How is the world payment system different? Cards of the national payment system "Mir"

Card production time

In Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod and other large cities, the card will be ready in 2-3 working days; in the regions, production and delivery will take from 3 to 10 working days. Delivery to remote locations may take up to 15 business days. Exact dates are available.

When issuing a card, only working days are taken into account. If you order it on Friday evening, the production time will be calculated from Monday.

You can see if the card is ready and when it will be delivered to the office in Sberbank Online in the “Cards” section.

What documents are required to receive a card?

To pick up the card, bring with you your passport or other document that was used to apply for the card. To receive a card for another person, you need a notarized power of attorney.

How to start receiving THANK YOU bonuses?

After receiving the card, you must register in the “Thank you from Sberbank” program. The easiest way to register: send an SMS to number 900 with the text THANK YOU 1234, where 1234 is the last four digits of the card number.
You can also register for the program in your Sberbank Online personal account and at a Sberbank ATM - find the “Thank you from Sberbank” section and follow the prompts.

Bonuses are awarded automatically when paying by card - their number depends on the level of privileges.

It should be remembered that bonuses are awarded only when paying for goods and services. This does not happen when withdrawing cash from ATMs. But when you pay for purchases remotely in online stores, bonus Thank You bonuses are credited to your account.

How can I use THANK YOU bonuses?

THANK YOU bonuses can be exchanged for discounts when purchasing goods and services from Partners; a full list of partners is available. In addition, THANK YOU bonuses can be exchanged for a discount when purchasing air tickets and hotel accommodations (on the website “Thank you from Sberbank. Travel”). Bonuses can also be exchanged for discounts when purchasing tickets to events - the service is available on the website “Thank you from Sberbank, Impressions”.

How can I find out my card details?

To find out the details, find the required card in the Sberbank Online mobile application and click “Show details”.

Another way: in your Sberbank Online personal account, go to the “Cards” section and find the card you need, then “Card information” → “Transfer details to the card account”.

Is it safe to use a contactless card?

Yes, the card is safe. It is always in the hands of the owner, so its data remains inaccessible to fraudsters. Making purchases without presenting a card or entering a PIN code is much safer, since no one sees the card data. In addition, contactless technology protects against double debits - after paying for a purchase, the terminal beeps and turns off automatically.

The MIR payment card of Sberbank is a new card product, the issue of which began in November 2016. In terms of functionality, it is no different from ordinary bank cards. It has its advantages and disadvantages.

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MIR is a new Russian national payment system, created as an alternative to foreign Visa and Mastercard. It was launched by the Central Bank of Russia in 2015. Moscow residents were the first to evaluate the new product.

MIR payment card from Sberbank: pros and cons

The MIR bank card is serviced only in Russia. The usage scheme is standard. It allows you to remotely manage your account, deposit and withdraw money without commission, and make non-cash payments in stores and on the Internet.


  • Free issue.
  • Cheap for the “” service (60 rubles per month for a full package of services)
  • The ability to use plastic does not depend on the political situation in the world. This issue became relevant after the card accounts of many Russians (Mastercard and Visa) were blocked due to the foreign policy situation.
  • A wide distribution network of service points (also serviced in Crimea).


  • Users were surprised to discover that the cost of servicing a MIR card at Sberbank does not differ from the price level for classic products. But in the future it is planned that the service will cost less (the social card for pensioners is serviced free of charge).
  • It is not yet widespread, and service points are not available everywhere (to carry out transactions, you need to find a suitable ATM and store). But it's only a matter of time.
  • The account currency is only rubles, which is fully consistent with the policy of the national payment system. This may be inconvenient for some citizens.
  • Cannot be used abroad.
  • The new system started functioning recently, so many of the functionality are still being finalized (you can’t withdraw money or pay for purchases everywhere, you have to adapt).

Despite all the shortcomings at the moment, the MIR payment system is promising.

In the future it is planned:

  1. Integrate with neighboring CIS countries (Armenia, Belarus).
  2. Expand the network of card acceptance and servicing throughout Russia.
  3. Launch credit cards (at the moment only debit cards are issued. The credit line is being prepared for launch from the beginning of 2017. The terms of provision will be standard: the client must officially earn money and provide proof of his income).
  4. Introduction into the salary project (it is planned that the MIR salary card will be serviced free of charge).
  5. For now, you can only get a Sberbank MIR card at Sberbank branches. In the future it will be possible to order it online.
  6. NSPK (National System of Payment Systems) plans to launch an affiliate program for bank clients, which will allow them to earn additional money by attracting clients.
  7. To enhance the security of transactions carried out via the Internet, it is planned to introduce 3D-secure technology, while it is not functioning.
  8. It is planned to introduce the Cash Back service with a return to the account of 10–15% of the amount spent.
  9. It is planned to introduce the payment system to the international market through integration with foreign organizations.

Types of payment cards

Currently, Sberbank issues debit and pension cards of the MIR payment system. The conditions for receiving and servicing are not very different from similar products of the American payment system; in some functional features they are even inferior to them. But, as noted above, everything is at the stage of development and implementation, the system is intensively developing.

Debit card

The MIR debit card is a classic product. The plastic design looks the same as that of classic cards from other systems. The only difference is that in the lower right corner is the logo of the MIR payment system.

  • The Sberbank card is issued free of charge.
  • The cost of maintenance is 750 rubles for the first year, 450 rubles for subsequent years.
  • Valid for 3 years.
  • The plastic is protected by an electronic chip.
  • It is possible to pay for goods and services via the Internet (but without 3D-secure additional protection technology).
  • Free services “ ”, “ ” and paid service “Mobile Bank”.
  • Participates in the “Thank You” bonus program.
  • It is possible to link an account to electronic money services.
  • Participates in the salary program.

Unlike the classic analogues of Visa and Mastercard, there is no possibility to issue an additional card, receive discounts and special offers from partners of the corresponding systems, and cannot be used abroad.

Pension card MIR of Sberbank

The Sberbank MIR social card is intended for public sector employees and is slightly inferior in functionality to its counterpart, although their appearance is almost identical. Let's hope that in the future the functionality of this pension product will be expanded and improved, and Russian pensioners will have an incentive to switch to using the national payment system.

  • The Sberbank MIR card for public sector employees is issued and serviced free of charge.
  • Valid for 3 years.
  • Can be used for online purchases, but without 3D-secure additional protection technology.
  • The pensioner’s balance is accrued quarterly at 3.5% per annum.
  • Connection to free services “Sberbank Online”, “Autopayment” and paid mobile banking.
  • Bonus program “Thank you” (under its terms, when purchasing from partners, bonuses are credited to your account that can be spent on purchases).

Unlike Maestro social cards, the MIR card for pensioners in Sberbank does not allow issuing additional cards, it cannot be used abroad (for Maestro budget cards you can withdraw cash from Sberbank’s subsidiary banks), and there is no additional system of discounts provided by Maestro’s partners.

How to get a MIR card from Sberbank

Since the product is new for Russian citizens, questions often arise related to its registration and receipt.

The registration procedure is standard.
  1. You need to visit the nearest one.
  2. Provide a passport of a Russian citizen.
  3. Fill out the application form.
  4. Wait for notification that your plastic is ready.
  5. Come and get plastic in the same department.

It is usually released within 14 days, sometimes faster.

Conditions for receiving are standard:

  1. You must be a citizen of Russia (for foreigners, the issue of providing a card is decided on an individual basis).
  2. Age – from 14 years (a Sberbank MIR pension card is issued at the age of 18).
  3. You must have a permanent residence address in the Russian Federation.
  4. If you are a public sector employee and are applying for a social card, you must have the appropriate rights to receive a pension in the Russian Federation.

Everyone decides for themselves whether it is advisable to use a MIR bank card from Sberbank. On the one hand, the domestic payment system protects its citizens from financial problems associated with fluctuations in world politics (who knows how Visa and Mastercard will behave in the future in relation to our state). But it is in its infancy, and according to some criteria it is inferior to its analogues and does not have advantages for mass distribution (maintenance costs are high). But if the functionality is refined and widespread, it may well compete with foreign payment systems. Sberbank world map, is it Visa or MasterCard? How is the World map different?

Answer: The MIR card is the Russian analogue of foreign VISA and MasterCard, but with slightly different functions. It was released relatively recently - in 2014, but now it is gaining popularity. The payment system belongs to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and does not depend on other companies. With its help, you can make money transfers, pay utility bills and make online orders from anywhere in the country in the same way. Its main and huge advantage is that when purchasing in different stores, you are awarded cashback (money back on the total purchase price) of up to 20 percent.

The cards of the American company VISA are based on the dollar, that is, payments and transfers are made through this currency. They are listed in 30 million institutions and more than 200 countries around the world. You can link it to any electronic wallet. There is either no commission or it is extremely small - it depends on the bank whose services you use.

MasterCard is also an international system. 40 percent of all issued plastic cards of this system are in Russia. Therefore, it is possible that MasterCard will soon become an equal competitor to the American company VISA.

MasterCard and VISA cards are valid internationally, but Sberbank MIR plastic can only be used in Russia. Therefore, foreign cards are best suited for traveling abroad. If you need a card to pay for orders in Chinese online stores, then you can consider the option of getting a co-branded card from Sberbank MIR-Maestro, MIR-JCB and MIR-Union Pay. Plus, the company plans to soon begin cooperation with the American Express system.

The MIR bank card is issued by the joint-stock company National Payment Card System (NSPC JSC), which began operating on August 4, 2014. NSPK JSC was created to develop the national payment card system and to ensure the processing of domestic transactions using cards of international payment systems on the territory of the Russian Federation, since previously all card transactions took place through foreign processing centers (VISA, MasterCard, ...), which reduced the level of security and sovereignty states.

The infrastructure for processing domestic transactions using bank cards of international payment systems was created in the shortest possible time, in just five months. The process of transferring all transactions on credit and debit cards of Russian users went almost unnoticed for the holders of the corresponding cards, while access to all international services of payment systems VISA, MasterCard, Amex, etc. was preserved without deteriorating the quality of banking services.

Since 2014, NSPK Joint Stock Company has been operating in full compliance with Russian legislation, in particular, in accordance with Federal Law No. 161-FZ “On the National Payment System”.

What is the MIR payment system?

The MIR banking payment system was launched in December 2015. At the same time, the first bank cards of the MIR national payment system were issued. At the moment, MIR cards are accepted in 90% of ATMs and payment terminals throughout the Russian Federation.

Since the MIR payment system was created for use within Russia, you can use the NSPK MIR card abroad only if the card issued is compatible with foreign payment systems. Today, joint co-branded cards of the Mir payment system are being issued with the international payment systems MasterCard, JCB and UnionPay:

  • "World" - Maestro,
  • "Mir"-JCB,
  • "Mir" - UnionPay.

Such cards in Russia work like Mir cards, and abroad they are accepted in retail chains as if they were Maestro, JCB or UnionPay bank cards, respectively. The issue of MIR cards, jointly with the American Express payment system, will soon begin.

Which banks can you get a MIR card from?

Today, 370 banks are participants in the MIR payment system. Of these, 131 banks issue cards, 370 banks service cards, and 7 banks carry out limited card issues. All participants of the MIR payment system are published on the page

In particular, among the banks issuing the NSPK MIR card are the country's largest federal and regional banks:

  • "Sberbank of Russia",
  • "VTB 24",
  • "Gazprombank"
  • "AK BARS",
  • "Bank "Russia"
  • "SMP-Bank"
  • "Svyaz-Bank"
  • "MDM Bank"
  • "Raiffeisenbank"
  • "Rosselkhozbank"
  • "Vanguard"
  • "Renaissance"
  • and others.

In total, as of 2017, 131 banks in Russia are issuing MIR NSPK bank cards. The banks closest to your location where you can get a MIR card, as well as terminals and service offices, can be found on the “Device Locator” page of the official website of the MIR payment system -

By July 1, 2018, all public sector employees must receive a “MIR” card, to which salaries of teachers, doctors and employees of ministries and government departments will be transferred. New card holders will receive privileges: a reduced rate on loans and an overdraft with a grace period. All pensioners will switch to the MIR card, which will be issued to them free of charge, until July 1, 2020.

The procedure for obtaining a Mir bank card is absolutely no different from the usual process of receiving cards! You come to the bank, submit an application and passport, and after a few days you pick up a ready-made payment card. Some banks already allow you to order a Mir card directly from your personal online banking account, or apply for a card over the phone.

In 2017, you can get a Mir card in almost all major Russian banks: Sberbank, VTB 24, Alfa Bank, Gazprombank, etc.

Advantages of the MIR bank card

Among the advantages of MIR card holders is cashback, that is, a return to the card of part of the funds spent on a purchase in the amount of 15-20% of the purchase, which has no analogues on the market. In addition, the MIR card gives access to bonus promotions of other banks, for example, the “thank you” program from Sberbank.

It is convenient and safe to pay with MIR cards on the Internet. The new online payment protection technology MirAccept 2.0 was introduced in August 2017. Confirmation of transactions can be carried out not only using an SMS password, but also using a graphic key, the bank’s mobile application and using biometric authentication.

Until recently, the main payment systems that were used and worked flawlessly around the world were VISA and MasterCard. In recent years, the MIR card has become increasingly popular among customers. International payment systems offer many benefits to consumers: various bonuses, cash back, special offers for holders of premium products, etc.

The payment system offers three main types of cards

But in the spring of 2014, as a result of the imposition of sanctions against the Russian Federation, international payment systems cut off the services of several Russian banks, after which card holders did not have access to their funds. To avoid the occurrence of such situations in the future, it was decided to create the NSPK. Its product was the MIR payment card of Sberbank. The main advantage of the payment instrument is that its operation is not affected in any way by external political and economic factors.

The national payment system is capable of issuing common banking products, plus making it possible to issue plastic cards of the same name. Since the launch of the system, most financial and credit organizations have been able to sell MIR cards, including Sberbank, which launched the product in November 2016.


Among the card products of the national payment system, first of all, it is necessary to include the Classic MIR card of Sberbank. This debit card is a good combination of price and quality of service. It is suitable for budget transfers and as a salary payment. The cost for the first year of service is 750 rubles, subsequent years – 450 rubles. For public sector employees, services within the framework of the salary project are provided free of charge.

For wealthier clients, the bank offers a Gold Card, which can be issued as part of a salary project. The cost of service is 1,500 rubles in the first year, 3,000 rubles in the remaining years.

A special place in this list of debit products is occupied by the Pension Card. According to federal law, all pensioners will eventually receive a pension on MIR cards. The same applies to those clients who receive pension payments through Maestro Social plastics. The service is provided free of charge.

It is worth noting one more feature of the listed types of payment instruments in comparison with similar products of international payment systems: their validity period is 5 years, while their foreign analogues have 3 years.

How to get

You can apply for a card product using one of the options below.

At the bank office

To order plastic, you need to fulfill virtually the same requirements as when receiving a standard debit card:

  • visit to a bank branch;
  • presentation of a passport and a second document;
  • filling out a detailed questionnaire;
  • receiving plastic.

You can order a card product of the national payment system in the usual way - at a bank branch
Order online

For those wishing to receive any of the NSPK debit cards, there is an option to submit an application online. To do this, you need to go to the official website of the bank, and then to the page corresponding to the specific plastic card. The whole procedure consists of 3 steps:

  • indicate personal data;
  • enter passport details;
  • indicate your address, mobile phone and email.

After submitting the application, the plastic can be obtained at the branch nearest to your place of residence.

Pensioners can also apply in the same way. But first they need to write and fill out an application for delivery of the pension to the bank account.

To issue plastic cards, the banking institution sets certain requirements for the future user of the product. The terms of provision are as follows:

  • age – from 18 years (for Classic – from 14 years, for additional – from 7 years);
  • temporary or permanent registration on the territory of Russia;
  • A pension card is issued to persons entitled to receive a pension.

The bank imposes certain requirements on future holders of a payment instrument

Cash withdrawal and card replenishment

By the way, many users are concerned about the question: is it possible to withdraw cash and top up a Sberbank MIR card account? Yes, such procedures are available for implementation in any self-service device that belongs to the bank that issued it.

The bank provides several options for replenishing a card account

Topping up your card account is possible in the following ways:

  • using the online service and its mobile application for smartphones;
  • using the SMS service “Mobile Bank”;
  • from other accounts;
  • in payment terminals;
  • at the bank's cash desk if you have a passport.

Additional features of the MIR card

Additional features are provided for the national product:

  • account management and repayment of credit debts using remote services;
  • connecting to an auto payment service to pay for utilities, mobile communications, etc.;
  • non-cash payments in online stores;
  • “Piggy Bank” connection;
  • participation in the program Thank you.

List of additional features of the national payment system card


At the moment, the bank does not issue credit cards of the national payment system. Perhaps such a product will be created soon. If the client wants to get a credit card, then he can pay attention to other offers of the bank - VISA and MasterCard credit cards (classic and premium).

Terms of service for the Sberbank MIR card

It is no secret to many clients that servicing debit and credit cards is sometimes extremely expensive. However, this is not surprising: after all, the more options “attached” to the card, the more resources are involved in its maintenance - technical, labor, financial. Which is quite expensive.

Of course, banks also offer absolutely simple cards with zero annual maintenance costs. But, before purchasing such a product, the potential owner must understand that many options will not be available to him. For example, payment for purchases and services in online stores. Or its plastic will not be accepted at terminals and points of sale abroad. In short, before registering, you should carefully study all the conditions - and remember about the free cheese and mousetrap. But for any supply there is a demand, and so it is in this case. Usually these are socially vulnerable categories of the population - students, pensioners, representatives of low-income families.

Terms of service for a classic debit card

If we are talking about the MIR card, then for its future consumers there are many advantages in terms of service. At the moment, the NSPK product cannot boast of low service tariffs: the annual cost of plastic cards is the same as that of similar VISA and MasterCard plastic cards. But the Russian product is completely protected from the geopolitical situation in the world, which is a guarantee of the safety of the client’s funds. Therefore, this fact will not bypass Russians who decide to acquire a national payment card MIR from Sberbank.

Other terms of service include:

  • Cash replenishment is free;
  • withdrawal – up to 300 thousand rubles. per day;
  • transfers – up to 500 thousand rubles. in a day.

Advantages and disadvantages of the card

This banking product, like any other, not necessarily banking, has both pros and cons.

The advantages include the following:

  • Reliability: payment instruments are issued by Russian banking institutions, which means they cannot be blocked at someone’s whim. They do not depend on the geopolitical situation in the world, are reliable and will work as long as the Central Bank of Russia operates. However, the latter's default is extremely unlikely.
  • Price: the cost of servicing will also be insignificant compared to the standard cost of the VISA and MasterCard systems familiar to Russian consumers. As soon as a special infrastructure for servicing and operating the national product is launched, tariffs for its servicing will be reduced.
  • Wide range of use: Over time, plastic will be one of the means of payment on the Internet. This is facilitated by the introduction of a special 3D-Secure protection system.
  • Using the resources of issuing banks: this means that the MIR card can be used in any terminal of the bank that issued it, and without paying any commission.

Russians have already been able to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the new banking product

The disadvantages of the system include:

  • Insufficient prevalence. To some extent, this can hardly be called a disadvantage: card products of the national system will gradually spread in the regions. When the product is ready to use, it won't take that long to implement it and fix any shortcomings.

Types of Sberbank MIR bank card

Today the bank offers the following types of debit cards:

  • Classic. There are also no special differences from standard debit cards. It is assumed that in the future they will be equal participants in the salary plastic cards market. It is likely that, since the national MIR system is not a commercial, but a government system, over time all government employees will be able to receive their salaries on MIR plastics.
  • Pension. The holder of this card has access to all standard banking services and an additional 3.5% per annum on the account balance.
  • Golden. The product provides greater capabilities, a high level of service, and the use of contactless technology. Participation in the bonus program allows you to return up to 5% of the purchase price Thank you from the bank and up to 20% from partners. Until the end of 2018, there is a promotion - the cost of the first year of service is reduced by 50% and will be 1,500 rubles.
  • Premium and Premium +. The main advantages include free connection to Mobile Banking and increased accrual (up to 10%) of bonuses. Thank you. For Premium + holders, it is possible to withdraw money from ATMs of all banking institutions without paying a commission fee.
  • Momentum WORLD. The main advantage of plastic is instant free issuance, as well as free maintenance for 3 years.

Discounts on MIR cards

The bank has joined the NSPK MIR loyalty program. In addition to the accrual of Thank You bonuses from Sberbank and partner companies of the program, holders of plastic cards of the national payment system now have another option to receive additional privileges.

Cardholders receive discounts when visiting gas stations and grocery stores

This time, the initiator of the loyalty program was the payment system itself. Now holders of MIR cards from Sberbank, after joining this program, will be able to receive double benefits. When paying with plastic, cardholders receive Thank You and cashback from NSPK partners. To participate, you must register on the program website and link your plastic card in your personal account. Here are organizations in the trade and service sectors where the plastic holder can receive cashback. The list of companies is constantly updated. For example, at the moment you can get the following discounts:

  1. Supermarket chain “Perekrestok” – refund of 5% of the value of the receipt for 1000 rubles spent.
  2. In the retail network of Rosneft gas stations - 10% for purchases over 1,300 rubles.
  3. Online store of Panasonic household appliances – 20% for any product.
  4. In the “Cafes and Restaurants” section – 10% (Viet Café, Totopo, confectionery “Brusnika”, “Geraldine”, “Grand Cafe Dr. Zhivago”, etc.)
  5. In the “Products for Children” section – 10% (“Pic’n’Mix”, “Correct Toys”).
  6. “Jewelry” – 10% return on the cost of any purchase in the “585” and “585*Golden” networks.

Children's clothing stores and fast food offer cashbacks for any purchases


The launch of the national payment system was an important event in the banking sector of the Russian Federation. Several card products have already been created, which in their parameters are not inferior to the products of other payment systems.

Banks issue Visa and MasterCard cards, replace them in a timely manner, provide cash receipt, and client access to the card account. Payment systems play the main role in mutual settlements using plastic.

The management of Visa and MasterCard companies is located in the USA. Difficult international relations have made the use of their products in the Russian Federation unreliable. There was a need to organize the work of cards on our own.

The Russian system was developed and launched at the initiative of the government. She faces serious challenges:

  • provide non-cash payments;
  • become attractive to clients;
  • create an alternative to Visa, MasterCard.

Let's get acquainted with the Sberbank MIR payment card and find out how the assigned tasks are solved.

Russian payment system

One of the first foreign sanctions in 2014 concerned bank cards. They stopped working in Crimea. In the same year, work began on our own payment system. Everyone made suggestions and expressed their opinion regarding the name and logo. In December 2015, the first Russian MIR cards were released and began to work.

The national plastic system is valid throughout the Russian Federation, including Crimea. It is problematic to use MIR outside the state; most countries do not accept it.

Despite its more modest functionality compared to international cards, MIR:

  • is a means of payment that will continue to work even in the event of a refusal of Visa or MasterCard service;
  • make sanctions against international plastic irrational and indirectly ensure its stable operation.

What kind of card is this and why is it needed?

The main stream of MIR clients are pensioners, military personnel and public sector employees. In 2017, the replacement of international cards with Russian ones began. According to federal law, money from the budget can no longer be received with the participation of foreign instruments. An exception is made for pensioners: they can switch from Maestro during a planned reissue, up to mid-2020.

The measure provides:

  • independence of pensions and salaries from decisions of other states;
  • a decent customer base for a young system that would not withstand market competition.

What does it look like

Sberbank MIR plastic card of standard sizes. It bears the number, last name, first name of the holder, expiration date, and has a built-in electronic chip. On the reverse side there is a magnetic tape, a strip of high-strength paper for the holder’s signature, and a CVC code.

The design is carried out at the discretion of the bank and is updated periodically. A prerequisite is the presence of the logo in white, green and blue. At a quick glance, the differences between plastic and international ones are hardly noticeable.

Card number

The 16 digits on the front side are the card number. Don't confuse it with the account number. It is in the details that can be obtained from the bank or found in your personal online banking account.

For what period is it issued?

The product is valid for 5 years. The developers claim its increased strength and protection against counterfeiting.

How is it different from other payment systems?

The differences are significant:

Coverage areaAll Russia, Armenia. Other countries only with co-branded cards.All countries, including Russia. The exception is the territory of Crimea due to sanctions.
CurrencyRubleRuble / Euro / US Dollar
Validity5 years3 years
Possibility to use in salary projectsFor allOnly for employees of commercial organizations
For pensionsFitsNot legally compliant
Technical glitchesFrequentRare
Dependence on foreign policyLowHigh

Where can I pay?

MIR accept:

  • all retail stores in Russia (obligated from October 2017);
  • utility providers;
  • state and municipal institutions that accept card payments.


  • Not all online stores allow you to pay, especially those involving foreign companies;
  • no possibility to use abroad.

Is it possible to pay abroad?

Plastic operates on the territory of Armenia. In other countries MIR is not accepted. Negotiations are underway for reception in the EurAsEC countries, Turkey, UAE, Thailand and other popular resorts. No agreements have been reached yet.

  • cashless payment;
  • receiving cash from ATMs and cash desks;
  • sending and receiving transfers, including payments from the budget.


Having figured out what the MIR card from Sberbank is and why it is needed, it is useful to learn about its additional capabilities:

  • access to remote services;
  • account replenishment in cash and non-cash transfers;
  • connecting automatic payments to pay for cellular communications, utilities and other services;
  • transfer of money to a separate client account in comfortable amounts in automatic mode (Kopilka service).

Sberbank MIR co-branding card

Two or more payment systems can agree to work together. The same plastic will be served in different territories in different systems. This service is practiced in the absence of technical support for individual companies in some countries, it is called co-badging.

MIR has entered into agreements with MasterCard (Maestro), UnionPay, JCB. Some banks have started issuing co-branded cards. Due to low demand and the inability to use them as salary and pension funds, Sberbank does not issue them.

What categories are MIR cards divided into?

The official website of Sberbank offers three types of media: classic, gold, social/pension cards. In the premium segment, individual offers are made to participants in salary projects.


The product implies providing the client with the opportunity to use a certain amount that is available through payment by card or withdrawal of cash from it. The bank charges a commission for using funds. For non-cash payments, there is a grace period of 20 to 50 days, when the client can top up the card balance without paying interest.

The Russian system is young, and as of 2018 Sberbank does not offer MIR credit cards.


A basic set of functions, the task of which is to replace cash in the client’s wallet. The card allows you to:

  • deposit cash into it;
  • receive and send transfers;
  • pay at the checkout by presenting plastic instead of money;
  • if necessary, withdraw funds from an ATM;
  • use remote bank services.

Sberbank produces the most common type of plastic – debit cards without overdraft. They look similar to international ones.


It is used primarily as a salary for civil servants and other public sector employees. In this case, the card is free for holders.

Plastic provides full functionality of a debit card. The limits for receiving cash and cashback are the same as for international Standard.


The daily limit for cash withdrawal is set 2 times higher compared to the standard product.

Increased Thank You bonuses are awarded for non-cash payments in the previous month in the amount of over 15,000 rubles.

Receiving payments from the budget. However, due to the high cost, organizations refuse to maintain it. If you wish, you can pay for the annual service yourself by providing the details for transfers.


Discount product. Provided to those who have confirmed their right to receive payments from the Pension Fund and other pension authorities, as well as to those who transfer from Maestro Social.

You can refuse by choosing another method of receiving payments: to a bank deposit account or in cash via mail.

Other varieties

Announcements about the upcoming launch regularly appear in the press. But until the end of the first half of 2018, premium and MIR credit cards did not become freely available in Sberbank.

According to a personal offer, some participants are offered to receive a debit Premium or Premium+. The bank's website does not contain accurate information about tariffs and terms of service. There is a message that the products are similar to Platinum and Infinite.

Premium international plastic provides increased cash withdrawal limits, increased bonuses Thank you, VIP service, Infinite - additionally free extended travel insurance.

Maintenance cost

Maintenance cost750 rub. in the 1st year, 450 - every subsequent yearFor free3000 rub. for each code
Reissue fee for reasons depending on the holder150 rub.30 rub.For free
Daily limit for cash withdrawal without commission, thousand rubles.150 50 300
Monthly maximum cash withdrawal without commission1.5 million500 thousand3 million
Calculation of interest on the balance3,5%
Mobile bank60 rub./month.30 rub./month.For free
BonusesAccording to general rulesOpportunity to receive increased

How to get a?

  1. Submit an application and provide your passport details.
  2. Wait for an SMS indicating that the card is ready for issue. This stage lasts from 2 to 14 days in different regions. Manufacturing often takes place in another city, and delivery time is required.
  3. Show your passport and receive a card.

Ways to get a card

The issue always takes place at the bank's office. You can order there or online.

Terms and requirements

To get classic and gold MIR:

  • age from 14 years;
  • permanent or temporary registration in the Russian Federation.

As confirmation, present your passport if registration is temporary, as well as a certificate.

Compliance with the requirements necessary to issue a pension card:

  • citizen of any state and stateless person;
  • at least 18 years of age;
  • with permanent or temporary registration in Russia;
  • confirmed right to receive a pension from departments in the Russian Federation.

Relevant documents:

  • passport;
  • certificate of receipt of a pension with a blue stamp;
  • if available, a certificate of temporary registration.

In the department

Contact a bank employee using the electronic queue. Present your passport and indicate your desire to receive plastic.

The employee will tell you about the product, you can ask for written rules, tariffs, read them. Ask questions; it is the manager’s responsibility to clarify all ambiguities to the client.

Complete the standard application. The employee will inform you of the estimated delivery time for the card.

Through the Internet

The online application is available on the bank's website. Go to the page with information about the card you are interested in, click on the registration button. The algorithm will differ depending on whether you are an existing client or a new one. In any case, fill out the appropriate sections in the menu that opens. The bank will review the application and notify you of the result within 2-3 days.

From the employer

Participants in salary projects can receive plastic at work. However, this is an opportunity, not an obligation. If you wish, you can pick up the card at the passport office without waiting for delivery to the enterprise. You can also refuse by informing the accounting department of any other convenient way to receive money:

  • through the cash register;
  • to a deposit account;
  • to the account of another card.

Is it possible to issue an additional card to the main one?

The opportunity is provided only by Gold. The cost of additional plastic is 2500 rubles per year. Classic and Pension MIR do not provide for the issuance of a second card to the account.

Card management

You can obtain the information you are interested in and perform non-cash payments and transfers in several ways:

  • bank office;
  • ATM;
  • Personal Computer;
  • mobile app.

Personal card account

The money is kept in a bank account. If you provided account details for transferring funds, when you replace the card, money will continue to flow unhindered. If you gave someone a card number for transfers, the data must be updated after reissue.

Sberbank Online

The remote service allows you to use and manage your Sberbank accounts from any computer or phone with Internet access. With it you can:

  • receive information about money movements in accounts;
  • make payments for housing and communal services, taxes, cellular communications, fines and other bills according to the details;
  • transfer money to individuals and legal entities.

What to do if it is not displayed in the account?

Contact a bank branch or call technical support at 900.

There are different reasons, the most common are related to design:

  • a typo when entering client data into the database;
  • unsuccessful data exchange when opening cards in different branches.

Mobile bank

A complete remote service package allows you to receive on your phone:

  • notifications about debiting and crediting funds;
  • passwords for confirming non-cash transactions;
  • information about loan debt;
  • bank offers and other useful information.

Depending on the tariff, the service costs from 0 to 60 rubles per month. All clients have access to a free economical package, which allows them to receive all information except the receipt and expenditure of funds.

What to do if you can't pay?

Terminals regularly refuse to accept plastic for payment. This happens in retail and online stores. Possible reasons:

  • incorrect PIN;
  • expired;
  • the card is inserted in the wrong direction;
  • error when entering card data (Internet);
  • plastic is damaged;
  • insufficient funds;
  • the terminal is faulty;
  • the seller processes the transaction incorrectly (for example, a trainee);
  • failure of the payment system.

What to do:

  • make sure your actions are correct, try to pay again;
  • try to perform any operation in another terminal;
  • If attempts are unsuccessful in different terminals, contact your bank for help.

Discounts and bonuses

MIR cards allow you to activate the bonus program Thank you. Points equal to at least 0.5% of all purchases will be accumulated in a separate account. Sberbank partners award increased cashback, which sometimes reaches 30% or more.

Many of them also accept bonuses for payment. The list of participants and their conditions are constantly updated and are displayed on the bank’s website in the Thank you section. Check out the latest information.

MIR offers to register a card on its website and participate in the cashback program. The peculiarity of the service is that it is not possible to receive bonuses in all regions of Russia.

Practical jokes

MIR encourages you to pay for purchases with a card. There is a regular promotion where customers:

  • register plastic on the payment system website;
  • pay in stores with MIR;
  • All purchases over 500 rubles are entered into a drawing for valuable prizes - amounts up to 1 million rubles, cars.

Pros and cons of the card

Advantages of the MIR card from Sberbank:

  • the ability to receive payments from the budget for plastic is the main advantage;
  • availability of free offers;
  • wide network of ATMs;
  • attractive loyalty programs from both the bank and the payment system;
  • Possibility of use in Crimea.

There are serious disadvantages:

  • The system is new, its operation sometimes malfunctions;
  • serious restrictions when paying abroad;
  • lack of credit products;
  • the only account currency is ruble;
  • not all online stores accept MIR;
  • imposing contactless payment functions;
  • The service price is the same as international products, the quality is inferior.

Video: about the creation of a national payment system


When evaluating the pros and cons of the MIR card product from Sberbank, many make a choice in favor of international competitors. We can continue to use Visa and MasterCard at our own expense. There are no obstacles to withdrawing or transferring wages or pensions from social or salary plastic to another.

However, MIR is an important stage in the economic development of Russia. The state has created a national payment system and maintains it: cards are free for recipients of payments, but the budget pays for their maintenance. The same money that went to foreign companies Visa and MasterCard.

The system has great potential. We will find out in a few years how well it will be implemented.