Reviews about otp bank. Details Details for depositing funds in Pounds Sterling

Registration number: 2766

Date of registration by the Bank of Russia: 28.03.1994

BIC: 044525311

Main state registration number: 1027739176563 (11.09.2002)

Authorized capital: RUB 2,797,887,853.10

License (date of issue/last replacement) Banks with a basic license are banks that have a license whose name contains the word “basic”. All other operating banks are banks with a universal license:
License to attract deposits and place precious metals (11/27/2014)
General license for banking operations (11/27/2014)

Participation in the deposit insurance system: Yes

OTP Bank in Moscow offers a wide range of services. On our website you can find out where to open a deposit and apply for a credit card. Separately, there is information on loans and addresses of OTP Bank branches in Moscow.

For those who have not yet decided on a bank, we suggest comparing the rating with other popular institutions in terms of assets, loans, assets and deposits. Using the service, you can find out where the nearest OTP Bank ATMs are located in Moscow. Users can also choose a branch that offers a range of services to serve legal entities.

You need to change the phone number that you indicated when concluding an agreement with OTP Bank and which is used for a) authorization when calling the bank, b) when authorizing in the OTP bank account, to a new one, because your number has changed. What will you do?
A) Try changing it via chat with the bank(as in Tinkoff) in the application(as in Alfabank, Raiffeisen Bank, Sberbank)? (not correct. Get the operator’s answer that “you can change your phone number during a personal visit to the bank, addresses and schedule of branches via the link” - go to ***).
b) Will you go to the bank branch, of which there are only 12 in the city, after the end of the working day (after 18:00) but before the branch closes (until 21:00), as indicated on the website?
(not correct: there is no form, the application is accepted based on your words, and the bank employee who can carry out the operation of changing the number works exclusively until 18 o’clock, like all normal people who can just go to the bank after work). V)(wrong: there are no alternative options, and when you call the call center you will state your code word, passport details, date of birth, what color of your panties, when was the last time you ate and what, after that you will be asked about the purpose of your call and answered that They can’t help you, go to the bank branch).
G) You managed to complete the quest above, you somehow miraculously managed, as it seems to you, to change your phone number (let’s say you caught the clerk before 6 p.m.), waited 10 days allocated by the bank for this procedure, is everything okay now? (No, because when you call 0707, the bank’s IVR system recognizes your number, you are addressed by your first name and patronymic, but when you ask for a login and password for your personal account, they cannot give it to you, because the bank employee made a mistake and did not add (+) before the phone number, and they can only send the password if the phone number is specified correctly.) Wait 30 days.

How to change a phone number if, when entering it into the database, a bank employee made a mistake and forgot to add (+) before the number?
that is, in the database it is written as 79991112233, but should be as +79991112233.
1. Contact the bank branch before it closes. and again hear that the employee who can do this works until 18:00, and you arrived at 18:01
2. Ask for an application form to leave it at the bank, and the employee who works until 18:00 added +? no - there is no form, although you clearly remember that when you changed your number for the first time, you filled out some kind of form.
3. Call the call center to ask to add + to the number through the operator on 0707? No, because You cannot contact the operator on this number, the maximum is to block the card.
4. log into your personal account and change the number yourself? No, what are you talking about - you don’t have a login and password for your personal account, because they can’t send it to your phone number.
5. Maybe the bank's technical employee needed to write a program so that it would be impossible to register a number in the wrong format? Pfff... what the fuck am I writing, it doesn’t happen. 6. When contacting an address[email protected]

ask to add a plus sign to the number and log in to your personal account after 1 minute? Pfft... who needs this? You will receive a response that your request has been registered and wait 30 days.

The result is that no one can change the number, they cannot accept the application, the schedule is drawn up in such a way that not a single normal working person will get into the bank without damage to their work, there is no protection against basic errors when entering data, “you are a fool”!

OTP Bank 01/30/2020 6:35
Dear Vitaly,

Thank you for your interest in our Bank's product.

To date, I have done work to correct the error that has arisen.
You previously registered a review to which you were provided with a response after a full check.

On behalf of the Bank, I apologize to you for the inconvenience caused.

OTP Bank- one of the largest retail banks. The bank belongs to the group of companies of the same name from Hungary. The main activities of the bank are: POS lending, credit cards, cash loans, as well as accepting deposits from the public. The bank issued its first loan in Russia back in 2003; the bank's financial rating is assessed as stable. The bank has a developed network of branches in Moscow, as well as in major cities of the country.

The personal account is the client’s management center for his financial assets. Login to the account is carried out remotely using a computer and login identifiers - login and password. A login and password for entering is usually issued to a client of a financial organization when opening a financial product at a bank: an account, deposit, loan or bank card.

To enter your personal account, you must go to the official website of the bank at and in the upper right corner click the “Internet Banking” button. The system will redirect you to the login page to your personal account, where you must enter your username and password received during registration and click the “Login” button.

Login to login to OTP Bank- this is the number of your banking service agreement or card number in 16-digit format. A temporary password for the first login to your personal account is sent to your phone via SMS.

If the data is entered correctly, the system will redirect you to the main page of your OTP Direct personal account. We advise you to immediately change your temporary login password when logging into Internet Banking for the first time ( it is valid only for 3 months from the date of receipt of the SMS!) permanently for safety reasons.

Be careful when entering your username and password! The client is given three attempts to log into the Internet bank! After the 3rd unsuccessful login attempt, your login will be blocked and access can only be restored by calling the hotline or during a personal visit to a branch of a financial institution.

OTP Direct is a convenient way to remotely manage your accounts and cards.

You will see a page with a user-friendly interface, where all functions are divided into tabs for convenience:

  1. My products (your cards, loans, deposits and accounts)
  2. Opening a deposit (opening a deposit online)
  3. Special offers (personal offers from the bank)
  4. Settings (personal account and account login security settings)

To connect your OTP Direct personal account, you need to become a client of the bank. To do this, you may have one of the banking products of a financial institution open.

Registration of a personal account is carried out at any branch of OTP Bank. To do this, you need to write an application to connect to the Internet Banking service, present your passport to the bank employee and wait until you receive a sealed envelope with your login and password.

If you don’t remember whether you registered in the system or not, you can call the bank’s hotline 8-800-100-55-55 and find out if you have been assigned a login. The contact center employee will need to provide passport details and a code word (used when calling the contact center to identify the client).

If you are lucky, the operator will remind you of your login login, and the password will be sent via SMS to the mobile phone specified in the banking service agreement.

There is no subscription fee for using the Internet Banking service.

If you are unable to log into your personal account, we advise you to check the correctness of the entered data: the reason may be an incorrect letter or number, keyboard layout, or the Caps Lock key pressed. After three unsuccessful login attempts, your account is blocked and you must use the password recovery function. To recover the password from your OTP Direct personal account, there are several solutions:

  1. Restoring access by calling the bank's hotline 0707 ( the most convenient and fastest option)
  2. Restoring access to a bank branch
  3. Password recovery on the OTP Bank website ( the function does not work since September 14, 2018 )

Let's look at each of the listed methods in more detail.

Option 1. The password can be recovered by calling the bank’s special phone number 0707 : The contact center employee will need to provide your passport details, card number and code word. After checking the data and establishing your identity, a one-time password will be sent to your phone to log into the online banking system.

Option 2. The easiest way to get a new personal account password is a personal visit to an OTP Bank branch. You must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with you. Upon arrival at the branch, you must ask the employee to give you an application form to restore access to the OTP Direct Internet Banking service. Once your application is accepted, you will be given a new temporary login password.

Option 3 (not working method). Password recovery on the bank's website. To restore access to the OTP Direct system, go to the login page to your personal account at and click the "Forgot your password?" button. The system will redirect you to the access restoration page, where you must enter the code word and card number in 16-digit format. If you don’t have a card, then click on the link “Don’t have a card number?” to the right of the card image. and instead of her number, enter your full name, date of birth, series and passport number and press the “Continue” button.

If the data is entered correctly, a new one-time password will be sent to your mobile phone to log in via SMS within a few minutes.

Recover your password using any of the methods listed above that are convenient for you.

Mobile application OTP Bank

OTP Bank has a mobile version of its personal account - this is the OTP Direct mobile application. The application replaces all those familiar functions that are available in the personal account of a bank client. The mobile application is provided free of charge and is available for users of mobile devices based on iOS and Android.

To log into the mobile application, use the login and password received when registering the OTP Direct service. After logging into the application for the first time, you can set up subsequent logins using a 4-digit digital password.

The following features will be available to you in the mobile application:

  1. Detailed information on your banking products, viewing account and card statements
  2. Transfer money to another bank using free details
  3. Bank transfer between your accounts or to the card of another bank client
  4. Carrying out control over a credit card or loan: information on the amount of debt, the date of the next payment, a complete payment schedule
  5. Blocking access to OTP Direct
  6. Changing your login username and password
  7. Changing SMS notification settings

To install the mobile application, go to your device's application store and enter "OTPDirect" in the search bar. The results should show a card with the bank's corporate logo and the name of the same name. To download it to your gadget, click the “Install” button and wait for the new icon to appear in the device menu.

reference Information

Registration number: 2766

Date of registration by the Bank of Russia: 28.03.1994

BIC: 044525311

Main state registration number: 1027739176563 (11.09.2002)

Authorized capital: RUB 2,797,887,853.10

License (date of issue/last replacement) Banks with a basic license are banks that have a license whose name contains the word “basic”. All other operating banks are banks with a universal license:
License to attract deposits and place precious metals (11/27/2014)
General license for banking operations (11/27/2014)

Participation in the deposit insurance system: Yes

About OTP Bank

OTP Bank was founded in 1998 and today it is still a member of the OTP Group in Hungary. It must be said that this group occupies a leading position in the banking services market in Central and Eastern Europe, which is a fairly stable indicator. OTP Bank has been specializing in services provided to legal entities and individuals for more than 15 years, is a member of the Association of Russian Banks, a participant in the compulsory deposit insurance system and is ranked in group 1 in terms of the volume of assets. OTP Bank has the status of a universal credit organization, due to the fact that it offers all basic financial services and products to its clients. Among such services of OTP Bank are individuals and small businesses, at retail outlets, opening accounts, renting safes, money transfers, transactions with plastic cards, and modern remote services.

OTP Bank has its own ATMs, branches and branches in 3,700 settlements of the Russian Federation. This allows the bank to serve clients exclusively through its network. According to the latest information, OTP Bank's customer base is more than 3.9 million people.

OTP Bankbelongs to the OTP Group financial group and is one of the 50 largest banks in Russia. Has over one and a half million clients.

The key activity of this financial institution is lending and other banking services for individuals.

OTP Bank ranks 2nd in the POS lending market (FrankResearch Group as of April 1, 2018) and 7th place in the credit card market (Frank Research Group as of April 1, 2018). OTP Bank is a participant in the compulsory deposit insurance system.

Part of the OTP Group is an international project Touch Bank- a retail digital bank that provides financial products and services through a personal online account and mobile application.

OTP-Bank has repeatedly become the best in various categories of the Financial Olympus and Financial Literacy competitions.

In addition, the bank is a member of the Association of European Businesses, Banks of Russia, and is a member of the deposit insurance system, the stock market and other non-profit organizations.

OTP Bank plans to partner with three million satisfied customers and build a long-term mutually beneficial partnership with them. Also, one of the main goals of the bank is to include it in the top twenty highest-rated banks in the country.

The bank has developed dynamically occurs in other countries , including in Ukraine.

As of January 2020, there are 18 branches and 17 ATMs of OTP Bank in Moscow.