Application for a mortgage. Application form for a housing loan from Sberbank Form for a mortgage in Sberbank

The application form for obtaining a housing loan from Sberbank is one of the main documents necessary for making a decision on the feasibility of issuing money.

Documents for obtaining a home loan

To apply for a home loan at Sberbank, in addition to the application form for receiving it, you must provide.

Personal borrower

The first package of papers is formed from personal identification documents that make it possible to characterize the borrower:

  • passport;
  • work book, contract, certificate or other proof of employment;
  • Personal income tax-2, certificate on Sberbank or employer letterhead.

Based on this, the applicant’s solvency and responsibility are calculated, and a preliminary decision is made regarding the amount.

For purchased real estate

After approval, up to 90 days are given to find housing and prepare documents for it.

After which Sberbank is provided with:

  • purchase agreement or preliminary.
  • registration certificate;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
  • appraiser's report;
  • notarized permission from the seller’s spouse for sale, guardianship authorities (if applicable), etc.

For housing lending in the primary market, the list is different:

  • pre-contract with the developer, investment contract, etc.;
  • work estimate;
  • commissioning certificate;
  • act of admission to members of the cooperative (if applicable);
  • others, depending on the circumstances.

At this stage, confirmation of sufficient funds to pay the down payment is also provided.

Application form for a housing loan

To obtain a mortgage or any other loan from Sberbank, you must fill out an application. It is not only a form of applying for a loan, but also contains detailed information about the client.

The form contains the following main sections:

  • information about the applicant and other parties to the transaction;
  • financial status and employment;
  • presence of other credit obligations;
  • selection of lending parameters, characteristics of the purchased housing.

Filling out the application should not cause difficulties, since the parameters are indicated in accordance with the available documents required to be provided when applying for a housing loan.

Filling rules - sample

Before you start filling out the application form for a home loan at Sberbank, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  • fill in block letters, legibly;
  • do not allow cross-outs, blots, or corrections;
  • indicate the most complete and comprehensive information;
  • do not skip items, sections;
  • do not write untruths, deliberate lies, do not deviate from the truth.

Users and experts have also developed a number of recommendations to help in obtaining a home loan:

  • Indicate a landline home phone or several mobile phones. This indicates the ability to contact the client at any time.
  • Write down your landline work phone number. With its help, bank employees will be able to verify their employment history and receive a brief description from HR department employees or directly from the manager.
  • Married status. Married couples are considered more responsible.
  • Do not hide existing outstanding loans. Sberbank can easily find out about this on its own from the credit history, and the fact of an attempt to conceal it will show the unreliability of the applicant.
  • The more completely and exhaustively the questionnaire is filled out, the faster a decision is made. There is no need to call the applicant again and clarify additional information.

When specifying the amount of a home loan, you need to understand that it must correspond to the cost of the home being purchased, as well as wages and income. You can calculate its proportionality to your salary using the Sberbank online calculator.

What does a home loan application contain?

To correctly fill out the Sberbank application form for a home loan, you can use the sample. The sample can be downloaded from the Internet and studied before going to Sberbank. A sample is also available at any Sberbank branch.

The application is filled out at the Sberbank office. But you can also download the form on the Sberbank website to fill out at home, in comfortable conditions.

Personal data

The first section indicates personal and passport data, contacts, level of education, marital status, residential and registration addresses, as well as information about relatives. It is necessary to write down your spouse's details, because... The housing loan provides for registration of her as a co-borrower. It is also recommended to enter information about children and check the box if they are dependent on their parents. Based on this, a decision is made on the possible amount of monthly payments.

A separate block is given to describe the ability to work:

  • Company name;
  • organization's activities;
  • total number of employees;
  • job title;
  • working hours;
  • general experience;
  • number of jobs over the past 3 years.

Financial condition of the borrower

The following amounts are recorded in this section:

  • Official income. It may not correspond to wages if there are additional income.
  • Unconfirmed. Receipts that are not documented (for example, dividends).
  • Systematic expenses: alimony, rent, insurance premiums, etc.
  • Total family income.

You are also asked to note the characteristics of the property you own:

  • Real estate: region of location, cost;
  • Vehicle: make, year of manufacture, cost.

Loan parameters

First of all, the request amount and repayment period are determined that will suit the applicant.

Next, the type of housing loan is determined according to Sberbank programs: purchase of a finished or under construction apartment, garage, land plot, construction of a house, obtaining a housing loan secured by existing housing.

A specific goal is also noted: purchase, construction (investment), refinancing. If necessary, an alternative option is indicated. For example, a family expects to take out a housing loan for an apartment, but is also considering the possibility of buying a room or a private house.

The application form for obtaining a housing loan from Sberbank contains information about the cost of the mortgaged property:

  • estimated price of the property being purchased;
  • the amount of own funds (to pay the down payment).

Special conditions are noted if applicable:

  • young family;
  • the facility was built with the participation of Sberbank;
  • the facility is accredited by Sberbank;
  • When conducting a transaction, it is planned to use an individual bank safe of Sberbank.

If you want to take out health insurance, you should check the appropriate box. Sberbank treats responsible borrowers better.

Afterwards, they determine which account to send the credit funds to: the client’s existing one or a new one (opened when the loan is approved).

In some cases, Sberbank provides a credit card with a limit assigned based on the characteristics provided. If there is a need for it, you must check the appropriate box.

If you have a salary or social (for receiving a pension) Sberbank card, you need to indicate this and write down its number for verification.

Consent to data processing

Several pages of the questionnaire are devoted to information for the borrower. It is worth reading it, and also marking your consent to the processing of information, to sending requests to the pension fund, to the employment center, to familiarize yourself with the reason for the application of penalties, etc.

If you know the code of the subject of the credit history, you need to write it down.

At the end, a signature, date and time of submission of the application are affixed. The Sberbank employee who accepted the questionnaire must sign in the same block.

How is an application accepted at Sberbank?

After filling out the form, you should once again check the correct spelling and relevance of the specified parameters and values. Having handed over the application form to the employee, you should wait while he checks whether all fields are filled out, asks clarifying questions if necessary, checks the presence of the required papers, and marks the acceptance of the application.

He fills out the last page of the form:

  • job title;
  • information about the partner, if the client came from him;
  • list of received papers;
  • number and date of registration of the application.

Review of the application takes 2-5 days.

The answer is given by phone or SMS. If there is no response for a long time, it is better to call the Contact Center or visit the branch in person to clarify the status of your application. If the decision is positive, the applicant is required to begin searching for housing.


If you want to get a mortgage, you need to submit an application form for a housing loan to Sberbank. You can fill it out at home, based on a sample, or at a department where you can immediately take the documents. It is recommended to provide complete and current data based on the attached papers and certificates.

The desire of every citizen is to acquire their own housing. The most popular, and sometimes the only way, is getting a mortgage loan. There are a sufficient number of programs offering benefits according to certain criteria. Therefore, before making a decision, you should carefully study the entire range of products offered by banks. Next comes the registration procedure, which consists of several stages. The first step will be to fill out an application form to receive a housing loan from Sberbank. This is an important document that influences whether staff make a positive or negative decision. To increase your chances, you must enter the information correctly in all fields. Below we will analyze in detail all the nuances and subtleties.

Whether the loan will be granted directly depends on the completeness and correctness of the information provided by the client. Therefore, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • Honest filling. Debt obligations require a certain level of trust. When issuing large sums, any bank tries to minimize the risks of non-repayment of funds. Therefore, it is worth providing complete information about your person, without concealing or exaggerating the facts.
  • Accurate information. A common reason for refusal is the inability to verify the information provided due to errors in the company name, surname, dates or telephone numbers. It is recommended to enter all data carefully, checking the correct spelling several times, because even one wrong letter can make it impossible to obtain a loan.
  • Scope of information provided. Paying out large amounts is risky, so it is worth providing as much information as possible. Based on them, bank employees will be able to more accurately assess the borrower’s capabilities. Even small details are important when drawing up an application form for a home loan from Sberbank.
  • Required amount of funds and repayment period. This point is worth thinking about several times, honestly assessing your financial capabilities and sending a request based on this. It should be borne in mind that bank personnel will also give an objective assessment of the capabilities of clients based on the information provided. The coincidence of the opinions of the client and the bank almost always gives a positive result.

By adhering to the above principles when filling out documents, you can not only increase your chances, but also once again soberly assess the need for a loan. The main thing is to honestly answer the questions posed to yourself.

A potential borrower has the right to fill out documents both at a bank branch and independently at home. When compiling a document in a company, you can use the help of a competent employee who will explain unclear points and suggest the best way. If the client is unable to enter information on his own due to health reasons or other reasons, the staff will do it for him. A prerequisite is to sign with your own hand.

Self-filling requires the presence of a form. The standard application form can be downloaded here. Then you just need to print and enter the information. It is also worth remembering that the official document is drawn up with a pen with black or blue ink. Handwriting must be legible and letters must be printed. Another possibility is filling it out using a computer. Then you just need to print and sign.

Corrections to the application form are acceptable only if the applicant's signature appears next to the changed information. The potential client is responsible for the data provided, so it is recommended to check the accuracy several times. To leave a favorable impression, you should avoid making corrections; if you find an error, it is better to print a new form and repeat the procedure with greater responsibility.

What does the application form consist of?

The application form for a housing loan from Sberbank is developed by specialists. The goal is to reduce the risk of loss of funds by the organization. Therefore, the document consists of six sheets. Conventionally, it can be divided into several parts according to the type of information provided:

  • Personal Information. This includes both individual information of a potential client (full name, phone number, residential address) and data of immediate relatives (spouse, children, parents)
  • Financial position. The organization and position, length of employment, official income, and ownership of property are indicated here.
  • Type of lending. This block indicates the size of the loan and the repayment terms.
  • Issuance of consent to processing. This paragraph is provided for the legal basis for checking the information provided by bank employees.

To reduce the risk of making a mistake when entering data, it is recommended to concentrate and perform procedures in a comfortable, quiet environment. For all points, the standard document provides tips that you should pay attention to. Additionally, you can ask an employee for clarification or look for recommendations in open sources. Below we will analyze in detail the filling of each block. The step-by-step preparation of the document is as follows:

  1. The very first question is the client’s expected role in the future transaction. Here you need to mark with a cross the item that is required - borrower, co-borrower or guarantor. If the applicant positions himself as an applicant for a loan, then the fields on the right are not filled in - they are provided to indicate personal information for guarantors and co-borrowers.
  2. Below are the surname, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth. You should ensure that the spelling matches the passport, especially for the place of birth.
  3. Information about the identity document. Here you should pay attention to the correct transfer of digital values ​​of the passport number. If you have a foreign passport, you need to tick the appropriate box.
  4. Further, facts of change of personal data in the past are noted. Here you must indicate the exact date, correct previous full name, and the reason that served as the basis. This block will allow employees to check the timeliness of payments on previous loans of a potential client for the entire period.
  5. The next point in the application form for a housing loan from Sberbank is to indicate telephone numbers for feedback. Here you need to indicate as much as possible, this will make it possible to look like an open and honest person. An important point is that a landline telephone number will increase the chances of a positive outcome for the enterprise.
  6. Information about accommodation. The address of the current stay and registration is indicated. It should be separately noted that if there is a temporary registration, the repayment period is limited by the validity of the registration. It is recommended to take this fact into account in advance and take appropriate measures.
  7. Social position in society. This block combines education and the presence or absence of marriage. The marriage contract must be ticked separately, the column is located at the very bottom.
  8. Family connections of a potential client are of significant importance when making a decision. This block should be filled out with particular accuracy, providing complete information. First of all, the details of your spouse are indicated. Next is the presence of children, number and age. Families with one or more children have a much higher chance of getting a mortgage than the young and childless, since the latter are at risk. An addition to the family entails an increase in expenses, which, in turn, is the reason for requesting a deferment in payments based on the laws of the Russian Federation. The personal data of parents and adult brothers and sisters are also indicated here. Having a large number of able-bodied relatives increases the chances of a positive decision.
  9. Labor employment. You must indicate the exact place of work. It is necessary to ensure that the name of the organization is spelled correctly so that there are no difficulties during verification. It is recommended to find out all official information in advance. Data on labor activity for the last 3 years is also provided. Do not lie - the information will be subject to careful verification. Honesty increases the bank's trust.
  10. Monthly change in financial status. This block requires the most attention. It reflects the client’s solvency to the bank, and will also allow you to once again evaluate your own capabilities. You will need to indicate the exact amount of official individual income, as well as the amount of funds from additional sources. An important point is periodic costs. This includes payment for rent, utilities, and telephone. There is no need to count expenses for food, clothing and other individual needs. The last point is an indication of the total monthly income of the family.
  11. Client's personal property. Owning real estate, a vehicle, or a business speaks of reliability and solvency. Therefore, this block of the application form for a housing loan from Sberbank must be filled out with maximum accuracy.
  12. Consent to the processing of the provided information. By filling out this field, the client gives the right to bank employees to check the accuracy of the information.
  13. The final step is information about the purpose of the loan and repayment terms. When filling out this block, you should be honest, first of all, with yourself, and soberly assess your capabilities. It is better to play it safe, specify a longer period; early closure of the debt does not entail penalties.

A mortgage is often the only way to acquire your own square meters. Therefore, filling out an application form for a housing loan from Sberbank is an important step towards achieving your goal. Following the above recommendations will make the procedure easier and more understandable.

The entire process can take a significant amount of time, so it is recommended that you prepare the information you provide in advance on a separate medium from which you can transfer it. To be more confident, you can print out a few forms and fill them out at home without any fuss. The bank evaluates a potential borrower directly based on hard numbers, so you must try to present yourself in the best light.

Download sample applications and certificates for obtaining a mortgage

How to fill out an application form to obtain a mortgage

Applying for any mortgage loan is a serious step that requires careful study of the terms, collection of an extended set of documents and a realistic assessment of your solvency. Let's take a closer look at what documents Sberbank requires to submit an application; the mortgage application form in which is distinguished by its significant volume and detailed content.

Sberbank's mortgage application form is characterized by the following criteria:

  • reliability and relevance of the information filled in;
  • accuracy regarding the parameters of the requested loan;
  • honesty on the part of the client;
  • willingness to provide information about the employer and immediate family.

Each client applying for a mortgage fills out a unique form consisting of several blocks. You can receive the form in two ways: print it yourself from the official Sberbank website or contact the nearest service office.

Let's look at a sample form and an example of filling it out in detail.

Download a blank form in Word

The application form for a Sberbank mortgage in Word format allows you to fill out the required data and, if necessary, make prompt adjustments.

Sample and example of filling

The application form for a Sberbank mortgage is filled out:

  • with your own hand with a blue/black pen – carefully, without errors or corrections;
  • in printed format.

The borrower will need to indicate:

  • personal data (full name (if changing surname, indicate the previous surname and reason), date of birth, TIN);
  • passport information;
  • Family status;
  • contacts (current phone number);
  • education;
  • registration address (there must be a corresponding mark in the passport) + actual location address;
  • information about the work (name of the employing company, its details, number of employees, type of activity, position, length of service);
  • level of monthly income and expenses (both documented and unofficial income of the client are indicated);
  • information about the client’s own property (real estate, transport);
  • information about the requested loan (amount, term, purpose of lending, parameters of a potential property, availability of special conditions/promotions, cost of housing, method of issuing a loan);
  • SNILS;
  • presence/absence of a salary card or other Sberbank accounts.

After filling out, the client puts the date, his signature and agrees to the processing of personal data.

NOTE! It is allowed to fill out the form by a third party with the consent of the potential borrower, but the signature must be affixed exclusively by the client himself.

In order to avoid mistakes, typos and not get confused when filling out a rather lengthy application, you should carefully study the sample application form and all the available nuances.

What other documents will be needed?

In addition to the completed mortgage application form for Sberbank, employees request the following set of required papers from a potential borrower:

  1. Russian Federation passport with registration.
  2. Documents for the property being purchased (if the property has already been found).
  3. Documents confirming labor activity (GPA, work book, contract).
  4. Documents proving receipt of sufficient income (certificate in the form of a bank or 2-NDFL, an extract from a pension account or card).

The above list of documentation is standard, however, Sberbank reserves the right to request other documents that, if necessary, will help in a detailed assessment of the client’s solvency and his financial rating. You can read more about it in a special post.

Sberbank interest rates on mortgages today

Most of Sberbank's mortgage products are characterized by favorable interest rates, ongoing discounts, promotions and special offers from the lender's leading partners. The level of loan rates for mortgage programs is presented in the table below.

ProgramsMaximum amount, thousand rubles.Bid, %Duration, yearsDown paymentNote
Ready housing15 000 8,9 30 15 +0.3% if PV is from 15-20%,
+ 1% if you refuse insurance; +0.8% on mortgages according to two documents:
+ 0.3% if you refuse to purchase an apartment through the domclick website;
Young family promotion - base rate 8.5%
Constructionup to 85% of the property value8,7 30 15 +0.3% if PV is from 15-20%,
+ 0.5% if you don’t have a Sberbank salary card,
+ 1% if you refuse insurance; +0.3% on mortgages according to two documents:
Construction of a residential buildingup to 75% of the value of the collateral9,7 30 25

country estateup to 75% of the value of the collateral9,2 30 25 +0.5% if the borrower does not receive salary on a Sberbank card;
+1% in the absence of a life insurance policy;
+1% if the mortgage is issued after registration of the property with the Rosreestr authorities
Military mortgage2 629 8,8 20 20
Non-targeted loan secured by real estateup to 60% of the cost11,3 20 + 0.5% - if not a salary employee;
+ 1% - if you refuse life insurance.
Mortgage for garage and parking space 9,7 30 25 + 0.5% if not a salary project, + 1% if insurance is refused.
Family mortgageup to 6 million in the regions and up to 12 million in Moscow, Moscow Region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region.5 30 20
Mortgage refinancing 9 30
Promotion "Your turnkey home"up to 8,000,000 ₽ for properties in Moscow and the Moscow region
up to 5,000,000 ₽ for objects in the Lipetsk region
10,9 30 20 Before registering a mortgage, the rate is 12.9%

The table shows that the minimum interest (from 8.5) can be obtained as part of the program for purchasing housing in new buildings taking into account government subsidies, in individual residential complexes from Sberbank partner developers, or by obtaining a family mortgage.

The following surcharges may apply to base rates:

  • +0.5 p.p. – for clients who do not receive their salary to a Sberbank account/card;
  • + 0.2 p.p. — for a mortgage payment of less than 20%;
  • + 0.3 p.p. — for refusing the “Showcase” campaign;
  • +1 p.p. – when taking out only property insurance;
  • +1 p.p. – until the property is encumbered in favor of the bank.


Amount of credit

Payment type

Annuity Differentiated

Interest rate, %

Maternal capital

date of issue

Credit term

0 year 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years 12 years 13 years 14 years 15 years 16 years 17 years 18 years 19 years 20 years 21 years 22 years 23 years 24 years 25 years old 26 years old 27 years old 28 years old 29 years old 30 years old

0 months

1 month

3 months

5 months

6 months

7 months

  • 8 months
  • 9 months
  • 10 months

11 months

  • Early repayments
  • date
  • Reducing the term Reducing the amount Monthly reducing the term Monthly reducing the amount
  • sum
  • Add

A mortgage loan requires preliminary calculations at the stage of selecting a bank and a loan program to carefully assess possible risks and future loan burden.

To calculate your mortgage, you can use our mortgage calculator, which in a simple format will allow you to obtain data such as:

the amount of the current monthly payment (principal + interest for the use of borrowed funds);

final cost of the loan (including overpayment);

  1. the level of family income required to repay the debt to Sberbank.
  2. To obtain the indicated information, the user will need to fill out a form with the following information:
  3. loan size;

The waiting period for a response from the bank depends on the specific case, but usually does not exceed one business day. The decision on issuing a mortgage will be available in a special section in the domclick account.

If a positive decision is made, a manager will contact the borrower in the near future to clarify the data and invite him to the branch with the required package of documentation.

The mortgage application form consists of several blocks and requires careful completion of current information about the client, income level, position and employer, the requested loan and the purpose of financing. To avoid errors and inaccuracies, it is recommended to study a sample of filling out a mortgage application form at Sberbank and a blank form, which can be downloaded from the links provided in the article.

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ATTENTION: Application for a mortgage is a form that a potential borrower fills out for the bank. The lender needs the document in order to obtain all the necessary information about the client’s financial situation, marital status and other data.

The application form and certificates undergo a two-stage verification. First, the information is evaluated by a computer program, then by a bank specialist.

When is it filled?

The application is drawn up when you first apply to the bank for a mortgage. You can download it in advance on the bank’s website and fill it out at home, or take the form from a branch and fill it out on the spot. To avoid mistakes and formulate answers correctly, it is recommended to fill out the form at the bank in the presence of a credit manager. He will help you fill out all the items correctly and inform the client on issues that interest him.

The questionnaire consists of several pages. For example, in Sberbank it is 6 sheets of A4 format. The document is divided into several sections:

The last section is consent to the processing of personal data. The borrower's signature is simply placed under it.

Step-by-step instructions on how to apply

  1. Credibility. All information provided in the application must be accurate. Do you want to hide something from the bank? Will not work. The security service carefully checks information about the borrower, especially information about salary, work and credit history. For example, if you have an outstanding debt to another bank, you should not hide it.
  2. No errors. Corrections and blots are not allowed in the questionnaire. Before handing it over to a bank employee, it is better to re-read what is written. There are often cases when a lender refuses a mortgage due to accidentally entered incorrect data - errors in the last name, date of birth or telephone number.
  3. Providing all information. Each item must be completed. If some question is not relevant to you, then it is better to ask the employee how to fill out the lines in this case.
  4. An adequate approach to the requested amount and loan term. You should not ask the bank for a large sum for a short period of time with a low salary.

Let's take a closer look at how to fill out an application for a mortgage and what you need to indicate in each paragraph.

Personal information about the borrower

This section consists of several points:

Financial situation

Availability of existing loans

IMPORTANT: It is a mistake to believe that if you have outstanding loans from other institutions, the bank will refuse a mortgage. However, this information is very important for the lender, since the loan amount will indicate the degree of financial burden of the client.

So, if you have existing loans, you need to indicate:

  • addresses and names of banks;
  • loan amount;
  • remainder;
  • the period until which the contract is valid.

Information about the requested loan

You will need to indicate the amount and term of the loan. Here it is important to adequately assess your capabilities. The bank will not be able to approve a mortgage if the borrower receives, for example, 50 thousand rubles, but wants to take out a mortgage in the amount of 3 million rubles for a period of 3 years.

Based on your financial status, try to independently calculate the amount you can pay each month to pay off your mortgage. To make calculations, You can use the loan calculator on the bank’s website.

Which points are checked especially carefully?

It should be understood that a mortgage is a long-term loan and most often for a large amount. Therefore, when considering an application, the bank carefully checks all information about the borrower. Lenders pay special attention to the following points:

Is it possible to leave it on the bank's website?

The form can be submitted in two ways:

  1. at a bank branch;
  2. on the official website of the institution.

The second option is available only if such a function is provided by the site. For example, in Sberbank, in a personal account, a borrower can fill out an application form electronically and submit it for review online. However, this service is available only to the bank’s payroll clients.

When filling out an application for a mortgage, it is important to remember that it is pointless to deceive the bank. All information must be reliable and accurate.

Useful video

Watch a video about how to correctly fill out a mortgage application form:

If you decide to take out a mortgage loan from Sberbank, then one of the stages of obtaining the desired result will be filling out the appropriate questionnaire. You must understand that the state bank’s decision to approve or reject the application largely depends on this document.

We recommend that you complete the application form competently, carefully and without haste. As practice shows, mortgage borrowers do not have any particular difficulties with this. But it will still be useful to consider a few key points.

Basic information about the mortgage application form

An application form for obtaining a mortgage is general documentation, the form of which can be taken and completed at a Sberbank branch convenient for you. You can also find this standard form on the official portal of the financial institution. You can download the documents to your computer, and then fill them out without haste; in this case, you will not have to waste time on visiting a Sberbank branch.

Specifying information in the Sberbank application form is a simple task. You will need to check the appropriate boxes in the question box or enter the required data in the lines. Do not forget that at the end of the sheet you must put your personal signature. If it is not there, your application will be rejected. The signature is proof that you agree to the processing of information about yourself.

According to experts, one of the current reasons for refusal of a mortgage from Sberbank is precisely that citizens do not bother themselves with careful and correct execution of the form. We recommend that you do not make such a mistake.

How to fill out the Sberbank application form for a mortgage

You can provide information in one of two ways:
  • By hand on A4 paper;
  • On the computer on the electronic version of the questionnaire.
As for Sberbank representatives, this point does not matter to them. In other words, you can choose the method that is most convenient for you when filling out the mortgage application form. The following recommendations should be taken into account:
  1. Provide maximum complete and exclusively reliable information about yourself. You should not leave any columns empty - this is only allowed in a situation where you really have nothing to “say”. Let us note once again that half-empty questionnaires are most often rejected;
  2. The information must be not only complete, but also correct. The information that you provide to Sberbank when applying for a mortgage will be studied and verified. If specialists see that you are trying to deceive them, you will 100% receive a refusal. You will be among those borrowers for whom it will be extremely difficult to obtain a loan both now and in the future;
  3. Be literate. Before sending the document, review it for errors. If you incorrectly indicate your contact telephone number, residence/registration address, or cannot write your first or last name correctly, this will cause justified suspicion;
  4. Indicate a little more than the amount that you actually seek to receive from the state bank. It is no secret that Sberbank, like other lending enterprises in the Russian Federation, often reduces this indicator.
In the application form for a mortgage loan from Sberbank, you will see tips that will allow you to fill out the form as expected. If you still encounter difficulties, you can seek advice from bank employees: online, in the office or by calling the Sberbank Hotline number 8 800 555 55 50.

If you want to involve co-borrowers and guarantors in the lending process, the process of filling out paperwork will be longer and more difficult. You will need to tell information about other people: therefore, you should fill out the form directly with them.

Sberbank application form for mortgage form

First section of the questionnaire

Section number one can be called general. Here you will see all the information about a potential home loan. You should write here:
  1. The purpose of obtaining financial support from Sberbank;
  2. Type of loan (mortgage);
  3. Loan term at Sberbank - when choosing the period during which you want to pay the organization, take into account the terms of current offers from Sberbank. Check them out on the lender's website in advance. If the deadline is not adequate, the application may be rejected;
  4. The nuances of repaying debt obligations to the company.
In the case of the last point, we are talking about the fact that you must decide on the loan payment scheme that suits you - is a differentiated or annuity payment system more convenient for you? We remind you that in the case of mortgages, debts are mainly closed using the latter system.

Second section of the questionnaire

Here you need to indicate information about the citizens who will participate in the lending procedure:
  1. Mortgagors, if they take part in the registration of the mortgage;
  2. Co-borrowers and guarantors;
  3. You are like a borrower who needs finance to purchase a property.
Remember that Sberbank requires that complete and correct information be provided about each of the above citizens:
  • Place of employment;
  • Presence and composition of family;
  • Personal information, including passport details.
If your guarantors and/or co-borrowers are related to you, you need to indicate the degree of relationship. An important point is that “related” mortgage transactions are approved more often than others.

Also, your chances of getting a positive answer will increase significantly if you have:

  • An additional source of income that you can document;
  • Valuable property: car, land, apartment, etc.
If any of the above is present, collect documents proving this fact.

Third section of the questionnaire

Here you will talk about your material well-being, as well as the financial condition of other citizens participating in the mortgage. You should also write only reliable information.

Important! When providing information about your income, do not forget that Sberbank conducts a comprehensive audit. The lender knows very well how much money you can earn from a particular job in Russia. Try to inflate your salary, or see a mortgage refusal.

The application form has a section with “Additional income”. Here they describe information about those sources of profit that exist in addition to the official salary. For example, about income received:

  • As financial assistance from other persons;
  • From working at an additional place of employment;
  • From renting something out.
After you describe your income, you will also need to talk about your expenses. They do not need to be specified: you can provide a generalized amount. Should it be reduced? Also no. Sberbank employees are aware of how much Russians spend on average.

The fourth section of the questionnaire

If you decide to get a mortgage from Sberbank, then in the standard form you will see four sections: you need this one so that you can indicate other outstanding debts. You should not be afraid that you will be denied a loan to purchase real estate because of an open loan. Therefore, we strongly discourage you from trying to hide outstanding debt obligations.

The section indicates:

  • The name of the creditor to whom you are in debt;
  • Amount to be repaid;
  • The period required for full settlement with the lending company.
Remember that Sberbank always checks information about its potential clients. If specialists find out that you are hiding information about your outstanding loan, you will not receive money to purchase a home.

Important! If you have small active loans, you should close them before contacting Sberbank. In this case, you will get the following results: increase the possible credit limit, increase the chances of approval of the application, and reduce the interest rate.

Fifth section of the questionnaire

Mortgage loans are provided only on the security of real estate - the one that will be purchased with borrowed funds. This is a necessary security measure that protects the lender from the risk of losing finance if the borrower decides to violate the terms of the agreement.

In the fifth section, it is necessary to provide a description of the immovable object that will become collateral for the mortgage. You should talk about:

  • Where is the chosen accommodation located?
  • What condition is the building or apartment in?
  • Area in square meters;
  • Market value of the offer.
When evaluating real estate, Sberbank takes into account not only the cost of housing, but also its liquidity. With great pleasure, money is given for the purchase of an object that in the future can be simply and quickly implemented:
  • With a comfortable and modern layout;
  • With failed communication systems;
  • Located within the city, not outside its boundaries.
All this information is taken into account without fail. If experts see that the borrower wants to buy an illiquid property, they will reject his application (in many cases).

What points should you keep in mind?

According to experts, the form that you need to fill out to get a mortgage from Sberbank is quite simple. But she also has her own “tricks”:
  • When choosing a co-borrower for a mortgage, consider the number of children in his family. The more children there are in a family, the greater the financial costs. Therefore, a co-borrower with many children is far from the best candidate;
  • If you need a large sum of money on credit, even talk about those sources of profit that are not official;
  • Be sure to indicate your landline work telephone number (if your company has one). Do not try to give “left” numbers - credit experts will call the number and ask the person who answers about your person;
  • The best co-borrower is a spouse. The trust of the banking structure in couples who mutually decided to take out a mortgage is maximum.
If you still have difficulties filling out the questionnaire, be sure to study the standard ready-made sample. Do not fill out the form in a hurry, illiterately or without due attention. This will be the reason for the refusal of a Sberbank mortgage.