Find out if the money is transferred to the account. How to find a money transfer if the recipient says that the money has not been credited to his account? Get a cash flow statement using the Sberbank Online service

Balance by bank account Previously, it was possible to clarify only during the working hours of the bank branch. To do this, it was necessary to stand in line and wait for a Sberbank employee to find the necessary information. Now any information can be obtained online. In the article we will tell you how to check a personal account with Sberbank via the Internet and what is needed for this.

Checking through the bank's website

The client will be able to use the online verification service only if Sberbank Online is connected. This service helps not only to see the balances of all accounts, but also to perform operations related to money transfers to other participants in the payment system.

You can also use it to pay for the most popular services, for example, top up your mobile balance or pay for cable or internet. In any of these cases, you need an ID and password to enter your page.

Registration in the service is available to customers with a mobile phone.

It will receive the initial password. When registering, you will also need a Sberbank card. Her data is entered in special fields.

Mobile app verification

For modern portable devices with their operating systems there are special online applications. Each of them is in the free and free access to download.

By downloading such a program to their smartphones or tablets, Sberbank customers always have the opportunity after authorization. But the device must connect to the Internet, otherwise the program will not start.

Alternative verification methods

If there is no access to the network, but you need to find out about receipts or write-offs from the balance, then the balance is available when calling the bank's hotline. By multi-channel phone 8 800 555 55 50, the operator will clarify some personal data (passport and code word), and then can provide information about the balance.

Also, for card accounts, the account clarification service is available using a telephone request.

You will need

  • - ATM;
  • - an identity document;
  • - a plastic card;
  • - savings book;
  • - a computer;
  • - the Internet;
  • - mobile phone.


If facial check registered on a bank account, go to the nearest ATM and make sure it belongs to the bank in which you started plastic card. Insert a plastic card into the card reader, enter the PIN code that was given to you in an envelope along with or sent by mail. On the ATM monitor, press Status check a. Amount Money located in this moment, can be displayed on the screen or printed on the receipt.

Dial on your phone the number of the support service of the bank in which the face check on a card or savings account. Switch your phone to tone mode and follow the operator's instructions. So you can know the status check and without leaving home.

If you have a computer and an Internet connection, then go to the main website of the bank in which your personal check. Register by entering the necessary data, including a mobile phone number, to which you will receive an SMS with a password, which should be entered in the required field. Then the support operator will call you back, clarify the details of your check e on a savings book or a bank card and tell you how to pass identification on the site. After passing it, click on the -services tab, connect it. Thus, you can, without leaving your home, your check and by entering the login and password on the bank's website.

If you are familiar with the technique, then contact the central office or branch of the bank where the check ny check. Show the bank employee an identity document, a savings book, if the face check registered on it, card details (card number, number check a, the code word that you invented when concluding an agreement with the bank), if check entered on a bank card. After checking the information provided, the bank employee will write the balance on the receipt check e and ask you to sign in a certain place to confirm the provision of this service to you.


  • How to find out if money has arrived on the card

Now there is no such person who would not have a money account in a bank. The most widespread bank in the territory Russian Federation is Savings bank Russia. It is perhaps the only bank that still uses savings books in circulation, but also actively promotes the policy of plastic cards. And sooner or later, every account holder faces the question of how to find out the account balance?

You will need

  • Passbook, plastic card, passport, telephone, computer with Internet access.


Probably the most in a simple way to find out the amount of funds in the account is to visit the branch of the bank where the account was opened. You can find out the balance in another branch of the bank, but it will be difficult to withdraw funds if they are on a savings book, in particular in time. Additionally, you will need a passport, and a savings or plastic card must be opened in your name, and also patience to stand in line.

You probably noticed ATMs in many public places - machines for issuing cash from the account of the owner of a plastic card. In addition to issuing cash using an ATM, you can find out the balance in your account. To do this, it is enough to know the PIN code that was given to you by the bank when you received the plastic card. Using an ATM, you can make individual payments - replenish the balance, transfer funds to another account.

Currently, payment terminals are gaining popularity, they work with plastic cards and cash. To clarify the balance plastic card you will also need a PIN code, as well as using the terminal, you can pay, "" a loan. But another important feature bank terminal It is possible to replenish the account with cash. The latest achievement in this area is an ATM combined with a terminal, but at present there are few ATMs of this type.

Who can do without a phone now? For plastic card holders who have activated the service " Mobile bank» it is possible to check the cards using an SMS message, for this you need to send a message with the text "BALANCE 12345", where 12345 is the last five digits of the card number, to the phone number +79262000900. You can also find out the balance by calling 88005555550, and you will need the card number, passport details and the code word that you wrote in the application when opening the account.

For Internet users, there is another way to check the account balance. This is to use the service "Sberbank Online @ yn". To access this resource, go to the main website of Sberbank and follow the link to this resource. The password can be obtained by sending a message with the text "PASSWORD 12345" to the number +79262000900, and the user ID will be reported to you in the service 88005555550, to receive it you will need passport data, cards and a code word. So you will get limited access to the Sberbank OnL @ yn service, to get full access you will have to use the old-fashioned way: visit a bank branch and apply for connection to the Sberbank Online @ yn service.


Do not, under any circumstances, give the PIN code to others; even bank employees are not entitled to request it.

Helpful advice

When entering a PIN code on the ATM or terminal keyboard, cover the numbers with your palm.
You can check the balance on a plastic card in any of the ways presented; for the Passbook, the first, fourth and fifth are relevant.


  • Sberbank in numbers

If you have activated the SMS-informing service, the bank itself will notify you about the crediting of money to the account. Some credit organizations send notifications of all transactions, including the transfer of funds, and e-mail. You can also find out if there were receipts through Internet banking, an ATM, by phone or during a personal visit to the bank.

You will need

  • - bank card;
  • - a computer with Internet access;
  • - telephone (landline or mobile);
  • - ATM;
  • - the passport.


If your bank has telephone or mobile banking, you can find out about the account balance by calling the number indicated on the back and following the instructions of the autoinformer. This information will allow you to understand whether the expected amount has arrived or not.

When using a device from a third-party bank, a fee for verifying it may be debited from your account.

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The personal account has a direct affiliation to a plastic card, savings book, etc. It is to the personal account that financial transfers take place, which you subsequently withdraw through terminals or ATMs. You can find out the available balance of funds or see if the transfers have come in several accessible ways.


Contact the branch of the bank that is closest to your bank where you opened an account. You can visit any branch that is located in a convenient location for you. By presenting your passport details, you will find out condition your facial accounts, and you can also ask for a printout of the cash flow.

If you need a facial check a certain organization, contact them and they will call you. When paying by receipt, the personal number check and it is indicated in it next to the other details that are also needed. If you commit to different, you can see everything check and using the internet. Go to the site and write down the number of the front check a.

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Tip 8: How to check your bank account online

With development the Internet many banks began to offer remote access to their account. Perhaps the main advantage is saving clients time when checking their finances, as well as performing various transactions. How can I check the receipt cash flows on your deposit read below.


Unfortunately, not all banks provide access to their the Internet, so you need to call or go to your bank where you opened an account. If such a service is available to customers, then you should be given the address of the bank in the global network and Additional information: login and password.

Each bank has its own website. Go to the main page of the website of the bank in which you registered your banking map. Register on it. Indicate your last name, first name, patronymic, plastic card number, current account number, mobile phone number. Enter the code that will be sent to you via SMS. The bank operator will contact you and tell you how to identify yourself on the site and use the services provided in full. After registration is completed, you can find out the status of your account without leaving your home by entering your username and password.

To receive notifications in the form of messages about the movement of funds on a bank card, activate the service. Come to the bank office and express your request to connect this service. A monthly fee will be charged from the personal account for using it.

Long gone are the days when most employees of enterprises, organizations, public institutions received wages exclusively at the box office. We are used to using bank accounts: we have given up the need to stand in line for several hours waiting for cash to be issued, call my husband because it is dark outside, and go home with large sum not too safe. Nose bank cards There were other concerns as well. Like, for example, the need to constantly monitor the status of your account, check the card balance before making a money transfer or paying for a grocery basket in a supermarket. You can check the money in your account in several ways:

  • through the Internet banking system;
  • at the bank's "native" ATM
  • by phone;
  • using the SMS notification service, etc.

How to check money on a card

If far from all clients of Russian banks use Internet banking services, then many could "master" working with an ATM - even some elderly people who do not really like to get acquainted with modern technology.

To check the status of your account at an ATM, you just need to enter your card into it, dial the PIN code and then select the "View balance" service (or similar in meaning) in the interface that opens. You can withdraw the balance on both the check and the screen. True, some ATMs charge a small commission for printing such a check.

How to check money online

You can always view the balance on the card in the online banking system, if you are connected to it. Through the Internet, you can not only constantly monitor the status of your card account, but also use a wide range of useful and convenient services at any point in time. To enter banking, it is necessary to enter a login and password, as well as (often) a dynamic password. In the interface, you can view your card statements, check your balance, and see what card transactions you have carried out for a month or more. Banking also makes it possible to pay utility bills, purchases in online stores, repay, open, and much more.

How to check the money in the account

In the absence of other options, you can check the balance on the card by calling your bank's hotline. The operator will ask you for your identification data, the number of the card whose balance you are interested in, and also ask you to name the code word. You must remember it (often this is the mother's maiden name, but there may be other options), since you denoted this word as a code when issuing a card.

When the operator is convinced that the identity of the caller and the owner of the card match, he will tell you the balance, and, if necessary, tell you what transactions have been made on the card recently.

How to check the receipt of money

If far from all clients of Russian banks use Internet banking services, then many could "master" working with an ATM - even some elderly people who do not really like to get acquainted with modern technology.

In addition, it is enough to simply check the fact of receipt of money on the card, if you connect the SMS informing service in your bank. For example, in Sberbank you connect to the Mobile Bank service. Then, in addition to informing, you can check the balance yourself via phone by sending an SMS with the text “Balance” or “01” to the bank’s short service number 900. You will also need to enter the last 4 digits of the card you are interested in in the SMS. Naturally, the receipt of money can also be checked at the ATM of your bank or through the online banking service.

Check money transfer

If you use the services of money transfer systems, you are probably interested in how to check the receipt of money so as not to come to the bank branch in vain. Please note that each money transfer system has its own support service, the phone numbers of which are indicated both on the official websites of the systems, and on all advertising booklets, as well as on documents printed out for you, where there is a transfer control number.

If you call the phone number hotline and provide the operator with the necessary data to identify you as the sender or recipient of the transfer, you will be told whether the transfer has already been received or not. In some systems, you can track the status of the transfer by control number via the Internet.

Where to check money

In the application for remittance its control number is usually indicated. Some money transfer systems also transmit the number to the recipient via SMS. If the transfer should come to you, ask the sender to accurately indicate your first and last name. Then you can track the transfer through the network. To do this, you need to go to the official website of the money transfer system, find a page where the transfer can be tracked, enter your personal data, indicate the data of the transfer sender, control number, and also when the money transfer was sent. The system will show you where the transfer is currently located (in what status) and when you can receive it.

Advice from If you need to transfer money across the territory of the Russian Federation, you can always use the services of your bank and its internal card-to-card transfer system (from one current account another).

Podgorodetskaya Inessa

Website consultant

Hello. You can find out the status of your account with Sberbank in different ways: when you personally contact any bank branch in your city (have a savings book and passport with you), by calling the single help center of Sberbank of Russia at free number 8 800 555 5550 or via the Internet - using the special service "Sberbank Online".

If you call the single help center of Sberbank, then in order to find out the status of your savings account and track the transfer, the call center specialist will ask you to provide the following information: full bank account number, passport data and account control information ( the password specified when opening it). If upon opening savings book you did not register the control information, then you will not be able to find out the status of the account by phone. In some cases, in order to clarify the state of the account by phone, specialists also ask for the date and number of the agreement concluded when opening the savings book.

In order to find out whether your transfer has arrived or not, as well as to clarify the status of your savings account, you can find out by determining where in Sberbank to look at the account number online. You can do this through the Sberbank Online service, you must first connect it either when you personally contact any branch of Sberbank in your city (with a passport), or through Sberbank self-service devices in any city in Russia - ATMs and terminals. After you have received your login and password in Sberbank Online in any of the above ways, you can at any time check the status of all your accounts and loans opened with Sberbank, as well as perform and track various operations on your cards and accounts - transfers, payment for services, etc. You will no longer ask how to find out how much money is on the Sberbank card or how to replenish your account. To do this, you only need to go to the official website of Sberbank and, by entering your personal login and password, enter your personal account in Sberbank Online.

How to find out the balance on the passbook


The service that allows you to find out the card balance via the Internet is called Sberbank Online. To access it, you will have to perform several actions in the real, not the virtual world. First of all, you need to contact the Sberbank operator or find an ATM / terminal in order to gain access to your personal account on the bank's website. To do this, take a plastic card linked to your account with you. Insert the card into an ATM or terminal, enter the code, and then select the "Internet service" item in the menu. Next, click the "Issue a permanent password to access Sberbank Online" button. The machine will give you two checks: one with a user login and a permanent password, the other with 20 one-time passwords.

Go to the Sberbank website. The site will automatically redirect you to the page corresponding to your region. In the main menu of the site, select the rightmost button "Sberbank Online". You will be taken to the login page, enter the user ID and permanent password from the check in the appropriate fields.

Your mobile phone linked to the card will receive an SMS about an attempt to enter your personal account on the site. It is an attempt, because you are not yet in personal account. Now you have reached the second level of security and must enter a one-time password from another check or request a code on your mobile phone. If you choose SMS confirmation, then almost instantly a message with a code will be sent to your phone, which you will need to enter. If you choose to confirm with one-time password, a pop-up window will appear where you will need to enter the password from the receipt with 20 passwords. Be careful, you do not need to enter any password, but the one whose number is indicated in the window. In addition, there will also be information on how many unused passwords are left.

Once you have successfully logged in to personal page, the main window will appear, which will provide you with a summary of the map. You will immediately see how much money you have on the card if you look at the number in the light green oval to the right of the “Available” inscription. If you want to see the last few operations on the map, then just click on the “expand” link in the same window.

Pay attention to the menu on the right side of the window. If you need more detailed information on online transactions, click on the "History of transactions in Sberbank Online" item in it. You will be taken to a tab where you can see in more detail the operations with your cards carried out on the Internet. Please note that you can choose different periods time. The periods "for a week" and "for a month" are taken out as separate points. It does not show ATM withdrawals or card purchases in physical stores. For detailed details of these operations, go to the menu on the "Cards" tab and click on the name of the card you are interested in. You will see a window with detailed information on this card. Here the last operations both for the receipt and for the debiting of funds will be scheduled. Also you can look detailed information, receive an extract by e-mail or print it on a printer.

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  • Sberbank of Russia
  • Sberbank check balance online

How to find out about admission to the savings book

You will need

  • - the passport;
  • - agreement banking product(deposit, account or credit - depending on the situation);
  • - an application in any form or in the form of a bank.


Identify yourself in the Sberbank Online @ yn system if you are its user.

Open the application submission menu and select the application option for issuing a duplicate passbook, fill it out and submit it to the bank for execution.

If you wish, write an application for issuing a duplicate passbook in any form. Indicate in it the name and number of the bank branch in which the passbook was opened, your last name, first name, patronymic, passport details and address of residence, the banking product to which the passbook is linked, the imprint of the provision agreement banking services, the name of the deposit, account or loan, a request to restore the passbook and the reason for the appeal (due to loss or deterioration) and sign it. However, you can also write an application directly to the bank, so you can skip this step.

Visit the bank with a passport and an agreement regarding the banking product, the passbook for which you need to restore.

Tell the teller about your desire to get a duplicate of the passbook due to loss or damage to the original.

Present your passport and contract to the operator.

Write an application in any form or on the form provided by the teller, if you did not submit it through Sberbank Online @ yn and did not write it before visiting the bank.

Pay for the service at the bank's rates directly to the teller or to the cash desk of the branch.

Get a duplicate passbook.

The popularity of cashless transfers is growing every day. To complete it, a person just needs to enter the details of the receiving party and choose where the funds will be debited from.

Such a simple algorithm of actions is convenient, but at the same time, there is a possibility of making a mistake when filling in the details.

Even one wrong figure leads to the fact that the recipient does not receive money and needs to know how to find the money transfer.

An error can be both technical in nature and a banal inattention of the sender. Depending on this, the algorithm of actions will differ.

The sender is looking for money

Paiement en espices a un comptoir postal

If the funds were debited from the account, the bank claims that the operation was completed, but the amount did not arrive on the recipient's balance, it's time to start looking for a money transfer.

First of all, it is necessary to verify the details by which the transaction was made.

There are only two options here: they are erroneous, which means that the funds have already gone to the balance of another recipient (provided that such an account number really exists and belongs to a real person) or everything is correct, but the usual technical failure became the reason for the delay and the problem will be solved soon.

To find out if the money has reached the recipient, the sender needs to use the payment search service.

Usually it is available in all major banks and is charged according to the data specified in the service agreement. For the amount paid, a bank employee will search for the missing funds, who will have to track the path of the money and make sure that they are credited to the recipient's account.

What should Sberbank clients do?

If the delay was caused by an error in the details, the sender himself will have to resolve the issue of a refund directly with the recipient.

To perform an interbank transfer, the bank withdraws a certain amount from the payer's account, then transfers it to its correspondent account, from which it redirects them to the addressee. And there are nuances here.

So, for example, in Sberbank, a transfer can be withdrawn until the receipt has occurred. If the funds were received by the recipient, the bank is not entitled to write them off without acceptance from the recipient's balance.

As communication with a consultant at the bank showed, it is not possible to find a money transfer in Sberbank by number. Unless you personally contact the recipient. In the same way, the client will have to resolve issues directly if the money has gone “in the wrong direction”.

At any branch of Sberbank today you can request an application form, which you will need to fill out by entering your personal data. This will make it possible to receive in response a copy of the payment order proving the successful operation.

The form can be downloaded from the bank's website. Banks in their activities are guided by the Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2012, according to which there is no other mechanism for resolving such an issue.

Therefore, there are no options on how to check the transfer of money to a Sberbank card. Unless the operation was performed in the bank's personal account and saved in the payment history. In this case, opposite the operation number, the “Successful” or “Pending” icon will flaunt.

If the recipient is sure that the funds did not arrive

After receiving a payment order, according to which the recipient did not see the money (and they were debited from the account of the initiator of the operation), you need to act according to the following algorithm:

  • in accordance with clause 2.14 of Regulation N 383-P, in a branch of your bank, you can demand to cancel the operation if the deadline for the irrevocability of the transfer has not yet come. To do this, you will need a passport, the client will be asked to fill out an application;
  • no later than the day following the day of receipt of the application, the bank must receive a notification of a successfully completed withdrawal. It indicates the date of the operation, the signature of the authorized person and the stamp of the bank. if this cannot be done, a certificate of impossibility of revocation is sent.

Revocation of an order to make a transfer can be executed in writing or electronically, the main thing is to deliver it to the bank as soon as possible, before irrevocable has yet come.

Good to know

Many banks refuse to help with finding out the location of money, sending a person to independently look for a recipient in his bank.

Such events are likely to be unsuccessful, because there is a concept bank secrecy. Therefore, it is best not to settle for such options.

In extreme cases, you can prove your case in the process of litigation. So if the sender presents proof of transfer papers to the bank branch, and the bank does not respond to such claims and does not take any measures, the person has full right go to law.

Finally, I would like to note that the procedure for searching for a lost payment has not yet been prescribed by law, so you have to follow the instructions adopted by the bank.

Check out the offers of banks

Card with cashback in Rosbank Issue a card

More about the map

  • Cashback up to 7% - for selected categories;
  • Cashback 1% - for all purchases;
  • Bonuses, discounts on goods and services from VISA;;
  • Internet banking - free of charge;
  • Mobile banking - free of charge;
  • Up to 4 different currencies on 1 card.
Card from PromsvyazBank Issue a card

More about the map

  • Up to 5% cashback;
  • Cash withdrawal without commission at partner ATMs;
  • Internet banking - free of charge;
  • Mobile banking is free.
Card from Home Credit Bank Issue a card

More about the map

  • Up to 10% cashback from partners;
  • Up to 7% per annum on the account balance;
  • Withdrawing funds from ATMs without commission (up to 5 times a month);
  • Apple technology Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay
  • Free internet banking;
  • Free mobile banking.

More about the map

  • Cashback up to 10% from gas stations
  • Cashback up to 5% from bills in cafes and restaurants
  • Cashback up to 1% on all other purchases
  • Up to 6% per annum on the balance
  • Card service - free of charge;
  • Free internet banking;
  • Free mobile banking.
Card from Tinkoff Bank