Analysis of the development of the agro-industrial complex. Analysis of regulation of the agro-industrial complex in Russia

Short description

The purpose of this work is to study the Russian agro-industrial complex, identify current problems and prospects for further development.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:
1. understand the essence of the agricultural-industrial complex
2. study the actual state of the Russian agro-industrial complex;
3. evaluate the effectiveness of agricultural production;
4. determine the essence of the main problems of the agro-industrial complex;
5. identify prospects for the development of the agro-industrial complex

1. Agricultural production is a special area of ​​application
labor and capital ………………………………………………………………………………….6
1.1. The essence of the agrarian-industrial complex………………………………6
1.2. Agricultural-technical revolution…………………………………………..10
1.3. Market relations in the agricultural-industrial complex……….........17
2. Analysis of the agro-industrial complex in modern Russia………………………………………...23
2.1. The state of the agrarian-industrial complex
in pre-market Russia………………………………………………………23
2.2. The current state of agriculture in Russia…………….........28
2.3. Problems and development prospects
agro-industrial complex……………………………………....36

Attached files: 1 file


1. Agricultural production is a special area of ​​application

labor and capital……………………………………………………………….6

1.1. The essence of the agricultural-industrial complex…………………………6

1.2. Agricultural-technical revolution… ………………………………………………………..10

1.3. Market relations in the agrarian-industrial complex……….........17

2. Analysis of the agro-industrial complex in modern Russia………………………………………...23

2.1. The state of the agro-industrial complex

in pre-market Russia………………………………………………………23

2.2. The current state of agriculture in Russia…………….........28

2.3. Problems and development prospects

agro-industrial complex……………………………………....36

Conclusion…………………………………………………… ………….........47



Agricultural labor is the initial and determining beginning of all social production. In relation to society, it is entirely necessary labor, creating a product that satisfies primary needs.

The law of scarcity first manifested itself in agricultural production. Both the resources of agricultural production (primarily soils suitable for farming) and the material benefits created here are available in limited quantities and are relatively rare. Production capabilities are limited and primary needs cannot be replaced. The law of substitution does not apply to them. Therefore, at any historically specific moment, any society can allocate for all other types of production. Moreover, in order to maintain economic security, each country strives for food self-sufficiency, at least at a minimum level.

The relevance of the topic lies in the difficult situation of the agricultural sector, which is explained by the general decline in production, the severance of economic ties, the lack of a scientifically based concept of the legal framework for the implementation of market reforms, as well as a financial and credit mechanism that creates economic conditions for expanded reproduction, which led to deconstruction the entire existing system.

The current situation in the agro-industrial complex is characterized by crisis factors. The main reason for the resulting imbalance in the agricultural system was the radical transformation of ownership of the means of production. The organizational and legal forms of collective enterprises have changed, and the sector of individual entrepreneurship in rural areas has developed. Agriculture, with its labor-intensive production, can solve one of the most pressing social problems - employment of the population.

Consequently, the problem arises of developing a mechanism for economic relations between the state, subjects of agricultural production and commercial structures to develop new adequate approaches to providing investment resources to the agricultural sector of the economy. At the same time, expanding the scope of economic methods of state return provision of funds to enterprises in the agricultural sector can become a real source of maintaining their resource potential as the most economical and effective way to support the industry.

The degree of development of this topic is quite high. In the economic literature, there are a wide variety of concepts and approaches to studying the problem of the foundations of a market economy and the formation of an economic mechanism in the agro-industrial complex system. General issues of the theory of market economics and economic mechanism were studied by A. Smith, F. Bastiat, J. Proudhon, K. Marx, J. Keynes, as well as in the works of R. Barr, J. K. Galbraith, P. Drucker, F. Larrens .B., Leontyev, D.D., Samuelson P., Friedman M. and others.

The problem of the formation and development of market relations of the economy and the economic mechanism, its individual aspects, in particular, the features of their development in the agro-industrial complex system, the economic nature, essence and content of self-supporting relations are considered in the works of such scientists - economists as Abalkin L.I., Barnekova T. .K., Bronshein M.K., Buzdalov I., Buzgalin A.V., Belousov V.M., Voitov A.G., Emelyanov A., Esina A.I., Kamaev V.D., Nikiforov A. .A., Serkov A., Smirnova A.D. and others.

Study of the problems of the economic mechanism, the influence of its individual elements on the level of production efficiency, i.e. the relationship and interdependence of the economic mechanism and the efficiency of social production are presented in the works of A. Gataulin, K. Koluzanov, R. Kravchenko, A. Malyshev, V. Medvedev and other authors.

In the development of theoretical issues of improving the economic mechanism, forms and methods of management in the agro-industrial complex system and its orientation towards final results, a certain contribution was made by V.R. Boev, N. Borkhunov, G. Wolf, E.S. Gorodetsky, V.V. Gorlopanova, Dobrynin V., Lukinov I.I., Orlov Ya.G., Petrikov A., Romanov A., Ushachev I.G., Sagaidak E.A. and others.

In the works of these authors, there is a discussion about the economic mechanism in a market economy, the role of the state in a market economy, the infrastructure of a market economy, agrarian reform and the market. At the same time, scientific research into the key issues of this problem remains incomplete and requires further in-depth clarification, analysis, theoretical and practical justification.

The purpose of this work is to study the Russian agro-industrial complex, identify current problems and prospects for further development.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

1. understand the essence of the agricultural-industrial complex

2. study the actual state of the Russian agro-industrial complex;

3. evaluate the effectiveness of agricultural production;

4. determine the essence of the main problems of the agro-industrial complex;

5. identify prospects for the development of the agro-industrial complex

1. Agricultural production is a special sphere of application of labor and capital

1.1. The essence of the agricultural-industrial complex

The formation of the agro-industrial complex is due to the development of productive forces, deepening specialization in sectors of the national economy, strengthening ties between agriculture and industry to increase the efficiency of social production.

The term “agro-industrial complex” first appeared in our country in the late 60s of the last century. But the development of agro-industrial integration in Russia began in the late 20s with the formation of agro-industrial complexes that produced, processed and sold one type of agricultural product. However, the weak material and technical base, the political and economic situation and other reasons did not contribute to its further development. Only in the early 70s did the integration of agricultural and industrial production become widespread.

The agrarian-industrial complex (AIC) is a set of sectors of the national economy interconnected by economic relations regarding production, distribution, exchange, processing and consumption of agricultural products. It includes industries that provide the production of agricultural products, their processing, storage and sale, the production of means of production for the agro-industrial complex and its maintenance. About 80 sectors of the national economy participate directly and indirectly in the agro-industrial complex at different stages of production and circulation. Among the industrial sectors, it includes: the food industry, which includes the food industry (sugar, bakery, confectionery, pasta, oil and fat, fruit and vegetable), meat, dairy, flour and cereal and feed industries; light industry (textiles, leather and fur, footwear); mechanical engineering for the agro-industrial complex, etc.

The main branch of the agro-industrial complex is agriculture. At earlier stages of the social division of labor, agriculture had only two branches - agriculture and livestock breeding. Subsequently, beet growing, vegetable growing, horticulture, cattle breeding, pig breeding, etc. gradually emerged as independent industries. All of them differ in the type of products manufactured, technology, production organization, and machine systems used.

The agro-industrial complex is a complex diversified production and economic system, which includes three main areas.

The first area includes industries that provide the agro-industrial complex with means of production: tractor and agricultural engineering, mechanical engineering for the food and light industries, production of mineral fertilizers and chemical plant protection products, repair of equipment and machinery, construction. The first sphere of the complex essentially determines the industrialization and intensification of production, both in agriculture and in other sectors of the agro-industrial complex. This sector accounts for about 10% of the final product and 15% of fixed production assets, 20% of the number of agricultural workers.

The second sphere is represented by agriculture and is the central link of the entire agro-industrial complex. Agriculture receives production resources from 80 industries and supplies its products to 60 industries. Each worker in agricultural production provides employment for five more people outside of it. Almost 50% of the final product is produced in this area and about 65% of production fixed assets and 60% of the number of agricultural workers are concentrated.

The third sphere includes a set of industries and enterprises that provide procurement, transportation, storage, processing of agricultural raw materials, as well as the sale of the final product. This area includes the food industry (flavoring, dairy and meat), light industry (textile, leather and fur and footwear), feed industry, procurement and trading organizations. Most of the industries in this area are multifunctional. Thus, freight transport in the absence of agricultural cargo can relatively easily be repurposed for the transportation of other goods, the textile industry can work on imported raw materials, and the shoe industry on synthetic ones. Therefore, the inclusion of the listed industries in the agro-industrial complex is possible only when it can be quite profitable. On the other hand, agricultural enterprises are usually limited in the choice of appropriate third-sphere enterprises. This entails an unreasonable reduction in purchase prices and the inclusion in the text of business contracts of conditions that place service enterprises in a more advantageous position than manufacturing enterprises. The third sector accounts for 40% of the total volume of final products, 20% of all production fixed assets and the number of agricultural workers.

In the agro-industrial complex, an important place is occupied by infrastructure, which serves all areas of the agro-industrial complex.

Infrastructure is a complex of sectors of the national economy that provide conditions for reproduction. It contributes to the normal functioning of agricultural enterprises and the production of the largest amount of final products. Without producing goods themselves, infrastructure sectors largely determine the final results of production.

Infrastructure is usually divided into two areas: production and social.

The production infrastructure includes industries serving agro-industrial production: transport, communications, logistics organizations, plant protection stations, computer centers, etc.

Social infrastructure – sectors that ensure the normal work activity of workers and contribute to the reproduction of the workforce. It includes housing and communal services, medical and children's institutions, catering organizations, labor protection services, sports and recreation areas, recreational facilities, etc.

The result of the activities of industrial infrastructure sectors are services for direct production, social services for improving living standards and improving working and leisure conditions of the population.

The most important conditions for the dynamic development of the agro-industrial complex are proportionality and balance of all three areas. By the contribution to the cost of the final product of each area, one can judge the imbalances in the structure of the agro-industrial complex. In developed countries, the bulk of the value of the final product is created in the third area. It provides comprehensive waste-free processing of agricultural raw materials, their storage, packaging and packaging of finished products. Thus, in the USA, up to 80% of the retail value of a product is created in this area, in our complex - no more than 40%.

Final product is part of the cost of gross output (goods and services) minus its production consumption. The final product is understood as products that go beyond a given link. The final product at the enterprise level is no different from commercial products. The final product of the agro-industrial complex includes products created in all areas of production, used for final consumption and export.

Depending on the intended use of the final product, the agricultural sector is divided into food and non-food complexes. The largest share of final products is created in the food complex. It includes industries and enterprises in all areas of the agro-industrial complex that are engaged in the production and distribution of food products for consumption.

Over the past 20 years, Russia has been developing its own production in various industries, including the agro-industrial complex. Due to the collapse of the USSR, many large production enterprises, as well as a significant part of the resources, remained on the territory of the former Soviet republics. Russia had to increase its own capacity and import goods from neighboring countries.

The lag in the development of key areas of the agro-industrial complex and the low competitiveness of domestic agricultural enterprises have led to a sharp increase in imports. Accession to the WTO only worsened the situation. The Russian market is flooded with foreign products. Domestic agricultural producers, unprepared for increased competition, suffered heavy losses.

Attempts at import substitution have been carried out in the country more than once during periods of acute crisis. Thus, in 1998, the volume of imported goods decreased by 20%, in 1999 - by 28%. This contributed to further economic growth in the country and restoration of the potential of Russian producers. During these years, GDP grew by 25%. The next global crisis was 2008-2009. also had a positive effect on the development of the domestic market. The fall in the ruble exchange rate led to the development of the food industry, automobile and aircraft manufacturing. State program for the development of the agro-industrial complex for 2008-2012. contributed to strengthening the import substitution policy by supporting local production. During the period of the program, meat imports in the country decreased significantly: from 53.4% ​​in 2008 to 36% in 2011. A similar situation was observed in the vegetable market. Its imports decreased and its own production increased.

Today, import substitution is one of the strategic objectives in connection with the economic situation that has developed in the country and the world over the past two years. As former Minister of Agriculture of Russia Nikolai Fedorov noted at one of his meetings with journalists, economic sanctions did not take us by surprise. The country preferred to use the difficult situation in the international market to develop its own enterprises. As a result, the agricultural sector adapted to the conditions of the sanctions. The crisis situation strengthens its structures and contributes to an increase in production volumes. The highest results, as noted by the authors of the State Program for the Development of Agriculture for 2013-2020, will be felt by Russia by 2020.

Already in 2014, according to Rosstat, the country achieved 83% pork supply, 90% poultry meat supply, took first place in the production of rye and oats, and third in wheat harvesting. The grain harvest in 2014 amounted to 109 million tons, which is 16.51% more than in 2013.

Due to the fall of the ruble, products from Russian manufacturers have become more accessible on the foreign market. The country occupies a leading position in grain exports, behind the USA and the EU. Thus, grain exports in 2014 amounted to 20 million tons. This is 30.8% more than in 2013. The majority of grain supplies abroad were wheat – 88%, while about 90% of the wheat supplied outside the country was food grade. In the export of vegetable oil (mainly sunflower), Russia occupies over 25% of the foreign market share, while also fully meeting domestic needs. Russia's potential for further export growth is quite high, provided that the competitiveness of domestic products increases.

But at the same time, the profitability of producing the same meat, for example, still remains quite low due to the high cost of grain, feed, fuel and agricultural machinery on the domestic market. As a result, meat prices are rising and consumption is declining. So the cost of pork in 2010 averaged just over 190 rubles. per kilogram, in 2014 already over 270, in 2015 about more than 300 rubles. At the same time, demand for meat decreased from 35,751.5 thousand tons in 2013. up to 27,078.4 thousand tons – in 2014. Russians began to give preference to more affordable poultry meat and dairy products.

In order to ensure food security in August 2014. Russia, in response to US and EU sanctions, introduced a food embargo. This measure, as analysts note, is the most ambitious in scope since the beginning of the implementation of the import substitution policy. This is also the most effective measure in the current situation, which contributes to the early achievement of the goals of the State Agricultural Development Program.

The implementation of the State program provides significant support for agricultural producers by subsidizing interest rates on loans, providing grants and subsidies for the development of livestock farms. Thanks to government funding, Russian products, as follows from the program, will become half the price of imported analogues, while being of much better quality.

But the policy of import substitution should not be an end in itself, since in a number of areas Russia is still heavily dependent on foreign supplies. For example, 50-70% of hybrid sunflower and corn seeds are imported into the country from abroad. A similar situation is with imported components, without which the production of agricultural machinery and equipment is still indispensable. Therefore, the policy of import substitution and support for domestic producers should be carried out in parallel with the search for new markets, both for the supply of scarce goods and for the sale of products manufactured in the country. Foreign economic relations in the modern world are factors in the growth of gross domestic product and, consequently, the gross world product. Russia needs to develop and improve production technologies, expand the number of sown areas, use methods to increase the productivity of livestock and agriculture, increasing the competitiveness and export potential of domestic agricultural products.


The article examines the development of agriculture in the Republic of Bashkortostan using the example of the municipal program of the Kugarchinsky district.

  • Agribusiness in Russia in the current economic environment
  • Address of the President of the Russian Federation as an instrument of public administration
  • Efficiency of human resource management in the economic security system
  • Anti-corruption practice: comparative analysis of domestic and foreign experience
  • Development of agribusiness in the agro-industrial complex of the municipality

The basis for food security in any state is the healthy state of the country’s agro-industrial complex. Agriculture is considered one of several main areas of material production. It plays an important role in the life of the state and society - it produces raw materials for the food and light industries, and supplies residents with food. Therefore, it is important that all components of a single mechanism of agriculture work smoothly and uninterruptedly, citizens of the country can purchase quality products, and agricultural producers have every opportunity for this.

There are 85 constituent entities in the Russian Federation, and the contribution of each of them is of great importance and influence on the prosperity of the country’s agro-industrial complex.

The Republic of Bashkortostan is currently one of the largest agricultural regions in Russia, and over the past years has been ranked first in terms of gross regional product. Thanks to its geographical location, production potential and scientific and technical level, the republic has a favorable climate and low risks for business, and occupies a leading position among other constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Agriculture plays a key role in the economic situation in this region.

The state provides enormous support to the entire region through the creation of an effective strategy for agricultural development. The republic also actively supports the development of agribusiness in municipalities, which allows various forms of management to develop successfully.

There are also some problems of the agro-industrial complex, for which various solutions are being created. For example, the state program “Development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food in the Republic of Bashkortostan” is aimed at the unified formation of absolutely all spheres and areas of work in the agro-industrial complex, taking into account the entry of the Russian Federation into the World Trade Organization. In this regard, two levels of priorities were identified, related to different areas and directions.

The first level includes the following areas:

  • production - livestock breeding (meat and milk) as a system-forming sub-sector that uses competitive advantages, mainly the presence of significant areas of agricultural land;
  • economics - increasing the profits of agricultural producers;
  • formation of production capabilities - reclamation of agricultural areas, introduction of unused arable land and other categories of agricultural land into circulation;
  • institutions - the formation of integration relationships in the agro-industrial complex and the development of product subcomplexes, territorial clusters;
  • personnel and scientific sphere - development of innovations in agriculture;
  • social sphere - sustainable formation of rural areas as an indispensable condition for saving labor resources, creating conditions to ensure financial and physical accessibility of food based on optimal food consumption standards for vulnerable segments of the population.

The second level includes:

  • more active development of import substitution;
  • environmental safety of food and products produced by agriculture;
  • optimizing the competitiveness of products under the conditions of accession to the WTO and reducing logistics costs.

This program has been developed for the period until 2020 and the dynamics of development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Bashkortostan at this time will be formed under the influence of various factors.

Using the example of the program “Development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food in the municipal district of Kugarchinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan”, we can take a closer look at all the pros and cons of the development of the agro-industrial complex of the republic and the municipality in recent years.

By analyzing the state of agriculture in the region over the past 8 years, it is possible to identify many factors that have undermined the development of the agro-industrial complex of Bashkortostan and the Russian Federation as a whole: the macroeconomic situation, the global financial and economic crisis of 2009-2010, the drought of 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2014, which resulted in negative dynamics in the lending structure and the introduction of sanctions against the Russian Federation in 2014-2015.

At this stage, the situation needs to be corrected: it is necessary to master new technologies and update equipment for industries processing agricultural raw materials, increase production volumes, acreage, and livestock. It is necessary to reduce lending rates for agricultural producers, which, for example, was mentioned in his Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin at the end of 2016, to simplify inflationary processes and, if possible, increase government funding, which, on the contrary, decreased compared to previous years due to many factors, including Russia’s accession to the WTO.

Despite the negative factors, there is still a gradual improvement in the situation and a decrease in tension in the field of agricultural production, which was achieved by redirecting all efforts to strengthening, improving and developing domestic products, which in turn reduced risks and created conditions for the smooth development of the agricultural sector of the economy , increasing the competitiveness of Russian products on the market within the country and abroad.

This greater independence given to the regions will allow the allocated subsidies to be correctly and logically redirected to those areas of the agro-industrial complex that need them more urgently. Since it is much more difficult to solve and do this centrally, because each region has its own characteristics and its own problems, which must be solved individually by the leadership of this subject.

To successfully solve strategic tasks to increase the potential of the agricultural sector economy and implement the state program within the municipality “Development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food in the Republic of Bashkortostan”, measures are being taken to improve the quality and standard of living in rural areas, as well as attract a larger number of qualified specialists and advanced training of employees already working in the industry.

Today we can say that the agro-industrial complex of the entire Russian Federation as a whole is developing steadily and step by step. The state tries to support its subjects, and they, in turn, support their municipalities and vice versa. In other words, the state depends on the state in which municipal districts are located, which are an integral part of the system of functioning of the state economy, which influences this state of municipalities.


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Agro-industrial complex(AIC) is a set of sectors of the national economy engaged in the production of food and industrial products from agricultural raw materials, their storage and sale to consumers; production of means of production for agriculture and the processing industry, their production and technical services.

In other words , The agro-industrial complex of Belarus includes 1) agriculture,

2) processing industry and 3) service sector.

To the structure The agro-industrial complex includes: organizational - functional structure, product - raw materials and territorial.

Organizational and functional structure of the agro-industrial complex includes three areas:

1) industries supporting the agro-industrial complex means of production for all parts of the agro-industrial complex (tractor and agricultural engineering, food engineering; production of mineral fertilizers and chemical plant protection products, etc.).

2) agriculture by production food And agricultural raw materials;

3) industries providing finishing agricultural products up to consumer(procurement, storage, transportation and sale of products). These are the food, meat, dairy, fish, flour-grinding and feed industries. And also - light industry, working on agricultural raw materials, and trade in food products.

Products and raw materials the structure of the agro-industrial complex includes a number of subcomplexes of food and non-food products.

The agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Belarus includes the following main subcomplexes: bread products, potato products, beet sugar, canned fruits, feed, flax.

Territorial The (regional) structure of the agro-industrial complex includes a set of relevant industries within a given territory, i.e. on the scale of the republic, region, district. Territorial (regional) agro-industrial complexes of districts and regions are components of the unified agro-industrial complex of the republic.

Agro-industrial complex infrastructure is a structure that consists of enterprises and organizations that serve the agro-industrial complex and provide general conditions for the development of production and people’s livelihoods. In my own way target Infrastructure is divided into industrial and social infrastructure.

Production The agro-industrial complex infrastructure ensures the interconnection of all phases of the reproduction process: production, division, exchange and consumption. It includes logistics services (electricity, gas, water, etc.); logistics and procurement of agricultural products; elevator, refrigeration and storage facilities; system for bringing products to consumers; transport and communications to serve the production needs of all industries and enterprises of the agro-industrial complex.

The task social infrastructure is to ensure normal living conditions, reproduction and retention of the workforce.

It includes preschool institutions, educational, scientific bodies; health, sports and environmental authorities; housing and communal services; retail trade and catering; public transport, communications; information service, occupational safety and health service.

The modernization of the agro-industrial complex is planned in the programs of technical and technological re-equipment of its industries, “Energy Saving”, “Fertility”, “Selection and Seed Production of Agricultural Crops”.
In order to improve the socio-economic and demographic situation in rural areas and create acceptable living conditions in rural areas, a Program for Socio-Economic Development and Rural Revival has been developed. It is designed to solve two interrelated problems: to provide the necessary social standards of living for the rural population and efficient, competitive agro-industrial production.

Lecture 9 (2 hours)

Topic 4 questions:

4.3.2. Agriculture as a complex-forming branch of the agro-industrial complex:

structure and features.

4.3.3. Crop subcomplexes, assessment of condition and directions


4.3.4. Livestock subcomplexes: assessment of status and objectives


4.3.5. The state and development of industries processing agricultural raw materials.

4.3.2. Agriculture as a complex-forming branch of the agro-industrial complex: structure and features.

The main complex-forming branch of the agro-industrial complex is Agriculture. The share of agriculture in the country's gross domestic product is 7.5%. As of the beginning of 2008, there were 1,720 agricultural organizations, 2,016 peasant (farm) farms, 1,100 thousand private farms operating in the republic, employing 435.6 thousand people (10.5% of the total number of people employed in the national economy). Agriculture is focused mainly on meeting the needs of the domestic market for food products. Certain types of food products have export potential.

Agriculture produces food products and raw materials for the food and light industry (constituting about 9% of the republic's national income and more than ¾ of consumer goods).

Belarus is a country with an industrial-agrarian economy, with significant land and labor resources.

Occupying 0.15% of the world's territory and having 0.17% of the population, Belarus has 16% of the world's flax crops, or more than 20% of its crops in Europe, produces 2.8% of potatoes, 0.9% of milk, 0.6 – sugar beets, 3 – meat in slaughter weight and 0.24% grain, the volume of cultivation of leguminous and oilseed crops is expanding.

Currently, 27.6% of the country's population lives in rural areas, the remaining 72.4% live in cities.

Two main problems are holding back the growth of production in the food complex. The first is the low purchasing power of the population, the second is the lack of a developed infrastructure for bringing products to the buyer.

Main features of agriculture:

1) land acts as the main means of production, since it is both a means of labor and a subject of labor; land is limited spatially and is irreplaceable;

2) in agriculture, with the help of green plants, organic matter is created from inorganic matter through photosynthesis, i.e. new energy is accumulated, energy is consumed in other industries;

3) in agriculture, the economic process of reproduction is closely intertwined with natural reproduction, since living organisms (plants, animals, microorganisms) act as means of production here;

4) in agriculture, the production period does not coincide with the working period (especially in crop production), which is why the employment of workers here has seasonal character;

5) the cost of production of a unit of homogeneous agricultural products in different areas of location is different, therefore, due to economic feasibility, production of commercial products should be located where they are cheaper;

6) not all products produced in agriculture can be marketable, since a significant part (over 20%) of the gross agricultural output - seeds, feed, part of the livestock is used in the further reproduction process

Agriculture is divided into two large sectors: crop and livestock farming.

Crop production covers grain farming, potato growing, vegetable growing, fruit growing, flax growing, feed production, etc.

AND livestock breeding includes cattle breeding, pig breeding, sheep breeding, goat breeding, poultry farming, and horse breeding. And also - rabbit breeding, fish farming, beekeeping.

Each branch of agriculture has its own specific characteristics. They differ in the type of products produced, the means and objects of labor used, the nature of the professional composition of personnel, the technology used and the organization of production.

Agriculture is interconnected with other areas of the agro-industrial complex in many areas. From the first sphere (asset-producing industries) it receives machines, mineral fertilizers, chemical plant and animal protection products, building materials, etc. For enterprises in the third sector of the agro-industrial complex, working on agricultural raw materials, it supplies these raw materials.

Basic agricultural tasks– ensuring further growth and greater sustainability of production, increasing the efficiency of crop and livestock production in order to better meet the needs of the population for high-quality and inexpensive food products, and industry for raw materials, creating the necessary state agricultural reserves for both domestic consumption and for export purposes.

The agro-industrial complex is the largest sector of the national economy of the region, on the effective operation of which the stability of the economic, social and political situation in society largely depends.

Indicators of agriculture and forestry are analyzed.

Table 12. Agricultural products (million rubles)

Table 13. Vegetable yield (in farms of all categories; centners per hectare of harvested area)

Processing enterprises, which are essentially monopolists, purchased raw materials from agricultural producers at low prices, which did not allow the latter to carry out not only expanded, but also simple reproduction. This led to a lack of working capital, a reduction in investment, a decrease in the volume of mineral fertilizers used, an increase in the load on equipment, and a decrease in the level of real wages. The demographic situation in rural areas and the socio-economic situation of agricultural workers have worsened.

The above factors had a negative impact on production volumes in comparison with the pre-crisis period.

There is a tendency to simplify technologies for cultivating agricultural crops, fertilizers and plant protection products are not used in the required quantities, and agricultural land is degraded.

Main directions of development of the agro-industrial complex

Regional agricultural policy is aimed at the restoration and development of the agro-industrial complex in the following areas:

introducing a system of sustainable agriculture to increase production volumes and reduce dependence on adverse weather conditions;

creating economic conditions to overcome the unprofitability of a significant part of agricultural producers, increasing the profitability of peasant (farm) farms through the use of various payment schemes for products, tax incentives for enterprises that increase sales volumes, providing investments, compensation, subsidies within the region’s capabilities;

increasing the supply of agricultural products to the regional food fund;

debt restructuring and reform of unprofitable enterprises;

providing support in improving the technical equipment of agricultural enterprises by participating in organizing the production of certain types of agricultural machinery, forming leasing funds, improving the operation of existing and creating new machine-technological stations, taking into account the availability of their volume of work, based on the economic efficiency of services for consumers;

formation of market infrastructure for agricultural products, raw materials and food in order to saturate the local market and for interregional exchange;

promoting the formation of integrated structures of various types that ensure a more equitable distribution of final income between agricultural producers, processing enterprises, sales and trade;

support for the development of cooperation in the areas of production, processing and sale of agricultural products, in production services for agricultural producers and personal subsidiary plots of the population;

continuation of work on the creation of agricultural credit consumer cooperatives and servicing agricultural producers in specialized banks;

development of the processing industry based on full capacity utilization;

personnel training, staffing.

Agro-industrial complex

In the structure of commodity production in the region, agricultural production accounts for 25%.

The share of the Orenburg agro-industrial complex in Russia is 4.7% for grain production, 11.5% for vegetable oil, 1.4% for meat.

More than 3.5 million tons of grain, 200 thousand tons of sunflower, 350 thousand tons of milk, about 50 thousand tons of livestock and poultry meat are produced annually. In some years, grain production reaches 5.0 million tons. The leading place is occupied by durum and strong wheat varieties. In addition, spring and winter wheat, spring barley, winter rye, buckwheat, millet, peas, sunflowers, corn, and vegetable and melon crops are grown in the fields.