How to reduce the limit on a Sberbank credit card. How to reduce the credit limit on a debit and credit card

Are you interested in the question of how you can reduce the limit provided on a Sberbank of Russia credit card? Today we will give you some recommendations on how exactly you can perform this action.

Credit Card Features: Revolving Line

Indeed, today many clients of this banking organization are faced with the need to change the credit limit on their card. Let us remind you that this means the amount that the client can use; the bank will not provide you with borrowed funds above the established limit.

One of the advantages of this type of service is the fact that the credit line is revolving. In other words, once you have paid off your existing debt, you will be able to use them again from the next day.

Finding out the amount of borrowed funds available to you is very simple: it is stated in the agreement that you signed. If under any circumstances you do not have access to the agreement, for example, if it is lost or damaged, then you can obtain the information you are interested in by calling the bank's hotline at 8-800-555-55-50 (toll-free).

Sberbank credit card limits

Most Sberbank cards have a limit equal to 300 thousand rubles for ordinary clients, and 600 thousand for those who received a personal offer.

  • Gold (Visa, MasterCard) - up to 600 thousand rubles.
  • Classic and Standard (Visa and MasterCard) - up to 300-600 thousand.
  • Instant cards - up to 200 thousand rubles.

Important: on the website, in advertising and on the Internet you will find the maximum loans that will be available to you. In fact, it all depends on the size of your income, because the limit is calculated in each case individually. And if you receive 10,000 rubles a month, it is naive to count on the available 300,000 rubles.

Before any expenditure operation, you need to soberly assess your capabilities. Make calculations in advance so that as a result, your credit card expenses do not exceed the income that will be needed to pay off the debt to the bank.

The cards have a grace period, the effect of which is described in the illustration below.

How to increase the limit?

There are several ways to do this, detailed descriptions of which you will find below:

  • Contact the branch where you are served in person and write an application for an increase in the amount. As a rule, this opportunity arises for those who have a good credit history, repay their debts on time, and can also confirm their solvency by providing a certificate of income in Form 2-NDFL;
  • Automatic promotion. Most often it happens once a year for those clients who actively used their credit cards and repaid their debt on time. The more you spend on your account, the greater the chance of the amount increasing.

The maximum amount of loan funds can be increased individually, but this is not always necessary for the borrowers themselves, and here’s why:

  1. Human factor. Not everyone can resist the temptation to spend the entire amount available to them. But the debt will still have to be repaid.
  2. Bid. In some financial institutions, interest is charged not on the withdrawn amount, but on the entire limit. As a result, the client will have to pay more monthly.
  3. Safety. If the card is lost or stolen, these funds can be used by fraudsters. Therefore, it is advisable to take out insurance for such cases.

As a rule, banks cannot independently increase the conditions without the client’s consent; his consent to this procedure is required. However, many of our readers write that they simply received an SMS stating that the available amount had been increased. If you do not agree with this decision, then you can always contact the bank branch to write a refusal.

What if you want to reduce the amount?

It is worth understanding that the terms of the loan will not change just at your request. For example, if you were initially approved for 50,000 rubles, then it will not be possible to make the available amount of available funds even smaller. But if your credit line has been increased several times, then it can be returned to its original size.

  • Automatic reduction

The opposite situation occurs, i.e. in the event that the client has not shown himself at his best, i.e. allowed the occurrence of outstanding debts and arrears, did not deposit money on time, hid from banking services, etc.

At the same time, the banking organization is obliged to notify the client of any changes to the current agreement; this is stated in the rules and in your agreement. Unfortunately, after such a situation, you will no longer be able to independently apply for an increase/decrease in the loan.

  • According to the borrower's application

According to Sberbank's instructions, the client has the right to contact the branch where he received the card and write an application to establish a minimum limit, i.e. the amount that was initially determined for him by the terms of the contract. You only need to take your passport with you.

We draw your attention to the fact that for this an important condition must be met: you must not have credit card debt. You also need to remember that after such an operation you will not be able to request a further increase.

Is it possible to introduce a limit for cards?

An alternative for such a service is to apply for a monthly spending limit, a ban on cash withdrawals or use only in a certain country, which will significantly reduce your costs. The first option is most often used: you do not change the amount available to you, but simply limit your possibilities for expense transactions.

This service is temporary, and if in the future you no longer need it, you can also submit an application and remove all restrictions.

Please note that all operations listed above occur exclusively after the credit card owner personally contacts the bank office, or by calling the Contact Center. If you had a pre-approved offer, then you can perform some actions in Sberbank Online.

When applying for a credit card, the bank sets for each client an available borrowing limit. The calculation is made individually, taking into account the borrower’s income and solvency. Typically, clients at this stage, and during further use of the credit card, want to increase the amount of available funds. But there are also those who are interested in how to reduce the credit limit on a Sberbank card, especially after several months of using it. Is there such a possibility? Let's figure it out.

Reasons why there is a need to reduce your loan

Most often, the need to reduce the credit limit arises from people who understand that they are not able to control their expenses. Access to a large amount on a credit card provokes them into unnecessary spending, which increases the debt. However, there is another type of client who is accustomed to control their finances. They rely on a strictly defined loan amount, repay it on time, and if they need to make large expenses, they use either their own savings or more profitable loan products. Such borrowers are very annoyed by the increase in the credit card limit at the initiative of the bank, and they strive to return it to its previous limits.

There are also two important factors that speak in favor of reducing the amount of borrowed funds:

  • cost-effectiveness of service - some banks calculate the minimum payment on a card based on the size of the limit, and not on the amount of the principal debt;
  • security - if the card falls into the hands of strangers, no one prevents them from withdrawing the entire available amount from it.

These considerations also make us wonder whether it is possible to reduce the credit limit on a Sberbank credit card. Fortunately, Sber provides its clients with this opportunity.

Types of limit reduction

A decrease in the amount of funds available on a credit card can occur either at the request of its owner or at the initiative of the bank. Let's consider both options.

On the initiative of Sberbank

Sberbank regularly reviews the affairs of its credit card holders. Based on data about their use of the credit account, bank employees decide to change the limit. It can be either increased or decreased, depending on the financial behavior of the borrower.

Important! The questionnaires are reviewed once every 6 months.

For what reasons can the credit limit be reduced?

  1. Unfair payments of principal.
  2. The borrower makes only minimum payments over time.
  3. Small amounts of spending on the card.

Oddly enough, it is not at all necessary to make delays and spoil the credit history for the bank to recognize the borrower as worthy of reducing the limit. If a client uses a credit card quite rarely, pays off the debt on time and does not go beyond the grace period, the amount of available funds for him will most likely be reduced. The bank will understand that the borrower simply does not need the allocated amount, which means it is more profitable to direct it to other purposes.

At the borrower's request

The owner of a credit card can independently declare a reduction in the limit on it. It can be done:

  • upon receipt of information about an increase in the volume of the credit account;
  • at any time when using the card.

In the first case, after reviewing the questionnaires, Sber will send the client an SMS notifying him of the limit increase. The message will also contain a code that must be sent to the service number in order to deactivate this offer and return to the previous volumes of the credit account.

The second option requires a mandatory personal visit to a bank branch. Any of them will do, not necessarily the one in which the card was issued.

Loan reduction procedure (what the borrower should do)

How to reduce the limit on a Sberbank credit card at the initiative of its owner? Let’s say right away that this cannot be done remotely. Neither the web account nor the Sber mobile services contain the corresponding tools. A personal visit to the bank is required.

At the branch you will need to provide the employee of the relevant department with your passport, as well as, preferably, an agreement for servicing the card. After this, the client voices his requirements and writes a request to reduce the limit to the level he needs.

Important! The application does not have to indicate the reasons for making such a decision. You also do not need to attach any additional documents about income. It is enough to simply state your desire to reduce your bill.

The application is processed by the bank within 10 days. Based on the results, the borrower will receive an SMS notifying about the change in the loan account amount.

Plastic card credit funds are the bank’s money, which it provides to the client for use on mutually beneficial terms.

The plastic card holder wants to protect himself from uncontrollably growing credit card debt, so he carefully studies the procedure for calculating interest, the validity period of the preferential installment plan, and makes payments on time.

The bank makes sure that the product ends up in the hands of solvent clients so that bad debt does not form. One of the measures to ensure repayment of money is the appointment of limits.

The Sberbank product line offers several levels of credit cards: classic, gold, premium. Among the main service conditions is a credit limit.

Within the permissible amount on the card, each holder has his own maximum.

Its size is calculated individually taking into account many conditions, including:

  • Employment and income.
  • Credit history.
  • Availability of deposits.

In the process of using plastic, it is possible to increase the credit limit on a Sberbank card or reduce it. Who is it being raised to? How to refuse an offer? How to influence Sberbank's decision to increase or decrease the limit on a credit card? Let's take it in order.

Credit limit

The maximum amount that the bank approves for a client is calculated by the program. Available information is automatically analyzed, including:

  • monthly income;
  • turnover on cards and accounts;
  • length of service in general and in the last position in particular;
  • employer reliability;
  • availability of loans, deposits within the bank and other credit institutions;
  • availability of writs of execution;
  • age;
  • registration at the place of residence or location;
  • income of close relatives;
  • dependents;
  • availability of sponsors;
  • real estate and other property owned;
  • presence of disability, chronic diseases;
  • life and property insurance.

The result of the calculation by the program is submitted to the credit committee, where the amount is approved. If there is additional information indicating the client's solvency or problems with it, the committee may adjust the limit.

What is the maximum and minimum limit on Sberbank credit cards?

The amount available on a credit card has a clear maximum limit. It is established personally for each holder and is regulated by a service agreement.

Moreover, each plastic has its own absolute limit:

Sberbank on its website defines the amount as the maximum that can be spent. The minimum limit is not regulated.

In practice, the lowest limits are set from 20 thousand rubles, most often found on youth credit cards. You do not need proof of employment to receive them.

Previously, Sberbank operated a more complex system of restrictions; there were minimums. Several years ago, a choice was made in favor of the existing order, the absolute limits were expanded.

How to find out the limit on your card

Information is available through all means of communication between the bank and the client:

  1. In your personal account Sberbank-online. By clicking on the name or label of a credit card, you will be taken to a page with detailed information about limits, balance, debt, and recent transactions.
  2. The same is available on the mobile app.
  3. Via SMS from the phone number specified as a contact when applying for a credit card. Text “Balance ****” (**** – the last 4 of 16 digits on the front side of the plastic) to number 900.
  4. You can find out at the ATM by requesting the card balance.

Is it possible to put money over the limit on a Sberbank card?

Yes. By topping up your card, you can easily make your usual payments by bank transfer. However, withdrawing money without commission will be problematic.

Regardless of the fact that these are your own funds, a commission of 3 to 4%, minimum 390 rubles, will be charged for withdrawal through an ATM.

It happens that several carriers are associated with a phone number, and the credit card is indicated as the main one.

Friends or relatives make a transfer using a phone number, and the money is deposited on a credit card. It is useless to contact the bank with a statement about an erroneous transfer and a request to issue it without a commission.

There are several ways out of this situation:

  1. withdraw money by paying a commission;
  2. non-cash payment of current expenses;
  3. mutual settlement with friends and/or relatives when you offer to pay their bills (for example, utility bills or shopping) with a credit card in exchange for cash or a transfer to debit plastic;
  4. to receive large sums mistakenly credited to a credit card, some clients prefer to close it; funds above the limit will be transferred to your account without commission, but please take into account:
  • duration of the procedure – up to 30 calendar days;
  • there is no guarantee that the loan product will be received again on the same terms.

How to increase your credit limit

An increase in the amount may occur at the initiative of the bank or the holder.

Basic methods

  1. Credit card holders sometimes receive SMS from number 900 with an offer to increase the limit. Information is also reflected in the personal account of mobile and online banking, and at an ATM.

Having received an offer, the client can consider it for up to 30 calendar days. During this time, you can refuse or agree without waiting for the 30-day period to expire. All communication methods (telephone, online banking, ATM) offer appropriate commands. If there is no response after a month, the new limit is activated automatically.

For media issued before July 1, 2017, the deadline for the client to make a decision was 5 banking days.

  1. The current terms and conditions for servicing credit cards by Sberbank do not regulate increasing the limit at the initiative of the holder. There is no such option in your personal account.

However, the client can contact an employee at the branch to fill out an application. You must have your passport with you. If you have additional evidence of your solvency that is unknown to the bank, present it. You can also offer to insure risks that prevent the maximum limit from changing.

After signing the application, wait for it to be reviewed. This takes from several days to several weeks. You will receive an SMS with the result. If the decision is positive, the amount will be increased automatically. There is no need to visit the bank again.

  1. An option to increase your credit maximum is to apply for a higher-class card. Often, upon positive consideration of such an application, the client is offered an amount exceeding the previous one.

It is important to take into account that if you already have a gold card in your hands, the next in status is premium. Its service is paid - 4900 rubles per year. Owners of premium plastic have no alternative in the form of credit cards with a higher limit.

Premium Platinum card


Sberbank does not have a list of requirements as such for increasing the loan maximum. The client must be able to repay the debt.

According to the basic methodology for calculating the loan amount, the monthly payment (5% of the approved loan +% for using the entire amount) should not exceed 30% of the client’s income. All things considered, the bank may exceed this amount.

For example, if you have a modest income, but a close relative of the director of a large holding company and jointly owned property with him, you can count on an amount higher than that calculated using the basic method.

Conditions conducive to making a positive decision to increase the amount:

  • increase in income level;
  • the credit card has been in the holder’s possession for more than six months and is actively used;
  • positive credit history;
  • partial use of the existing limit.

Important! Regular use of credit card funds in full is considered by the bank as the presence of financial difficulties.

Why can they refuse?

The bank reserves the right to refuse clients without giving a reason.

The main ones:

  • decrease in monthly income;
  • large burden of loans;
  • pre-retirement age;
  • writs of execution;
  • a history of overdue payments for any loan products in any bank;
  • no card transactions;
  • using a credit card in full and then repaying the debt according to schedule without early replenishment is considered a sign of financial difficulties;
  • changing employer to a less reliable one;
  • sale of real estate from the property;
  • loss of ability to work;
  • refusal to insure risks.

Through Sberbank online

A plastic card allows you not only to pay in stores, but also to use your account and banking services while at home. Many people are interested in how to increase the credit limit on a Sberbank card through Sberbank online?

The service allows you to:

It will not be possible to submit an application to Sberbank to increase the credit limit on a card via the Internet. This function is not provided on the site. It would be difficult to systematize all possible circumstances that influence decision making. A visit to the office is required for an individual review of the issue.

Increase automatically

Most credit card holders experience automatic increases at least once. For the initial issue, the bank offers a fairly low limit; its size rarely exceeds twice the monthly income. After six months, the credit committee assesses the risks taking into account the use of the product. Many people receive an increase offer.

Limit reduction

The reduction occurs at the initiative of the client or Sberbank. The minimum amount of the new limit is limited to the amount of debt on the credit card.

The client, if desired, submits an application to the branch where the account is opened. You must appear in person with a passport; the service is not available through remote services.

From the bank's side there are 2 options


Having noticed certain reasons that in the future may affect the client’s solvency, or having noticed low activity in using the product, Sberbank sends a proposal to reduce the limit. The holder has 30 days to refuse the reduction, or agree before the month expires. You can respond to the offer through your personal account on the Internet, mobile application, at an ATM, or by phone. If the holder refuses, the maximum amount will remain. If there is no response, the proposal comes into force within the specified period.

Attention! The bank calculates the new limit taking into account the balance on the card on the day of the offer. If there is no response from you after 30 days, the limit will be reduced to the stated one. If you spend additional funds during the month, reducing the card balance, a negative card balance will form when the offer comes into force. Funds for its repayment will begin to be automatically debited from debit cards and accounts.


If a credit card holder violates the current rules for using the product, the bank has the right to immediately reduce the available maximum for it by notifying the holder via SMS. If a negative balance is formed, in this case funds will be debited from the client’s available accounts


Credit cards are a controversial banking product. Most clients are wary of using them because of their ability to incur high-interest debt. The bank carefully checks the solvency of future credit card holders, because they will have access to the institution’s money. If the client wants to abuse plastic, he or she will have the opportunity to do so.

Participants in salary projects receive offers from Sberbank to receive a credit card or increase their limit more often than others. On the one hand, the bank knows the size of the client’s monthly income, on the other hand, when overdue debt appears, it is possible to write off funds for repayment from a debit card.

Are you interested in the question of how you can reduce the limit provided on a Sberbank of Russia credit card? Today we will give you some recommendations on how exactly you can perform this action.

Indeed, today many clients of this banking organization are faced with the need to change the credit limit on their card. Let us remind you that this means the amount that the client can use; the bank will not provide you with borrowed funds above the established limit.

Money with a tape measure wrapped around it over a white background

One of the advantages of this type of service is the fact that the credit line is revolving. In other words, once you have paid off your existing debt, you will be able to use them again from the next day.

Finding out the amount of borrowed funds available to you is very simple: it is stated in the agreement that you signed. If under any circumstances you do not have access to the agreement, for example, if it is lost or damaged, then you can obtain the information you are interested in by calling the bank's hotline at 8-800-555-55-50 (toll-free).

How to increase the limit? There are several ways to do this, detailed descriptions of which you will find below:

  • Contact the branch where you are served in person and write an application for an increase in the amount. As a rule, this opportunity arises for those who have a good credit history, repay their debts on time, and can also confirm their solvency by providing a certificate of income in Form 2-NDFL;
  • Automatic promotion. Most often it happens once a year for those clients who actively used their credit cards and repaid their debt on time. The more you spend on your account, the greater the chance of the amount increasing.

But what if you don’t want to increase, but rather decrease the amount? Let's talk further:

  1. Automatic reduction – occurs in the opposite situation, i.e. in the event that the client has not shown himself at his best, i.e. allowed the occurrence of outstanding debts and arrears, did not deposit money on time, hid from banking services, etc.;
  2. Upon application - according to the instructions of Sberbank, the client has the right to contact the branch where he received the card and write an application to establish a minimum limit, i.e. the amount that was initially determined for him by the terms of the contract. We draw your attention to the fact that for this an important condition must be met: you must not have credit card debt. You also need to remember that after such an operation you will not be able to request a further increase.

An alternative for such a service is to apply for a monthly spending limit, a ban on cash withdrawals or use only in a certain country, which will significantly reduce your costs. The first option is most often used: you do not change the amount available to you, but simply limit your possibilities for expense transactions.

This service is temporary, and if in the future you no longer need it, you can also submit an application and remove all restrictions.

Please note that all the operations listed above take place only after the credit card owner personally contacts the bank office, via telephone or the Internet; nothing can be changed in the terms of the agreement!

If you have problems reducing your credit card limit, you can call the Sberbank hotline for prompt advice.

If you want to know how to get a loan without refusal? Then follow this link. If you have a bad credit history and banks refuse you, then you definitely need to read this article. If you just want to get a loan on favorable terms, then click here. If you want to apply for a credit card, then follow this link. Find other posts on this topic here.

How to reduce the credit limit on a Sberbank card: ways to reduce it and tips for borrowers

There are situations when Sberbank clients want, but do not know, how to reduce the credit limit on their card. If there is a need to reduce the loan limit, then this is not difficult to do.

Ways to lower your credit limit

Borrowers rarely resort to the opportunity to reduce the size of the loan received from the bank. But if this needs to be done, then the client is given several options. In this case, he must personally appear at the Sberbank branch with a passport.

Reduce the limit using an application

You must write an application to reduce the limit on the use of funds on your credit card. This is legal and does not contradict the bank's instructions. You should contact the office where the card was issued and ask to change the loan limit to the minimum, which is determined in the terms of the agreement. The bank will approve this application only if the borrower does not have any debts on the card.

Important! You should know that in the future the loan will not be increased at the initiative of the lender.

The review will take from several working days to a week, after which the applicant will be notified via SMS, or the information will become available in the client’s personal account.

Limit payments

At any branch of Sberbank you need to write a statement asking the bank to set a limit on monthly spending, as well as a ban on cash withdrawals. You can limit this feature to only a specific country. This will help not only in solving the problem of how to reduce the limit on a loan received on a Sberbank card, but will also allow you to reserve the right to increase it in the future.

To get qualified advice from a specialist on how to change the amount of an allowable loan on a Sberbank credit card, just call a financial institution and find out all the intricacies of this process.

Sometimes the borrower does not ask the question of reducing the level of the loan, but also fulfills obligations to the bank in bad faith, namely:

  • does not deposit funds on time to repay the debt;
  • allows for delays and the occurrence of outstanding debt.

In this case, the bank has the right to independently reduce the size of the previously issued loan to such unscrupulous cardholders without warning of this intention.

How can I reduce the credit limit on a Sberbank card?

Some Sberbank clients are looking for a way to reduce the credit limit on their card. In order to find the best solution to this issue, it is necessary to consider all possible options and study them in more detail.

Why do you need to reduce the limit?

In many banks, the provided credit line is renewed, that is, the client who made the payment will be able to use the same funds again the next day. In addition, the maximum limit of loan funds provided may increase each time, judging by the reviews, this does not always suit borrowers.

Dissatisfaction can arise for several reasons:

  1. The influence of the human factor. Having received a significant amount, a person cannot always resist the temptation not to spend it all at once. But the debt will then have to be repaid.
  2. Interest rate. In some banks, interest on a loan is charged not on the balance of the debt, but on the entire limit. As a result, the client is forced to pay much larger amounts than expected. Sberbank does not have such a practice, but some people do not know about it.
  3. Safety. In the event of loss or theft of a card carrier, fraudsters will be able to use borrowed funds, and that is why additional insurance against such situations is necessary.

However, according to general rules, banks cannot increase the amount of available funds on a credit card without the consent of the borrower. As a rule, its maximum limit is indicated when concluding the contract.

Ways to reduce the limit

The banking institution itself can reduce the available line in the following cases:

  • with systematically outstanding debt;
  • when hiding from bank specialists;
  • in case of non-payment of existing arrears.

A loan is when you take someone else’s money and give back your own. Many people are familiar with this statement who have loans on bank cards and cannot close them in any way, constantly spending “other people’s” money. This raises the relevance of discussing the issue of how to reduce the limit on a Sberbank credit card. Does not know? Below we will describe possible options for reducing it on a credit card.

Why do you need to reduce the limit on a Sberbank credit card?

Sberbank issues credit cards with a grace period of up to 50 euros. With constant repayment and absence of debts, the bank automatically increases the loan amount.

This is what the grace period looks like at Sberbank

Why do many clients avoid this service? It’s very simple, there are three main reasons why you need to reduce “other people’s money” on a credit card.

  1. Mentality or as it is also called the human factor. Most people tend to spend money to improve their lives. As soon as an ordinary person has the opportunity to receive a large sum of money, it is impossible to resist such temptation. A strong seducer is the fact of interest-free use of money for a certain period of time. Many Sberbank clients fall for this, and when the time comes to give money, it is not always available. Which entails a “clump” of interest, penalties and fines.
  2. Interest savings. After withdrawing bank money, the client is charged interest. Although on average about 3% is taken per month for the time of using the funds, in terms of the annual amount (3 * 12 = 36) it turns out to be 36%, which is significantly higher than when applying for a consumer loan.
  3. Safety. If a person does not need bank money at the moment, then for safety reasons it is better to reduce the loan on the card. Since if it is lost, attackers can withdraw bank funds, and the client will have to pay off the debt from “his own pocket.”

According to the latest innovations, banks should not increase the credit limit on a card without the client’s consent. The maximum credit limit on the card is specified in the service agreement for the electronic resource.

What are the maximum limits on a Sberbank credit card?

Typically, when customers apply for a credit line with a valid card, they do not always bother to read the service agreement, in which the bank often indicates the maximum possible loan amount for plastic. This becomes a legal basis for the bank to increase bank funds on the card without the client’s consent.

Sberbank issues up to 600 thousand rubles credit limit on its cards

Today Sberbank “gives” its clients the following limits for Visa and MasterCard credit cards:

  • for cards with instant issuance – up to 200 thousand rubles;
  • for Classic and Standard classes – 300-600 thousand rubles;
  • for Gold class – 600 thousand rubles.

How to reduce the limit on a Sberbank credit card

Typically, clients rarely resort to credit card loan reduction service on their own, but if such actions are necessary, you can use one of two methods.

  1. Limit payments.
  2. To write an application.

How to reduce the limit by limiting payments on a Sberbank credit card

Let's figure out how to lower the limit by limiting your payments on a Sberbank credit card. You can restrict access to bank funds yourself. To do this, you need to set a limit on daily or monthly spending. This can be done through:

  • writing an application to limit spending per day or per month at a bank branch;
  • setting restrictions online in your personal account.

It should be understood that limiting spending does not reduce the size of the loan volume, but only does not make it possible to remove more than the specified limit. The possibility of obtaining a limit increase in the future remains available.

How to reduce the limit on a Sberbank credit card by writing an application

According to Sberbank's instructions, the client has the right to write an application to establish a minimum limit in the branch where he received the plastic. In other words, a person needs to go to the branch where the card was issued and write there an application to reduce the limit on the use of funds on the credit card. If there are no debts in terms of balance and interest, Sberbank approves the application.

On average, it takes the bank several business days to review the application. Less often, this procedure drags on for a week. The client is notified of the limit reduction via SMS. This information also becomes available in your Sberbank personal account online.

An application to reduce the credit limit must be written at the branch that issued the plastic card

Very often bank employees claim that it is impossible to reduce the credit limit to a certain level. In such cases, contact the head of the branch, or call the hotline at the bank's head office.

Code Sberbank can independently reduce the limit on a credit card

The Bank independently comes to a decision to reduce the limit on loan obligations in the following situations:

  1. The client systematically fails to repay the debt and this is reflected in the credit history.
  2. There is always the fact of delays and non-payment of penalties.
  3. The borrower hides from the bank and does not pay his obligations.

Such situations lead to Sberbank automatically reducing or completely closing the limit without the knowledge of the borrower.

It should be noted that the above actions are entered into the credit history, which manages to “damage” it greatly.

Since Russia has a general register of credit histories of all clients of banking organizations, once the credit history becomes unfavorable, the opportunity to obtain a loan from any bank is reduced to zero.

Summarizing the above, we note that anyone can reduce the limit on a credit card, and this procedure is quick and “painless”. However, there are situations in life when money is needed “already, now.” Then the credit card comes to the rescue. Therefore, think carefully about your decision to reduce your credit limit, because “Plan B” will certainly be needed in case of any financial difficulties.