How to top up an MTS account from a Sberbank bank card. How to top up your phone balance with a Sberbank card? Top up via 900 to another number

In this article we will consider a question that is currently very important and necessary - how to top up a phone from a Sberbank card using the number 900? We will analyze all the options for this question and briefly go over related topics: how to top up your phone account via SMS to Sberbank, can this be done through an ATM, do you need to call an operator, and so on. There are many questions, and we will try to briefly address each one without unnecessary information.

Naturally, such a large-scale issue - Sberbank replenishing the balance of a 900 phone - requires some introduction to the essence of the situation. Which is exactly what we will do now.

How to top up your phone balance with a Sberbank card

There is no need to prove that Sberbank is the largest banking organization in Russia - everyone already knows that. One has only to look at the scale of this bank, at the events that it organizes, and everything will become clear. Typically, large organizations meet their clients' needs, and Sberbank is no exception.

Why is this happening? First of all, because a large corporation has enormous power and influence, and it is able to provide clients with services that another bank cannot provide. The second reason is the reluctance to show off in front of the client, that is, the most comfortable service put at the head of the table, as they say. This is what distinguishes Sberbank from other banks in the Russian Federation - the desire to please its customers, the desire to make its service ideal. In addition, add here Sberbank’s desire for various innovations that come to Russia along with universal human progress.

If we add it all up, we will get the answer why we raised the question - how to top up your phone from a Sberbank card using SMS to number 900? The bank provides a very fast and comfortable service, but many simply do not know how to use this or that service. This is all due to the lack of awareness of the average Russian. Take even our question, most people do this through payment terminals, while having a Sberbank card. After all, it’s as easy as shelling pears, in this case, to send an SMS to the short number 900 and that’s it - the operation will be carried out, and you will save a huge amount of nerves and time.

Why do we save our nerves by performing simpler operations? Because we always raise a question like “Quick 900 number to top up your phone account” when you need an urgent solution. The money has run out, we need to make an important call, and we begin frantically typing the coveted words “replenish your phone account through Sberbank - SMS to number 900” into the search engine, hoping to quickly find the answer. We, in turn, want to carry out some prevention and highlight this issue for you in advance, so that the empty balance on your mobile device does not take you by surprise.

Sberbank - top up your phone balance by calling 900

To be able to perform this operation, you need to have the following:

  • Sberbank bank card with a positive balance
  • Mobile device linked to it
  • Connected service "Sberbank Online"
  • These three simple points you must follow.

So, how to top up your phone from a Sberbank card:

  • You send an SMS message to number 900. The text of the message must be presented as a number. This will be the number of rubles that you want to deposit on your mobile device. For example, your message might look like this - “200”. So, you want to credit your account with two hundred rubles. Let us immediately warn you that in this way you can put a maximum of ten thousand rubles and a minimum of ten rubles on your phone. This method is suitable when you want to put money on the phone to which your Sberbank card is linked;
  • But other aspects of the question may arise - how to top up your phone from a Sberbank card. For example, if you have several Sberbank cards linked to this number at once, this is also possible. Then you proceed as follows: To the short number 900 you send an SMS with the text “200 4321”. The first three digits are the amount of money you want to credit to your phone balance, the second four digits are the last four digits of your individual card number;

This is, in fact, what the answer to the question that we posed at the head of our article looks like - how to top up your phone from a Sberbank card to number 900. But let's look at related questions. For example, how can I put money on a phone that is not linked to a given Sberbank card?

How to top up a phone that is not linked to a card

What do we do in this case:

  • Send an SMS to number 900;
  • In the text of the message we write “tel 1234567890 200”;
  • The first ten digits mean the phone number to which you want to transfer funds, the last three digits mean a specific amount in rubles;
  • Let us immediately warn you that in twenty-four hours the minimum you can transfer is ten rubles, and the maximum is three thousand rubles;
  • By the way, instead of the word “tel” you can use the words “payment”, “payment”, “replenishment”, “pay” and so on;

Top up your phone balance through Sberbank

Here, in fact, is a comprehensive answer to the question we posed - how to top up a phone from a Sberbank 900 card. Now we will offer you for consideration several more ways to top up your balance on a mobile phone using a Sberbank bank card.

One of the ways is Sberbank payment terminal

This method is probably used by the vast majority. For this method, you only need a nearby ATM and knowledge of the PIN code of your Sberbank plastic card. The rest is a matter of technique. You just need to follow the instructions that will be written on the screen of the ATM or payment terminal.

Another way is to top up your balance through the Sberbank Online application. This is the most progressive and modern way to replenish your balance. All you need is Internet access and connected Mobile Banking service. Next, you go to the mobile banking website and simply follow the instructions that are there. Nothing complicated, everything is fast and comfortable.

We hope that you understand how to top up your phone from a Sberbank 900 card.

Now there is no need to use mobile recharge cards. The service of payment for communication services in the Sberbank Mobile Bank system to the short number 900 allows you to always be sure that communication is available, as it is paid for on time. You can top up cellular numbers from almost all operators, not just your own phone number. The list of mobile operators available for payment can be found on the Sberbank page.

How can you pay for your phone through the 900 Sberbank service. If you strictly follow the recommendations below, the payment will take a few minutes, saving a lot of time and nerves. Of course, first of all, to do this you need to connect to the Mobile Banking service and have a Sberbank card with money on it.

Top up your own cell phone from a Sberbank card

Anyone who has sufficient funds in their Sberbank account and has activated the Mobile Banking service can always be in touch and quickly top up their mobile phone. If such a convenient service does not exist, then you can order it at any nearest bank branch by filling out a simple form and concluding a service agreement.

Then transfers will occur instantly, without searching for terminals and other payment options for mobile communications.

When connecting to the Mobile Banking service, it will be enough to send the “900” subscriber an SMS with the number with how much we want to top up the mobile operator’s account.

We wait a few minutes, we receive a response from the Mobile Bank system about depositing money into the cell phone account.

Top up the mobile phone of friends, relatives and employees

To transfer money to another phone number, relatives, friends and colleagues, you need to create an SMS request for service 900. It should indicate the following: the cell phone number that we want to top up and the amount of the top up. The SMS recipient is “900”. In the message itself we write 10 digits of the phone number we want to top up, and then the transfer amount. It looks like this: “9ХХ7654321” – ten digits of a cell phone number; “150” – the replenishment amount must be in rubles.

The minimum payment limit is 10 rubles, the maximum is 1500 rubles per day. But if there is not enough money in the account to carry out a transaction, the system will respond that this type of operation is not available.

After a short time, we receive a notification asking us to confirm payment using the USSD request method. We carefully check the phone number and the amount we plan to pay, and only after that we confirm the transaction. If data is entered incorrectly, money will not be returned. If we want to return an incorrectly sent transfer, we will have to communicate with the person who received it by mistake. In this case, returning funds is very problematic.

If you have several Sberbank bank cards, but you need to pay from a specific card, then proceed as follows. To the “900” service we first send four digits of our card account from which we want to pay the bill, and then indicate the payment amount. It looks like this: subscriber - “900”, message “TEL 8ХХ32467848” (this is the cell number), “4321” (card numbers), “150” payment amount.

If we do not indicate which card we want to pay from, then the debit will be made from any card that has the required amount of money.

Instead of the word “TEL”, in the SMS text the Mobile Bank system recognizes other phrases: PAY, TOP-UP, PAY, OPLATA, POPOLNI.

Monthly payment for mobile communication services “Autopayments”

The very convenient “Auto Payments” service helps you always have money in your account. After all, there are often situations when you need to call, but there is no money for the call. This is especially unpleasant on weekends and holidays, when you really don’t want to resolve any issues, but communication is necessary. The free “Autopayment” option from Sberbank will ensure that the connection is never interrupted due to lack of money in the account, because you simply forgot to take care of replenishment on time.

An example of connecting automatic payment in the amount of 100 rubles: subscriber “900”, message text “AUTO100”.

After some time, you receive a notification about connecting the prepayment service or an invoice for the expired period in the amount of 100 rubles. The service is activated within 24 hours from the moment of order. You can refuse prepayment by sending a request to subscriber 900 with the message “AUTO PAYMENT -”, “8ХХ32467848” - mobile phone number.

The service will be disconnected within two days. Be careful to enter the numbers, data and amounts to be transferred correctly. Money sent using incorrectly specified data will not be returned by the bank.

Using a Sberbank card, you can send money to another phone number. Many bank clients already know how to deposit money on their phone through the 900 number. But there are other convenient options and ways to quickly top up the account of any subscriber.

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How to deposit money to someone else's phone number via SMS to 900

If you don’t have Internet access or a plastic card at hand, send money to the subscriber via the short number 900. A connected “ ” is required to complete the operation. The subscriber who receives money may or may not be connected to the mobile service, it does not matter. The only difference is that for subscribers who are not registered in the mobile banking system, the maximum transaction amount is limited to 1,500 rubles (and up to 10 transactions per day) for security reasons.


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IMPORTANT: via SMS to 900 it differs in that in the SMS message you just need to indicate the amount and no more parameters.

The operation takes place without commission and money is transferred in a matter of seconds.

How to top up another person's phone account via a short USSD command

Few people know that you can top up your balance through. The service is available only for Beeline, Megafon and Tele2 operators. The operation will be free if Mobile Bank is at the standard rate. For users of the economical package, the service will be paid.


IMPORTANT: Be careful. To avoid fraudulent schemes, send money only to people you know, having previously contacted them and agreed on the transaction. Do not respond to such requests from strangers and do not agree to transfer money if the subscriber does not want to get in touch.

You can top up your phone balance from a Sberbank card to another number easily and quickly. The choice of method depends on whether you have a plastic card at hand to insert into an ATM, or a terminal in sight, or access to the Internet and a password to enter your personal account. But in all cases of payment you will need access to a mobile phone. All transactions are carried out without commission.

Using Sberbank Mobile Bank, you can top up your or another phone number through 900, as well as make a wide range of payments (payments, transfers, information) using your card account. Using and you can put money on the balance of the following telecom operators: MTS, Beeline, Megafon and Tele2.

How to top up your phone using SMS to number 900

It is enough to have a phone number and funds on a bank card to send an SMS to number 900 and top up the phone number.
Stages of transferring money to your phone using SMS 900:

  • on mobile phone
  • in the “To” line you should dial the short number “ 900 »;
  • in the “Message” column, indicate the amount required for the transfer (for example, “ 600 »);
  • in order to send the text, click on the “Send” button;
  • After some time, you will receive confirmation on your phone that the money has been credited to your account.

How to deposit money to another number via SMS 900

Using Mobile Banking from Sberbank, you can top up not only your own phone, but also other numbers.

Steps to top up another number:

  • open a special window for composing a message;
  • in the “To” line, dial a short number 900 ;
  • TEL 9********* 600", where the stars indicate the 9-digit telephone number to which funds in the amount of 600 rubles will be sent;
  • check the typed text;
  • send SMS using the “Send” button.

As of the beginning of 2019, transfer limits are in the range of 50 thousand - 10 thousand rubles.

How to top up another person's phone account via USSD request 900

How to top up your or another phone number via 900? It is enough to send a special request from the phone keypad.

The request looks like this: *900*9ХХХХХХХХХ*SUM# and press the call button (where 9ХХХХХХХХ is the phone number).

How to transfer funds from one card to another

When registering an account with Sberbank, it is advisable to always link the phone number to the card. This procedure opens up the opportunity to control financial expenses in the event that there is no terminal or ATM nearby. Transactions using the phone are quite simple.

Stages of transferring funds from one card to another:

  • open a special window for composing a message;
  • in the “To” line type 900 ;
  • in the “Message” column enter the text: “ TRANSLATION 9********* 600", where the stars indicate the 9-digit telephone number to which funds in the amount of 600 rubles will be sent. (the transfer limit is 8 thousand rubles);
  • check the typed text;
  • You will receive an SMS with the amount and the recipient's full name, in response to which you should send a secret confirmation code.