market as a product, has value and use value;

– carries the bank’s brand;

– contains the intellectual component of the selling bank associated with the creation of the product, the technology of creation;

– targeted at a specific target audience, must be understandable, accessible and in demand by them;

– has a set of inseparable properties or conditions that allow the product to be positioned on the market;

– sales of the product are reflected in the financial results of the bank.