Is it possible to get insurance for a month? Osago for a minimum period, or period of use

At the moment, the cost of a car license can be calculated for 3 categories of vehicles:

  1. For vehicles registered in foreign countries.
  2. For vehicles traveling to the place of registration (transit) or to undergo technical inspection.
  3. To register the vehicle with the traffic police and further use in the Russian Federation.

Accordingly, each category has its own minimum insurance period. For the first, it ranges from 5 to 15 days, i.e. for an MTPL contract that “fits” within this interval, the policyholder will pay the same amount.

For drivers driving a vehicle across Russia to the place of permanent registration or going for a PIK (technical inspection), the insurance period is always the same - 20 days, no less and no more.

The last, main group of car owners concludes a standard MTPL agreement, the calculation procedure of which is the same for all insurance companies in the Russian Federation. Let’s take a closer look at this particular auto insurance policy.

Insurance period and period of use in the MTPL policy

First, let's look at the terms used when taking out MTPL insurance: “Contract validity” and “Vehicle use period.”

Insurance period. In the upper right corner of the MTPL policy, the “Validity period of the MTPL agreement” is written, and it is ALWAYS 1 year.

Period of use. It is indicated in the next line of the policy and determines the months during the contract period (policy year) when the car owner will use his vehicle and the insurer will be responsible for it. If the driver plans to use the car all year, the period of use coincides with the annual validity period of the OSAGO.

But not all car owners use their vehicles all year round. A limited period of use (several months a year) is relevant, in particular:

  • for “snowdroppers” who use the car exclusively during the warm season;
  • for those who plan to sell the vehicle in the near future;
  • for car owners going on long business trips, vacations, etc.

And of course, the fewer months a year a driver uses his car, the lower the cost of MTPL insurance for him.

Minimum period of use, or the cheapest MTPL

Today, you can conclude a contract under compulsory motor liability insurance for at least 3 months (the period of use within the framework of annual insurance, do not forget).

In general, when calculating compulsory motor liability insurance for several months, the following table is used.

Table 1. Dependence of the cost of insurance on its duration.

the table will scroll to the right
Insurance periodKp coefficient
3 months0,5
4 months0,6
5 months0,65
6 months0,7
7 months0,8
8 months0,9
9 months0,95

The cost of compulsory motor liability insurance for 10 and 11 months will cost the annual insurance.


  • Car owners who take out OSAGO for several months a year pay more for each month than those who buy a policy for the whole year.
  • The cost of annual MTPL insurance will not change during the annual insurance period indicated in the policy, even if rates increase during this year. When taking out a policy for several months, be sure to find out the cost of annual MTPL insurance, at least in order to know the subsequent surcharge (if it is required in case of increasing the period of use).
    You can insure for several months, and then, if necessary, pay extra and extend the period of use.
  • The period of use in the OSAGO policy form is “divided” into several parts. That is, you can immediately “schedule” the entire insurance year in advance when applying for compulsory motor liability insurance.
    For example: 1 month in winter, 3 months in summer, 1 month in autumn and other variations. When paying, only the total number of months in a year is important.

Additional payment for MTPL policy, or how to extend the period of use

The arithmetic is simple. The MTPL insurance contract is always concluded for a year (see the upper right corner of the policy). The annual cost of the policy is a constant value.

As a rule, those who plan to sell it in the near future insure their car for a minimum period of 3 months. And, as can be seen from the table, for 3 months the policyholder will have to pay half the annual cost of compulsory motor liability insurance.

If for some reason the sale does not take place, the insurance can easily be extended until the end of the policy year. In this case, the additional payment for the remaining 9 months will be the remaining half of the annual cost of compulsory motor insurance (the same as you paid for the first 3 months).

Accordingly, as can be seen from the table, having paid 0.7 annual compulsory motor insurance for the first six months, for the remaining 6 months you will need to pay an additional 0.3 annual insurance.

How to save on an MTPL policy

It is known that the OSAGO Rules do not provide for payment of car insurance in installments.

But no one is stopping the driver from first paying for 3 months (0.5 annual insurance), then extending the policy for another 3 months (0.2 annual insurance), and then paying only 0.3 annual amount for the remaining six months. In essence, it turns out to be the same installment plan. If you don’t waste your time, it’s very profitable given certain financial difficulties and our level of inflation.

The main thing is not to forget to extend the period of use in advance. Otherwise, the insurer has the right to charge for subsequent months as for the first, i.e. with increasing coefficient Kp.

Fine for driving a vehicle during a period of use not covered by the MTPL policy

Driving a vehicle during a period not covered by the MTPL policy entails a fine of 300 rubles. Don't settle for more.

Let's explain with an example. If the MTPL insurance period is from May 5 to May 4, and the period of use is from May 5 to August 4 (3 months), then by driving a vehicle after August 4 and before May 4, you risk your wallet.

The main thing is not to confuse failure to fulfill the civil obligation to insure under MTPL, (i.e. the complete absence of a MTPL contract), which is punishable by a fine of 500-800 rubles or removal of numbers, and forgetting to extend the period of use within the insurance year.

If an accident occurs during a period not covered by the compulsory motor liability insurance policy, the insurance company will pay the victim, but then present a recourse claim to the negligent insured and force him to reimburse his expenses.


  • You can conclude an MTPL agreement for a limited period of time - 3, 4, 5, etc. months.
  • In this case, the insurance premium for the first months will be calculated with an increasing coefficient.
  • The policyholder has the right to extend the period of use for any number of months, respectively, paying extra for them, until the end of the policy year.
  • The total cost of compulsory motor liability insurance for the year should be the same, both for a one-time payment and for payment in installments, by month.

A reader who owns two cars is perplexed: why should he insure his auto liability twice? After all, he cannot control two cars at the same time.

Let us remind you that vehicle owners are indeed subject to compulsory civil liability insurance, and the MTPL policy is filled out for each vehicle separately. What's the point of this? In fact, there is nothing to discuss here: the obligation for civil liability insurance is defined by law and it clearly and unambiguously states that it is established for each car individually. According to lawyer Ruslan Osipov, there is no paradox here, since the law is not talking about abstract civil liability, but about specific liability in relation to the owner of the car as a source of increased danger.

And this, most likely, lies the main idea of ​​why the law is written this way and not otherwise. Here we should recall the provisions of the Civil Code of Russia, which states the following (clause 1 of Article 1079 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation): legal entities and citizens whose activities are associated with an increased danger to others (use of vehicles,...) are obliged to compensate for the damage caused by the source increased danger, unless they prove that the harm arose as a result of force majeure or the intent of the victim. Thus, the obligation to compensate for harm falls on the citizen who is the owner of the source of increased danger - he must compensate for the harm during the use of the specific car through which the damage was caused. Auto liability insurance frees the citizen from the need to compensate for damage caused by a specific car within the established limits.

By the way, in 2012, the State Duma considered a bill providing for amendments to the Federal Law “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners.” Its authors intended to change the procedure for issuing a policy, tying it not to the car, but to the owner. According to the draft law, a person with a license had the opportunity to drive any car, having in hand only one document defining his responsibility to other road users. At the beginning of 2013, the Federation of Car Owners of Russia (FAR) supported possible amendments to the law, which ultimately was not adopted. It is unlikely that legislators will return to discuss this issue again.

In fact, our reader would not have received any benefits if the procedure for issuing an MTPL policy had been changed in accordance with his wishes. This also applies to saving personal funds. Even if there was only one policy, he would have to pay more - separately for each car in his possession. Rest assured: the regulator represented by the Bank of Russia and car insurers would do everything in their power to ensure that the amount of the insurance premium is calculated based on the tariff rates for each automobile.

In addition, having a separate policy for each car has a number of undeniable advantages. For example, now you have the opportunity to add other drivers to your policy - your wife, adult son, friends and acquaintances. If the policy were issued to a person, each person you would trust to drive a car would have to take out a policy for themselves. That is, you would actually have to buy insurance twice, three times, etc.

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Motorists should rejoice at the initiative of the Ministry of Finance. For once, the bill aims to expand their rights. Firstly, drivers will be able to buy a compulsory motor liability insurance policy not for a year, but for 2-3 years. The opportunity will be available to owners of new cars who do not need to undergo a technical inspection every year.

The Ministry of Finance also proposes not to take into account the power of a car’s engine when calculating the cost of insurance. For example, now for engines over 150 hp. the increasing factor is 1.6. That is, for owners of powerful cars, OSAGO will become cheaper.

The third important innovation is to shift responsibility for poor quality repairs to the insurer. The client will have the right to contact him with a claim directly and demand compensation. Now the person who performed it - a specific car service - is responsible for the quality of the repair.

The department also proposes to increase the amount of compensation for damage when registering an accident under the European protocol (without the participation of police) to 100 thousand rubles. Now this is a maximum of 50...

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Is it possible to obtain a motor vehicle license for less than 1 year?

Compulsory liability insurance came to Russia in 2003, but this created a number of certain difficulties for motorists.

You had to choose a time, come to the company and pay money for something that you might not use. Fortunately, after more than 10 years, car owners are much more conscious of these requirements and take out insurance from year to year.

Our readers recommend the FC-950 car tablet DVR. This device combines a radar detector, an HD video recorder, a rear view camera, and GPS navigation. The device runs on Android, which makes it even more convenient. With DiViaRom you can save on fines! Read more here...

What does the MTPL agreement provide?

OSAGO stands for Compulsory Automobile Civil Liability Insurance. This policy is a bilateral contract concluded by a company with an individual...

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This page contains answers to your common questions. At the end of the page you can ask your question if you haven’t found the answer here or on other pages of the site. All information is described in much more detail - in the OSAGO section and analytical articles on the same topic. The website Your Insurance Consultant has all the necessary information. Who seeks will always find! Answers with updated information as of 04/28/2016

1. What is the limit for the European protocol in Ukraine? (Guest) Fifty thousand hryvnia. More information about the European protocol in Ukraine. 2. How many days does it take for the MTPL policy to be included in the MTIBU database? (alines) Until the twenty-fifth of next month. 3. Why does it take so long? (alines) Because usually policies are submitted with ten-day reporting to the branch, from there, after verification, they are sent to the Head Office, entered into the database, and so on, along the chain, according to internal reports and instructions. But even if the policy has not yet entered the database, this does not mean that...

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Can a traffic police inspector check a vehicle inspection ticket?

It should be separately noted that since 2012, the duties of traffic police officers do not include checking whether the driver has a valid inspection ticket for the car, so there is now no fine for lack of inspection. Since 2012, control over whether motorists have a valid technical inspection has been transferred to the shoulders of insurance companies. To obtain MTPL insurance, you need a valid vehicle inspection certificate. Therefore, traffic police officers only check the presence of a valid MTPL policy, which already presupposes that the driver has a technical inspection.

What is the fine for a driver who is not included in the insurance?

If the driver is not included in the MTPL insurance, i.e. is not included in the list of persons allowed to drive a car - the fine will be 300 rubles. It is possible to issue an insurance policy “without restrictions”. In this case, the auto citizenship will apply to any...

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An MTPL insurance policy is a document that must be issued by every motorist who gets behind the wheel of a vehicle and enters traffic on the roads of our country.

Today, a motor vehicle license can be calculated for three categories of vehicles involved in road traffic:

Owned by foreign citizens and permanently located outside the Russian Federation, and in our country only temporarily staying (have foreign license plates); moving to the place of permanent registration for registration, regardless of whether the final destination is located within the country or abroad; for cars undergoing the registration procedure with the traffic police for permanent presence and operation on the territory of our state.

How long can you insure a car?

To understand what the minimum period of MTPL insurance is for your car, you need to decide on the category of the vehicle...

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What is OSAGO?

OSAGO - compulsory motor third party liability insurance. The object of compulsory auto insurance is property interests associated with the risk of civil liability of the vehicle owner for obligations arising from causing harm to the life, health or property of victims when using the vehicle on the territory of the Russian Federation

Who should insure MTPL?

The obligation to insure civil liability applies to owners of all vehicles used on the territory of the Russian Federation

Is it possible to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance without maintenance?

From January 1, 2012 An MTPL policy can be issued only after presenting a maintenance coupon. If there are less than 6 months left before the expiration of the maintenance, then the MTPL agreement will be denied to you...

What are the consequences of not having a compulsory motor liability insurance policy?

If you do not have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, the traffic police inspector has the right to fine you in the amount of...

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I collected all the information below in a more convenient form on the forum

Checking driver's license plates using the AIS RSA database for compulsory motor liability insurance

Checking the diagnostic card (TECH INSPECTION)…motra-po-baze-eaisto.html

Buy diagnostic card

Checking the MTPL policy

Checking a car under the MTPL policy

Checking the MTPL policy for a car

CALCULATION OF THE COST OF MTPL…go-2015-kalkulyator-osago

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Artemy Ivanov: Is it possible to have two MTPLs at the same time for the same car?..

Is it possible to have two MTPL insurance policies at the same time for the same car?.. Yes, you can take out as many MTPL insurance policies as you like for the same vehicle, since there is simply no limit on their number! Another thing is that in the event of an insured event, payment to the victim will have to... practically yes, the databases are a mess, but technically it is better to have a DGO for compulsory motor liability insurance with an extension to 500...1000 thousand rubles. According to the rules, no - one is issued for one vehicle OSAGO insurance policy. In fact, if you wish, you can. There is still no single base. BUT - the point is...

Alexander Popov: What is the minimum amount for compulsory motor insurance? And what is the price of the issue?

What is the minimum amount for compulsory motor insurance? And what is the price of the issue? There is a transit...

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Apparently, something has changed in the rules or it depends on the specific insurance agent. Today I went to apply for a policy, encouraged by the answers, they refused me - they said that with a valid policy, you can renew the old one a maximum of a month before the end of the old insurance. But you can issue a new OSAGO policy on the current date - then in the future the deadline for re-issuance will shift, it will be earlier than before. There is one “but” - the law does not seem to allow this, but due to the lack of a unified base, insurers do this anyway. However, in the event of an insured event, it will be possible to obtain insurance under only one policy. In general, theoretically, according to the law, it is impossible to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance more than a month in advance, but practically this can be done :) And if you get an intractable agent, you can always get to...

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What benefits are there under compulsory motor liability insurance?

What benefits are available How to get benefits

What benefits are there under compulsory motor liability insurance? This question interests many people now. When a citizen purchases a car, he must purchase an insurance policy along with it. The most affordable type of vehicle insurance is MTPL. If we compare MTPL and CASCO insurance, then car drivers mostly choose the first option, since its cost is not so high, but at the same time the person is protected from unpleasant consequences on the road.

What benefits are there?

What benefits are there for MTPL policies? Currently, people are looking for ways to save their money in every possible way. Is it possible to do this with insurance? Are there any benefits provided in this case? Let's look at where and how to get MTPL insurance on the most favorable terms.


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Minimum MTPL insurance period

OSAGO is a compulsory civil liability insurance policy for vehicle owners. With the help of compulsory motor liability insurance, you can compensate for the damage caused to the car and other participants in the accident. The minimum period of MTPL insurance depends on the category of the vehicle.

By insuring your civil liability with the help of MTPL, you will get rid of worries about compensating the damage caused to the victims. Your insurance company will cover the compensation.

Minimum period of compulsory motor liability insurance

To determine the minimum period of MTPL insurance, you need to determine the category of the vehicle. Each category has its own minimum period of motor insurance. There are 3 categories of vehicles: vehicles registered in the territory of another state and entered the territory of the Russian Federation; Vehicles entering...

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Validity period of compulsory motor liability insurance: how long does insurance last and how to increase this period?

OSAGO is a compulsory motor vehicle license valid on the territory of Russia.

It is prohibited to drive a vehicle without this insurance.

It is interesting that an MTPL policy can be valid not only for a year, according to the law, but also for a much shorter period of time.

For example, you can take out insurance for six months or even three months.

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From September 1, 2019, insurance companies will be allowed to increase or decrease the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance policies relative to basic rates by 30%. Starting from September 1, 2020, the corridor will expand to 40%. However, there is a caveat that the cost of the policy cannot be more than three times higher than the maximum base rate.

Vedomosti writes about these amendments with reference to a source who received the document from the Ministry of Finance. At the moment, the amendments have been sent for consideration to the Government of the Russian Federation.

Today, when determining the cost of an MTPL policy, the base rate is multiplied by several coefficients. As a result, the final price depends on the length of service of the drivers allowed to drive the vehicle, their age, as well as the region of registration of the vehicle and the power of its engine.

The Ministry of Finance in its amendments proposes, but in a year, from September 1, 2020. To ensure that insurance companies do not incur losses, the ministry has provided the same corridors of 30% and 40% that were mentioned above (previously we were talking about). In addition, according to the Ministry of Finance, this will eliminate the underestimation of risks among different categories of motorists and compensate for it at the expense of others.

The key point is that it is planned to introduce new OSAGO coefficients. These are the terms of use of a car or other vehicle, as well as the driving style of drivers, which will be judged not only by the number of fines issued, but also by the degree of nervousness when changing lanes and other maneuvers. To do this, we will have to introduce telematics devices.

Telematics devices, the installation of which will likely be voluntary at first, will allow drivers to qualify for insurance discounts. Over time, tracking devices, such as ERA-GLONASS, may become a mandatory condition for using a vehicle. Experts note that this scenario cannot be ruled out.

Today, the cost of an MTPL policy can be 40% lower than the base one and 60% higher. The abolition of two coefficients and the appearance of a fixed price range will reduce both discounts (but only for one year) and premiums. The Central Bank supports this idea, as do insurance companies, which previously opposed the abolition of coefficients that allowed them to change the cost of policies in a wide range, competing with each other. In the presence of the described amendments, and the President of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers, Igor Yurgens, perceives the revised bill as a further release of tariffs for compulsory civil liability insurance.

In turn, the Ministry of Finance warned that they will monitor, for which it is planned to develop an entire monitoring methodology with the determination of minimum acceptable values.

In addition, the bill provides for compulsory motor liability insurance policies with different payment limits, which will also affect the cost of insurance. This is 400,000 rubles, as it is now, half a million, a million and two million rubles. By the way, the insurer will be able to refuse an increased limit of payments without explaining the reasons, but the refusal of the car owner will not be accepted if the car owner wants to take out an MTPL policy not only for a year, as now, but for two or three at once.

  • Procedure for compensation for damage in case of an accident.
  • In addition to the MTPL policy, car owners are forced to pay for vehicle diagnostics in order to obtain a diagnostic card, which indirectly increases insurance costs. But .