VTB hotline. VTB hotline (formerly VTB24) Advantageous system features

Due to the merger of VTB 24 Bank with VTB Bank, the information in this material is no longer relevant. Contact details for VTB Bank support in this material >>>

The VTB 24 Bank customer service center provides 24/7 support. The department’s specialists provide any advice and assistance to anyone who contacts us by phone or online. You can also leave a complaint or appeal, which will be considered as soon as possible.

How to contact VTB 24 support service

There are several ways to contact bank employees:

  1. Toll free number 8-800-100-24-24 allows you to make calls from any mobile or landline number.
  2. International number +7-495-771-78-24 designed for calls from abroad while roaming or from landline numbers.
  3. Fax number +7-495-980-46-66
  4. Also on the VTB 24 website you can order a call back from a specialist using your number. You need to go to the official VTB 24 resource and open the “Order a call back” section at the bottom of the page (see screenshot just below). In the callback order menu, be sure to indicate your full name, contact phone number and a consultation time convenient for you.

As soon as your request is received by the customer support center, an available employee will immediately contact you to resolve the issue. The waiting time for such a call back usually does not exceed several minutes. If the bank consultant does not contact you for a long time, fill out the application again, as your contact number may have been entered incorrectly.

  1. A written request can be sent to the postal address of the VTB 24 head office.

Postal address of VTB Bank 24: 101000, Moscow, st. Myasnitskaya, 35

The toll-free hotline is available for calls 24 hours a day. By calling the main VTB 24 support number, the client can listen to the voice menu items. Hints from such an autoinformer allow you to quickly find answers to frequently asked questions.

In order to start a dialogue with a bank consultant, you need to listen to the entire voice menu to the end and wait for a connection with the operator or press the button to connect. All incoming calls are processed on a first-come, first-served basis, so you may be asked to wait on line for some time. As soon as one of the VTB 24 employees is free, he will answer your call.

How to contact VTB 24 support online through the bank’s offsite or social network

If it is not possible to call the hotline or all operators are busy, you can always leave a request on the bank’s website. Online applications are considered as they are received, and a response to the client is provided within 24 hours. After solving your problem, the bank employee will definitely provide you with a detailed answer.

You can submit your application online as follows:

  1. Go to the official page of the VTB 24 website.
  2. Open the reviews section at the bottom of the page (see screenshot just above).
  3. In the form that appears, fill in all the required fields with valid data.
  4. Provide your full name, phone number and email address.
  5. Describe your problem in as much detail as possible in the appropriate window.
  6. Indicate how it would be convenient for you to receive a response to your request - by SMS, email or telephone, which are indicated in the questionnaire.
  7. Submit a service request and wait for a response from bank specialists.

You can also use chat on any social network to communicate with online support workers. In the official VTB 24 community, you can start a dialogue with a bank employee, where you should indicate in more detail the essence of your problem or request. In this case, the waiting time for a response will not take much time.

To clarify some details about your question, a support specialist may need additional confidential information. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare all the necessary documents before applying - passport, client agreement number and bank card. After finishing the online dialogue with the support service, it is recommended to log out of your account if you are using a public computer.

Such a large bank as VTB 24 necessarily has its own call center. You can reach operators using several numbers from Russia and abroad. Bank clients can immediately resolve a number of issues over the phone. The main contact number for VTB 24 is telephone 8800 100-24-24. The call is free, the call center is open 24 hours a day.

VTB 24 hotline numbers

In addition to the main telephone number of the VTB hotline 8800 100-24-24, there is another number for the Moscow call center +7-495-771-78-24. It is intended mainly for calls from abroad. In both cases, you can make a call to the contact center at any time - operators work around the clock. You can call from a cell phone or landline.

The cost of calling VTB on the hotline 8800 100-24-24 is free, but for a call to a Moscow number you will have to pay in accordance with the tariffs of your operator. Accordingly, when calling from abroad, international roaming is activated.

You can solve this problem by purchasing a special “Privilege” package. The client will be assigned a personal manager with an individual number, which can be called free of charge from anywhere in the world.

Free services by phone 8800 100-24-24

By contacting the VTB operator using the hotline number 8800 100-24-24, you can quickly:

  • find out any information about the bank’s services and products provided;
  • obtain information about the conditions of deposits or loans, including a list of required documents;
  • order a credit card;
  • leave an application for any loan;
  • find out the balance of debt on a credit card or existing loan;
  • specify the nearest date for making the payment and the amount of the contribution;
  • get information about the balance on your debit card;
  • connect VTB 24-Online;
  • confirm or cancel an online banking transaction;
  • find out the current exchange rate at the bank and get advice on how to make an exchange.

Entrepreneurs, by calling VTB toll-free number 24 8800 100-24-24, can receive advice on opening a current account for a business and connecting to the “Bank - Client Online” service.

Naturally, bank clients can quickly resolve any problems that arise, including reporting the theft or loss of a card (however, you can only close the card at the branch with your passport).

The operator has the right to identify the user. To do this, he will ask several questions regarding the caller’s first name, last name, date of birth, his passport details and code word.

Voice menu

Basic voice menu numbers

By calling VTB via the hotline at 8800 100-24-24, the client will first be taken to an interactive voice menu (IVR). By pressing the appropriate keys on the telephone keyboard in tone mode, the user will be able to access various submenus and obtain the information of interest without connecting an operator. Moreover, some data, for example, about the balance on the card, can only be obtained from this menu - this way confidentiality is maintained.

By calling VTB 24 via the hotline 8800 100-24-24, the client enters the main voice menu and can do the following (login and password refer to codes for accessing the VTB 24-Online system):

  • to check the balance on the card, you must enter your login, then press # and enter the last four digits of your card and # again;
  • to obtain information on the current loan, you need to press sequentially 3, 1, your login, #, password, # and 2;
  • to obtain information about current deposits you need to press 3, 1, login, #, password, # and 4;
  • to obtain information about current accounts (for example, about the status of an account on a savings book or current account), you must press 3, 1, login, #, password, #, 4 and twenty digits of the account number of interest.

How to immediately contact the operator

In order to contact the operator by calling VTB 24 on the Hotline 8800 100-24-24, you often have to listen to the robot for a long time, and it’s not always clear which specialist will help solve your problem. To quickly connect to an operator, you can use the following trick:

  • call VTB 24 at 8800 100-24-24;
  • select a submenu section on the issue you are interested in (loans, deposits, online banking, etc.);
  • quickly press the number 0 – an immediate connection to the operator will occur.

VTB 24 provides high-quality free and round-the-clock support for its clients by calling the “Hotline” phone number 8800 100-24-24


Using the hotline number is very convenient. The contact center has a sufficient number of operators, so the wait time is minimal. The most important thing is that calling the phone number 8800 100-24-24 VTB 24 is free, so you can calmly resolve your issue without worrying about the money spent. And an automated response system will allow you to receive the information you are interested in even faster, while maintaining confidentiality.

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VTB Bank (PJSC) (VTB Bank). General license of the Bank of Russia No. 1000. License of a professional participant in the securities market to carry out brokerage activities No. 040–06492–100000, issued: 03/25/2003. Information about VTB Bank was included in the unified register of investment advisers by decision of the Bank of Russia dated 12/24/2018.

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7. VTB Bank draws the attention of investors who are individuals to the fact that funds transferred to VTB Bank as part of brokerage services are not subject to the Federal Law of December 23, 2003. No. 177-FZ “On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation.”

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