Ananskikh Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich biography. LDPR activist Igor Ananskikh has settled down well (12 photos)

Vladislav Litovchenko, Lydia Gorborukova

In St. Petersburg, the regional department of the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case for injuring a law enforcement officer against the owner of the Hephaestus Bank, Vyacheslav Ananskikh. According to investigators, the financier beat one of the members of the operational-investigation team that was conducting a search in his apartment as part of an investigation into a case of illegal withdrawal of funds. The suspect himself claims that the criminal prosecution was the result of his confrontation with the city government.

An incident in connection with which the famous St. Petersburg businessman Vyacheslav Ananskikh became a defendant in a criminal case initiated under Part 2 of Art. 318 and Art. 319 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (use of violence against a representative of the authorities and insult to a representative of the authorities), occurred on November 9, 2017. On that day, ICR officers, accompanied by operatives from the regional Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and members of the Special Brigade of the Russian Guard, came to search the office of the Hephaestus commercial bank and the apartment of its owner, Vyacheslav Ananskikh. The reason for the investigative actions was a criminal case initiated by the Investigative Committee under Part 2 of Art. 172 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (illegal banking activities). In the bank premises, the seizure of documents took place without problems, but at the financier’s place of residence, law enforcement officers encountered resistance. At first, the owner of the apartment refused to open the door, and the Russian Guard soldiers had to open it with the help of special tools. But even upon entering the premises, the security forces did not meet with understanding from the businessman. As Kommersant was told in the regional department of the Investigative Committee, Mr. Ananskikh “in the presence of witnesses and other participants in the search, throughout the entire investigative action, he used obscene language towards the operational officers and the investigator, and also made threats against them about dismissal. Moreover, Vyacheslav Ananskikh, in order to obstruct the lawful activities of an employee of the investigative and operational group who took part in the search, used violence against him out of hooligan motives, causing him a closed craniocerebral injury and a concussion.” In other words, the operative, who by the way was much smaller in size than the owner of the apartment, received a blow to the face. Vyacheslav Ananskikh was immediately detained by the Sobrov officers, after which the investigative measures were continued. It is curious that the banker was not even detained.

Meanwhile, as part of the case of fraud in the Hephaestus Bank, as Kommersant was told in the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg, four defendants have already been detained - and. O. the manager of the St. Petersburg branch of the credit institution, Elena Galichina, as well as local residents Eduard Zabolonkov, Vladimir Smolkin and Denis Soldatov involved in the criminal scheme. According to the investigation, the accused, using accounts under their control of Restaura LLC, Briar LLC, Rokot LLC, opened in the St. Petersburg branch of the bank, from January 2013 to November 2016, illegally provided “cash services for other legal entities (companies- clients) by transferring the latter’s funds to the above-mentioned controlled accounts under imaginary paid civil contracts, thereby receiving income in the amount of more than 11 million rubles. Then the defendants, using controlled legal entities, transferred funds previously received from client companies to individual accounts under their control, opened in credit institutions located in St. Petersburg, on fictitious grounds. After this, these funds were withdrawn and transferred in cash to representatives of client companies for a fee of at least 6.5% of the amount of cashed funds.”

Despite the fact that the amount in the case so far is 11 million rubles, investigators privately believe that in reality the figures reached hundreds of millions.

The banker himself, who remains at large, states that the criminal prosecution was the result of his confrontation with the city government. It is worth noting that in St. Petersburg, Vyacheslav Ananskikh is better known not as the beneficiary of Hephaestus: the main asset of the Ananskikh family (by the way, the brother of the banker Igor Ananskikh- State Duma deputy from A Just Russia) - Ruan Corporation, which occupies a prominent place in the advertising market of St. Petersburg. At the end of August 2017, the city authorities held competitions for the placement of outdoor advertising, which will bring the city treasury 1.13 billion rubles. in year. The results of the auction did not satisfy several market players, among which was the Ruan Corporation, which filed a number of claims against the Committee for Press and Interaction with the Media of St. Petersburg. The company makes claims regarding the conditions of the competition, in particular the requirements for placing social advertising. The plaintiff demands to cancel the auction results for several lots. The next court hearing is scheduled for December 19.

Igor Ananskikh
[Fontanka.Ru, 09.11.2017, “They came to the outdoor surveillance operator through the bank”: Until today, “Hephaestus” was associated not with Vyacheslav Ananskikh, but with his brother Igor, a State Duma deputy from “A Just Russia.” The parliamentarian also participated in the search, in the capacity of a relative, albeit a high-ranking one. By the way, before the State Duma he was the chairman of the board of directors of Hephaestus, and even earlier he headed the same Ruan.
In St. Petersburg, Vyacheslav Ananskikh is known primarily as the owner of one of the largest outdoor advertising players, Ruan (revenue of 308 million rubles last year). His relationship with the city authorities is tense. In 2015, the press committee tried to bankrupt the Anansky companies, his structures were massively demolished, and he complained about officials to the Federal Antimonopoly Service, and they were brought in for violating antimonopoly laws. In August 2017, Smolny held a tender for the installation and operation of advertising structures for a period of ten years. A total of 8,500 seats were up for grabs for 9.4 billion. “Ruan” also showed up, but it can be said that they lost miserably. In the fight for lot No. 7, for example, he offered the city 986 million rubles. Smolny gave preference to the Poster company, which wished to pay 200 million rubles less for the lot. The same thing happened with lot No. 3. “Ruan” expressed its readiness to contribute 1.2 billion rubles to the city budget, but the “outdoor” was still transferred to “Poster” for 930 million. Thus, the treasury on only two lots was short half a billion, but officials more clearly (price was not the determining criterion; there were others). “Poster” turned out to be the operator of 1,200 stands over the next ten years, “Ruan” – 366.
Vyacheslav Ananskikh openly opposed Smolny after the auction. He stated that he was not allowed to obtain permission even for 366 places. The peak of the conflict was a lawsuit filed with the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the region against the press committee (the organizer of the auction) to challenge the results of the competition for lots No. 3 and No. 7 and the obligation to conclude agreements with “Ruan”. There is something to fight for. The total outdoor advertising market this year amounted to 3.7 billion rubles, and experts predict the same figure next year. If Ananskikh had taken two controversial lots, that is, the market share was about 20%, and already in 2018, according to rough estimates, he could count on revenue of 750 million. Considering that he offered the city 2.2 billion rubles for the lots , he could “recoup” this amount in three years.
The arbitration court left the claim of Vyacheslav Ananskikh without progress due to procedural violations and gave time until tomorrow, November 10, to eliminate them. Whether the entrepreneur will succeed due to today's events is unknown. There is no notice on the arbitration website about correcting the deficiencies yet.
The information about the three-year disqualification of the Ananskys from the management of “Ruan” added more urgency. The magistrate of the 208th precinct of the Central District, Tatyana Ushakova, found the businessman guilty of deceiving the tax service on June 5, 2017, as follows from the file of the court districts, but information about the disqualification appeared only in early November. The court decided that Ananskikh, as the general director of Ruan Corporation LLC, knowing for certain that the application for state registration contained false information about him as a person entitled to act on behalf of the company without a power of attorney, still submitted to the 15th tax these documents. - Insert]


1983 - graduated from secondary school No. 38.

"Connections / Partners"


Ananskikh did not agree with Chubais’s opinion on the preconditions for the energy crisis in Russia

First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Energy Igor Ananskikh commented on Tuesday on the statement of the head of Rusnano Anatoly Chubais that Russia may face a new energy crisis in six to seven years.

The parliamentarian noted that the country currently has a surplus of electricity, and therefore resources are being sold to neighboring states.

State Duma deputies: US sanctions against Russia will create only temporary difficulties

Upper and Lower Panama: 20 offshore Federal Assembly

The State Duma proposed toughening penalties for overbooking

The State Duma proposes to oblige airlines to pay passengers who were unable to fly on their flight due to overbooking compensation in the form of ten times the cost of the ticket


A LDPR deputy sold apartments in Miami to an offshore company associated with his business.

Deputy Igor Ananskikh sold eight of his apartments in Miami to an offshore company, which registered the companies that Ananskikh led before becoming a deputy, employees of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) of Alexei Navalny discovered. FBK will initiate proceedings in the Duma Ethics Commission. Ananskikh himself says that he did not violate the law, and the details of the transaction are a commercial secret.
link: politics/562949990955113

Igor Ananskikh bought 8 apartments in Miami in his name for $6.42 million, becoming a State Duma deputy, “merged” them offshore for $100, without declaring them

This is a deputy from the LDPR and chairman of the Committee on Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs Igor Ananskikh, he loves Putin very much, considers the slogan “Putin is a thief” anti-government and during working hours writes statements to the prosecutor’s office regarding “extremist statements.” After walking around Miami, meeting future colleagues in the State Duma and hearing from them that registering apartments to oneself is a scam, the future deputy decided to register 3 companies in Miami in order to assign real estate to them.
link: 33449.htm

RBC 04/02/2013, Moscow 15:56:31 The State Duma will consider the bill on the so-called “black lists” of fans in the first reading on April 9. The head of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs, Igor Ananskikh, announced this at a round table meeting.
link: 20130402155631.shtml

The LDPR says that there are no package agreements on posts in the State Duma

At the same time, he did not rule out that Saturday’s decisions of the General Council of United Russia could be changed. “Quite,” Lebedev answered this question from journalists.
He also added that the committee on sports, youth and tourism will be headed by the young LDPR deputy Igor Ananskikh, the committee on public associations and religious organizations by Alexey Ostrovsky, and the committee on health protection by Sergei Kalashnikov.
link: 7639307/

LDPR will head the CIS committee; it was not possible to agree on the international one

In addition to the CIS committee, LDPR deputies will also head three more committees. The head of the committee on physical culture, sports and youth affairs could be the young LDPR deputy Igor Ananskikh, the committee on public associations and religious organizations - Alexey Ostrovsky, and the committee on health protection - former Minister of Labor Sergei Kalashnikov.
link: 20111221/522294283.html

Lenten mine

The LDPR's failed candidate for this seat, Leonid Slutsky, was forced to settle for the “near abroad,” heading the Committee on CIS Affairs and Relations with Compatriots. In addition, the LDPR received three more committees - on health protection, on the affairs of public associations and religious organizations, on physical culture, sports and youth affairs. They were headed, respectively, by the ex-chairman of the Social Insurance Fund Sergei Kalashnikov, the former leader of the youth wing of the LDPR Alexei Ostrovsky, and the head of the Hephaestus Bank and the Ruan Corporation Igor Ananskikh.
link: 2011/dec/26/postnaya_mina

Duma Time

The Liberal Democrats, as expected, were offered to head the Committee on CIS Affairs and Relations with Compatriots in the State Duma instead of the previously promised committee on international affairs. The LDPR leadership is still thinking about this proposal, but they already have a candidate for the chairmanship of this committee - Leonid Slutsky. The Committee on Sports, Youth and Tourism will be headed by the young LDPR deputy Igor Ananskikh, the Committee on Public Associations and Religious Organizations by Alexei Ostrovsky, and the Committee on Health Protection by former Minister of Labor Sergei Kalashnikov.

The LDPR does not lose hope of heading the Duma Committee on International Affairs

In the new State Duma, the LDPR faction will also include a health protection committee headed by Sergei Kalashnikov, a committee on public associations and religious organizations (Alexey Ostrovsky), as well as a committee on physical education, sports and youth affairs (Igor Ananskikh).
link: html

Naryshkin became Speaker of the Duma

Representatives of the LDPR - Leonid Slutsky, Alexey Ostrovsky, Sergei Kalashnikov and Igor Ananskikh will head the committees on CIS affairs and relations with compatriots; on affairs of public associations and religious organizations; on health protection, as well as on physical education, sports and youth affairs.

The LDPR will receive a committee on the CIS, but the party will fight for the international

The day before it also became known that the Committee on Sports, Youth and Tourism will be headed by the young LDPR deputy Igor Ananskikh, the Committee on Public Associations and Religious Organizations by Alexei Ostrovsky, and the Committee on Health Protection by former Minister of Labor Sergei Kalashnikov.
link: php?news_id=398622

Roofs without advertising

The policy of the St. Petersburg government is changing, active work is underway to streamline advertising, notes Vera Dementieva, head of the St. Petersburg office of Espar-Analyst. According to her data, there are 23,000 network outdoor advertising objects in St. Petersburg, of which News Outdoor owns 7,500 advertising sides, Poster - 4,500. In total, there are 130 advertising structures on roofs in St. Petersburg, she adds. The center of St. Petersburg accounts for more than 50% of them, estimates former general director of Rouen Igor Ananskikh.
link: newspaper/article/273227/ kryshi_bez_reklamy

From St. Petersburg to Sochi

KHPO, it says on its website, is part of the St. Petersburg corporation "Ruan", the largest player in outdoor advertising in the city. “The Sochi market is now one of the most promising in Russia, our marketing service has calculated that it has a tendency to grow,” says Igor Ananskikh, general director of KhPO and the Ruan corporation. The company did not apply for other lots, as it considered it “unreasonable to enter a new city with a very large portfolio,” the businessman explained.
link: peterburga_v_sochi

"Outdoor" is back

In June, the Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture stopped approving the placement of advertising, then the rules changed (see inset). As a result, the issuance of permits for the installation of new advertising media stopped for almost six months. “This made life very difficult for market players; we could not develop our targeted programs and improve our offer,” says Igor Ananskikh, general director of the Ruan company.
link: newspaper/article/2006/12/06/ 117127

Banker from Rouen

The Ruan advertising corporation, which in the summer of 2009 bought the Hephaestus bank registered in the Tver region, opened its branch in St. Petersburg, and by the end of the year a branch will open in Moscow, promises the general director of Ruan and the chairman of the board of directors of Hephaestus, Igor Ananskikh. Investments in the project, according to him, are about 200 million rubles.
link: newspaper/article/2010/03/22/ 228693

Athletes were abandoned to housing and communal services

In the State Duma of the sixth convocation, the ruling party lost as many as 14 committees to those who call themselves the opposition. Among them is the Committee on Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs. It was headed by LDPR representative Igor Ananskikh. The choice, given the presence of a large number of Olympic champions with experience working in the State Duma, is, at first glance, strange. But only at first glance.
link: html

Rudensky will oversee tourism in the State Duma instead of Fedorov

For example, a Committee on Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs has been formed in the State Duma, headed by LDPR deputy Igor Ananskikh. However, unlike the ministry with the same name, tourism was not assigned to this committee. It was still left in a veiled form under the jurisdiction of the Committee on Economic Policy, which indicates the low importance of the tourism industry in the eyes of the deputy corps...
link: php?nid=7312

The State Duma has decided on the leadership and is ready for the president’s message

Representatives of the LDPR - Leonid Slutsky, Alexey Ostrovsky, Sergei Kalashnikov and Igor Ananskikh, as expected, headed the committees on CIS affairs and relations with compatriots; on affairs of public associations and religious organizations; on health protection, as well as on physical education, sports and youth affairs.

I suggest you find out quite detailed information about a deputy from the LDPR faction named Igor Ananskikh, who is also known as a fierce defender of Vladimir Putin. So, let's look further at what businesses he actually owns, and what brings him constant daily income.

This is a deputy from the LDPR and chairman of the Committee on Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs Igor Ananskikh, he loves Putin very much, considers the slogan “Putin is a thief” anti-government and during working hours writes statements to the prosecutor’s office regarding “extremist statements.”

And this is the elite residential complex Harbor House, it is located in Miami, at 10275 Collins Avenue, Bal Harbor, Florida, right on the ocean

And from the satellite:

On July 7, 2007, future State Duma deputy and chairman of the Committee on Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs Igor Ananskikh buys an apartment here on the seventh floor worth $488,900.

Ananskikh liked it here and after 3 months, on October 29, 2007, he bought a second apartment for $330,900.

Here, you can compare the signature on American and Russian documents:

The similarity, of course, is not like Pekhtin’s, but it is obvious that the same person signed, he simply tried less when signing the gratitude to Tkachev in Russia than when signing documents for American real estate. If anyone finds a better example, send it.

After walking around Miami, meeting future colleagues in the State Duma and hearing from them that registering apartments to oneself is a scam, the future deputy decided to register 3 companies in Miami in order to assign real estate to them.

A week after purchasing the second apartment, on November 5, 2007, Ananskikh registered 3 companies (I decided not to bother with names):

Do you think Ananskikh ran to re-register apartments for these companies? Not so.

Let's move 50 meters north of our Harbor House, to the One Bal Harbor residential complex (10295 Collins Avenue, Bal Harbor, Florida).

On March 3, 2008, Ananskikh bought his third apartment in Miami from SUN OBH LLC (yes, OBH in the name according to the owner’s intentions means One Bal Harbor). The cost of the apartment is $710,000.

4 days later, on March 7, 2008, Ananskikh bought a fourth apartment in Miami on SKY OBH LLC for $845,000 and overtook Deputy Pekhtin in the number of properties.

On March 8, 2008, Ananskikh bought the company UNIT #1112 REGENT BAL HARBOR LLC for $650,000, along with apartments at the same address (the company was created specifically to own one piece of real estate, its address is even recorded in the name). This apartment becomes the fifth.

On April 21, 2008, Ananskikh bought a sixth apartment in Miami from STAR OBH LLC for $1,250,000.

May 6, 2008 Ananskikh buys 2 companies at once Unit #1113 Regent Bal Harbor LLC
and UNIT #714 REGENT BAL HARBOR LLC. Along with them are apartments #1113 worth $1,107,500 and #714 worth $1,040,000 respectively. These apartments become the seventh and eighth for Igor Anansky.

In total, Igor Ananskikh purchased 2 apartments in Harbor House and 6 in One Bal Harbor, with a total cost of $6,422,300.
In December 2011, the owner of eight apartments in Miami, Igor Ananskikh, was elected to the State Duma from the LDPR and soon headed the Committee on Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs. American real estate was not listed either in the election declaration or in any other form (we are surprised).

Igor Ananskikh during his stay at his place of residence

The Ananskys reported an income of about 2 million rubles per year for 2012, which is approximately what a deputy receives for his deputy work; the income for 2011 amounted to 2 million 722 rubles. At the same time, the amount of property taxes he paid in 2012 was more than $40,000, the same in 2011. It turns out that Ananskikh spent most of his parliamentary income on paying taxes on American real estate? “So he rents out this property and pays with this money!”, the quick-witted reader realizes. Maybe he rents it out, but then why doesn’t he declare his income? It turns out that our deputy is not just hiding real estate, but also evading taxes, and this is already a serious crime.

In the summer of 2012, Deputy Ananskikh realized that active adoration of Putin, the fight against “anti-government and offensive” leaflets and the slogan “Putin the Thief” were not quite enough to reliably ensure the security of eight apartments in Miami and asked more experienced fellow deputies to talk about progressive methods concealing real estate, after which he registered the company WESTQUALITY INC in the British Virgin Islands.

On June 1, 2012, 6 apartments (all located in One Bal Harbor and registered to companies) were sold to WESTQUALITY INC for $100 per apartment.

And on March 6, 2013, Ananskikh sold the companies that he used to own real estate (well, as he sold, he paid for them to be bought from him, it’s easier than closing). Documents can be found at

December 7, 2012 Ananskikh transfers $100 per apartment for the remaining 2 apartments (which were purchased first and are located in Harbor House)

This deputy turned out to be a little more cunning than Pekhtin and came up with schemes with American and offshore companies, but still got caught due to the fact that he initially registered everything in his name. Moreover, he did not even try to give the appearance of an ordinary transaction to the transfer of apartments to an offshore company and transferred the apartments for $100 dollars apiece, like Pekhtin the father to Pekhtin the son.

One can only guess how many smarter deputies there are in Miami who immediately bought everything through an offshore company on BVI. We will, of course, get to them sooner or later. Such things are inevitable.

This is a deputy from the LDPR and chairman of the Committee on Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs Igor Ananskikh, he loves Putin very much, considers the slogan “Putin is a thief” anti-government and during working hours writes statements to the prosecutor’s office regarding “extremist statements.”

And this is the elite residential complex Harbor House, it is located in Miami, at 10275 Collins Avenue, Bal Harbor, Florida, right on the ocean

And from the satellite:

There is even a special video that shows how wonderful it is to live here:

On July 7, 2007, future State Duma deputy and chairman of the Committee on Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs Igor Ananskikh buys an apartment here on the seventh floor worth $488,900.

Ananskikh liked it here and after 3 months, on October 29, 2007, he bought a second apartment for $330,900.

Here, you can compare the signature on American and Russian documents:

The similarity, of course, is not like Pekhtin’s, but it is obvious that the same person signed, he simply tried less when signing the gratitude to Tkachev in Russia than when signing documents for American real estate. If anyone finds a better example, send it.

After walking around Miami, meeting future colleagues in the State Duma and hearing from them that registering apartments to oneself is a scam, the future deputy decided to register 3 companies in Miami in order to assign real estate to them.

A week after purchasing the second apartment, on November 5, 2007, Ananskikh registered 3 companies (I decided not to bother with names):

  • STAR OBH, LLC, (firm on the website of the registration authority)
  • SUN OBH, LLC, (firm on the website of the registration authority)

Do you think Ananskikh ran to re-register apartments for these companies? Not so.

Let's move 50 meters north of our Harbor House, to the One Bal Harbor residential complex (10295 Collins Avenue, Bal Harbor, Florida).

On March 3, 2008, Ananskikh bought his third apartment in Miami from SUN OBH LLC (yes, OBH in the name according to the owner’s intentions means One Bal Harbor). The cost of the apartment is $710,000.

4 days later, on March 7, 2008, Ananskikh bought a fourth apartment in Miami on SKY OBH LLC for $845,000 and overtook Deputy Pekhtin in the number of properties.

On March 8, 2008, Ananskikh bought the company UNIT #1112 REGENT BAL HARBOR LLC for $650,000, along with apartments at the same address (the company was created specifically to own one piece of real estate, its address is even recorded in the name). This apartment becomes the fifth.

On April 21, 2008, Ananskikh bought a sixth apartment in Miami from STAR OBH LLC for $1,250,000.

May 6, 2008 Ananskikh buys 2 companies at once Unit #1113 Regent Bal Harbor LLC
and UNIT #714 REGENT BAL HARBOR LLC. Along with them are apartments #1113 worth $1,107,500 and #714 worth $1,040,000 respectively. These apartments become the seventh and eighth for Igor Anansky.

In total, Igor Ananskikh purchased 2 apartments in Harbor House and 6 in One Bal Harbor, with a total cost of $6,422,300.

In December 2011, the owner of eight apartments in Miami, Igor Ananskikh, was elected to the State Duma from the LDPR and soon headed the Committee on Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs. Neither the election declaration nor any other American real estate is indicated was not (how surprised we are).

Igor Ananskikh during his stay at his place of residence

The Ananskys reported an income of about 2 million rubles per year for 2012, which is approximately what a deputy receives for his deputy work; the income for 2011 amounted to 2 million 722 rubles. At the same time, the amount of property taxes he paid in 2012 was more than $40,000, the same in 2011. It turns out that Ananskikh spent most of his parliamentary income on paying taxes on American real estate? “So he rents out this property and pays with this money!”, the quick-witted reader realizes. Maybe he does, but then why doesn’t he declare his income? It turns out that our deputy is not just hiding real estate, but also evading taxes, and this is already a serious crime.

In the summer of 2012, Deputy Ananskikh realized that active adoration of Putin, the fight against “anti-government and offensive” leaflets and the slogan “Putin the Thief” were not quite enough to reliably ensure the security of eight apartments in Miami and asked more experienced fellow deputies to talk about progressive methods concealing real estate, after which he registered the company WESTQUALITY INC in the British Virgin Islands.

On June 1, 2012, 6 apartments (all located in One Bal Harbor and registered to companies) were sold to WESTQUALITY INC for $100 per apartment.

1966 - born in the city of Ordzhonikidze (now Vladikavkaz).

1983 - graduated from secondary school No. 38.

1988 - graduated from the ship mechanics department of LVIMU (now the State Maritime Academy) named after Admiral S. O. Makarov in Leningrad; specialty - ship mechanic engineer of ship nuclear power plants.

He worked as a mechanic on foreign ships.

From 1992 to 2011 he lived and worked in St. Petersburg, was engaged in business.

1992 - Deputy Director General of the Russian Fund for Assistance to International Programs of the United Nations.

1995 - Deputy General Director of the Blue Pages of Russia association.

2005 - organizer of the football club "Ruan" (Leningrad region).

2007 - General Director of OJSC "Artistic-Industrial Association", which was engaged in placing advertising on advertising and information stands in St. Petersburg, conducting stage and promotional events, comprehensive servicing of theatrical productions, production of scenery and production of props.

2010 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Hephaestus commercial bank.

2011 - elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the VI convocation from the Leningrad region on the list of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. Start of office on December 4, 2011. Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs.

Real estate in the USA

In June 2013, Rosbusinessconsulting, Kommersant, and Forbes reported that an employee of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, Georgy Alburov, discovered eight undeclared apartments in Miami, USA, in the elite residential complex Harbor House on the oceanfront with a total value of $6.5 million.

  • On August 7, 2007, he bought the first apartment in the elite Harbor House residential complex in Miami worth $488,900.
  • On November 20, 2007, he purchased a second apartment in the Harbor House residential complex in Miami for $330,900.
  • On March 3, 2008, he purchased a third apartment in Miami from SUN OBH LLC for $710,000.
  • On March 7, 2008, he purchased a fourth apartment in Miami from SKY OBH LLC for $845,000.
  • On March 8, 2008, he bought the company UNIT #1112 REGENT BAL HARBOR LLC for $650,000 along with apartments at the same address (the company was created specifically to own one piece of real estate).
  • On April 21, 2008, he purchased a sixth apartment in Miami from STAR OBH LLC for $1,250,000.
  • On May 6, 2008, he buys two companies Unit #1113 Regent Bal Harbor LLC and UNIT #714 REGENT BAL HARBOR LLC, along with which come apartments #1113 worth $1,107,500 and #714 worth $1,040,000, respectively.

In the income declarations of I. A. Ananskikh for 2010-2012. This property is not listed. According to Alburov, the apartments were purchased in 2007-2008, and then, in 2012, they were sold for ($100 per apartment (according to documents presented in the blog, $10.00 and an additional amount, the amount of which is not disclosed, see Peppercorn) to WESTQUALITY INC, registered in an offshore zone in the British Virgin Islands.

The deputy confirmed the fact of owning the apartments, explaining that he sold all his apartments in the United States back in 2011 and has no relation to the companies that now own them.

Alburov indicated that the apartments were sold in 2 stages - 6 apartments on June 1, 2012 and 2 apartments on December 7, 2012. Thus, according to the blogger, Ananskikh hid his ownership of real estate in the United States in his election declaration and declaration for 2011. In addition, 6 out of 8 apartments were registered to legal entities, the sole founder and manager of which was Ananskikh, who ceased his powers only on March 6, 2013. Thus, while being a deputy, he was also engaged in entrepreneurial activities, which is prohibited. In addition, Alburov notes that the Ananskys’ income statement for 2012 indicated a total income of about 2 million rubles, which is much less than the cost of the “sold” apartments.

On March 25, 2014, Alburov reported that Ananskikh continues to own real estate in the United States through shell companies.

Ananskikh himself stated that he had not violated any laws as a deputy, but would not comment on the details of the transaction for these apartments, citing the fact that this is a commercial secret. In March 2013, the State Duma Commission of the Russian Federation for monitoring the reliability of information on the income of deputies refused to conduct an audit against the Ananskys.

Personal life

Parents - Galina Borisovna, civil servant; Alexander Vasilievich, builder. Brother - Vyacheslav, entrepreneur. There are two children.

Igor Aleksandrovich Ananskikh - photo