Alpha bank mortgage calculator. Mortgage calculator in Alfa Bank Mortgage calculation online calculator Alfa Bank

Select a loan program

Purchasing an apartment on the secondary housing market Loan for the purchase of a residential building (cottage) Loan secured by an existing apartment Mortgage loan refinancing

Minimum down payment amount in %

10 % percent

Mortgage loan amount

65,000,000 rubles

Mortgage term

252 months

Minimum loan interest rate 13.8 %

Calculation result

  • Cost of the property: 4,000,000 rubles,
  • The down payment of 30% will be: 12,000,000 rubles,
  • Loan amount: RUB 950,000,
  • Bank interest rate: 13.8% per annum,
  • Loan term: 60 months.
  • Confirmed monthly income - at least 454,456 rubles.
  • Monthly payment (annuity): RUB 181,782,
  • For the entire period the following must be paid: RUB 43,627,797,
  • Overpayment for the loan: RUB 27,627,797,

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Loan payment schedule

Open Joint Stock Company Alfa-Bank has been operating in the financial market since 1990 and belongs to the Alfa Group consortium. The bank's reputation is impeccable in business circles, but for consumers it is better known as an uncompromising lender in matters of repaying issued loans. This fully applies to mortgage loans. And Alfa-Bank’s mortgage calculator introduces all potential borrowers to the terms and parameters of the mortgage offered by the bank.

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Alfa-Bank carries out all types of banking operations; a large sector of the bank's activities is servicing private and corporate clients. The latter has access to a standard set of services in the form of cash management services, collection, deposit management, special lending programs and salary projects.

Attractive deposit and loan programs have been developed for individuals, transactions with foreign currency and transfer of funds are available without opening accounts. Today, this is the only bank that issues double-sided cards with chips for clients. The Alfa Bank website has an online calculator that allows you to calculate the payment amount depending on the loan term. Alfa Bank created an online calculator for the convenience of its clients - it is easy and simple to use.

Premium elite service programs at A Private Banking have been developed for the wealthiest clients.

Alfa-Bank is active in charitable and sponsorship activities, supporting cultural and sporting events.


The central office of Alfa-Bank is located in Moscow. In total, there are 672 branches in Russia and abroad. Subsidiaries operate in the USA, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Cyprus.

Loan programs

The bank has high loan interest rates of 13.5% per annum. Mortgage calculations from Alfa Bank can be made for a maximum period of 25 years. Strictly applies to documents and credit history.

  • Secondary housing;
  • Purchase of a residential house/cottage;
  • Purchase of real estate secured by an existing apartment;
  • Loan secured by an existing apartment;
  • Refinancing.

In some cases, Alfa Bank performs mortgage calculations only in its offices, and not through an online calculator.


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Alfa-Bank provides mortgages to the widest segments of the population. It is not necessary to be a current client of the bank or a citizen of the Russian Federation. The main requirement for the borrower is his creditworthiness, which is confirmed by relevant documents. Based on the submitted documents, Alfa-Bank specialists will determine the minimum and maximum bet amount in each specific case.

Mortgage lending has its own characteristics, which are worth learning about in advance. To assess your own capabilities before visiting the bank, use the Alfa-Bank mortgage calculator service. You can calculate the total cost and the amount of monthly contributions online on the official website. Using an online calculator will allow you to choose the amount and loan term that best suits your income.

Thus, each potential client will be able to choose not only the type of mortgage, but also decide in advance on the size of the loan suitable for him. This will provide an opportunity to study the real estate market and choose housing that matches the loan size. You can calculate your mortgage loan options here:______.

Is it profitable to take out a mortgage?

Those who decided to take advantage of Alfa-Bank's mortgage program in 2016 should think about all the advantages and disadvantages of a mortgage.

The main disadvantages of a mortgage loan are:

  • Large loan amount;
  • Installment duration;
  • High interest rates;
  • Large final overpayment.

Interest rate in 2018

Mortgage lending does involve large loan amounts; its duration can range from 5 to 25 years (at the client’s choice). There is a direct relationship between the timing of payments and the size of the monthly installment: the more the client is willing to pay each month, the shorter the period it will take to fully repay the loan (mortgage taken from Alfa-Bank). The 2018 interest rate for mortgage lending cannot be called high, it starts at 10%. The percentage depends on many parameters, ranging from preferential offers to salary clients to the type of housing chosen.

Overpayment and ways to reduce it

It is impossible to avoid overpayment for this type of lending, but making it less is quite possible. This is achieved in several ways:

  • Increasing the size of the down payment. You will have to take out a loan from the bank for a smaller amount;
  • Loan for a shorter period. The actual overpayment will be significantly lower, although the monthly premium will increase.
  • Early repayment.
  • Become a salary client of Alfa-Bank. A mortgage (the interest rate will be lower) will ultimately cost less.

Calculate the benefits of a mortgage

When talking about the benefits, you should take into account all the nuances on an individual basis. It is worth paying attention to the following points:

  • For those who rent a home, mortgage lending is beneficial. Instead of paying for someone else's apartment, you will gradually buy your own.
  • Real estate prices increase over time, so purchasing a mortgage can be considered a long-term investment.
  • For people who are provided with housing, a mortgage can become a permanent source of income in the future. By renting out the property while paying off the mortgage loan, you partially cover the costs of servicing it. In the future, renting out your own home will bring constant “net” income, which will cover the costs.

You have learned about the advantages and disadvantages of taking out a mortgage from Alfa-Bank. The conditions in 2018 offered by this financial institution are quite flexible; they can be found on the official website of Alfa-Bank or you can get advice from mortgage lending specialists (in person or by telephone).

Application for a mortgage loan at Alfa-Bank

Do you need an Alfa-Bank mortgage? The application can be considered as soon as possible. If you want to speed up the process, you can consult with a mortgage lending specialist in advance or get all the necessary information on the official website of Alfa-Bank.

Certificate 2-NDFL or according to the bank form

To create a package of documents for the purpose of obtaining a loan, in this case, a certificate in form 2-NDFL will be required both for the borrower himself and for the persons who will be co-borrowers (if any).

Having proven your solvency, you can count on more favorable lending conditions. In addition, the size of the mortgage depends on your income level.

Understanding of the needs and requirements of clients at Alfa-Bank is at the proper level, so you can confirm your creditworthiness in other ways, for example, with a certificate on the Alfa-Bank form.

Mortgage under one document

It is possible to obtain a mortgage using one document – ​​a passport. This service is available to all clients: salary card holders whose creditworthiness is known to the bank, and other individuals. If you do not have the time and desire to collect the necessary documents, you can get a loan using only your passport + Alfa-Bank Mortgage application. The interest rate in this case is set at the discretion of the bank.

Requirements for borrower clients

One of the important criteria that banking experts focus on is age. Mortgages are issued to Alfa-Bank for persons who have reached 20 years of age at the time of submitting documents. The age of the borrower must not exceed certain limits. At the end of the contract (full repayment), the borrower must not be more than 64 years old.

Individual entrepreneurs, employees, founders/co-founders of companies can receive installment plans for the purchase of housing. Persons who are not citizens of the Russian Federation are also given the opportunity to obtain a mortgage. You can apply for a loan for one person or take other persons (up to 3 people) as co-borrowers, even if they are not immediate relatives.

What can you get for a mortgage at Alfa-Bank?

Is it possible to purchase secondary housing using the Alfa-Bank mortgage program? Yes, clients are given the widest range of options when it comes to choosing housing.

Selecting a property

You can get a loan to purchase:

  • Housing on the primary market;
  • An apartment on the secondary market;
  • room;
  • House (cottage);
  • Apartments.

Restrictions on real estate

Almost any property is eligible for a mortgage under the home purchase financing program. There are certain restrictions, for example, a private house must be located in a specially protected area, or an apartment on the secondary market should not be located in a building that is in line for demolition and resettlement or for major repairs. More detailed information about the requirements for each property is available on the official website of Alfa-Bank.

Benefits in 2018-2019

At Alfa-Bank, mortgages for salary clients are issued on preferential terms, with a lower interest rate compared to other categories of borrowers. This is part of Alfa-Bank’s loyalty program for existing clients. And you also do not need to present other documents except your passport and application. A certificate of additional income or income of co-borrowers may only be required for clients with low incomes if they need to apply for a loan for a larger amount.

Important: salary card holders should remember that deductions for mortgage lending do not occur automatically. Therefore, in order to avoid late payments, it is necessary to regularly transfer funds to repay the loan from a salary card.

An initial fee

Have you decided to take out a mortgage from Alfa-Bank? The down payment can range from 10 to 40% of the appraised value of the property. This must be taken into account initially, before submitting an application.

Down payment amount

The size of the down payment depends on the type of property and its condition. Banking experts will definitely conduct their own assessment of the purchased property, because it will be the collateral securing the mortgage loan.

Opportunities without down payment

Is it possible to get a mortgage without a down payment? Alfa-Bank is always ready to meet the wishes of its clients. It provides such an opportunity to those who decide to take out an installment plan to purchase housing, but do not have enough funds for a down payment.

This issue can be solved in 2 ways:

  1. Applying for two real estate loans. The first loan will be secured by existing housing; it will be used as a down payment. The second (mortgage) loan will be issued against the security of the purchased property.
  2. Applying for a consumer loan. In addition to the mortgage, a consumer loan is issued. This will serve as the first payment. When making such a decision, the borrower must take into account that the consumer loan is issued for a short period. You should adequately assess your capabilities in order to repay both loans without problems or delays.


The Alfa-Bank “mortgage refinancing” program can be used by those who have already executed a mortgage loan agreement with another financial institution on more stringent conditions. Alfa-Bank provides funds to repay mortgages from other banks in an amount not exceeding 80% of the value of the property. In this case, the borrower renegotiates the mortgage agreement with Alfa-Bank, and the housing remains collateral.


The mortgage loan is repaid in equal installments. What payments are included in the monthly installment under the Alfa-Bank Mortgage program?

Interest rate + principal – these are the 2 components of each payment. As the payment proceeds, the share attributable to interest will decrease, and the share of the principal debt in the payment, on the contrary, will increase

This means that with equal monthly payments, customers pay off the interest on the loan first, and as the mortgage is paid off, the principal loan will also be paid off. This is the system of payments for mortgage lending in all banks, and Alfa-Bank is no exception in this matter.

Payment options

You can repay the loan in any convenient way (in a branch, online or through an ATM). You can make payments personally or entrust payment to a third party. Mortgage payment is possible:

  • Monthly in accordance with the contract;
  • Partial early repayment;
  • Full early repayment.

Choosing a mortgage from Alfa-Bank

What to think about before buying a home with a mortgage

These are the general conditions under which a mortgage is issued at Alfa-Bank. It is worth noting that if difficulties arise with payment, you should not delay solving this problem. Alfa-Bank will always meet the needs of conscientious payers halfway and will try to find a way out of the current situation that is acceptable to both parties. You can protect yourself from penalties in the event of loss of ability to work (and other cases) by taking out additional insurance in addition to compulsory insurance.

The cost of housing is now so high that often the only way to purchase a new home is through loans and credit.

But not all financial institutions are ready to offer their clients fairly favorable and convenient conditions. Some organizations set too strict requirements that make it difficult to receive money.

Therefore, in order not to make a mistake with your choice, it is worth taking a closer look at the mortgage developed by Alfa-Bank, and the calculator offered to visitors to the company’s official website will help them calculate the size of monthly payments and timely determine how convenient the current conditions are.

It is especially worth noting the flexibility and transparency of the mortgage lending offered. The financial institution indicates in advance what nuances and actions will lead to an increase in the interest rate, and clarify that salary clients are able to claim a special approach to the consideration of their application and the conclusion of a loan agreement.

Alfa-Bank mortgage without down payment

In 2019, the bank offers clients to choose from several different mortgage lending options, each of which has significant differences and features. But the basic provisions remain unchanged everywhere, so borrowers should count on:

  • minimum loan amount of 600 thousand rubles;
  • maximum loan size not exceeding 50 million and depending on the region of residence of the borrower;
  • minimum interest rate set at 9.49%;
  • loan term up to 30 years.

Additionally, it is worth considering that the down payment cannot be lower than 15%, and in some cases this threshold is even higher.

But it is important to mention that there are options for financing the purchase of real estate without a deposit. In these cases, it is necessary to provide additional collateral housing that meets the requirements of Alfa-Bank.

Who can qualify for a mortgage

The next question that needs to be answered is related to the identity of possible recipients of a mortgage from Alfa-Bank. They can only be those persons who fully comply with the bank’s requirements. It is important to note that the currently established requests are minimal and will not cause difficulties for applicants.

Potential borrowers:

  • must be over 21 years of age;
  • must remain under 70 years of age at the time of full repayment of the debt;
  • may only be citizens of Russia;
  • must have at least a year of work experience;
  • must have worked at their current job for at least 4 months.

Additionally, there are special requirements that are not advertised. They relate to the borrower’s solvency, his credit history, and bank employees have the right not to explain the reasons for refusing to issue a loan.

Documents and terms of registration

Despite the amounts that appear when applying for a mortgage loan and the importance of the process for borrowers and Alfa-Bank itself, the list of documents required to receive money is quite short and simple.

It includes:

  • application form for the borrower and co-borrowers;
  • client passports (photocopy of all pages);
  • TIN or SNILS number;
  • a copy of the work record book certified by the employer;
  • documents confirming the applicant's receipt of income.

It is important to note that bank representatives have the right to request additional documents they need to obtain all the information they need.

At the same time, simplified application submission by salary clients is provided. They will only need a copy of their passport, SNILS number and a completed application form.

Additionally, it is necessary to clarify that the applicants themselves also have the right to submit additional documents at their own request, which can influence the final decision of bank employees.

How to get a mortgage from Alfa-Bank

Those wishing to apply for a mortgage at Alfa-Bank for salary clients (and other borrowers) will have to choose between 3 application options:

  • at the nearest bank branch;
  • by submitting an online application to receive money;
  • by ordering a call back on the official website of the credit institution.

In the latter case, clients have the opportunity not only to get rid of the need to listen to beeps and wait for an answer, but also to specify any conversation time convenient for themselves.

When submitting an application on the official website, users are required to indicate the desired conditions and parameters of the future agreement, fill out a form and wait for the decision, which will be transmitted to the borrower in any way convenient for him. After that, all you have to do is visit the office, hand over the necessary papers and formally issue the loan.

In addition, the transfer of information to the lender about the purchase of real estate and the subsequent registration of collateral is of great importance. These actions will help prevent the interest rate from increasing and will lead to the finalization of the agreement.

Alfa-Bank mortgage for 2019 - calculator from the official website

Apartment price:

An initial fee:

Credit term:

months years

Interest rate:

% per year % per month

Repayment scheme

Annuity Classic

One-time commission

Monthly commission

Annual commission

Monthly loan payment:

Monthly commission:

Overpayment in monetary terms:


Loan interest:

One-time commission:

Today there are many banks offering lending in the real estate market. Among all the offers, Alfa-Bank stands out, as it has a wide range of services in this area. Any client can individually select the desired loan program on favorable terms, be it an apartment in a new building or a country cottage.

So, what are the conditions for obtaining a mortgage from Alfa-Bank?

The official website of Alfa Bank contains all useful information about rates and interest. In addition, each client can make all loan payments without even leaving home using the calculator on the website.

This program allows you to individually select a loan taking into account the desired terms, interest rates and even monthly payment terms. The entire payment scheme becomes clean and understandable. Taking into account the calculator's readings, you can plan financial expenses and mortgage payments accurate to the ruble.

In what order and under what conditions it is carried out you can find out in the article at the link.

Conditions for obtaining a mortgage from Alfa-Bank in 2016-2017

The main difference between Alfa-Bank is the age limit. In most cases, the minimum age is 25 years old, and at Alfa Bank it is 21 years old.

Other conditions for obtaining a mortgage in 2016-2017 are as follows:

  • mortgage term 5 - 25 years;
  • six months of work experience (for corporate clients at least 3)
  • the down payment is in the range of 10-40% of the total cost of housing;
  • real estate value from 500 thousand to 15 million rubles;
  • you need to prove a stable income.

Important Features:

  • For married couples, the total income is taken into account, on the basis of which the loan is issued. The total income allows you to increase the size of the loan issued.
  • The bank can issue loans to persons with unofficial income, that is, to those citizens who do not have the opportunity to obtain a certificate of income in the form required by banks.

To do this, you can use any financial documents and financial statements of transactions performed. A higher income level allows you to qualify for more favorable conditions and increases the likelihood of a positive decision.

What is the Young Family program?

Young Family Program

For young families, a special lending program is provided, which makes it possible to take out a loan for a period of 25 years without a down payment, Moreover, the apartment or house of the parents is allowed as collateral.

How to get a loan to build a house secured by a plot of land from Sberbank? Step-by-step instructions are included

In addition to the above documents, you must provide a marriage document and birth certificates of children. To reduce the amount of payments, it is possible to use maternity capital instead of a down payment.

This will allow you to minimize overpayments on the loan or reduce the terms of the mortgage, and therefore interest.

What programs does Alfa-Bank offer to its clients?

Examples of loans from Alfa-Bank in 2016-2017

This table is just a guide. All details and interest rates can be adjusted and agreed upon with bank employees, selecting individually:

Alfa-Bank's mortgage system is very flexible and convenient. Everyone can find what they want for themselves. Before deciding to take out a loan, it is recommended to first use the Alfa-Bank calculator on the official website. This program will help you soberly assess your financial capabilities under the bank’s conditions.

If you have any questions, bank employees will always be able to answer them. This can be done by calling the support numbers or on the official website. It is important to approach this issue carefully and study all the details, which will help avoid troubles in the future when paying off your mortgage.

Alfa-Bank offers several, which are presented on this page. Basically, mortgage loans for individuals differ in the type of property. The conditions depend on what you need to buy (an apartment in a new building, a summer cottage, a townhouse). How to understand which loan is more profitable in economic terms? To do this, we have placed a mortgage calculator in Alfa-Bank.

How to use the mortgage calculator at Alfa-Bank?

For the service to start working, you need to enter the basic conditions. To calculate the Alfa-Bank mortgage amount using a mortgage calculator, write:

  • how much loan you expect to receive from the bank;
  • what period of debt repayment is required.

You can also enter additional parameters for the search - application processing time, type of registration, form of issuing money, etc.

After calculating the mortgage using the Alfa-Bank calculator, the amounts of monthly payments and the total overpayment for the entire loan term will appear. If you click on the name of the loan, you can see the calculation by month until the end of the repayment period.

For convenience, the list that appears can be sorted by interest rate. At the top will be the minimum interest and, accordingly, the smallest payments.

There is no separate early repayment calculator, but you can change the term and balance of the loan in a monthly calculation and calculate what amounts remain to be paid.