State program “social support for citizens. Documents State programs for the population

Stability today and prospects for the future are the most important components of well-being and quality of life. What is needed for this?

Get an education, find a job, get housing and start a family, provide guarantees for a comfortable old age and health support. In many ways, a person’s social sustainability depends on the conditions created by the state for the realization of rights and opportunities.

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Types of state support for citizens

Social policy in Russia covers all spheres of life.

This is the state's strategic action plan with large-scale tasks By:

  • development of social infrastructure;
  • creation of intellectual potential;
  • preservation of cultural and family values;
  • preserving the health of the nation.

Events are planned for years in advance through state social programs. Forward-looking statements are represented by legal documents adopted at the governmental level.

Program passports include:

The areas include housing, pension, educational programs, support and development of healthcare, agriculture, families with children and socially vulnerable citizens.

Let’s take a closer look at the social programs relevant in 2019.


The inaccessibility of housing and outdated communications pushed the Russian government to modernize the housing sector.

A pilot version was launched in 2011 federal program "Housing" valid until 2014. The impressive results left no doubt: special events will continue.

Federal Target Program (FTP) “Housing” for 2015-2020

Coordinates the M program Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.

Tasks include:

Target Audience Federal Targeted Programs are citizens to whom the state has obligations to provide residential premises, the population not provided with housing. The program also addresses the interests of the executive authorities of the constituent entities (in terms of creating local housing stock) and representatives of the construction industry.

FTP includes 5 routines, 3 of which are aimed directly at citizens.

“Providing housing for young families”

The government will need five years to resolve the housing problem of citizens under 35 years of age. All of them, of course, need municipalities to improve living conditions.

Officially, unemployed citizens are provided with part of the cost of an “economy” apartment or the construction of a residential building.

Size financing:

Subsidy right confirms. It is issued by local executive authorities. Of course, you won’t be able to buy a penthouse with government money.

Desires are limited social standards for area:

  • 42 “squares” for a family of two people;
  • 18 sq. meters for a family with a large composition.

An essential condition for obtaining a certificate is that the family has its own funds or is able to obtain a housing loan for the remaining value of the property. The state facilitates lending on preferential terms, including using funds.

Subprogram “Fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing for categories of citizens established by law”

The state support segment is aimed at providing housing for the following persons:

  • retirees of military service, internal affairs units, registered as housing on the waiting list before 01/01/2005;
  • , law enforcement officers subject to dismissal for health reasons, in connection with staff changes or upon reaching the age limit. Their service life must be at least 10 years “calendar”;
  • persons affected by radiation during accidents at nuclear facilities;
  • forced migrants who are on special migration records;
  • people leaving the Far North and equivalent territories;
  • immigrants from ZATO.

Support is provided in the form of a cash grant. The confirmation is state housing certificate (GHS). An apartment, a house, its part, or a room are purchased both on the primary and secondary markets. The provision of the certificate is calculated taking into account the standards for the area and cost per square meter of housing in the region.

Installed the following standards:

  • 33 square meters for a single citizen;
  • 42 sq. m for a family of 2 people;
  • 18 sq. m for a larger family.

Every six months, the Ministry of Economic Development sets the estimated cost per square meter for the regions and for the country as a whole. It is prohibited to purchase premises smaller than the standard size. If the subsidy is not enough, the use of credit or own funds is allowed.

The main condition is the absence of your own real estate or the free transfer of existing property to the municipality.

Subprogram “Providing housing for certain categories of citizens” – 2015 – 2020.

The social package is aimed at providing modern and comfortable housing representatives of the public sector:

  • employees of the prosecutor's office and the investigative committee of the Russian Federation;
  • rescuers of the Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations;
  • scientific workers.

A separate area of ​​the program is the resettlement of the population of the BAM (Baikal-Amur Mainline) territories from emergency housing.

Support is provided through the acquisition/construction of residential real estate for renting out or as service housing, and by providing subsidies for the purchase of real estate ownership.

According to the developers, the implementation of the measures will attract qualified personnel to strategic areas of activity for the country. The BAM zone covers Buryatia, Transbaikalia, Amur and Irkutsk regions. During the years of development of these sites, young specialists were provided with temporary living quarters. To this day, 10 thousand families continue to live in completely unsuitable conditions. By 2020, all these citizens should acquire modern economy-class housing.

Programs to reduce unemployment and promote employment

Government measures to bring the Russian labor market out of the crisis are represented by the targeted federal program “Promoting Employment of the Population” for 2013-2020.

The project aims to and reducing social tension, improving labor relations, assisting in improving the qualifications of specialists in leading areas of the economy and social sphere. It is planned to eliminate the imbalance in the professional environment in some areas by attracting foreign labor. This is a separate direction of the project.

In total, the program includes three routines:

  • “Increasing employment of Russian citizens and reducing unemployment”;
  • “External labor migration”;
  • “Development of labor market institutions.”

The project is coordinated by the Ministry of Labor. The co-executors are the Migration Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (FTS - at the time of approval), the Ministry of Finance and the State Employment Service.

Social sphere

Social tension in Russian society is high. The economic crisis, the turbulent political situation in the world and other factors cannot be discounted or eliminated overnight.

But it is quite possible to take additional care measures for vulnerable citizens.

State program “Social support of citizens”

Started in January 2013. The set of measures is designed for a seven-year period.

Implementation will take place in the following areas:

  • expanding the targeted and targeted principle of providing social assistance measures to needy citizens;
  • granting powers to regional and local authorities to develop and distribute in-kind and cash forms of social assistance;
  • addressing the needs of citizens with disabilities, older people for third-party care from social service specialists and other structures;
  • popularization and creation of conditions for the transition to family forms of education for children and adolescents left without parental care.

The program does not bypass social workers: by 2019 it is planned to raise the salaries of social workers. structures up to 100% of regional average earnings.

“Accessible environment” for 2011-2020

The addressees are disabled people and non-mobile categories of the population (for example, the elderly).

By 2020 planned:

  • create comfortable conditions for the life of persons with limited functions, including for;
  • help them to socialize optimally;
  • increase society's tolerance towards people with specific psycho-physiological characteristics.

To do this, it is necessary to ensure optimal access of recipients to services and life support facilities, provide the necessary amount of rehabilitation/habilitation, and reform the activities of medical and social examination institutions.

The sphere of education

A well-functioning healthcare system, quality education and a reliable pension system are the three pillars of the nation’s well-being.

Federal target program for the development of education for 2016-2020 is aimed at creating conditions for increasing the accessibility of quality education at all levels: general, higher, professional and additional.

When implementing the program the following needs to be done:

  • Reorganize the higher education system: create a network of universities (about 60) focused on key segments of regional economies;
  • Develop and implement educational standards for specialized secondary and higher education that meet modern conditions;
  • Create a control system for professional and higher education at the regional and federal levels.
  • Attract investment funds for the construction of educational facilities and the creation of educational, laboratory, and economic infrastructure of educational institutions.

A separate area includes measures to improve the economics of education.

The state programs of Tatarstan are described in the following video:

For several years, government actions have been aimed at improving social norms. Social support for vulnerable categories of citizens is the basis of a democratic system.

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The government strives to develop and implement programs aimed at improving the lives and increasing the income level of all social segments of the population.

What it is

Social policy in Russia occupies one of the original positions.

The government has developed a number of state programs to improve social infrastructure, preserve public health, create intellectual potential and preserve cultural and family values.

Necessary concepts

State social assistance is social services, subsidies, allowances or benefits that are provided to vulnerable categories of citizens - WWII participants, disabled people, low-income families, orphans and other categories specified in the law.

Photo: forms and types of social services

Social assistance is provided regardless of whether a person pays insurance contributions to state funds or not.

Social programs are activities aimed at solving certain problems in the social sphere. Social programs can be:

  • housing;
  • pensions;
  • educational;
  • aimed at supporting and developing healthcare;
  • other.

Purpose of state aid

The main goals of state aid are:

  • targeted use of budget funds;
  • maintaining the standard of living of low-income families (less than the subsistence level);
  • increasing the income level of citizens;
  • reducing the level of social inequality;
  • strengthening social support for certain categories of the population;
  • creation of the most accessible and high-quality social services.

Legal basis

The basis of state social support is the following regulations:

  • Law “On State Social Assistance” dated July 17, 1999 N 178-FZ;
  • Government Decree “On the federal target program “Housing” for 2015 - 2020” dated December 17, 2010 N 1050;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “Promotion of Employment” dated March 30, 2019 N 364;
  • Government Decree “Development of Education” for 2013-2020 dated April 15, 2014 N 295;
  • Law “On additional measures of state support for families with children” dated December 29, 2006 No. 256.

How to take advantage of government support

State social support is assigned if the family meets the following criteria:

  • the age of the spouses is up to 35 years;
  • presence of status in need of housing;
  • the presence of any benefits, for example, a low-income family or a large family.

To take advantage of government support you must:

  • submit;
  • obtain a certificate;
  • enter into an agreement with the bank;
  • transfer the subsidy.

Who can take part

Social support is aimed at ensuring a decent standard of living for the following population groups:

  • disabled people;
  • families raising three or more children;
  • low-income families;
  • orphans;
  • war veterans;
  • other.

Social programs for the acquisition and construction of housing for citizens of the Russian Federation

The government offers Russian citizens to take advantage of the following social programs aimed at purchasing housing:

  • federal program "Housing";
  • programs for young families;
  • providing housing to the categories of citizens specified by law;
  • provision of housing space for certain categories of citizens.

The Housing program is aimed at providing living space to citizens to whom the state has obligations and takes into account the interests of the construction industry.

Its main tasks are:

  • provision of funds to complete the purchase of real estate;
  • creation of economy-level facilities that will be energy efficient and functional;
  • improvement of public infrastructure;
  • development of construction of low-rise structures;
  • ridding the housing market of stagnation;
  • provision of living space to special categories of citizens specified in the legislation.

To take advantage of the program to provide housing for young families, the couple must sign up to receive square meters.

Photo: state social programs implemented in the Russian Federation

If a person does not have official employment, then he has the right to social benefits for a certain share of the cost of an economy class apartment or the construction of his own house.

Funding is provided in the following amounts:

The right to receive a subsidy is confirmed by a certificate issued by the local executive authority.

The housing provided has certain restrictions on square footage, which are determined by social norms:

To receive a certificate, there is one condition - the availability of funds or registration for the remaining value of the property.

The program does not provide credit benefits or the use of maternity capital.

The subprogram is implemented to provide square meters to categories of citizens that are specified in the legislation and apply to:

  • military personnel and law enforcement officers who were dismissed due to age, health or due to staff changes and who served for more than ten years;
  • retired military personnel who joined the queue before January 1, 2005;
  • forced migrants;
  • immigrants from ZATO;
  • citizens affected by accidents at nuclear facilities;
  • migrants from the Far North.

State support is provided by providing subsidies. The certificate is calculated for the following area standards:

Citizens are prohibited from purchasing real estate less than the specified standards. If the amount of monetary compensation is insufficient, it is possible to use your own or credit funds.

The main condition for obtaining affordable housing is the absence of your own real estate or its transfer to the municipality.

The subprogram “Providing housing space for certain categories of citizens” is aimed at providing square meters to people working in the public sector:

  • research assistants;
  • civil servants;
  • emergency and civil defense rescuers;
  • prosecutors and investigators.

Unemployment rate reduction table

The government has developed a program “Promoting Employment,” which is aimed at reducing unemployment, improving labor relations and improving the qualifications of people working in the social and economic sphere.

Provision in the field of education

The federal program aimed at developing the education system is to create more accessible and high-quality education from primary to professional levels.

Its implementation is based on the implementation of the following tasks:

  • development and introduction of educational standards for specialized secondary and higher education that meet modern realities;
  • reorganization of the higher education system. Creation of about 60 universities focused on the main sectors of the regional economy;
  • attracting investment for the construction of educational institutions and the creation of the necessary infrastructure;
  • introduction of a system of control over vocational and higher education at different levels.

Improving the economics of education stands out in another direction.

What package of documents will be required?

If a young family does not have real estate or the number of square meters is less than the norm, then they have the opportunity to stand in line to receive it.

Placing yourself in line to receive government financial assistance involves collecting a package of documents and writing an application on a special form.

It is impossible to provide an exact list of required documents, since the individual characteristics of the family are taken into account. But there is a basic package of help:

  • passports of all family members and children’s birth certificates (if any);
  • marriage certificate;
  • extract from the house register;
  • income certificate for all working family members;
  • documents confirming the availability of any benefits when queuing;
  • documents giving the right to participate in the program. These can be various papers, since the grounds for obtaining housing are individual;
  • permission for the purchased property, this can be an estimate, floor plan, and so on.

How offers change regionally

Social programs, their offers, and conditions of participation vary depending on the region of residence:

Region name Description
Murmansk region If a couple participates in the “Young Family” program, then upon the birth or adoption of their first child they are entitled to additional compensation in the amount of more than 5 percent of the cost of housing
Bashkorstan As part of the program, families are offered payments for the purchase or construction of real estate
Baikal-Amur Mainline The region has a special subprogram for relocating people from dilapidated housing. Residents are provided with a subsidy to purchase their own living space or use social rental housing

Thanks to the developed and implemented social programs, the government strives to maximally protect and improve the life of the country's population in various aspects.

The economic crisis in the country has added many problems to citizens. Therefore, the state is developing special assistance programs for the population. Assistance programs for mortgage borrowers help people not to lose their previously purchased housing on credit, and also help them purchase real estate at the present time.

What is the federal mortgage assistance program?

The Government of the Russian Federation has approved a program to help borrowers who previously took out a mortgage on their home. Citizens who found themselves in difficult financial situations could claim some privileges.

People who managed to submit documents under this program before March 7 have the right to count on assistance from the state for mortgage holders.

The specificity of the program was that citizens could receive the amount of 600 thousand rubles. The documents had to be submitted to the AHML.

Since 2017, a new resolution has been approved regarding the restructuring of the mortgages of citizens in difficult financial situations.

Mortgage restructuring

The Government of the Russian Federation established the operation of the program by Resolution No. 961 of the Russian Federation dated August 11, 2017.

The maximum amount of compensation for each restructured mortgage loan is equal to 30% of the balance, but not more than 1,500 thousand rubles.

By refinancing, the loan rate is reduced and payment in installments is provided.

If government assistance is involved in the refinancing program, then it is the government that pays the bank more than half of the interest. It turns out that the bank reduces the client’s financial burden and at the same time does not lose its money.

Under the refinancing program, an additional condition must be met: a year has passed since the date of conclusion of the loan agreement.

Large families are not subject to the terms of the program regarding the square footage and cost of housing.

Only bona fide borrowers who have experienced financial difficulties due to loss of employment or reduction in income can qualify for the restructuring program. In this case, you will have to document the deterioration of your financial situation.

Algorithm of actions during restructuring:

  1. Contact AHML with an application for restructuring. List of documents for participation in the program:
    • passport;
    • mortgage agreement;
    • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs for real estate;
    • certificate of family earnings for the last 3 months;
    • certificate from the bank about the debt;
    • documentation confirming a valid reason for the restructuring.
      This is a sample list of documentation. It is recommended to check the more accurate list on site.
  2. An application for refinancing is reviewed within ten days.
  3. If a positive decision is received, the client will pay the mortgage according to the new schedule.

The financial crisis is not yet a reason to panic. You can always find a way out of a difficult situation. Mortgages with government support will always help solve citizens' problems. The main thing is to ask for help in time.

Who is eligible for government assistance in writing off the principal debt on a mortgage?

  • Young families under 35 years of age with children.
  • Participants in combat operations.
  • Disabled people and citizens raising disabled children.
  • Large families.
  • Persons who are guardians of one or more children.
  • and so on.

Only citizens of the Russian Federation can count on mortgage benefits. Also, to obtain a privilege, the apartment must meet certain requirements:

Therefore, in order not to be refused, it is necessary to check whether the person meets the above conditions.

Requirements for borrowers

Basic conditions that the borrower must meet to apply for a subsidy:

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • Income below the subsistence level.
  • The loan was taken in Russia.
  • A significant decrease in income over the last three months or dismissal from work.

If we consider a foreign currency mortgage, then you can ask for help if the debt has increased with the increase in the exchange rate.

Here are the main requirements for subsidizing and restructuring mortgage loans. However, if a person just wants to get a preferential mortgage, he must be solvent, and accordingly have a good salary, which must exceed the subsistence level.

Other types of mortgage subsidies

There are several subsidy programs for citizens of the Russian Federation. They often depend on the region of residence. Therefore, it is recommended to check their availability at your place of residence. The main types of subsidies are:

  • Reducing the interest rate on the loan.
  • Assistance programs for young families under 35 years of age.
  • Replacing a foreign currency loan with a ruble loan.
  • Various types of housing programs.
  • Participation of maternity capital in repaying the mortgage or down payment.

A person may be denied a subsidy or use of a particular program. However, usually this is due solely to an incorrectly submitted package of documentation or failure to fulfill the terms of the loan agreement.

Subsidizing housing loans for young families

This program applies to young families under 35 years of age. With a certain package of papers, you must go to the Office of the Housing Policy Department under the administration in the city of residence.


  • Identity cards for all family members, including children.
  • Documents confirming unsatisfactory living conditions.
  • A statement is written on the spot.

If the family qualifies for the mortgage assistance program, within ten days it is issued a certificate that can be used as a down payment or repayment of an existing mortgage loan, if one has already been issued.

A family can participate in the subsidy program if:

  • The actual squares per person are less than the legal norm.
  • One of the family members is under 35 years old.
  • Housing conditions have not deteriorated over the past 5 years.

According to the program, you can compensate 30% of the cost of housing, if you have children, then 40%.

The borrower pays the rest of the amount himself.

You can receive assistance from the state under such a program if the family is recognized as in need of housing. At the same time, the income of the social unit must be sufficient to repay the loan.

Mortgage subsidy for the birth of a second child

When a second child is born in a family, she also has the right to apply for the “young family - affordable housing” program and pay off the mortgage with the help of the state. However, if this right has not been used before.

Additionally, at the birth of the second offspring, the community unit receives a certificate for the use of “Maternity Capital”. It can be used as a down payment on a mortgage or to pay off a previously taken out mortgage. Now, the amount of this assistance from the state is 453,026 rubles.

How to get a mortgage for pensioners

Banks have reconsidered their attitude regarding mortgages to pensioners. Some of them are now issuing housing categories to such citizens. However, you shouldn't count on a long-term loan at age 60. Banks issue mortgages to pensioners for no more than 10 years. Exceptions are citizens who retired early.

Citizens who have retired can count on a mortgage using two documents:

  • Pensioner's ID.
  • Passport.

However, the bank's decision will have to wait quite a long time. If the borrower's pension allows him to pay the mortgage, his loan will be approved.

A working pensioner has a better chance of getting a mortgage.

Mortgage interest rate reduction

To reduce the interest rate on an existing mortgage from the state in Sberbank, there are two ways:

  • Personal appeal;
  • Online application.

To do this, you need to go to the manager of the credit institution and write an application for a reduction in the interest rate.

The manager must be informed that you want to reduce the interest rate on the loan based on a decrease in the key rate of the Central Bank.

In general, a copy of your passport and application is sufficient to apply. However, sometimes a manager may request:

  • Mortgage agreement.
  • Documents for the apartment.

Therefore, in order to avoid going to the bank twice, it is better to call the manager and clarify what you need to take with you.

The possibility of reducing the rate is stated in the mortgage agreement. If the borrower does not find such a clause there, you can still try to reduce the rate. After all, writing an application will not be difficult, and you can send it online in 20 minutes.

Subsidizing mortgage interest rates

State assistance in paying off mortgages is also provided in the form of a tax deduction. A person who bought an apartment with a mortgage and has an official place of employment can claim a refund of interest paid to the bank in the amount of 13%.

How to get help, there are main steps:

  1. Collect documents:
    • Passport;
    • Mortgage agreement;
    • Receipts confirming payment of the loan and interest;
    • Declaration for the year;
    • A certificate from work confirming that income tax has been paid for the year.
  2. Come with documents to the Federal Tax Service and write an application for deduction.
  3. Within two to three months, the inspection will pay compensation of 13% of the interest paid to the bank.

The state tries to help its citizens. Therefore, various state programs of financial assistance are developed annually, including regarding mortgages. After all, this type of mortgage loan is for many people the only option for purchasing real estate.

The sharp depreciation of the ruble had a negative financial impact on foreign currency borrowers. Some of them are even facing bankruptcy. You can read about the risks of bankruptcy with a mortgage and what will happen to the mortgaged apartment in the article at the link.

In 2015, the Russian government adopted a program to support mortgage borrowers who find themselves in difficult life situations. This program to assist mortgage holders prematurely ceased to exist in March 2017 due to the expenditure of allocated funds.

In August 2017, the Government of the Russian Federation, headed by D.A. Medvedev. allocated an additional 2 billion rubles to assist mortgage borrowers. However, the terms of the program changed significantly, and by 2018, the money allocated to help mortgage borrowers ran out again.

In order to further support mortgage holders, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to provide additional funding for this program and in accordance with Government Resolution No. 1175 dated October 3, 2018 " "On the further implementation of the program of assistance to certain categories of borrowers for housing mortgage loans (loans) who find themselves in a difficult financial situation", an additional amount of 731 million rubles was allocated.

For reference. The regulatory document regulating the procedure for providing assistance is Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 20, 2015 N 373 (with amendments and additions in force in 2019) “On the main conditions for the implementation of the assistance program for certain categories of borrowers for housing mortgage loans (loans) who find themselves in difficult financial situation, and increasing the authorized capital of the joint-stock company "Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending".

Now we will take a closer look at the new conditions for obtaining support for borrowers with a mortgage loan.

The joint stock company DOM.RF (previously this company was called the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending) deals with issues of providing assistance in the event of difficulties in repaying mortgage loans.

Assistance is provided in the form of loan restructuring. In this case, restructuring can be carried out both by concluding an agreement between the creditor and the borrower (joint and several debtors) to change the terms of a previously concluded credit agreement (loan agreement), and by concluding a new credit agreement (loan agreement) for the purpose of full repayment of debt on a restructured mortgage loan. To conclude debt restructuring, the borrower must submit an application to the credit institution.

Maximum support amount

The maximum amount of compensation for the loan is 30% of the balance of the loan (loan) calculated as of the date of conclusion of the restructuring agreement, but not more than 1.5 million rubles.

At the same time, the interdepartmental commission for making decisions on compensation to creditors (lenders) for housing mortgage loans (loans), mortgage agents operating in accordance with the Federal Law "On Mortgage Securities" for housing mortgage loans (loans), the rights of claim for which acquired by mortgage agents, and to the joint stock company "DOM.RF" for housing mortgage loans (loans), the rights of claim for which were acquired by this company, losses (part of them) resulting from the restructuring of housing mortgage loans (loans) in accordance with the terms of the program ( hereinafter referred to as the interdepartmental commission), the maximum amount of compensation for each restructured mortgage housing loan (loan) based on the corresponding application of the creditor to the interdepartmental commission can be increased, but not more than 2 times, in the manner prescribed by the regulations on the interdepartmental commission.

Duration of the program

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 3, 2018 No. 1175 sets the deadline for filing an application for assistance - December 1, 2018. Such applications may be considered later, and in fact assistance on such applications will be provided in the 1st quarter of 2019.

Important. An application for the need for restructuring in accordance with the assistance program must be submitted before December 1, 2018.

Conditions for providing support to mortgage borrowers

Now let's figure out who can get help. In accordance with current legislation, citizens can count on assistance with mortgage difficulties subject to the following conditions being met simultaneously(listed below):

1 mandatory condition - categories of borrowers.

The borrower (joint and several debtors) is a citizen of the Russian Federation belonging to one of the following categories:

  • citizens who have one or more minor children or are guardians (trustees) of one or more minor children;
  • citizens who are disabled or have disabled children;
  • citizens who are combat veterans;
  • citizens whose dependents are persons under the age of 24 who are students, students (cadets), graduate students, adjuncts, residents, assistant trainees, interns and full-time students.

Condition 2 - change in the financial situation of the borrower (joint and several debtors).

To receive assistance, it is necessary that the average monthly total income of the family of the borrower (joint and several debtors), calculated for 3 months preceding the date of filing the application for restructuring, after deducting the amount of the planned monthly payment on the loan (loan), calculated for the date preceding the date of filing the application for restructuring , does not exceed for each family member of the borrower (joint and several debtor) twice the subsistence minimum established in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in whose territory the persons whose income was taken into account in the calculation live.

New condition. At the same time, the average monthly total income of the family of the borrower (joint and several debtors) in the calculation period is equal to the sum of the average monthly income of the borrower (joint and several debtors) and members of his family and the amount of the planned monthly payment on the credit (loan), calculated on the date preceding the date of filing the application for restructuring, increased no less than 30 percent compared to the size of the planned monthly payment calculated on the date of conclusion of the credit agreement (loan agreement).

Thus, Despite the fact that the assistance program is designed not only for foreign currency borrowers, its condition of increasing the monthly payment by 30% suggests that this program will be able to benefit mainly from citizens who have taken out a mortgage in foreign currency.

Condition 3 – location of the property and official registration of the mortgage.

According to current requirements, the object must be located on the territory of Russia, and must also be registered as collateral. Read about the procedure for applying for a mortgage in the article at the link.

Condition 4 – requirements for room area.

Assistance is provided if the residential premises, including residential premises, the right of claim to which arises from the share participation agreement does not exceed:

  • 45 sq. meters - for a room with 1 living room;
  • 65 sq. meters - for a room with 2 living rooms;
  • 85 sq. meters - for a room with 3 or more living rooms/

For reference. Condition on the minimum cost of 1 sq. meters of total area is excluded.

Condition 5 – the only housing.

Assistance is provided only if there is only one place to live. In this case, it is allowed to have a total share of the mortgagor and his family members in the ownership of no more than 1 other residential premises in the amount of no more than 50 percent.

Important. Compliance with these conditions is confirmed by a simple written statement from the borrower. The borrower is not required to provide information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. Joint Stock Company "Housing Mortgage Lending Agency" verifies the information provided by the borrower in accordance with this subparagraph.

Condition 6 – term for concluding the loan agreement.

Support is provided only for those loans for which the agreement was concluded at least 12 months before the date the borrower submits an application for restructuring, except in cases where the mortgage loan (loan) was provided for the purpose of full repayment of the debt on the housing mortgage loan (loan) provided at least 12 months before the date the borrower submits the restructuring application.

New exceptions. Clause 9 of the new Conditions of the program (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 11, 2017 N 961) stipulates that in the event of non-compliance with no more than two conditions provided for in clause 8 of this document, payment of compensation under the program is allowed in accordance with the decision of the interdepartmental commission in the manner provided for by the regulations on the interdepartmental commission.

Mortgage Borrower Support Form

In order to receive assistance, the bank must provide for the following changes in the terms of the mortgage loan:

Which banks provide assistance to mortgage borrowers?

The main banks of the Russian Federation accept documents to provide assistance to borrowers within the framework of the state program. These include:

Sberbank, Gazprombank, VTB 24, Rosselkhozbank, Bank of Moscow, UniCredit Bank, Promsvyazbank, ROSBANK, BINBANK, Absolut Bank, Avtogradbank, AK BARS, AKIBANK, GLOBEXBANK, Far Eastern Bank, Zapsibkombank, Bank ZENIT, Izhkombank, Krayinvestbank, Kurskprombank, LOKO-Bank , METCOMBANK, MTS-Bank, OTP Bank, Primsotsbank, RosEvroBank, Svyaz-Bank, Sobinbank, Center-invest.

Let us remind you that in order to obtain a restructuring, you must contact the bank that issued the mortgage loan, and then the bank itself will contact the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending. Therefore, if all of the above conditions are met in the application to the bank, it would not be out of place to refer to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 20, 2015 N 373.

Please note that the program does not provide for complete exemption of the borrower from making monthly loan payments, from paying fines, penalties and penalties accrued under the terms of the loan agreement (loan agreement). The lender may consider partially or completely writing off fines, penalties and penalties for late payments incurred during the period of deterioration in the borrower’s solvency. However, according to the assistance program approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, he is not obliged to do this. In addition, the program does not provide for the release of the borrower from obligations for property and title insurance, as well as personal insurance, the conditions for which are specified in the current loan agreement.

To receive support, you must submit to the bank from which the mortgage loan was obtained an application with a list of documents provided by JSC AHML (DOM.RF).

Stability today and prospects for the future are the most important components of well-being and quality of life. What is needed for this?

Get an education, find a job, get housing and start a family, provide guarantees for a comfortable old age and health support. In many ways, a person’s social sustainability depends on the conditions created by the state for the realization of rights and opportunities.

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Types of state support for citizens

Social policy in Russia covers all spheres of life.

This is the state's strategic action plan with large-scale tasks By:

  • development of social infrastructure;
  • creation of intellectual potential;
  • preservation of cultural and family values;
  • preserving the health of the nation.

Events are planned for years in advance through state social programs. Forward-looking statements are represented by legal documents adopted at the governmental level.

Program passports include:

  • goals and objectives, period of action;
  • socio-economic justification;
  • list of activities with stages of implementation;
  • performers from among specialized government agencies;
  • financial support mechanism,
  • expected results.

The areas include housing, pension, educational programs, support and development of healthcare, agriculture, young rural professionals, families with children and socially vulnerable citizens.

Let’s take a closer look at the social programs relevant in 2017.


A pilot version was launched in 2011 federal program "Housing" valid until 2014. The impressive results left no doubt: special events will continue.

Federal Target Program (FTP) “Housing” for 2015-2020

Coordinates the M program Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.

  • construction of energy-efficient and functional economy-class facilities;
  • development of low-rise construction and new forms of citizen participation in this process;
  • providing affordable housing to special categories of the population established by federal legislation;
  • providing financial support to those in need of purchasing their own square meters;
  • modernization of communal infrastructure;
  • overcoming stagnation in the housing market.

Target Audience Federal Targeted Programs are citizens to whom the state has obligations to provide residential premises, the population not provided with housing. The program also addresses the interests of the executive authorities of the constituent entities (in terms of creating local housing stock) and representatives of the construction industry.

FTP includes 5 routines, 3 of which are aimed directly at citizens.

“Providing housing for young families”

The government will need five years to resolve the housing problem of citizens under 35 years of age. All of them, of course, should be on the municipal waiting list to improve their living conditions.

Officially, unemployed citizens are provided with social subsidies for part of the cost of an economy apartment or the construction of a residential building.

  • 30% for childless young families;
  • 35% for families with children, including single-parent families.

The subsidy right is confirmed by the certificate. It is issued by local executive authorities. Of course, you won’t be able to buy a penthouse with government money.

Desires are limited social standards for area:

  • 42 “squares” for a family of two people;
  • 18 sq. meters for a family with a large composition.

An essential condition for obtaining a certificate is that the family has its own funds or is able to obtain a housing loan for the remaining value of the property. The state facilitates lending on preferential terms, including using maternity capital funds.

Subprogram “Fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing for categories of citizens established by law”

The state support segment is aimed at providing housing for the following persons:

  • retirees of military service, internal affairs units, registered as housing on the waiting list before 01/01/2005;
  • military personnel, law enforcement officers subject to dismissal for health reasons, in connection with staff changes or upon reaching the age limit. Their service life must be at least 10 years “calendar”;
  • persons affected by radiation during accidents at nuclear facilities;
  • forced migrants who are on special migration records;
  • people leaving the Far North and equivalent territories;
  • immigrants from ZATO.

Support is provided in the form of a cash grant. The confirmation is state housing certificate (GHS). An apartment, a house, its part, or a room are purchased both on the primary and secondary markets. The provision of the certificate is calculated taking into account the standards for the area and cost per square meter of housing in the region.

Installed the following standards:

  • 33 square meters for a single citizen;
  • 42 sq. m for a family of 2 people;
  • 18 sq. m for a larger family.

Every six months, the Ministry of Economic Development sets the estimated cost per square meter for the regions and for the country as a whole. It is prohibited to purchase premises smaller than the standard size. If the subsidy is not enough, the use of credit or own funds is allowed.

The main condition is the absence of your own real estate or the free transfer of existing property to the municipality.

Subprogram “Providing housing for certain categories of citizens” – 2015 – 2020.

The social package is aimed at providing modern and comfortable housing representatives of the public sector:

  • civil servants;
  • employees of the prosecutor's office and the investigative committee of the Russian Federation;
  • rescuers of the Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations;
  • scientific workers.

A separate area of ​​the program is the resettlement of the population of the BAM (Baikal-Amur Mainline) territories from emergency housing.

Support is provided through the acquisition/construction of residential real estate for social rent or as official housing, and provision of subsidies for the purchase of real estate ownership.

According to the developers, the implementation of the measures will attract qualified personnel to strategic areas of activity for the country. The BAM zone covers Buryatia, Transbaikalia, Amur and Irkutsk regions. During the years of development of these sites, young specialists were provided with temporary living quarters. To this day, 10 thousand families continue to live in completely unsuitable conditions. By 2020, all these citizens should acquire modern economy-class housing.

Programs to reduce unemployment and promote employment

The project aims to and reducing social tension, improving labor relations, assisting in improving the qualifications of specialists in leading areas of the economy and social sphere. It is planned to eliminate the imbalance in the professional environment in some areas by attracting foreign labor. This is a separate direction of the project.

In total, the program includes three routines:

  • “Increasing employment of Russian citizens and reducing unemployment”;
  • “External labor migration”;
  • “Development of labor market institutions.”

The project is coordinated by the Ministry of Labor. The co-executors are the Migration Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (FTS - at the time of approval), the Ministry of Finance and the State Employment Service.

Social sphere

Social tension in Russian society is high. The economic crisis, the turbulent political situation in the world and other factors cannot be discounted or eliminated overnight.

But it is quite possible to take additional care measures for vulnerable citizens.

State program “Social support of citizens”

Started in January 2013. The set of measures is designed for a seven-year period.

Implementation will take place in the following areas:

  • expanding the targeted and targeted principle of providing social assistance measures to needy citizens;
  • granting powers to regional and local authorities to develop and distribute in-kind and cash forms of social assistance;
  • addressing the needs of citizens with disabilities, older people for third-party care from social service specialists and other structures;
  • popularization and creation of conditions for the transition to family forms of education for children and adolescents left without parental care.

The program does not bypass social workers: by 2018 it is planned to raise the salaries of social workers. structures up to 100% of regional average earnings.

“Accessible environment” for 2011-2020

The recipients of program activities are people with disabilities and non-mobile categories of the population (for example, the elderly).

  • create comfortable conditions for the life of persons with limited functions, including disabled children;
  • help them to socialize optimally;
  • increase society's tolerance towards people with specific psycho-physiological characteristics.

To do this, it is necessary to ensure optimal access of recipients to services and life support facilities, provide the necessary amount of rehabilitation/habilitation, and reform the activities of medical and social examination institutions.

The sphere of education

A well-functioning healthcare system, quality education and a reliable pension system are the three pillars of the nation’s well-being.

Federal target program for the development of education for 2016-2020 is aimed at creating conditions for increasing the accessibility of quality education at all levels: general, higher, professional and additional.

When implementing the program the following needs to be done:

  • Reorganize the higher education system: create a network of universities (about 60) focused on key segments of regional economies;
  • Develop and implement educational standards for specialized secondary and higher education that meet modern conditions;
  • Create a control system for professional and higher education at the regional and federal levels.
  • Attract investment funds for the construction of educational facilities and the creation of educational, laboratory, and economic infrastructure of educational institutions.

A separate area includes measures to improve the economics of education.

The state programs of Tatarstan are described in the following video:

Still have questions?

Types of state assistance to low-income families

Types and rules for providing state assistance for single mothers

Types and amount of assistance to large families

Types and conditions of obtaining a mortgage for large families


hello, I’m 37, my wife is 28, I have two children, I’m the owner, I have an apartment of 42 square meters, my retired grandmother lives with us. Are we entitled to subsidies under programs (housing) or others for housing improvement?

Hello Sergey, on your living space of 42 sq.m. Five people live, it turns out that there are 8.4 sq.m. per person. If the registration norm established by the local government is greater than this figure, then you can register as those in need of improved housing conditions.

You can also find out about regional housing assistance programs from this agency.

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What programs to support young families exist in Russia?

Family is the most valuable thing in human life. The process of creating a social unit is not the easiest process. In the modern world, the financial well-being of parents is very important. It is this factor that determines the number of children born to two spouses, the age of pregnancy and marriage. Young people who are not provided with sufficient material wealth do not strive to start a family. For them, the primary task is to find a good job, build a career, gain experience, and earn additional income if possible. There is simply no time to give birth and raise children.

For young married citizens, with or without children, special programs are regularly created at different levels: federal, regional and even municipal. Their main goal is to stimulate the birth rate in the country. Basically, these types of support provide housing, because having your own roof over your head is the main thing. The Russian Government sets requirements for candidates to be placed on the waiting list. Every year a certain limit of certificates is allocated for certain amounts for the purchase of real estate. In extremely rare cases, residential premises are the subject of subsidies.

Over the past 20 years, Russian citizens have participated in a large number of government housing programs. The most basic and large-scale of them were established at the federal level. In any case, the state must ensure the future of young people, meet them halfway in their desire to create families and support the birth of children.

Legislative regulation of the issue

Regulatory documents, which regulate all state actions in relation to young spouses and their children, are as follows:

  1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1050 on the requirements and procedure for obtaining subsidies to improve the living conditions of a young family.
  2. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation defining the conditions for the entry of young families into federal programs.
  3. Federal Law No. 255, regulating the issue of providing financial assistance to minor children.
  4. Federal Law No. 256, on additional measures to support families with children.

In addition to subsidies that apply throughout Russia, the state allows regions to independently and at their own discretion establish similar programs on their territory. The budget, accordingly, will not be of the state, but of a specific entity, or the local treasury will be identified as a source of financing.

Since all such types of support apply only within the Russian Federation, they can be intended only for citizens of the country. Persons with foreign citizenship cannot become participants.

Concerning age, then the participants are married couples where both or at least one of the spouses is under 35 years of age. A few words can also be said about marital status. Under such programs The following couples are eligible:

  • those who have officially registered their relationship;
  • with children, regardless of their number;
  • incomplete, where there is only one parent, with children.

These requirements can be called standard for all types of state aid. Other conditions depend on the purpose of the subsidy, timing and region of residence.

Federal level of assistance

Those citizens who are not able to independently provide themselves with adequate housing, thereby finding it difficult to provide that same financial and moral well-being to their children. It is these categories of the country’s population that are eligible for these social programs.

As of today in 2017, there are several the main largest social types of support, in which young families can participate. All basic data is presented in the table.

  • application;
  • marriage certificate;
  • certificate of family composition;
    • for 2 people less than 42 m2;

    All these social products have proven their relevance and productivity. The demand for these types of assistance is due to the extremely low solvency of the country’s young population, which puts off family values ​​for later, primarily focusing on obtaining material goods.

    Regional types of support

    As for local authorities and their concerns about the same issues, social programs are also developing at the regional level. Young people with children and childless couples are given the opportunity to stand in line and wait for the moment when the administration hands over a certificate to pay part of the cost of their own house or apartment.

    Municipal authorities of various regions may vary the conditions for providing assistance at their discretion, depending on the needs and capabilities of the localities. For example, the circle of people allowed to participate in the “Young Family” state program can be reduced or, conversely, expanded.

    Young professionals who got a job in a village or town Voronezh region, receive subsidies from the administration in the amount of 35% of the cost of the purchased housing. In exchange for concessions, they will have to work at this enterprise for 10 years. Moscow authorities offer preferential terms for renting housing so you can purchase your own by saving up for it. Also in the capital, there are special mortgage programs for young families, which allow them to buy an apartment from the city authorities at a preferential interest rate of 10% per annum. The maximum term of such a loan is 10 years, and the down payment should be 10 – 20%.

    Novosibirsk Housing support requires the presence of children in the family. In addition, the purchased housing must be new, that is, the administration does not subsidize apartments from the secondary market. For Nizhny Novgorod the conditions are more rosy: if during the progression of the queue for financial support another child is born in the family, then 5% is added to the established amount.

    The youth St. Petersburg can register in such a program if the community unit has been permanently residing in the city or region for at least 10 years. As for the maximum area per person, the figure for the country is perhaps the lowest - 9 m2. There are more than enough people who want to live here, because there are an excessive number of communal apartments in the northern capital of Russia, and they are inhabited by people of all ages.

    Samara I am ready to provide additional support to civil servants, and the implementation of this program there remains at a fairly high level. As a result, families receive real estate with an area of ​​at least 18 m2 for each person. IN Saratov To improve living conditions, a young family should have no more than 10 m2 per person. The regional budget of Saratov is ready to provide 600 thousand rubles, 800 thousand rubles and 1 million for families of 2, 3 and 4 people, respectively. In this case, the mortgage rate is 13%; for a loan to build a house, the repayment period can be extended to 30 years. Those with many children are guaranteed additional benefits when repaying the loan.

    For Kazan The length of residence in the city is not important, the main thing is that all family members are registered together. And the maximum area is 12 m2. IN Ufa this figure is slightly higher - 18 m2, and the administration requires annual re-registration of all program participants.

    For Crimea In 2017, federal funding is not provided, so the sources will be the municipal budget and the regional treasury.

    Through this program, implemented until 2020, it is planned to develop housing construction. For these purposes, solvent young families in need of improved living conditions will be provided with a subsidy in the amount of 30% and 35% of the cost of the housing loan. Citizens with children are given priority, but spouses without offspring are also entitled to assistance.

    Banking offers

    All of them are generally similar in essence, but still may differ on some points.

    Universal terms can be found in each case:

    1. Age restrictions for bank clients are from 21 to 35 years old; at least one of the spouses must meet them.
    2. A permanent place of work and stable income - the duration of the last employment was at least six months, and for the last 5 years the length of service must be at least 12 months. As for earnings, co-borrowers provide bank employees with a 2-NDFL certificate, according to which they assess their solvency.
    3. Down payment – ​​for young families this figure is always lower than in the organization’s regular loan products. As a rule, it is 10% of the total value of the property.

    Sometimes banks may push Additional requirements, thereby narrowing the circle of potential clients. These include:

    • participation in a salary project;
    • permanent residence in a city or region for a certain period of time (usually about 5 – 10 years);
    • the need to improve living conditions.

    To approach the last point, you need to find out the total area of ​​the apartment and divide it by the number of officially registered persons. The resulting indicator should not exceed the standard established for the region.

    IN list of banks, offering preferential terms of mortgage lending to young families, include the largest representatives of the market:

    There are also similar programs, only with government support. It is expressed in lowering the interest rate by a few more points.

    Relevance of the issue

    2017, compared to several previous crisis years, is distinguished by lower interest rates, not only for beneficiaries, but also for ordinary ordinary borrowers. Thus, purchasing housing has become more accessible to a wider range of citizens. People actually began to apply for loans more often, and the share of early loan repayments increased slightly.

    Preferential programs for young families by the state and banks will be extended for another 3 to 5 years. Stable consumer activity is expected over this period. The benefit for borrowers is obvious, because saving a couple of millions and waiting to buy the coveted apartment is much more difficult than receiving money from the bank and gradually paying it off.

    An example of the operation of one of these government assistance programs is presented in the following video:

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    Housing programs for young families

    The Russian federal budget for 2017 provides funding for a large number of government programs, among which we can especially highlight those aimed at young families with children. The state helps young families improve their living conditions and become owners of their own homes. the principle of targeting and need, according to which:

    • family must be recognized in need of improved living conditions;
    • the family must belong to one of the recognized socially vulnerable categories(for example, at the birth of two or more children).

    To participate in any of the government programs listed below, families will need to confirm their solvency and raise their own funds for the purchase or construction of residential premises.

    Below is a list of the main social housing programs for young families:

    What are government programs and what are they?

    The federal budget for 2017 and the financing of the expenditure items provided for it are carried out according to program principle, within which the concept is widely used Government program.

    State program is a government strategic planning document containing a system of measures interconnected by tasks, deadlines and resources and implemented with the aim of ensuring government functions and achieving the goals of socio-economic development of Russia.

    Official website of the Government

    Unfortunately, due to the widespread use by the country’s leadership of the program principle for ordinary citizens, there is great confusion in the forms of existence of various programs, within the framework of which some state tasks are solved, including in the field providing housing for young families.

    In particular, from official sources we can highlight at least the following: 4 types of programs:

    • state (state programs);
    • federal targeted programs (FTP);
    • subprograms within the framework of the Federal Target Program and state programs;
    • implemented in the form of separate activities within the framework of subprograms.

    Maternity Capital program

    The Government’s program principle clearly described above is well illustrated by the example of the familiar Maternity Capital program, according to which the Pension Fund issues state certificates in the amount of 453,026 rubles to families with children. in 2017. This amount can be sent in full or in parts in several directions permitted by law, including - improvement of living conditions(purchase or construction of housing).

    The financing of this program in the budget law is now carried out in the form of the following system:

    • name of the state program- Social support for citizens (valid for the period 2013-2020);
      • subroutine No. 3- Improving social support for families and children;
        • main event 3.8- Providing maternal (family) capital.

    More information about the terms of its validity can be found on the Maternity Capital page.

    Federal Target Program “Housing” and the “Young Family” Program for 2015-2020

    The Federal Target Program (FTP) “Housing” is one of the longest-lived and has a very long history. In total, there were several editions of it:

    • for 2002-2010 - completed;
    • for 2011-2015 - replaced the completed one;
    • for 2015-2020 - adopted and extended in a new edition dated August 25, 2015 No. 889.

    Subroutine “Providing housing for young families”, according to which the state subsidizes citizens for the purchase of housing in the amount of at least 30 or 35% of its cost, was present in the Federal Target Program “Housing” from its very first edition, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 28, 2002 No. 638.

    Now its financing is carried out in the form of the following system:

    • name of the state program- Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities to citizens of the Russian Federation (for 2013-2020);
      • Federal Target Program "Housing" for 2015-2020;
        • subroutine No. 1 - Providing housing for young families.

    Detailed rules for participation in the program can be found on the pages of this website:

    • general federal rules approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;
    • features of the implementation of the program in the regions of the country in accordance with local laws.

    “Housing for the Russian family” for 2014-2017

    By Government Decree No. 323 of April 15, 2014, Dmitry Medvedev approved the housing state program, as part of which the implementation of a new program is planned for the period 2014-2017 "Housing for a Russian family"(IOR).

    Below are the features of the new program and its differences from the “Young Family”:

    • the program is aimed at providing families in need of improved housing conditions, economy class apartments costing up to 80% of the average market price for real estate in new buildings in the region, which families will have to pay on their own;
    • new economical housing must be built and put into operation by developers until the end of 2017(total of at least 25 million square meters of apartments throughout the country) under special program conditions;
    • The government subsidizes developers the price of housing that passed the competition and was approved by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation as participants in the program, up to its market value.

    Thus, we can highlight the following fundamental differences between the ZhRS program and the “Young Family”:

    • housing is initially provided at a price below market value, and its entire cost is provided to citizens pay independently(for this you need to confirm your solvency) - for this you can use a certificate for maternity capital or a social mortgage;
    • Government subsidy issued to non-citizens, and directly to developers who are certified as participants in the program, build economy-class housing and sell it to families at a price of up to 80% of the market value;
    • you can buy housing only on the primary market- and only in new buildings that are built by certified developers specifically in accordance with the rules of the iron ore resource program.

    Financing of the “Housing for Russian Family” program for the period 2014-2017 is carried out according to the following system:

    • name of the state program- Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities to citizens of the Russian Federation (for 2013 - 2020);
      • subroutine No. 1- Creating conditions for providing affordable and comfortable housing to Russian citizens;
        • main event 1.8- implementation of the “Housing for Russian Family” program.
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    Comments 3

    Good evening. I think that for young families, a mortgage to purchase a home with 10.5% is too high! As a result, the overpayment is half the cost of the apartment, and this is a very significant amount for a family with small children.

    And no one cares about it, as you can see...

    Unfortunately, in Russia they don’t care about people at all. Why does the same Sberbank in China give loans to people at 1.5 and 2 percent, but in Russia - please, here’s 11% and higher! Where's the justice? No and never have been.

    You work for the state, but it can’t even provide you with affordable housing. 70-80 thousand per square meter - where have you seen this? The more active and widespread the construction, the lower the price should be, and our prices are as if every time the last meter of land is taken away.

    And look how much of this land there is - expand the city’s infrastructure. Well, no, we have to build one on one!