VTB 24 salary card account type. VTB salary card - advantages and disadvantages when receiving and using

They offer programs that are relevant today for payroll clients. For example, one of these products operates in the large Russian bank VTB 24. We will tell you how to open VTB 24 salary cards, connect online banking, overdraft, and much more in our article.

What salary products are available at VTB 24?

Salary cards are unique, working on the basis of the international payment systems “Visa” and “Mastercard”. They make work easier for accountants of large and small enterprises, since it is on this piece of plastic that wages and advances are credited. In other words, these cards resemble debit cards, but with the ability to receive wages using it.

Currently, VTB 24 salary cards are issued in the following types:

  • "Standard";
  • "Classic";
  • "Gold";
  • "Platinum".

Under what conditions is a bank card opened?

Each of the varieties has its own tariffs and positive aspects. For example, cards of the “Standard” and “Classic” categories have a daily limit for cash withdrawals of no more than 100,000 rubles. For cards of the “Gold” class - 200,000 rubles, and “Platinum” - 300,000 rubles. We will tell you further about how VTB 24 salary cards are opened.

It is worth noting that often the conditions for their use directly depend on the type of banking agreement, as well as on the number of company employees involved.

How can I open it?

Before issuing VTB 24 salary cards, an enterprise or organization must enter into a cooperation agreement with the bank. Also, a company interested in partnership must choose a salary project suitable for it and the type of plastic card, which will subsequently be used by its employees.

At the next stage, bank representatives, as a rule, come to the enterprise or company and introduce the team in general terms to the cards and their tariffs. Then they leave in the accounting department the required number of forms (according to the number of employees of the organization), which are filled out by each employee personally. To fill out such questionnaires, you must have a passport and identification code.

After this, accountants collect the forms and take them to VTB 24 Bank. Every employee of an enterprise participating in the financial institution’s salary project can apply for a salary card in this way.

Note: at large industrial enterprises, the collection of questionnaires is most often carried out by bank representatives themselves.

How and where to get it?

You can receive a plastic card upon a personal visit to the bank if you have a passport. Or the responsibility for issuing “priceless plastic” falls on the shoulders of the accountants of the enterprise or organization, and each employee is individually issued a VTB 24 salary card. The conditions for receiving it are reduced to presenting a passport and signing a document on the issuance of “plastic”.

How long does it take?

Not too much time passes from the moment you fill out the form until you receive the card. As a rule, this is 2-3 (less often 4) weeks.

When does a card renewal occur and when not?

Upon expiration of its validity period, it is automatically renewed and reissued. If your employer has terminated the contract with the bank, or you have switched to service in another credit institution, then the service of such “plastic” at VTB 24 is suspended. Overdraft on a salary card, the conditions for its registration and use are discussed further.

Who pays for the cards and their maintenance?

As a rule, the employer pays for cards ordered from a credit institution and their servicing. However, if any employee leaves his company and plans to continue using the VTB 24 salary card, then he will have to fork out annually from 150 to 2,500 rubles, depending on the type of open card.

VTB 24 salary card: overdraft

When receiving “plastic”, many company employees have a lot of questions related to overdraft. First, let's clarify the situation. An overdraft is a kind of microloan, for which there is no need to collect a standard package of documents for banks and provide a certificate of income to VTB 24. An overdraft on a salary card (we will write the conditions for its provision below) in this case allows the owner of the plastic card to receive this microloan, exceeding the current balance on the card account without any extra effort. When might it be needed?

Let's say there's a week left until your next paycheck and you've run out of money. That's when an overdraft will come to your aid.

Is overdraft connected to the salary card?

Almost all of them already have an overdraft. You can find out about the availability or absence of this service at any bank branch. How to activate an overdraft (VTB 24)? The salary card, if desired, is connected to the service on the day of application. This happens upon application and passport at any branch of a financial organization. The shutdown system works the same way.

Under what conditions is an overdraft provided?

Depending on the type of card, the overdraft amount is up to ½ the monthly salary of an employee of the company. For example, the maximum limit for “plastic” class “Standard”, “Classic” and “Gold” is up to 300,000 rubles. In the “Platinum” category, its size reaches 750,000 rubles.

At what percentage is the overdraft issued?

You can borrow money before payday at 28% per annum. Moreover, this type of microloan, unlike credit cards of this level, does not imply an interest-free period. Consequently, from the first day of use of funds until their final repayment, the bank charges its interest.

How is it repaid?

You should pay off your overdraft as soon as possible. Otherwise, a decent amount of interest will accrue for the use of borrowed funds. However, as a rule, repayment of such a loan occurs at the next payroll of the debtor. Moreover, from the funds credited to the card, a certain amount is first charged to pay off interest, and only then - the entire remaining debt.

If payment deadlines are violated, the bank reserves the right to apply penalties to the borrower in the amount of an additional 0.8% per day of overdue debt.

How to connect online banking for a card?

You can control and perform transactions on your own salary card online. To do this, you should connect the banking service. This can be done with the help of a specialist from a credit institution. You will need a passport and mobile phone number.

What are the pros and cons?

Let us highlight the following advantages of the VTB 24 salary card:

  • simple registration procedure;
  • the ability to pay by card in cafes and restaurants, shops;
  • receiving additional discounts on purchased goods from bank partners;
  • possibility to use overdraft;
  • the opportunity to participate in bank loyalty programs;
  • online card management;
  • ticket booking;
  • the ability to use the card abroad;
  • instant payment for mobile communications, Internet and housing and communal services;
  • carrying out any payment transactions using secure 3D Secure technology;
  • the opportunity to obtain an additional loan for personal needs with a minimum package of documents and preferential rates.

Among the disadvantages of the card, the following can be emphasized:

  • the presence of a high interest rate for using credit money;
  • complete absence of interest-free period;
  • interest accrual from the first day of using the loan;
  • the presence of fines for exceeding the limit and late payments;
  • cancellation of the credit limit upon dismissal of an employee from the company participating in the salary project;
  • the need to pay for service out of your own pocket in the event of dismissal and continued use of “plastic”.

In a word, issuing a salary card at VTB 24 is associated with both a lot of positive and negative aspects. Therefore, when opening such a card, pay attention to this and act according to the circumstances.

Additional card of VTB24 bank

Each holder of any VTB 24 card can issue several additional ones to their main account. Additional cards can be issued free of charge in addition to premium (status) cards or for a fee. They have their own individual number, but do not have their own account, since they depend on the main one.

Additional VTB 24 cards are issued both in the name of the owner of the main account and in the name of any other person (children, friends, relatives, those whom the owner trusts). Thanks to this opportunity, parents are allowed to issue additional plastic for their minor children who do not yet have the opportunity to issue it themselves. They can top up the account and monitor their children's expenses.

How to get an additional VTB 24 card

In order to receive additional card to your main account, you must:

  1. Approach the department in person with your passport and the person for whom the additional card will be issued, or with his passport.
  2. Fill out an application, indicating your personal data and the details of your card, as well as the details of the person for whom the additional one will be issued.
  3. The application is reviewed within 5-10 business days. The bank may also refuse to issue additional plastic without specifying reasons. If you receive approval, it will be released.
  4. The owner of the main card or the one to whom this card with passport was issued may be eligible to receive it.

In total, you can issue up to five additional VTB24 debit cards in addition to the main one. The quantity depends on the type and status of the plastic. Additional cards are not issued for plastic below classic status. The exception is a salary card, which can even be accompanied by a credit card for free.

Cost of issue and annual maintenance of an additional VTB 24 card

Additional plastic is issued absolutely free of charge. The cost of annual servicing of an additional card depends on the annual cost of servicing the main one. It is approximately half the cost of the main one. For example, if a classic category card costs 750 rubles, then the cost of an additional card will be 375 rubles; if the cost of annual maintenance for gold plastic is 3,000 rubles, then the cost of an additional card will be 1,500 rubles. For premium platinum cards, the cost of which is from 10,000 rubles, you can issue classic and gold versions with free service.

Additional card to salary

As a supplement to your salary, you can issue a credit card with a limit. If the client wants to use the credit limit, then write-offs to pay off the debt will occur automatically with the salary. It is possible to manage your plastic account through your Telebank personal account.

Additional card to the main one.

In this case, all expenses on the additional card will be reflected on the main account statement. The owner can set daily or monthly spending limits. For example, the owner of a non-primary card can spend no more than 20,000 rubles per month. A VTB24 additional debit card is usually issued by parents for their schoolchildren, for their student children, for their parents. This allows you to always provide the necessary amounts to your loved ones. In addition, each person can release additional. option for yourself so as not to show your main number during various operations. If criminals try to hack the card, the person will still have the main one, which will allow them to use it without limiting themselves, and at the same time order the issue of a new additional card. An additional card also helps out abroad. Very often, when paying with plastic abroad, it may be blocked. To avoid getting into a difficult situation, it is best for those going on a trip to apply for at least one additional one to their account.

Additional plastic for a credit card

You can even issue an additional one for a credit card. The account owner can set a credit limit on it (usually no more than his main one, and the bank considers this client’s desire and makes a decision to provide a credit limit or not). If the owner of a non-primary card uses it, then the non-primary card can be topped up or debits will occur from the main one. This is quite dangerous, because you can fall behind on all cards at once. You can track payments and expenses through the Telebank system.

Conditions for additional VTB 24 cards.

The conditions and tariffs are absolutely the same as for the main ones. The owner bears the same responsibility and has the same rights as when using the main card. In turn, the bank provides the same terms of service and imposes the same requirements on clients to receive it.

Every Russian bank, the largest one, assures consumers that the best salary cards are only available in its line. VTB 24 bank, whose salary card is becoming more and more popular every year, is no exception in this case. Today, almost every person who has officially tripled their salary in the workplace has a salary card. Firstly, it is convenient for “plastic” holders because they do not need to stand in line at the accounting department every time to receive their wages. Secondly, it is much safer to carry a card in your wallet rather than cash. In addition, almost everywhere now accepts card payments.

And for enterprises and employer companies, the presence of salary cards for employees brings its advantages. After all, it is more convenient for an accountant to make payments to employees remotely, via the World Wide Web, than to manually count money for each employee before issuing it. In addition, this is a plus for the tax service; it is easier for them to track all payments virtually, which are transferred to each consumer. In this article we will talk about VTB 24 bank plastic cards, which are intended for receiving wages into their account.

What salary cards does VTB 24 bank offer?

A major financial institution such as VTB 24 produces plastic that participates in salary projects in partnership with the Visa and MasterCard payment systems.

In addition to a simple payment instrument for receiving wages, holders have the opportunity to receive numerous privileges not only from the bank’s partners, but also from payment systems, which the VTB 24 card gives them; the salary card allows you to take part in discount and bonus programs.

The acceptance network for such card products is quite wide.

VTB Salary Multicard

This is more than 30 million trading enterprises and organizations providing services not only throughout Russia, but also beyond its borders. You can pay for purchases with such cards anywhere: in restaurants, shops, shopping centers, gas stations, airline and railway companies, when renting a car and at many other points. In the bank’s line of cards that can take part in the salary project, there are 4 types of “plastic”. Among them there are also cards of the gold and platinum categories. Let's look at them in a little more detail.

  • Unembossed card of standard or classic category. It has a withdrawal limit of up to 100 thousand rubles per day and allows the registration of up to 5 additional card carriers, two of which can be issued for free. The holder has access to discounts of up to 20% from the bank's partners. It is possible to obtain an overdraft in the amount of up to 300 thousand rubles;
  • The Mastercard Standard or Visa Classic card has the same capabilities as the Unembossed card;
  • VTB 24 gold “plastic”, a salary card that not only serves as a convenient means of payment and wallet, but also increases the status of its holder. You can cash out up to 200 thousand rubles per day from such a card and receive a discount of up to 25% when paying for purchases in VTB partner stores. If you need additional card media, you can get up to 5 of them, of which only 2 are provided free of charge. Overdraft for such “plastic” also reaches 300 thousand rubles;
  • The Platinum card is issued only in partnership with the MasterCard payment system. Here you can withdraw up to 300 thousand rubles daily, and the overdraft reaches 750 thousand rubles. As for the discount, it is larger here - up to 30% in the bank’s partner stores.

You can choose any category of VTB card to receive wages, but for this it is necessary that your employer has entered into an agreement with a financial institution and is a participant in the wage project.

Advantages of VTB Bank cards intended for receiving wages

Perhaps the main advantage for holders of salary “plastic” is the fact that at any time you can receive credit funds on favorable terms and in the shortest possible time. But if you have a salary card from VTB 24 Bank, you will not receive a loan on it. This payment instrument is debit and does not imply the accrual of a credit limit. To obtain borrowed funds, you can apply for a credit card or a consumer cash loan. In this case, the percentage rate for participants in the salary project will be minimal, and the amount can be taken quite large.

Salary Multicard VTB Troika

In addition, the entire registration process will not take more than one working day, and all you need to provide is a passport. After all, the bank already has information about your employment and the amount of your monthly earnings, so your application will be reviewed quickly and without unnecessary paperwork. The second advantage is the profitability of using a card on which your salary is paid. Each holder is a participant in the “Collection” bonus program, which allows you to accumulate bonuses for purchases and exchange them for services and goods from the website bonus.vtb24.

Holders also have access to favorable discounts when paying for purchases with salary plastic in more than 1,700 companies that are partners of a financial institution and located throughout Russia.

The holder of any salary card has access to an Internet bank, thanks to which you can pay for services and transfer money to other accounts in a matter of seconds and at any time of the day. Each payment instrument is equipped with an electronic chip and supports 3DS online payment protection technology.

In addition, VTB 24 Bank, whose salary card is quite popular today, always credits money to the account in a timely manner. Quality and accuracy of service is the main advantage of a financial institution. Another plus is that if you work in a large organization, then there will definitely be an ATM located on its territory, which greatly facilitates the process of cashing out money. And of course, you can withdraw money from such cards without additional commission at your local ATMs.

Benefits of using the salary project for employers

As was said at the very beginning, employers also have their advantages from concluding an agreement with VTB Bank to participate in a salary project. Firstly, this is a significant saving on the number of accounting employees who calculate and issue wages. All this work related to the payment of employees is performed by outsourcing specialists provided by the financial institution. In addition, the company has no downtime during the working day that occurs due to the payment of salaries to employees. And the bank works in this direction much more clearly and harmoniously.

VTB Visa Debit Multicard

In conclusion, I would like to add that VTB 24 Bank cards, intended for transferring wages to them, are an excellent choice not only for employing companies or enterprises, but also for ordinary employees. By concluding an agreement with a bank to participate in a salary project, you can be sure of well-coordinated work related to money transfers, as well as that wages will be transferred to your card account without any delays.

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The VTB 24 gold card is available in several versions. Each of them has a certain set of options that make the conditions for its use more profitable for the owners. In addition to bonuses from the bank, holders of Gold category cards are entitled to all the privileges from international payment systems. Let's consider the terms of service for various types of plastic cards presented in this category.

Gold category cards in VTB 24

The advantage of VTB 24 gold cards will be certain benefits and privileges provided for owners of plastic in this category. Their service conditions are more attractive than those of Classic/Standard level products.

At the moment, potential and existing clients can apply for GOLD cards:

  • credit;
  • debit;
  • salary

The conditions for using VTB 24 gold cards depend on their type. Let's look at the basic rules for maintaining plastic.

Since July 10, 2017, the issue of debit and credit gold cards, including the World Map, has been discontinued. At the moment, VTB 24 is making a new offer to its customers - Multicard. But the conditions for existing gold card holders at VTB 24 remain the same.

Gold credit cards

At the moment, you can get VTB 24 gold credit cards:

  • A world map with miles awarded for money spent on a credit card in the amount of 2% (exchange 1 mile - 1 ruble).
  • Map of impressions with cash back in the amount of 3% of funds spent on entertainment (restaurants, cinema, cafes, etc.) and 1% for paying for purchases on the Internet.
  • Autocard: 3% cashback is provided for purchases at any gas stations.
  • Collection: for every 27 rubles spent on a credit card, 1 bonus is awarded, accumulated bonus points are exchanged on a special website of the Collection loyalty program, where goods and services of partner companies are presented.

Terms of use

Whatever the VTB 24 credit gold card, the terms of service and provision will be general.

These include:

  • credit limit size: maximum 750 thousand rubles;
  • interest rate – 26%;
  • grace period: up to 50 days;
  • transaction commission: 5.5%;
  • issue: 350 rubles;
  • cost of monthly service: 350 rubles, if the turnover on the card for the previous month (payment for purchases) was in the amount of 25 thousand rubles. and more, there is no monthly fee.

Bonuses and benefits

The advantages of Gold category plastic will be:

  • possibility of issuing up to 5 additional cards;
  • free services: Internet banking, SMS alerts, concierge service;
  • customer support: medical, legal and emergency assistance, including during stays abroad;
  • discounts from partner companies: up to 40%.

These are the privileges and benefits provided to gold credit card holders. The provided bonuses make the use of cards more profitable for their owners. Customers can choose a co-branded product with the most attractive terms.

World Card and other debit cards

Any VTB 24 gold debit card is issued as part of the service package of the same name. PU Gold involves opening accounts in any currency (at the request of clients): rubles (basic offer), dollars or euros.

All cards are automatically connected to the following services:

  • Internet banking;
  • SMS notification with the Card+ service package.

After concluding the agreement, the owner of the Gold PU is offered a choice of co-branded cards of the Gold category:

  • Golden world map VTB 24 with miles accrual: paying for purchases allows you to receive 2% cashback (exchange rate 1 mile - 1 ruble).
  • Map of impressions with cash back in the amount of 3% of funds spent in restaurants, cafes, cinemas, etc. and 1% for paying for online purchases.
  • Autocard: with 3% cashback when using it to pay at any gas station.
  • Collection: for every 30 rubles spent, 1 bonus is awarded to pay for purchases from companies participating in the Collection loyalty program.

Clients with an activated service package can receive any VTB 24 debit gold card. Plastic maintenance is free, the cost of issue is 300 rubles.

Cards of the Gold category can be issued both within the framework of the PU of the same name, and by the owners of the Platinum PU as an additional one. The Collection card comes with 1 free additional card.

Owners have access to all privileges and bonuses from the bank and international payment systems Visa and MasterCard corresponding to this category.

Gold salary card service

The VTB 24 gold salary card is issued as part of the salary project.

Owners are entitled to preferential terms of service, namely:

  • free service when credited to the account monthly 40 thousand rubles. and more;
  • 1 free additional card with 3% cashback;
  • preferential terms for other banking products;
  • free Internet banking services and SMS alerts;
  • commission-free transactions;
  • free payments/transfers to other banks online (the written-off commission is summed up and returned to the account monthly).

An additional advantage of salary plastic will be participation in the Collection bank loyalty program and bonuses from international payment systems.


VTB 24 gold cards are co-branded products with favorable service conditions. Potential and existing clients can choose cards with the most attractive conditions. They are offered additional benefits as Gold category plastic holders.

The list of banking cards at VTB is quite diverse. If you want to emphasize your status and receive more privileges, it is recommended to request a product of a class higher than the Classic and Standard levels. The VTB 24 gold debit card is to be issued in several variations. Let's consider the conditions for obtaining a card, its features and tariffs.

Registration procedure

Before you apply for a VTB 24 gold debit card, you must activate the Gold service package.

Package connection

To do this, you need to go to any office and sign a service agreement as part of the selected package. Why do you only need a passport to confirm your identity? In this case, the client orders the type of card he needs.

Card features

The service package provides clients with the following opportunities free of charge:

  • Opening three accounts in different currencies.
  • Activation of Internet banking, connecting it to the card.
  • Receiving a card of a non-named type;
  • Connecting SMS notifications.
  • It is permissible to request additional cards to your account, one of which is serviced free of charge.
  • Once a quarter it is permissible to withdraw cash from any ATM without charging a commission.

Advantages of a gold card

Considering the advantages and conditions of use of the VTB 24 gold debit card, you can pay attention to the following:

  • Increased withdrawal limits;
  • You can order a card reissue online;
  • The ability to fully use outside the country, as well as urgently request cash if the card is lost;
  • Use discounts and offers from payment system partners around the world;
  • Possibility of free service subject to the rules regarding turnover.

In addition to the features described above, the card allows you to perform all types of banking operations, incl. independently through remote services: receiving money, sending to individuals, paying for services to legal entities, payments at retail outlets and on the Internet.

Tariffs and commissions

The gold debit card at VTB 24 terms of use, fees and limits provides for the following:

  • Free issuance;
  • Reissue: 1500 rubles;
  • Emergency card reissue in case of loss: $280;
  • Issue of an additional card, except for the first one: 1500 rubles;
  • Making transfers through self-service machines does not involve any commission;
  • Withdrawal through bank machines: free;
  • Withdrawal through devices of other institutions: 1%;
  • Emergency cash withdrawal in case of loss: 200 euros;
  • Limit on withdrawal per day: 200 thousand rubles (600 thousand - in the branch);
  • Per month: 2 million rubles.

If desired, the client has the right to choose a product of this level for payroll. The VTB 24 salary debit gold card has the following distinctive features from the tariffs described above:

  • Issue: 150 rubles;
  • Registration of an additional card: 150 rubles;
  • Registration under the accelerated procedure: 300 rubles;
  • Emergency registration: 600 rubles;
  • Reissue: 150-200 rubles.

Types of gold cards in VTB 24

Having signed up for a package of services, the client has the opportunity to choose one of VTB 24 debit gold cards with advantages and bonuses:


For each payment, points are awarded according to the condition 1 unit for 30 rubles. These bonuses can be exchanged for gifts on the institution’s website, which include goods of different categories, as well as gift certificates, tickets to events, etc.

Free service is available for clients with a certain turnover.


This debit gold card is serviced at VTB 24 for free, but the issue costs 300 rubles. For money spent, the client receives 1% cashback in all categories and 3% at gas stations.

Impressions Map

The conditions are similar to the previous version of plastic. The exception is the category for receiving increased cashback: the client receives 3% for expenses in cafes, restaurants and cinema.

An additional privilege is the ability to reserve tickets or tables in restaurants.

World map

Maintenance is free, issue costs 300 rubles. The client receives points called “miles” for the money spent on the card. These special bonuses are used to pay for airfare and hotel bookings.

Everyone will be able to choose a product with improved capabilities according to their preferences.


As you can see, the VTB Visa Gold debit card is endowed with the main advantages of products of this level. It is issued after activating the Gold level service package. The card can be opened as a salary card if there is a need to emphasize your status. In addition, as part of the package, the client has 4 types of Gold level cards with additional privileges that allow them to accumulate and use points or receive cashback.