Accounting for corporate cards in credit institutions. Accounting entries for corporate cards

Learning to work with corporate cards (1C: Accounting 8.3, edition 3.0)


In this lesson we will look at the reflection in 1C: Accounting 8.3 (edition 3.0) of transactions with corporate cards.

Corporate is a bank card linked to an organization's card account.

Usually the organization starts special card account in the bank and links the required number of bank cards, which are called corporate cards, to this account.

The organization transfers funds from its main current account to this card account, and employees organizations that have been issued corporate cards, they withdraw money from these cards to their own account.

Then the employees report on spending funds withdrawn from corporate cards using advance reports.

The advantages of corporate cards are obvious:

  • costs and time for issuing funds for reporting are reduced
  • the risk of losing cash is reduced
  • it becomes possible to withdraw funds from the card in the desired currency (an irreplaceable thing when traveling abroad)
  • control over the spending of funds appears online (for example, using a mobile application)
  • it becomes possible to set limits both for the card account in general and for corporate cards in particular
  • there is an opportunity to make purchases on the Internet

Requirements when working with corporate cards:

  • funds withdrawn from the cards cannot be used for settlements with employees for wages and in general for any social payments
  • An agreement is concluded with the bank on the issuance and servicing of corporate cards, to which is attached a list of employees who will use these cards
At the same time, as one of the readers corrected me, it is possible to withdraw cash using a corporate card and deposit it into the cash register for payment of wages.

Let me remind you that this is a lesson and you can safely repeat my steps in your database (preferably a copy or a training one), the main thing is that the version of the database is 1C: Accounting 8.3, edition 3.0.

To work with a card account in accounting, account 55 “Special accounts in banks” is used.

Let's now look at these same operations in Troika (1C: Accounting 8.3, edition 3.0).

The organization replenishes the card account to which the employees’ corporate cards are linked

The transfer of funds from the main current account of the organization to the card account is formalized by a regular debit from the current account.

We go to the “Bank and cash desk” section, “Bank statements” item:

We create the document “Write-off from the current account”:

We indicate the type of operation “Transfer to another account of the organization”, our card account and accounting account 55.04.

We carry out the document:

Employees withdraw money from corporate cards linked to the organization’s card account

Withdrawals of money by an employee through a corporate card are reflected in the same debit document from the current account.

We indicate the type of operation “Transfer to an accountable person”; as the account we indicate 55.04 and our card account; The card holder acts as the recipient (accountable person):

We carry out the document:

The bank charges a fee for withdrawing cash using a corporate card

When an employee withdraws cash using a corporate card, the bank will withhold a commission. This commission is also documented as a debit document from the current account:

We carry out the document:

The employee reports for the money spent, withdrawn using a corporate card

And, finally, the employee who withdrew the money for reporting is obliged to report on it - attach supporting documents.

In accounting, this operation is reflected in the document “Advance report”.

We go to the “Bank and cash desk” section, “Advance reports” item:

Create a new document:

Let's carry it out:

This is how you can easily and simply work with corporate cards in 1C: Accounting 8.3, edition 3.0.

We're great, that's all

By the way, for new lessons...

Additions from readers

Accountant Olga Klimova shared valuable additions to the article - I am pleased to publish them for all readers.

In very small organizations, a corporate name card can be opened directly to the main current account. Sberbank, for example, actively practices this for microenterprises. And then accounting is kept without using account 55 and “Write-offs from the current account.” The employee simply cashes out money through an ATM or pays with a card: Dt 71 Kt 51.

Quote from the article: "... The organization replenishes the card account to which the corporate cards of employees are linked... We create the document "Write-off from the current account" ...".

Both large enterprises and representatives of small and medium-sized businesses often have expenses associated with business activities, because without them the normal functioning of the business is simply impossible. Moreover, all expenditure and income transactions must be carefully monitored by accountants and reflected in reporting documents. And, for example, in large enterprises, its manager has to finance several departments that pay for certain goods and services. It is for the convenience of payments that banks offer corporate cards. Next, we will talk about what a corporate card for legal entities is.

What it is

A corporate bank card of a legal entity is, in simple words, a bank card linked to the current account of an entrepreneur.

In fact, it is physically not much different from the plastic cards we are used to, but nevertheless, it has several of its own features, as well as its own special purpose. Using a corporate card, employees have the opportunity to pay for goods and services for the needs of the enterprise in Russia or abroad.

Please note that the corporate card is not intended for transferring wages and social benefits.

Why does a company need to issue a bank payment instrument? In fact, this is an integral payment instrument, because any company carries out some kind of expense transactions almost every day, and each of them is accompanied by a large document flow, which complicates the work of an accountant. A payment bank card linked to a legal entity's current account allows you to simplify the payment system and more effectively track all expenses.

By the way, it is impossible not to note the fact that an entrepreneur can issue several non-personal bank cards for several employees, with each card being linked to one main account, and when carrying out expense transactions, the funds will be debited from the general current account of the legal entity. In addition, the manager can set a certain limit for each individual card.

One hundred is a corporate card: definition

Why do legal entities use payment plastic?

  • Each company undoubtedly has its own reason for issuing payment cards. However, the use of corporate bank cards may be required in the following cases:
  • expenses of seconded employees;
  • entertainment expenses;
  • payment for utility services;
  • settlement with suppliers;
  • payment for other services related to business activities.

As you can see, a corporate card is a universal tool with which you can pay for goods and services. That is, in essence, this is the same payment instrument that most individuals use, but only corporate cards are intended to pay not for the personal needs of employees, but for the business needs of the enterprise.

Corporate credit card: service features

The range of financial services of banks is quite wide, and for both individuals and legal entities, respectively, each entrepreneur can, at his own request, issue a debit card or credit card. Accordingly, debit is easier to register because it does not have a credit limit, so all expenses will be made within the balance of the entrepreneur’s current account.

A corporate credit card is issued upon a personal application from a legal entity. A card with a credit limit allows you to pay the current expenses of the enterprise using bank credit funds. The credit limit is set by the financial institution for each client individually; the average turnover for the billing period is taken into account. Accordingly, the credit limit cannot exceed the amount of monthly receipts on the card.

By the way, legal entities, just like individuals, are obliged to pay interest to the bank for using a credit limit.

Registration of a corporate card

So, if your company needs a plastic payment instrument, then you can easily open it at a commercial bank. As an issuer, you should choose the financial institution where you have a current account. By the way, it is worth immediately determining the circle of officials who will receive payment plastic, that is, those company employees whose job responsibilities involve expense transactions. For example, a card is usually needed by the director and his deputy, chief accountant and other officials.

So, first of all, to get plastic you need to contact the bank and write an application to issue a card. By the way, the bank offers several products for corporate clients, including various types of plastic cards. Before making the right choice, you need to carefully study service tariffs, account replenishment methods, limits, interest rates for credit cards, currency conversion conditions, validity period and other nuances.

By the way, if a representative of the board of an enterprise issues several cards linked to one account, then he needs to collect data from all employees who will use plastic in the future. That is, the bank needs to provide the passport details of the employees.

Please note that no later than 7 days after receiving the plastic, you must inform the tax office about opening an account.

Features of use

The procedure for using corporate cards must be approved by the company's management. Therefore, it is recommended to create regulations on the procedure for using corporate cards. These provisions must contain several information:

  • list of permitted plastic card transactions;
  • a limit on monthly expenses for each individual employee, depending on his job responsibilities;
  • the period during which the employee uses the payment instrument;
  • procedure and deadlines for submitting reports for expense transactions;
  • a list of documents that the employee is required to provide as a report for expenses;
  • providing a receipt for the protection of access data to the card account (keeping the PIN secret);
  • responsibility for violation of the rules of the situation.

Please note that the rules for opening and using card accounts for legal entities are regulated by law, namely the Labor Code, Tax Code, Federal Law and regulations of the Central Bank.

Let's give an example: when opening a card account at an enterprise, a representative of the board must issue an order on the basis of which a certain list of officials will use the payment card on duty. Employees of the company must familiarize themselves with this order, who, in turn, must submit an application to the management for the issuance of plastic cards to make certain expenses. In addition, the accountant must keep a journal in which he will keep records of the acceptance and issuance of payment cards to certain employees, indicating the amount of expenses and the purpose of payments.

It should be noted that at the end of the month the bank is obliged to provide cardholders with a report on the flow of funds, that is, on incoming and outgoing transactions.

And finally, pay special attention to the fact that company employees are required to provide a full report on expenses incurred. Accounting documents include invoices, cash receipts, sales receipts, documents that will indicate the intended use of funds. By the way, it is not prohibited to withdraw cash from a payment card, the only caveat is that for the use of these funds you also need to provide a full report in the form of payment orders, cash receipts and sales receipts.

Those employees who improperly used funds should be punished as follows; the amount of funds for which a report was not received in the accounting department will be deducted from the employee’s salary.

Use of corporate cards

Accounting entries

  • An accountant must carefully monitor all incoming and outgoing transactions in the company. Today, accounting is carried out in a specialized 1C program. According to the established rules, accounting entries for corporate cards are accounted for in specialized account number 55. For plastic cards, entries will look like this:
  • D-t 55.04, K-t 51 – receipt of funds on the card account;
  • D-t 71.01, K-t 55.04 – expense operation;

Dt 91.02, Kt 55.04 – commission fee at a financial institution.

Advantages of corporate payment cards

First of all, it should be noted that a payment card is a universal payment instrument that can be used in Russia and abroad. This is especially true for enterprises that often send their employees abroad. Indeed, in this case, they do not need to exchange currency to pay for goods and services in foreign currency; the conversion is carried out automatically.

  1. Plastic corporate cards also have other obvious advantages:
  2. Management or an official of the company does not need to contact the bank every time in order to receive the necessary amount for certain expenses, including when arranging a business trip for employees.
  3. Servicing corporate cards is cheaper than the commission for receiving funds from a bank.
  4. It is enough to open one card account at a bank and receive several payment cards for employees who, as part of their duties, perform expense transactions for the needs of the company.
  5. You can top up your card account in several ways, including remotely using Internet services.
  6. Using bank cards, you can receive cash at any time of the day, since ATMs operate around the clock, but bank branches operate on a certain schedule.
  7. If you have a corporate card, the procedure for receiving funds by employees greatly simplifies the work of the accounting department; to receive cash, it is enough to receive a plastic card against a receipt; the procedure for registering the issue of cash is longer.
  8. Finally, the last advantage is security, because the funds on the card account are reliably protected from fraudulent activities by third parties, they are almost impossible to steal, even if the card is lost and it is easy to block and re-issue it.

By the way, the main advantage of the card is that it is enough to contact the bank once and write an application for issue in the future within 3 years, you can use it without additional visits to financial institutions. Then, after the expiration date, you can order new plastic.

Thus, it will be obvious to every entrepreneur why corporate cards are needed. They allow you to carefully monitor employee expenses and reduce the time required for issuing cash to carry out expense transactions. In addition, obtaining bank plastic will be simple and quick at any commercial bank.

The development of banking technologies has led to the creation of a convenient payment business tool - corporate cards. Companies must keep records of all transactions, including transactions carried out through plastic. Let's look at the features of business card accounting.

Classification of corporate cards

Credit institutions offer businesses several types of electronic payment instruments. The conditions for issuing and using instruments significantly affect how corporate cards are taken into account in accounting.

According to Bank of Russia Regulation No. 266-P dated December 24, 2004, legal entities can open debit and credit cards for their employees.

Using a debit card, the employee spends funds within the limits of the amounts available in the bank account. A bank agreement with an overdraft is possible - a loan issued when there is insufficient or no funds in the account. A credit card involves spending borrowed funds provided by the bank within the limits established by the agreement. The agreement may provide for a grace period - a period during which the loan is repaid without accruing interest.

Both types of cards are named and unnamed. The first ones are issued to a specific employee with his name indicated on the front side. When an employee leaves and the company hires a new one, the name cards have to be changed. Non-personal cards operate on the “bearer” principle. They can be transferred from one person to another and do not require replacement when changing users.

Electronic means of payment are issued for individual card accounts or for the company's current account. Access to the main account is usually provided to the head or top managers of the company. The amount of expenses in such a situation is limited or used without restrictions. These cards are convenient for small organizations.

Large enterprises prefer to open separate card accounts for accountable persons. One account can be used by one employee or several.

Most often, corporate payment instruments are used for business expenses, issuing money to accountable persons, and paying for business trips. But they can also be a way to deposit trading proceeds into your account 24/7. This is convenient for shops and organizations operating in the evening, at night, on weekends or in remote areas.

Drawing up internal documents

After choosing corporate cards and concluding an agreement with the bank, it is necessary to develop local company regulations regulating the accounting of corporate cards and money control.

It is optimal to draw up an internal document defining the rules for using electronic payment instruments. It's good to include:

  • types of funds spent;
  • transaction limits (for non-cash payments, cash receipts, daily, monthly restrictions);
  • reporting deadlines for funds used:
  • types of documents attached to the report;
  • responsibility and procedure for collecting funds if the accountable person does not report on time.

Instead of a separate act, you can include the rules for corporate cards in other local documents, for example, in the regulations for the enterprise on regulating the payment of business trips, the issuance of money for reporting, and the submission of advance reports.

The list of employees who have the right to use corporate cards is determined by order or instruction of the manager. It is advisable to sign agreements with employees on full financial responsibility. In this case, the employer will be able to recover from employees the missing funds on the card in full (Article 242 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In the absence of an agreement, the maximum amount of damage subject to compensation cannot exceed the average monthly salary (Article 241 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Accounting accounts for recording corporate cards?

When opening a separate card account, funds for business cards are separated from the company's main money. Accounting for corporate cards is kept on account 55 “Special accounts in banks”. It is reasonable to open a sub-account “Corporate Cards” or “Card Accounts”. Transferring money to a card account is carried out by posting:

If money is debited on one day and received on another, account 57 is used. There will be two wiring:

D 57 K 51 on the day the funds are debited from the current account,

D 55 K 57 on the day the funds are received into the card account.

Analytics on account 55 is carried out on accounts and cardholders.

Previously, regulatory authorities required notification of the opening of card accounts. Changes in 2014 relieved companies and entrepreneurs of this obligation.

When a corporate card is issued to the main current account, all accounting is kept for 51 accounts. There is no need for separate replenishment transactions.

The cards themselves are considered the property of the bank and are not reflected in synthetic accounting. Control over electronic means of payment is carried out on off-balance sheet account 002. The transfer of plastic cards to employees is formalized by acceptance certificates or entries in a special journal.

Payments with corporate cards

A plastic card is considered a non-cash means of payment. Therefore, it is not subject to the restriction established for settlements with counterparties in cash. However, withdrawing money from the card is considered a transfer of funds to the account. Further settlements must be carried out in compliance with the cash settlement limit. Currently, the limit is 100 thousand rubles per contract. The fine for excess is established by Art. 15.1 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

  • 4,000 rub. - 5,000 rub. to responsible persons;
  • 40,000 rub. - 50,000 rub. to a legal entity.

Withdrawing funds from a corporate card for cash payment in accounting is recorded by posting:

D 71 K 55 (51)

Bank services are included in operating expenses:

D 91 K 55 (51)

After submitting the advance report and supporting documents, the accounting department makes the following entries:

D 10, 44, 41, 20, 25, 26... K 71 for the amount of expenses excluding VAT

D 19 K 71 for the amount of VAT on materials, goods, services received

The unified advance report form does not have fields to reflect amounts received from the card. The company can make changes to the unified form or develop its own. The form of the document used must be fixed in the company's accounting policy.

The remainder of the unused amount is deposited into the enterprise's cash desk:

Accounting for non-cash payments on corporate cards can be done in two ways.

The first involves assigning payment to the debt of the accountable person - that is, accounting, similar to withdrawing cash from a card. The second option considers the payment as a non-cash payment to the supplier. Wiring:

D 60 K 55 (51)

In this case, it is not necessary to provide an advance report. Supporting documents can be attached to the memo. After receipt of posting documents:

D 10, 20, 41, 44, 25, 26... K 60

Accounting for expenses on credit cards

Payment by an accountable person for goods and services using borrowed funds from the bank is formalized as follows:

D 71 K 55 (51) for the payment amount

D 55 K 66 for the loan amount

Interest accrual for using a loan:

Loan repayment:

If the loan is closed in compliance with the terms of the grace period, no interest is charged.

The employee did not submit the report

If an employee does not submit an advance report on time or does not submit supporting documents, the amount of the shortfall can be withheld from his salary. Postings:

In the absence of an agreement on full financial responsibility, the employer can deduct damage from the salary no more than the average monthly salary. Exceeding this amount is recovered in court. To avoid trouble, the spending limit on the card should not be higher than the employee’s average earnings.

Contribution of trading proceeds

Accounting for depositing trading proceeds using a corporate card linked to a current account is similar to a regular deposit of money from the company’s cash desk:

Depositing funds to a special card account:


Accounting for transactions on corporate cards has its own characteristics. To properly organize a company’s accounting, it is necessary to develop internal regulations governing the accounting and use of payment instruments.

In February, we held a webinar on the topic “How to use a corporate card.” It may seem that the topic has long been worn out. Not really. We received a ton of responses and questions from entrepreneurs.

There are indeed many nuances to this topic that accountants usually do not share. Therefore, we have prepared a text version for those who were unable to watch the video: what a corporate card is, how it can be used, what reporting documents are needed and what to do if they are not there. Read below.

A corporate card is a card issued by a bank and linked to your company’s current account.

Sometimes a separate account is opened for a corporate card, but it is also tied to the company. The only difference with a separate account is that before purchasing anything you will have to transfer money from your main account to such an account.

In fact, paying by corporate card is exactly the same operation as paying by invoice, only more convenient, because you can pay on the spot.

Corp cards can be named or unnamed. The name card is assigned to a specific employee, for example, a director. If another employee made a payment using such a card, the write-offs will still be credited to the director, which means he will be responsible for purchases.

Unnamed cards can be used by all company employees, the main thing is to track who exactly makes purchases. If you have such a card, ask employees who have access to the card to collect all transaction documents.

What to do with a corporate card

Withdraw or deposit money, pay suppliers, pay entertainment and travel expenses. In any store, the main thing is not to forget the documents for each transaction.

You can use your corporate card abroad. Conversion into foreign currency will take place automatically according to your bank’s internal exchange rate in rubles. The data on payments abroad and the data reflected in the accounting will differ. This is not just like that: according to legal norms, all calculations are reflected in rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of the advance report.

Payment online is also possible. When you pay for a service on the Internet, you must be sent an act of provision of services when you buy a product - a delivery note or a cash and sales receipt. Just save these documents or send them directly to your accountant.

What expenses on a corporate card reduce tax?

Not all expenses on a corporate card reduce the amount of tax on the purchase price. To take card expenses into account, they must be economically justified: the purchase must correspond to your type of activity and in the future generate profit for the company.

For example, if you are a transport company for the transportation of goods, felt boots or bed linen will be a strange expense. You cannot justify such a purchase in terms of benefits for your business.

And if your company is engaged in the trade of bed linen and you bought bed linen or fabric somewhere for cash or by card, this will be a direct cost of current activities.

Without any problems, any business can buy furniture, stationery, office equipment and everything that somehow justifies its activity.

An iPhone is also fine if it helps you run your business every day. For example:

  • Only this phone has programs that you use every day at work;
  • you are constantly on the move, all information is stored on your phone;
  • It’s easier and more profitable to buy an iPhone for yourself than to hire a secretary on a permanent basis who will perform the same functions: call, remind, prompt and wake up.

A cat in the office is difficult to take into account, because you will have to prove to tax officials that he will increase the number of clients with his own paws.

Who needs to report to and what will happen if this is not done?

All LLCs, JSCs and other companies with any taxation system must report for money spent from a corporate card. Unconfirmed purchases will be subject to insurance premiums and taxes.

If you have an individual entrepreneur on the simplified tax system “income”, Patent and UTII, you don’t have to report at all, since the tax office will not check the expenditure part for tax accounting purposes, and you have no responsibility for accounting.

Individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system “income minus expenses” and OSNO can take into account expenses for the business in expenses - for this you need to save documents on purchases for the business.

Individual entrepreneurs can also pay with a corporate card for any personal purchases; there are no penalties for this, simply such expenses will not affect the tax.

What documents need to be collected?

This could be: a delivery note, an act of provision of services, sales and cash receipts, a strict reporting form, a cash receipt order and others. Depends on what you received - a product or a service.

The documents must contain the following details:

– name, serial number and date of issue of the document;

– name of the organization or full name of the entrepreneur, TIN;

– the entire list and quantity of services or goods;

- payment amount;

– position, surname and initials of the seller, his personal signature and company seal, if any.

If the cash receipt contains the entire list of purchases, you do not additionally need to receive a sales receipt. You can find examples of such receipts in Auchan, Ikea and other large stores. Ask to put a stamp on such a check - then it will be a full-fledged closing document.

In smaller stores, when paying by card, sellers will issue a regular cash receipt, which is issued to all individuals. Don't forget to ask for a sales receipt. If you have a simplified tax system, you can easily include the full cost of the purchase from such a check as expenses. If OSNO, you can only take into account the amount excluding VAT. Such VAT cannot be deducted and taken into account when calculating income tax.

After spending abroad, the accountant will ask for additional documents translated into Russian. You need to translate every line, but it is not necessary to turn to professional linguistic services; it is enough to translate it yourself using Google Translator.

In addition to supporting documents for the purchase, an advance report must be prepared for accounting purposes. This is a document that is generated after each purchase using a corporate card. Such a report can be in a standard form or individual - you can develop it for a company.

By law, the advance report must be generated by the employee who made the purchase. But in practice, a good accountant will do this on his own - it will be faster and help avoid mistakes.

Can I withdraw cash using a corporate card?

If you withdraw money using a card, the bank will reflect the operation as follows: the issuance of funds on account. This means that purchases with withdrawn money also need to be confirmed with documents and an advance report. This only applies to companies.

Individual entrepreneurs do not need to report for cash withdrawals and return unspent money back to their account. Their amount will be reflected as a withdrawal of personal funds of the individual entrepreneur. But this does not apply to employees working for individual entrepreneurs.

How much cash can you withdraw without falling under bank suspicion?

It is believed that up to 600 thousand rubles at a time is a safe amount. When you withdraw more, the bank's financial monitoring is activated. If financial monitoring suspects something wrong, they can block the account until the bank is convinced that everything is fine. They will ask for documents and may even insist on personal presence.

How about depositing money into your account?

You can deposit money into your account only in three cases:

  • make a loan to a company;
  • return funds;
  • contribute proceeds from the sale of your products or services.

For companies, each deposit of money must have a document. For the return of accountable funds - this is an advance report, which reflects that the money issued from the company was not used in full. To make a loan, the supporting document will be the loan agreement, which specifies the amount, date of payment and repayment period. If retail revenue, the accountant creates a cash order.

For individual entrepreneurs, you also need to document the deposit of money using a corporate card, in addition to the contribution of personal funds. Contributions of personal funds from individual entrepreneurs are not subject to taxes.

It is often recommended to deposit money into an account through a bank branch, where the purpose of the payment will be clearly stated. The fact is that when depositing money through an ATM, the purpose of the deposit is not indicated in the comments. But the goal needs to be determined, because the tax office may have questions about whether the money contributed should be subject to taxes. When accounting, it is important for an accountant to immediately correctly reflect the movement of money on the relevant accounting accounts.

To avoid confusion, inform your accountant in advance about each replenishment of your account via a corporate card, because any such contribution is reflected in the bank without comment, and each situation is reflected differently in accounting.

Remember: if you want to buy something strange with a corporate card, ask an accountant, save the receipt and take the closing documents. Or click the green “Connect” button and join the Button: our accountants themselves remind you of missing documents, safely reduce taxes and explain the risks.

This was suggested by Elena Balashova, an accountant at Knopka.

Marina Shilyaeva, a marketer, told everyone.

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Accounting for payment for goods, work or services using a corporate card differs from traditional accounting for imprest amounts.

Accounting in the company is maintained in accordance with the working chart of accounts. It is developed on the basis of a standard Chart of Accounts, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 31, 2000 N 94n. This is stated in paragraphs 8 and 9 of the Regulations on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 29, 1998 N 34n.

Special account for recording funds on a corporate card

Accounting for all transactions on this account using corporate cards must be kept on synthetic account 55 “Special accounts in banks”.

For more convenient accounting of transactions on corporate cards, a first-order subaccount “Special Corporate Card Account” is opened in addition to the synthetic account. But the detailing of the accounting object does not stop there.

Special cases - special subaccounts

Several card accounts. If several card accounts are opened (for each corporate card), then a sub-account is opened for each card account.

One card account, several users. It is possible that several corporate cards are issued for one card account. They are used by different employees who have the right to make payments within the general payment limit. In this case, it makes sense to open second-order subaccounts for employees.

Entries in accounting policies

The working chart of accounts is an element of the accounting policy (clause 4 of PBU 1/2008). It also needs to describe the system of sub-accounts opened for account 55.

The working chart of accounts is usually included in the appendix to the order approving the accounting policy. A sample of such an application is shown on p. 94.

Sample. Work plan account

I approve: Appendix No. 3

director to order No. 23 of 12/09/2013

Shmit I.L. Shmit "On accounting policies for 2014"

Working chart of accounts for financial and economic activities of Moonstone LLC

Name of account, subaccount

Cost item

1st, 2nd characters

Section V



Cash transactions in rubles

Cash transactions in foreign currency

Money documents


Current accounts

Current account in OJSC "Sberbank of Russia"


Currency accounts

Currency accounts in VTB 24


Special bank accounts

Special bank accounts

Special corporate card account

Household expenses.

Travel expenses.

Entertainment expenses

Transferring funds to a corporate card

When transferring funds from a current account to a special card account, the following entry must be made in accounting:

The amount in rubles was transferred from the company’s main current account to the corporate card account.

The basis for this entry is a payment order and an extract from the card account confirming the crediting of money.

Writing off funds from a corporate card is identical to issuing them on account

Based on the bank statement containing information about the card details, the accountant makes an entry to write off the money. In this case, write-off is the issuance of accountable amounts to the cardholder: .

The employee must report

Funds debited from a special company account as a result of a transaction using a corporate card are considered issued to the employee on account.

Within the period established by the regulations on the use of corporate cards, the employee must submit an advance report on the expenditure of money from the corporate card.

Based on the approved advance report, the accountant will write off the debt of the accountable person, capitalize the inventory items purchased by him, and assign the amounts of paid travel or business expenses to the cost accounts: Debit 10, 20, 26, 44, 60 Credit 71.

Note. Read more about the form of the advance report and how to fill it out on p. 84.

Example 1. Moonstone LLC sends engineer R.A. Ozerov on a business trip from May 13 to 14, 2014. The employee was issued a corporate card.

During a business trip, an employee:

Solution. In the company's accounting records, these transactions will be reflected as follows.

Transferring money to the card

When transferring money to a special card account (corporate card) on May 12, 2014, the company accountant will make the following entry:

Debit 55 subaccount "Special corporate card account" Credit 51

50,000 rub. - reflects the amount transferred from the company's current account to the card account.

Debiting funds from the card

In accounting, based on a bank statement for a special card account, we make the following entries:

Debit 71 Credit 55 subaccount "Special corporate card account"

15,000 rub. - funds were written off from a special card account under the report of R.A. Ozerov to pay for air tickets;

Debit 71 Credit 55 subaccount "Special corporate card account"

5600 rub. - funds were written off from a special card account under the report of R.A. Ozerov to pay for hotel accommodation;

Debit 71 Credit 55 subaccount "Special corporate card account"

1400 rub. - funds were written off from a special card account under the report of R.A. Ozerov (daily allowance).

Advance report approved

After the employee confirms the expenses and submits to the accounting department the approved advance report on the corporate card with the documents attached to it, the accountant will make the following entries:

Debit 44 Credit 71

22,000 rub. (RUB 15,000 + RUB 5,600 + RUB 1,400) - employee travel expenses (travel, accommodation, daily allowance) are written off as expenses.

After this entry, account 71 will automatically close, and the balance on account 55 of the “Special Corporate Card Account” sub-account will correspond to the amount not used by the employee - 28,000 rubles. (RUB 50,000 - RUB 22,000).

If the employee does not submit an advance report with supporting documents on time, you need to make the following entry:

Debit "Shortages and losses from damage to valuables" Credit 71

The amount not returned in a timely manner is included in shortages and losses from damage to valuables.

When the company establishes the guilt of the employee and the amount of damage caused by him, the accountant needs to make the following entry:

Debit 73 Credit 94

The debt of the guilty employee to compensate for the shortage is reflected.

After the money is deposited in cash at the cash desk, the accountant will make the following entry:

Debit 50 Credit 73

The shortage of cash at the cash desk was compensated.

In what case should you use account 57 "Transfers in transit"

Bank statements may not be received every day. In some cases, the accountant can learn about the movement of money on the card earlier from the employee’s advance report.

Accountable persons must save and attach to the advance report not only primary accounting documents, but also ATM and terminal receipts for cash withdrawals or deposits.

In a situation where there is no statement yet, but the advance report has already been approved, it is advisable to reflect the movement of money using account 57 “Transfers in transit”. That is, based on the advance report, we make the following entries:

Debit 71 Credit 57

Money was issued on account.

Debit 57 Credit 71

Money was deposited by the accountable person to be credited to a corporate bank card.

After receiving the statement, close account 57:

The debit of funds from the account is reflected;

Debit 55 subaccount "Special corporate card account" Credit 57

The receipt of funds to the corporate card account is reflected.

We write off the debt of the accountable person on the basis of the advance report approved by the manager.

Depending on the type of expenses, we select a debited account, and the corresponding account will always be account 71 “Settlements with accountable persons”:

Debit 20 (10, 26, 44, 60) Credit 71

The expenses of the accountable person are written off.

2. On May 12, 2014, the accounting department of JSC "Sweets of the East" transferred V.S. to the corporate card. Vatrushkina 100,000 rub.

May 13, 2014 V.S. Vatrushkin purchased goods for the company’s needs at a retail outlet worth RUB 85,000. (including VAT - 12,966.10 rubles). On the same day he withdrew cash - 1000 rubles. But he didn't need the money. The next morning, the employee deposited them back onto the card through the ATM terminal.

May 14, 2014 V.S. Vatrushkin submitted an advance report with supporting documents to the accounting department:

invoice, invoice and delivery note for purchased goods;

ATM receipt for cash withdrawal;

ATM receipt confirming the transfer of cash to the corporate card.

How to record transactions in accounting?

Solution. In the company's accounting records, these transactions for the purchase of goods will be reflected as follows.

Advance report approved

Debit 41 Credit 71

RUB 72,033.90 (85,000 rubles - 12,966.10 rubles) - goods are accepted for accounting on the basis of an advance report and a delivery note;

Debit 19 Credit 71

RUB 12,966.10 - reflected VAT presented by the supplier (invoice);

Debit 71 Credit 57

1000 rub. - cash was withdrawn by the accountable person from the corporate card account;

Debit 57 Credit 71

1000 rub. - the accountable person deposited cash onto the card.

As a result of these entries, a credit balance was formed

on account 71 in the amount of 85,000 rubles;

Debit 68 Credit 19

RUB 12,966.10 - subject to VAT deduction on purchased goods.

Before receiving the bank statement, the accountant will make the following entries:

Debit 71 Credit 57

85,000 rub. - the accounts receivable of the reporting person is reflected, which at this moment is not confirmed by a bank statement on the company’s special card account.

Entries after receiving a bank statement

Debit 57 Credit 55 subaccount "Special corporate card account"

85,000 rub. - funds were written off from a special card account to pay for goods;

Debit 57 Credit 55

1000 rub. - cash was withdrawn from the corporate card;

Debit 55 Credit 57

1000 rub. - cash has been deposited onto the card.

Account balances

After these entries, account 71 will automatically close, like account 57, and the balance on account 55 of the “Special Corporate Card Account” sub-account will correspond to the amount unused by the employee - 15,000 rubles. (100,000 rub. - 85,000 rub. - 1,000 rub. + 1,000 rub.).

Personal income tax on amounts transferred to corporate cards

Money transferred to corporate cards are accountable funds. They can be used to pay for goods (work, services) that are produced in the interests of the company (buyer, customer).

The funds on corporate cards belong to the company, not the employees (Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North-Western District dated July 18, 2011 N A05-11476/2010).

Consequently, the reporting person does not have an economic benefit and the amounts received by him are not recognized as an object of personal income tax taxation (Article 41 and paragraph 1 of Article 209 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Such amounts are the debt of the accountable person to the company.