How to use electronic money. Electronic money

Electronic money is a virtual currency that is equivalent to regular cash or non-cash funds and does not require opening a bank account.

In fact, this is money, the circulation of which does not occur in the form paper bills, and through implementation in the sphere of financial settlements computer technology And modern system communications.

At first glance, electronic money looks like non-cash payments, but this is not entirely true. Non-cash funds were originally familiar monetary units that a person, for example, deposited in a bank account. After which they turned into his working capital within the banking system.

Electronic money is initially a form of money whose storage is the Internet. They can be used by a person to pay for goods on the Internet or withdrawn to a bank card for cashing out funds or non-cash payments. One electronic currency unit equal to fiat money.


Now the fly in the ointment.

  • Not everywhere you can pay with this currency.
  • There is usually a fee for transfers to wallets of other systems.
  • Internet addiction: no Internet - you can’t use it.
  • Electronic currency is not regulated by the government.
  • Limitation on the size of transfers, cash withdrawals, etc.

Now it's a question of use electronic money relevant. Business is increasingly conducted via the Internet, and you can’t live without such currency.

"Audit and Taxation", 2012, N 3

Many organizations use electronic funds when making payments to their partners. Until recently, their appeal was not regulated by law, but now this gap in the legislation has been eliminated. What is meant by electronic money, you will learn from this article.

Main legal act regulating the use of electronic Money, is Federal Law No. 161-FZ of June 27, 2011 “On the National Payment System” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 161-FZ).

According to paragraph 18 of Art. 3 of Law N 161-FZ, electronic funds are funds that are previously provided by one person to another person, taking into account information about the amount of funds provided without opening a bank account, for execution monetary obligations the person who provided the funds, before third parties and in respect of which the person who provided the funds has the right to transmit orders exclusively using electronic means of payment.

Electronic means of payment - a means or method that allows a client of a money transfer operator to draw up, certify and transmit orders for the purpose of transferring funds within the framework of the applicable forms of non-cash payments using information and communication technologies, electronic storage media (payment cards).

It should be noted that electronic money does not include money received by organizations carrying out professional activity On the market valuable papers, clearing activities and (or) management activities investment funds, mutual investment funds and non-governmental pension funds and recording information on the amount of funds provided without opening a bank account in accordance with the legislation regulating the activities of these organizations.

The procedure for transferring electronic funds is fixed in Art. 7 of Law No. 161-FZ.

When making non-cash payments in the form of electronic money transfer, the client provides funds to the electronic money operator on the basis of an agreement concluded with him.

In this case, the client means:

  • an individual providing funds to an electronic money operator with or without using his bank account (clause 2 of Article 7 of Law No. 161-FZ);
  • a legal entity or individual entrepreneur providing funds to an electronic money operator only using his bank account (Clause 3, Article 7 of Law No. 161-FZ).

An electronic money operator is an organization that, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, has the right to transfer electronic money without opening a bank account (Clause 3, Article 3 of Law No. 161-FZ).

Funds provided by the client are accounted for by the electronic money operator (hereinafter referred to as the operator) by creating a record reflecting the amount of the operator's obligations to the client in the amount of funds provided by him.

According to paragraphs 5 and 6 of Art. 7 of Law No. 161-FZ, the operator does not have the right to:

  • provide the client with funds to increase the balance of the client’s electronic funds;
  • accrue interest on the balance of electronic funds or pay any remuneration to the client.

Transfer of electronic funds, or so-called electronic money, is prohibited between two legal entities or a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur.

One of the sides of the transfer to mandatory must be an individual (Clause 9, Article 7 of Law No. 161-FZ).

In accordance with paragraph 10 of Art. 7 of Law N 161-FZ, the transfer of electronic funds is carried out by simultaneous acceptance by the operator of the client’s order, reducing the balance of the payer’s electronic money and increasing the balance of the recipient’s electronic money by the amount of the electronic money transfer. Transfer of electronic funds in accordance with clause 11 of Art. 7 of Law N 161-FZ, is carried out immediately after the operator accepts the client’s order.

An agreement concluded by the operator with the client may provide for the possibility of using electronic means of payment by the payer - an individual and the recipient of funds - a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, when the actions specified in clause 10 of Art. 7 of Law N 161-FZ, are not carried out simultaneously (autonomous mode of using an electronic means of payment). In this case, the recipient of the funds is obliged to transmit information about completed transactions to the operator on a daily basis for its recording no later than the end of the operator’s working day.

In the case of an autonomous mode of using an electronic means of payment, the operator sends to the payer (recipient, if provided for in the agreement) confirmation of the transfer of electronic money immediately after taking into account what he received in accordance with clause 12 of Art. 7 of Law No. 161-FZ information.

The transfer of electronic funds becomes irrevocable and final after the operator carries out the actions specified in clause 10 of Art. 7 of Law No. 161-FZ.

The operator keeps track of information on balances and completed electronic money transfers on an ongoing basis.

The balance (part thereof) of the client’s electronic funds - legal entity or individual entrepreneur may, by his order, be credited or transferred only to his bank account.

The client - a legal entity or individual entrepreneur - is required to have a bank account opened with the operator for the transfer of the balance (part thereof) of electronic money, or provide him with information about the bank account of this legal entity or individual entrepreneur opened with another credit institution, to which transfers can be made transfer of the balance (part thereof) of these funds.

To transfer electronic money to foreign currency The requirements of Federal Law dated December 10, 2003 N 173-FZ “On currency regulation And exchange control". Transfer of electronic funds in foreign currency can be carried out:

  • between residents;
  • between residents and non-residents in foreign currency and the currency of the Russian Federation;
  • between non-residents in foreign currency and the currency of the Russian Federation.

Transfer of electronic funds is carried out with or without identification of the client in accordance with Federal law dated 08/07/2001 N 115-FZ “On combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism.”

The operator is obliged to identify the client - an individual, if the balance of electronic money at any time does not exceed 100 thousand rubles. or an equivalent amount in foreign currency at the official exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The electronic means of payment for such a client is personalized (clause 2 of article 10 of Law N 161-FZ).

If the identification of a client - an individual - has not been carried out, then an electronic means of payment can be used provided that the balance of electronic money at any time does not exceed 15 thousand rubles. Such an electronic means of payment is non-personalized (clause 4 of article 10 of Law No. 161-FZ).

The total amount of transferred electronic money using one non-personalized electronic means of payment cannot exceed 40 thousand rubles. within a calendar month.

A legal entity or individual entrepreneur has the right to use an electronic means of payment, subject to identification by the operator. Such an electronic means of payment is corporate. Its use is possible provided that the balance of electronic money does not exceed 100 thousand rubles. or an equivalent amount in foreign currency at the official exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation at the end of the operator’s working day (clause 7, article 10 of Law No. 161-FZ).

If the specified amount is exceeded, the operator is obliged to credit or transfer funds in the amount exceeding the specified limit to the bank account of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur without his order.

When the official foreign exchange rate set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation changes, the amounts specified in paragraphs 2 and 7 of Art. 10 of Law No. 161-FZ.

It should be noted that electronic money transfers using personalized electronic means of payment, corporate electronic means of payment can be suspended in the manner and cases that are similar to the procedure and cases of suspension of transactions on bank account, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation (clause 11, article 10 of Law No. 161-FZ).

In addition, the balance of electronic money on personalized and corporate electronic means of payment may be subject to foreclosure. Such collection may be made in the event of non-payment or incomplete payment of tax in fixed time. This is indicated by paragraph 1 of Art. 46 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

When collecting tax using electronic money, tax authorities should be guided by the provisions of clause 6.1 of Art. 46 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The tax authority collects the arrears by sending an order to the bank to transfer electronic money. This instruction must contain:

  • details of the corporate electronic means of payment of the taxpayer (tax agent) - organization or individual entrepreneur;
  • the amount to be transferred;
  • account details of the taxpayer (tax agent) - organization or individual entrepreneur.

The tax can be collected from electronic money balances in rubles, and if they are insufficient, from balances in foreign currency. Head (deputy head) tax authority simultaneously with the tax authority’s order to transfer electronic money, sends an order to the bank to sell foreign currency.

The bank must sell the currency no later than the next day.

In this case, expenses associated with its sale are borne by the taxpayer (tax agent). The bank transfers electronic funds to the ruble account of the taxpayer (tax agent) in an amount equivalent to the payment amount in rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation established on the date of the electronic money transfer.

The tax authority's order to transfer electronic funds is executed by the bank:

  • no later than one business day, following the day of receipt by him the said order, if the tax is collected from electronic money balances in rubles;
  • no later than two operating days , if the tax is collected from electronic money balances in foreign currency.

Tax Inspectorate, in accordance with paragraph 7 of Art. 46 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, has the right to recover tax at the expense of other property of the taxpayer or tax agent if:

  • There are insufficient funds in accounts or electronic money or they are missing;
  • the inspectorate does not have information about the accounts or details of the corporate electronic means of payment of the taxpayer (tax agent).

Collection of taxes (penalties and fines) at the expense of an individual, in accordance with clause 5 of Art. 48 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, is carried out simultaneously from bank accounts and electronic funds, transfers of which are carried out using personalized electronic means of payment.

Clause 8 of Art. 46 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes that when collecting tax, the inspectorate may suspend transactions on the accounts of a taxpayer (tax agent) - an organization or individual entrepreneur - in banks or suspend electronic money transfers.

Suspension of transactions entailing a decrease in the balance of electronic money is allowed within the amount specified in the decision of the tax authority (clause 2 of Article 76 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Let me remind you that organizations and entrepreneurs, in addition to reporting to tax office about the opening or closing of accounts (personal accounts) in the bank are required to report the emergence or termination of the right to use corporate electronic means of payment for electronic money transfers (clause 1.1, clause 2, article 23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The fulfillment of such duties is assigned to seven days from the date of emergence (termination) of this right.

The Federal Tax Service of Russia in Information dated July 13, 2011 “On the emergence (termination) of the right to use corporate electronic means of payment” reports that for violating the deadline for transferring the specified information to the inspectorate, the taxpayer may be held accountable under Art. 126 or art. 129.1 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Everything in this world is constantly changing, and of course money changes. People are gradually switching to electronic currency. But not everyone knows what electronic money is and how to use it. Many people think that electronic money is ordinary paper money that is simply used to pay for Internet services. In fact, electronic money is virtual, conventionally invented banknotes that have the force of real paper money.

Where does electronic money come from?
Like any money, electronic money needs to be earned. The Internet is an unlimited source of earning electronic real money. Everyone earns their money in their own way, some write articles to order, some play poker, some sell shampoo or candles, some play on the stock exchange.

What can you buy with electronic money?
Almost everything. On the Internet you can buy a house, apartment, car, or just a pack of pasta with home delivery. If we talk about the Russian-language Internet, then we mainly use electronic money to buy electronic equipment, cell phones, books, jewelry and cosmetics. In the West, many people have stopped going to regular stores altogether. Since it is more convenient to buy in virtual stores than in regular ones. A person simply goes to the website of the store he needs, searches for the required product, compares prices with other stores, and then orders home delivery. The convenience is that, firstly, a person saves his time. For example, you can choose a sofa during your lunch break, after work, by this time, the sofa will have already been delivered to the buyer’s home, and you can already relax on the new furniture.
Secondly, no one puts pressure on the buyer or tries to push him an unnecessary product. That is, no sales consultant will get on your nerves with his attempts to sell stale goods. Thirdly, any product, even a handkerchief, can be ordered for home delivery. In the USA, for example, many electronic stores offer free delivery throughout the country. In our electronic stores, it is very expensive. The cost of delivery consists of the weight of the goods, the commission for work and the distance to the buyer. So, for example, if you buy the cheapest shampoo on OZON.RU for 100 rubles, then its delivery, say, to Nizhny Novgorod, will cost 250 rubles. That is, 2.5 times more expensive than the product itself. Of course, if the owners of online stores do not figure out how to reduce delivery costs, then it is unlikely that online shopping will be in great demand in Russia.

How to use electronic money?
There are special computer programs for working with electronic money. The program is very popular in Russia WEB MONEY. So-called online wallet download from the website of the same name, install it on your home computer, create wallets in the desired currency (rubles, dollars, euros, etc.), and then you can use your money. The program is easy to use, although it has flaws in terms of money security.

How to convert electronic money into real rubles.
In order to convert electronic currency into paper currency, you need to come to the exchange office with your passport, having previously sent electronic payment and your secret password for the exchange office wallet. IN exchange office, after you show your passport and give your secret password (you come up with this password and only you know it), the cashier will give you your legal real paper money, but will only charge a commission for services, approximately 4% of the amount.

Advantages of electronic money.
You can top up the balance of your cell phone with electronic money without leaving your home, and without any commission. You can use electronic money to pay for the Internet, utility bills, and any goods that are sold in online stores. Electronic money saves time, and sometimes some online stores offer discounts when paying with electronic money.

Economists believe that electronic money is the future. Since they are the ones who allow us to avoid queues at the bank, at the post office, in the store, and therefore save the most precious thing - our time.

1. Transfer of electronic funds is carried out with identification of the client, simplified identification of the client - an individual, or without identification in accordance with Federal Law of August 7, 2001 N 115-FZ "On combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime, and financing of terrorism."

2. If the operator of electronic money identifies a client - an individual in accordance with Federal Law of August 7, 2001 N 115-FZ "On combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism", the use of an electronic means of payment is carried out by a client - an individual, provided that the balance of electronic funds at any time does not exceed 600 thousand rubles or an amount in foreign currency equivalent to 600 thousand rubles at the official exchange rate of the Bank of Russia. The specified electronic means of payment is personalized.

(see text in the previous edition)

4. If the operator of electronic money fails to identify a client - an individual in accordance with Federal Law of August 7, 2001 N 115-FZ "On combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism", the use of an electronic means of payment is carried out by a client - an individual, provided that the balance of electronic funds at any time does not exceed 15 thousand rubles, except for the case provided for in part 5.1 of this article. The specified electronic means of payment is non-personalized.

(see text in the previous edition)

5. The total amount of transferred electronic funds using one non-personalized electronic means of payment cannot exceed 40 thousand rubles during a calendar month, except for the case provided for in part 5.1 of this article.

(see text in the previous edition)

5.1. If an electronic money operator carries out simplified identification of a client - an individual in accordance with Federal Law of August 7, 2001 N 115-FZ "On combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism", the use of a non-personalized electronic means of payment may carried out by a client - an individual for the transfer of electronic funds in favor of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, provided that the balance of electronic funds at any time does not exceed 60 thousand rubles, and total amount transferred electronic funds using such a non-personalized electronic means of payment does not exceed 200 thousand rubles during a calendar month.

5.2. A non-personalized electronic means of payment cannot be used by a client - an individual who has not passed the simplified identification process - to transfer electronic funds to another individual or to receive transferred electronic funds from another individual.

5.3. The electronic money operator, when carrying out simplified identification of a client - an individual in accordance with Federal Law of August 7, 2001 N 115-FZ "On Combating the Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime and the Financing of Terrorism" is obliged to provide the client - an individual with the opportunity choosing any of the simplified identification methods provided for by the Federal Law, as well as providing the specified client with information ensuring the use of an electronic means of payment.

6. The electronic money operator does not carry out an electronic money transfer if, as a result of such a transfer, the amounts specified in parts 2, , and 5.1 of this article will be exceeded. At the same time, at the expense of the balance (part thereof) of the electronic money of a client - an individual, by his order, operations provided for in parts 20 and 21 of Article 7 can be carried out

(see text in the previous edition)

7. The use of an electronic means of payment by a client - a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur is carried out with its identification by the electronic money operator in accordance with the Federal Law of August 7, 2001 N 115-FZ "On combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime, and financing of terrorism." The specified electronic means of payment is corporate. The use of a corporate electronic means of payment is subject to the condition that the balance of electronic funds does not exceed 600 thousand rubles or an amount in foreign currency equivalent to 600 thousand rubles at the official exchange rate of the Bank of Russia at the end of the working day of the electronic money operator.

(see text in the previous edition)

9. If the amount specified in part 7 of this article is exceeded, the electronic money operator is obliged to credit or transfer funds in the amount exceeding the specified limit to the bank account of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur without his order.

10. The operator of electronic means of payment is obliged to ensure, when using electronic means of payment provided for by this article, the possibility of their identification by clients as non-personalized, personalized or corporate electronic means of payment.

11. Transfers of electronic funds using personalized electronic means of payment, corporate electronic means of payment may be suspended in the manner and cases that are similar to the procedure and cases of suspension of transactions on a bank account, which are provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

12. When transferring electronic funds using personalized electronic means of payment and corporate electronic means of payment, the balance of electronic funds may be levied in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

13. The electronic money operator is obliged to ensure that it is impossible to use an electronic means of payment until the client - an individual - has become familiar with the information specified in Part 25 of Article 7 of this Federal Law.

14. The provisions of this article on the procedure for using corporate electronic means of payment also apply to electronic means of payment used by a notary engaged in private practice or a lawyer who has established a law office.

The development of the Internet has contributed to the emergence of a significant number of online services, offering electronic money as a means of payment for purchases and work done. Users of the World Wide Web quickly appreciated the benefits of instant payments with electronic money, despite the presence of certain risks and the weak regulation of the process.

Electronic money in modern market economy have already occupied their considerable niche. More and more entrepreneurs are taking advantage of payment services and programs. Growing every year specific gravity computer transactions among payment transactions.

We propose to consider in this article the main issues related to the functioning of digital money in the modern financial system.

What is electronic money

The essence of electronic money is very simple and understandable to almost any Internet user. Most of us have used electronic money to one degree or another at least once in our practice.

IN financial structures The EU, where from the beginning of the 90s they began to seriously monitor the circulation of new payment instruments, formulated their own concept of electronic money. They mean financial obligations, accepted by the issuing company, expressed in electronic units, located on software and hardware equipment at the client’s disposal. Moreover, they represent the equivalent of real funds held by the issuing bank.

The criteria for the emergence of electronic money in the modern financial system have been established:

  • their placement and storage must be on a software and hardware device;
  • the entire volume of issued signs is necessarily provided by the real money supply;
  • unconditional acceptance as a payment instrument by commercial and banking institutions.

The issuance of electronic money is carried out by companies that have received permission from the state for this activity. In Russia, only credit institutions, to which the Central Bank issued the appropriate license.

Electronic money is beginning to occupy an important place in the modern market economy of Russia. Statistics show that the structure of payments in the country is changing noticeably. If in 2012 cash payments accounted for 78% of the total number of micropayments, then in 2018 the share of digital payments increased to a significant 55%. This is clear evidence that electronic money in Russia is developing as rapidly as in leading economic powers.

The functions of electronic money are virtually no different from ordinary banknotes or coins. Electronic money in a modern market economy successfully acts as a payment instrument. Payment with electronic money has become commonplace in many areas: shopping on the Internet, paying for utilities, traveling on public transport, paying for television, using mobile communications and much more. Most retail outlets have terminals that accept plastic cards from a variety of payment systems.

You can keep your savings and money safely in digital signs. If you wish, you can find resources where they even charge interest or certain amounts of virtual units on the balance of funds. With digital money it is possible to exchange for cash in various currencies.

The future of electronic money

The prospects for the development of electronic money are enormous due to the ease of their use.

Financial status of electronic money in modern economy is a payment instrument that has the properties of ordinary money. They are similar to cash bills in that consumers can pay without resorting to the services of banks. In fact, digital money has begun to increasingly replace cash payments, and, according to many financiers, they are capable of completely replacing cash. They have a number of advantages:

  • instant payment;
  • no need to count and look for change;
  • significantly reduce customer service time;
  • reduce costs for the production of banknotes and coins, costs for their transportation, storage, and security;
  • exclude the human factor in calculations;
  • There is no factor of wear and tear on banknotes and coins, or loss of physical properties for circulation.

In essence, electronic cash is a digital technology form of expressing the price of any property, to which money belongs. This statement is clearly illustrated by the example of the availability of funds in a mobile phone.

The bright prospects for the development of electronic money are confirmed by the dynamics of such an indicator as the structure of payments. The technical capabilities of online services are increasingly expanding and becoming commonplace trading operations in foreign online stores. The number of payments through electronic wallets, it is increasingly possible to pay for purchases cell phone. Experts agree that this payment method will see the biggest breakthrough in the coming years. The role of electronic money in business relations between economic entities is increasing. For them, the services offer new services for accepting and processing payment instruments.

New digital cryptocurrencies are emerging; It’s hard to even remember what many of them are called.

The difference between electronic and non-cash money

Non-cash payments are always made personalized, with a clear indication of the details of the payer and recipient; banks are directly involved in them, opening for this purpose special accounts. For digital payments, the payer only needs to provide the details and the name of the counterparty. Therefore, deposit funds are not classified as electronic money.

Electronic money payment technology in various payment associations has similar basic principles. The founders issue electronic money and create a communication base for the service. It includes:

  • official website where registration of system participants and transactions on their accounts are carried out;
  • digital wallets that inform their client about the amount he can operate;
  • an online service through which operations are carried out based on user requests.

The system organizer enters into an agreement with credit institution, which will convert real money into electronic money.

Useful terms

Let's get acquainted with some terms used in the practice of electronic payments.

Clearing organization. Transfers monetary value and information within the created financial structure.

Clearing House. A center through which banks and association members exchange financial information. Responsible for making payments according to established rules and at the appointed time.

Online wallet. Reloadable multi-use prepaid card. Used for micropayments.

Issuer. The company or bank that issues the relevant payment instrument.

Payment system. Consists of organizations financial instruments, banking procedures, ensuring cash settlements.

Prepaid card. A card that the holder has paid in advance to the issuer.

Electronic payment. Payment made using software and hardware according to established rules.

Classification, types

The classification of electronic money traditionally implies the following division:

  1. type technical device– using networks or smart cards;
  2. level of communication – personalized or anonymous;
  3. state regulation of the status of digital money – fiat and non-fiat.

Electronic money based on smart cards looks like plastic cards with a microchip. Holders transfer funds to them from their bank accounts. In the future, all operations with such cards are carried out only within the limits of the funds transferred in advance. Such instruments include MONDEX and Visa cash plastics.

Network-based electronic money is more common and known to many Internet users. So-called electronic wallets are used by financiers, buyers of goods in online stores, and fans of all kinds of online games. These types of electronic money are used by most commercial services.

Anonymous systems provide clients with the opportunity to make payments without authorization. Personalized services require indispensable identification of the client.

Fiat funds include digital funds backed by national currency. Their issue and further operation, the procedure for conducting operations, are regulated by the laws of the given state.

Non-fiat electronic money represents a currency issued by a private payment association. Governments regulate their circulation only to a certain extent.


Electronic money in a modern market economy is represented primarily by the largest transcontinental companies.


Many users and experts consider it the most popular electronic PS in the world. The giant of the fast payments industry works with fiat banknotes in 200 countries and has over 200 million users. A multi-purpose bank card is offered to be linked to the wallet of registered participants.

PayPal is accepted electronically in almost every online store on the planet. When paying, there is no need to enter plastic details. The structure has long established itself as a safe service when paying for orders on the Internet: customer data will never be transferred to third parties or retail chains. Since 2011 he has been working in Russia.

The disadvantages of the system include high commissions and possible blocking account for minor reasons.


The largest payment system part of the Alibaba Group. Created in 2004. In addition to paying for goods within the Alibaba Group, Alipay’s services are used by over 460 thousand companies all over the planet. The company has developed a payment program directly from a cell phone.


Produces commission-free transfers in all countries of the world. Has over 15 million users. Anonymity is maintained for clients during transactions. There is no account blocking. Can be released free card and make withdrawals to it with zero commission.


Electronic money in Russia has become widely known largely thanks to the work of such market veterans in the country as WebMoney, Yandex.Money, QIWI.

Yandex money

Has been working for over 16 years. Performs transfer operations. Provides the opportunity to pay for telephone services, Internet resources, housing and communal services; engage in the sale, purchase and exchange digital currencies; Link a Yandex card to your wallet, which you can use to pay in stores. A service has been created for accepting payments by business structures Yandex.Kassa. Has over 20 payment methods.


One of the veterans of the payment industry in the Russian market. Specially created for Russian-speaking users of the World Wide Web.

A special feature of the system is payment using electronic money – WM title units.

With its help, consumers can pay for the purchase of goods and services on websites, and exchange WM “title” units for real currency through exchangers. Programs have been created for entrepreneurs to accept payments for products on their websites. Replenishing your wallet involves using several methods.


Known for its numerous terminals for accepting simple payments for telephones, public utilities etc. Payment by electronic money is also possible through mobile app or a computer, and depositing funds and paying for many services is made without commission. Withdrawal of funds from the wallet is carried out different ways, including to a Qiwi card, with which you can make purchases in stores.


Electronic money in a modern market economy has long become international, crossing borders between countries and continents. Thus, Russians can use the services of many reputable foreign companies.


Founded in 2014. Multifunctional payment system. Conducts transactions all over the world. Works with all major currencies in Russia.

Offers both virtual and plastic card MasterGuard. All intranet transactions are free of charge.


Created in 2007. The official web portal supports 23 languages. Processes over 40 million transactions daily. Minimum commissions. Purchase and sale of fiat and electronic currencies online. You can top up your wallet in different ways. An option worth noting is: monthly payments clients from the account balance. High level account protection.


Founded in 2011. Has more than half a million system members. The annual volume of transactions amounts to over three and a half billion euros.

You can withdraw banknotes to ePayments, Visa, MasterCard cards, to a bank account, to an account in Yandex.Money. The company's multi-purpose card from Mastercard allows you to pay in stores and cash out at ATMs in Russia, as well as in other countries of the world.



Founded 14 years ago. Main focus: making money transfers. In demand among freelancers fulfilling orders from foreign companies: the service makes payments without territorial restrictions. Can make payments in 200 countries using more than 90 local currencies. One of the advantages of the company: for any client an account is opened in US dollars. There are minimal commissions for transfers and cash withdrawals.


In the USA, the service is considered an excellent alternative to PayPal. Entrepreneurs using the company's services will be able to accept payments from 25 countries in 100 different currencies in different ways. It has a simple and intuitive interface.

Which electronic money is better?

Electronic money plays an increasingly important role in a modern market economy. It is important for entrepreneurs to decide who is best to cooperate with in this area.

Choosing the best system largely depends on the user's needs. Some people are interested in low commissions, others it is important to choose a specific one banknote. Based on the selected companies listed above, we have compiled a list of six that have particularly proven themselves in the electronic payment systems market.

  1. Paypal
  2. Payeer
  3. Advcash
  4. Perfect money
  6. Yandex money