How much do bankers earn in different countries of the world? Banking - what positions, salary, where to study, what to take, It's all about prestige

The word “banker” evokes positive associations: a large amount of money (for example, like Scrooge McDuck in the Disney cartoon “DuckTales”), respect, expensive cars, apartments.

Can a modern graduate become one? It's possible.

Let's take a look at what kind of profession banking is in general, and how “bank employee” and “banker” relate to it. Let's figure out who does what. If you are puzzled, where can an unemployed student get a loan? The service will help you with this, to select profitable loans with a minimum interest rate.

Bank employees - who are they and what are their functions?

Bank employees are ordinary bank employees who, in most cases, interact directly with clients and perform specific banking operations that do not involve in-depth analysis.

Functions are determined by specialization:

  • advice on loans;
  • consultations on deposits, servicing depositors;
  • working with plastic cards;
  • conducting foreign exchange transactions.

Who is a banker and how to become one

A banker is a financial manager, a representative of the highest administrative level who does not work directly with clients and does not perform specific banking operations, like an ordinary employee, but is engaged in forecasting, planning, conducting an in-depth comprehensive analysis of the bank’s activities, the state of the economy (regional, national, foreign), etc.

Receiving an economic education is necessary for the profession of a banker. It is also desirable to have legal and management skills. Internships in leading banks and fluency in several foreign languages ​​are desirable.

The most famous bankers are the Rothschilds, John Rockefeller and others.

List of positions in the bank

Who can work in a bank?

Here's a short list in ascending order:

  • cashiers-operators and currency cashiers;
  • service specialists;
  • loan officers;
  • mid-level managers and consultants;
  • banker, manager.

In addition, there are specialties related to banking, but indirectly related to it: IT service specialists, lawyers, debt collection specialists, etc.

What education is needed to work in a bank?

Working in a bank requires the candidate to have an economic education. The profile is decisive.

So, a cashier who is responsible for receiving and issuing funds can graduate from “Accounting, Analysis and Audit”, “Finance and Credit”. The second option, like “Banking”, is the most common.

What items need to be turned in to a banker?

After 11th grade, the Unified State Examination results in the following subjects are provided to the admissions committee: mathematics, Russian language, social studies.

Some universities replace social studies with a foreign language.

TOP 5 universities with a specialty in “Banking”

The future profession is largely determined by the level of the university.

Let's list leading universities offering training in this specialty:

  • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov;
  • Moscow State University of International Relations;
  • Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • High School of Economics;
  • Russian Economic University named after. G. V. Plekhanov.

Often “Banking” expands or, on the contrary, contracts. The description of the directions may look like:

  • "Banking Manager";
  • “Finance of the manufacturing and banking sectors of the economy”;
  • “Banking and risk management”;
  • "Money, banks, financial markets."

The curriculum of the specialty “Banking” includes the following disciplines:

  • banking regulation of foreign exchange transactions;
  • investment portfolio management;
  • company credit policy;
  • banking risks;
  • settlement and payment systems;
  • electronic innovations in banking business;
  • processing and control of banking transactions, etc.

How many years to study

The duration of study depends on the number of years spent in a general education institution:

  1. After 9th grade a graduate can go to college (for example, at Synergy University) with a duration of study of 2 years and 10 months;
  2. After 11th grade– it is possible to enter, firstly, college – 1 year 10 months; secondly, to the Faculty of Economics at an institute with a duration of study of 4 years (full-time bachelor's degree). You can continue your studies in a master's program lasting 2 years (full-time);

There are also short-term courses - from 3 months to 12.

How much does a banker earn?

The average salary of a banker in Russia is 300,000 rubles. A bank employee earns an average of 45,000 rubles.

Income depends on the position held, work experience, and region. For example, the salary of a bank employee is 41,167 rubles, a mortgage consultant is 50,417 rubles.

Career growth in a bank

A career in the banking sector is developing quite intensively, which is especially attractive to young professionals.

There are cases when, in 8-12 months, a banking specialist acquires the necessary skills to work in middle management.

What a good banker should know and be able to do

  1. The requirements are quite serious:
  2. A banker must know perfectly not only banking, but also financial law, administrative law, and the specifics of personnel management.
  3. A banker must be able to predict the dynamics of development of the national and foreign systems; understand what consequences may result from the strengthening or collapse of a particular currency, and how this will affect the country’s economy.
  4. The specialist must be able to plan the bank’s activities; assess which banking products are in demand, are losing relevance, or are not in demand; monitor the dynamics of interest rates on deposits, loans, mortgages in comparison with offers from other banks and the situation on the world market.

An experienced banker, in order to increase the bank's profitability, can invest in large objects, and also act as a partner on mutually beneficial terms (for example, a reduced mortgage rate when buying an apartment from a certain developer).

  • The qualities of a banker must be appropriate:
  • determination;
  • foresight;
  • enterprise;
  • stress resistance;
  • communication skills;
  • ability to take risks;


Pros and cons of working in a bank

The advantages of the profession include its demand, the presence of a large number of offers on the labor market in all regions of the Russian Federation, high wages, good working conditions, the presence of a corporate program in addition to social guarantees in many banks.

Among the disadvantages of the profession, one can note a high degree of financial responsibility, the need to constantly regulate emotions, tone and timbre of speech to create the image of a friendly, client-oriented organization. Irregular working hours are possible.

Ordinary people invariably associate working in the banking sector with high salaries. However, this opinion is only partially true. The thing is that a banker is a very wide range of workers occupying a variety of positions. Accordingly, the salary level, for example, of a top manager and the head of a credit department may differ significantly.

Generally speaking, a banker is a general area of ​​work. The range of responsibilities assigned to a specialist depends on the scale of activity of the company in which he works, as well as on the position he occupies. Typically, the work here is as follows:

  • servicing clients of a financial institution;
  • collecting statistical data and developing options for their improvement;
  • forecasting;
  • consulting;
  • analysis of various information with subsequent decision-making;
  • management of subordinate employees.

In order to succeed, a banker must have a certain set of personal qualities, such as the ability to quickly make the right decisions, initiative, communication skills, a constant desire to improve his own professional level, attentiveness, determination, and so on. An important aspect is discipline, as well as the strict implementation of all instructions from management and tasks assigned to the employee.

An analytical mind and constant composure are welcome. Considering that you have to deal with money, the banking business does not tolerate dishonest employees, so employers pay special attention to such issues as decency and honesty.

Banker's salary

Now let's talk about remuneration for banking employees. The range here is more than wide, since the variety of possible positions is very large. At the lowest level there are ordinary clerks. As a rule, their salary is 65 thousand rubles. This, of course, is an average figure, but in this case the difference, depending on the financial institution, will not be too large. However, we should not forget that this is only the very first, initial step. The salaries of top managers are measured in completely different figures - we are talking about a difference of several orders of magnitude.

For example, the salary of the chairman of the board of a bank today ranges from 500 thousand to 7 million rubles. The work of his deputy is also very well paid. On the one hand, the salary for this position is approximately 2 times less than that of a manager, but 2 points need to be taken into account. Firstly, figures from 200 thousand to 3 million rubles per month are more than a decent salary, but there are also various bonuses. Secondly, the level of responsibility of a deputy is always lower than that of a boss.

The managing director of an investment bank also has a solid salary today. The salary for this position ranges from 500 thousand to 6 million rubles. The heads of the trading department also earn very well. With a minimum salary for this position of 100 thousand rubles, which is quite good for the Russian Federation, up to 4 million rubles. Such a wide range is due to the presence of a number of additional determining factors.

Let's look at some more official statistics. In particular, the average salary at Gazprombank is 174 thousand rubles. VTB is in second place for this indicator. In this financial institution, the average salary is 156 thousand rubles. Well, the Bank of Moscow closes the top three leaders in terms of average wages in the banking sector. On average, its employees receive 129 thousand rubles per month. UniCredit Bank (121 thousand rubles) is also in the top five. In fifth place was the Russian Federation Alfa Bank with an average employee salary of 98 thousand rubles.

The most in-demand positions in the banking industry

I would like to pay closer attention to one more point. Currently, the most sought-after positions in the banking sector of the Russian Federation are cashiers, accountants, customer service managers, and financial analysts. Moreover, the higher the level of remuneration, the more requirements are placed on the applicant for a particular vacancy. Among the top management of Russian banks you can often find children of influential Russian officials - the most striking example here is Dmitry Patrushev, the son of the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. Previously, he worked at VTB, and later moved to Rosselkhozbank, becoming the chairman of the board of this financial institution.

Mostly, employers make it a prerequisite for applicants for a particular position to have a higher economic education. They can hire you as a clerk without any work experience. “People from the street”, as a rule, are not suitable for higher and more responsible positions. The employer can be understood - he needs results here and now. Therefore, preference is given to either experienced external employees or internal reserves. You probably don’t even need to talk about such a thing as confident PC ownership. The banking industry today is high-tech, and computer skills are a prerequisite, even for a clerk.

Bankers are sitting on money. Naturally, they are very rich people. However, bank employees receive an average salary and are content with what management gives them.

Excessive earnings of management

Financial institutions conduct investment and lending operations for large and small business projects.

Investing money, they charge significant interest for its use.

Managers Banks make fortunes from these operations.

  • 7th place - Central Bank of the Russian Federation - $111,542;
  • 6th place – VTB – $3 million;
  • 5th place - Alfa Bank - $4.5 million;
  • 4th place – Otkritie Bank – $6 million;
  • 3rd place - Gazprombank JSC - $6.5 million;
  • 2nd place – Sberbank – $11 million.

The first place was taken by the head of the Otkritie FC bank, M.M. Zadornov. His salary is $13 billion rub. ($159,346,043) per year.

Middle managers (heads of departments, branch managers, etc.) earn 400 thousand rubles. ($6374) per month. In the Sverdlovsk region. - By 300 thousand. ($4780). Sberbank executives receive up to 5 million($79,673) per year.

The maximum salary of an ordinary employee does not exceed 125,000 rub.. ($1992) per month.

Top 3 institutions with maximum employee salaries

At the end 2017 The salaries of bank employees were monitored.

Statistics have identified 3 banks where staff revenue exceeds 200,000 rub.. ($3187) per month:

  1. The first place is occupied by UNF Bank, a subsidiary of the Dutch bank JNG GROUP. The average employee salary is 243,000 ($3,872) per month.
  2. In second place is the International Bank of St. Petersburg, where employees are paid an average of 230,000 rubles. ($3665).
  3. The third position was taken by BNP Paribas Bank, from the French BNP Paribas. Workers receive salaries starting from 220,000 ($3,506).

These organizations have few employees and do not rely on retail operations for their main income.

At other financial institutions, specialists earn:

  • Gazprombank – 185,000 rubles. ($2948);
  • VTB – 136,000 ($2,167);
  • VTB 24 – 64,000 ($1,020);
  • Sberbank – 60,000 ($956);
  • Alfa-Bank – 57,000 ($908);
  • Uraltransbank – 26,000 ($414).

Average earnings of specialists

Sberbank is one of the largest in Russia.

Employees working in its branches throughout Russia receive salaries:

  • in small towns and regional centers - up to 25,000 rubles. ($398);
  • in regional centers – up to 32,000 ($510);
  • in large cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, etc. - from 28 to 40 thousand ($446 - 637).

Ordinary employees of Sberbank in the capital receive a salary in the amount of:

  • specialist – 28,000 rub. ($446);
  • cashier – 25,000 ($398);
  • - / - operator - 21,000 ($335);
  • - / - controller - 19,000 ($303);
  • - / - senior – 27,500 ($430);
  • operator – 23,500 ($374);
  • 2nd category specialist – 27,000 ($430);
  • loan officer – 43,000 ($685);
  • accountant – 28,000;
  • manager – 48,000 ($765);
  • deputy head - 49,000 ($781).

For greater clarity, data on the earnings of middle managers in Russia and Ukraine are presented in a comparative table:

Specialist position Salary in Russia Salary in Ukraine
Financial Director 77000 1227 24000 912
Investment management. 70000 1115 17000 646
Broker 65000 1036 14000 532
Commercial Director 55000 876 20000 760
Beginning credit department 48750 777 12300 467
Credit analyst 45000 717 13000 491
Mortgage consultant 45000 717 11500 437
Financial Advisor 44500 709 14000 532
Lending department 42500 677 15000 570
Guide to working with collateral 40500 645 12000 456

Profits in Commonwealth countries

Remuneration for bank employees in Ukraine depends on the size of the institution, the city where the bank is located and the position held.

The salaries of specialists in the regions of the country are:

  • Volyn region – 9500 UAH ($361);
  • Odessa, Kherson, Kiev - 7,000 each ($266);
  • Poltavskaya – 6000 ($228).

Chairmen of bank boards earn the most - 500000 UAH($19,004) per month.

Employees of financial institutions earn:

  • commercial director – $4005;
  • head of the credit department - $2003;
  • financial controller - $2001;
  • head of the regional office - $2004;
  • software developer – $1810;
  • database administrator - $1510;
  • legal consultant - $1511;
  • analyst - $1210;
  • bank product sales manager - $1010;
  • marketer - $1005;
  • credit expert - $325;
  • cashier controller - $265;
  • operator - $190.

Head of department at Belarusian Alfa-Bank, receives 1300 rubles. ($653). Director of a department at Idea Bank - 5,000 ($2,530). The head of the country's National Bank earns $2,000 a month.

The table shows the income of bankers in the CIS countries:



Russia Kazakhstan Ukraine Belarus
Elementary 48000 765 185000 547 15000 570 1100 553
Management 23 million 350561 50 million 146473 8 million 304067 220000 110553
Middle link 450000 7171 2.5 million 7324 180000 6842 13000 6533

Revenue in foreign countries


The heads of large banks earn from 4510 to 5520 euros per month.

Ordinary employees receive a salary in the amount of:

  • financial manager – from 2610 to 4410 euros;
  • programmers – from 1690 to 1810;
  • marketers – 1410 – 1790;
  • accountants and financial analysts – 1310 – 1815.

As children, we all dreamed of becoming workers in some interesting profession. Some wanted to be a soldier, some an astronaut, some an artist. But you can count on one hand the number of children who have dreamed of working in a bank since childhood. website

Time passed, the children grew up, and now the situation has changed. Banks began to become interested in graduates of higher educational institutions and job seekers with experience working in financial institutions. And many young economists are very attracted to this work: a modern office, a business suit, a solid salary. It is the salary that ultimately becomes the decisive factor, and specialists submit their resumes to banks in the hope of finding a job. website

It's all about prestige

Today, the most sought-after positions in banks are financial analysts, accountants, customer service managers, branch managers, sales specialists, directors and cashiers. Even famous non-poor people go to work in banks. An example of this is Sergei Matvienko, the son of the governor of the city on the Neva, who until recently worked as vice president of one of the St. Petersburg banks. Dmitry Petrushev, the son of the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, worked at VTB24, and then became chairman of the board of Rosselkhozbank. And this is not a complete list of famous people who work in the banking industry. In addition to the material, you may be interested in reading about why a bank account can be blocked. website

How much can you earn

People go to work in a bank primarily because they want to earn above average and even more. In entry-level positions, clerks expect salaries of up to 15 thousand rubles. However, if you gain experience and an excellent track record, you can get a job with a salary of several hundred thousand rubles per month. According to official data, the highest average salary is issued at Gazprombank - 177 thousand rubles per month. VTB takes an honorable second place - 95 thousand rubles. In third place is Alfa-Bank, which pays employees an average of 94 thousand rubles monthly. Next on the list is Unicreditbank, which pays its employees an average of 75 thousand rubles, and Bank of Moscow - 65 thousand rubles. If you are interested in the salaries of bank board members and other high officials, here they are in front of you: website

  • Chairman of the Board: 500 thousand - 7 million rubles;
  • Deputy Chairman of the Board: 200 thousand - 3 million rubles;
  • Managing director of an investment bank: 500 thousand - 6 million rubles;
  • Head of the trade department: 100 thousand - 4 million rubles.

How to become a bank employee

To get the coveted job in a bank, applicants will need to have a higher economic education, work experience, excellent computer knowledge, and sufficient analytical and communication skills. They will also be checked to ensure they have no problems with the law. With the growth of consumer lending, more and more specialists in the banking sector are required. Thus, we can predict an increase in the number of bankers in Russia in the near future. This, in turn, is a positive factor. However, not everything is as wonderful as it seems at first glance; recently a number of banks have been left without a license. website

Over the past 10 years, the popularity of such a specialty as banking has been actively growing at universities. There is an opinion among people that bankers earn a lot of money, but only a few can answer the question: how much do they earn? In fact, a banker is a fairly popular profession in Russia, because finding qualified personnel, despite the number of graduates, is becoming increasingly difficult.

In fact, bankers can actually make very good money. However, this requires qualifications and work experience. It is naive to assume that the company will immediately provide a monthly income of millions of rubles to a newcomer. However, people who are dedicated to their craft can actually make some serious money. Let's talk in more detail about how much a banker earns per month.

Average earnings of a banker in Russia

Many professions have income that depends on the month they work, so you need to consider how much they earn each month. This is irrelevant for banking. The banker will receive the salary stipulated by the contract, so it is pointless to consider the monthly chart of their income on average in Russia. So, how much do bankers earn, as of May 2019? The answer is an average of 25,000 rubles. Alas, it is far from the largest amount by domestic standards.

However, Russia is a large country, and the monthly income of bankers here can vary greatly. If a specialist in one region receives a lot of money, then in another the salary may be significantly less. How much do they earn in different regions?

As of 2018, the Belgorod region became the clear leader in the field of average wages for representatives of this profession. For their work, bankers here receive 40,000 rubles.

In second place is the Moscow region, where specialists are offered 37,000 rubles. The third and fourth positions in the ranking were shared by the Tver and Leningrad regions. Here a banker can receive an average of 30,000 rubles per month. The Kemerovo region is not far behind, where the average income is 29,700 rubles.

Four regions at once offer bankers an average salary of 25,000 rubles. These include:

  1. Krasnodar region.
  2. Tatarstan.
  3. Nizhny Novgorod Region.
  4. Chelyabinsk region.

The Voronezh region closes the top ten. How much can a banker earn in the region? The answer is an average of 23,700 rubles.

So, we figured out how much bankers earn in different regions. But where are they most in demand? The first two lines are traditionally occupied by the Moscow region together with Moscow and the Leningrad region together with St. Petersburg. In the first case, the percentage of vacancies for the position “Banker” is 42.5%, in the second – 8.3%. The “bronze winner” is the Sverdlovsk region. The industrial Ural region offers 2.9% of the total number of vacancies. Next on the list are the following subjects:

  • Bashkortostan – 2.1%;
  • Novosibirsk region – 2%;
  • Nizhny Novgorod region. – 1.9%;
  • Rostov region – 1.7%;
  • Irkutsk region – 1.6%.
  • Rostov region – 1.5%.

All other regions of the Russian Federation account for a share of 35.7%.

Another question that interests residents of our country: how much can Russian bankers earn maximum? The answer is 300,000 rubles. Employees with extensive experience, as well as department heads, can boast of such income.

What is the income of bankers in other countries?

A considerable number of people are considering the possibility of employment abroad. How much do bankers and employees close to banking earn on average there? Let's look at it in more detail.

Being a banker in Ukraine is even more profitable than in a number of regions of Russia. A beginner specialist receives $600 from a financial institution. Later, his income may increase to $1,000, and after some time - to $2,000. As for Germany, the average annual income of bank employees is 67 thousand euros. Using simple mathematical operations, it is easy to find out that on average specialists here receive about 5.5 thousand euros. Entry-level employees who are entrusted with the position of online consultants earn the least here – 900 euros.

A financial analyst in France can earn from 1,600 to 2,500 euros, depending on the bank and the qualifications of the specialist. A financial expert in this country can already count on an income of up to 3,700 euros. In the United States, entry-level employees are typically assigned to a cashier position, where they can earn $2,250. However, with seniority and promotions, income increases accordingly. The salary of a bank clerk is increased to $2,500. The average bank employee in this country can expect a salary of up to $5,000. The president of a financial institution is entitled to an average of $20 million per year.