Regulations and documents. Basic regulatory acts on banking that banking specialists often use in their speech

For each main account (except for the bank’s correspondent account opened with the Bank of Russia), for which, in the copies of the general loan agreement submitted to the Bank of Russia, the bank provides for the possibility of obtaining intraday loans and overnight loans, the bank, simultaneously with copies of the general loan agreement, submits to the Bank of Russia copies of the concluded agreements (additional agreements to agreements) of a bank account containing the condition provided for in subclause 2.2.1 of clause 2.2 of these Regulations.

If the general loan agreement provides for the provision of intraday loans and overnight loans to the bank’s correspondent account opened with the Bank of Russia, the bank submits two copies of an additional agreement signed on its part to the correspondent account agreement containing the condition provided for in subclause 2.2.1 of clause 2.2 of these Regulations, if The correspondent account agreement does not contain this condition.

1.5. If, within the period established in clause 1.3 of this appendix, the bank has not submitted to the Bank of Russia the documents specified in clauses 1.3, 1.4 of this appendix, the Bank of Russia sends a message to the bank about the refusal to conclude a general loan agreement. The bank has the right to re-submit an application for concluding a master loan agreement at any time.

No later than 3 working days from the date of receipt of the documents specified in clauses 1.3, 1.4 of this appendix, if they are complete and correct, and also provided that the bank meets the criteria established by subclauses 2.1.1-2.1.3 of clause 2.1 of this Regulation, the Bank Russia transfers to the bank, against receipt, signed by the Bank of Russia, a copy of the general loan agreement and a copy of the additional agreement to the bank's correspondent account agreement (if the latter was presented by the bank). If the bank does not meet the above criteria, the Bank of Russia sends a message to the bank about the refusal to conclude a general loan agreement.

In case of incorrect execution of documents that the bank submits to the Bank of Russia in accordance with this paragraph, or incomplete submission of the required documents, the Bank of Russia notifies the bank of the suspension of signing the general loan agreement until the identified errors are corrected. If within 10 working days from the date of sending the specified notification the bank has not corrected the specified errors, the Bank of Russia sends a message to the bank about the refusal to conclude a general loan agreement.

1.6. A bank that has received a message from the Bank of Russia about the refusal to conclude a general loan agreement has the right to re-submit an application to the Bank of Russia to conclude a general loan agreement on any working day. The issue of the need for the bank to re-submit documents previously submitted by the bank to the Bank of Russia during the incomplete procedure for concluding a general loan agreement is agreed upon by the bank with the Bank of Russia.

2. Amendments to the general loan agreement and its termination.

2.1. On any working day during the validity period of the general loan agreement, the bank has the right to apply to the division of the Bank of Russia at the place where the general loan agreement was concluded with a request (in any written form) to amend the general loan agreement in terms of conditions that can be changed. The bank's proposal to change the amounts of lending limits specified in the general loan agreement must be justified.

The application for amendments to the general loan agreement, providing for the inclusion in the said agreement of provisions necessary for the bank to receive Bank of Russia loans secured by bonds in accordance with these Regulations, must be accompanied by the documents specified in paragraphs three and seven of clause 1.1(1) of this application. These documents may not be submitted by the bank to the Bank of Russia if they are already available in the Bank of Russia.

2.2. A bank’s request to amend the general loan agreement is rejected if the Bank of Russia’s obligations to provide loans in accordance with the general loan agreement are suspended, or if the bank or the Bank of Russia has initiated the procedure for terminating the general loan agreement, or if the changes proposed by the bank to the general loan agreement contradict these Regulations . Without explanation, the bank's request to amend the general loan agreement in terms of changing lending limits may be rejected. If a bank’s request to increase lending limits is rejected, the Bank of Russia may inform the bank of the maximum total amount of lending limits that the Bank of Russia agrees to establish, and invite the bank to redistribute the specified amount between the bank’s main accounts. If such a message is received, the bank submits to the Bank of Russia a new request to amend the general loan agreement in terms of changing lending limits in compliance with the maximum total amount of lending limits specified in the message from the Bank of Russia.

A petition to amend the general loan agreement, providing for the inclusion in the said agreement of provisions necessary for the bank to receive loans from the Bank of Russia secured by bonds in accordance with these Regulations, in addition to the cases specified in paragraph one of this paragraph, is rejected if it is not accompanied by documents specified in paragraphs three and seven of clause 1.1(1) of this appendix, except for the case when, by agreement with the Bank of Russia, the bank may not submit these documents to the Bank of Russia.

2.3. No later than 15 working days from the date of acceptance of the bank’s petition to amend the general loan agreement, the division of the Bank of Russia that accepted the bank’s petition to amend the general loan agreement sends a message to the bank in any written form about the rejection of the said petition or about consent to conclude the corresponding additional agreement. If the Bank of Russia agrees to change the value of the lending limit specified in the general loan agreement, a notification is sent to the bank about the establishment of a new value of the credit limit.

The adoption of a decision by the Bank of Russia on the bank’s petition to exclude main accounts from the general loan agreement and (or) to reduce the lending limits established by the general loan agreement, in the absence of grounds for rejecting the said petition, is suspended until the following conditions are simultaneously met:

the bank's right to receive Bank of Russia loans to the corresponding main accounts has been suspended;

there is no outstanding debt of the bank on loans from the Bank of Russia provided to the corresponding main account (in the case of the bank’s request to exclude the main account from the general loan agreement).

If the Bank of Russia agrees to conclude an additional agreement providing for the addition of the list of main accounts, the Bank of Russia in the corresponding message also indicates the amount of lending limits.

If the application for amendments to the general loan agreement contained information about the intention to use bonds as collateral for Bank of Russia loans provided in accordance with these Regulations, the message about the consent of the Bank of Russia to amend the general loan agreement includes a list of details required by the Bank Russia for the implementation of depositary transfers carried out during operations in accordance with these Regulations, subject to inclusion in the additional agreement to the master loan agreement.

2.4. No later than 10 working days from the date of receipt of the message of consent to conclude an additional agreement to the general loan agreement, the bank submits to the Bank of Russia:

2.4.1. three copies of the specified additional agreement, signed by an authorized officer of the bank.

An additional agreement to the master loan agreement regarding changes to the composition of the main accounts specified in the master loan agreement must provide for its entry into force on the second business day after its conclusion.

If the application for amendments to the general loan agreement contained information about the intention to use bonds as collateral for loans from the Bank of Russia provided in accordance with these Regulations, the additional agreement to the general loan agreement submitted by the bank for signing to the Bank of Russia includes data similar to the data specified in paragraphs three and four of clause 1.3 of this appendix, in compliance with the requirements established by paragraphs five and six of clause 1.3 of this appendix.

No later than three working days after receiving correctly executed documents, the Bank of Russia signs two copies of the Agreement and transfers the second copy of the Agreement against signature to a representative of the bank - a potential guarantor.

4. Registration of the Bank of Russia providing overnight loans to borrowing banks.

4.1. On the next business day after the Bank of Russia provides an overnight loan, the following actions are carried out.

An authorized employee of the Bank of Russia division in which the corresponding main account of the borrower bank is opened issues a Notice drawn up in the prescribed manner to the authorized employee of the borrower bank. The specified employee must present an identification document and a power of attorney to receive the specified document, signed by an authorized officer of the borrowing bank. The fact of transmission of the Notice is recorded by a division of the Bank of Russia in a journal, which indicates the date and time of transmission of the Notice, the name of the borrowing bank, the last name, first name and patronymic of the authorized employee of the borrowing bank, and the details of the identity card presented to them. In the specified journal, the named authorized employee of the borrower bank signs for receipt of the Notice.

If it is impossible to transmit the Notice to an authorized employee of the borrower bank within the established period, the Bank of Russia has the right to send the Notice to the borrower bank by registered mail with return receipt requested.

Information about changes:

By Directive of the Bank of Russia dated March 4, 2013 N 2976-U, the appendix was supplemented with clause 4.2

4.2. No later than the first business day following the day the Bank of Russia provides an overnight loan, the Bank of Russia sends to the Depository a custody order to transfer bonds selected by the Bank of Russia as collateral for the specified overnight loan from the section “Blocked by the Bank of Russia” of the bank’s securities account in the Depository to the section bank securities account with the Depository, intended for registering the pledge of bonds for overnight loans provided in accordance with these Regulations.

5. Provision of loans by the Bank of Russia to banks at a fixed interest rate.

5.1. To receive a loan at a fixed interest rate, the bank sends to the Bank of Russia an Application for a loan from the Bank of Russia at a fixed interest rate (hereinafter referred to as the Application for a Loan).

An application for a loan on paper is drawn up in accordance with Appendix 6 to these Regulations and sent to a division of the Bank of Russia authorized to accept Applications for a loan on paper, providing for the provision of a loan from the Bank of Russia to the main account of the bank, to which, in accordance with the specified application The bank requests a loan from the Bank of Russia.

An application for a loan can be sent by the bank electronically to a division of the Bank of Russia authorized to accept Applications for a loan in electronic form, in accordance with the exchange agreement concluded between the Bank of Russia and the bank. The specified application must be signed with an electronic signature

Information about the divisions of the Bank of Russia authorized to accept Applications for a loan on paper or in electronic form is published in the "Bulletin of the Bank of Russia" and (or) posted on the official website of the Bank of Russia on the Internet information and telecommunications network.

5.2. The Bank of Russia may establish the minimum and maximum acceptable periods between the day the Application for a loan is received by the Bank of Russia and the day the Bank of Russia loan is provided, specified in this Application.

Information on the minimum and maximum allowable periods established by the Bank of Russia between the day the Application for a loan is received by the Bank of Russia and the day the loan is granted by the Bank of Russia is published in the "Bulletin of the Bank of Russia" and (or) on the official website of the Bank of Russia on the information and telecommunications network "Internet" .

5.3. An application for a loan is subject to approval if:

5.3.1. the bank has the right to receive the corresponding type of loans from the Bank of Russia to the corresponding main account in accordance with the general loan agreement;

5.3.2. the parameters of the Loan Application comply with the conditions for the Bank of Russia to provide loans at a fixed interest rate;

5.3.3. on the day of consideration of the Application for a loan (at the time of provision of the Bank of Russia loan), the bank’s right to receive loans from the Bank of Russia in accordance with the general loan agreement has not been suspended, and if the Application provides for the provision of a Bank of Russia loan secured by guarantees, the bank’s right to receive loans from the Bank of Russia secured by guarantees of the corresponding guarantor bank;

5.3.4. on the day of consideration of the Application for a loan, the Application is secured (at the time the Bank of Russia loan is granted, it is secured);

Information about changes:

By Directive of the Bank of Russia dated November 18, 2013 N 3113-U, paragraph 5.3 was supplemented with subparagraph 5.3.5

5.3.5. The application for a loan was received by the Bank of Russia no later than the day specified in this Application as the day the loan was granted by the Bank of Russia, before the end of the time for accepting Applications for a loan, and the minimum and maximum allowable periods between the day the Application for a loan was received by the Bank were met Russia and the day of granting the Bank of Russia loan, established by the Bank of Russia in accordance with clause 5.2 of this appendix.

5.3(1). If the specified conditions are not met (or if the division of the Bank of Russia that accepted the Application for a loan receives information about their violation before the loan is granted in accordance with the Application for a loan), the specified division of the Bank of Russia sends the bank a refusal to provide a loan from the Bank of Russia.

5.4. An application for a loan, in which the bank offers to use the pledge of assets as collateral for a Bank of Russia loan, is considered secured if the assets selected in accordance with paragraph 3.3 of Appendix 1 to these Regulations are sufficient to fulfill the security conditions for the corresponding Bank of Russia loan established by these Regulations . At the same time, bonds can be selected as collateral for a loan from the Bank of Russia only if on the day of repayment of the specified loan, more than four working days remain before the expiration of the Power of Attorney.

An application for a loan in which the bank offers to use bank guarantees as collateral for a loan from the Bank of Russia is considered secured if the following conditions are met:

the guarantor banks specified in the Loan Application comply with the requirements established by paragraph 3.2(1) of these Regulations;

Providing a loan from the Bank of Russia in accordance with the Application for a loan will not lead to a violation of restrictions on the maximum total amount of the bank’s obligations to repay Bank of Russia loans secured by guarantees as a borrower and guarantor, as well as to a violation of restrictions on the maximum total amount of obligations of guarantor banks for the repayment of Bank of Russia loans secured by guarantees, as a borrower and guarantor;

Two copies of the guarantee agreement signed by the guarantor bank, provided for in Appendix 9 to this Regulation, as well as a power of attorney confirming the right of the person who signed the surety agreement to sign the said agreement, containing a sample signature of the person to whom the power of attorney was issued (this power of attorney can be accepted without a sample signature of the authorized person, if a sample of his signature was previously submitted to the Bank of Russia (for example, in a card with sample signatures and seal imprint), as well as the total amount within which the guarantor banks are responsible for the bank’s fulfillment of obligations to repay the Bank of Russia loan specified in these guarantee agreements, not less than the amount of the Bank of Russia loan requested by the bank in the Application for a loan.

5.5. On the next business day after the loan is granted at a fixed interest rate, the actions provided for in paragraph 4.1 of this appendix are carried out. If a loan from the Bank of Russia is provided to a bank account opened with an authorized RNKO, the transfer of the Notice to the authorized representative of the bank is carried out by a division of the Bank of Russia at the location of the bank’s correspondent account.

In addition, if a Bank of Russia loan is secured by guarantees from credit institutions, on the next business day after the said loan is granted, the Bank of Russia sends to each of the guarantor banks a guarantee agreement signed by the Bank of Russia, provided for in Appendix 9 to this Regulation. If the specified agreement is signed on the part of the guarantor bank by an authorized person and the chief accountant, then the guarantee agreement is signed on the part of the Bank of Russia by an authorized person and the chief accountant.

Information about changes:

By Directive of the Bank of Russia dated March 4, 2013 N 2976-U, the appendix was supplemented with clause 5.6

5.6. No later than the first business day following the day the Bank of Russia provides a loan at a fixed interest rate, the Bank of Russia sends to the Depository a custody order for the transfer of bonds selected by the Bank of Russia as collateral for the specified loan from the section “Blocked by the Bank of Russia” of the bank’s securities account with the Depository to the section of the bank's securities account with the Depository, intended for registering the pledge of bonds for loans at a fixed interest rate provided in accordance with these Regulations.

6. Conducting credit auctions by the Bank of Russia.

6.1. Credit auctions are conducted on the basis of official reports of the Bank of Russia published in the Bulletin of the Bank of Russia. The specified official message contains information about the date and conditions of the credit auction.

6.2. Credit auctions can be conducted using the “American” method (providing loans at interest rates specified in satisfied applications) or the “Dutch” method (providing loans based on satisfied applications at the cut-off rate established as a result of the credit auction).

6.3. On the day of the credit auction, the bank, before the time established by the Bank of Russia, sends to the Bank of Russia an Application for participation in the credit auction (hereinafter referred to as the Application).

The application on paper is drawn up in accordance with Appendix 7 to these Regulations and sent to the division of the Bank of Russia authorized to accept Applications on paper providing for the provision of a loan from the Bank of Russia to the main account of the bank, to which, in accordance with the specified Application, the bank requests a loan from the Bank of Russia.

The application can be sent by the bank electronically to a division of the Bank of Russia authorized to accept Applications in electronic form, in accordance with the exchange agreement concluded between the Bank of Russia and the bank. The said Application must be signed with an electronic signature and contain details, the list of which is established by the Bank of Russia and published in the "Bulletin of the Bank of Russia" and (or) on the official website of the Bank of Russia on the Internet.

Information about the divisions of the Bank of Russia authorized to accept Applications on paper or in electronic form is published in the "Bulletin of the Bank of Russia" and (or) posted on the official website of the Bank of Russia on the Internet information and telecommunications network.

6.4. The Bank has the right to submit for participation in a credit auction one or more competitive Applications that are subject to satisfaction at the interest rates specified therein (if it is higher than or equal to the cut-off rate announced by the Bank of Russia based on the results of the credit auction), and one or more non-competitive Applications that are subject to satisfaction at the weighted average interest rate established as a result of the credit auction.

See the text of the paragraph in the previous edition

6.6. On the next working day after the credit auction, the Bank of Russia sends to banks whose Applications are not subject to satisfaction based on the results of the credit auction, due to the auction being declared invalid or due to the fact that the interest rate specified in the competitive Application is lower than the cut-off rate established based on the results credit auction, related messages.

6.6.1. The territorial institution of the Bank of Russia that accepted the Application, before 10:00 a.m. local time on the business day following the day of the credit auction, sends appropriate messages to the banks whose Applications are not subject to satisfaction based on the results of the credit auction.

6.6.2. The grounds for refusal to satisfy the Application are:

declaring the auction invalid;

failure to fulfill, at the beginning of the next working day after the credit auction, the conditions established by subclauses 6.5.3 - 6.5.5 of clause 6.5 of this appendix;

the interest rate specified in the competitive Application is lower than the cut-off rate established following the results of the loan auction.

6.6.3. The Bank of Russia has the right to partially satisfy competitive Applications that indicate an interest rate equal to the cut-off rate established following the results of a credit auction, proportionally reducing the loan amount specified in each of these Applications, taking into account the total amount of funds that the Bank of Russia intends to provide to banks for the results of the credit auction. If, as a result of a credit auction, several Bank Applications are satisfied, Bank of Russia loans are provided in descending order of the interest rates specified in the satisfied Bank Applications, and if interest rates are equal, in the order of priority in which the Bank's Applications are received by the Bank of Russia.

6.6.4. In accordance with the Applications satisfied following the results of the credit auction, the territorial institutions of the Bank of Russia that accepted the specified Applications for participation in the credit auction provide Bank of Russia loans if the banks whose Applications are satisfied comply with the requirements of these Regulations and the conditions for the security of Bank of Russia loans established by these Regulations are met .

6.6.5. If the Bank of Russia has the technical capability, the actions of the Bank of Russia specified in this paragraph related to the provision of loans from the Bank of Russia based on the results of a credit auction may be carried out on the day of the credit auction.

Information about changes:

By Directive of the Bank of Russia dated November 18, 2013 N 3113-U, clause 6 was supplemented with clause 6.6(1)

6.6(1). On the day determined by the terms of the credit auction, as the day the loan is granted, the Bank of Russia provides Bank of Russia loans in accordance with the Applications satisfied based on the results of the credit auction.

If, as a result of a credit auction, several Bank Applications are satisfied, Bank of Russia loans are provided in descending order of the interest rates at which the Bank's Applications are satisfied, and if the interest rates at which the Bank's Applications are satisfied are equal, in the order of priority in which the Bank's Applications are received by the Bank of Russia.

The Bank of Russia has the right to partially satisfy competitive Applications that indicate an interest rate equal to the cut-off rate established following the results of a credit auction, proportionally reducing the loan amount specified in each of these Applications, taking into account the total amount of funds that the Bank of Russia intends to provide to banks for the results of the credit auction.

The Bank of Russia has the right to partially satisfy the Application if the value of the assets selected as collateral for the corresponding Bank of Russia loan, adjusted by correction factors, is not enough to provide the specified loan in the amount specified in the Application. In this case, the Bank of Russia provides the bank with a loan in the maximum amount at which the security conditions for the specified loan are met.

If at the time of granting a loan from the Bank of Russia, following the results of a credit auction, the bank’s right to receive loans from the Bank of Russia in accordance with these Regulations is suspended or the conditions for securing a loan from the Bank of Russia cannot be met, including if the Application is partially satisfied, the Bank of Russia sends the bank a refusal to provide loan from the Bank of Russia.

6.7. No later than the next working day after the provision of loans from the Bank of Russia based on the results of the credit auction, the actions established by clause 5.5 of this appendix are carried out.

Information about changes:

By Directive of the Bank of Russia dated March 4, 2013 N 2976-U, the appendix was supplemented with clause 6.8

6.8. No later than the first business day following the day the Bank of Russia provides a loan based on the results of a credit auction, the Bank of Russia sends to the Depository a custody order for the transfer of bonds selected by the Bank of Russia as collateral for the specified loan from the section “Blocked by the Bank of Russia” of the bank’s securities account with the Depository to the section of the bank's securities account with the Depository, intended for registering the pledge of bonds for loans provided following the results of a credit auction in accordance with these Regulations.

7. Repayment by borrowing banks of Bank of Russia loans within the period established by the Notice (requirement of the Bank of Russia for early repayment of the loan).

7.1. The Bank of Russia submits collection orders, subject to execution on the day the obligations under Bank of Russia loans become due, for the amount of the Bank of Russia's claims on the Bank of Russia loan (for payment of interest, for loan repayment) to the main account of the borrower bank to which the corresponding loan was granted Bank of Russia.

If, upon the day of fulfillment of the bank’s obligations to the Bank of Russia, specified in paragraph one of this clause, the corresponding main account of the Bank is closed or, in accordance with the regime of the specified account, funds cannot be written off from it on the basis of collection orders of the Bank of Russia, the fulfillment of the corresponding obligations of the Bank to The Bank of Russia is carried out by presenting the Bank of Russia collection orders to the Bank's correspondent account opened with the Bank of Russia.

Information about changes:

By Directive of the Bank of Russia dated November 18, 2013 N 3113-U, clause 7 was supplemented with clause 7.1(1)

7.1(1). The Bank of Russia may establish the minimum and maximum acceptable periods between the day of receipt of the Bank's Notification about early repayment of the loan and the day of repayment of the Bank of Russia loan specified in this notice.

Information on the minimum and maximum permissible periods established by the Bank of Russia between the day of receipt of the Bank's Notification about early repayment of the loan and the day of repayment of the Bank of Russia loan specified in this notice is published in the "Bulletin of the Bank of Russia" and (or) on the official website of the Bank of Russia in the information telecommunications network "Internet".

The bank's notification of early repayment of the loan is subject to satisfaction provided that it is received by the Bank of Russia no later than the day specified in this notice as the day of repayment of the Bank of Russia loan, before the end of the time for accepting Applications for a loan, and also subject to compliance with the minimum and maximum permissible periods between the day of receipt of the Bank's Notification about early repayment of the loan and the day of repayment of the Bank of Russia loan specified in this notice, established by the Bank of Russia in accordance with this paragraph.

Information about changes:

By Directive of the Bank of Russia dated March 4, 2013 N 2976-U, the appendix was supplemented with clause 7.2

7.2. If there were bonds as collateral for a Bank of Russia loan, no later than the first business day following the day the bank duly fulfilled its obligations under the corresponding Bank of Russia loan, the Bank of Russia sends to the Depository a custody order to transfer the bonds that were collateral for the Bank of Russia loan to the section “Blocked by the Bank of Russia” of the bank’s securities account with the Depository or to the main section of the specified securities account, if this was indicated in the bank’s Application for a loan or Application, or if the specified bonds do not meet the conditions for their inclusion in the assets accepted as collateral for Bank loans Russia, established by paragraph 3.10.1 of this appendix.

8. Carrying out operations in the event of non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) by the bank of obligations to repay a loan from the Bank of Russia.

8.1. If the borrower bank fails to fulfill (improper fulfillment) its obligations to repay the principal amount of the loan from the Bank of Russia and (or) pay interest on it, the Bank of Russia, no later than the first working day following the day when the obligations of the borrower bank must be fulfilled, begins to fulfill actions provided for in subclause 5.4.8 of clause 5.4 of the general loan agreement, including in the event of a decision to sell bonds pledged under a loan from the Bank of Russia, sends to the Depository a custody order to transfer bonds from the section of the bank's securities account with the Depository intended for registration of the pledge of bonds under the corresponding loan from the Bank of Russia, to the section intended for the sale of bonds pledged under loans from the Bank of Russia.

If, as a result of the above actions, the claims of the Bank of Russia subject to satisfaction are fully satisfied, the Bank of Russia, no later than the working day following the day of full repayment of the claims of the Bank of Russia:

stops taking actions aimed at repaying the bank’s obligations under the Bank of Russia loan, including foreclosure on the collateral;

transfers by payment order the amounts of funds received in excess to repay the claims of the Bank of Russia, as well as interest accrued on these amounts in the manner prescribed by the agreement for the provision of a loan from the Bank of Russia to the correspondent account (correspondent sub-accounts) of the borrower bank;

sends a notification to the borrowing bank:

on full satisfaction of the requirements of the Bank of Russia under the agreement for the provision of a loan from the Bank of Russia;

on the composition of sold assets pledged under a Bank of Russia loan;

sends to the Depository a custody order for the transfer of bonds that were pledged under a loan from the Bank of Russia, which were not foreclosed, to the section “Blocked by the Bank of Russia” of the bank’s securities account with the Depository or to the main section of the specified securities account, if the bonds are transferred to the main section the specified securities account was provided for in the bank's Application for a loan or Application, or if the specified bonds do not meet the conditions for their inclusion in the assets accepted as collateral for Bank of Russia loans, established by paragraph 3.10.1 of this appendix.


* The implementation of certain actions provided for in this appendix may be assigned, on the basis of an act of the Bank of Russia, to an authorized division of the Bank of Russia.

1. Working hours of the Bank's structural divisions during which settlement documents of clients are accepted for their execution by the Bank, the following is established:

For the currency department of the Head Office: from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with a lunch break from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.;

For additional and operational offices of the Bank: in accordance with the operating hours of each internal structural unit.

from 09.00 to 11.00 hours

Sale by the Bank at the expense of its own funds of foreign currency to the client

from 09.00 to 15.30 hours

Sale of foreign currency, including mandatory sale, in cases provided for by currency legislation, on the interbank currency exchange on behalf of the client

from 09.00 to 11.00 hours

Purchase by the Bank, at its own expense in Russian rubles, of foreign currency from a client

from 09.00 to 15.30 hours

from 09.00 to 15.30 hours

4. Features of cash issuance in

foreign currency through the Bank's cash desks

4.1. The issuance of cash, broken down by banknotes available to the Bank at the time of issuance of cash in foreign currency, is carried out during the established operating hours of the Bank’s operating cash desks in the following order:

4.1.1. For amounts to be issued and not exceeding 00 US dollars or euros, funds are issued on the current banking day without prior notice from the client;

4.1.2. For amounts to be issued and exceeding 00 US dollars or euros, as well as in relation to any amount in a freely convertible currency other than US dollars or euros, funds are issued on the next banking day, subject to prior submission of an application to the Bank before 11:00 am. 00 o'clock on the day preceding the receipt of funds at the Bank's operating cash desk. The specified Application for receiving cash in foreign currency can be drawn up by the client either in writing or transmitted by telephone. The telephone number for receiving Applications at the Ellipse Bank Head Office is set as follows: .

5. Other terms of service

5.1 Payment for the Bank's services for settlement and cash services for Bank clients in foreign currency in accordance with these Tariffs is charged by the Bank no later than the business day following the day the transaction is carried out, the service is provided, except for cases expressly provided for by the provisions of individual paragraphs of these Tariffs.

The provision of services by the Bank and the conduct of transactions on behalf of the client are subject to payment by the client in the amount and in the currency established by these Tariffs. If there are insufficient funds on the client’s Account in the currency in which this or that operation was carried out, this or that service was provided, payment for Transactions on behalf of the client or the provision of services by the Bank are charged by the Bank in Russian rubles from the balance of funds on the client’s current account in Russian rubles, or in a foreign currency other than the currency of the commission fee established by these Tariffs (established payment for the Bank’s services), otherwise Client's accounts with Ellipse Bank in the equivalent, recalculated using the currency exchange rate of the commission fee (payment for the Bank's services) to the Russian ruble or using the cross rate of the corresponding foreign currencies according to official quotes of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, valid on the day the payment is collected.

5.2. Commissions and expenses of correspondent banks are subject to compensation by the client in cases provided for by the terms of the Bank’s individual transactions, no later than the business day following the day the Bank receives the corresponding notification from the correspondent bank in the same currency in which the transaction was carried out. If there are insufficient funds on the client's Account in the currency in which a particular operation was carried out, commissions and expenses of correspondent banks are subject to compensation either in Russian rubles from the balance of funds on the client's current account in Russian rubles, or in a foreign currency other than from the currency of withheld commissions or expenses of the correspondent bank, subject to compensation, from another Client Account in Ellipse Bank in the equivalent, recalculated using the currency rate of commissions of correspondent banks to the Russian ruble or using the cross rate of the corresponding foreign currencies according to official quotes of the Central Bank Bank of the Russian Federation, valid on the day of requesting compensation for commissions and expenses of correspondent banks.

5.3. If there are no client accounts in foreign currency with Ellipse Bank, payment for the Bank’s services when purchasing foreign currency for Russian rubles on the foreign exchange market on behalf of the client with the subsequent transfer of the purchased foreign currency to the client’s account in another bank, as well as payment for the transaction transfer of foreign currency is charged by the Bank in Russian rubles in an unaccepted manner no later than the business day following the day the service is provided (transaction) at the expense of funds in the client’s current account in Russian rubles in the amount established by these Tariffs, based on the equivalent recalculated using exchange rate of the currency in which the fee for the Bank's services is set, to the Russian ruble according to the quotation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation valid on the day of payment.

5.4. In the absence of the Client's foreign currency accounts with Ellipse Bank, payment for the Bank's transaction of transferring funds in foreign currency, provided by the Bank as a loan, to the client's account in another bank on his behalf is collected by the Bank in Russian rubles in an unaccepted manner no later than the working day following the day of the foreign currency transfer operation, at the expense of funds on the client’s current account in Russian rubles in the amount established by these Tariffs, based on the equivalent recalculated using the exchange rate of the currency in which the payment due to the Bank is established, to Russian ruble according to the quotation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation valid on the day of payment.

5.5. In the event of cancellation or revocation of a payment document received by the Bank, the amount collected as payment for the Bank’s services, as well as the amount collected as compensation to the Bank for commissions and expenses of correspondent banks, are not refundable.

5.6. When transferring funds received after the closure of the Account, payment for the corresponding transaction is withheld by the Bank on the day of the transfer.

5.7. In the event of a return of funds for a transfer due to incomplete or unclear instructions and provided that the reason for such a return is not the erroneous actions of the Bank, the amount collected as payment for the Bank’s performance of the said operation is not refundable.

5.8. All commissions and expenses of correspondent banks that the Bank incurs when executing the client’s orders related to conducting transactions on the latter’s Account with Ellipse Bank are compensated by the client at their actual cost for each transaction in cases expressly provided for by the provisions of individual paragraphs of these Tariffs.

5.9. These Tariffs apply to standard banking operations and services. At the same time, the Bank may, on the basis of a separate agreement with the client, provide on a paid basis additional types of services not provided for in these Tariffs, as well as change the size of the tariff rate for a particular transaction by agreement with the client.

The rates of these Tariffs apply only to those operations and services that are carried out in the usual manner for banking practice. If the Bank's performance of a particular operation or provision of a particular service on behalf of a client requires additional costs or additional work, the Bank reserves the right to charge an additional commission, of which the client will be notified in advance.

5.10. The Bank has the right to unilaterally change, supplement or cancel these Tariffs. The Bank's tariffs in the new edition (with amendments and additions) within the period established by the bank account agreement in foreign currency between the credit institution and the legal entity (resident of the Russian Federation/non-resident of the Russian Federation), are posted for review on the Ellipse Bank website on the Internet , and are also exhibited in the Bank’s customer service premises.

5.11. The Bank is not responsible for untimely notification of clients about changes to these Tariffs in cases where the need for such changes was caused by the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Bank of Russia or other regulatory bodies.

which banking specialists often use in their speech

publication date: 04/26/2013

update date: 04/10/2019

Bankers are very familiar with the regulations that govern their activities. These documents are re-read at the bank many times, depending on the complexity of the transactions being carried out and the emergence of new ones. Moreover, in Russia, laws, instructions and regulations are constantly undergoing changes, often very significant, and it is necessary to re-read the documents again. And the numbers of these documents are quickly remembered. Behind these numbers stands a whole era of development of banking in Russia and a huge amount of knowledge regulating the entire range of banking operations.

In this regard, to reduce references to any normative act in your speech bank employees only mention the document number, without using its name or what it is about. Dedicated specialists absolutely understand what it is about, what it is about, and why it is mentioned.

To introduce the uninitiated to banking, ProfBanking posts a list of the main documents regulating banking activities and provides a brief annotation to each regulatory act.

If you want to see everything documents on banking activities and their texts, go to the banking library.

Main regulations governing banking activities:

395-1 – the main federal law on banks and banking activities, gives the concepts of “credit organization”, “bank”, “non-bank credit organization”, “banking group”, “banking holding”, “banking operations”, “deposit”, “depositor”, establishes the amount of the minimum authorized capital of a bank, qualification requirements for bank managers, contains rules on the registration of credit organizations and their licensing, as well as grounds for revoking a bank’s license, features of the reorganization and liquidation of banks. Of course, every bank employee should know this law.

Federal Law No. 395-1 of December 2, 1990 “On banks and banking activities”

86-FZ– the law on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, establishes the functions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, describes the governing bodies of the Bank of Russia, the reporting requirements of the Bank of Russia, defines the monetary unit of Russia, the main instruments and methods of monetary policy, the rights of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to carry out certain operations, and also concerns norms of banking regulation and banking supervision. Every bank employee should know this law.

Official details of the normative act:

Federal Law No. 86-FZ of July 10, 2002 “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”

579-P– Chart of accounts for bank accounting and rules for reflecting transactions in the bank’s accounting records (until April 3, 2017, Regulation No. 385-P was applied, but it was cancelled).

Official details of the normative act:

Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 579-P dated February 27, 2017 “On Chart of accounts for credit institutions and the procedure for its application »

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153-I– the most important document on the rules for opening and closing all types of bank accounts opened for individuals, legal entities, and entrepreneurs: current, settlement, correspondent and other accounts. The instructions also apply to accounts for accounting deposits and deposit accounts of courts, divisions of the bailiff service, law enforcement agencies and notaries. The instructions contain a list of documents required to open each account, requirements for conducting a client’s legal business, and drawing up a card with sample signatures and a seal.

Official details of the normative act:

Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 153-I dated May 30, 2014 “On opening and closing bank accounts, deposit accounts, deposit accounts”

161-FZ– law on the national payment system. This law is a new milestone in the development of the settlement system in the Russian Federation. It establishes the legal and organizational foundations of the national payment system, regulates the procedure for the provision of payment services, including the transfer of funds, the use of electronic means of payment, the activities of subjects of the national payment system, and also determines the requirements for the organization and functioning of payment systems, the procedure for supervision and surveillance in the national payment system.

Official details of the normative act:

Federal Law No. 161-FZ of June 27, 2011 “On the National Payment System”

383-P– Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation establishing the rules for the transfer of funds by credit institutions in Russian rubles through bank accounts and without opening bank accounts. Regulation No. 383-P was developed on the basis of Law 161-FZ “On the National Payment System” and establishes the following forms of non-cash payments: settlements by payment orders; by letter of credit; collection orders; checks; direct debit; in the form of electronic money transfer.

Transfers of funds can be issued by orders in the form of: payment order, collection order, payment request, payment order. The forms of these documents are given in the appendices to Regulation 383-P.

Official details of the normative act:

Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 383-P dated June 19, 2012 “On the rules for transferring funds”

180-I– one of the most important Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, establishing a methodology for calculating mandatory bank ratios. The Instruction establishes 12 mandatory standards, each of which must be observed by the bank on a daily basis (until July 28, 2017, Instruction No. 139-I was applied, but it was cancelled).

Official details of the normative act:

Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 180-I dated June 28, 2017 “On mandatory standards for banks”

595-P– Regulations that regulate the rules for participants in the payment system of the Bank of Russia (PS BR). In addition, Regulation 595-P introduced a new structure of the BIC and the procedure for its assignment, but for existing banks the BIC remains the same.

Official details of the normative act:

Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 595-P dated 07/06/2017 “On the payment system of the Bank of Russia”

507-P– regulations on the Fore (Fore - mandatory reserve fund): how to calculate the amount of required reserves, the procedure for regulating the Fore, the procedure for drawing up and submitting to the Bank of Russia calculations for required reserves.

Official details of the normative act:

Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 507-P dated December 1, 2015 “On required reserves of credit institutions”

590-P– one of the most important and complex regulations of the Bank of Russia; establishes the procedure for classifying loans into quality categories, taking into account the financial situation of the borrower and the quality of debt servicing, determines the limits of the amount of the estimated reserve as a percentage of the amount of the principal debt, the features of the formation of a reserve for loans for portfolios of homogeneous loans, the procedure for the bank to write off bad debts on loans. A necessary document for working with loans, discounted bills, securities for transactions with deferred payment or delivery, factoring requirements (until July 14, 2017, Regulation No. 254-P was applied, but it was cancelled)

Official details of the normative act:

Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 590-P dated June 28, 2017 “Regulations on the procedure for the formation by credit institutions of reserves for possible losses on loans, on loan and equivalent debt”

611-P– a document on the classification of other (not related to loans under 590-P) elements of the calculation base in order to form a reserve for possible losses.

Official details of the normative act:

Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 611-P dated October 23, 2017 “On the procedure for credit institutions to form reserves for possible losses”

4927-U– did you know that each commercial bank provides the Bank of Russia with several dozen different reports on its activities quarterly, monthly, ten days, daily? This document establishes reporting forms for credit institutions. A very voluminous regulatory act. Contains not only report forms, but also the procedure for compiling and submitting each report.

Official details of the normative act:

Directive of the Bank of Russia No. 4927-U dated October 8, 2018 “On the list, forms and procedure for compiling and submitting reporting forms for credit institutions to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation”

646-P– establishes a methodology for determining the amount of bank capital, taking into account international approaches to increasing the stability of the banking sector (“Basel III”). The amount of own funds (capital), determined in accordance with Regulation 646-P, is used to determine the values ​​of mandatory standards, as well as in other cases when, in order to determine the value of prudential standards of activity, the indicator of the credit institution’s own funds is used.

Official details of the normative act:

Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 646-P dated July 4, 2018 “On the methodology for determining the own funds (capital) of credit institutions (“BASEL III”)”

178-I– establishes the size (limits) of open currency positions, the methodology for their calculation and the features of supervision over their compliance.

Official details of the normative act:

Instruction of the Bank of Russia No. 178-I dated December 28, 2016 “On establishing the size (limits) of open currency positions, the methodology for their calculation and the specifics of supervising their compliance by credit institutions”

148-I– a normative act concerning the issues of issuing shares and bonds by commercial banks, preparing a securities prospectus, and registering the issue of securities by banks.

Official details of the normative act:

Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 148-I dated December 27, 2013 “On the procedure for implementing the procedure for issuing securities of credit institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation”

135-I- a large and complex regulatory act concerning issues of state registration of banks and the issuance of licenses to them. This document is well known to the bank's legal service and bank management. Describes all types of banking licenses, general requirements for the founders of the bank, the list of documents submitted to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for obtaining licenses, for the opening and closing of branches by banks, for the reorganization of the bank.

Official details of the normative act:

Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 135-I dated 04/02/2010 “On the procedure for the Bank of Russia to make decisions on state registration of credit institutions and issuance of licenses for banking operations”

242-P– a document on internal control in a bank, why a system of internal control in a bank is needed, how to organize it.

Official details of the normative act:

Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 242-P dated December 16, 2003 “Regulations on the organization of internal control in credit institutions and banking groups”

115-FZ– a federal law aimed at creating a mechanism to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism. To the unusual functions available to banks, this law added one more - the function of mandatory control over questionable transactions with the obligation to submit information about them to Rosfinmonitoring. Since the adoption of the law in 2001, a lot has changed in the work of banks: full-fledged internal services have appeared, dealing only with issues of countering legalization, voluminous internal bank documents on countering legalization issues have been written, questionnaires have been developed for clients and beneficiaries, special software systems and communication channels have been introduced. .

Official details of the normative act:

Federal Law No. 115-FZ of 07.08.2001 “On combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism”

499-P– this is the procedure for identifying clients in order to comply with the provisions of Law 115-FZ.

Official details of the normative act:

Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 499-P 10.15.2015 “On identification by credit institutions of clients, client representatives, beneficiaries and beneficial owners for the purpose of combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism”

39-FZ– the main regulatory act on the securities market and the activities of professional participants in the securities market; the law establishes the concepts of “equity security”, “share”, “bond”, “issuer option”, “issuer”, “registered emission securities”, “documentary form”, “book-entry form”, “state registration number of the issue”, “public offering of securities”, “listing of securities”, “brokerage activities”, “dealer activities”, “securities management activities”, “depository activities” and others.

Official details of the normative act:

Federal Law No. 39-FZ of April 22, 1996 “On the securities market”

Geneva Convention or (Promissory Note Convention)- an international normative act concluded in Geneva in 1930, which came into force for the USSR in 1937 and, by succession, applies to Russia. Refers to special bill legislation and establishes uniform norms and requirements for the execution of bills and bill circulation for states that have acceded to the Convention. Despite the fact that bill relations in Russia are regulated not so much by the Geneva Conventions, but by the Resolution of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated August 7, 1937 No. 104/1341 “On the implementation of the provisions on bills of exchange and promissory notes”, which practically repeats rules of the Geneva Convention, to work with bills of exchange you need to know both documents very well.

Official details of the normative act:

645-P– rules for the issuance and registration of certificates of deposit and savings by banks, which also includes a requirement for mandatory registration of the conditions for issuing savings and certificates of deposit of credit organizations with the Bank of Russia.

Official details of the normative act:

Bank of Russia Regulation No. 645-P dated July 3, 2018 “On savings and deposit certificates of credit institutions”

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173-FZ– the law on Russian currency policy, introduces the concepts of “domestic securities”, “external securities”, “residents”, “non-residents”, “currency transactions” and enshrines the basic principle of currency legislation: “everything is prohibited except what is expressly permitted " The law is very important for banks, since banks are entrusted with the function of currency control agents.

Official details of the normative act:

Federal Law No. 173-FZ of December 10, 2003 “On Currency Regulation and Currency Control”

177-FZ– the law on deposit insurance in banks, defines the basic principles of deposit insurance, participants in the insurance system, what deposits are insured, an insured event, the amount of compensation for deposits in a bank, the competence of the Deposit Insurance Agency, requirements for banks participating in the deposit insurance system, the calculation procedure and payment by banks of insurance premiums to the Agency’s account in the Bank of Russia.

Official details of the normative act:

Federal Law No. 177-FZ of December 23, 2003 “On insurance of deposits in banks of the Russian Federation”

630-P– determines the procedure for conducting cash transactions by banks with cash rubles when carrying out banking operations and other transactions, the procedure for working with banknotes of the Bank of Russia that raise doubts about solvency, insolvent banknotes of the Bank of Russia, the presence of signs of counterfeiting of which does not raise doubts among the cashier of a credit institution, and also establishes rules for the storage, transportation and collection of cash in credit institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Official details of the normative act:

Bank of Russia Regulation No. 630-P dated January 29, 2018 “On the procedure for conducting cash transactions and the rules for storage, transportation and collection of banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia in credit institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation”

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2054-U– establishes the procedure for conducting cash transactions in authorized banks with banknotes of foreign states.

Official details of the normative act:

Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 2054-U dated August 14, 2008 “On the procedure for conducting cash transactions with cash foreign currency in authorized banks on the territory of the Russian Federation”

266-P– establishes the procedure for issuing bank cards on the territory of the Russian Federation by credit institutions and the specifics of carrying out transactions with payment cards, the issuer of which may be a credit institution, a foreign bank or a foreign organization.

Official details of the normative act:

Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 266-P dated December 24, 2004 “On the issue of payment cards and on transactions carried out using them”

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The business processes and management system of a modern bank are so complex that it is impossible to do without their mandatory documentation. Each organization develops its own set of internal regulations, however, such as regulations on the organizational structure, divisions, job descriptions of specialists, credit policy, banking risk management policy, interest rate policy, internal control rules in order to combat the legalization (laundering) of income received criminally" and terrorist financing, information security policy are relevant for most banks.
The main objective of internal regulatory documents is to increase the manageability and controllability of organizational, technological and accounting processes and to prevent non-compliance with the requirements of regulatory bodies, as well as incorrect, unacceptable or even dangerous actions for the bank on the part of employees. Internal regulatory documents are approved by the head of the credit institution and are binding on all bank employees.
Let us dwell in more detail on the description of the most important internal documents (accounting regulations such as accounting policies, document processing technology, etc. will be considered separately), presenting approximate options for their design. From a practical point of view, this is important, since generally accepted and approved standards for the forms of internal regulations of banks still do not exist, and each of them solves this problem for itself independently, without coordinating the adopted form with similar existing ones.

More on the topic Regulations and documents:

  1. 2.5. Regulations for interaction between participants in the investment process when forming an investment program