Insurance of Sberbank bank cards. Credit card insurance: do you need such a service? Debit card insurance

Insurance services today extend to almost all aspects of everyday life. Including banking products and their users. As one of the largest and most stable financial institutions in Russia, Sberbank, in cooperation with partner insurance companies, offers its clients the option of asset insurance. One of the areas of the program is insurance of Sberbank bank cards.

Insurance of plastic cards

Card insurance involves guaranteed compensation for losses incurred by its owner due to the occurrence of an insured event:

  • access to funds on the card by unauthorized persons due to skimming or phishing;
  • theft of cash withdrawn from an ATM (burglary, robbery);
  • loss of control over the card due to technical failures in ATMs, terminals, tape demagnetization, loss of the card itself;
  • receipt of funds from the card by fraudsters due to forgery of plastic or identity documents.

Fund protection is intended for users who regularly use a plastic card to make transactions remotely via the Internet, through contactless payment, at electronic payment acceptance points, etc.

If any of the insured events listed in the policy occur, the cardholder is obliged to contact the Sberbank office within 2 days to fill out an application for damages.

If the deadline is not met, the client loses the right to receive insurance payments. First of all, if you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, it is recommended to notify the bank by calling the hotline (this can be done within 12 hours after the event occurs), and then begin collecting documents confirming the insured event itself.

Sberbank's insurance program allows you to protect all plastic cards a client has

Card protection under the insurance program allows you to use any electronic devices of any banks, make transactions online, book any goods and services without fear of losing your funds. This makes issuing a policy more attractive for Sberbank clients.

Insurance for Sberbank bank card holders is provided for a certain subscription fee. The amount of the tariff is agreed upon when signing the contract and is determined taking into account the desired amount of insurance payments, the card service package and the activity of its owner when making non-cash payments.

For insuring money in customer accounts, the bank charges different rates depending on how exactly the policy was issued. If this is done in the standard way by contacting the department of the institution, then the tariffs will be:

  • 1900 rubles with an insurance coverage of 120 thousand rubles;
  • 3900 rubles - with 250 thousand rubles;
  • 5900 rubles - with 350 thousand rubles.

If Sberbank card insurance was issued on the Internet or mobile banking, the prices will be slightly different:

  • 700 rubles with a coverage of 30 thousand rubles;
  • 1710 rubles - 120 thousand rubles;
  • 3510 rubles - 250 thousand rubles.

Naturally, without the need to take out insurance for compensation of large amounts, it is recommended to fill out an application on the Sberbank website and thus get a better price. In this way, the bank tries to attract as many clients as possible to use online and mobile banking.

The cost of insurance services will depend on the method of issuing the policy.

Insurance registration procedure

There are certain nuances in different ways of purchasing a policy. When you take out insurance at a Sberbank office, it is assigned to a specific personal account. All third-party products linked to an account are automatically covered. It is allowed to conclude one agreement for all banking products opened in the name of the applicant.

Basic conditions for obtaining an insurance policy:

  • The duration of the concluded agreement is 1 year.
  • Credit card insurance is available under certain conditions.
  • Indemnification under one insurance policy can be made no more than three times.
  • The amount of insurance coverage will be reduced in proportion to insurance payments already made.
  • If the card expires before the insurance contract expires, its validity is transferred to other active products of the insured person.

The general scheme for obtaining bank card insurance looks quite simple: the client selects the insurance program that is optimal for him, signs an agreement with the bank and pays the cost of the service, after which he picks up the finished insurance policy.

Insurance policy activation

To start the insurance, you must first activate it. You can ask a bank employee to do this after signing the agreement. Or use the Internet and activate the policy in your personal Sberbank account online.

In the activation window, you will need to fill out an electronic application form, entering your personal data and policy details (number, date of issue, code). After filling out, you need to confirm your actions and wait for verification. Typically the system verifies the data within a few minutes. But sometimes you have to wait 1-2 days.

Receiving insurance payments

If you discover any unexpected situations with your card, you should immediately respond and notify the bank. First of all, you should not ignore possible attacks on assets:

  • loss of plastic for any reason;
  • demagnetization or mechanical damage;
  • writing off money from the balance without the owner’s knowledge.

Taking out an insurance policy allows you to guarantee the safety of funds on the card

When signing an agreement with the bank, the client will receive instructions on how to act in the event of an insured event. These instructions should be strictly followed, since their violation may serve as a reason for the bank to refuse compensation for losses.

To be more confident in the correctness of your actions, you should first study the recommendations and reviews of Sberbank clients regarding certain insurance programs. This will help you better understand the intricacies and conditions of different insurance programs.

In general, the contingency plan looks like this:

  1. Block the card in any convenient way. It is best to dial the support service number and block it with its help, while simultaneously notifying the bank about what happened.
  2. A call to the insurance company must be made as soon as possible. They need to be informed of the general nature of the problem, the policy number, and receive instructions on further actions.
  3. If criminal acts are detected (robbery, theft, skimming, phishing, etc.), you must contact the police.
  4. Within 3 days from the date of the incident, fill out an application for compensation at the office of the insurance company.
  5. Collect documentary evidence of the incident. The insurance company will tell you exactly what needs to be collected. Usually these are relevant bank and police statements.
  6. After submitting all documents, the insurance company reviews them and makes a decision on payment of insurance compensation.

With the spread of cases of fraud and theft of money from plastic media, taking out insurance provides the user with confidence that he will not be left without a livelihood. Receipt of insurance payment is possible only after approval of the application by Sberbank's insurance company. Sometimes it takes several days.

To begin with, it is worth noting that the insurer is not the bank itself, but the insurance company with which it has a partnership agreement. There are three most popular types of card insurance.

1. Insurance of the card itself

Many banks offer to insure the credit card itself: these are Binbank, Intesa Bank, VTB24, Raiffeisenbank, Rosbank, Sberbank and others.

So, Binbank advises to protect the funds on the card using a program called “Card Protection”. The card can be insured not only against loss, theft or complete physical destruction, but also against all kinds of fraudulent actions by third parties. In particular, compensation will be paid if criminals withdraw money from your account using a counterfeit card, if you pay with it on the Internet, if banknotes received from an ATM are stolen, and even if you yourself told the scammers your PIN code as a result of a physical threat. reprisals against you. Approximately the same insurance conditions for Bank Intesa .

It's no secret that such insurance cases have been happening quite often lately. Just know that all this will still need to be proven, but in reality it is often not so easy. Therefore, if such a situation arises, do not forget to record and collect as many facts and documents as possible (receipts, photographs, audio recordings, etc.). Random witnesses will also come in handy.

IN Alfa-Bank Several insurance programs are offered. By choosing, for example, the “Card without Risk” program, the owner is insured against the loss of the card and its further use by fraudsters, as well as against robbery while withdrawing cash from an ATM. Please note that in the first case, the insurance will be paid only for a period equal to 48 hours before the card is blocked, in the second - 2 hours after the cash is issued. Sberbank and VTB24 have similar insurance conditions.

If you choose the “Risk-Free Card Plus” program in the same Alfa-Bank, then the loss of funds as a result of phishing or skimming will be added to the insured events.

Some banks are ready to reimburse other costs of the client. Eg, Rosbank And Promsvyazbank will pay insurance for the costs of restoring the client’s personal documents, his keys and locks lost along with the card, and even for the costs of re-issuing the card.

2. Life and health insurance for credit card holders

Many banks offer to insure not the cards themselves, but their owners, i.e. you.

Eg, SMP Bank will pay compensation if the client is injured, loses his ability to work (i.e. is recognized as disabled) or loses his life. However, it is worth considering that if an accident occurs with a client while intoxicated (no matter drug, toxic or alcoholic), during military operations, a nuclear explosion or under some other conditions (read the contract carefully), then insurance compensation will not be paid.

Credit card holders can also insure their health and life Sberbank ,Uniastrum Bank , Alfa-Bank and many other financial institutions.

Please note that usually such programs will only apply if you are located in the Russian Federation. At the same time, such republics as Chechnya and Ingushetia are often excluded.

3. Insurance when traveling abroad

This is another common type of insurance offered by many banks.

For example, in Bank "Avangard" the terms of the program are as follows: if your work or vacation abroad is overshadowed by injury or illness, just contact a representative of the service company. He will give the necessary advice and help in calling a doctor or hospitalization. The insurance company promises to cover all expenses associated with paying for treatment, sending medications, and even traveling and staying in the hospital for a close relative of the victim. However, be aware that such insurance is not valid in your country of permanent residence. Risks will not be covered if the trip lasts more than three months or the insured exposes himself to increased risk (skydiving, skiing, etc.).

SMP Bank will refuse to pay insurance compensation if you went to a country where there is military action or an epidemic raging, as well as to a place where the Russian Foreign Ministry does not recommend traveling. offers two programs for travelers at once: “Basic” and “Extended”. According to the first, only trips abroad are insured, according to the second - within the territory of Russia too.

How much does it cost?

Naturally, the cost of the policy will depend on many factors, and therefore differs significantly from bank to bank.

  • Card insurance

At Rosbank, the amount of the insurance premium depends on the program: “Classic” - 550 rubles/year (maximum compensation amount up to 33,050 rubles/year), “Comfort” - 950 rubles. (up to 81,100 rubles), “Elite” - 1,750 rubles. (up to 177,500 rub.).

At Raiffeisenbank, the commission and amount of payments are determined by the status of the credit card: for a classic card you will need to pay 70 rubles / month (reimbursement - up to 75 thousand rubles), for a gold card - 140 rubles / month (up to 150 thousand rubles).

At Binbank you can choose an annual contribution from 300 to 6 thousand rubles, respectively, the compensation will be from 30 thousand to 1 million rubles.

At, a similar program is free for owners of gold and platinum credit cards, and the compensation will be 78 and 125 thousand rubles. respectively.

  • Life and health insurance

At Uniastrum Bank, the card owner (no matter gold or classic) will have to pay 0.59%/month of the debt amount for insurance.

Sberbank has three insurance companies as partners, which is probably why the cost of insurance is not reported on the website. Details can be found directly at the bank's offices.

  • Travel insurance

At Avangard, such a policy will cost €13.75 with a liability limit of €30 thousand or €/$26.25 with a limit of €/$100 thousand.

Some banks do not charge their clients for travel insurance at all. This was noted by Otkritie Bank and (though only for platinum and gold cards), as well as SMP Bank (for main platinum, gold and standard cards).

In principle, the commissions are not that big, but whether the game is worth the candle is up to you to decide. In any case, do not forget to first study the insurance contract in detail and be prepared for the fact that sometimes you have to run for compensation.

It can be insured against fraud. This service is offered today by many credit organizations that issue cards. For example, Sberbank, VTB 24, Alfa-Bank, Russian Standard, Promsvyazbank, Citibank, Bank Intesa, Rosbank, etc.

As a rule, special insurance programs are aimed at protecting cardholders from financial losses in the event of robbery at an ATM, unauthorized debiting from the card by third parties, loss and theft of the card, and some other cases.

The cost of this service depends on insurance coverage. On average, it varies from 1% to 1.5% of the insurance limit. In some banks, the insurance policy is paid immediately upon registration, in others, the card holder is charged a monthly fee.

For example, at Alfa-Bank one of the insurance “card” products is the “Protected Card”. Using it you can protect yourself from losses associated with fraudulent actions of third parties, as well as from loss or physical destruction of the card. The bank's insurance premium for a “Secured Card” will range from 1,200 to 4,300 rubles per year, depending on the type and status of the card. With this card you can return from 100 thousand to 300 thousand rubles.

The Fraud Protection program of Russian Standard Bank covers the following risks: fraud through ATMs and terminals, online fraud, unauthorized use of a card, robbery when withdrawing cash. When an insured event occurs, the client's actual expenses are reimbursed in the amount of up to 50 thousand rubles (up to 12,500 rubles for each insurance risk). The fee for participation in the insurance program is debited from the card account monthly and amounts to 50 rubles.

At Banca Intesa, the fraud insurance policy for bank cards protects against unauthorized use of the card by third parties in the event of its loss, their receipt of cash from the bank by copying the client’s signature on payment documents, as well as from the account, when, under the threat of violence against themselves or loved ones, the client is forced to transfer your card and inform the criminals of the PIN code, from withdrawing funds from the card account, as a result of obtaining information from the client through fraudulent actions and the use of a fake card (phishing, skimming). The amount of payments under the insurance policy depends on the category of the bank card and varies from 30 thousand to 150 thousand rubles. The cost of a policy for one year is from 300 to 1,600 rubles.

Under the VTB 24 “Card Protection” program, you can insure against such risks as illegal debiting of funds from a lost or stolen card, robbery when withdrawing cash from a card, loss of keys and documents along with the card. The fee for participation in the insurance program is debited from the card account monthly and, depending on the chosen program, is 90 or 130 rubles. Insurance premium – from 20 thousand to 150 thousand rubles.

It is worth noting that bank card insurance is currently not very popular among cardholders.

Reading time: 7 minutes. Views 312 Published 09.22.2018

Sberbank is the flagship of the Russian banking sector. The use of modern security technologies allows the bank to reliably protect its products from various types of fraud. However, the loss of the card by the client or its theft may lead to the loss of funds on it. It is with the aim of protecting cardholders from unforeseen circumstances that could lead to such cases that Sberbank has developed a product such as insurance of its electronic means of payment.

Why do you need card insurance at Sberbank?

Sberbank card insurance is a program developed by Sberbank specialists for those clients who actively use it as a means of payment. In the process of using it, every person is not immune from problems such as:

  • loss of the card, its theft, as well as disclosure of the PIN code;
  • skimming (fraud when withdrawing funds from ATMs);
  • breakdown or demagnetization of plastic, etc.;
  • counterfeiting of a means of payment by fraudsters and cashing out money from a card at an ATM or bank cash desk;
  • theft of money received by the client.

If such troubles arise, the client must contact the bank no later than within two days from the date of the incident. If submitted later, the application will be rejected.

What is the insurance policy for?

When insuring funds on a Sberbank card, you can select a risk group, upon the occurrence of which an insured event will occur:

  1. Any unauthorized actions with funds. These include forging the means of payment itself or the client’s signature on it, taking possession of a means of payment or a secret PIN code, and using the client’s personal data to take over his funds from a bank account.
  2. Losing your means of payment. The risk group includes loss as a result of attack or theft, damage to a plastic payment instrument, or its demagnetization.
  3. Theft or criminal misappropriation of money received by the owner of the plastic card within two hours from the moment of withdrawal.

When taking out a policy, you can choose either a separate risk group or all at once.

Is there any benefit from insurance?

Sberbank card insurance is always beneficial. The main advantages are:

  • security of funds on the card;
  • the policy applies both to the territory of the Russian Federation and beyond its borders;
  • the policyholder himself determines the categories of risks from which there is a need to protect himself;
  • the cost of the insurance policy decreases in inverse proportion to the amount insured (the more money on the card, the smaller percentage of this amount must be transferred as an insurance premium);
  • the opportunity to save money by purchasing insurance through the remote banking service;
  • Purchasing one insurance provides the opportunity to protect all client funds.

Which cards are insured?

The insurance product developed by Sberbank provides the opportunity to insure:

  • any debit cards (personal, salary, pension, etc.), including the main ones and additional ones linked to them;
  • credit cards.


Sberbank credit card insurance allows you to protect clients' obligations on borrowed funds. The insurance payment is calculated on a monthly basis and amounts to 0.7% of the amount of the client’s debt on the card. If there is no debt on the credit card, insurance payments are also not charged..

It is quite simple to connect protection to the card, as well as cancel the service. It is enough to send an SMS with the code received from the bank to number 900. If an insured event occurs, the insurance company undertakes to repay the entire amount of debt on the Sberbank credit card within the prescribed period.


Taking out an insurance policy allows you to make transfers and pay with debit cards anywhere in the world. The debit card protection period is 1 year, and the service begins 15 days after registration. An additional bonus is the daily accrual of 1.7 rubles in the form of THANK YOU points.

Process of receiving insurance payments

In the event of an insured event, you must:

  1. It is mandatory to block the plastic.
  2. Call back the phone number of Sberbank Insurance, give the insurance policy number and report the occurrence of an insured event.
  3. Within 2 days, go to a bank branch and submit an application to receive an insurance payment.

When contacting the department, you must have the following documents and certificates with you:

  • a completed application form for payment with a description of the insured event;
  • an agreement concluded with an insurance company and a payment slip confirming payment of premiums;
  • identification document;
  • in case of loss or theft of the card, you will need a certificate from the bank, which will indicate the cost of restoring the plastic;
  • in a situation where the client was attacked, you need to present a resolution on a criminal case from the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • If the plastic is damaged or demagnetized, you will need a certificate confirming the damage to the card.

Important! If money is stolen, you must contact the bank within 12 hours of the theft.

Upon consideration of the request for the occurrence of an insured event, the company makes a decision on payment of the coverage amount. The fact of payment occurs within three working days from the date of confirmation of the occurrence of the event. The amount of payment is the amount of damage received, but cannot be higher than the amount of coverage specified in the contract.

Policy cost

How much does it cost to protect products on plastic? It depends on which card will be insured, the amount of money that will be protected by the insurance company, as well as the method of registration of the product:

  1. The cost of the insurance payment when applying for protection on a credit card will be equal to 0.7% of the monthly debt amount on plastic.
  2. The principle of paying for a policy for a debit card is different:

How to get insurance

You can sign up for an insurance contract in two ways: directly at a bank branch or remotely through Sberbank Online. Once the policy is issued, it must be activated. The insurance conditions are as follows:

  1. The policy is issued for a period of 1 year.
  2. More than 3 payments cannot be made under one insurance contract.
  3. The amount of coverage is reduced in case of payments under the contract.

In the case where insurance was issued for all cards, but the main one is not active, the remaining cards continue to participate in the program.

At the Sberbank office

To apply for a policy at a bank office, you will need a passport, as well as a card account servicing agreement. When filling out the insurance policy, you must provide the following information:

  • name and details of the insurer;
  • personal information about the policyholder;
  • list of cards to which the service is connected;
  • a list of insured events upon the occurrence of which payment occurs.

After drawing up, the policy is signed by the client, as well as by the manager of the bank branch.


When registering an insurance product remotely, you must do the following:

  • log in to the client bank, select the section with insurance products and select the most attractive service option;
  • fill out the form provided by the bank;
  • confirm the execution of the insurance contract.

If necessary, the “All cards under lock and key” option can be activated. This will allow you to protect all client cards. All completed documentation will be sent to the cardholder’s email account.

Insurance policy activation

Upon completion of card insurance, this service must be activated. This can be done on the website of the bank or insurance company. To do this, fill out a form containing a number of required data. Once completed, the activation request is sent for verification. If all data is correct, the insurance company will activate the service. As a rule, reconciliation is carried out within a period of several minutes to two to three days.

Is it possible to refuse insurance?

Very often in Sberbank branches you can encounter the fact that its employees “load” various additional services on the plastic card that the client issues. One of these “trailers” is insurance of bank cards.

Is it possible to refuse this additional service? Definitely, yes, since the legislation of the Russian Federation does not include this type of insurance as generally compulsory. To cancel insurance after the policy has been issued, you must:

  1. Visit a bank branch with your passport and insurance policy.
  2. Fill out the application form to cancel this service.


A plastic card as a payment instrument gives its owner many advantages. However, due to certain types of risks, there is a possibility of theft of funds from the client account. Taking out insurance allows the cardholder to feel confident even in the most unpleasant life situations. Thanks to this service, the client can always count on the safety of funds.

Sberbank card insurance is reliable protection of funds on bank cards, which will protect your finances from fraud and provide you with complete security when making various purchases, payments in retail chains, the Internet, cafes and shops.

Page content

Money insurance on a Sberbank card is:

  1. Reliable and convenient. Each plastic card holder can apply for an insurance policy in any way convenient for him: either directly in person at the nearest bank branch, or via the Internet in the Sberbank Online system.
  2. Profitable. By accumulating “Thank you” bonuses, you can save up to 15% of the cost of your insurance policy.
  3. Complete protection against fraud. All plastic cards that are at the disposal of a Sberbank client and linked to his bank account are covered by one policy.

Insurance of funds on the card under the “Card Protection” policy allows the holder of plastic bank cards (credit, debit, main and additional) to independently choose the amount of insurance protection that he deems necessary. The policy is issued for a period of one year and becomes effective 15 calendar days from the date of its issue.

Bank card protection is valid in two cases:

  1. Illegal disposal of funds that were on the holder’s card.
  2. Lost plastic card.

Illegal disposal of funds from plastic cards means:

  • using the card for personal purposes as a result of plastic theft or robbery;
  • obtaining a bank card and a PIN code for it as a result of the use of violence against the holder or threats with the subsequent use of the card;
  • withdrawing money from an account by forging the personal signature of the owner of a bank card/account at the cash desk of a Sberbank branch;
  • using counterfeit plastic to withdraw funds, pay for purchases and services using real details of the original card;
  • robbery of the owner of a plastic card in the first two hours from the moment of withdrawing cash from his card at an ATM;
  • other illegal ways to take possession of a bank card and then use it.

Loss of the card is insured in the following cases:

  • robbery against the card holder;
  • robbery or theft;
  • technical breakdown of an ATM or information and payment terminal;
  • mechanical damage or demagnetization.

Cost of insurance

The cost of the Card Protection insurance policy depends on two main factors:

  1. Depending on the method of obtaining insurance (at a bank branch through an operator or independently in your personal account through the Sberbank Online system).
  2. From the amount of insurance protection, which is chosen at the cardholder’s discretion.

Table. Cost of the “Card Protection” insurance policy.

Based on the data given in the table, it is clear that minimum insurance coverage is possible provided that the policy is issued online through Sberbank Online. Accordingly, the cost of such insurance will be the lowest. If you compare the terms of policies that are issued at a bank branch and online, you can come to the conclusion that those that are issued independently via the Internet are cheaper.

Credit Card Insurance

Holders of credit plastic cards issued by Sberbank of the Russian Federation have access to all the bank’s insurance products, including insurance of payment instruments, that is, cards. If an insured event suddenly occurs (fraudsters illegally obtained your credit card information and withdrew funds from your account, which you were notified by SMS), the insurance company in this case will compensate you for the damage within the insured amount. But if the amount of damage exceeds the amount of insurance protection, the difference will not be compensated.

Important! When deciding on the amount of insurance coverage, it is necessary to objectively assess the degree of possible risks so that, if something happens, all damage is fully compensated by the insurance company.

To apply for the Card Protection insurance policy, you must go to the nearest Sberbank branch and have identification documents with you. You can also insure your credit card yourself, with only Internet access. To apply for insurance online you need:

  1. Open the page of the official website of Sberbank.
  2. Go to the “Insure yourself and your property” tab.
  3. Select from the proposed menu the item “Bank card insurance – apply online”.
  4. Specify the amount of insurance protection.
  5. Enter your passport details, address of residence and/or registration and other contact information in the appropriate fields of the form.
  6. Confirm your actions.
  7. After this, you will receive a letter with the “Card Protection” policy to your email inbox.
  8. Review the policy and pay for insurance with your bank card.

The procedure for obtaining insurance for your card will take only a few minutes, but will give you a whole year of reliable protection against fraudulent activities and other scams.

Debit card insurance

The “Card Protection” insurance policy involves insuring both credit and debit cards of Sberbank. You may have multiple debit cards, a credit card, and additional cards, all of which are covered under this policy. Having a debit card, you can purchase any insurance product, including insuring your card and the funds on it against unauthorized access and illegal use.

Regardless of how your insurance is issued (online or in a bank branch) and the form of the policy (paper or electronic), your card will be completely safe, since in the event of an insurance situation, all losses will be compensated within the amount of insurance coverage.

Important! Both electronic and paper policies have identical legal force, equally protecting cardholders from malicious actions of fraudsters and guaranteeing them compensation in the prescribed amount.

How to refuse card insurance

Everyone who has had the honor of obtaining a bank card (especially a credit card) has encountered the fact that a bank employee, in addition to the card, offered to take out “super profitable” insurance, which would provide absolute protection and guarantee that in the event of theft, loss or illegal disposal funds from the card, the insurance company will compensate for everything to the last penny.

The legislation of the Russian Federation states only about some compulsory types of insurance, where we are not talking about consumer insurance at all. Therefore, every Sberbank card holder absolutely legally has the right to refuse the insurance imposed on him, both when issuing a plastic card (including a credit card), and after the fact, that is, after the bank employee managed to convince the client of the necessity and highest value insurance and issue him a policy.

Card and credit insurance is voluntary and everyone determines for themselves the degree of importance and necessity of insurance. The only negative is that if you refuse insurance, the credit limit on the card may be reduced or the interest rate may be increased (rarely, but this is practiced, since the bank primarily insures its possible risks associated with issuing a loan).

To cancel insurance after it has been issued, you must:

  1. Appear at the bank with identification documents and an insurance policy (original).
  2. Explain to the employee the purpose of your visit.
  3. Request an application form.
  4. Fill out an application indicating all your coordinates and contact information, as well as the reason for refusing insurance.

In some cases, it is possible to terminate an insurance contract by calling the Sberbank hotline, as well as through your personal account in the Sberbank Online system.

Question answer

Question: is it possible to refuse insurance for a Sberbank card?

Answer: insurance of Sberbank credit and debit cards is voluntary, and only the bank client has the right to decide on the need to purchase this banking product. That is, every plastic card holder has every right to refuse to take out insurance.

Question: is insurance required for Sberbank bank cards?

Answer: life is unpredictable, and fraud schemes are becoming more and more astonishing in their sophistication every day. No one can guarantee that attackers will bypass you and your money will remain safe and sound. You need to be prepared for anything, and the best solution in this case is to take out a “Card Protection” insurance policy. This insurance product of Sberbank is not mandatory, but bank employees strongly recommend that their clients activate insurance as additional protection for plastic cards and a guarantee of monetary compensation in the event of an insured event.

Poll: are you satisfied with the quality of services provided by Sberbank in general?
