Pay the Tinkoff Bank loan using the agreement number. How to pay for a Sberbank loan using the agreement number? Pay the loan according to the agreement

Tinkoff offers to pay for a loan using the agreement number in several ways, mainly via the Internet. After all, the bank operates remotely, which is much more convenient than looking for a suitable branch to make a payment. You can do this through the bank’s official portal, a special application installed on a smartphone or Sberbank terminals.

How to pay a credit debt from a card using the agreement number?

Repaying a Tinkoff loan from a card will not be difficult. The bank provides detailed step-by-step instructions for its clients:

  • First of all, you need to follow the link .
  • In the window that opens you will need to write with which payment will be made.
  • Next comes the field for the contract number.
  • The amount to be paid is indicated.
  • The “Translate” button is pressed.

note! An SMS message with a one-time password will be sent to the number linked to the card; it will need to be entered in a special window to confirm the transaction.

Pay a loan through the terminal

The second, no less simple way to pay a loan is to use the services of terminals.

Finding the right payment ATM is not a problem, they are everywhere.

Important! The advantage of paying debts through a bank terminal is that when you deposit money, a will appear on the screen.

To make a transfer, have with you: a credit card or contract number. If this data is ready, then next you need to find one of the terminals:

  1. Kiwi;
  2. Amigo;
  3. Platform;
  4. Elexnet;
  5. Leader.

They are most often found in large supermarkets or shopping centers, and therefore it makes sense to look for them there.

Video instruction:

After the terminal is found, you will need to act according to the instructions:

  1. The menu contains a section "Loan repayment".
  2. Tinkoff Bank is selected from the list.
  3. BIC is introduced. It can be found directly in the contract or in.
  4. A special calculator will appear on the terminal screen, which will help you calculate the payment amount as accurately as possible, taking into account the commission. Usually it is no more than 50 rubles.
  5. The following is the contract number or a credit card.
  6. Personal data is entered.
  7. Funds are deposited and payment is confirmed with the “Pay” button.

Before sending the payment for processing, the system will prompt you to check the entered data. It is better to take this chance so as not to mistakenly pay someone else’s loan.

As a standard, money arrives on the card immediately after payment. But there are times when it takes a whole day.

For reference! You can pay for a loan using the agreement number through the terminal only in rubles; it does not accept foreign currency.

Payment via Russian Post

Repayment of credit debt by agreement number can also be made using the services of Russian Post. To make a payment, you must have the contract with you, as well as your passport.

One of the advantages of this procedure is the absence of a commission for the operation.

Remember! Money can arrive on your Tinkoff card within two days.

Payment using payment systems

In order to pay a loan using an agreement number in this way, you must contact a bank branch where one of the systems is installed: Zolotaya Korona, Unistream or Contact .

Before making a transfer, you need to warn the employee that this is a payment for a Tinkoff loan.

You can also pay for a loan at Tinkoff using the application:

Important! Another person can make a payment using payment systems if they know the contract number.

Is it possible to pay a loan through mobile phone shops?

Tinkoff Bank offers its clients many ways to repay loan debts. And one of these is transferring money through mobile phone shops.

You just need to contact Beeline , Euroset or MTS. This payment method does not imply the withdrawal of a commission.

Many Tinkoff clients are interested in paying for a loan online using the agreement number. After all, this is the easiest and fastest way. To do this, you will need to download the application to your smartphone or go to the official portal.

  1. Login/password is entered.
  2. The contract number is indicated.
  3. The payment amount is written.
  4. Payment is confirmed.

Money is credited to your account within two days.

note! It is possible to create a template thanks to the “ ” function. This will allow you not to enter data every time you make a transfer.

Nowadays, in order to pay off a loan, you don’t need to leave your home at all. Especially if you have the required amount on your debit card, then why not make the payment online. Active users of Internet banking are wondering whether it is possible to pay for a loan using an agreement number in the same or another bank through Sberbank Online? If you only have the loan agreement number, but you know the amount of the monthly payment, you can make the payment through this Internet banking. Now we will tell you how to do this.

It’s not worth mentioning how useful the Sberbank Online system is for the average user. In fact, this is a bank branch in your home. Through this system, you can apply for loans, receive approval, and then pay for these loans. If you need to repay your own loan taken from Sberbank, there is no problem. The system itself will display this loan, and to pay it you will only need to select it and determine the write-off card. With loans taken from other banks, the situation is a little more complicated, but not much.

  1. We log in as usual in the Sberbank Online system and go to the main page.
  2. We make sure that the debit card has the required amount to pay the debt.
  3. We go to our usual “Payments and Transfers” section. There is a lot in this section, but we need the “Repaying a loan from another bank” tab.
  4. Next, a list of banks with which Sberbank cooperates will open. In these banks, a loan can be paid by knowing the payer’s full name, his address and the number of his loan agreement. We choose, for example, Alfa-Bank.
  5. A form opens in which you need to enter data.
  6. After all the data has been entered, select the debit card from the drop-down list from which you want to debit money and click the “Continue” button.
  7. At the next step, carefully check all the data and enter the payment amount.
  8. Confirm the financial transaction and remember to save the receipt.

The funds will be credited to the partner bank account instantly, but there are cases of delays either due to the fault of Sberbank or the fault of the partner bank.

Unfortunately, if your loan was taken out from a third-party bank that is not on the list of Sberbank partners, you will have to make a transfer using BIC. To do this, go to the “Loans/Transfers to another bank using BIC” subsection, enter the required numbers, select a debit card and confirm the payment.

Other payment methods

You can pay for a loan from a third-party bank not only through the Sberbank Online system, but also through Mobile Banking. You can do this using your account number, if you have it at hand. Let's consider the procedure.

  1. Log in to the system.
  2. Open “Transfers and Payments”.
  3. We find the subsection “To an account in another bank.”
  4. We fill in the fields of the card with information about the current account number, debit card, and payment amount.
  5. Click the “Pay” button and confirm this simple financial transaction.

If you have problems accessing the Internet and have nothing at hand except a mobile phone, do not despair. If you have a loan from Sberbank, you can make payment via SMS. The condition is as follows: the phone must be connected to a bank card, that is, the SMS banking service must be connected to it. Dial SMS: CREDIT<двадцатизначный № счета><сумма платежа><последние 4 цифры номера карты списания>.

The text will look like this: CREDIT 54673990689944092573 8500 4521, no punctuation marks are needed, it is acceptable to put spaces separating the account number, payment amount and card number. As soon as the SMS is typed, we check its contents and then send it to number 900. The money for the loan payment will be written off instantly, unless, of course, you made a mistake with the payment details.

So, repaying the debt using the loan agreement number, BIC or other details through Sberbank Online is as easy as shelling pears. You can spend 20 minutes and figure it out yourself, or you can save this time by reading our article and making a payment in 3 minutes. Good luck!

Along with favorable conditions, we offer clients many convenient ways to pay for a loan.

Loan payment via ATM

Make a commission-free payment at one of the Alfa-Cash ATMs. To do this, find the nearest ATM on the map in the mobile application, on the Alfa-Bank website or in Internet banking.

Use the Loan Repayment menu function to transfer money to your loan account. In this case, funds are credited instantly.

You can also cover the loan through ATMs and terminals of the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Moscow Credit Bank.

How to pay a loan online

In the Alfa-Click Internet bank, in the “Loans” section, you can find all the information on loans. To pay for the loan, use one of the repayment methods:

  • From the account;
  • From a card of any bank;
  • From a mobile phone account.

Details and payment amount will be entered automatically. There is no commission charged for paying through Alfa-Click, and the payment goes through immediately.

This is one of the most convenient ways to make a payment, since you do not have to look for an ATM and pay interest for the service.

Another online payment option is to transfer money from any bank account. This is convenient if the salary comes to a card issued by another organization. There may be delays in transfers of several business days and fees from the issuing bank for outgoing payments.

It is also possible to pay for a loan online using the RURU payment service, which charges a commission of 2.99% and ensures that funds are credited in 30 minutes. Payments are sent from your mobile phone account.

Redemption from partners

Payments on Alfa-Bank loans are accepted by our partners, which include:

  • Payment services QIWI, Rapida, Zolotaya Korona, Cyberplat;
  • Salons Euroset, Beeline, MTS, Svyaznoy;
  • Eleksnet terminals.

When paying for a loan through partners, a commission of 0 to 3% is charged.

Early loan payment

You can repay the loan partially or in full before the end of the contract. To do this, you need to write an application to Alfa-Bank and transfer the required amount to a credit account.

To clarify the amount of payment for full payment, contact the Alfa-Consultant call center or use the “Full early repayment” function at one of the ATMs.

Lately, people often take out loans from institutions other than Sberbank of the Russian Federation. This is explained by the fact that another bank may have a lower interest rate, or it simply turned out to be easier to obtain.

Sometimes it is simply not possible to leave the house to pay the monthly payment. Then it is possible to do this through Sberbank online. In this article we will describe in detail how to do this.

How to pay a loan through Sberbank online using an agreement number to another bank

The bank's system can also service loans taken from any other bank.
To do this you need to do the following:

  • Go to the website, log into your personal account;
  • Finally, find “Payments and transfers”, then select “Repay a loan from another bank”;
  • Then you need to select “Transfers to another bank”;
  • A search window should appear, carefully enter the Bank Identification Code (better known as BIC). The program will independently find the company you need based on its BIC;
  • We indicate the payer's account (your account). If you don’t remember it well, or don’t know it at all, find the contract, all the details are indicated there;
  • Having reached “Confirmation”, we carefully check the correctness of the entered data, then confirm. This is done using a one-time password, it is sent to your mobile phone;
  • In order to confirm payment upon receipt, print the invoice.

The contract number is not required. First of all, you need to write out the company’s BIC.

Pay a loan through the Sberbank mobile application online

In order to pay a loan through a mobile application, you first need to connect this type of service to your phone. Wherever you are, you can make payments.

You can enter the application only after entering your password (5 digits). This guarantees the safety of this method. If after carrying out the necessary operations you forget to exit the program, it will do it for you.

To pay, you just need to enter the program, enter the code, then find “Payments and transfers”, click on “All others”, a search will appear, in it you need to type the word “Loans”, “Transfers to another bank” should appear, click on this option.
Next, the Sberbank online application will tell you what to do.
Commission - 1%. There is no charge for downloading the application.

How to pay for a Home Credit loan via the Internet using a Sberbank card

Sberbank mobile applications create additional convenience for each of us to manage our funds. You can download it in the section “Private clients” - “Payments and transfers” - “Payment for services” - “Repayment of loans from other banks”. There are applications for all platforms: iPad, iPhone, WindowsPhone, Android.

Repayment of any debts in this organization from a Sberbank plastic card is carried out in the same way as in Sberbank Online. The developers guarantee 100 percent confidentiality and security of your data.

Pay a loan from your mobile phone account

Those who have an international Sberbank of the Russian Federation card can pay their debt from a mobile phone.

You need to go to the official website, click on “Sberbank online”, then select “Home page”, find “Mobile bank” - “SMS payments”, click on “Add template” - “Create new” - “Other services” - “ Loan repayment”, in “Account number” we enter the loan account number we need, click on “Add”, do not forget to confirm, then save.

Now you can easily pay your bills from your phone. To do this, you need to send a message to the short number 900 with the word “CREDIT, after a space, enter your card number, the amount of money, and the recipient’s details.

Sberbank Online - what is it? A virtual user account, which is available at any time of the day or night to carry out various operations: paying for utilities, cellular communications, loans, managing accounts, opening deposits. To find out how to pay for a loan from another bank through Sberbank Online and what other payment methods are available, you should read the article.

How to pay a loan from another bank online

When a person is unable to pay off an existing credit debt from the bank that issued the loan, due to permanent employment or for other reasons, he has the opportunity to use Sberbank services. How to deposit funds for a loan through Sberbank? It's simple: you will need to use existing loan repayment methods:

  • Sberbank Online: by agreement number and details from a PC and via phone, using the application;
  • Auto payment.

The client needs to select one suitable option and complete a sequence of actions.

How to pay by contract number and details

Before logging into the Sberbank Online electronic system, you should connect SMS banking and register:

  • Enter the number of the main plastic card;
  • Confirm the operation with the code from SMS;
  • Set login and password;
  • Log in and confirm your login using the one-time password from SMS.

You should prepare the details of the contract in advance. You can study information on how to pay for a loan from another bank through Sberbank Online using the agreement number below:

  • After logging in, go to the Credits tab;
  • Next – Repaying a loan from a third-party bank;
  • Write the name of the bank;
  • If the bank is not displayed, dial BIC;
  • In the line that appears, type the contract number, account, and recipient's full name.
  • Enter the amount to be written off (including the commission);
  • Click the Continue button;
  • Carefully check the accuracy of the written data;
  • Confirm the debiting of money via SMS;
  • Save your receipt.

The period for depositing money is up to three days, the commission is 1%. To transfer money to pay for a loan agreement through Sberbank Online using the agreement number, a stable connection to the Internet is important.

Features of payment through the application on the phone

To repay a loan from another bank via phone, you will need to download and install a mobile application on your device. If you encounter difficulties in how to pay for a loan from another bank through Sberbank Online on your phone, you should study the detailed sequence of actions.

  • Go to the Payments tab;
  • Next - To an account in another bank;
  • Fill in the account number in the empty line that appears;
  • Select the recipient - organization, enter the BIC and TIN;
  • Specify the purpose of the payment;
  • Enter the payment amount;
  • Confirm the debit;
  • Save the receipt.

In principle, it is clear from the instructions - there is nothing difficult. Therefore, questions about how to pay for a loan from another bank through the Sberbank online application should not arise. The commission is also written off in the amount of 1% of the transfer amount.

An important point: the cell phone number must be connected to the mobile bank and linked to the client’s card.

Connecting the Autopayment option in Sberbank

To activate the Autopayment service, you should use the Sberbank Online program. It’s easy to do this yourself, but if you have any doubts, it’s better to contact Sberbank employees. Activation of the service is free. The transfer fee is 1% of the monthly payment amount.

The Autopayment process looks like this: the client activates the service once, indicating the amount and date of debit, as well as the details where the money will be transferred. It allows you to make loan payments on time. The service controls the expenditure from the card; before transferring funds to repay the loan to another bank through Sberbank, a reminder is sent to your cell phone. It’s easy to cancel a charge: just send a message with a refusal.

Other ways to repay a loan from a third-party bank

If you do not have the opportunity to access the Internet either from your phone or from a personal computer, you can use the classic methods of repaying a loan from a Sberbank card, namely visiting a bank branch or using ATMs or terminals.

How to pay a loan at the Sberbank cash desk

There is also a category of citizens who are comfortable making a payment using a cashier. You need to go to Sberbank with your passport and contract number, prepare the amount for payment at the cash desk. The operator will process the payment and issue a receipt. The commission is also 1%. The disadvantages include the fact that you can pay during certain opening hours of the cash register, and the possible accumulation of queues.

Payment via self-service device

Making a transfer through a Sberbank terminal is one of the most reliable ways. The client will first need to find the nearest terminal. Instructions:

  • Insert the card and select Payments;
  • Click - Payment of loans from other banks;
  • Enter your current account (be sure to check the correctness of the entered numbers);
  • Enter the size of the planned transfer;
  • Pay by card or cash;
  • Confirm the operation;
  • Take the check.

The ATM interface does not cause difficulties in conducting banking transactions. You can make a transfer using a bank card. Important point: a certain transfer fee is charged. The advantage of this option is accessibility - the presence of a wide network of Sberbank self-service devices.

Which payment option is the easiest?

Of all the above, Sberbank Online is considered the most popular. For clients, repaying loans from other banks through Sberbank Online is an excellent method to make payments while at home. Each of the methods discussed is easy to use. Here, human habit comes first. We advise you to try transferring money through Sberbank Online using the agreement number, via telephone, or temporarily connect to Autopayment, and settle on a more convenient option.


Each bank provides different means of loan repayment to borrowers. Sberbank is one of the well-known credit organizations and has long earned the trust of citizens. It is beneficial to use its online capabilities in situations where it is not possible to visit the branch in person. The article discusses common options for how to pay for a loan from another bank through Sberbank: online, at the cash desk or through an ATM.