General insurance experience types. Insurance length of service for a pension - how to calculate the minimum length of service

In the modern legislative framework of Russia, there are two fundamental factors on which the amount of monthly pension payments depends: insurance and labor.

For workers who began their working career before 2001, these concepts are vague and do not contain any meaning about the real impact on pensions. This misunderstanding is caused by the concept of insurance length, which was absent until 2001, since previously only the total length of service was taken into account, that is, the employee’s constant work in one place without breaks of more than three months.

Military service and time spent on sick leave or child care were excluded from the total length of service. At the moment, the situation has changed and all periods have begun to be included in the amount of pension payments.

Let's consider what factors influence the calculation of pensions in 2020.

What is insurance experience?

Insurance experience- this is a set of periods of activity during which payments were made to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

For more information on what is included in the insurance period for a pension, see the video at the beginning of the page.

The first day of calculating the insurance period is the person’s first official working day.

The first official working day can take place not only with an official appointment, but also in a number of life situations when a person brings public benefit in isolation from his main professional activity.

Insurance experience includes:

  • compulsory service in the armed forces;
  • maternity leave;
  • maternity leave for a child up to one and a half years old;
  • the period of stay in a pre-trial detention center, if, as a result of a criminal case, a person was found innocent;
  • temporary totality of all periods of incapacity. This category also includes unemployed citizens being on sick leave;
  • care for elderly relatives and disabled people;
  • being registered with the Labor and Employment Service, subject to monthly pension payments in the Russian Federation;
  • staying abroad during a period of professional necessity;
  • the status of a serviceman's wife who is with her husband in an area where there is no possibility of officially finding employment.

These periods will be classified as insurance length only on the condition that after them there will be official employment, accompanied by payments to the pension fund by the employer company.

The insurance period is used when calculating payments for certificates of incapacity for work, when calculating a social pension, and when calculating child benefits.

Types of insurance experience and what it includes

Russian legislation defines four types of insurance experience:

  • General experience. It includes all periods of official employment of a citizen, as well as the period of other actions that are included in the concept of insurance experience. In fact, the total length of service is the length of service that is taken into account when calculating the labor pension.
  • Professional (special) – experience that is awarded for harmful working conditions. The fundamental principle for accruing special experience is that the working conditions comply with code 3.3 or more.
  • The minimum is the age pension criterion, that is, the presence of insurance coverage upon reaching retirement age. This length of service allows citizens who do not have Russian citizenship but have been officially residing in the country for more than 15 years to receive minimum pension payments.
  • Mixed – a one-time combination of work experience with a working specialty. For example, service in the armed forces of the Russian Federation under a contract.

What is work experience?

Seniority- labor or socially useful activity, which is reflected in the work book.

Types of work experience:

  1. Continuous - the duration of a citizen's work at one workplace in one company, without a break in the labor relationship or transfer to another organization within three months from the date of last employment. The main condition for continuous work experience is three months from dismissal to employment. If this rule is violated even for 1 day, the service will be considered interrupted.
  2. Special - this length of service includes not only work activities, but also socially useful ones, which are distinguished from work experience by the conditions in which it is carried out or by the content of work activities. Depending on the conditions there are:
  • working conditions that allow a person to retire early. This case includes working with harmful substances, in areas with an extremely unfavorable climate, heavy physical work;
  • working conditions that give the right to payment of compensation. This category includes employees whose work involves risk to life, harmful working conditions, work in which a non-disclosure document is signed;
  • public service employees;
  • high productivity for more than 5 years;

Work experience in a specialty is the total working time that an employee has worked in a profession, corresponding to his qualification certificate.

Difference between work and insurance experience

The definitions of labor and insurance experience are very similar, however, upon closer examination, these concepts are not synonymous.

ParameterSeniorityInsurance experience
When is it taken into account?When calculating social benefitsWhen calculating monthly pension benefits
Impact on cash paymentsFor social paymentsFor pension payments
Accounting for payments included in the length of serviceOfficial employment until 2002The entire period of work
Kind of activityMandatory official employmentMandatory monthly pension contributions
Determining the amount of pensionNot taken into accountTaken into account
Study in higher educational institutionsTaken into accountNot taken into account
CalculusMonthCalendar day

Based on the concepts and the use of social and insurance experience since 2001, we can conclude that they are not identical concepts. When calculating pension payments, both lengths of service are taken into account simultaneously.

However, people who started working earlier than in 2001 can count on calculating their work experience based on the legislative framework existing at that time, that is, equate their total work experience at a time to insurance, based on current definitions.

The insurance period for sick leave is a very important indicator, since it affects the amount of benefits paid to the employee. What is insurance and non-insurance experience? How does length of service affect the amount of sick leave? How to calculate experience correctly? The answers to these and other questions are in our material.

What is labor, insurance and non-insurance experience?

Many people have come across the concepts of work experience and insurance experience, but not everyone understands what their differences are.

Work experience is the entire period of a person’s work, including the performance of work under contract agreements. In addition, it can also be attributed to pension terminology, since length of service is used when calculating the pension of citizens who worked before January 2002, that is, before the start of the pension reform.

Insurance experience (SS) is those periods of a citizen’s work during which the employer paid insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund for him.

However, there are days when a person does not work, but the work experience still goes on:

  1. Upon the occurrence of incapacity for work, including maternity leave (Maternity leave), caring for a child under 1.5 years old, a disabled family member or an elderly relative (80 years and older).
  2. During military service upon conscription.

Find out the features of calculating length of service during military service in the material “Is military service included in seniority (nuances)” .

  1. When performing state or civil service, etc. (everything that is listed in the law of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-I).

All of the above cases relate to non-insurance period, that is, to periods when insurance premiums were not paid for a citizen.

What length of service is taken into account when calculating benefits in 2020 and how to calculate it

For sick leave, the SS is taken into account, including all non-insurance periods. SS calculation is carried out in calendar order. All partial work periods are converted to full months and years in the following order: 30 days are counted as a full month, and 12 months are converted to a full year.

see also“How to calculate the insurance period in partial months” .

Moreover, if a person worked in different organizations at the same time, then one of the periods of the employee’s choice is taken into account. This choice must be supported by a statement from the employee.

NOTE! At When calculating length of service for sick leave, all insurance periods are taken into account, regardless of work breaks.

Let's consider the algorithm for calculating the CC using an example.

Example 1

Efimova A. Yu. On 02/20/2020 she submitted to the accounting department of Versailles LLC a sick leave certificate for 14 days of incapacity for work (from 02/06/2020 to 02/19/2020). The period of work in this company is from 06/01/2018, that is, 1 year 8 months. and 5 days (calculation from 06/01/2018 to 05/31/2019 - 1 year, from 06/01/2019 to 02/05/2020 - 8 months and 5 days).

The work book contains the following entries:

07/17/2017 to 03/31/2018 - Garant LLC;

01/15/2016 to 07/16/2017 - Azimuth LLC.

Let's calculate the total SS.

The insurance experience at Azimut LLC was 1 year 6 months. (from 01/15/2016 to 01/15/2017 - 1 year and from 01/16/2017 to 07/16/2017 - 6 months).

At Garant LLC, the insurance period was 8 months 15 days (from 07/17/2016 to 03/17/2017 - 8 months and from 03/18/2017 to 03/31/2017 - 14 days).

The 2 months when A.Yu. Efimova was unemployed are not included in the insurance period (period from 04/01/2018 to 05/31/2018).

Now we add up the obtained indicators: 1 year 6 months. + 8 months 14 days + 1 year 8 months. 5 days = 2 years 22 months. 19 days.

22 months convert to full years, that is, it is 1 year 10 months.

2 years 19 days + 1 year 10 months. = 3 years 10 months 19 days.

19 days are less than 30 and are not counted as a full month, so the SS is not included in the calculation.

Thus, the SS is equal to 3 years 10 months.

What documents are used to calculate length of service for the Social Insurance Fund?

The length of service for sick leave is calculated according to the employee’s work book. If a document is missing or contains incorrect information, the following are taken into account:

  • labor agreements formalized by law;
  • certificates issued by the employer;
  • personal accounts;
  • extracts from orders.

All documents must contain:

  • number and date of issue;
  • Full name of the employee;
  • employee's date of birth;
  • place of work;
  • job title;
  • work period.

The papers are transferred to the accounting department at the insured person’s place of work.

If an insured event occurs and the employee cannot provide the necessary documents to calculate the insurance period, then information about the employee’s salary and length of service should be requested from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

How does length of service affect the amount of benefits when calculating?

According to current legislation, the amount of the benefit directly depends on the employee’s SS: the higher it is, the greater the percentage of average daily earnings. The table will tell you how much benefit to pay:

Cause of disability

% of payment of average daily earnings depending on length of service

More than 8 years

Illness of an employee, caring for a sick relative (outpatient), caring for a sick child (inpatient)

Injury sustained during production

Caring for a sick child on an outpatient basis

60% for the first 10 days of illness and 50% for the next

80% - 10 days and 50% after

100% - 10 days and 50% - all subsequent days of illness

B&R manual

Child care up to 1.5 years old

Within 30 days after dismissal

If the insurance period for paying sick leave is less than 6 months, then the calculation is based on the minimum wage.

Also see:

  • “What percentage of salary should I pay for sick leave?”;
  • “What is the minimum wage for calculating sick leave”.

How to determine the maximum and minimum amount of sick leave, see the article “Maximum amount of sick leave in 2019 - 2020”.

Let's look at complex cases of calculating SS in questions and answers.

Question 1

Artemov A.Yu. provided 2 certificates of incapacity for work to the accounting department: the primary one and its continuation. At the time of the onset of the disease, the SS was 4 years 11 months, which corresponds to 60% of the payment from the average daily earnings. When the employee provided the 2nd sick leave, the SS increased to 5 years and 1 month, that is, 80%. How to calculate sick leave and SS in this case?

Answer. Since all bulletins relate to one insured event, the SS is determined on the date of its occurrence and is not subject to recalculation (FSS letter dated 08/18/2004 No. 02-18/11-5676). That is, in this situation, the length of service of 4 years 11 months is taken into account, and sick leave payment will be 60% of the average daily earnings.

Question 2

The employee's 3 children fell ill in turn. Treatment was carried out on an outpatient basis. She was given 1 sick leave for a period of 35 days. The employee's experience exceeds 8 years. How is the benefit calculated?

Answer: According to clause 1, part 3, art. 7 of the Law “On Compulsory Social Insurance...” dated December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ, for outpatient treatment of a child, the child care allowance is calculated based on the mother’s length of service, that is, 60, 80 or 100% for the first 10 days and 50% for the next .

Since the employee’s three children fell ill, the first ten days of sick leave with pay based on length of service applies to each individual. In this case, 30 days are paid based on 100% (since the length of service exceeds 8 years) and 5 days based on 50%. ;

  • “How sick leave is paid on holidays” ;
  • “Payment for sick leave to care for a sick relative” ;
  • “Payment for sick leave issued after work - FSS version” .
  • 2845 10/08/2019 5 min.

    As a person performs a labor function, the need arises to calculate the time spent at work. It is necessary to calculate the amount of insurance experience in order to calculate the amount of pension provision, payments for certificates of incapacity for work, and the assignment of benefits of a social nature. For all of the above cases, the calculation process is the same.

    According to legislative acts, all citizens must engage in work that has social utility in order to ensure their livelihoods. Employment, officially confirmed, provides a person with a certain list of guarantees for receiving compensation for illness, the birth of a child and other circumstances that occur in life.

    What is insurance experience

    The insurance period is understood as the period during which a person performed labor activity. All types of activities are included, including service, author, production or entrepreneurship. An employee has the right to support from the state during the following periods of life:

    • upon reaching retirement age - ;
    • registration of disability, regardless of group;
    • the loss of a person who is the breadwinner of the family.

    According to the law, pension compensation is assigned to a person in the case when there is a period of time during which payments of contributions to the Pension Fund and the social security service were made. In this case, we are talking about pensions accrued when a person reaches retirement age. It differs for men and women (60 and 55 years old, respectively). The presence of work experience is confirmed by entries made in the work book. For women, it is possible, or rather, to include in the working period the time of caring for a baby of up to 3 years.

    Read how to check the correctness of pension calculations.

    How to calculate pension order

    At the federal level, in 2013, the act “On Insurance Pensions” was adopted, which established new rules regarding the calculation of the amount of insurance pensions.

    At the same time, the concept of labor pension was excluded. The only indicator that has not been adjusted is the age for assigning pension benefits. Also, the presence of a pension coefficient is considered a mandatory condition for receiving payment.

    The value of this indicator is determined annually and depends on what contributions were made to the Pension Fund. Therefore, depending on the year of retirement, specific indicators are applied to the calculation.

    The total amount of pension provision consists of a fixed amount consisting of a funded pension, if available, and the cost of the coefficients.

    Persons who have at least some insurance experience and have received serious health restrictions can apply for -.

    The legislator determines that a month of activity is 30 days, a year is equal to 12 months. The calculation of periods is carried out according to the following rules: the start date of the activity is subtracted from the date of completion of the activity and 1 day is added.

    From January 1 to May 22, 2002, S cared for a person recognized as a group 1 disabled person. Then, from May 31 of the same year to June 10, 2006, he was employed at Filin CJSC. From July 24, 2006 to May 30, 2017, he worked at the Nika company. Equal: when caring for a disabled person 4 months and 22 days, work at ZAO Filin 4 years and 10 days. Work in the Nika company for 10 years 10 months and 1 week. The total length of service in this case is 15 years, 3 months and 9 days.

    What periods does it include?

    The following periods are included:

    The specified periods are included in the length of service if the employee made insurance contributions after the completion of one of the periods described above.

    If we consider the issue of accounting for part-time work, it is not taken into account, since it presupposes the presence of a main place of work, which is added to work activity. When such work continues after the termination of the employment relationship at the main place of work, the part-time work will be taken into account.

    Accrual according to work book

    In the laws of the country, even after the implementation, there are no provisions according to which a person is prohibited from possessing two or more work books. This means that, theoretically, a person does not have any problems; I work two jobs. It is worth considering that the employer maintains only one book and cannot transfer entries from others to it. If a person works part-time, then, at his request, information about employment and dismissal at his main place of work can be entered into the document.

    A person working under two labor standards must keep in mind that by such actions he creates problems for himself, including those related to the calculation of length of service. Employees of the Pension Fund will not count labor and add up the total length of service. One document will be taken into account, which means that you will have to choose one of the books for assigning a pension. Regarding other activities, you will need to collect certificates from places of employment and archives and submit them to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

    If the periods of service coincide in the documentation, then only one period of the employee’s choice will be taken into account when calculating it.

    The Pension Fund of Russia will take into account only one work book; the remaining periods will have to be confirmed by certificates and contracts

    How many years of service are needed to receive an old-age insurance pension?

    In order to be granted a pension, you must have a minimum insurance period. For men this is 60 years of age, for females it should be 55. Currently, this length of service is 9 years. This figure will increase by one every year until it reaches 15. This will happen in 2024.

    If there is a lack of length of service, then pension payments are denied. In this case, the person is entitled to only the social type of pension.

    • Results
    • The insurance period and pension points are considered as key indicators in determining the amount of the pension.
    • The rules for how much should be charged are enshrined in legislative acts, for example, in Federal Law No. 400.

    The main point for including a period in the length of service is the deduction of insurance contributions from wages. ? What is insurance coverage for a pension?

    This is one of the key indicators on which the right to assign an insurance pension depends. Let's look at what it is.

    The concept of insurance experience

    Since 2002, in connection with changes in the legislation on pensions (Law of the Russian Federation “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” dated December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ), the concept of “total length of service”, on which, along with the average monthly earnings, depended on the size of the labor pension, came concept of "insurance period". What is the insurance period for pensions?

    In contrast to length of service, which is determined by periods of work and some non-work periods, insurance length of service corresponds to those periods of time of work in which insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation were paid from the citizen’s income. In this case, just as when calculating length of service, some non-working periods are included in the insurance coverage. But the length of the insurance period in the assignment of a pension began to play a lesser role than the length of the total work experience. The amount of contributions paid for insurance periods has come to the fore in the new pension legislation.

    • Since 2015, pension legislation has again undergone a number of changes (Law of the Russian Federation “On Insurance Pensions” dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ), the main of which are:
    • the disappearance of the definition of “labor” in relation to pensions and the appearance of a new name for it “insurance”;
    • introduction of individual coefficients (pension points) for the annual assessment of pension rights, taking into account the amount of contributions accrued/paid to the Pension Fund, the length of the insurance period and the presence of a decision on a later start of receiving a pension;

    an increase in the importance of the duration of the insurance period for the assignment of a pension.

    The legislation in force since 2002 connects the right to receive an old-age pension not only with the achievement of a certain age (adjusted for circumstances that determine the possibility of early assignment of a pension), but also with the fact that the future pensioner has an insurance period.

    According to paragraph 2 of Art. 7 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, the minimum length of experience was to be 5 years. Law of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ established this value equal to 15 years (Clause 2 of Article 8), appointing a transition period until 2024 (Article 35) for a gradual annual increase in the insurance period giving the right to a pension. Thus, the mandatory minimum insurance period required to qualify for an old-age pension is:

    • until 2015 - 5 years;
    • in 2015 - 6 years;
    • in 2016 - 7 years.

    In 2017-2024, its value will increase by 1 year annually and, thus, in 2024 it will be 15 years.

    What is included in the insurance period?

    First of all, the insurance period includes periods of work (or other activities) on the territory of the Russian Federation or outside it, a mandatory condition for including them in the length of service is the payment of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund (Article 11 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ) .

    In addition, length of service, provided that there are periods of work before and after, can include a number of non-work periods (Article 12 of the Law of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ):

    • military and equivalent service;
    • being on sick leave;
    • care for children up to 1.5 years old (but not more than 6 years old);
    • registration in the employment service in connection with unemployment;
    • unjustified imprisonment;
    • care for disabled persons;
    • impossibility of employment of wives of military personnel or employees of Russian Federation institutions located abroad, at the place of service or work of the husband (but not more than 5 years);
    • cooperation under a contract with the operational search service.

    All of the listed periods are taken into account in the insurance period according to their calendar length (Clause 1, Article 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ). For some situations, special rules for accounting for insurance experience have been established (clauses 6-7 of Article 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ):

    • Seasonal work for a full season is counted as a full year, but if there is other work in the same year, the total amount cannot exceed 1 year.
    • Work related to the creation of works of authorship is counted as a full year if the amount of insurance contributions paid from this income for the year to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation exceeds their fixed amount established by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Insurance Contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation...” dated July 24, 2009 No. 212- Federal Law. If the premium paid is less than the fixed amount, then the insurance period can be taken into account in the number of months determined in proportion, based on the fact that the fixed amount of contributions corresponds to 12 months. In this case, the calculated length of service cannot be less than 1 month.

    Features of calculating the insurance period

    Until 2015, the calculation of the insurance period was carried out in the manner set out in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2002 No. 555. Since 2015, instead of it, a new document of similar content has been put into effect - Government Decree No. 1015 dated October 2, 2014. It led to the following changes in rules for calculating insurance experience:

    • increasing the total duration (from 4.5 years to 6 years) included in the length of leave to care for children up to 1.5 years;
    • introducing a special procedure for recording length of service for persons who create works of authorship and pay contributions to the Pension Fund, linking this length of service to a fixed amount of insurance premiums;
    • exclusion from the length of service of periods taken into account when assigning a pension in a foreign country;
    • the emergence of another way to confirm experience - an electronic document.

    Otherwise, the procedure for calculating the insurance period has been preserved:

    • The basis of information about him is made up of personalized accounting data, and in their absence - documents or testimony.
    • If the periods that can be included in the length of service coincide, only one of them is taken into account at the choice of the citizen.
    • At the choice of a citizen, it is possible to include periods in the insurance period according to the rules of the Law of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ.
    • The period of care for each child is included in the length of service of only one of the parents.
    • The periods included in the length of service are summed up, combining into years, months and days. A month is equal to 30 days, and a year is equal to 12 months.

    Options for calculating old-age pensions

    Despite the ongoing changes, the pension legislation retains the possibility of early assignment of an old-age pension. Early payment can be due to 2 groups of reasons, which allows us to divide the options for its accrual into 3 groups:

    • Generally established - gives the right to assign a pension on a general basis (clause 2 of Article 8 of the Law of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ).
    • Special - due to special working conditions for a certain period of time (Articles 30 and 31 of the Law of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ).
    • Preferential - associated with certain life circumstances: state of health, the presence of a large number of children, life in the Far North (Article 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ).

    How is insurance experience confirmed?

    If there is no or insufficient information personalized registration, as well as in the presence of circumstances that are not reflected in this information, the citizen will need to confirm the necessary information with documents. If this turns out to be impossible, then experience (but not working conditions) can confirm the testimony of witnesses.

    Government Decree No. 1015 dated October 2, 2014 describes in sufficient detail the types and requirements for the preparation of documents, the presentation of which will confirm the necessary data on the length of service. These include:

    • employment history;
    • military ID;
    • certificates and copies of documents from the place of work or service;
    • labor and civil contracts;
    • certificates from persons who paid income, financial services, archival authorities;
    • documents on payment of taxes by individually employed persons or payment of patents;
    • documents confirming the presence of children, living with them, receiving parental leave;
    • certificates from employers or the Social Insurance Fund confirming the fact of registration of sick leave;
    • certificate from the employment service;
    • documents confirming the fact of being in custody and the unfoundedness of this circumstance;
    • documents on the disability and age of the persons being cared for;
    • certificates from hospitals, social security authorities, disabled persons themselves or their relatives;
    • documents confirming payment of contributions to the Pension Fund from income received.


    So, What is insurance coverage for a pension?? This is one of the main parameters on which both the right to receive an insurance pension in general and the possibility of early registration depend.

    After some amendments were made to the current legislation, a new phrase appeared - insurance experience. Unfortunately, not all employees know what is hidden under this concept and how to calculate the insurance period. However, every citizen should have an idea about his future insurance pension and that. It is also important to know what funds the employee will receive after the certificate of incapacity for work is closed.

    general information

    The insurance period is the total duration of a person’s labor (or entrepreneurial) activity, during which contributions were made to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Periods when these deductions were not made are also taken into account here.

    If for sick leave payment the length of service is calculated for everyone without exception, then for calculating the pension of some citizens the new rules do not apply. Among them:

    • persons who stopped working before January 1, 2002;
    • persons discharged from military service before the same period.

    The remaining citizens belong to the group of people who need to know how to calculate the insurance period. These include:

    • insured citizens of the Russian Federation;
    • foreigners officially residing in the Russian Federation on a permanent basis.

    General insurance experience

    To calculate the insurance premium, two periods are taken - insurance and non-insurance. Let's look at each of them.

    The insurance period refers to the time when a person officially carried out his activities in the territory of the Russian Federation and regularly made contributions to the Pension Fund. Also, in order to know how to correctly calculate the insurance period, you must keep in mind that the following is also added to the insurance period:

    • military service and other service that is equivalent to military service;
    • caring for a disabled person of the 1st group;
    • residence of a military spouse in areas where employment is impossible (no more than 5 years);
    • temporary disability;
    • care for elderly people over 80 years of age;
    • maternity leave to care for a child, but only if the woman was on it for the first 1.5 years. In total, no more than 6 years during the entire period of work;
    • caring for a disabled child;
    • residence of the spouse of employees of consulates and representative offices outside the Russian Federation.

    The non-insurance period is included in the calculation only if it is preceded or followed by an insurance period.

    Special insurance experience

    What else do those who are planning to retire soon need to know? There is an insurance guard. It is also called professional. How to calculate the insurance period in this case?

    There is no fundamental difference from the overall length of service. The only difference is that during the transfer of mandatory contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the person worked under special conditions that cannot be called normal. We are talking about work activity:

    • in difficult or harmful conditions;
    • in the Far North or similar remote areas;
    • in certain weather conditions.

    Confirmation of insurance experience

    The only official document that can confirm the official insurance experience is a correctly executed employee’s work book with all the relevant inserts. What if a citizen cannot provide a work book? Then the employment contracts with the employer that were concluded at the previous place of work come into force. In some cases, you can confirm your work history with the help of two or more witnesses. But this method can only be used in court.

    Requirements for the procedure for calculating insurance experience

    The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes certain requirements for the procedure for calculating the insurance premium. If they are not followed, the length of service may be calculated incorrectly or completely lost. How can this be avoided? Every HR employee should know how to calculate an employee’s insurance length and what requirements must be met.

    Some of them are listed below:

    1. It is necessary to exclude from the work experience the time when a citizen of the Russian Federation worked abroad.
    2. The periods when a person worked for an individual entrepreneur and was a member of peasant farms and tribal communities should be taken into account. However, this can only be done if contributions were made for the person to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
    3. All periods during which the citizen received a pension (labor or disability) must be excluded from the insurance period.
    4. Overlapping periods are not counted. As a rule, such a need arises if a person officially works in one place, but is listed, for example, as an employee of an individual entrepreneur. Only one part is excluded.
    5. Seasonal work must be included in the calculation of the insurance period.
    6. Those periods that relate to the recording of length of service are also counted.

    Calculation for pension

    Recently, the Government of the Russian Federation has made some changes to the current legislation. According to the new requirements, the minimum period for calculating the insurance period will gradually increase. Let's take a closer look at this point.

    Since 2015, in order to receive the insurance part of a pension, a citizen of the Russian Federation must work for at least 6 years (the periods are cumulative). Gradually this period will increase. And by 2024, the minimum insurance period for calculating pension payments will be 15 years.

    It is also noted that the amount of insurance payments will directly depend on the length of service. Accordingly, the more a citizen works, the higher his pension will be in the future. But this only applies to the insurance part.

    An example of calculation when calculating a pension

    The woman decided to retire upon reaching the age specified by law. The work book records that she worked at the same enterprise for 27 years. She also went on maternity leave twice (three years each). In addition, the employee was registered as an employee (unofficially) for one year. That's not all. Before working at the company, she was also involved in entrepreneurship for 7 years.

    1. Two maternity leaves are included in the insurance period. However, the legislation provides for the inclusion of parental leave only up to 1.5 years; accordingly, 3 years are deducted.
    2. One year of experience as an employee is not included in the calculation.
    3. 7 years of individual entrepreneurship will be included in the work experience.
    4. The result is a formula: 27-3+7=31 years.

    It is this figure that will be taken into account when calculating the insurance part of the pension. We hope everything is clear to you.

    How to calculate the insurance period for sick leave

    Several periods can be used to pay temporary disability benefits:

    • full month (30 days);
    • calendar year (full).

    It is worth noting that when making calculations it is important to take into account every day. After all, the insurance period includes the entire period - from the beginning of work until the opening of a certificate of temporary incapacity for work.

    The amount of payments directly depends on the time worked:

    • less than six months - the minimum wage is taken into account;
    • up to 5 years - 60% of the average salary;
    • from 5 to 8 years - 80% of the average salary;
    • over 8 years - 100% of the average salary.

    Example of calculation when accruing sick leave

    For example, a person got a job at a company on September 10, 2002. And the first time I went on sick leave was on February 15, 2016. How to calculate the insurance period for sick leave in this case? Let's give a clear example:

    This means that payment for a temporary disability certificate will be made taking into account 100% of the citizen’s average salary, since the total length of service at the enterprise is more than the established 8 years.

    Some exceptions when paying for sick leave

    In practice, there are exceptions to the rules when calculating payment for sick leave. What are we talking about? We calculate the length of insurance for sick pay, if there are such exceptions:

    • 100% of the average salary is accrued to the employee, regardless of length of service at the enterprise, if a temporary disability certificate was issued due to an industrial injury. Remember this.
    • 100% of the average salary for the last two years is paid on sick leave, which was issued due to pregnancy and childbirth. Experience is also not taken into account, but only if the woman has worked at the enterprise for more than one and a half years.

    An employer has the right to pay sick leave to an employee based on the minimum wage, regardless of his length of service, if:

    • the injury at work was sustained by an employee under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Other specific cases also fall under the same conditions;
    • the patient violated the regimen established by the attending physician. Did not attend required procedures or examinations.

    What to do if mistakes were made when calculating the length of service for sick leave?

    We have reviewed most of the information. You already know how to correctly calculate the insurance period for sick leave. But what to do if the accounting department made mistakes in the calculations? Employees of the Social Insurance Fund may conduct an inspection of the enterprise without warning.

    So, if an accounting employee made a mistake and overpaid the employee when closing sick leave, then management has the right to recover this amount from its employee by deducting it from subsequent wages. However, it should be noted here that the amount of deductions cannot exceed 20% of the total monthly salary.

    In addition, lawyers warn that such penalties are possible only with the voluntary consent of the employee. But this does not mean at all that the employee can refuse to return it, and the topic will be closed. In case of refusal, the employer has the right to sue the citizen in court. In this case, there is a high probability that the decision will not be made in favor of the employee.