How to prohibit debiting funds from a Sberbank card. The procedure for disabling the contactless payment option from a Sberbank card. How to block the debiting of money from a Sberbank card.

Money, as long as it exists, has been stolen and will continue to be stolen.
I will tell you about one type of theft from Sberbank cards, and how to avoid it!
Sberbank cards are very often used for payments in online trading. Sometimes money is stolen from them. In different ways, but sometimes it happens like this (victims’ stories):
- having gone into Sber-online, I discovered payments that I did not make, three today and three yesterday, for a total amount of about 16,000 rubles. No SMS messages about these payments were received on the phone, the mobile bank is connected. I didn’t immediately think to look where these payments went, but now I can’t - the card is blocked. The Security Service told me to block the card and write statements to dispute the transactions.
- a colleague is currently suing, 200 rubles were written off from his wife’s credit card, there was no SMS. That is, the operator said that the SMS messages to her number were sent, but they didn’t receive them. They suspect the left SIM card is a double.
SB insists that they withdrew the money themselves, and they didn’t even have the envelope with the PIN code open, they just had the card in a drawer at home.
Specifically, such situations happen something like this:
Money is withdrawn through the so-called “mobile bank” - this is when not disabled the ability to put money on your phone by sending an SMS from your phone number. You can put it on your own, or on someone else’s, or on someone else’s Sberbank card, and God knows where.
The technology is simple - an unscrupulous employee of a communication store reissues a SIM card and gains access to your money.
Money, as a rule, goes to various numbers, usually Beeline numbers, and then is cashed out in some cunning way.

Either disable “mobile banking” as a class, or disable “fast payment” in your personal account:
Gear icon (settings) at the top right -> Mobile bank -> scroll down -> Connection details -> Disable the “Fast payment” option

I turned it off, and I advise you to. Because this is a real *hole* for stealing money from the card.
I know that there are many other ways to steal money from a card. Today I told you only about one thing. Moreover, a minimum of effort is required on our part to prevent this from happening.
Fast payment- give a chance, via phone, top up the balance of your or someone else’s mobile phone, transfer money to a third-party client’s Sberbank card. To do this, just send an SMS with the phone number and amount, wait for the code in the response SMS and send it again by SMS to Sberbank. To do this, you do not need to know your login and password to log into the Internet bank.
Thieves take advantage of this; all they need to do is duplicate your SIM card (with the help of mobile operators).
This function must be disabled!
Online banking makes it possible to make payments/transfers using a computer. It's quite convenient! Not everyone has the opportunity to visit a bank branch every time. To do this, you need to know your login + password + transaction confirmation code. Stealing money is already more difficult. But even here you can refuse to use your phone; to do this, you need to use codes from a receipt, which can be obtained from an ATM. There are 20 passwords on the receipt; after using all of them, you need to receive the next receipt.

Attackers can gain access to a person’s bank account only if they have the details of their payment card: number, surname and first name of the owner, expiration date and three-digit CVC code on the back of the card. To obtain them, scammers do not even need to install spy equipment on . There are simpler ways too. Some scammers, for example, create fake websites and offer very cheap goods on them so that gullible buyers enter their details. Others launch cyber-attacks on the servers of real online stores and then skim money from their unsuspecting customers.

How to make online shopping safe?

For the Internet - a separate card

It is strictly not recommended to pay for purchases on the Internet using a salary card or a card with a large amount in the account. For these purposes it is better to have a separate card. Moreover, today many banks offer card products with free service in order to attract customers; some of them even provide for accrual. To pay for inexpensive goods, keep small amounts on your card. Then, if the attackers do get to your account, their profit will be small. If you are planning to buy an expensive item, add the required amount to the card directly on the day of purchase.

Determining the reliability of an online store by the address bar

Any buyer can distinguish a reliable online store from an unreliable one. To do this, you need to look at the address bar of the site: it should begin not with http, but with https. The letter “s” indicates that the data transfer protocol used uses a special encryption system. When you enter your card details on a website whose address begins with http, your personal payment information can be stolen by any cyber villain.

Blocking Internet transactions

To prevent unauthorized charges from your card, you can disable the online shopping feature in your mobile banking app. If you later want to pay utility bills or make a purchase in an online store, you can turn it on again for a while. But not every bank offers such opportunities.

Control of card transactions and prompt response

If the chances of returning stolen cash are very small, then the situation is better with funds stolen from a card. First, enable SMS notifications about purchases. This is necessary to promptly receive information about debiting funds from your account. If you receive a message about a transaction that you did not make, immediately report it to your bank. To prevent new charges, block your card.

By law, the bank is obliged to return to the client the money that was illegally debited from his card if he notifies the financial institution about this incident within 24 hours.

Despite the fact that the Sberbank card is a fairly reliable method of payment, cases when money is debited from it without the knowledge of its holder are not uncommon. Therefore, the question: “What to do if money was withdrawn from a Sberbank card without my knowledge?” is very relevant. But before taking any action, you should try to analyze the current situation for:

  • Do you have any unpaid fines that bailiffs can remove from your card?
  • When was the last time you made payments using a card.
  • Is the card account maintenance fee due?
  • Is the write-off related to any mandatory payment for utilities that you forgot about?

Current legislation and debiting funds from a card without the owner’s knowledge

The procedure for banks to provide payment services is regulated by Federal Law No. 161 “On the National Payment System”. The legislative document came into force back in 2011, but the most important amendments, which increase the operator’s liability and are aimed at protecting a client whose money was written off from his card without his knowledge, came into force only on January 1, 2014.

According to current legislation, the bank is obliged to return to the cardholder the money stolen from the card, unless a violation of the security rules for using payment instruments is proven. To do this, a statement from the client is sufficient, which must be written no later than the next day after receiving the bank notice of withdrawal of money. If the client did not receive notification, then the funds are refunded without fail.

But, despite the fact that this law is close to the directives contained in the current European legislation, which has been successfully operating since 2007, it contains many wordings that can be interpreted in two ways, which means cardholders should not count on a quick refund.

First of all, it should be understood that the law does not specify the period within which funds must be returned to the client.

The Bank of Russia recommends that banking institutions indicate it in contracts with cardholders. Therefore, before signing an agreement with the bank, carefully study it. It must necessarily contain a clause that describes the procedure for challenging incorrect transactions, as well as the algorithm for the actions of the bank and the client in such cases.

Initial actions when detecting that money has been written off from your card without your knowledge

Every person may be faced with the question: “What should I do if money was withdrawn from a Sberbank or other bank card without my knowledge?” The unexpected loss of money always takes you by surprise. And this is understandable, because for many it has already become a habit to store some money on a card. First of all, if this happens, you should not panic, but you need to take decisive and quick actions that will allow you to return the lost funds as soon as possible.

Having discovered a withdrawal of funds from a Sberbank card, you need to contact the call center as quickly as possible and block your payment card.

To do this, you need to call 8-800-555-55-50. This is necessary because scammers do not necessarily need to know the PIN code in order to steal.

If for any reason it is not possible to call, then you need to immediately go to a banking institution. There you will need to not only block the card, but also take an account statement. If you are convinced that money was debited from the card without your knowledge, then you must immediately write a corresponding statement of disagreement with the transaction.

Actions before and after filing an application

The basis for contacting the bank with a demand to return what was written off without your knowledge is not only the aforementioned Federal Law No. 161 “On the National Payment System”, but also Articles 7 and 14 of the Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. They establish the consumer’s right to receive safe services, and also indicate that property damage caused is subject to full compensation.

The application must describe the current situation in detail, as well as attach a bank statement indicating the transactions with which you do not agree. Before drawing up the document, it is very important to re-read the existing agreement that you signed before receiving the plastic card. In addition, if possible, you need to attach any evidence that you are not involved in the write-off of funds. You should know that you should not count on a refund if it is proven that they were withdrawn from the card using a PIN code, as this indicates your negligence.

This statement is the basis for the bank to begin an investigation. Security specialists will begin to collect personal information about you. Perhaps they will ask for a reference from their place of work or ask for the opinion of their colleagues. This should not be alarming, because, first of all, all such actions are due to the fact that it is necessary to exclude the involvement of the card owner in fraudulent activities.

Once the fact of fraud is recognized, the bank must return the funds to the victim’s account as soon as possible. Therefore, in parallel with the ongoing investigation, bank employees are preparing a request to the bank that received the payment to return the erroneously transferred funds. You should prepare for the fact that such a procedure will take at least three months.

The security service, as a rule, does not recommend that the client, if funds are written off from the card without his knowledge, should file a statement with the police. But this should still be done, at least in order to push the banking institution to conduct a quality check. The main part of such an application must duplicate the information specified in the application previously submitted to the banking institution. It is important to submit the document to the police in two copies, one of which will be returned to the victim with a mark of receipt.

Filing a claim in court

If the bank refuses to return the money to the card, even after fraud has been proven, then do not despair prematurely. If you have compelling reasons and are confident that you are right, you can file a lawsuit.

It is important to draw up the document correctly, so it is better to do this with the help of an experienced lawyer. It should disclose the current situation in detail and attach the results of the investigation, as well as other supporting documents. If a positive court decision is made to return the funds, then all legal costs will be borne by the bank.

It is necessary to prepare for the fact that the procedure for returning funds through the court always takes a lot of time. But according to statistics, recently judges quite often take the side of a deceived bank client. This means that the chance to return money in this way is quite large, and it must be used if necessary.

If the money was written off by bailiffs

Bailiffs have enormous powers. They can:

  • Request information about debtors from banks that interests them.
  • Withdraw money from cards without notifying the debtor.

Bailiffs cooperate most closely with Sberbank. And this is understandable because the majority of the country’s population prefer to use its services.

Moreover, upon presentation of a court decision, money can be written off without notifying bank clients, even from credit accounts.

First, you must definitely find out the reason for the withdrawal of money by bailiffs. To do this, you should take a statement of the completed transaction from the bank, and then visit the FSSP at your place of residence. If service employees do not provide the necessary information upon verbal request, then you should write a statement addressed to the head of the territorial unit with a request to understand the current situation. As a rule, such proceedings last for a week.

If it turns out that money was debited from the Sberbank card illegally, then you need to write a statement again demanding that the bailiff’s order be canceled and the money returned to the account. In addition, you can speed up the return of funds if you provide the banking institution with a certificate stating that the bailiff service has no claims against you.

Contactless payment provides the consumer with the opportunity to pay for purchases without entering any combinations on the terminal or using additional options, there is also no need for cash payments. However, sometimes you need to disable it. And it is important to figure out whether it is worth disabling contactless payment from a Sberbank card if it has unconditional advantages.

Is it possible to disable contactless payment on a card?

It is quite possible to disable this system if there are reasons for this, because a card with remote payment provides the owner with a simplified payment option. All that needs to be done is to offer telephone to a special terminal, which will inform you in a matter of seconds with a sound and color signal about the successful payment of the client. Not everyone believes in the complete security of such a service and does not use it or uses it extremely rarely. At the same time, clients try to disable it in order to ensure optimal protection of information on the plastic.

When is it necessary to remove the contactless payment option?

Contactless payment by card can be removed for any reason that is, in the user’s opinion, significant. But the real reason for getting rid of this option is:

  • insufficient number of terminals at the user’s place of residence or their complete absence;
  • the likelihood of losing funds up to 1,000 rubles if it is lost, since this is the amount within which you do not need to use a PIN code;
  • debiting funds from user accounts by attackers in transport and other places where there is a high concentration of people using special devices.

How to disable payment without a Sberbank PIN code

There are several ways to disable this payment function on Sberbank cards, which require independent actions:

  • remove the application from a mobile device - without it, it is impossible to purchase goods or services contactlessly; to do this, you need to delete the application icon on the display and throw it in the trash. In addition to this option, in the smartphone settings, select the “Account” section, in the list that opens, select Android Pay or an analogue and disable the function. This option complicates the whole process, since due to the removal of the application, in order to re-use it, you will have to reinstall everything;
  • remove the wireless device option on the phone itself. That is, turn off this payment without a PIN code, since the NFC module in the phone functions will be disabled. This will get rid of contactless payment, and therefore from the minimum of 1,000 rubles to use without a code. This option allows, if necessary, to reconnect the module and use the contactless function without additional settings. You can prohibit this temporarily in the following way: find “wireless network” in the additional settings and disable the module;
  • There is also a mechanical option - foil; if you place the mobile phone in a special foil-coated or metallized package, the wireless connection will stop functioning and it is absolutely impossible for even the most advanced fraudster to withdraw funds from the card. This way of disabling remote payment mechanically is the simplest, but quite effective.

Important! If you use plastic instruments from Sberbank, then you can contact the hotline or the institution’s office, and they will not only explain how to disable the function, but can also issue a new one, replacing the card with a chip with a regular one.

What difficulties might you encounter?

There are several problems with using the feature and disabling it:

  • banning a service on a credit or virtual product is impossible; such blocking can only be done in the phone settings;
  • It is not always possible to use the option itself: lack of signal, discharged phone and other mechanical and technical failures make contactless payment unavailable.

To avoid unauthorized expenses and troubles, you can take care of your safety and take the following precautions:

  • use a special microchip, which is almost impossible to counterfeit;
  • set the lowest limit for using funds without a PIN code;
  • purchasing a special cover for the card, which has a specific coating and provides reliable protection against reading information;
  • automatic systematic change in the number of the settlement operation being performed, which significantly reduces the theft of funds.

The remote payment system has many positive aspects. However, if there are certain shortcomings of this function or because it is unnecessary, the cardholder has the right to disable it or temporarily block such payments, it all depends on personal needs.