How to change insurance company for compulsory medical insurance. How to get a compulsory medical insurance policy from an insurance company

Compulsory medical insurance policies have different forms and validity periods. But in connection with the transition to the UEC, a single form of the form appeared. It is received by citizens who apply for a policy for the first time: newborns, previously uninsured persons. The new forms are not limited in validity, but cases of document theft and loss still occur. Therefore, it is so important to know how and

The essence

(Compulsory Medical Insurance) allows the owner to receive help free of charge throughout Russia. The service is provided by a commercial company. Upon the occurrence of an insured event, the organization fully pays the cost of expenses of medical institutions. You can receive the document:

  • Russians;
  • citizens of other states who live on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • newborn children;
  • stateless persons who live in Russia;
  • refugees.

Types of policies

On the territory of the Russian Federation the following applies:

The paper policy is prepared on a blue form (with watermarks) in A5 format. In samples issued after 2011, there is no line with the registration address, but only full name, gender, date of birth, tax identification number and barcode. The authenticity of the document is certified by the seals of the insurance organization. This form cannot be laminated or folded. A special paper envelope with a transparent window is provided to store the document.

The electronic policy took the form of a bank card. The front side contains the name of the insurance company, a unique number and a chip. Full name, photo, date of birth of the owner, document validity period are indicated on the back.

UEC is used not only as a compulsory medical insurance, but also as a bank card, SNILS, and a digital signature carrier. It is not available at all branches of insurance companies. It looks the same as a bank card, but has more fields and a magnetic stripe on the back.


All these forms were made in order to automate the work of medical institutions by creating a common computer database. This will allow:

  • get rid of the problem of losing a paper copy;
  • create a remote appointment with specialists;
  • find out test results, monitor the treatment of the disease through a specialized website on the Internet.

So it’s worth thinking about how to change your health insurance policy.


The document is valid throughout the Russian Federation, so you must carry it with you at all times. Only if you have it can you receive medical services for free. Otherwise, only emergency assistance is provided. In addition, policy holders can choose the clinic, the attending physician and the range of services they will receive. To do this, you just need to write an application addressed to the head physician of the hospital.


An electronic policy is compact and durable, but it is not available from every insurance company. In the event of a change of residence, the owners of paper forms simply make changes to the register, and the plastic is confiscated and a new one is issued, since it is impossible to change the information stored on the chip in any other way. The second drawback is that medical organizations sometimes have problems identifying the policy holder. Not all institutions have reading devices installed. Employees have to process information manually.

A medical policy is issued for a child without a photograph. Whether or not to change a document depends on the circumstances of the envelope:

  • old-style forms are still valid, although they indicate a deadline until 2011;
  • It is mandatory to change your health insurance policy if it was issued before 2007;
  • a plastic card is equivalent to a paper medium;
  • exchange of new compulsory medical insurance policies is carried out only in case of loss, damage, change of surname, other personal data or if errors are detected. Otherwise, it will not be possible to identify the user.

How and where to change your medical policy

You can obtain the form at a branch of the insurance company. The address and telephone number can be obtained from the medical institution. The form is issued free of charge. In case of damage, theft, or if a person is filling out a form for the first time, he must choose the insurance company himself and contact its office. The employer no longer deals with these issues. To complete the document, you must provide copies of the following documents:

  1. Statement.
  2. Passport/birth certificate (up to 14 years of age).
  3. Parent's passport for persons under 18 years of age.
  4. SNILS (if available).

Foreign citizens will additionally be required to:

  1. Passport of another country.
  2. Residence permit or stamp indicating the right to temporary residence.
  3. SNILS.


After completing the application, a temporary form is issued with a validity period of 30 days. If a person wants to change his health insurance policy to a plastic one, he will additionally receive a reminder. It contains instructions on how to use the document. At the same time, the client is informed of the deadline for producing the electronic policy. You should not skip it, so as not to find yourself without a document. At the specified time, you should come to the office with your passport and pick up the form.

It is now impossible to change insurance in Moscow through an employer. You will have to contact the insurance company in person. There is no employer field on the form itself. A person can change several jobs - in each case he will have to update the document, and this is an additional cost.

No one has canceled the old types of forms. They function unless their validity period has expired. Health care workers are required to provide emergency care in an emergency situation, regardless of whether a person has insurance or not. But to receive outpatient treatment, compulsory health insurance (CHI) is required. A new type of policy can be obtained from the insurance company.

UEC is one for everyone

During the development of the unified form, it was initially planned that it would be mandatory for Russian citizens. But then this idea was abandoned. You can change your health insurance policy to UEC at your own request. All forms are valid in many regions. An electronic card is issued simultaneously with a paper version of the policy. Plastic is convenient to carry and use. It is better to keep the paper policy at home. In medical institutions located in large cities, there are no problems with reading information from a plastic card. New sample forms can be temporary or indefinite. Regardless of who exchanged compulsory medical insurance policies, the document is drawn up according to a single template.

Features of use

According to the law, expired forms cannot serve as a reason for refusal to receive medical care. These actions are grounds for contacting regulatory authorities in order to bring the perpetrators to justice. In practice, in some hospitals, difficulties may arise when processing documents if the policy was issued earlier than 2007. It is better to replace such forms in advance. More details on how to change your health insurance policy are written above.

It is also worth contacting the insurance company if the information on the document has become unreadable, for example, as a result of folding the paper four times, because only in this form can an old-style policy be placed in a passport. If the information on the form cannot be read, then the person will have problems upon admission to the hospital.

For refugees and persons who temporarily reside in the territory of the Russian Federation, other exceptions apply. Such citizens can receive medical services free of charge as long as their document permitting residence in the country is valid.

Last changes

From August 1, 2015 in Moscow they will be issued to all persons who apply for a document. Of the 12 million residents of the capital, more than 7.5 million have a policy in the form of a green card. The rest have a blue A5 sheet of paper, which is not very inconvenient to use. It cannot be folded, otherwise important information (barcode) will be lost, and it cannot be laminated because of the SK stamp. There will be no such problems with plastic cards. Firstly, the electronic chip can be carried with you throughout Russia. Secondly, any doctor will be able to identify the patient using the photo and signature on the back.

The chip's capacity is limited, so it will only store a small amount of information about the patient's company name, citizenship, place of residence and birth. There will be no medical information there. At least for now. In clinics in the capital, you can make an appointment with a doctor using the UEC. So hurry up to change your medical policy to a new sample.

If you don’t have the time or desire to part with your green card, no problem. Introducing new forms does not mean abandoning the old ones. But do not forget to notify the company within a month in case of theft, loss of a document, change of full name, passport or place of residence. Otherwise, if an insured event occurs, employees of medical institutions may refuse to provide outpatient care.


Compulsory medical insurance is a document certifying a person’s right to receive free medical care on the territory of the Russian Federation. There are several types of policies in circulation: a paper green card of the 2007 model, a blue A5 sheet and special plastic cards. All three forms provide the same rights to the owners. But paper documents cannot be folded so as not to damage important information, and data from the card cannot be read in every medical institution. Since 2014, UECs have come into circulation - the same plastics, but equipped with a chip, photograph and signature of the owner. The card can be carried in a wallet or passport. The doctor easily identifies the patient. Where can I change my compulsory medical insurance policy to a new sample? To the insurance company, for which you need to provide a copy of your passport and SNILS. The state does not establish a mandatory exchange procedure. But in case of theft, loss, damage to the old policy or change of full name, place of residence and other data, you should contact the insurance company.

Replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy with a new policy: urgently or not urgently, is it possible to use the old document, in what cases is re-issuance required and what needs to be done

All Russians have the right to free medical services, subject to a special insurance contract. This right is guaranteed by compulsory medical insurance, but in order to receive medical help for free, the patient must have a policy.

The program changed some time ago, and now the replacement of the compulsory medical insurance policy with a new type policy is already in full swing. Below we will clarify the most important issues regarding this process and tell you what is required of each of us.

Is it necessary to replace the compulsory medical insurance policy with a new type policy?

The news that appeared in October that the service of issuing and replacing compulsory medical insurance policies with a new type of policy would be suspended until 2019 caused a great deal of excitement among ordinary citizens.

People were afraid of problems with obtaining medical care and rushed to urgently replace outdated papers and cards.

However, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund clarified that the policies are valid without term limits and with old cards you can easily use the free services of clinics and other medical institutions.

Replacement of old samples is carried out as planned, but for now it is voluntary. A person can continue to be treated under the old contract, or he can renew it and receive a new type of health insurance, but starting in January 2019.

Replacement of the compulsory medical insurance policy, as it became known from the explanation of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, was offered until November 1 only to those who were dissatisfied with the work of their insurance company and would like to change it. This can be done annually, but not more than once.

Anyone wishing to use the services of another company is invited to study the list of insurers, which can be found on specialized websites, and choose a more reliable option with a good reputation among policyholders.

Explanation of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund on replacing the old compulsory health insurance policy with a new one

Change of registration

Since many people are interested in whether it is necessary to change the compulsory medical insurance policy to a new type of policy after changing their place of registration, we will clarify this issue. According to current legislation, insurance documents issued before 2011 will be valid for an unlimited period of time until they are immediately replaced.

However, if personal information is changed, it will be considered invalid. If you change your last name, first name, or place of registration, you will have to renew your insurance contract, otherwise you may be denied medical services.

As a rule, doctors do not refuse help, especially when it comes to emergency situations. However, the law must be followed and insurance must be amended.

This does not apply to cases when a person temporarily changes his place of residence, going on a long vacation or business trip. Mandatory re-registration is required only when moving to another house and changing permanent residence.

Types of documents confirming insurance

Currently, any insured citizen may have one of the following insurance documents:

  1. paper policy – ​​blue A5 form;
  2. plastic card - contains a chip with information about the owner;
  3. UEC - insurance information is included in the universal card.

Until 2017, the UEC was considered mandatory and made it possible to receive various government services. It could be used as a bank card, travel ticket, medical policy. Those who received such a card can continue to use it as confirmation of the presence of compulsory health insurance.

Since 2017, universal cards are no longer issued, so there are only 2 options for medical insurance that Russians can receive. Of these, preference is given to the traditional paper version, since some clinics have not yet developed special equipment for scanning electronic cards.

Although many note that the plastic version is much more convenient and durable.

What changed

The replacement of a compulsory medical insurance policy with a new type policy means only one innovation. The form used since 2011 will be updated. Most insurers issued them for a period until 2014. Now the validity period has already ended, so it’s time to change them, which is what the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund plans.

As for plastic cards, they have been issued for 4 years, starting in 2014. They are unlimited and cannot be changed. If the owners have not changed their personal data, then it is not necessary to change the card.

Validity periods

Since there are different types of insurance documents, many may again have questions about whether it is necessary to change the compulsory medical insurance policy to a new type policy and whether it is worth doing this immediately. We have already answered these questions, But let’s still clarify the periods of insurance validity:

  • Old insurance contracts were issued indicating a specific period. The form indicates the expiration date of the contract. After the end of the insurance period, you must take out another policy, although medical services will still be provided in the same volume and without re-issuance.
  • The new sample contracts do not have a validity period. The only exception may be a situation when it is necessary to replace personal data in the contract (moving, marriage, etc.).

It is in the interests of every citizen to choose a suitable insurer and sign a new contract with him if the previous one has expired or any information about the identity of the insured has changed. Replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy with a new policy is free of charge.

Replacement process

If your health insurance is still valid, there is no point in rushing to exchange it. However, if you need to re-register, for example, if you want to change the company providing insurance services, you must know how to do this.

Follow our instructions, and the whole process will not take you much time:

  • Select an insurer. Read reviews and learn more about the company's reputation. If you are satisfied with your previous experience, you can contact the company that entered into the first contract with you.
  • Write a statement, indicate the reason for re-registration.
  • Show your passport.
  • During the first 30 days, you can receive services using a temporary certificate, which you will receive from your insurer. It is equivalent to a policy and is accepted by all medical institutions.
  • Receive the finished insurance in a month, check on the spot all the information specified there.

In the near future, it is planned to provide Russians with the opportunity to apply for compulsory medical insurance on the government services portal. For now, this feature is being tested in St. Petersburg, but will soon be available to residents of other cities.

Documents for registration

To replace the policy, you will need:

  • your general passport,
  • statement,
  • SNILS,
  • old form or card, if they exist,
  • birth certificate, if insurance is obtained for a child, and the passport of the adult applicant.

When applying for compulsory health insurance for a child under 14 years of age, SNILS is not required. If this is not a close relative, then a power of attorney in his name from the child’s legal representative is required.

Registration period

The finished policy can be received within 10-15 days. If you apply for insurance at the MFC, be prepared for an increase in the receipt time, since it will be sent by mail.

But even if the insurer and the post office are very busy, this period will not exceed 30 days - the period when a person can use a temporary certificate to receive medical services.

Need for replacement

Those who:

  • lost or damaged a valid document;
  • changed first name, patronymic, last name;
  • changed the place of permanent residence;
  • changed my passport;
  • decided to change the insurer;
  • I found typos in the documentation.

You must notify the insurer of these changes within 1 month. You will be issued a new compulsory medical insurance policy free of charge, the replacement period is 10 days.

Let's summarize all of the above. So, you can still use your old health insurance until it runs out. If there is an insurance expiration date on it, then it is in your interests to update it to avoid misunderstandings with medical workers.

If your data changes, you must notify the insurer and issue a new policy. This is done free of charge within 10-30 days. While the document is being prepared, you will be issued a temporary certificate.

It has the same force and is unconditionally accepted by any institution as health insurance for free services.

Since 2011, Russia began to use a uniform compulsory health insurance policy - a plastic card, which, unlike previous samples, contains a chip with the patient’s personal data. The card also contains a photo and personal signature of the owner, which makes it difficult for unauthorized persons to use it.

As explained by the Moscow City Compulsory Health Insurance Fund, the new policy is more convenient for health workers if a person goes to a clinic or hospital other than their place of residence.

Do I need to issue a new policy before November 1st?

As reported by the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, all types of policies previously issued in Russia are perpetual, be it a paper document or an old-style plastic card. Medical assistance under compulsory health insurance programs will be provided in full.

There is no time limit for obtaining a new policy. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to exchange old policies for new ones before November 1.

According to the law on compulsory health insurance in the Russian Federation, old models of policies are valid until they are replaced with new ones.

In fact, before November 1, you need to change the insurance company if for some reason the citizen is not satisfied with it. After November 1 until January 2019, this cannot be done. Such a pause, in accordance with the law, occurs every year. You can change your insurance company once per calendar year.

In what cases is the policy changed?

A person can change the policy if its format is paper. This will be appropriate, since the barcode located on a piece of paper may be erased, the form itself may become wrinkled, and such a policy cannot be laminated. A plastic card is easier to use (the old style green plastic card can also be replaced).

You can also change your policy together with the insurance company. If the latter does not suit you, you can choose a better organization.

If a citizen’s personal data (last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth) or gender has changed, he will have to receive a new policy within a month. In the case of a new place of residence, the policy does not change, but changes are made to the information about the insured person.

If a citizen has lost an insurance document or inaccuracies are found in it, he will also be issued a new policy.

Replacement of the policy is free of charge.

How to get a new type of policy in Moscow

To change your policy, you need to contact the insurance company or the MFC.

An application and the following documents will be required:

Passport (original + copy),

Photo for later placement on the card,

Old policy.

To get a policy for a child, you will need the parent’s passport, the child’s birth certificate and his SNILS. In this case, newborns up to 30 days after registration of birth are covered under the mother’s policy.

A new type of compulsory health insurance (CHI) policy, in the form of a card with an electronic storage medium, is available for receipt throughout Moscow in 2019.

Why do you need a compulsory medical insurance policy?

To present to medical workers when receiving free medical care.

The policy is valid throughout the Russian Federation. Therefore, if you go traveling around the country, it is better to take it with you.

If you do not have a policy, you will only be able to receive emergency care.

Who can use compulsory health insurance services

All citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as foreign citizens and stateless persons living in the Russian Federation.

The “residing” status for foreigners is confirmed:

  • residence permit
  • temporary residence permit - compulsory medical insurance is issued for the period of the permit

What services can be obtained under compulsory medical insurance?

There is no single list of services that can be provided under the compulsory health insurance program. There are only classes of diseases for which assistance is provided through compulsory medical insurance funds.

The range of services will be determined in accordance with the diagnosis, according to the standards approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

What services are provided free of charge?

Any treatment or diagnostic procedures prescribed by a doctor must be performed free of charge.

In addition to what the doctor prescribed, he can also “advise”, so whether to follow the advice and pay extra money is up to you.

In any case, no one forbids calling the insurance company and asking whether such treatment will be covered.

Is it necessary to replace the old one with a new one?

Paper forms of a uniform type, issued earlier, are valid on a par with new electronic cards, as well as old plastic cards without a chip, model 1998. There is no need to replace the old one with a new one.

What are the benefits of the new 2015 compulsory medical insurance policy?

  • Compact size - easy to carry
  • Availability of a photograph and sample signature - no need to present your passport at the hospital or clinic
  • Support for all functions of infomats - electronic terminals installed at the entrance to medical institutions

Where to get a medical policy

In Moscow, there are about a dozen insurance companies:

  • JSC MSK UralSib
  • JSC SG Spasskie Vorota-M
  • JSC Insurance Company SOGAZ-Med
  • VTB Medical Insurance LLC
  • JSC "MAKS-M"
  • LLC "Rosgosstrakh-Medicine"
  • LLC "SMK RESO-MED" (Moscow branch)
  • LLC SK "Ingosstrakh-M"

The choice will depend rather on the location of the offices and the availability of a telephone number where you can get advice around the clock. Having a competent support service will help you sort out a controversial situation with a medical institution.

How to get a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow

You need to submit an application to the selected insurance company, most likely you won’t have to fill it out, the operator will do it for you. You need to have a passport and an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS) with you, if available. For children under 14 years old - birth certificate.

The policy will be issued to you in 30 days, but in the meantime you will have a temporary certificate that can be used during this period of time. The insurance company will notify you when it is ready.

A new compulsory health insurance policy (CHI) will be available until November 1 of this year. The exchange of old policies for new ones will resume from January 1, 2019. The introduction of a single policy was due to the large number of its varieties on the territory of Russia. Since the adoption of the new law and the introduction of a uniform compulsory medical insurance policy, a system of mutual settlements for payment for medical care that insured citizens receive outside the insurance region began to operate.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, every resident of the country must have an insurance policy for medical protection. To do this, when filling out an application, a document is issued confirming the existence of such an agreement with a certain company. In connection with the emergence of its new forms, the need arose to switch to them. A compulsory medical insurance policy is a document that confirms that a person is insured and has the right to receive free medical care. But not in all medical organizations, but only in those that operate under the compulsory medical insurance system. The new policy looks like a blue piece of paper. In some regions, insurance companies issue not a piece of paper, but a plastic card. For medical institutions, there is no difference between a plastic and paper policy - they will serve you under any of them. Having a compulsory medical insurance policy means that you have the right to receive free treatment throughout Russia. The minimum amount of medical care can be found in the basic compulsory health insurance program. In addition to the all-Russian basic program, each region has its own program. It includes additional services that are not included in the basic list. Each policy has a unique number, validity period and information about the owner: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, gender. The policy is issued to all citizens of the Russian Federation (except for military personnel - they have their own medicine, which is paid from the budget, and not through compulsory medical insurance), foreign citizens who permanently reside in the Russian Federation, and even stateless people. Foreign citizens and those without citizenship receive a policy for a certain period - while their temporary residence permit is valid.

Everyone has the right to change their medical insurance organization or renew their policy without restrictions.

All insured persons have the legal right to change their medical insurance organization and update their personal data by issuing a new compulsory medical insurance policy no later than November 1. You can change your insurance company no more than once a year, with the exception of cases of moving to another region. These rules have been in force throughout the Russian Federation since 2011. The essence of the process of replacing an old insurance policy with a new one is to write an application setting out the request and submit it to the insurer. Based on this, the old contract is canceled and a new one is issued. At the same time, you do not need to pay for registration, the form or card itself. If any data has been changed since the initial application (registration, last name), then you need to provide a document confirming this. If the goal is to replace not only the compulsory medical insurance policy, but also the insurer from whom the service is provided, then you need to collect a complete set of documents and go to the right company. Cards are issued by insurance companies with no expiration date for users. Paper versions were previously issued for a period of 1–5 years. New options also have no restrictions on use. They are issued to persons who apply for them for the first time (newborns, foreigners). Others receive them as a result of applying for a replacement or restoration of loss.

Package of documents required for registration of compulsory medical insurance

If the compulsory medical insurance policy is lost or becomes unusable (it gets wet, burned, chewed by a dog), it can be restored. This is easy to do by contacting the same insurance company where you received the policy, providing documents (the same as when receiving the policy - passport and SNILS) and writing an application for reinstatement. A temporary certificate is issued immediately, and after 30 working days - a compulsory medical insurance policy. If a person has changed his place of residence, he must come to the local branch of the insurance company within a month and report the move. In this case, residence permit or registration is not required. If the company that issued the policy does not have branches in the city, you need to contact any other company that insures citizens under compulsory medical insurance. When issuing compulsory medical insurance, the applicant’s status and age are taken into account. Depending on this data, the main package of documents is formed. Children under 14 years of age and newborns are required to have:

  • birth certificates;
  • identification card from one of the parents or persons legally representing them (guardians);
  • power of attorney, if the application is made on behalf of the above category of persons.

For a foreigner:

  • refugee certificate, if such status has been issued;
  • passport or other identity document;
  • a document confirming the legality of stay in the country;
  • place of registration.

There are other conditions that affect the need for replacement:

  • change of surname;
  • replacement of passport.

The use of an expired policy is not a reason for refusal of service, but it can be a problem when preparing some documents.