How to make money on YouTube from your videos and more. All ways to make money on YouTube or how to make money on your YouTube channel How the system of making money on YouTube works

YouTube video hosting was founded in February 2005 and is owned by Google. At the beginning of 2019, it has several billion active users. Among which a considerable part already have their own channels.

Recently, more and more people are starting to create video blogs and videos and then post them on video hosting sites. For some it’s just a hobby, for others it’s a way to earn money on the Internet from 5,000 rubles a month. Whoever is there, children and pensioners are already involved. In our age, it is difficult to find a person who does not know that all this, in addition to entertainment, can bring money. Yes, not just a few thousand rubles, but for some of the most successful ones, millions of dollars a year! But we’ll talk about this at the end of the article, where you can also look at reviews about this direction on the Internet.

Let's take a closer look at YouTube video hosting, because it is the most popular in the world and hosts millions of videos on which authors have been making money for a long time.

How do you make money on YouTube?

5 steps, instructions for making money on YouTube

1. The first thing you need to do is if you don’t have an account, then register on the site Anyone can do this without any problems; registration there is of course free.

2. Work on the channel, that is, shooting/creating videos. This is the main and most difficult. To make money from a video, you need people to watch it, subscribe to the channel, put likes (like the rating) or dislikes (dislike the rating). The video should be interesting, educational and original. You can only upload your own video! By the way, you can only use music in your videos that is in the special “Music Library” section. You cannot use everything in a row; they will not be allowed for monetization.

You can shoot live using a video camera or a camera with video recording capabilities, or you can shoot from the monitor screen, showing and telling something. No matter what you're shooting, the video quality should be high and the sound clear and understandable.

3. The third step is account monetization!

Here you need to choose the right project, for example, this one:

You will be required to take certain measures without which online earnings on YouTube will be impossible. Until you have the required number of views, namely 4,000 hours over the last 12 months + at least 1,000 subscribers, it will be impossible to sign up for an affiliate program.

From the YouTube help section:

To check the connectivity, you need to go to the section on your channel: “Video Manager” then to “Channel” then to “Status and Functions” and enable monetization if possible. The reputation of your channel plays a huge role in this.

4. The next step is monetization is approved for you, great! This means that earnings will not take long to arrive!

As for Adsense, everything is quite simple. There you need to register, add your channel (it’s better to follow the recommendations of YouTube itself, it will be easier).

An important point - Adsense will pay you your earnings only after you receive a letter from them with a code and enter it on their website. It will arrive not by email, but in a physical mailbox (for some it takes 2 months). Checking the address, you know? My letter is from 4 years ago, the design may be different now...

As you already understand, everything is more than serious! Therefore, when registering, please enter correct information everywhere. I’ll also add to the payments account - there are two options for receiving money earned on YouTube through Adsense.

1. To a dollar account opened in a bank. All you need to do is take your account details for international SWIFT transfers and enter it all in your Adsense account in the payments section.

2. Through the Rapida payment system - this is the same payment system as Yandex Money. The funds will be transferred to it, and then you can do whatever you want with them - pay for the Internet, withdraw to cards, buy something on the Internet, etc. There is even a special section on their website dedicated to withdrawing money from Google Adsense.

5. The last step is the most important and is to systematically shoot the video. You need to shoot constantly. A couple of times a week is best to start with. This is the only way to attract a large number of subscribers and get thousands of views. People won't be interested in subscribing to a channel where new videos appear every six months. Please note this very important point. All uploaded videos must be optimized for key queries and create the correct description. For key queries, search engines and the video hosting itself will rank your video.

These are the basic actions and rules, without which you definitely won’t be able to make money from your video.

The famous video hosting YouTube is owned by Google, created on February 15, 2005, and by the end of 2013 it has more than one billion active users. The success is so great that more and more people have recently started creating their own videos and blogs in video format.

For some it is just a hobby, but for others it is a way to make money, because in addition to entertainment needs, YouTube can also satisfy financial needs.

Earning money on YouTube

A logical question arises: how to make money on YouTube? The answer is quite banal - ubiquitous, universally unloved advertising. If you have used this service at least once, you probably started watching a video with a 15-second commercial and encountered pop-up advertising.

It is the placement of third-party advertising that allows video authors to make a profit. Another logical question arises: how much can you earn on YouTube in this way? Average earnings range from $5 to $20 per thousand video views, but it is quite difficult to determine the exact figure.

Naturally, the more videos you upload to your channel and the more people see them, the more money you will earn.

In order to start receiving money from your video, you need to complete several steps:

  1. Register on YouTube. Registration is completely free, so there should be no difficulties with this;
  2. Shooting original videos is the most difficult and important step. Earning money requires a large number of subscribers, views, positive or negative ratings. The video material should be interesting and original. You are allowed to post only your own videos or those of people who provide permission to do so. Filming can be done with a camera, video camera or monitor screen, telling and showing something. The quality of the image and sound should be at a high level, free from interference and noise, no matter what format your video blog is;
  3. Monetizing your YouTube account. Without taking certain measures, it will be impossible to make money on YouTube video hosting. Without a large number of subscribers and views, you cannot join a special affiliate program, but this is not necessary. In order to monetize your YouTube channel, you need to go to the settings of the “Video Manager” section and enable the monetization option. If this option is not available in your country, you will need to change your country of residence to the United States.

    To monetize you need:

    • Complete a free registration in the Google AdSense advertising network, which will place advertisements in videos and pay a reward for a certain number of views;
    • Age Restrictions: If you are under 18 years of age, parental consent will be required.
  4. Regular and systematic video shooting. By filming and publishing 1-2 times a week at the initial stage, you can already attract thousands of subscribers to your channel. A channel where new videos appear once a year is not of interest to people and this must be taken into account. All posted material must be optimized for key queries, which can be found in the Yandex.Wordstat service. It is based on key queries that the search engine positions your video.
  5. Without following these basic rules, you won’t be able to make money on YouTube.

How much can you earn with YouTube?

A billion-dollar audience brings multimillion-dollar income to YouTube creators. However, how much can you earn from watching copyright videos? YouTube pays video authors 50% (or even more) of advertising revenue.

For example, if out of 10,000 people who watched a video, 10 people clicked on an advertising link, the click on which costs $0.6, the total income is $6. The site takes $3 for itself, and gives $3 to you. Thus, for 100,000 views you can get $330, and for a million - $3,300.

However, not every click costs $0.6: the minimum bid is $0.01, and the maximum is not limited. If you want to receive more than 75% of your income from advertising, you need to join a special affiliate program.

Of course, the creators of videos with millions of views receive the highest income. On average, it is about $500-1000 from just one video.

There are already quite a lot of such users on the site, whose income reaches millions of dollars. A striking example is the well-known Ray William Johnson, who at the time of writing had 10,684,442 subscribers.

Thanks to entertaining videos, the total number of views of the Ray William Johnson channel is 2,625,166,374.

With 854 videos on the channel, 1-2 more are added every week. The channel's approximate earnings for its entire existence are $0.6 x 2,625,166,374: 1000 = $1,575,099, monthly income - $262,516. Thus, after 6 years of activity on YouTube, the author of the channel is a millionaire, doing what he loves.

In addition to the huge income, there are several additional advantages: firstly, posting Ray William Johnson videos is additional PR for his comedic talent, and secondly, the passiveness of the income received. The videos collect an increasing number of views, bringing new subscribers to the channel without much intervention from the author.

The most important advantage of making money on YouTube is that a business that started with an interesting innovative idea can develop and generate considerable income without your constant intervention.

The greatest demand is for entertaining videos, but this is not a prerequisite for popularity. For any topic there is its own audience: popular “let’s plays”, video reviews, instructions, training videos, etc.

By focusing on the trends of the YouTube site, as well as analyzing their ideas and capabilities, any user can create a successful video channel completely free of charge.

How to make money from YouTube views? In just 1 day, more than 4 billion videos are viewed on the site. Over the past year, the media holding earned about $12 billion from advertising. And every year the profit only grows. Why don’t we try to pinch off a small piece of the multibillion-dollar money circulating there. Create a channel, upload videos and earn money. Moreover, the income is almost constant - they posted the video and forgot. The money will continue to flow into the account on its own without your further participation. Some have more, some have less.

How much do you earn on a YouTube channel?

The top videos with hundreds of millions of views bring their owners hundreds of thousands of dollars. This is usually a professionally produced commercial video. But this is not our level.

Top video bloggers earn tens of thousands of dollars a month. We are still far from this, too. So we will consider the usual prospects for earning money from a regular channel.

Classification of channels according to their profitability.

1. altruists. They run their own channel and post videos exclusively as a hobby. A parallel can be drawn with social networks (Vkontakte, Facebook). People just like it and, accordingly, it does not generate any income.

2. minimalists. Earning money is not their main goal (see point 1), but they don’t mind earning a little penny. Average income 10-50$ per month.

3. Hard workers. They try to earn as much as possible. They shoot a video, maybe even post someone else’s on their channel. But there is no mass popularity. Average income 100 — 300$.

4. Average people. They do the same thing as people from group 3, but more successfully. They have more interesting (and popular) videos and many subscribers. They are seriously engaged in promoting their channel. As a result, the level of income is already an order of magnitude higher - about 500 — 1000$ and even higher.

5. Famous video bloggers. They are promoting the channel more professionally, regularly posting new interesting videos. The number of subscribers starts from the amount with five zeros and is constantly growing. Their income is also growing. Income starts from several thousand dollars.

6. Elite. Multi-million views and fame in your country (or even throughout the world). Even simple videos gain enormous popularity due to their name. Add to this advertising contracts and invitations to various shows. Money flows into their pocket like a river, the flow begins from 50 thousand dollars per month.

Of course, it is very difficult to reach the last 2 levels of popularity (and, accordingly, income level) (but still possible). But let's face it, all of this will require a significant commitment of both time and money from you.

Your aim: go from level one (or even zero if you don’t have a channel yet) to 3-4.

Anyone can achieve an income of 50-100 dollars a month. There is nothing complicated about it. To reach this level you will need 2-3 months.

To estimate how much profit your channel can generate, you need to understand

what makes money on YouTube

  • viewing advertisements. Money is credited only if the user watches the advertisement to the end. Advertising is usually placed at the beginning of the video (less often in the middle). You can skip the advertisement by clicking the appropriate link, or you can force it to watch to the end. I advise you to use the second method more carefully. This way you may not get many views, some (including me) leave immediately.
  • pay per click. If the user clicks on the advertisement, you are awarded a reward. Typically, if certain conditions are met. Let’s say the user followed the link and left immediately, don’t expect money. Particularly “meticulous” advertisers set a number of strict conditions: spend at least 30 seconds on the advertised site, view at least 3-4 pages of the site, etc. Cost per click may also vary. It all depends on the topic and the competition. Let’s say advertising in the field of finance and real estate is very high, there are many advertisers and in order to place their advertisements they are willing to pay the highest “tariff”. On the other hand, take for example toys for children. There are not so many advertisers in this area, so there is practically no competition among them. And the cost per click will be minimal.

All these actions together determine your earnings.

For those who want to hear more specific numbers, there is A simplified formula to estimate your YouTube income.

On average, the error of this formula is plus or minus 20%. But nevertheless, it shows the approximate income.

So anyway,

How much can you earn by watching videos on YouTube?

If we take an ordinary person who created a channel and does not have any special skills in the field of creating special effects, editing voiceovers, etc. minimum income level is about 80 - 100 dollars and higher. You can try to make money from other people's videos. Of course, this is not entirely legal from the point of view of copyright, but everyone does it, and for more than one year. And no one was punished. In extreme cases, I will block your channel for six months - this is the maximum punishment.

Let's use an example to calculate how much you can earn

Let's say you posted 30 video clips, on average, each of them is viewed by 30 people a day (not that many, actually). We get 30 videos x 30 views x 30 days per month = 27,000 views per month.

This is approximately 30 dollars. It seems like a little. But......for a year this is already 360 dollars. Work done in one go. And if there are 10 times more views, or you post not 30, but 100 videos, your income will immediately increase many times (at least 5-10 times). And these are completely different numbers.

To earn money per month 100 dollars just collect 100,000 views in total for all your videos. If you actively communicate on social networks, this will be a piece of cake for you. Like your videos, and then a chain reaction will begin, some of your friends will watch (some of them will also like), then friends of friends, and so on. Yes, one interesting video can collect so many views, not to mention several dozen.

Are you interested in creating additional income? You're unlikely to get rich from YouTube, but you can earn an extra $50 - $100 a month on it. This is how I do it!

Do you want to make some money online? Why not try making money on YouTube? To make money on YouTube, you don't have to create “viral” videos, but if you do get lucky and your video becomes popular, you will make money.

This is all thanks to the companies that pay for advertising on YouTube (which is owned by Google, for those of you who didn't know).

In this article, I'm going to give you ideas for creating videos that can make you some real money on YouTube, as well as give you some tips on how to create your video.

I don’t promise you mountains of gold and the fulfillment of all your dreams - but if you are looking for a real way, this may be the article you have been looking for!

Some statistics from yours truly

First, let's look at the stats for a few of my videos. I want to show you that I don't make a ton of money yet.

But don't jump to conclusions from these numbers because there are a number of factors that need to be taken into account. I will discuss these factors in the next section. Here are the statistics:


To receive money, they perform simple actions here, including watching videos, completing game levels, liking, subscribing to groups and public pages.

The number of subscribers on this channel today exceeds 13 million, and views - about 1 billion per year. Of course, not all owners can boast of such results. YouTube offers earnings online without investment. And this is true, according to leading Russian bloggers.

Total earnings depend on the advertising click-through rate parameter, called CTR. It is defined simply: the number of clicks divided by the number of views. A CTR of 1-2% is considered normal., but it turns out more.

The amount also depends on the cost of 1 click. The cost varies depending on the topic of the channel. The shows are highly rated in reviews of household appliances, digital appliances, cars, and the financial market.

Professional bloggers make money about $3,000 per month, receive 100 thousand views per day. The indicator is high, to achieve it, they create trending content.

So how much can you earn from Youtube really from scratch?

It’s always difficult to start filming; potential bloggers have no experience. Everything comes gradually - shoot short videos with voice acting for funny clips and films.

What affects earnings on YouTube

Let's name the moments that influence its size:


    Blogs dedicated to children's entertainment, games, cinema, and creativity are considered low-income. Highly profitable are considered analogues created for the review of expensive accessories, things, cars.

    But it also happens the other way around: views on children’s “threads” break records, and the owner of car vlogs cannot even raise funds for a new phone. What is the reason? The fact is that the entries are meaningless. You should not create them for the purpose of making money; think about the interests of your visitors.

    Scope of work.

    If you shoot a lot of material, write more than one vlog, the reward will be higher. Income depends on hard work and time invested in the business. Information for authors who don’t understand how to make more money on YouTube.


    You need to make the channel popular through advertising in search engines, social networks, and third-party resources. These are material investments.

    Content language.

    Publication on several video hosting sites.

    They collaborate not only with YouTube, but with other services, for example, Rutube. This will allow you to earn more money.

Popular formats for earning money

We are ready to give a few examples:

  • reviews on a specific topic- about a movie, game, gadget, branded clothing, etc.;
  • training videos- the author appears in it as a master of a certain craft, for example, creating a website, repairing, cooking, etc.;
  • gameplay- passing your favorite games;
  • personal photography on a chosen topic- satire, travel, politics, etc.

Step-by-step instructions for making money from scratch

    Registration on YouTube.

    Create a login and enter your email.

    Selecting a topic.

    We have already clarified which topics for the site are preferable in terms of earning money. They have fewer views than channels with popular recordings. Therefore, be smart and creative, make the story about the product funny and exciting.

    The main thing is to shoot about what you like. We recommend blogging to people who have free time - students, students, young mothers. This is excellent income during maternity leave.


    YouTube offers customization tools. Install a colorful banner with the title, publish a demo recording, create playlists. Do it yourself or order from a professional designer or operator.

    Shooting, processing.

    To make a good video, you need to ensure proper lighting during creation, get a high-resolution camera, choose suitable audio tracks, and don’t forget about the background.

    If you don’t have a beautiful place, it’s better to use a green screen; instead, when processing, substitute an attractive landscape or interior. Graphic, video, and sound editors are used to cut and compose content. They can be downloaded for free from the Internet.


    The material needs to be optimized for key queries. You can select them according to the direction using the service. When choosing, pay attention not only to frequently requested phrases, but also to less popular ones that attract “narrowly targeted” consumers. Key phrases are used in the title, comments, and description.

    Enabling monetization.

    As we said, it pays to have a lot of traffic. Results come within a few months or weeks, it all depends on the desire to earn money.

  • Constant development.

    You can’t stop there, improve the quality of content, keep up with trends and requests. And then you will achieve the planned result.


We hope we helped you obtain useful information. If you decide to make money on YouTube from scratch, then with its help you will get rich faster. Know that the work ahead is not easy, but this is a real chance to improve your financial situation and engage in creative work. We wish you success in achieving your goals!