New health insurance policies. The Federal Migration Service provided clarification on the situation with the replacement of compulsory medical insurance policies

The procedure for replacing the compulsory medical insurance policy with a new type policy started several years ago. A personal application to a company specializing in health insurance or to the MFC will help you obtain a new type of compulsory medical insurance policy. Alternatively, it can be ordered through a proxy. The preferred form of the received document must be indicated, which is available for:

  • people with Russian citizenship;
  • people who are citizens of other states but reside in Russia on a permanent or temporary basis;
  • refugees;
  • persons without citizenship.

It is required to provide its owner with medical care without payment throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation, giving the right to choose a medical institution, calling on clinics, hospitals, and medical centers to work efficiently and quickly.

What does he look like?

A new policy can be obtained from:

  • in the usual form - a paper document with data placed on both sides;
  • compact form of a plastic card;
  • as part of a universal electronic card (a promising option).

What does the new sample compulsory medical insurance policy look like in paper form? The format of the new document is A5, it is not recommended to bend it, and laminating it is strictly prohibited. The only thing that can be done is photocopies on both sides, which will help extend the life of the original. On the front part there is information about the owner (full name, day, month and year of birth), date of receipt, and a unique barcode. On the reverse side is printed information about the place of residence, the insurance company and its coordinates.

The electronic form is similar to a bank card. All data about who issued it is stored on the CHIP, for this reason, owners of plastic insurance should remember the name of their insurance company in order to provide information in hospitals and clinics. A unique number is also located here. On the reverse side there is a photograph and signature of the owner, the date until which the card is valid. The answer to the question of where to get a new plastic compulsory health insurance policy requires additional preparation related to calling organizations whose activities are related to health insurance. The reason is that not everyone has the technical ability to issue a plastic version.

You can check the authenticity of the paper or plastic version of the policy issued to you on the official resource by entering a unique number in a special search bar. You will need to turn the document with the front side facing you, where the compulsory medical insurance policy number of the new sample is printed, regardless of whether it is made on paper or plastic.

List of documents

The documents for obtaining a new compulsory medical insurance policy are, in principle, the same for everyone:

  • a correctly completed application to an organization whose specialization is health insurance;
  • a certified copy of a document that can clearly prove your identity;
  • a certified copy of SNILS (if available).
  • a certified copy of a document confirming the status of “refugee” (certificate of consideration of an application on this issue), a residence permit, an identity document of a stateless person, which contains a mark confirming the legality of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation for foreign citizens, refugees and stateless people respectively.

Having submitted an application for a uniform medical insurance document, the applicant receives a certificate that replaces the policy and gives the right to receive medical care until the registration procedure is completed. This certificate can be used for no longer than thirty working days, after which the original health insurance document in the form chosen by the applicant must be received in person.

Regardless of whether you are a citizen of the Russian Federation or not, obtaining a new compulsory medical insurance policy is quite simple and quick.

Do I need to renew or order a reissue?

First of all, it should be emphasized that all medical insurance documents received in hand, dated January 1, 2011 and earlier, are required to be accepted by any medical institution. Whether or not to change the old version is up to its owner.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that when you receive a new sample document in your hands, you will not find an expiration date on it. Therefore, to the question: “Is it necessary to renew the compulsory medical insurance policy of the new model?” The answer is no, with some caveats:

  • There are no restrictions on the validity period of this document for citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • for people who have received refugee status, the policy will be valid until the person leaves the country;
  • He will help people who have a permit for temporary stay in the Russian Federation to receive medical care free of charge as long as the permit is valid.


The new standard compulsory medical insurance policy is valid on the territory of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regardless of the residence permit or registration of the owner. For this reason, you must take it with you on any trip within Russia. The new unified compulsory medical insurance policy gives the right to choose not only the doctor providing medical services, but also the medical institution.

The nuances of obtaining a new sample document

As in any business initiated by the Russian authorities, when obtaining a single policy guaranteeing medical care, there are a number of nuances that need to be prepared for.

You can change your insurance company once during a calendar year and strictly before November 1st. The exception is the new owner's registration address.

Insurance is provided by one organization at a time. Accordingly, a person can be the owner of one policy.

If a plastic format is lost or damaged, then only its paper counterpart can be issued to replace it.

The country’s government plans to eventually move en masse to a universal electronic card, which will replace policies (not only old, but also new ones), performing the functions of an identity card, a certificate of pension insurance, etc., opening access to a variety of state and municipal services in any region Russian Federation without payment.

Compulsory health insurance (abbreviated compulsory medical insurance) is a document or, more generally, a system that provides for the possibility of a patient receiving free medical care. At the same time, both citizens of the Russian Federation and persons living in the country without Russian citizenship have the right to own a document: stateless persons, refugees, temporary migrants (for example, workers), as well as employees of the Eurasian Economic Union. Let's look at what the new type of compulsory medical insurance is, its differences from the old one, and how to get it.

What is the new compulsory medical insurance card?

The issue of the amended insurance policy became known in the spring of 2011, but the updated certificate continues to raise questions even now.

A uniform plastic compulsory medical insurance policy is an improved version of the paper version with a number of advantages.

It is important to note that owners of the new policy can count on the same services as before, so there should be no cause for concern. To avoid difficulties, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for obtaining and validating the policy.

This is what a standard new compulsory medical insurance policy looks like - it resembles a bank card.

What has changed in the new compulsory medical insurance?

  1. The first thing that catches your eye is the shape and appearance. The blue A5 paper document was replaced by a bright miniature double-sided card.
  2. The material for making the certificate has become radically different.
  3. A chip appeared with personal information about the patient.
  4. You can choose your own insurance company.

What advantages does the user of the new version of insurance have?

There are several obvious advantages of the new form of compulsory medical insurance:

  1. Cards are in many ways superior to paper documents in terms of security. The data chip, photo and information about the owner on the new type of compulsory medical insurance make it impossible for unauthorized persons to use the document.
  2. A durable card, unlike its paper counterpart, will not be damaged by water or wrinkled in a bag.
  3. The compact size makes it possible to carry the card in a wallet or pocket.
  4. The ability to choose an insurer also saves the client from many problems.

Replacement is free, so you don’t have to worry about finances either.

What does the current compulsory medical insurance look like?

As already mentioned, the card is double-sided. It is three-colored: one side is made in different shades of blue, the other is “decorated” in the colors of the Russian flag - white, blue and red.

In the center of the upper part of the front side it is stated that this card is a “compulsory health insurance policy.” The red and yellow state emblem is depicted on the left, below it is a golden chip with encrypted data. The compulsory health insurance logo and company name are on the right. Many people are interested in where the policy number of the new compulsory medical insurance is indicated. So, the 16 digits below are the document number.

In the upper left part on the opposite side is the contact phone number of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. Immediately below it is the owner’s electronic signature, his image, last name, first name and patronymic, as well as a hologram that serves as proof of the authenticity of the insurance certificate. On the right (from bottom to top) the owner’s date of birth, his gender, and the validity period of the certificate are indicated.

Why get a new document?

It is worth obtaining a new type of certificate to keep up with the times: to be the owner of a compact card instead of a paper document with erasable information that is easily wrinkled and not waterproof.

The new compulsory medical insurance policy is made of plastic: it is comfortable to wear, it does not wrinkle, does not get dirty, and does not get wet.

Are you required to change your certificate?

In the fall of 2018, rumors began to appear that after November the old document would be invalid. It is not true. If you do not want to change the policy to a single sample or for some reason have not yet done so, then you have the right to use a paper certificate. This is stated in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation. In 2018, a warning was received that it would be impossible to change the insurance company before January 2019.

Despite the fact that the information is no longer relevant, it is important to understand that you can, but are not required to change the compulsory medical insurance form.

What you need to do to get new insurance

When taking out insurance for a citizen of the Russian Federation under 18 years of age, you must have:

  • the child’s birth certificate or passport if he or she reaches the age of 14;
  • individual personal account insurance number (SNILS);
  • passport of one parent or guardian.

Important! Newborn children are required to provide services under the mother's policy.

Adults need to have only 2 documents with them:

  • own passport;
  • SNILS.

If you are going to apply for compulsory medical insurance for another adult or someone else’s child, you will also need a power of attorney.

It is important for refugees to provide evidence confirming this fact.

Stateless persons or citizens of another state will need an identity card, residence permit or certificate allowing them to reside in the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as, if available, SNILS.

EAEU employees will need a passport, SNILS and an employment contract.

It is advisable to have with you not only originals, but also copies of documents.

Obtaining a new type of compulsory medical insurance is very simple.

Stages of obtaining a card

  1. Providing documents, photographs and signatures.
  2. Writing an application.
  3. Obtaining a temporary certificate (valid for a month and 15 days).
  4. Obtaining a permanent document.

Usually the permanent policy card is ready after a month.

Where can I get a new type of compulsory medical insurance?

To replace or issue a document, you need to contact the insurance company or government agency that provides this service. The choice is large, but “Rosno MS” (Now “ LLC VTB MS") is definitely a leader.

You cannot obtain a new compulsory medical insurance policy through State Services, however, on the portal you can find information about the institutions that deal with this.

If you are interested in applying for compulsory medical insurance online, you will need to select an insurance company and act in accordance with the requirements specified on the website.

On August 1, the exchange of compulsory medical insurance policies for new plastic cards began in Moscow. The director of the Moscow City Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (MGFOMS), Vladimir Zelensky, spoke about why this was required, how long the old policies will be valid and where to get new ones in an exclusive interview with Vestey.Ru columnist Evgeny Saltykov.

- Tell us why you needed to change your policies at all? What don't you like about the existing ones?

There are several reasons why this had to be done and why now. The first is the not very convenient format of the current paper policy. It cannot be folded because the barcode is located on the folded areas and cannot be laminated because the insurance company information is written on the reverse side. In this regard, we have accumulated quite a large request from the society. People change their last names and passports, but do not report this to the insurance company, because, in such a case, they would have to exchange the old convenient policy in the form of a green plastic card for a new paper one.

- Why did they initially change the convenient plastic for inconvenient paper?

The green plastic policy was a purely Moscow product that had existed since 1998. After this, in 2011, paper policies of a single federal standard began to be issued throughout Russia. But out of 12 million people insured under compulsory medical insurance in Moscow, more than 7 million still have old green plastic cards in their hands. During this time, many people's data changed, but, as I already said, not everyone began to report these changes. Meanwhile, the law on compulsory medical insurance stipulates the obligation of citizens to notify their insurance company within 30 days of changes in their data, such as a change of surname, place of residence or passport. But citizens neglected this duty, for the reasons stated above. Because of this, we began to encounter a lot of problems - it became difficult to find people in the registers of insurance companies, and feedback from the insured became difficult. And this, perhaps, became the main reason for the need to replace policies.

- What are the main differences between old and new compulsory medical insurance policies?

The new policy has a chip that stores all the necessary information about the insured - full name, date of birth, region of insurance, insurance company. This information can be read using readers, which will be equipped in all medical institutions. The back of the policy contains additional information, including a photograph and personal signature. Thus, when presenting a new policy, you will not need to provide additional documents to identify the citizen, which is necessary when seeking medical care outside your home region. Having a photograph will also be useful in conditions of loss of consciousness - if a person has a policy with him, his identity can be easily established.

- Is replacing a new policy a mandatory procedure? How long will old compulsory medical insurance policies be valid?

The replacement is not forced. The law states that old policies are valid as long as they are in hand. Accordingly, paper policies and green plastic cards continue to be valid, provided that their owners have not changed their personal data.

- What is needed in order to exchange an old compulsory medical insurance policy for a new one?

Go to the insurance company and write a statement. Within 30 working days you will be issued a new policy.

- Will only Muscovites be able to get it, or will non-resident citizens living in the capital have this opportunity?

- If a person lives and works in Moscow, but does not have a residence permit or registration here, then he, like others, can get insurance in Moscow. Accordingly, attach to a clinic and have access to an appointment with a doctor via the Internet or in information booths.

In two years, they plan to issue a Universal Electronic Card (UEC) throughout the country, which will immediately replace both the role of an identifier and a payment card. Maybe it was worth waiting for the launch of this all-Russian project and also adding a compulsory medical insurance policy to the UEC? Or has the need for a new policy truly become urgent?

The current version of the law on compulsory medical insurance provides for two types of policies: paper and electronic. Moreover, the electronic one can be either the one that we are now starting to issue, or in the form of an application on the Universal Electronic Card. Over the several years of its existence, UEK has not become a mass product. The problems we talked about cannot be solved with its help. That is why we decided to launch a new product now.

Every resident of the Russian Federation falls under the state program of compulsory health insurance (CHI). However, he can exercise his right to free medical care only if he has an insurance contract. Several years ago, the form of filling out and the type of this insurance changed somewhat. How is it possible to replace a compulsory medical insurance policy with a new type of policy today?

Is it necessary to change the compulsory medical insurance policy to a new type policy: latest news for 2020

Recently, the Moscow Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund announced that it was suspending the issuance of new-style policies until January 2020. Because of this, a rumor appeared that everyone needs to urgently change their old-style compulsory medical insurance policy to a new one before November 1, 2018, otherwise there will be problems with the provision of medical services.

On October 26, an explanation came from the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, namely, it states that all policies are issued for an indefinite period and medical care under them can be obtained without any restrictions. Until November 1, you can apply to change the insurance company servicing your compulsory medical insurance policy if the quality of its services does not suit you. This can be done once a year. Therefore, dear readers, there is no need to urgently change your policy.

The text of the press release is below:

Do I need to change compulsory medical insurance when changing my registration?

Art. 51 clause 2 of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation” regulates that all policies issued on the territory of the Russian Federation before 05/01/2011 are valid until they are replaced by a single format. Thus, the insurance you have in hand does not have to be changed until its validity period comes to an end.

However, in some circumstances the policy must be replaced without delay. For example, in the event of a change of place of residence, personal data or loss of insurance, it may be considered invalid. If outdated information remains in the compulsory medical insurance policy, the citizen may be denied medical care.

It is worth noting that there is no need to replace the compulsory medical insurance policy in case of a temporary change of place of residence, a short-term departure or a long business trip. But in case of change of registration, obtaining a new insurance contract is a mandatory condition.

Types of insurance documents

Section III of the Rules of Compulsory Health Insurance contains uniform requirements for the preparation of an insurance document, describes its types and information that must be provided in it. In 2020, citizens have several types of them in their hands:

  • on blue A5 paper;
  • in the form of a plastic card with a chip containing information;
  • as part of a chipped universal electronic card (UEC).

Since January 1, 2017, the issuance of UEC in the Russian Federation has been suspended. This card is no longer considered a mandatory tool for the provision of state and municipal services. Previously, when it was necessary to replace the contract, the insured person received new insurance as part of the UEC. This card can additionally be used when contacting government services, as a bank card, as well as an electronic wallet and travel ticket.

Currently, two types of policies are issued in the Russian Federation: paper and plastic. If we talk about durability and compactness, then the latter option wins. However, given that many medical institutions still do not have special equipment to read information from the card, the paper form is more convenient to use.

New sample policy and its features

The phrase “new model” should be understood as two innovations:

  • an updated form for filling out a paper form, which was introduced in 2011;
  • electronic plastic card, which has been issued since 2014.

New contracts with the insurer on a paper basis were issued with a validity period until 2014, so today they are no longer valid. Citizens can contact the insurance organization for a new paper copy or for a chipped electronic card. Plastic cards, which have been issued since 2014 and are issued by insurers, do not have an expiration date.


Medical insurance policies differ not only in type, but also in terms of validity. In 2011, new documents began to be issued in Russia, but the old existing agreements are still valid. Medical insurance validity period:

  1. Most old insurance contracts were issued for a certain period. The end date is indicated on its front side. When it arrives, the citizen receives a new contract.
  2. The contracts of the new uniform sample are unlimited. Of course, this is very convenient. However, there are a number of circumstances under which they are subject to mandatory replacement.

There is no point in delaying the renewal of expired insurance, although health workers do not have the right to refuse to provide services in an emergency. As soon as the contract expires, you should select the appropriate insurance organization and issue a new one. This service is provided free of charge.

Replacement procedure

If you have valid old-style health insurance, there is no need to replace it. However, in some cases it is necessary to re-register it. How to change the policy? The procedure looks like this:

  • The first stage and a very important aspect is the choice of an insurer. In this matter, you need to be guided by the reputation of insurance companies and reviews of their clients. When replacing a policy, the policyholder usually contacts the organization where he received the previous one;
  • then you need to visit the insurer’s office and fill out an application in which you should clearly state the reason for the re-registration. At the same time, you need to carefully ensure that there are no errors in it;
  • At the appointment with the insurer, the client must present an identity card to the employee. As a rule, this is a civil passport;
  • the policyholder must present his personal account number;
  • after consideration and acceptance of the papers, the applicant is issued a temporary certificate, which has the same force. Its validity period is no more than 30 days;
  • The policyholder must obtain new insurance within 30 days. At the appointed time, he comes to the insurance company to receive it. Before you pick up the paper, it is better to make sure that all the information is true.

Soon, citizens of the Russian Federation will be able to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy through government services. Currently, online issuance of health insurance is being tested - a trial version is open to residents of St. Petersburg.

Required documents to receive

In order to replace a compulsory medical insurance policy, a citizen must provide the insurer with the following documents and information:

  • passport;
  • application for replacement indicating the reason;
  • individual personal account insurance number (SNILS);
  • old insurance, if it has not been lost;
  • the child’s birth certificate and the identity card of his legal representative, if the insurance is issued for a minor.

If compulsory health insurance is issued for a child under 14 years of age, then presentation of SNILS is not a prerequisite for receiving it. In the event that another person, rather than a legal representative, acts on behalf of the insured person (for example, not a mother or father, but a grandmother or grandfather), a power of attorney will be required. This is regulated by the Rules of Compulsory Health Insurance.

It is possible to re-register compulsory medical insurance online. On the EMIAS website you can see points for issuing and replacing compulsory medical insurance policies, which accept applications for a contract directly through this electronic resource.

Points for issuing and replacing compulsory medical insurance policies in different regions of the country can be found on this website.

Deadlines for registration

As a rule, the period for issuing insurance does not exceed 10 days. Insurance companies issue a new document within 1-1.5 weeks, depending on workload.

Clause 50 of the Rules of Compulsory Medical Insurance stipulates that the period for issuing an insurance contract cannot exceed the validity period of the temporary certificate issued during the acceptance of documents. Thus, the maximum duration for producing a new document is 30 days.

If compulsory medical insurance is issued through the MFC, then the time frame for receiving it may increase by a couple of days. This occurs due to the document being sent by mail.

Conditions for mandatory replacement

Here are the cases in which re-registration of health insurance is mandatory:

  • loss of a valid document (loss, damage, theft);
  • change of personal data of the insured person: last name, first name, patronymic;
  • in connection with moving to another city or region of the country for the purpose of permanent or temporary (if there is a certificate of temporary registration) residence;
  • replacement of a civil passport or other identification document, information about which is provided in the contract;
  • when changing the insurance organization providing health insurance;
  • presence of inaccuracies and errors in the insurance contract.

The above circumstances oblige the insured person to notify the insurer of changes within 30 days. As a rule, new health insurance is made and issued 10 days after the applicant applies. The service of issuing and replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy with a new policy is free of charge.


So, citizens of the Russian Federation can continue to use the old-style compulsory medical insurance insurance until its validity period comes to an end. The document is subject to re-issuance when moving, when changing the last name, first name or patronymic, when changing the passport and when lost. Obtaining a new contract with an insurer does not entail any problems or costs: the procedure for reviewing and accepting documents is quick, and medical insurance is issued within 30 days from the date of application.

You can find out more about the new model below.

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