What is TER. Territorial unit prices

  • TSNe-TERE 1.01-I3 Territorial estimate standards and territorial unit prices for the maintenance of municipal facilities in St. Petersburg. Changes made to territorial estimate standards and territorial unit prices for road maintenance work
    TSNe and TERe dated August 1, 2017 No. 1.01-I3
  • TSNe-TERE 1.01-I2 Territorial estimate standards and territorial unit prices for the maintenance of municipal facilities in St. Petersburg. Changes made to territorial estimate standards and territorial unit prices for road maintenance work
    TSNe and TERe dated May 12, 2017 No. 1.01-I2
  • TERmr 81-06-2001-I1(3) St. Petersburg Changes made to territorial estimate standards. Territorial unit prices for major equipment repairs
    Amendment dated December 29, 2016 No. 81-06-2001-I1(3) St. Petersburg
    TERMR dated October 05, 2015 No. 81-06-2001 St. Petersburg
  • TERP 81-05-2001-I1(4) St. Petersburg Changes made to territorial estimate standards. Territorial unit prices for commissioning works
    Amendment dated December 29, 2016 No. 81-05-2001-I1(4) St. Petersburg
    TERP dated October 5, 2015 No. 81-05-Pr-2001 St. Petersburg
  • TERr 81-04-2001-I1(6) St. Petersburg Changes made to territorial estimate standards. Territorial unit prices for repair and construction work
    Amendment dated December 29, 2016 No. 81-04-2001-I1(6) St. Petersburg
    TERR dated October 05, 2015 No. 81-04-2001 St. Petersburg
  • TERM 81-03-2001-I1(6) St. Petersburg Changes to territorial estimate standards. Territorial unit prices for equipment installation
    Amendment dated December 29, 2016 No. 81-03-2001-I1(6) St. Petersburg
    TERM dated October 05, 2015 No. 81-03-2001
  • TER 81-02-2001-I1(9) St. Petersburg Changes to territorial estimate standards. Territorial unit prices for construction and special construction work
    Amendment dated December 29, 2016 No. 81-02-2001-I1(9) St. Petersburg
    TER dated October 05, 2015 No. 81-02-2001
  • TSNe-TERE 1.01-I1 Territorial estimate standards and territorial unit prices for the maintenance of municipal facilities in St. Petersburg. Changes made to territorial estimate standards and territorial unit prices for road maintenance work
    TSNe and TERe dated August 25, 2016 No. 1.01-I1
  • TSNe-TERE 5.01 Territorial estimate standards and territorial unit prices for the maintenance of municipal facilities in St. Petersburg. Protection of water bodies
    TSNe and TERe dated July 1, 2016 No. 5.01
  • TSNe-TERE 4.01 Territorial estimate standards and territorial unit prices for the maintenance of municipal facilities in St. Petersburg. Maintenance of buildings and structures
    TSNe and TERe dated July 1, 2016 No. 4.01
  • TSNe-TER 3.01 Territorial estimate standards and territorial unit prices for the maintenance of municipal facilities in St. Petersburg. Maintenance of artificial structures
    TSNe and TERe dated July 1, 2016 No. 3.01
  • TSNe-TER 2.01 Territorial estimate standards and territorial unit prices for the maintenance of municipal facilities in St. Petersburg. Maintenance of green areas in St. Petersburg and repair of green areas located on them
    TSNe and TERe dated July 1, 2016 No. 2.01
  • TSNe-TERE 1.01 Territorial estimate standards and territorial unit prices for the maintenance of municipal facilities in St. Petersburg. Maintenance of highways
    TSNe and TERe dated July 1, 2016 No. 1.01
  • On the introduction into force of territorial estimated prices for the transportation of goods for construction, used during construction in the Nizhny Novgorod region
    Decree of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region of June 29, 2016 No. 405
  • On the introduction into force of territorial estimated prices for materials, products and structures used in construction in the Nizhny Novgorod region (as amended as of September 6, 2017)
    TER dated June 29, 2016 No. 404
    Decree of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region
  • On the introduction into force of territorial estimated prices for the operation of construction machines and vehicles used during construction in the Nizhny Novgorod region
    Decree of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region of June 29, 2016 No. 403

Territorial unit prices (TER)– these are estimated standards containing prices for the implementation of individual construction work on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

These estimated standards regulate the socially necessary, expressed in kind, sizes of individual elements of direct costs per unit volume of construction work and structural elements - consumption of building materials, labor costs of construction workers and operating time of construction machines.

The standards reflect the most progressive, cost-effective design solutions and industrial methods of work. Estimated standards serve as the basis for determining the estimated cost of a particular type of work, structures and buildings.

Territorial unit prices as a type of estimate norms

Estimated standards are grouped by type of work, degree of aggregation, purpose and type of construction. According to the types of construction, they are divided into general construction and special; according to the degree of aggregation - for individual types of work and special structural elements, enlarged system standards for structural parts of the building and individual structures; by purpose - for certain types of work, for temporary buildings and structures, for work in winter, for the maintenance of the directorate of enterprises under construction, etc.; by type of construction - for housing and civil, industrial, hydraulic, energy, rural, etc.

Using TEP

The use of certain estimate standards depends primarily on the requirements for the standards used by the customer of construction, repair, construction, and installation work. In a particular case, the parties (customer and contractor) can agree on contractual prices and then calculate the cost of work based on this. Most often, it is advisable for the customer to use either federal or territorial standards (if any were issued in a given region). Industry standards are used less often (for example, in the oil and gas industry) and standards developed by a specific organization are used even less often.

The use of federal standards in the regions is accompanied by their adjustment taking into account the prices of local materials. Territorial standards issued by local design institutes or regional pricing centers already take into account amendments to local conditions and their use in the region is much more convenient and therefore preferable.


Territorial and other collections of EP (TER) are developed by specialists of the Regional Pricing Centers in Construction (RCCP) of territorial entities of the Russian Federation, approved, put into effect and registered with the Federal State Institution Federal Center for Pricing in Construction and the Construction Materials Industry (FCCP), after which they are included in List of current regulatory documents.

Types of TEP collections

TER collections serve as the basis for drawing up estimate documentation for construction carried out in the relevant administrative-territorial regions of the country.

  • General instructions
  • Excavation
  • Mining stripping works
  • Drilling and blasting works
  • Wells
  • Piling works. Consolidation of soils. Drawer wells
  • Monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures
  • Prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures
  • Brick and block structures
  • Building metal structures
  • Wooden structures
  • Roofs
  • Protection of building structures and equipment from corrosion
  • Structures in rural construction
  • Finishing work
  • Internal pipelines
  • Water supply and sewerage - internal devices
  • Heating - internal devices
  • Gas supply - internal devices
  • Ventilation and air conditioning
  • Temporary prefabricated buildings and structures
  • Plumbing - external networks
  • Sewerage - external networks
  • Heat supply and gas pipelines
  • Main and field pipelines
  • Thermal insulation work
  • Car roads
  • Railways
  • Tunnels and subways
  • Bridges and pipes
  • Aerodromes
  • Tram rails
  • Power lines
  • Communications, radio and television facilities
  • Mining works
  • Earthen structures of hydraulic structures
  • Concrete and reinforced concrete structures of hydraulic structures
  • Stone structures of hydraulic structures
  • Metal structures of hydraulic structures
  • Wooden structures for hydraulic structures
  • Waterproofing work in hydraulic structures
  • Bank protection works
  • Ship routes of slipways and slips
  • Underwater construction (diving) work
  • Industrial furnaces and pipes
  • Reconstruction works of buildings and structures
  • Landscaping. Protective forest plantations.
  • Wells for oil and gas
  • Oil and gas wells in offshore conditions

Information about what TEP is is relevant for estimators. Let's get to know her. The abbreviation stands for “territorial unit prices”. Estimates are drawn up in TER, FER, GESN. Territorial ones are developed individually for each subject. Entry into force is organized by the local administration. Registration of TER in RosStroy is mandatory, after which prices are included in the list of regulatory documents.

TER: where and how it is used

Territorial unit rates apply until cancelled. GosStroy can do this by issuing an order or decree. The currently valid collection is necessary to generate an estimate for If construction is associated with government agencies, TEP accounting is required. For non-state structures, prices are recommended, but they will have to be taken into account.

Working for itself, the company has the right to set its own prices. Participation in government auctions requires compliance with TEP. Since the standards are adopted in accordance with the prices in force at the time of approval, an index is used to obtain the current amount of expenses. A list of indices valid for the near future is published monthly. Knowing what TER is, and owning the index reissued on the 25th of the next month, they prepare a correct, accurate estimate for any construction.

Practical use

It is necessary to know how estimates are prepared in TERs if you have to:

  • government order;
  • construction;
  • participation in the tender;
  • installation;
  • design and survey work.

The ability to use TERs is valued by the contractor.

Estimate: theory and practice

When constructing a building, you cannot do without an estimate. As follows from Article 743 of the current code, the key documents for any facility under construction are:

  • work agreement;
  • basis for payment;
  • estimate.

Knowing what TEP is, estimates are drawn up correctly.

The estimate records:

  • marginality;
  • cost price;
  • price of materials;
  • cost of equipment;
  • construction time;
  • equipment costs.

An estimate is drawn up taking into account the following nuances:

  • specifics of the region;
  • title of work;
  • scope of work;
  • correctness of odds (season, crowded conditions, etc.);
  • current index.

The estimate is drawn up based on:

  • list of works;
  • volumes of work.

With a correctly formed design sheet, data on the composition and scope of work is given to the estimator in advance. When renovating a building, an estimate can be drawn up without the involvement of professionals.

When working with a municipal or federal client, the contractor uses the TEP of the customer’s region. Even if the company is based in another region, and the work will be carried out in a third region, the indices and coefficients of the area where the organization requiring the services is registered are taken into account.

In the case where the work is financed from the federal budget and the construction site is located in Moscow, the cost increase index is used. This indicator was created based only on construction and repairs in the capital. When a developer works on the territory of Moscow with funds allocated from the municipal budget, taking into account TSN-2001.

Unit prices

The regulatory framework is unit prices, compiled for ease of use into reference collections.

Unit prices are expressed financial resources required for the success of the planned work.

TER are compiled for the following catalogs:

  • construction;
  • repair;
  • installation;
  • commissioning;
  • landscaping;
  • technical support.

Computers to help estimators

It’s not easy to master, even knowing the terms of this area and having a sample in front of your eyes. Computer systems have been developed to help estimators calculate objects. When using them, you will still have to know what TEP is, but the process is greatly simplified. The program already contains standard amounts, there is a function for updating the index, the finished document is generated on an accepted form, taking into account state standards.

“On the knee”, construction in TER can be calculated in Excel, but the use of special software guarantees the accuracy of the obtained figures. The estimate program will save time and, based on the entered data, will be able to quickly generate documents of several samples. Daily automatic updates guarantee the relevance and correctness of the results.

Summing up

So, we can safely say that the concept of TERs is necessary for every self-respecting estimator. This helps to correctly draw up the documentation accompanying the construction. The use of TEP expands the company's capabilities, allowing it to participate in auctions.

When hiring an estimator, it is in the employer’s interest to test the specialist. Skills in using TER, the ability to distinguish territorial from federal prices, the ability to master new software systems for construction calculations - these are the key skills of a skilled worker.


Saint Petersburg

TER 81-02-2001 SPb

by order of the Committee on Economics and Industrial Policy

Administration of St. Petersburg dated 09/07/2001 No. 223

Territorial Unit rates
for construction work

TER-2001 St. Petersburg

General instructions
on the use of Territorial Unit
prices for construction work

Administration of St. Petersburg

Saint Petersburg

DEVELOPEDSt. Petersburg Regional Center for Pricing in Construction RCSC St. Petersburg (P.V. Goryachkin - head, E.E. Dyachkov, L.A. Danilova, N.N. Kalinko, V.M. Semkova, E.N. Fedotova) with the participation of specialists - A.P. Ivanov (JSC Construction Corporation of St. Petersburg), A.A. Kozlovskaya, S.M. Beller (JSC LenNIIproekt Institute).

APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT from January 1, 2002 by order of the Committee of Economics and Industrial Policy of the Administration of St. Petersburg dated September 7, 2001 No. 223


1.1. Territorial Unit Prices for construction work for use in St. Petersburg in base prices as of January 1, 2000 (hereinafter referred to as TER) are intended to determine direct costs in the estimated cost of construction of enterprises, buildings and structures, to develop aggregated standards of estimated cost, as well as for payments for completed construction work.

1.2. TER are compiled on the basis of:

State elemental estimate standards for construction work GESN-2001 (Gosstroy of Russia);

Average estimated prices for materials, products and structures in St. Petersburg as of January 1, 2000;

Average estimated prices for the operation of construction machinery and mechanisms in St. Petersburg as of January 1, 2000;

The level of wages for construction workers and machinists in St. Petersburg as of January 1, 2000 according to the following tariff schedule:

Hourly wage rates established for workers engaged in construction work under normal working conditions

Tariff rate rub./person-hour.

Tariff rate rub./person-hour.

Tariff rate rub./person-hour.

Tariff rate rub./person-hour.

Note: When developing the TER, the corresponding prices took into account the increased hourly tariff rates of workers employed in construction in work with difficult and harmful working conditions, as well as in steeplejack work. For certain professions of workers of the VI category, engaged in the management of powerful and particularly complex construction machines and mechanisms, their repair and maintenance, the prices take into account the corresponding increased hourly tariff rates.

1.3. TER were developed as part of the following collections:

Collection name

Full designation of the collection 1)

Abbreviation for collection

Territorial unit prices for construction work (TER-2001 St. Petersburg)


TER 81-02-01-2001 SPb

TER-2001-01 SPb


TER 81-02-04-2001 SPb

TER-2001-04 SPb

Piling works. Consolidation of soils. Drawer wells

TER 81-02-05-2001 SPb

TER-2001-05 SPb

Monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures

TER 81-02-06-2001 SPb

TER-2001-06 SPb

Prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures

TER 81-02-07-2001 SPb

TER-2001-07 SPb

Brick and block structures

TER 81-02-08-2001 SPb

TER-2001-08 SPb

Metal constructions

TER 81-02-09-2001 SPb

TER-2001-09 SPb

Wooden structures

TER 81-02-10-2001 SPb

TER-2001-10 SPb

TER 81-02-11-2001 SPb

TER-2001-11 SPb

TER 81-02-12-2001 SPb

TER-2001-12 SPb

Protection of equipment building structures from corrosion

TER 81-02-13-2001 SPb

TER-2001-13 SPb

Structures in rural construction

TER 81-02-14-2001 SPb

TER-2001-14 SPb

Finishing work

TER 81-02-15-2001 SPb

TER-2001-15 SPb

Internal pipelines

TER 81-02-16-2001 SPb

TER-2001-16 SPb

Water supply and sewerage - internal devices

TER 81-02-17-2001 SPb

TER-2001-17 SPb

Heating - internal devices

TER 81-02-18-2001 SPb

TER-2001-18 SPb

Gas supply - internal devices

TER 81-02-19-2001 SPb

TER-2001-19 SPb

Ventilation and air conditioning

TER 81-02-20-2001 SPb

TER-2001-20 SPb

Water supply - external networks

TER 81-02-22-2001 SPb

TER-2001-22 SPb

Sewerage - external networks

TER 81-02-23-2001 SPb

TER-2001-23 SPb

Heat supply and gas pipelines - external networks

TER 81-02-24-2001 SPb

TER-2001-24 SPb

Thermal insulation work

TER 81-02-26-2001 SPb

TER-2001-26 SPb

Car roads

TER 81-02-27-2001 SPb

TER-2001-27 SPb


TER 81-02-28-2001 SPb

TER-2001-28 SPb

Tunnels and subways

TER 81-02-29-2001 SPb

TER-2001-29 SPb

Bridges and pipes

TER 81-02-30-2001 SPb

TER-2001-30 SPb


TER 81-02-31-2001 SPb

TER-2001-31 SPb

Tram rails

TER 81-02-32-2001 SPb

TER-2001-32 SPb

Power lines

TER 81-02-33-2001 SPb

TER-2001-33 SPb

Communications, radio and television facilities

TER 81-02-34-2001 SPb

TER-2001-34 SPb

Earthen structures of hydraulic structures

TER 81-02-36-2001 SPb

TER-2001-36 SPb

Concrete and reinforced concrete structures of hydraulic structures

TER 81-02-37-2001 SPb

TER-2001-37 SPb

Stone structures of hydraulic structures

TER 81-02-38-2001 SPb

TER-2001-38 SPb

Metal structures of hydraulic structures

TER 81-02-39-2001 SPb

TER-2001-39 SPb

Wooden structures for hydraulic structures

TER 81-02-40-2001 SPb

TER-2001-40 SPb

Waterproofing work in hydraulic structures

TER 81-02-41-2001 SPb

TER-2001-41 SPb

Bank protection works

TER 81-02-42-2001 SPb

TER-2001-42 SPb

Ship routes of slipways and slips

TER 81-02-43-2001 SPb

TER-2001-43 SPb

Underwater construction (diving) work

TER 81-02-44-2001 SPb

TER-2001-44 SPb

Industrial furnaces and pipes

TER 81-02-45-2001 SPb

TER-2001-45 SPb

Works at reconstruction of buildings and structures

TER 81-02-46-2001 SPb

TER-2001-46 SPb


TER 81-02-47-2001 SPb

TER-2001-47 SPb

1) - the full designation of the TERr-2001 St. Petersburg collections was adopted in accordance with SP 81-01-94 “Code of rules for determining the cost of construction as part of pre-design and design estimate documentation”

1.4. TER reflect the industry average level of costs for the adopted equipment, technology and organization of work for each type of construction work and, in this regard, can be used to determine the estimated cost of construction by all customers and contractors, regardless of their departmental subordination and legal form.

1.5. The content, construction, presentation and design of the TEP meet the requirements of:

- SNiP 10-01-94 “System of regulatory documents in construction. Basic provisions";

- SP 81-01-94 “Code of rules for determining the cost of construction”;

- MDS 81-1.99 “Guidelines for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation”;

Guidelines for the development of unit prices for construction, installation, special construction and repair and construction work (Gosstroy of Russia 04/26/99 No. 30) taking into account these General Instructions.

Organizations, institutions and enterprises, their officials are responsible for the incorrect application of TER in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The effect of TEP remains until they are replaced with new ones.

1.6. Unit prices are compiled taking into account the delivery of materials to construction sites located within the city of St. Petersburg, which includes the following administrative districts - Admiralteysky, Vasileostrovsky, Vyborgsky, Kalininsky, Kirovsky, Krasnogvardeysky, Krasnoselsky, Moskovsky, Nevsky, Petrogradsky, Primorsky, Frunzensky and Central.

In order to simplify calculations, to take into account the difference in transport costs for the delivery of material resources to construction projects located in the administrative subordinate suburbs of St. Petersburg (administrative districts - Kolpinsky, Kronstadtsky, Kurortny, Lomonosovsky, Pavlovsky, Petrodvortsovy and Pushkinsky), as well as in the implementation of construction in the Leningrad region by construction organizations of St. Petersburg, special adjustment factors must be applied to the estimated cost calculated according to these unit prices, established depending on the distance of construction projects from the city boundaries and the conditions for determining the current estimated cost of materials, products and structures, not included in TER:

Distance of the object from the city limits

Adjustment factors to the cost of construction and installation work (the total of direct costs, taking into account overhead costs and estimated profit)

the cost of materials not included in the prices is accepted at the actual current estimated price, taking into account delivery to a site remote from the city

the cost of materials not included in the prices is accepted at the estimated price, taking into account delivery to an object within the city or according to the Collection of average estimated prices

for every 10 km over 120 km


1.7. To determine the estimated cost of work (including unique ones) that are not included in the TER collections, individual (company, production) estimate norms and prices can be developed, approved by the customer as part of the project (work draft).

1.8. When determining the cost of construction work that is rarely carried out on the territory of St. Petersburg and for this reason is not included in the collections of Territorial unit prices, the prices of the collections of Federal unit prices for construction work FER-2001, developed at the price level of the base region (Moscow region) according to as of January 1, 2000, Gosstroy of Russia. In this case, the indicated prices are applied taking into account the following territorial adjustment factors in the basic price level as of 01/01/2000:

To remuneration of construction workers and remuneration of machinists - 1,224;

To the total cost of operating construction machines - 1.054;

To the cost of materials - 1,160.

1.9. When determining the cost of construction work that is not included in the collections TER-2001 SPb and FER-2001, it is allowed to use the prices of the collections EPEP-84 for building structures and works developed at the price level as of January 1, 1984. In this case, the indicated prices are applied taking into account the following adjustment factors to the basic price level as of 01/01/2000:

For wages of construction workers and wages for machinists - 18.85;

To the total cost of operating construction machines - 20.37;

To the cost of materials - 21.76.

1.10. INUnit prices, with the exception of specially stated cases, take into account the cost of unloading materials at the on-site warehouse, as well as the costs of horizontal and vertical transport of materials, products and structures from the on-site warehouse to the place of their installation, installation or laying in the design position (in-building transport).

The prices take into account the average cost of maintaining the constructed power supply networks.

1.11. Each TER Collection contains a technical part and prices for a design or work meter. Before using the prices, you need to familiarize yourself with the technical part.

The technical part contains information about the purpose and procedure for applying prices, rules for calculating the volume of work and coefficients that take into account the performance of work under conditions different from those accepted in the prices.

1.12. TER tables contain indicators of estimated costs established for the corresponding meter of structures or works:

Direct costs, including:

- labor costs for construction workers;

Costs of operating construction machines, including wages for workers servicing the machines;

- costs of materials, products and structures;

Labor costs of construction workers, in person-hours

- consumption of materials not included in prices - in physical units of measurement.

1.13. The numbering, name and units of measurement in the TER Collections coincide with the numbering, name and units of measurement of similar tables of the State elemental estimate standards for construction work GESN-2001.

1.14. In separate unit prices, column 4 “Direct costs” and column 8 “Materials” do not include the cost of basic building materials, products and structures, taken on the basis of design data and current prices according to the terms of delivery (complete set). Such materials are given as a separate line directly in unit prices indicating the code, name and expense for the price meter. The technical specifications are accepted according to the design data (working drawings).

When drawing up estimate documentation and when paying for work performed, the cost of work at such unit prices is determined in two lines:

In the first, the cost of work is calculated according to the corresponding unit price;

Secondly, the cost of materials, products and structures not taken into account in the prices.

It is allowed to sum up materials not included in the prices for each section of the local estimate or for the facility as a whole.

For some materials, products and structures, only names are indicated in the TER, and their consumption is taken according to design data (working drawings).

In cases where, at the time of drawing up the estimate documentation, there is no data on the cost of these materials, it is necessary to use the price data given in the Collection of average estimated prices for basic construction resources in St. Petersburg (“Stroytsena” RCTS SPb) and other reference and information materials about current prices for construction resources. Based on the customer's delivery materials, pricing information is generated based on the customer's data.

1.15. The TEP does not take into account overhead costs, estimated profit and other (limited) costs.

1.16. The costs of operating machines in TER take into account the cost of electricity in the amount of 0.35 rubles/kWh, including the costs of maintaining the construction power supply networks and compressed air of 0.14 rubles/m 3.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.17. The price of water in unit prices is assumed to be 2.16 rubles/m 3. In cases where the water consumption during work is insignificant, its cost is taken into account in the prices and is not adjusted when drawing up estimates.

If the price of water obtained for flushing and hydraulic testing of pipelines with a diameter of over 125 mm or tanks under construction differs from that accepted in unit prices by more than 10%, then the difference in cost should be taken into account in local estimates, taking water consumption according to the standards specified in unit prices or according to elemental estimate standards for these works.

In some prices for special structures and work (earth structures of hydraulic structures, road construction work, etc.), the cost of water and its delivery to the work site is not taken into account. When applying these rates, the cost of water and its delivery should be taken into account in local estimates additionally at local prices or calculations in accordance with the data of the construction organization project and consumption rates specified in the tables of unit prices and elemental estimate standards.

1.18. During construction in cities on the territory of built-up areas, if the construction organization project provides for the construction of transhipment bases for storing concrete and reinforced concrete structures, additional costs for transporting structures and loading and unloading operations are determined by calculation based on the number of structures delivered to the transshipment depot, taking into account prices for transportation of goods for construction.


2.1. The application of TEP is carried out directly in the preparation of local estimates. In this case, all the necessary indicators from the TER are transferred to the estimates without changes. Clarifications of estimated indicators related to the procedure for applying TEP and taking into account coefficients for working conditions are carried out when drawing up estimates, with references to the relevant paragraphs of the technical parts of the relevant Collections of TEP and these Instructions.

2.2. If the construction organization project provides for construction work in operating buildings and structures, near objects under high voltage, on the territory of existing enterprises, which has an extensive network of transport and engineering communications and cramped conditions for storing materials and in other increasingly complex conditions during reconstruction, technical re-equipment and expansion of existing enterprises (buildings, structures), the following coefficients should be applied to the standards of labor costs, wages of workers, costs of operating machines, including wages of workers servicing the machines:

Correction factors to labor cost standards, workers' compensation, machine operating costs, including wages for workers servicing the machines, to take into account the influence of work conditions stipulated by the projects

Name of works


Carrying out construction work in operating buildings and structures, freed from equipment and other items that interfere with the normal performance of work

Carrying out construction work in operating buildings and structures with the presence in the work area of ​​operating technological equipment (machines, installations, cranes, etc.) or cluttering objects (laboratory equipment, furniture, etc.) or traffic movement along intra-shop routes

The same, if the air temperature in the workplace is more than 40° indoors

The same with harmful working conditions, where the workers of the enterprise have a reduced working day, and construction workers have a working day of normal length

The same with hazardous working conditions, where construction workers were transferred to shortened working hours with a 36-hour work week

The same with harmful working conditions and especially cramped workplaces, where construction workers were transferred to a shortened working day with a 36-hour work week

The same with harmful working conditions, where construction workers are transferred to shortened working hours with a 24-hour work week

The same with harmful working conditions and particularly cramped workplaces, where construction workers were transferred to a shortened working day with a 24-hour work week

Carrying out construction work on open and semi-open production sites with the presence of operating technological equipment or the movement of technological transport in the work area

The same, in case of particularly cramped workplaces

The same with harmful working conditions (presence of steam, dust, harmful gases, smoke, etc.), where the workers of the enterprise have a reduced working day, and construction workers have a working day of normal length

Carrying out construction work near high voltage objects

Carrying out construction work in closed structures (premises) located below 3 m from the ground surface

Construction of new facilities on the territories of existing enterprises with an extensive network of transport and engineering communications and cramped conditions for storing materials

Construction of utility networks and structures in cramped conditions of built-up parts of cities

The same, under particularly cramped conditions


1. Cramped conditions in the built-up part of cities are characterized by the presence of three of the following factors:

Intense traffic of urban transport and pedestrians in the immediate vicinity of the work site, necessitating construction in short sections with the complete completion of all work on the section, including restoration of damaged surfaces and planting of greenery;

An extensive network of existing underground communications that are subject to suspension or relocation;

Residential or industrial buildings, as well as preserved green spaces in the immediate vicinity of the work site;

Cramped conditions for storing materials or the impossibility of storing them at the construction site for the normal supply of materials to workplaces.

2. Application of coefficients for preparation of estimate documentation must be justified in projects. The simultaneous use of several coefficients (except for the coefficients of points 4 and 5) is not allowed. The coefficients specified in paragraphs 4 and 5 can be applied together with other coefficients. When applied simultaneously, the coefficients are multiplied.

3. These coefficients do not apply to the prices of the Collection TER-2001-46 “Work during the reconstruction of buildings and structures.” In cases of application of the Collection TER-2001-46 “Work during the reconstruction of buildings and structures”, the coefficients given in the Technical part of this Collection should be used.

4. The security zone along overhead power lines is a section of land and space enclosed between vertical planes passing through parallel straight lines, spaced from the outer wires (if their position is not deviated) at a distance, m:

from 1 to 20 sq. inclusive

800 sq. (D.C)

2.3. Direct costs for the dismantling of individual structures of buildings and structures, as well as the dismantling of internal sanitary installations and external networks in the absence of the necessary TER for dismantling (disassembly) are recommended to be determined according to the relevant collections of TER for installation (installation, installation) without taking into account the cost of basic materials and products and designs of sanitary equipment, instruments, fittings and pipelines, with the application of the following coefficients to the standards of labor costs, wages of workers and costs of operating machines, including wages of workers servicing the machines:

a) when dismantling prefabricated reinforced concrete and concrete structures - 0,8;

b) the same, prefabricated wooden structures - 0,8;

c) the same, internal sanitary installations (water supply, sewerage, drains, heating, ventilation) - 0,4;

d) the same, external networks of water supply, sewerage, heat supply and gas supply - 0,6;

e) the same, metal structures: 0,6 - to the basic wages of workers; 0,7 - to the costs of operating machines, including the wages of workers servicing the machines;

0,5 - to the costs of auxiliary materials.

The specified coefficients will change directly in local cost estimates.

2.4. In estimates for the construction of buildings with a height of 25 m or more, the cost of operating cargo-passenger lifts according to the TER given in Collection No. 7 “Prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures” should be taken into account.

2.5. The TER provides for the use of softwood timber (pine, spruce, etc.). When applying timber of other species to the standards of labor costs and wages of workers, the following coefficients should be applied:

2.6. The preparation of estimate documentation using TER can be carried out at the base (as of 01/01/2000) and current price levels. To take into account the increase in construction costs caused by inflationary factors during the period of validity of the Unit Prices, the base-index method for determining the cost of construction can be used, based on the use of price indices for types and complexes of work and construction projects developed for the conditions of St. Petersburg by the Regional Center for pricing in construction to the basic price level as of 01/01/2000.

2.7. The cost of materials, products and structures that are not included in the cost of direct costs according to the basic TEP and are given as a separate line directly in unit prices indicating the code, name and expense for the price meter, is accepted directly at the current price level according to the terms of delivery (configuration) or by indexation base cost as of 01/01/2000. The actual current prices of construction resources are confirmed by the relevant settlement and payment documents and warehouse and production accounting data.