With or without “benefit” - choose a home credit debit card. World from Home Credit Bank Latest credit card offers

A variety of banking products are in demand and needed by almost every modern person. They come in different forms, for example, these include debit cards issued by many financial institutions. They can be used in a way that is convenient for the owner - there are almost no restrictions.


The debit card is the most popular tool. It is intended for a person to use his own funds. Very often, DCs are salary-based - employers transfer wages to employees on them.

In addition, the Mir card (unnamed) of Home Credit Bank is actively used in various stores and catering establishments for non-cash payments. The instrument does not have a credit line, but if there is such a need, you can activate an overdraft.

The product registration is very simple: a potential client selects a bank, fills out an application and presents his passport. Plastic is produced within two weeks.

There is no fee for issue, and the cost of annual maintenance varies in different financial institutions. The specific figure depends on the connected functions and other parameters.

Main settings

All cards are similar in principle, but can differ significantly in important characteristics, such as:

  • design. In some places, customers develop it themselves for an additional fee;
  • payment system;
  • tariff, which also includes additional options and features;
  • cost of service. There are financial institutions that offer products without the holders having to pay anything;
  • method of reading data;
  • currency.

How to order

The requirements for applicants are minimal, which means that the procedure for applying for a service is not particularly complicated. What actions need to be taken:

  • The issuing bank is selected.
  • A Mir (unnamed) card is selected according to the conditions, tariffs, and requirements of the Federal District.
  • A request for receipt is submitted.
  • An agreement is signed (with a preliminary study of all the points that are spelled out in it).
  • The manager informs you when it will be possible to pick up the finished product.
  • Upon receipt, you can immediately activate the mobile bank and other functions that the consumer will use.

Salaries are transferred to any DC - for this, the details are provided to the accounting department of the company where the citizen works.

What to use it for

What you can do using the Mir card (unnamed) of Home Credit Bank:

  • store money;
  • withdraw cash from ATMs or bank tellers;
  • pay for goods in stores;
  • make online payments (pay fines, housing and communal services, etc.);
  • shop online.

site - a site that will help the user choose the ideal debit card. This is why there are convenient filters for selecting products that 100% meet the visitor’s needs. Everything that the system highlights will be suitable for the applicant, so all he has to do is make the final decision and proceed to filling out the application.

MIR is a national payment system. Since 2015, public sector workers and pensioners began to be transferred en masse to this system. Now anyone can apply for such a card. Debit cards of MIR Home Credit Bank are no different in functionality from cards of other payment systems and also provide various bonuses and discounts (in particular, cashback). But to use it abroad, you need to issue a card issued jointly with the international payment system (MIR-Maestro, MIR-UnionPay or MIR-JCB).

  • Advantages of MIR Home Credit Bank debit cards

    The national payment system has its pros and cons. Thus, MIR cards are compatible only with mobile devices with Samsung Pay; it will not be possible to link plastic to Apple Pay and Google Pay. Also, cardholders may encounter difficulties when paying for goods on sites that do not support working with the national system. But in 2019, there are fewer and fewer such sites.

    Plus, the system is supported by the state, thanks to which, for example, transport and medical applications work with the card, and special offers are provided for schoolchildren and students.

    In addition, money on MIR Home Credit Bank debit cards is insured by the state. The deposit insurance system guarantees the return of funds in the amount of up to 1.4 million rubles.

  • Every year, more and more debit cards are issued, and some people issue several at once. The World Home Credit Bank card can be called an electronic wallet. It helps you store your money without any problems and be sure that it won’t go anywhere.

    Main function

    The described product is designed to keep money there, and at any time, when needed, withdraw it or spend it non-cash.

    The owner of the DC can spend only the amount that is in his account. You can turn your balance into a minus by connecting an overdraft. Then you will have to pay off the debt, and this will be done as soon as money appears on the plastic again.

    Registration procedure

    You can receive a payment instrument by leaving a corresponding application at one of the bank branches or sending it through the company’s official portal. The latter option is preferred by many, as it allows you to significantly save time on waiting in line and filling out the form with the required information.

    The finished card will be handed over to the Federal District branch or with a courier service employee (as the client chooses).

    There are a lot of proposals for decorating a recreation center today. Before choosing one of them, finding a World map based on conditions and characteristics, it is worth conducting a thorough comparison of the most profitable options. When using the filters operating here, many important parameters are taken into account:

    • annual maintenance cost;
    • presence or absence of SMS notifications;
    • accrual of interest on the balance;
    • the type of plastic itself, etc.

    A debit card can be personal or non-personal.

    Features of use

    Options for using DC:

    • Simplification of settlement operations. It is much more convenient to pay for purchases with a card than to always carry cash with you. Most Russian stores allow payments in this way.
    • Make quick purchases online.
    • The tool is convenient for storing savings. It is convenient to use when traveling so as not to have to declare large sums taken with you. You don’t have to worry about the safety of your money - banking products have a high degree of protection. To carry out transactions, a PIN code is required, and if the plastic is lost, the owner will contact the FO staff and they will block it.
    • Cashing out is also becoming easier. For example, the holder will receive wages from the card immediately by using the nearest ATM.

    It must be remembered that, as a rule, Home Credit Bank World cards do not provide the opportunity to obtain a loan on them.

    Home Credit Bank debit cards are in incredible demand today, due to the attractive terms of the product. The bank's line includes more than 10 cards with a set of special options, features and privileges for holders.

    The debit card itself is a modern tool that allows you to use your own funds in a convenient way, while accumulating bonuses and using various functions for convenient control and management of your account. Having a debit card with him, the user can pay in shops, cafes, gas stations and other points of the trade and service network, transfer funds to other accounts, withdraw cash, use the card to pay for goods and services on the Internet.

    Apply for a debit card USAGE HomeCredit Bank online

    Home Credit cards

    Home Credit offers debit cards for all individuals. Depending on his financial turnover, the user can choose the best option for himself that provides the maximum benefit of use. What are the criteria for choosing a debit account? Pay attention to the percentage that goes to the balance, the cost of service, and cashback. For example, a person who does not own a car does not make sense to take a card that provides cashback only for purchases at gas station chains. At Home Credit, daily limits for debit cards vary from 50 thousand rubles for accrual, and from 500 thousand for non-cash payment.

    Among the popular products of Home Credit are: “Mir”, “Key”, “Fair” and also the “Cosmos” debit card. However, all records were broken by the new product “Polza”, which became an improved alternative to “Cosmos”.

    Home Credit Bank Debit Card: Benefits

    Before it appeared in the line Benefits of Visa Platinum, the bank already had cards in its arsenal: Benefit Platinum and Gold. But in the new version, for some reason the bank decided to improve not these predecessors, but the functions of the “Cosmos” card, which was very popular. The special features of the product were cashback, which was awarded for payment of mobile communications, taxes, as well as housing and communal services and traffic police fines. This is truly a unique service, since banks award bonuses for such expense transactions in these areas extremely rarely. These features have been preserved in the new product, but innovations have also appeared.

    The Benefit debit card from Home Credit offers the following conditions:

    • up to 10% cashback on purchases from Home Credit partners;
    • 1% cashback on payments for any goods and services;
    • 3% cashback on payments at gas stations and cafes;
    • no card maintenance fee with a minimum monthly spend of 5 thousand rubles or an account balance of at least 10 thousand rubles;
    • annual interest on the account in the amount of 3 to 7.5% (depending on the number of purchases made per day).

    Home Credit also included a contactless payment system in the list of convenient functions of the Polza debit card.

    Features of using the card

    The Home Credit debit card provides for the following terms of use:

    • Cash withdrawals can be made at local and third-party ATMs;
    • You can withdraw funds no more than 5 times per month;
    • for all subsequent withdrawals, a 100 ruble commission will be charged;
    • tracking of the current account and all transactions performed can be carried out through the Internet bank;
    • if a salary is received on the card and its amount is not less than 20 thousand rubles, there will be no commissions;
    • The daily withdrawal limit on the “Polza” card is 500,000 rubles.

    How to receive and activate a Home Credit debit card?

    The bank is ready to issue a card to an individual who has reached the age of majority and has a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. In some cases, fourteen-year-old citizens can become the owner, but this will require an additional document in the form of the consent of parents or guardians.