Presentation on the topic "what the Chinese sage Confucius taught." Lesson topic: “What the Chinese sage Confucius taught. The position of the teachings of Confucius

What did the Chinese sage Confucius teach?

Ancient world

5th grade

Developed by: Anna Aleksandrovna Sozonova

Insert missing words:

India is located in the south of the continent


The northern border of India is the highest mountains in the world _______________.

The coast of India is washed by the ________________ ocean from the west, east and south.

The most abundant rivers in India are ______________.

In _______ century. BC. Almost all Indian kingdoms were united under the rule of King ________.

The ancient Indians had castes:

__________, ______, _____________, ______.

The famous Chinese sage was __________.




Indus and Ganges

3 - eat







Lesson topic:.

What did he teach? Chinese sage Confucius

Lesson objectives:

get acquainted with the teachings of the Chinese sage Confucius

Lesson Objectives :

Search and highlight...

Set and formulate...

To express…



Problematic issues:

- what does the sage Confucius teach?

- Is it possible in the modern world to live according to the teachings of Confucius?

Lesson plan:

1.Geographical location and natural conditions of China.

2. Confucius - ancient Chinese philosopher.

3. Teachings of Confucius.

1.Country where the Chinese lived

  • Where is China?
  • What major rivers flow through China?
  • What is the terrain like in this state?
  • Which city is the capital of China today?

The country where the Chinese lived

  • China is located in East Asia.
  • The main rivers of China are the Yangtze and Yellow River.
  • The Chinese settled throughout the Great Chinese Plain.
  • The famous Chinese sage was Confucius.

Yangtze River - “Long River” or “Blue River”) is the longest and most abundant river in Eurasia, the third longest in the world.

Yellow River - “Yellow River”, the name is associated with the abundance of sediment, giving a yellowish tint to its waters. It is thanks to them that the sea into which the river flows is called Yellow.

The country where the Chinese lived

Sage especially

revered person, often an elder, endowed with knowledge,

often attributed to divine origin .

Confucius –

chinese sage


(孔子 Kong Tzu , less often 孔夫子 Kong Fu Tzu , Chinese thinker and philosopher. The real name is Kun, but in literature it is often called Kun-tzu, Kun Fu-tzu (“teacher Kun”) or simply Tzu - “Teacher”. And this is no coincidence: already at the age of just over 20 years, he became famous as the first professional teacher

Group performance:

1. Group “The highest virtue is respect for elders.”

2. Group “Wisdom is in the knowledge of ancient books.”

Group 3: “How polite Chinese should behave.”

Relations in the state

  • The state is a big family.
  • Subjects must respect the ruler as a father.
  • A ruler must treat his subjects like children - with care and attention.
  • A wise ruler does not punish people, but patiently educates and instructs in a fatherly manner.

Four rules

well-mannered person

  • Respect old age, everyone gets old. Honor and take care of your parents.
  • Study diligently, knowledge will be useful in life.
  • Do not follow bad examples, be well-mannered, respect the customs of others.
  • Don't do to people what you don't want to do to yourself.

Basic behavior of a well-mannered Chinese

A well-mannered Chinese should:

  • sit cross-legged ;
  • walk on mats barefoot ;
  • eating with 2 chopsticks ;
  • collect hair in a bun ;
  • dress neatly ;
  • refuse swear words.


I accept (+)

1) Success amuses, failures teach.

do not accept (-)

2) People do bad things out of laziness. To do a good deed, you have to put in the work.

3) A respectful son is one who upsets his father and mother only with his illness.

4) You need to study in order to improve yourself, and not to surprise others.

5) The secret of happiness is simple, give way to someone you meet and share a piece of bread with your neighbor.

6) Be respectful to your parents and teachers. Only in mercy and self-sacrifice be ahead of them.

Self-control table

I can show the location of Ancient China on a map;

I can tell you about the nature and people of Ancient China;

I can compare the nature and climate of China and Egypt,

Mesopotamia and India

I know where to find information and can answer questions:

-Who is Confucius

-Why was he called the sage?

-What religious beliefs did the Chinese have?

I can describe the attitude of the Chinese towards their ancestors

I can tell you how the polite Chinese behaved

I know how Chinese writing was similar to Egyptian

I know what is most important in the teachings of Confucius

Increased difficulty level:

I believe that…


Sinkwine is a poem consisting of five lines, in each of which the number of words and even possible parts of speech are predetermined:

1. Historical figure (one noun);

2. Personal description - two adjectives;

3. Personal actions - three verbs;

4. Phrase about a historical figure (4 words, but not required) - any parts of speech;

5. The hero metaphor is usually one noun.

Test tasks

Choose the correct answer.

1. Writing material used during the time of Confucius

1) bamboo 2) papyrus 3) clay 4) birch bark

2. Great Chinese Rivers

1) Tigris and Euphrates 2) Yangtze and Yellow River 3) Volga and Oka 4) Indus and Ganges

3. The position of the teachings of Confucius

1) the highest virtue is respect for elders

2) The ruler can cruelly punish his subjects

3) Wisdom is the ability to sing beautifully

4) In a family, elders should treat younger ones with disdain.

4. Chinese characters

1) letters 2) cuneiform characters 3) hieroglyphs 4) sounds

Complete the proposal.

5. Confucius compared the state to a big __________________ .


Question no.

Correct answer


Number of correct answers

Criteria for evaluation

5 correct answers - “5”

4 correct answers - “4”

3 correct answers - “3”

2 correct answers - “2”

Key Ideas

Introducing to the wisdom of the ancients

Honor and respect for elders

There must be order in everything

Respect for antiquity

A wise ruler, relying on customs and traditions, serves as an example in everything; cruelty is alien to him

Key Ideas

Good manners are a sign of a well-mannered person

Subjects must respect the ruler as a father, and the ruler must treat his subjects as his children.

“Learn! For life always reminds us that all our knowledge is not enough. When a person stops learning, he may lose what he learned before.” Confucius

Yellow River is outdated. Huang He (Chinese, pinyin Huáng He) river in China. Translated from Chinese, its name is “Yellow River,” which is due to the abundance of sediments that give a yellowish tint to its waters. It is thanks to them that the sea into which the river flows is called Yellow. whale. pinyin

The Yangtze (Chinese listen (info) “Long River” or “Blue River”)) is the longest and most abundant river in Eurasia, the third longest in the world (after the Nile and the Amazon). It flows through the territory of China, has a length of about 6300 km, and a basin area of ​​1808.5 km². whale. listeninfo

Confucius (Kun-Tzu, less often Kung Fu-Tzu, Chinese thinker and philosopher. His real name is Kun, but in literature he is often called Kun-Tzu, Kung Fu-Tzu (“teacher Kun”) or simply Tzu “Teacher”. And this is not by chance: already at the age of just over 20 he became famous as the first professional teacher

Sage A sage is a particularly revered person, often an elder, endowed with knowledge, often attributed to divine origin. a particularly revered person, often an elder, endowed with knowledge, often attributed to divine origin.

27 1. In the 1st millennium BC. e. The Chinese settled 1. In the 1st millennium BC. e. the Chinese settled a) in the valley of the Ganges River; b) throughout the Great Chinese Plain; c) on the western coast of the Mediterranean Sea; 2. The widest and most abundant rivers in China - 2. The widest and most abundant rivers in China - a) Indus and Ganges; b) Tigris and Euphrates; c) Yellow River and Yangtze; 3. The sage who was revered by the Chinese - 3. The sage who was revered by the Chinese - a) Confucius; b) Buddha; c) Shamash; 4. During the time of Confucius, the Chinese wrote on – 4. During the time of Confucius, the Chinese wrote on – a) papyrus; b) clay tablets; c) on bamboo planks; 5. “Son of Heaven” in China was called - 5. “Son of Heaven” in China was called - a) a sage; b) eldest son; c) king

Slide 2

Slide 3

There is an opinion

The achievements of Chinese culture have had some impact on the Western world. Chinese silk and Chinese paper came to Europe and Western Asia, and the Chinese invented the compass (an iron spoon on a smooth stand with divisions indicating the cardinal directions).

Do you agree with the statement?

Slide 4

  • The country where the Chinese lived
  • Teachings of Confucius
  • Slide 5

    Slide 6

    Location China

    • What ancient country can China compare in size to? Based on this, draw a conclusion about the natural conditions of China.
    • Using a map, determine the location of China?
    • Name the two largest rivers flowing in China. What major rivers of antiquity do they resemble?
    • The development of what activities was facilitated by the natural conditions of China?
  • Slide 7

    Silk production

    Assignment: List the stages of the operation for making silk fabric

    Slide 8

    1. You need to immerse the cocoons in hot water, which softens the glue;
    2. Connect the threads from several cocoons, and then pass them through the ring and attach to a small wheel;
    3. After the wheel rotated, the threads passing through the ring were glued together into one strong, smooth thread;
    4. Weavers created fabric from threads.
  • Slide 9

    Silk was worth its weight in gold

    The Chinese kept secret the method of producing silk, which was sent to the West along the Silk Road.

    Slide 10

    Cognitive task

    “A certain Chinese doctor is visiting a patient. He frowns and refuses to take the unusual medicine. Explaining this by saying that it is bitter, astringent and has a strange smell. The doctor convinces the patient that the medicine rarely tastes good, while guaranteeing quick healing: “The healing properties of the drink are great: mark my words, this drink is the future!”

    Have you tried this infusion? What is it called?

    Slide 11

    Tea ceremony

  • Slide 12

    The ancient Chinese said:

    • “Words can deceive, people can pretend, but music cannot lie.”
    • What does this statement indicate? Can we say that this statement is a manifestation of wisdom?
  • Slide 13

    Confucius (551-479 BC)

    • Monument to Confucius.
    • Peking University.
  • Slide 14

    Confucian teaching was especially popular in the circles of the clan nobility, because it was hostile to the promotion of new people seeking wealth and power despite their humble origins.

    What did Confucius teach?

    Slide 15

    Basic provisions of the doctrine:

    • Compliance with traditions and established orders in society
    • Respect for antiquity
    • Introducing to the wisdom of the ancients
    • Honor and respect for elders
    • Good manners are a sign of a well-mannered person
    • There must be order in everything
    • A wise ruler, relying on customs and traditions, serves as an example in everything; cruelty is alien to him
    • Subjects must respect the ruler as a father, and the ruler must treat his subjects as his children.
  • Slide 16

    Fixing the material

    • What should a person strive for according to Confucius?
    • How should a person, from the point of view of Confucius, relate to wealth, fame, and service?
    • What statements bring Confucius closer to Buddha, to the precepts of the biblical sages?
    • Whose interests did Confucianism express?
    • Give an example from your own life when you acted according to a rule that coincides with the advice of Confucius.
  • Slide 17

    Thank you for the lesson!
    See you soon!

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