Mini-refinery layouts. High-tech mini refineries

Existing problems

Traditionally, the petroleum industry has used large-scale refineries supplied with crude oil or gas condensate through pipelines or tankers. However, most of the world's new hydrocarbon discoveries occur in areas where transportation and processing infrastructure is either limited or non-existent, forcing producers to:

  • either develop expensive infrastructure to transport hydrocarbons to an existing processing plant, or build a new processing plant close to the field, which requires a huge investment of time and money.
  • or install the high-tech oil mini-refinery we offer to process raw materials directly at the field or in another place convenient for the customer.

The high-tech, modular refineries have capacities ranging from 10,000 to 600,000 metric tons of feedstock per year (200-12,000 barrels per day) and can produce a range of different products, including high-octane gasoline, commercial jet fuel, kerosene, arctic and summer diesel. fuel, heating oil, asphalt, as well as granulated sulfur from gases, preventing their emissions into the atmosphere.

Two or more units can be installed on one site, allowing for processing different types oil. Also, if one of the installations stops, the others can continue to work.

Description and advantages of installations

The advantage of the proposed installations is the fact that the productivity of the oil refining unit can be increased in stages.

Models of high-tech oil refining plants can be installed and put into operation within a few days after the delivery of components to the work site.

The installations, or mini-factories, are fully automated, and after the operator sets all control points and temperatures of all products, the process will be controlled automatically.

One operator can cold start the unit in less than two hours and bring it to full capacity. If the characteristics of the products begin to change or an emergency occurs, the mini-plant is automatically transferred to a safe mode without operator intervention, and an indicator lights up on the signal panel indicating the reason for the stop.

The operator must adjust the operation of the system, otherwise the mini-plant will be automatically stopped.

Installation of mini-plant elements

To install the elements of a mini-plant, you only need a flat platform or a concrete slab without anchor bolts. The refineries we offer can be manufactured in a matter of months and, upon delivery, launched in a few days without much foundation costs and can produce products while operating in complete self-sufficiency without the supply of electricity, steam or water. Can be used as fuel natural gas, naphtha, diesel fuel or a combination thereof.

We offer customers mini-oil refineries with processing capacity from 200 to 12,000 barrels, raw materials per day, and more powerful ones on special orders. Several types of distillation products can be produced simultaneously during the distillation process, such as light naphtha, heavy naphtha, kerosene/jet fuel, diesel and heating oil, and heating oil. Each processing plant has a block-modular design and can be easily transported to the raw material extraction site or pipeline. Smaller units can be up and running within 48 hours of delivery to a prepared site and can be easily moved to a new site with minimal assembly work. Products produced by mini-processing plants can be sold locally or used as raw materials for further processing.

Residual products of petroleum distillation

Residual oil distillation products can be used as fuel for diesel power generators or during the operation of boilers, furnaces, etc. Mini-refineries are particularly effective in areas where there is a source of feedstock but little or no refinery capacity, and where transportation costs are high, such as in remote areas or on offshore platforms.

The first mini refineries. New approaches to design and configuration

The first mini-processing plant was launched thirty years ago. It was a 1,000-barrel-per-day plant housed on a single frame that included an electric generator, a horizontally mounted column with manual lifting into the vertical position, and permanently attached hand jacks for removing the unit from the truck. The goal was that the plant could be put into operation within one day of delivery to the installation site, without the use of cranes, concrete foundations or sources of electricity.

It was assumed that the plant would be moved monthly, however, over time, the following became clear:

1. The mini-factory was located at the original location for several years.

2. Most locations had a power source or, if not, the required power source would have to be significantly larger in capacity to supply power to other installations.

3. Cranes were available at most sites, so hand jacks were not required. Since there were cranes for installing the blocks, it became possible to use several modules for more free placement of equipment.

After analyzing the operating experience of the first installed mini-plant, it was developed new approach to the design and configuration, namely:

  • Recent advances in system design and construction eliminate the need for level control valves, level controllers, glass level indicators and pumps with all auxiliary piping. The absence of such devices significantly simplifies the plant operation and maintenance requirements.
  • The plant is fully automated both for independent operation and for monitoring the work process, so that in case of development, potentially dangerous situation the plant automatically stops working and a special alarm lets the operator know the reason for the stop.
  • Additionally, the design includes a control room and a laboratory.
  • The scope of supply includes the necessary set of hand tools and laboratory equipment, as well as the necessary spare parts for two years of operation.

Mini-plant supply options

In the Arctic version

  • Models are designed to work in the north.
  • Altitude 300 meters above sea level
  • Temperature: from -50°С to +40°С.
  • These units were installed in January 1995.
  • The installations produce gasoline, drilling fluid, winter and summer gasoline and liquid fuel.
  • Light petroleum products are used by large oil companies for passenger bus fleets and other transport.
  • Liquid fuel is supplied for sale to local power stations and central stations in the region.

Products output:

Nafta 16%
Gasoline 33%
Remaining 51%

In a tropical version

  • Models are designed to work in the south.
  • Altitude 1350 meters above sea level
  • Temperature: from +1°С to +36°С
  • These plants produce gasoline.

The raw material for the plants is gas condensate, the raw material is fed down through pipelines to gas processing equipment, where liquid substances are extracted and processed.

The gas is used in power plants that supply electricity to mining operations in the region, for fuel and for turbo engines.

Initially, 2 units were installed in August 1991. As the pool and power consumption increased, 2 other units were installed in January 1992 to regulate gas condensate loading. Naphtha can be used as turbine fuel, while unprocessed condensate, due to the presence of heavy metals, can cause wear on turbine blades.

Products output:

Nafta 65%
Diesel 30%
Remaining 5%

Mini-factories with the following parameters are offered:

Note: it is possible to manufacture refineries of higher capacity upon special order.

The above start-up preparation time data is based on the fact that construction has been completed auxiliary structures and equipment, and there is also a crane when the mini-plant kit arrives at the site. In order for a potential customer to calculate the plant's productivity in metric tons, it is necessary to multiply the number of barrels per day by 0.15893, and then by specific gravity raw materials.

Optional equipment

At the customer's request, the following additional equipment and material design are offered:

  • The use of special alloys in the manufacture of a plant for processing high-sulfur oil.
  • Desalting agent for removing salt from raw materials.
  • Hydrotreater for naphtha, jet fuel and diesel fuel to remove sulfur from products.
  • Reformers for the production of high-octane gasoline.
  • Gasoline stabilizers to reduce vapor pressure
  • Vacuum asphalt plants for asphalt production
  • Execution of units for work in cold and hot conditions, which are equipped with portable laboratories
  • Installations for the production of granulated sulfur
  • Catalytic reformer, with separator, hydrotreater, and stabilizer

Brief description of the technological process during operation

High-tech mini refineries


The first part of any small refinery application analysis is an initial assessment of its economic viability. To do this, it is necessary to understand what a small refinery can do, as well as information on the intended raw materials and deep knowledge of local market conditions. Technical issues related to industrial technology or design are rarely important at this early feasibility stage.

Increasing efficiency from increased production scale

Mini refinery (usually<4000 баррелей в сутки) не обладает масштабами производства большого НПЗ (обычно >100,000 barrels per day). The capital cost of refining a liter of crude oil is inevitably high at a mini refinery. These economic costs may be offset by refinery access to cheap crude oil (for example, from remote or non-commercial oil basins) and/or savings in fuel or crude oil transportation costs (usually in remote or inaccessible regions) and/or government subsidies when supporting economic activity in remote regions.

The coastal location of the proposed mini-refinery will be carefully examined to determine if there is an alternative to imported refined product from major oil refining countries. On the other hand, location in a remote or uninhabited area will provide favorable conditions for the operation of a mini refinery, since long distances and/or road surface conditions increase the cost of transporting imported fuel.

In order to reduce capital costs, a mini refinery is often equipped as a simple refinery to produce straight-run diesel or kerosene, including naphtha and fuel oil as by-products.

In some cases, it may be cost-effective to use a second distillation column to vacuum refine the crude oil from the atmospheric tower into clean heavy diesel (vacuum gas-to-oil) and heavy residual oil. A thermal cracker or coker to process some or all of the heavy petroleum residues into more valuable light products is neither practical nor economical at the size of a mini refinery.

Naphtha is a gasoline fraction of crude oil, but it is not used in automobile filling stations without increasing the octane number through further processing and/or blending. As a result of the phasing out of tetraethyl lead additives at petrol stations in many countries, there is no longer an easy (and therefore cheap) way to increase the octane number of naphtha in small scale production. The use of a Catholic converter for reforming naphtha for gas stations is usually not economically justified because the capital costs are high due to the low production volume, given that naphtha consists of no more than 25% crude oil, some of which is consumed during the refining process. The Catholic reform is likely to increase the cost of straight distillate mini refineries by approximately 80%-100%

The main difficulty in implementing a mini-refinery project is not deciding what to do with diesel, but ingenuity, regarding, for example, finding a way to most economically sell from 50% to 75% of crude oil.

Alternative fuel costs

It is necessary that the proposed mini refinery deliver refined product to the target market at more competitive prices than existing fuel supplies. Knowledge of local fuel prices (and other available types fuels such as gas or liquefied petroleum gas) in the target market and their competitiveness is decisive for any analysis of the technical feasibility of the project. In some countries, fuel prices in remote areas may receive government subsidies, making it difficult for a refinery to compete in that market.

In some cases (but not often) the crude oil can be of very high quality and therefore suitable for use in heavy duty diesel plants without the need for refining. Although crude oil is not suitable for the general diesel market, provided good quality, it can be used in plant operations (for example, pumps on crude oil pipelines).

Raw oil

Straight distillate refining is simply rectified by refining crude oil into its components to its boiling point. Distillation does not change the molecular structure of the chemical components. Therefore, the natural characteristics of the crude oil (or condensate) and the required specification of the final processed product are the determining factors in the product yield from the refinery.

To avoid condensation and oiling in the refinery, the highest possible salt content in crude oil is required - 1 kg per 1000 barrels. If the salt level exceeds this indicator, it is necessary to carry out preparatory processes. Although adding a salt degrading agent is advisable in a mini refinery, some fresh water and a means of disposing of residual salt water are still needed.

Other undesirable components in crude oil, such as sulfur, will be transferred into the general refined product stream. Maximum permissible level sulfur for processed products is usually regulated by the government.

Crude oil with sulfur level<1% будет перерабатываться в пределах допустимых характеристик топлива для дизеля и нафты без необходимости процессов выделения серы. Однако следует учитывать и местные установки, поскольку различия в разных странах могут быть значительными. Приблизительно 70% серы концентрируется в осадках тяжелого топлива. Характеристики топлива могут определять максимальный допустимый уровень содержания серы в сырой нефти, с целью избежать

In conclusion, the optimal feedstock for mini refineries in general is high API quality crude oil or condensate with a relatively high quality diesel component.

The following additions contribute to the economic improvement of the project:

1. If there are a large number of oil basins, you should choose a field with high quality crude oil, in particular with a high level of diesel sales.

2. If a crude oil pipeline is located nearby, unwanted petroleum by-products should be placed in the same pipeline. Among other things, it would also require agreements for oil companies, pipeline companies and refineries to purchase refinery by-products.

3. Local markets for by-products should be found. For example, naphtha can be used for turbojet engines (but check the availability of competitive gas or LPG) or can be used as a solvent/solvent or petrochemical feedstock. In northern climates, naphtha is often used as an antifreeze fluid for well completion in place of diesel. Liquid fuel can be used as bunker fuel, boiler fuel or heavy fuel for power plants with acceptable characteristics.

4. Vacuum distillation separates heavy diesel (vacuum gas oil) from the residual oil, thereby reducing the amount of sediment that ultimately needs to be dealt with. Vacuum gas oil is suitable as a heavy fuel for factories (eg power plants).

5. While heavy diesel as a fuel is not suitable for conventional standard industrial turbines, there are turbine generator set plants that use naphtha and a vacuum mixture of gas oil. These turbines are units equipped with ramps/chassis and can complement the product installation. To achieve the planned goals, it should be taken into account that the power consumption of 100 barrels per day of residual oil product is 1.5 molecular weight of the power plant capacity.

6. Provided naphtha has suitable characteristics, it can be blended with octane enhancers such as motor gasoline, toluene or oxygenate (MTBE/methyl tertiary butane ether) to produce low octane gasoline. However, relatively large quantities of these products are required, which causes significant additional costs for procurement, transportation and storage.

The oil refining business remains interesting and profitable. The stability is caused by the constant demand for petroleum products, as well as the low degree of refining, without a large increase in octane number. There are sectors that consume heating oil (ships in small ports, boiler houses in cities), heating oil, and diesel fuel (diesel fuel), which is in demand in agriculture. If you have a sustainable source of oil from an independent producer and access to a railroad to transport this resource to the processing site, then you can offer good prices to the market and have a regular buyer.

Investments: financial section of the business plan

To understand whether you should start an oil refining business, you need to understand the formula by which it is financed, and this formula is as follows: availability of oil, logistics to the site (pipe or railway) and sales. If these three components come together at one point, then investors make a positive decision to build an oil refinery.

Investments in oil refining are returned within three years after the start of investment, including a one and a half year investment period of planning, survey and construction. Visually, the decision-making scheme for investing in a given project for banks and investors can be represented as shown in the figure. If all three parts converge around a point called a refinery, then a decision is made to invest and build.

Mini oil refineries

Most small-scale refineries are located in areas where it is unprofitable for large oil companies to operate due to volumes, but this does not reduce consumer demand. Petroleum products are needed always and everywhere. The profitability of a small refinery is about 50-60% per annum, i.e. with the calculated volumes, investments are returned in three years, taking into account an investment period of one year and two years of construction.

A small oil refinery not only produces fuel: fuel oil, heating oil, diesel fuel, gasoline, but can also provide services to oil producers who do not have their own distillation facilities, but pump 2-5 thousand tons of oil per month. Then the business becomes non-excise due to production using raw materials supplied by customers. There are still quite a lot of such small oil producers in Russia, often working in old fields.

Price for developing a business plan for an oil refinery

Combination of oil refining and oil production

If you are building a refinery, then our experience shows that it is unprofitable to combine this business with oil production and the sales business - gas stations. This does not provide additional income, but it will make the oil refining business less stable and dependent on additional regulation. Your formula for success is to find an old oil depot, restore communication lines (railway) to it, find independent oil producers (or buy small volumes at oil company competitions, but there are usually large lots there), and conclude sales contracts. Finished products are shipped via self-pickup with 100% prepayment. The marketing strategy will be based on your plant specifications.

Experience shows that in order to minimize the risks of environmental requirements that could lead to the closure of an enterprise, investments in which start at $15 million, it is best to build it on the basis of an old oil depot. In addition to the presence of a railway for transporting petroleum products to the base and a number of old overpasses, the base also has storage capacity for finished petroleum products.

Oil Source: Logistics Plan

The source of oil is key and one of the most difficult parts in the entire plan for the construction and subsequent operation of a refinery. There are two options for delivering oil to the site of the future construction of the enterprise:

  • railway transport;
  • pipeline transport.

Oil delivery by pipeline transport

There are projects where oil is delivered by pipeline transport through the Transneft system. However, you may encounter a situation where everything is contracted and there are no volumes. Such projects start from 1 million tons per year; it is almost impossible to obtain volumes and approvals. Usually, in order to obtain these approvals, you need to contact the oil producing company rather than Transneft for connection to the main oil pipeline system.

Oil delivery by rail

The use of rail transport is one of the most achievable schemes in Russian oil refining, even if this requires the construction of an additional railway line to your site. However, it is better to avoid additional investment in transport logistics and establish your plant in a location that already has a railway line.

Delivery by rail has obvious limitations. It should be taken into account that one tank is 50-60 tons of oil, and a train consists of up to 50 cars of this type. Thus, at one time you can deliver about 2.5-3.0 thousand tons of oil for processing. Such a refinery produces a maximum of up to 50 thousand tons of fuel per month, respectively, about 500-600 thousand tons per year. This can only be delivered with properly structured and thought-out logistics from fields to refineries. The question remains: who will sell you such volumes?

Calculate a refinery business plan only based on the actual volumes of oil that can be delivered to a certain point.

Oil Refinery Project

When you have decided on the volumes of oil and the suppliers with whom you need to sign protocols of intent for the implementation of the agreed volumes, you need to prepare a refinery project, including a business plan and a feasibility study. The project will be based on the volumes that you can deliver to the construction site. If the refinery feasibility study project is created by a well-known company in the oil refining field, for example, one of the divisions of Shell, this will have a positive effect on banks and investors, even if you do not have sufficient turnover at the company initiating the project.

Often, refinery projects are implemented on former oil base territories, because, firstly, there are fewer requirements on environmental grounds (everything is already polluted), secondly, they already have a railway line, and thirdly, they are used to delivering crude oil from deposits. The presence of an oil base, albeit non-operational, but actually existing, has a positive effect on the investment decision to finance a project.

Marketing plan and sales

One of the easiest parts of your refinery project. Since you are starting from a tank farm, this means that the local sales teams know it. These may not necessarily be gas stations that are constantly in need of good fuel, but due to small volumes, cannot get it from large producers due to the lack of capacity and low turnover, as well as the lack of normal short-term financing. These may be agreements (or preliminary agreements) with municipalities for the supply of M-100 heating oil as fuel for boiler houses. Other clients may be oil depots that have not yet become refineries - they can buy in bulk.

The average time for developing business plans is from 4 to 20 working days.

The MINI refinery we offer for production and turnkey delivery has a number of advantages over its analogues (despite the fact that the vast majority of diverse atmospheric MINI refinery projects generally have a common processing scheme):

General advantages of our MINI refinery

1. The production time of our MINI refinery, including design, is short, and the price is attractive. When placing an order for several plants, a discount of up to 20% is provided, and payment by installments is also possible. Only with us, plant commissioning can include bringing the product to commercial specifications!

2. Our plant, operating on light raw materials (gas condensate, compounded oil), does not require maintenance for 3 years, it is also easy to maintain, which can be carried out within 24 hours, since all plant structures are dismantled and dismountable.

3. The design of our MINI refinery involves not only the basic separation into main petroleum products - gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil, but also allows us to obtain, if desired, several intermediate fractions - kerosene, naphtha.

4. The design of our MINI refinery involves a clearer separation into fractions, which is important for producing high-quality gasoline by compounding, and also allows us to obtain high-quality diesel fuel during primary processing.

5. The hydrocarbon furnace of our MINI refinery is a vertical double-circuit, which allows us to efficiently service the entire plant and save on raw materials for the burner. The hydrocarbon furnace is located at a distance of 30-40 meters from the plant, which implies complete operational safety.

6. The installation area of ​​our MINI refinery is small: width 6 meters, length 8 meters, maximum height - 15 meters. All this makes it possible to place a plant with a capacity of 27,000 tons/year in a small hangar without any problems.

7. With the design and installation of our MINI refinery, we offer the service of its full automation with the output of all process control to a computer in the control room.

8. Our MINI refinery is convenient and economical for transportation, since unlike many analogues that require 3-4 eurotrucks for transportation, it can be loaded into one eurotruck measuring 2.5 * 13 meters (excluding additional metal structures).

Advantages of our MINI refinery complete with cavitation unit

9. The design of our MINI refinery, with additional equipment, can include a cavitation unit, which allows us to produce high-quality gasoline of the AI-92—AI-98 grades, both with and without additives. The cavitation unit makes it possible to obtain high-quality winter diesel fuel from summer diesel fuel, as well as completely remove high-boiling paraffins from diesel fuel, converting them into the kerosene fraction.

10. Our MINI refinery allows you to go through a full refining process at minimal cost, similar to large plants, including such expensive technical processes as reforming and cracking. All this became possible when using a cavitation unit in production, which allows not so much to compound straight-run gasoline with an additive, but to increase the octane number of gasoline without an additive and improve its basic characteristics using ultrasonic cavitation. All this leads to a synergistic effect of improving the quality of the product.

11. The use of a cavitation unit with our MINI refinery allows us to obtain a high-quality product - gasoline and diesel fuel from raw materials with overlapping fractions, which is possible if the temperature regime in our MINI refinery is violated and is practically unavoidable in most similar MINI refineries. Fuel with fraction overlap is the main problem of most MINI refineries, but is not a problem for our MINI refinery.

Advantages of our MINI refinery with a cavitation unit when using an additive of our development

12. With the supply of a MINI refinery and a cavitation unit, we offer a stable supply at a low price of our developed additive, which is a mixture of high-octane gasoline components and detergent additives, which allows, without harm to the environment, when adding 2% to straight-run gasoline, to increase the octane number to 30%, as well as improve all others characteristics of commercial gasoline.

ATTENTION: our MINI refinery, despite the high output commercial characteristics of petroleum products, does not include a reforming unit, which allows us to obtain a low-sulfur product corresponding in sulfur content to Euro-3-Euro-4 quality only on low-sulfur oil and gas condensates (no more than 1 % sulfur). All atmospheric MINI refineries of any other modification also do NOT allow obtaining a completely desulfurized product of Euro-5 quality. At the same time, the high paraffin content in oil for our MINI refinery has not a negative, but a positive effect.

A mini-plant for oil refining is quite a profitable business. Not everyone can organize such production with their own hands. But if you make every effort, everything will definitely work out.

What is this business?

Mini-refineries are a small plant that processes no more than 1 million tons of raw materials per year. This production is quite attractive because at relatively low costs (for this industry) you can earn a lot. Depending on the type of equipment and the required power, you need to invest from 3 to 30 million dollars.

Oil collection and preparation process

Small mini-refineries are a completely legal business that you can organize yourself or involve partners in this. For the needs of the plant, uninterrupted supplies of oil can be easily organized.

Business benefits

Mini-refineries have the following advantages:

  • maximum optimization of the process, which leads to a reduction in operating and capital costs;
  • small dimensions of raw material processing plants facilitate their transportation and reduce installation costs;
  • easy maintenance of all devices;
  • the ability to adjust the technological parameters of the plant;
  • efficient production does not require water, steam or other additional resources;
  • there is the possibility of complete automation of the entire production process;
  • full compliance with fire safety and labor protection standards.

Necessary equipment

To organize a plant for the production of various fuels, you first need to purchase expensive equipment.

"Chechen" version

This equipment is the cheapest on the market, but it is also considered illegal. Its cost ranges from 25 to 40 thousand dollars. The quality of the resulting product is very low, which is combined with the insufficient durability of such devices.

These installations are a distillation cube. During its operation, the next portion of raw materials is poured into the equipment, after which it is heated using an open fire. Pairs of light fractions are discharged through a special long pipe. At the same time, the products are cooled to the optimal temperature. In the process of this distillation, gasoline is first obtained, then diesel fuel. The residue from raw material processing is fuel oil, which is considered unsuitable for further use. It must be disposed of by any available method.

Continuous units

This equipment represents the second generation of installations that operate on the principle of oil fractionation. It is capable of processing about 10-20 thousand tons of raw materials per year. The cost of such equipment is quite high - from 80 to 150 thousand dollars. To reduce the cost, the following techniques are used:

  • these devices are made of cheap steel, the service life of which is 1-2 years;
  • use of water-cooling refrigerators;
  • do not use parts that allow automatic servicing of refineries.

This equipment consists of cubes in which evaporation and condensation of petroleum products occurs several times. They can be additionally equipped with pumps and refrigeration units. The raw materials are heated using an oil or diesel burner.

Most often, after purchasing equipment of this type, you may encounter many problems:

  • lack of pipelines and fittings;
  • the presence of low-quality pipes – seam welded;
  • The installation package includes water fittings, which are strictly prohibited for such equipment due to its unsafety;
  • this equipment is semi-legal. It is unrealistic to completely legalize its use;
  • The quality of the resulting gasoline and diesel fuel is low. It does not meet government standards.

Small-scale oil refining equipment

Belongs to the third class of installations that can be used to set up a plant for the production of gasoline and other fuels. Their cost ranges from 400 thousand to several million dollars. Using this equipment, you can process up to 150 thousand tons of oil per year.

Such installations are completely legal and have all the necessary certificates that confirm the quality of the fuel obtained after distillation. This equipment is equipped with modern distillation columns. It divides the raw material into different fractions, each of which has the necessary performance characteristics. Due to the fact that all structural elements of such devices are made of alloy steel, their service life is at least 10 years.

Production business plan

A mini-refinery for the production of different types of fuel can result in:

  • 15-25% gasoline of the total volume of raw materials;
  • 25-35% diesel fuel;
  • 35-55% fuel oil;
  • hydrocarbon gas – 3%.

There are also losses when processing raw materials. They are no more than 2% when using effective equipment.

The oil refining plant must be located on a suitable site, the area of ​​which is:

  • 300 sq. m with a production capacity of 20-30 thousand tons of products per year;
  • 600 sq. m with a productivity of 50-65 thousand tons per year;
  • 1200 sq. m with a capacity of 100-120 thousand tons per year;
  • 2400 sq. m with a productivity of 200-250 thousand tons per year.

In order for a mini-plant for the production of gasoline to function, it is necessary to attract service personnel - no more than 6 people.

To save money when organizing a refinery, you can use improvised containers for transportation and storage of gasoline and other flammable materials - metal barrels of various sizes, cargo tank trucks and others. It is also recommended to buy a fuel oil waste recycler, which is a more profitable option than organizing special barns and storage facilities.

An oil refining plant pays for itself in an average of 1-1.5 years, depending on the equipment used and product sales volumes.

Video: Oil refining equipment