Legal assistance to shareholders of residential complex forces of nature. Residential complex Forces of Nature in St. Petersburg: reviews of shareholders and the latest news about the developer What is happening now with the residential complex Forces of Nature

O2 Development representative Natalya Shatikhina insists that O2 Development has the resources to complete the project. The government of the Leningrad region is not optimistic because the investor has never seen the construction completed.

On Friday, the government of the Leningrad region held another round of negotiations with the company "" on the completion of the problematic residential complex "Forces of Nature". Several interlocutors in the regional administration reported this to the DP. The meeting was held with the first deputy chairman of the regional government for finance.

The interlocutors reported that it was attended by the developer’s lawyer, managing partner of CLC, co-owner of O2 Development and candidate for the position of temporary manager of ZhSK Murinskoye - 1, Igor Rulev.

Networks - in advance

Natalya Shatikhina confirmed that a working meeting was held with Roman Markov on Friday. By agreement, a working draft of the minutes of this meeting was prepared and sent to her in advance based on the package of working documentation discussed before, she told the DP.

“Draft schedules for the completion of the residential complex were presented, the prospects for the plan for the financial recovery of the residential complex were discussed. The question was also raised, if there is such a possibility, that the regional authorities would support the developer’s request to begin construction of networks “” (controlled) before the advance payment. This makes it possible to Complete major work on the first stage earlier and begin signing preliminary acts for the transfer of apartments to shareholders. If the Leningrad Region considers it impossible for some reason to support our request, the developer will follow the agreements already reached, although this would be significant for the first stage. acceleration. In general, the developer already has agreements with Management Company Murino, the payment schedule has been pre-agreed, there are no problems, but it takes time to begin work on connecting to the networks, and the sooner they begin, the sooner the apartments will be transferred to people,” - says Natalya Shatikhina.

The management of the Murino Management Company reported that they do not know anything about who is conducting negotiations - both from the government of the Leningrad region and the O2 Development company, on the issues of completing the construction of houses; no one has officially contacted the Management Company itself on this issue applied.

According to Shatikhina, today the completion of the first stage has a clear outline of financing. “In November, a bankruptcy procedure was introduced in relation to the Murinskoye-1 housing cooperative, so there was no opportunity to further finance the construction through the cooperative. Any financial actions require approval from the arbitration manager, but until February it was not possible to do this; letters to him remained without approval. Even basic security and maintenance of the site. Work at the construction site has now resumed. Legal solutions have been found, for example, possible additional financing at the expense of the general contractor. If we do not take communications into account, then funds for the completion of the first stage can be allocated in the near future,” says Natalya Shatikhina.

Former temporary manager Vadim Fedichev said that Natalya Shatikhina’s words about his work do not correspond to reality. “There was no opposition on my part. I wonder what they will use as an excuse now,” he says.

Roman Markov completely refused to comment on the meeting.

Government version

According to the interlocutors of the DP in the government, the authorities of the Leningrad region, in turn, offered the developer, as an option, to conduct a re-examination of the 1st stage, which was being built by a bankrupt housing cooperative, and make changes to it, pay for contracts for connecting to the networks of engineering and technical support of the facility to the system water supply and sanitation. He must also immediately begin conservation work on the 2nd stage, which was built by Romantika LLC. “Failure to complete these works entails a direct threat to the reliability and safety of the capital construction project,” say the DP’s interlocutors in the government.

Natalya Shatikhina noted that she had not seen the version of the protocol, according to which the developer is asked to pay for connection to networks, conduct a re-examination of the project, and also begin mothballing the 2nd stage, and added that this is ridiculous, we are talking about the minutes of a meeting where everything -it should reflect what was discussed on it.

The deputy chairman of the government for construction noted that “the best way out of the situation with a problematic facility is its completion and the transfer of apartments to shareholders by the developer himself.”

“In the case of the Forces of Nature residential complex, bankruptcy under the control of the regional authorities is also not an end in itself. Some time ago, lawyer Natalya Shatikhina took responsibility for completing the project. This was followed by loud statements and some revival at the construction site. At the same time, we have not yet received from Mrs. Shatikhina any endorsed data on the completion dates of the houses, confirmed sources of financing for the construction, and her investor also remains unnamed. On March 26, we are holding a commission to protect the rights of shareholders, where we would like to hear all this information from Natalya Sergeevna,” he said.

Long judicial prospect

Also on Friday, a regular court hearing was held regarding the bankruptcy case of the Murinskoye-1 housing cooperative. In February, the court overturned the appointment of Vadim Fedichev as temporary manager of the Murinskoye-1 housing cooperative; his candidacy was proposed by the regional administration. This was facilitated by the developer's lawyers. Yesterday, it was supposed to consider the candidacy of Igor Rulev in his place. However, Vadim Fedichev and AHML filed a complaint, which will take place at the end of March, so yesterday’s meeting was postponed.

In February, AHML of the Leningrad Region rejected the bankruptcy claim of one of the developers of the Forces of Nature residential complex, Romantika LLC, and an appeal was filed.

Mikhail Moskvin noted then that the second party “is trying to gain control over the bankruptcy procedure in order to include up to a thousand unpaid apartments in the register.” “The arithmetic is simple: the developer spoke about 3 thousand contracts. At the moment, we know that claims from 1,900 apartments have been submitted to the court. It may well be that the company will then form a new housing cooperative with these legalized apartments and transfer them to the state. We will be forced to complete the construction. After This way, the developer will be able to sell finished apartments in which he did not invest, and earn money from the budget,” he said.

The government press service also noted earlier that the developer never presented an investor to complete the project.

About 4 billion rubles were collected from shareholders and equity holders, the regional government reported to the DP.

The most problematic object

Residential complex "Forces of Nature" "O2 Development" is one of the largest problematic objects in the Leningrad region. O2 Development is also controlled by Alexey Dmitriev.

The project started in 2013. O2 Development leased a plot of 30.2 hectares from Baltinvestbank and began construction of two phases for 135 thousand m2 of housing. One of the phases is being built according to the housing cooperative scheme (area - 65 thousand m2, 95% ready, about 90% of housing has been sold), the second - under an equity participation agreement (area - 69 thousand m2, 40% ready, about 40% sold apartments). Right now the number of financially secured contracts is being clarified.

Later, the developer received permission for three more phases. And the land under the first two stages, 12 hectares, was bought into the ownership of the Murinskoye-1 housing cooperative and Romantika LLC.

"O2 Development" planned to connect the residential complex "Forces of Nature" to local wastewater treatment plants, but the authorities insisted on connecting to the central sewerage system, and the developer entered into an agreement with the management company "Murino", but there was no money for this. Permission to build three more phases was revoked. The lease agreement for the lands was terminated, and they remained with the bank, which began having problems at the end of 2015, and Absolut Bank became the sanator.

It was previously reported that the ex-co-owner of Baltinvestbank planned to invest in the completion of houses (in the fall of 2015, the bank began to have serious problems, and is now being sanitized by Absolut Bank). We were talking about 400-500 million rubles needed to connect houses to the water drainage and sewerage system. O2 Group leased the land for the construction of 350 thousand m2 of housing in Murino with the right of subsequent purchase from Retail Park Imperia LLC (RP Imperia), which is associated in the market with Yuri Rydnik. It is also known that Baltinvestbank acted as a financial partner of O2 Group in the project in Murino, although the bank always denied affiliation with RP Imperia. However, in the end, Yuri Rydnik refused to finance the problematic construction.

His company "" was also called another interested investor.

Finally, a company from the RR-City bank became interested and planned to buy the project from the developer. But not a single bank wanted to finance the completion of the problematic facility, and the potential investor abandoned the project.

As a result, last summer, the Leningrad region agreed to finance the completion of the Forces of Nature residential complex with Rossiya Bank, a government-friendly bank. The project includes the Leningrad Regional Housing Mortgage Lending Agency, a 100% subsidiary of the Leningrad Region government, which operates under state housing programs.

This company would become the borrower, operator and organizer of completion, and it would select the customer, contractor, etc. on a competitive basis. It was planned to return the loan funds to the bank through the sale of vacant apartments and money under government programs (in the Forces of Nature residential complex they will offer to buy apartments for participants in government housing programs). To do this, it was necessary to take control of the bankruptcy procedure of the previous developer, the Murinskoye-1 housing cooperative and Romantika LLC.

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Construction company O2 (formerly O2 Development) is a development division of the O2 group of companies, operating in the residential and commercial real estate sector. The company was formed in 2011 on the basis of the Stroy-resurs organization. Is a notable player on .

All projects of SK O2 are united by the “O2 ECO” standard, which emphasizes practicality and ecology and implies the optimal and efficient use of resources. Construction is being carried out using a method that allows reducing the weight of load-bearing structures and, thereby, reducing the cost of housing. To what extent this is a successful technique in house construction, and most importantly, how exactly it was implemented in this particular case - there are very conflicting opinions on this matter.

Residential complexes O2 are built according to individual projects and are well thought out, social and commercial infrastructure is either within walking distance or within the complex itself, the courtyards will be landscaped and will have recreation areas for children, sports, pets, spacious parking.

O2 company is the winner of the “Gazelle of Business 2014” award from the newspaper “Business Petersburg”, in the nomination “For contribution to the development of advanced technologies in the housing construction market”, and the holder of a Sberbank diploma “For contribution to the development of mortgage lending in the North-West region in 2013”. In turn, the “Forces of Nature” eco-quarter is a winner of the Green Awards for achievements in the field of environmental development and energy efficiency.

Developer O2 Development is a member of the Green Building Council (RuGBC), the Union of Construction Associations of the Leningrad Region "Lenoblsoyuzstroy" and the Guild of Managers and Developers.

O2 developer news:

January 2016: The real estate agency has become the exclusive broker of the developer O2 Development. The new broker will handle all aspects related to the promotion and sale of real estate under construction from O2. The first facility at which the agreement will come into force was.

June 2016
: the situation with the construction time of all O2 facilities can be called critical. Work on construction sites has not been carried out since the end of 2015, shareholders hold pickets and rallies, and set up protest tent cities at the construction site of the Forces of Nature residential complex.

December 2016
: the developer O2 admitted the fact of his inability to independently complete the construction of the Forces of Nature facility. The Government Commission for the Support of Shareholders gave the company's management 10 days to present a real plan for overcoming the crisis.

December 2018: Nothing is known about the company’s activities in 2018. There are 2 unrealized projects left on the developer’s account, one is frozen, and the delay in the second is more than 2.5 years.

June 2019: Lenobl AIZhK is being completed with financial support from the authorities of the 47th region. The second complex is the Parnas residential complex, the project of which was frozen by a court decision in 2017, by the P1 company. But the exact delivery dates for the houses have not yet been announced.

February 2020: The State Construction Supervision Committee of the Leningrad Region in January gave permission to commission the first building of one of the most problematic objects in the region - the Forces of Nature residential complex. Shareholders have been waiting for this event since 2013. Construction of the remaining buildings continues. O2 (formerly O2 Development) is currently in bankruptcy proceedings.

The administration of the Leningrad region will complete the construction of problem facilities through the bankruptcy procedure, Daniil Fedichev, director of the Directorate for Integrated Development of Territories of the Leningrad Region, said yesterday. “In the bankruptcy procedure, a register of shareholders is formed in court, so the risk of possible double sales or dishonest actions of the developer is eliminated. If the developer is not in bankruptcy, then the mechanisms of influence on him are limited,” Fedichev noted. According to him, by decision of the shareholders, the directorate can take into trust the housing cooperatives created in the bankruptcy procedure, and together with the Leningrad Regional Housing Mortgage Lending Agency (LenoblAIZhK) carry out their completion. The second option is to transfer construction rights to a new developer. “But developers have not yet expressed such a desire,” adds Fedichev. According to the deputy chairman of the regional committee of the State Construction Supervision Committee, Dmitry Lobanovsky, there are 926 citizens in the register of defrauded shareholders in the region, and in total there are no more than 1,300 people.

Officials intend to apply the bankruptcy scheme to the unfinished Vorontsov residential complex, the developer of which, Spetskapstroy SPb LLC, entered bankruptcy proceedings in July. According to Fedichev, with a high degree of probability the object will be demolished. “According to the expert opinion, the structures do not comply with safety regulations; the developer passed a non-state examination and actually imitated construction. As a result, the buildings were designed with violations, the piles were driven chaotically, and the basements were flooded. The final conclusion on the facility will be issued by August 18,” says the official. According to his calculations, the property has no more than 300 shareholders.

The largest long-term construction project in the Leningrad region, the Forces of Nature residential complex (3,500 apartments and 2,600 purchase agreements), can be completed using the same scheme. In July 2017, Lenobl AIZhK became the operator of the completion of the facility. General Director of LenoblAIZhK Evgeniy Rafalenok estimates the cost of completion at 3 billion rubles, of which 1 billion rubles. – loan from Rossiya Bank and AHML funds. The parameters of the deal with the bank will become known after the meeting of the credit committee on August 23, he adds. According to Rafalenka, the economics of the project can be changed by the sale of commercial premises and the construction of a facility for commercial purposes.

More housing

1.5 million sq. m of housing were commissioned in the Leningrad region in January–July 2017, 4.4% more than in the same period last year. In St. Petersburg, 1.85 million square meters were commissioned in seven months. m (growth by 8.4%)

Since 2013, the construction of “Forces of Nature” has been carried out by the housing cooperative “Murinskoe-1” and LLC “Romantika”, which are members of the O2 Development group. Commissioning was planned for 2017; a year before that, construction stopped. RR-City LLC, which agreed to complete the construction of the facility, withdrew from the project in June 2017 due to problems with financing.

The bankruptcy case of Romantika LLC is in court, its initiator was RR-City, and later shareholders joined it. The meeting is scheduled for October 31. Claims for bankruptcy of the housing cooperative "Murinskoe-1" are being filed en masse by shareholders, a meeting on one of them is scheduled to take place on August 31. “We hope to enter the project before the cold weather, because the conservation of the facility is important for the successful completion of the project,” Rafalenok plans. According to his estimates, the completion of the first and second buildings will take about a year from the date of construction. It will take 2–2.5 years to complete the third and fourth buildings.

The management of the developers held back the bankruptcy procedure for a year and a half, which made it possible to quickly resolve issues related to transferring the property to a potential investor for completion, says Romantika official representative Irina Ledachkova. “Investors and banks remain interested in the project until bankruptcy proceedings are declared. If bankruptcy is introduced, negotiations will continue, but the legal procedure will take years and the speedy resumption of construction can be forgotten,” adds Ledachkova. According to her, the developers’ appeals to relevant officials with a proposal to hold a working meeting with Rossiya Bank and Lenobl AIZhK to exchange documents and develop a unified completion plan remained unanswered.

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In 2012, the Forces of Nature residential complex was sharply different from the faceless new economy-class buildings that were being built in the St. Petersburg suburb of Murino. It was supposed to be the most environmentally friendly and brightest: with a record number of energy saving technologies and blue-green-violet facades. The complex was planned to be built huge - 16 houses with a height of 10 to 18 floors - and fashionable: the project included not only the banal “social services” in the form of kindergartens and schools, but also a park of modern sculpture.

Two years after the start of construction, the number of buildings in the project was sharply reduced to four. We also had to forget about the environmental concept because it was too expensive. But the shareholders did not lose heart: they were sure that they would soon receive their apartments. In 2014, the developer of “Forces of Nature” O2 Development began having problems at another site - the residential complex “My Element” in the Vyborg district. Builders and equipment were temporarily transferred there, leaving the first building almost completed and the second half finished. The other phase remained at the initial stage of construction.

Shareholders do not lose hope

Despite the fact that at the end of 2014 the first phase was not delivered, shareholders did not lose heart. Sales of apartments of the first and second stages were active for most of 2015. O2 Development willingly answered questions from buyers, allowed some into the almost completed building, where shareholders took encouraging photos and videos: not everything is of high quality, there are no communications - but the construction is about to be completed.

Additional optimism was inspired by the news that in mid-2015 the developer announced the transfer of shareholders to equity participation agreements in accordance with Law No. 214-FZ. This law protects the rights of home buyers more reliably than the legal act on cooperative construction, which allows the developer to postpone the commissioning of the house any number of times. The buyers of the first stage remained shareholders, and in the second stage everyone switched to DDU, concluding agreements with the developer’s subsidiary - Romantika LLC. From that moment on, two different companies became the developers of the residential complex: the first stage was the Murino-1 housing complex, and the second was Romantika LLC. At the same time, O2 Development was on the board of the first organization and was the founder of the second.

The developer launched an information war against buyers

By the fall of 2015, equity holders and shareholders noticed that the construction had stalled. The construction company did not comment in any way on the disappearance of workers and equipment from the site, citing employment due to the execution of control contracts with clients at other sites.

Buyers of apartments in the residential complex “Forces of Nature” began to bombard all government agencies that were available to them with appeals, petitions and complaints, from the government of the Leningrad region to the administration of the President of the Russian Federation. We organized rallies, collaborated with the media, and achieved an independent examination of the construction. The O2 Development company joined the information confrontation: it allowed journalists into the site, reported on the vigorous pace of construction, and promised to hand over the keys at the beginning of 2016.

Shareholders' money was spent on other objects, construction stopped

However, in October 2015, the developer’s permit for the construction of phases 3, 4 and 5 of the project was revoked. Its representatives stated that they are unlikely to be able to complete the 1st and 2nd stages on their own. The whole problem is in the sewerage system: the O2 Development company did not have money to connect to the main networks, so it decided to build a local sewerage system - in fact, a cesspool! - right in the courtyard of one of the houses. The head of the Murinsky rural settlement refused to sign a permit for this. The construction company's office was searched.

Where did the money go that shareholders and equity holders paid for apartments? According to their calculations, the company received about 4 billion rubles for the construction of this facility. Subsequently, it turned out that the funds that O2 Development received from shareholders and equity holders of the Forces of Nature residential complex were used to finance other projects. Soon after this information was made public, equipment and workers were removed from the complex site. The phones in the developer's office were ringing off the hook, but no one answered.

Reached to the very top

During the first half of 2016, active shareholders wrote statements to the prosecutor’s office and sued the company in arbitration court. In response to their actions, Gosstroynadzor conducted an inspection of the Forces of Nature residential complex, and the vice-governor of the Leningrad region demanded that the company’s management complete the completed lines. At first glance, this turned out to be effective: the equipment was returned, they began to lay trenches for communications, and dig wells for sewerage, which O2 Development promised to make normal - like in all apartment buildings.

But by the summer, shareholders realized that a show was being played out in front of them: at the site, one excavator was demonstratively waving a bucket in front of a webcam, a bunch of workers were scurrying around the territory, doing nothing. In August, apartment buyers set up a tent camp near the developer's sales office. They lived there, replacing each other for two weeks. This did not affect the progress of construction, but the federal media and authorities drew attention to the problem of the Forces of Nature residential complex.

The apartment owners spent the rest of the year communicating with the prosecutor's office, including themselves in the register of defrauded shareholders in St. Petersburg, and trying to change the board of the Murino-1 housing cooperative (there was not enough quorum for this). The authorities of the Leningrad region, meanwhile, tried to negotiate with O2 Development to complete construction of at least the first stage. The company responded by blaming shareholders and officials for aggravating the situation, and also looked for investors.

O2 Development left the project. But not for long

In March 2017, it became known that O2 Development was leaving the Forces of Nature project. Its place was taken by the RR-City company, although formally the developers of the complex remained the Murino-1 housing complex and Romantika LLC - so that they would not have to re-issue management agreements and other documents. By this time, some buyers were able to terminate contracts with previous developers through the courts and obtain a decision to return the money. They did not receive the funds paid for the apartments.

The new developer remained mysteriously silent for two months, until the shareholders threatened to occupy the first building without permission. After this, RR City announced that it would transfer the first phase during 2017, and the second phase in 2018-2019. Despite this, RR City did not sign an agreement on the transfer of rights to complete construction of the facility and did not receive funds to finance it.

In the meantime, a criminal case was finally opened against the management of the Murino-1 housing cooperative and Romantika LLC for the theft of 4 billion rubles, and the bankruptcy process began against Romantika. The RR-City company appealed to shareholders with a demand to stop public actions and close all project communities on social networks. The activists ignored this call.

Just a month after the deadline was announced, RR City announced that it would not complete the construction of the Forces of Nature residential complex. According to the company's management, none of the banks with which it negotiated agreed to provide a loan for a project with high reputational risks.

The epic bankruptcy of the developers of the residential complex “Forces of Nature”

The government of the Leningrad region decided to complete the construction of the notorious complex on its own. For this purpose, LenOblAIZhK (state construction company) agreed to provide investments with one of the large banks. The new developer demanded the bankruptcy of the Murinskoye-1 housing cooperative and Romantika LLC in order to gain access to the money of shareholders and use it to complete the construction of the first stage. Bankruptcy began, but information about the procedure was hidden for the first few months.

To convince the authorities to make the bankruptcy procedure as transparent and fair as possible, shareholders and shareholders staged single pickets in the city center, distributed leaflets, and even blocked Toksovskoye Highway. They ensured that information about the bankruptcy of the Murinskoye-1 housing cooperative appeared in the Kommersant newspaper (this is where the official procedure begins). After this, the compilation of a register of creditors' claims began.

By this time, the bankruptcy of Romantika LLC had been going on for a year. According to buyers, the company was delaying the bankruptcy process by requesting a postponement of meetings. Then Romantika achieved a change in financial manager. According to the initiative group of shareholders, the new manager is a person associated with the O2 Development company. The loudest news of March 2017 on the topic of the residential complex “Forces of Nature” was the removal of the financial manager of the bankruptcy of the residential complex Murinskoye-1, Vadim Fedichev. LenOblAizhK insisted on his appointment, and representatives of the Murinskoye-1 housing cooperative convinced the court that Fedichev was harming the company. Igor Rulev became the new manager - according to buyers, this person is also affiliated with the developer.

Meanwhile, O2 Development stated that it had money to complete the construction of the facility and asked that money from the accounts of bankrupt companies be transferred to it. According to unconfirmed reports, the government of the Leningrad region is considering the option of completing the complex by the original developer - because then there is no need to take out a bank loan and fulfill obligations to 2.5 thousand buyers.

What is happening now with the Forces of Nature residential complex?

As of the end of April, the compilation of a register of creditors' claims against the Murinskoye-1 housing cooperative continues. This register includes those who:

  • bought an apartment in the first stage of the Forces of Nature residential complex (buildings 1 and 2);
  • bought an apartment in the second stage (buildings 3 and 4), but did not enter into a management agreement (such a buyer is a shareholder);
  • sent documents for registration of a preschool educational institution, but did not receive a registered agreement;
  • won the court to terminate the contract with the housing cooperative, but did not receive money for the apartment (alternatively, I received it, but not all).

Those who have entered the register of claims can apply for an apartment if the developer is declared bankrupt and his property is sold to pay off debts. Those who terminated the contract through the court will be able to claim payment of money.

Meanwhile, houses of varying degrees of completion have been waiting for their fate for four years. Buyers are most worried about buildings 1 and 2: they are almost ready for commissioning, but are not connected to heating and sewerage, and suffer from frost, temperature changes, and precipitation. In the photos that shareholders took during an excursion to the site in March 2018, cracks, fungus, and water stains are visible on the walls of the apartments.

How to get into the register of creditors of the Murino-1 housing cooperative

To join the register of requirements, you need to fill out the appropriate application and attach to it a copy of the agreement on joining the cooperative, as well as copies of payment documents. If you bought an apartment with a mortgage, attach a copy of the loan agreement with the bank.

According to the group of shareholders of the residential complex “Forces of Nature”, among the buyers there are at least several hundred people who bought housing by transfer or through the conclusion of a gift agreement. Sometimes these transactions were formalized retroactively, after the developer was prohibited from selling apartments on the problematic site. If you are one of these buyers, you can also join the register of claims, but you should consult with a lawyer before applying.

The package of documents for entry into the register must be prepared in four copies in order to send them:

  • to the legal address of the housing cooperative (191014 St. Petersburg, Paradnaya St. D.3, building 2, lit. A, room 81-N);
  • bankruptcy manager I. Rulev (197022 St. Petersburg, Bolshoy pr. P.S. 79 lit. A, room 10-N);
  • to the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region (191015 St. Petersburg, Suvorovsky Prospect, 50-52).

It is better to take the documents to the court in person, taking with you the last, fourth copy. Ask to put a stamp on it indicating that your documents were accepted. The first two copies must be sent by registered mail with a list of attachments and receipt receipts. Notices and receipts from the mail must be retained.

After this you need to wait for a response from the court. There are four options:

  • the application was reviewed and accepted, you were included in the register;
  • the application was rejected (you will have to file an appeal);
  • the application was left without progress (this means that there are shortcomings in the documents, they need to be corrected and filed with the court again);
  • the application is not considered for unknown reasons - in this case, you can complain about the inaction of the court.

What should equity holders do?

The register of requirements for Romantika LLC also continues to grow. To get into it, you need to collect a similar package of documents, only instead of a copy of the housing cooperative agreement, attach a copy of the share participation agreement.

Are you a shareholder or shareholder in the Forces of Nature residential complex? Contact us - we will help!

The Legal Agency of St. Petersburg has been dealing with the problems of defrauded shareholders for more than five years. We helped return money to St. Petersburg residents who suffered from the actions of notorious companies: Dalpiterstroy, Petrostroy, LenSpetsStroy and others. We offer:

  • consultations on any issues of shared construction;
  • assistance in collecting documents and going to court;
  • judicial protection;
  • mediation in negotiations with the developer;
  • filing appeals and cassation (if the court makes an unsatisfactory decision).

Call or write to us right now - and you will find out what actions are needed to get a long-awaited apartment in the Forces of Nature residential complex or get your money back.

Screenshot from the official website of the residential complex “Forces of Nature”:

Permission for the construction of the residential complex “Forces of Nature” with extensions. It was extended four times in total:

Fragment of the project declaration with the expected completion date of the first stage:

Court decisions

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