Mortgage rate in Russian Agricultural Bank for today. Mortgage calculator at Russian Agricultural Bank

Rosselkhozbank mortgage calculator will help you calculate the amount of mortgage deductions for 2018 - 2019 and weigh the chances of early repayment. You can use the official online calculator on the website for free! If you are a young family, then the issue of mortgages is already worrying you. Mortgage requires a serious, thoughtful approach. And be sure to make an accurate calculation. Our mortgage loan calculator is very convenient: available online, clear and free. Spend half an hour on a calculation that will correctly line up your expenses for several years ahead.

Rosselkhozbank offers 3 mortgage lending programs with the possibility of early repayment of the loan. Special conditions are offered to young families. The Bank actively participates in government housing construction programs.

Lending terms

  • Borrower's age: from 18 to 75 years (at the time of repayment);
  • Minimum amount: 300,000 rubles;
  • Duration: up to 30 years;
  • Commission for issuing a loan: none;

Mortgage interest rate

We are gradually filling this section. It's worth waiting a little :)

Mortgage conditions differ significantly depending on whether you need a loan for a secondary home, for a new building, for the construction of a private house, or simply for a plot of land. The bank offers potential borrowers the following options for obtaining a mortgage loan:

  • No guarantors.
  • No proof of income.
  • No down payment.

The bank offers a mortgage loan with state support, in particular with maternity capital, and with early repayment. The terms of its issuance can be significantly revised in favor of the borrower if he has an open salary project. The bank also accommodates state employees and offers special issuance options for pensioners.

A modern online cost calculation will help you get a preliminary estimate for a real estate loan - it will provide the basic necessary information in accordance with the requirements and wishes of the borrower.

Rosselkhozbank's mortgage calculator will help you calculate the mortgage amount based on data for 2019. Make the calculation using the calculator from the official website and choose the most profitable loan.

A mortgage is a tool that allows a young family to acquire their own home, and not live “out of suitcases” for many years, renting an apartment. However, purchasing mortgaged real estate requires a serious, well-thought-out approach and accurate financial calculations. And a simple and functional calculator will help in this matter, allowing you to:

  • Apply for the most favorable loan;
  • Calculate monthly deductions;
  • Determine the maximum possible loan size;
  • Weigh your own chances of closing the loan with early repayment.

The most balanced and practical program for calculation can be called mortgage calculators of Rosselkhozbank, which will allow you to obtain all the necessary mortgage information. Your information is your best weapon in the fight for your own home.

Lending terms

  • Loan currency- Russian rubles
  • Min. amount of credit - 300 000
  • Max. amount of credit- Should not exceed the lesser of:
  • 85% of the contractual value of the residential premises being financed;

    85% of the estimated value of the residential premises being loaned or otherwise registered as collateral.

  • Credit term- up to 30 years
  • An initial fee- from 15%
  • Loan issue fee- absent
  • Loan collateral- Pledge of the loaned or other residential premises.

Interest rates

The "interest" section is in filling mode. You should wait a little, or go to the bank’s official website.

A mortgage loan from a bank is issued for the following types of real estate:

  • On a piece of land.
  • For a new building.
  • For secondary housing.
  • For the construction of a private house.

The bank offers the following opportunities for obtaining a mortgage to all borrowers, including public sector employees:

  • With or without guarantors.
  • With or without proof of income.
  • With or without a down payment.
  • Special conditions for young families

Depending on the choice of a specific loan program, the cost of the overpayment, the loan term and the choice of payment form differ. For greater convenience, the bank’s clients have the opportunity to close a loan with early repayment and apply for a mortgage with maternity capital. Clients who have a salary project at the bank can count on greater benefits and preferences; special conditions are also offered for pensioners.

If you are interested in more detailed financial and settlement information on loan payments, an online cost calculation is available that will help you assess your financial capabilities.

Mortgage interest rates at Rosselkhozbank in 2019: see the updated conditions for obtaining a housing loan for secondary housing and new buildings. The features of obtaining housing loans without a down payment and using two documents, for a young family and pensioners, are also presented. The calculator will help you calculate the payment.

A mortgage from Rosselkhozbank today is a profitable way to purchase housing on credit secured by the property being purchased. An important advantage of obtaining a mortgage from Rosselkhozbank is that the client can choose a loan repayment scheme: annuity (equal payments) or differentiated. In addition, special lending conditions are provided for young families and when using maternal (family) capital.

With the help of a mortgage loan from Rosselkhozbank you can buy:

  • apartments in the primary and secondary markets;
  • residential building with land (including townhouse);
  • land plot.

Even citizens running personal subsidiary plots (LPH) can take out a mortgage from Rosselkhozbank. To confirm their income, it is enough for them to provide entries in the household book of the local government about the management of private household plots for at least 12 months before the date of filing the loan application.

The interest rate on Rosselkhozbank's mortgage is not the highest among the top 10 banks and the conditions for obtaining it are quite lenient.

In this review, the site’s correspondents examined the features of various mortgage programs operating today at the Russian Agricultural Bank. The bank's requirements for borrowers and the documents required to obtain a loan are also indicated.

Mortgage at Rosselkhozbank: rates and conditions in 2019

Rosselkhozbank recently increased rates on mortgage programs. But the percentage is still quite profitable. In addition, discounts are available for employees of budgetary organizations, as well as “reliable” and salary clients of the bank. Let's consider the interest rates and conditions of various mortgage programs of Rosselkhozbank in 2019 to choose the most suitable ones.

Program "Mortgage housing lending"

With this mortgage loan from Rosselkhozbank, you can buy an apartment or apartments in the primary and secondary markets, a residential building with a plot of land (including a townhouse) or one plot of land for housing. The bank receives the purchased property as collateral.


> Currency: Russian rubles;

> Maximum amount: 60 million rubles;

> Duration: up to 30 years;

> Down payment:

  • at least 30% when purchasing apartments under a purchase and sale agreement or participation in shared construction;
  • at least 25% when purchasing a residential building with a land plot under a sales contract;
  • at least 20% when purchasing an apartment (townhouse with a plot of land), a residential building with a plot of land under an agreement of participation in shared construction;
  • at least 15% when purchasing an apartment, townhouse with a plot of land, or a plot of land under a purchase and sale agreement.

> Collateral: pledge of real estate purchased (built) using loan funds from Rosselkhozbank.

Interest rates

1. Purchase of real estate under an agreement for participation in shared construction from key partners of Rosselkhozbank

2. Acquisition of real estate under a purchase and sale agreement from key partners of Rosselkhozbank

3. Purchasing an apartment (including a townhouse with a plot of land) or apartments on the secondary market

Salary and “reliable” clients State employees Other physical faces

up to 3 million rubles

10,00 — 11,65% 10,05 — 11,70% 10,10 — 11,75%

up to 3 million rubles for young families

9,95 — 11,60% 10,00 — 11,65% 10,05 — 11,70%

from 3 million rubles

9,90 — 11,55% 9,95 — 11,60% 10,00 — 11,65%

from 3 million rubles for young families

9,85 — 11,50% 9,90 — 11,55% 9,95 — 11,60%

4. Payment of the price of the agreement for participation in shared construction (including under the agreement for the assignment of the right of claim)

5. Purchase of a residential building with a land plot / land plot:


Calculate your monthly mortgage payment

Not satisfied? See what mortgage rates are offered today

Program "Target mortgage"

This housing loan is issued for the purchase of an apartment on the secondary and primary markets, a finished or under construction residential building (townhouse) with land, as well as one plot for construction.

To participate in this program, you must already own some kind of real estate. It is her that the bank takes as collateral. But there is no need to pay a down payment. This program can be considered Rosselkhozbank mortgage without down payment.


> Currency: Russian rubles;

> Minimum amount: 100,000 rubles;

> Maximum amount: 20 million rubles, but not more than 70% of the market value of the property being pledged;

> Duration: up to 30 years;

> Down payment: none;

> Collateral: pledge (mortgage) of an apartment or house owned by the borrower, co-borrower, guarantor or third party.

Interest rates

1. Purchasing an apartment or townhouse with land

2. Purchase of a residential building with land


1.00% in case of refusal to provide life and health insurance during the entire term of the loan agreement.

Doesn't fit? See what mortgage rates are offered today

Program “Mortgage under two documents”

This mortgage loan can be issued for the purchase of an apartment or house with a plot of land by presenting only 2 documents: a Russian passport, as well as a driver’s license or foreign passport. Proof of income and employment is not required in this case.

This program can be called " mortgage of Rosselkhozbank without certificates and guarantors" But the interest rate will be slightly higher than with a full package of documents.


> Currency: Russian Rubles

> Minimum amount: 100,000 rubles

> Maximum amount:

  • up to 8 million for Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Leningrad region;
  • up to 4 million rubles for other regions of Russia.

> The maximum amount should not exceed:

  • 60% of the cost of housing in an apartment building on the secondary market / housing on the primary market, the construction of which is financed by Rosselkhozbank;
  • 50% of the cost of a residential building with a land plot (including a townhouse).

> Duration: up to 25 years

> Down payment:

  • - at least 40% of the cost of housing in an apartment building on the secondary market / housing on the primary market, the construction of which is financed by Rosselkhozbank;
  • - at least 50% of the cost of a residential building with a land plot (including a townhouse).

> Security: Pledge of real estate purchased (built) using credit funds from Rosselkhozbank

Interest rates

1. Purchase of a secondary apartment (including a townhouse), as well as a property on the primary market, the construction of which is financed by Rosselkhozbank JSC, or from developers included in the group of companies PJSC PIK Group of Companies:

2. For a mortgage for the purchase of a residential building with a land plot:


1.00% in case of refusal to provide life and health insurance during the entire term of the loan agreement.

See also the terms of mortgage lending in

Program "Military mortgage"

Housing mortgage lending program for individuals participating in the NIS (Savings and Mortgage System for Housing Support for Military Personnel).


> Citizenship: Russian Federation;

> Age at the time of loan provision: at least 22 years;

> Age at the time of loan repayment: up to 45 years;

> Participation in NIS: at least 36 months.

> Currency: Russian Rubles

> Maximum amount: RUB 2,485,825.

> Down payment amount: from 10%;

> Duration: from 3 to 24 years.

> Security: Pledge (mortgage) of the purchased property

Interest rate

from 9.5% per annum.

Not profitable? See what mortgage conditions are offered today

"Young family and maternity capital"

For young families and when using maternity capital, mortgages from Rosselkhozbank are issued under special lending conditions.

A young family is considered to be a family in which the age of at least one of the spouses does not exceed 35 years, as well as an incomplete family consisting of one parent and a child/children, if the parent’s age does not exceed 35 years.

The down payment amount for a young family is:

  • — at least 10% of the cost of the finished property;
  • - at least 20% when purchasing an apartment on the primary market (new building).

In addition, young families have the opportunity to take advantage of a deferment in the payment of the principal debt upon the birth of a child. The deferment is valid from the date of birth of the child until he reaches the age of 3 years.

Mortgage " With state support for families with children»

Today, at Rosselkhozbank, you can get a preferential mortgage loan for the purchase of housing on the primary market for families in which a second or third child is born from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022.


  • Maximum amount: 8 million rubles for Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region / 3 million rubles for other regions of the Russian Federation.
  • Maximum term: 30 years.

Interest rate

Interest on mortgages with state support for families with 2-3 children cannot be fixed for the entire loan term, as with other loan programs.

The preferential rate of 6% is valid only for 3 years at the birth of the 2nd child and 5 years at the birth of the 2nd. After the end of the grace period, the interest rate is set at the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date the loan was issued, increased by 1.8 percentage points.

Filling out an application for a mortgage under the State Support Program at Rosselkhozbank is carried out according to a standard package of documents. But in addition, you will have to provide evidence that a second or third child was born in the family after January 1, 2018.

under maternity capital

When receiving a mortgage from Rosselkhozbank, you can use maternity capital as a down payment. The amount of the down payment in this case is calculated according to the terms of the mortgage for a young family.

Maternity capital must be used to pay off mortgage debt within 3 months from the date the loan was issued.

for pensioners

Pensioners today can receive a mortgage from Rosselkhozbank on an equal basis with younger people. There are no discounts or benefits for them.

In particular, Rosselkhozbank mortgages are issued to Russian citizens under the age of 65, provided that the loan repayment period begins before the borrower turns 65.

In addition, pensioners receiving a pension into an account opened with Rosselkhozbank JSC are not subject to the requirement to have a total work experience of at least 1 year over the last 5 years.

See the mortgage conditions at DeltaCredit Bank (Rosbank).

Who are the “reliable” clients of Rosselkhozbank?

“Reliable” clients include clients with a positive credit history on an existing/repaid loan from Rosselkhozbank JSC, valid/acted for at least 12 calendar months before the date of application for the loan/before the date of its repayment, and a positive credit history in other banks.

Who are the salary clients of Rosselkhozbank?

Salary clients include employees of enterprises that are participants in the “salary project” of JSC Rosselkhozbank, individuals who receive wages into an account with JSC Rosselkhozbank.

Requirements for clients

Rosselkhozbank imposes quite strict requirements on potential clients.

1. Citizenship. RF.

2. Registration: On the territory of the Russian Federation at the place of residence or stay.

3. Age. From 21 to 65 years (at the time of full repayment of the loan). In special cases, you can pay off your mortgage up to 75 years. This requires simultaneous compliance with the following conditions:

  • presence of a co-borrower;
  • Before the borrower turns 65, at least half of the loan term must have passed.

4. Work experience. The length of service requirements differ depending on the category of the borrower.

  • For individuals: at least 6 months at the current place of work and at least 1 year of total work experience over the last 5 years;
  • For salaried and “reliable” clients: at least 3 months at the last place of work and at least 6 months. total continuous experience over the last 5 years;
  • For pensioners: for clients receiving a pension into an account opened with Rosselkhozbank JSC, the requirement for a total work experience of at least 1 year over the last 5 years does not apply.
  • For citizens running private household plots: the presence of entries in the household book of the local government body about the citizen's management of private plots for at least 12 months before the date of filing the loan application.

Documents for a mortgage at Rosselkhozbank

To apply for a mortgage loan, you need to collect and submit a whole package of documents to the Russian Agricultural Bank. Among them:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  2. Military ID (for men under 27 years of age);
  3. Documents about marital status and presence of children;
  4. Documents confirming financial status and employment;
  5. Documents on the loaned property.

The list of required documents may be changed at the discretion of the RSHB.

What income will be taken into account when determining the loan size?

Rosselkhozbank accepts both one and several types of income:

  • at the main place of work;
  • received from another place of work (part-time work);
  • from entrepreneurial activity (except for a loan for a period of over 36 months);
  • pension payments;
  • from running a personal subsidiary plot (LPH);
  • income from other sources permitted by law, documented:
  • income from real estate lease agreements (documented);
  • remuneration from the use of intellectual property;
  • under civil contracts.

Rosselkhozbank, as a modern financial institution, belongs to the category of organizations with direct state participation; it is a modern state financial bank. 100% of its shares have been transferred to a full-fledged government department. This is a special condition, which is very interesting for placing deposits in it and for applying for such a popular loan as a mortgage in Rosselkhozbank, the conditions in 2019 for which the interest rate is quite favorable.

Applying for a mortgage in the unique Rosselkhozbank is very simple; just visit one of the organization’s offices, prepare the necessary documents and leave an application.

Rosselkhozbank mortgage calculator 2019 calculate

The mortgage terms are quite favorable. This is an ideal solution for purchasing your own home on the standard primary and secondary markets. The basic conditions for lending are as close as possible to those offered by other state banks. Like all serious financial institutions, Rosselkhozbank provides the opportunity to make online calculations of payments and accrued interest.

The exact amounts will depend on the size of the down payment, the term of the loan and the individual characteristics and characteristics of each borrower. To obtain a mortgage, you will need to prepare and provide bank employees with the following documents:

  • An extract from the official bureau of the Unified State Register confirming the right of personal ownership of real estate;
  • A document that serves as the basis for ownership of an object;
  • Valuation of a house or apartment by an independent appraiser appointed by the bank;
  • Extract from the local house register;
  • Officially certified by a notary consent of the spouse to receive a loan;
  • Technical data sheet, explication and floor plan;
  • Cadastral documents, if a land plot is being registered.

If the buyer intends to purchase an apartment in a new building, he will need to provide additional documents certified by the developer. This should include the following papers and certificates:

  1. Title papers of the construction contractor itself.
  2. A document for renting or taking ownership of a land plot where housing and communal services are being built.
  3. Land lease agreement.
  4. An official extract from the Unified State Register of Land Registers for the acquired land where a residential building is being erected.
  5. Permission for the construction of a residential complex.
  6. Official project declaration.
  7. DDU project, corresponding to Federal Law No. 214.
  8. Consent of the official spouse to register the mortgage agreement.

If a loan is taken out for the construction of a house, you need to supplement the package of documents with an official agreement with the selected contractor.

Mortgage Rosselkhozbank for 2019 calculator official website

The number of mortgage programs available to all bank clients without exception exceeds the volume offered by other modern financial institutions. For each program, the bank provides individual rates; Rosselkhozbank mortgages are very profitable. If you use the calculator on the bank’s official website, you can make accurate calculations depending on the loan term and down payment. Here are the most basic lending rates:

  1. Purchasing an apartment in new residential complex buildings accredited by a financial institution – 7.5%.
  2. Mortgage with support – 11.5%.
  3. The mortgage interest rate for the military is 11.7%.
  4. Mortgage standard lending – 13%.
  5. Target profitable mortgage – 12.9%.
  6. According to two official papers – 13.4%.

These are approximate prices; a more exact amount will depend on certain parameters. This may include the amount of the down payment, collateral security, monthly income, general credit history, insurance, presence of co-borrowers, age of the bank client, and the repayment period of the mortgage.

Important! It is possible to obtain the most favorable conditions by submitting an official application to the bank detailing the personal information required to obtain a loan.

Rosselkhozbank employees carefully check all received data. After this, the applicant is given a response indicating consent or refusal of the mortgage loan.

Mortgage calculator Rosselkhozbank calculate the mortgage amount 2019

Rosselkhozbank is one of the largest at present. It was originally created solely to support agriculture, but is currently engaged in processing mortgage lending. Now it is a full-fledged bank with the most comfortable functionality.

Before you submit your mortgage offer, it's worth using an online calculator. This is an ideal opportunity to calculate a profitable loan for your own home and compare offers from other banks and Rosselkhozbank. Here are the main interest rates:

Taking into account these rates and a loan calculator, you can calculate online the exact monthly payment for an annuity or graduated payment plan for today.


As numerous reviews about the work of Rosselkhozbank in 2019 say, taking out a mortgage from this bank is very profitable. The main thing is to study the established rates and conditions, find out at what percentage the loan is issued, and also collect all the necessary documents.

Bank offers are an ideal opportunity to receive any amount at a relatively low interest rate.

The higher the down payment, the more favorable the interest rates will be.

In 2019, the bank is conducting lending programs from affiliated leading developers. Bank clients should always monitor current promotions. This way you can get a real opportunity to apply for and receive a loan to purchase a home.

Before taking out a mortgage loan, a person looks for answers to many important questions: which bank offers the best conditions, where the interest rates are lower, is it worth taking out insurance? Rosselkhozbank has maintained a good business reputation for many years and offers its clients many profitable programs, including government assistance. 100% of its shares belong to the state, which guarantees transparency and reliability of lending.

What is a mortgage?

A mortgage is a pledge of real estate for obtaining different types of loans. It can be drawn up in one or two agreements (mortgage and credit). Under the agreement that governs the issuance of a mortgage loan, the bank is the lender and the borrower is the debtor. The latter must return the money on time, taking into account interest for its use.

Advice: Before signing the agreement, be sure to pay attention to the full cost of the loan, located in the square frame in the upper right corner of the first page of the agreement.

The interest rate on a mortgage loan can be determined using the annual percentage rate:

  • a fixed amount specified in the contract, which is agreed upon individually;
  • variable interest rate, the value of which changes depending on the change in the variable amount provided for in the individual terms of the contract;
  • combined.

Mortgage at Rosselkhozbank - conditions in 2016, interest rate

Mortgages from Rosselkhozbank are considered one of the best options for implementing many projects: purchasing housing, construction, purchasing or renting a land plot. Lending partners include developers and real estate properties, as well as real estate agencies, realtors, and cottage communities. There is an online calculator on the Rosselkhozbank website that can be used to make an approximate mortgage calculation. There are several home loan programs:

  1. Purchasing secondary housing.
  2. Participation in shared construction.
  3. Own construction on a plot of land.

The key advantages of the proposed Rosselkhozbank mortgage are the absence of loan fees, the ability to confirm income using a bank form, and special lending conditions for spouses under 35 years of age and when using maternity capital. Mortgages are provided for the following purposes:

  • purchase of housing (apartment, apartments, residential building), unfinished construction of a residential building, construction of a house;
  • acquisition of a land plot or the right to lease it for the construction of a residential building.

In addition to apartments and houses, in some cases land and garden plots can be accepted as collateral. The loan is issued in rubles. The minimum amount is 100,000 rubles, the maximum is 20,000,000 rubles. for up to 30 years. Rosselkhozbank reviews a loan application within 5 working days, its validity period is 90 calendar days, but the bank can change this period at its discretion.

There is no fee for issuing a loan in 2016, but an initial payment of 15% (of the purchase or construction cost of a real estate property), 20% (in the case of purchasing a new building apartment on the primary market), 30% (purchase of apartments) is required. You also need to take out insurance for the property accepted as collateral for the loan, and, at the request of the borrower, for his life and health.

Advice: the bank initiates the registration of insurance, but the person signs the insurance contract not with him, but with the insurance company, which puts forward its own conditions. is possible only if the corresponding clause is specified in the insurance contract; by default, such a function is not provided.

The borrower's spouse automatically becomes a co-borrower on the loan if the property is registered as their joint property. You can attract other co-borrowers (no more than 3 people), they do not have to be relatives. The loan is provided in a lump sum, that is, in the full amount or by opening a line of credit in the case of lending for the construction of a residential building.

It is important that Rosselkhozbank has reduced rates on housing loans “Targeted Mortgage” and “Mortgage Housing Lending”. The new rate range is 12.9-13.9% versus 13.5-16% previously.

Interest rates in rubles:

It requires a slightly lower interest rate for spouses under 35 years of age - 12%; for new buildings it is 11.9% for an amount of RUB 300,000 or more. For other categories of clients, the mortgage interest rate for a new building is higher - 12.9%, housing under construction - 12.5%.

The client can repay the purchase of an apartment in the most comfortable way for himself: differentiated (every month a different amount is paid, which gradually becomes smaller) or annuity (in equal shares throughout the entire term) payments. The main advantages of Rosselkhozbank's lending programs are the absence of loan fees, the possibility of confirming income in the bank's form and early repayment on the second day. Each client can contact the territorial bank branch and provide their data. There are also special paid online services.

Mortgage in Rosselkhozbank without down payment

You can get money to purchase housing or land for construction without a down payment using a targeted mortgage. Already existing real estate (apartment or residential building with a plot) serves as collateral. The borrower does not have to pay additional fees on the loan; he can choose the most convenient repayment scheme or do it ahead of schedule. The minimum amount that can be received is 100,000 rubles, the maximum is 20,000,000, but not more than 70% of the market value of the property, which will be pledged for up to 30 years. Rosselkhozbank does not require an initial payment. You can receive the money in a lump sum, the very next day after concluding a collateral agreement with a registered mortgage in favor of the bank.

The borrower must provide documentary evidence of the intended use of the loan. You can receive it only at the age of 21 to 65 years (the repayment period under the contract must occur before the borrower turns 65 years old). It is possible to repay the debt ahead of schedule on any monthly payment date according to the established schedule.

Rosselkhozbank - mortgage 2016 “Young family”

Mortgage “Young Family” is one of the special programs for the loan product “Home Mortgage Lending”, developed for spouses under 35 years of age and legally married. A family in which the age of at least one of the spouses does not exceed 35 years, or a single-parent family where the age of a parent does not exceed this limit, can obtain a mortgage under special conditions. The down payment amount is at least 10% of the cost of the property (purchase or construction) or at least 20% if the borrower decides to buy an apartment on the primary market. Also in 2016, there is the possibility of deferring the payment of the principal debt during construction, but no more than 3 years and upon the birth of a child during the contract period (a credit line is opened from the moment of birth until 3 years). According to statistics, every second family in the regions needs to improve their living conditions. This program will certainly remain relevant for many years to come, since the population’s need for social housing is not decreasing.

Special conditions have also been developed for housing loans to borrowers who manage maternity capital and can make it as a down payment. in 2016 is possible, regardless of the period that has passed since the birth or adoption of the child. Its amount for this period is 453,026 rubles.

Mortgage with state support from Rosselkhozbank in 2016

Housing lending with the help of the state operates within the framework of government decree No. 220 dated March 13, 2015. This makes it possible to purchase housing under construction or ready-made directly from the developer. The interest rate of Rosselkhozbank for the entire period is 11.7% per annum in rubles. There are no commissions on the loan (it is issued only in rubles), it can be repaid ahead of schedule in full. The maximum loan amount is 8,000,000 rubles if the objects are located in Moscow or the region, Leningrad region, St. Petersburg, and 3,000,000 if located in other territories of the country.

The down payment to Rosselkhozbank is 20% of the cost of new housing. The loan is given for a period of up to 30 years, there are no fees for issuing the loan. A prerequisite for lending is mandatory insurance of property, which will be collateral for the entire term of the loan, as well as the life and health of the borrower, co-borrowers (no more than 3 people, not relatives), if any. A husband or wife automatically becomes co-borrowers if the property registered as common property. A loan application is usually considered within 5 working days, and its validity period is 90 calendar days, but no later than December 31, 2016. The loan is provided in a lump sum in full in accordance with the clauses of the agreement. You can also do