Bank opening client for legal entities. Otkritie Bank: how to connect and enter the personal account of a legal entity

Director of the SDM-Bank branch in Voronezh


In 1997 she graduated from Voronezh State University with a degree in Accounting and Auditing. Fluent in English.

Career at SDM-BANK

The story of Alla Vladimirovna and SDM Bank is more than just the story of a successful career as a top manager. According to Alla Vladimirovna, the Voronezh branch is not just a job, a service, a career. This is part of life, part of family, second home. Moreover, now we can speak with confidence about a labor dynasty: Alla Vladimirovna became the director of the branch after her father, Vladimir Andreevich Voronov. It was he who was the first head of the branch, who created it in 1995 and ensured the sustainable development of the business until 2012.

By the time of her appointment to the position of director, Alla Vladimirovna had worked at SDM-Bank for more than 15 years. She started, as befits a yesterday’s student, as an economist.

Now Alla Vladimirovna remembers with a smile that she had to do almost everything, not limited to her direct responsibilities, “except that I didn’t work as a driver or an IT specialist - and so I was on hand everywhere.” The attitude towards the branch was formed precisely by her father’s leadership: never approach tasks formally, live at work, treat the branch as your brainchild - these are the basic principles on which Alla Vladimirovna’s work was based throughout her entire career.

The list of Alla Vladimirovna’s positions eloquently confirms that it is precisely this attitude that is the key to success of both the business and the person in it.

  • 1997 – economist;
  • In 2000, she was transferred to the position of internal control inspector;
  • In 2003, she was appointed to the position of loan officer;
  • In 2004, she was transferred to the position of head of the credit department;
  • In 2008, she was appointed to the position of deputy director of the SDM-Bank branch in Voronezh;
  • In 2012, she became the director of the branch.

Personal qualities

Even before Alla Vladimirovna became her father’s “right hand” at the bank, her personal achievements were impressive. She graduated from mathematics school, graduated from the University with honors and without a single B, and was one of the best students of the course. Alla Vladimirovna admits that mathematics and numbers not only do not frighten her, on the contrary, in this area her soul “sings.” That’s why he remembers working in the credit department with particular warmth. “Of all the departments, the credit department is my favorite,” admits Alla Vladimirovna.

The secret to a successful career

It is always admirable when you can see that a person is in his place and doing what he likes and what he is good at. Alla Vladimirovna admits that she was invited to work in other banks many times, but she could not leave her native bank.

Now the SDM-Bank branch in Voronezh employs 28 people, and Alla Vladimirovna makes every effort to ensure that all employees at the bank are interested and that the work, no matter how much of it, is enjoyable. “In our branch there is very little staff turnover. And we are very proud of this. I try to convey my positive attitude and responsible attitude to all my employees,” notes Alla Vladimirovna.

The core team of the branch has been working together for more than 10 years. Moreover, everyone, both employees and, very importantly, clients, really like our microclimate and atmosphere. Hence the large number of regular customers who have been serving us for about 19 years. Customers remain loyal to the bank, and the branch team is also very proud of this.

Otkritie Bank, one of the top ten Russian credit institutions, offers its clients - legal entities - remote banking services (RBS). The bank has developed and offered for use several tools for remote business. To log into the system, the client must go through the procedure for connecting to the service, which includes several stages: from submitting an application to installing the software.

Online banking for business - general information

When opening a current account, clients are classified into small or medium and large businesses. The Otkritie Bank website offers a separate software product for remote banking services for representatives of each user group. However, in practice, the functionality and principles of interaction are the same.

When signing documents, the client-legal entity will be asked to fill out an application and after all the formalities, the bank issues the software components necessary for installation on the computer. Instructions for setting up the software, including the browser, are also provided to the client.

Previously, regional offices had support specialists who went to each enterprise to set up the operation of the remote banking system. Now such a service may be paid; its cost must be clarified in the tariffs. The client can also contact support by phone, and troubleshooting will take place remotely.

Separately, it is worth noting that RBS at Otkritie Bank is implemented in two types:

  1. Light version of “Extract Online”. Login is possible from almost any device.
  2. Full version (online banking). You can log in to the system through Internet Explorer 9 and higher and through special software (rutoken/etoken).

If previously authorization for clients in different regions was carried out through different websites, now the bank has combined all services into two: for small businesses and for medium and large businesses. Therefore, the authorization procedure will be the same for all clients.

How to enter your account: step-by-step instructions

After submitting the application, a small business representative must install software to use the client-bank program. For rutoken you will need to install drivers for Windows; they are downloaded from the official website (follow the direct link

Next, you need to configure Explorer - add the main one used to log in to the list of safe sites - and the web resource for backup authorization - You should also disable your pop-up blocker.

After going to the first site –, a pop-up window will open at the bottom, here you need to click “Install”. The RBS program BS-Client v3 “Internet Client” is the official software, authorization is carried out through it. When the installation is complete, a window for entering your login and password will appear. Then you need to enter the PIN code for the root key, by default it is a combination of numbers “12345678”.

For representatives of medium and large businesses, the procedure differs insignificantly. The website where you can find software components is located at a different address - Please note that the client also receives all programs at the bank. In this case, you do not need to download them; just run the Installer.exe file from the media.

At the fourth stage, you need to generate an electronic digital signature - EDS (the EDS file will be written to the Rutoken/Etoken provided by the bank). The program interface in this part may differ slightly, since different categories have their own software, but the procedure will be almost the same.

Business Link software for medium and large businesses displays the message “request not created”; for small businesses, the “Generation/regeneration of a set of keys” form will open.

Further actions:

  • After generating such a signature, a document will be generated that must be printed and signed (the signature is put by the head of the enterprise, it is certified by a seal).
  • Two signed and certified copies of the digital signature must be submitted to the bank office.

Verification of documents for connecting a legal entity to online banking takes up to three days. Afterwards, the user is sent confirmation of the possibility of using RBS from Otkritie Bank.

If your PC is not connected to the printer, you can save the document as a separate file. To do this, you need to send it for printing, and in the list of available printers, select “Microsoft XPS Document Writer” and click “Print”. Then you need to enter the name of the file and save it in any folder. Now the new document can be transferred to a flash drive or disk and printed on another PC.

Now the client can log into his account. This can be done in different ways:

Password recovery

You can always recover a forgotten password by clicking on the “Forgot your password?” link. The old combination is instantly canceled. To create a new one, just indicate your login and the client will be sent a message with step-by-step instructions, a link to log in, and an automatically set temporary password.

To create a new password for logging into your account for medium and large businesses, you need to contact the support service (8-800-700-75-86 or by mail).

Profile features

RBS for legal entities combines a whole range of different functions and available operations. The service from Otkritie Bank allows you to:

  • Making payments, including currency transactions, receiving bank statements, monitoring the status of accounts.
  • Possibility of using the additional service “My Business”. It is an online accounting program. The exchange of data on payments made and incoming funds allows you to instantly reflect these transactions in accounting.
  • For clients who have entered into an agreement with the bank to issue and service salary cards for employees, it is possible to integrate data from 1C. Importing salary statements into the remote banking system, bypassing intermediate steps, is a significant advantage.
  • If you have available funds through the online management system, you can place them into deposit accounts. This allows businesses to earn additional profit.

However, the client can easily pay the monthly loan installments through his profile. A standard payment order is created in Internet banking and the details are filled in. The document is signed with digital signature and sent to the bank.

Mobile app

For business segment clients, Otkritie offers a special application for mobile devices. The functionality of the software allows you to perform all basic operations:

  1. Generation of account statements in a simplified format, control over the balance and turnover of funds.
  2. Currency operations.
  3. Signature of documents (acceptance). Notifications of documents requiring confirmation and approval.
  4. Ability to use a fingerprint as a passcode (for IOS).

Security in working with your personal account

The system of measures taken by the bank includes the mandatory use of various crypto-encryption tools. This is done to protect clients from access to profiles by unauthorized persons.

The client, in turn, can:

  • keep your login and password secret;
  • do not transfer the Rutoken/Etoken to anyone other than authorized persons;
  • promptly update anti-virus programs to protect devices used to access the client bank.

Internet banking from Otkritie Bank provides clients with: remote accounting in integration with RBS and 1C programs, a user-friendly interface and competent technical support. The developers took into account the difference in the specifics of large and small businesses, dividing remote banking systems into two large areas. Despite the fact that the functionality and connection procedure are generally the same, the interface is different and optimized for each line of business.

login Internet client, technical support telephone

Otkritie Internet Bank for legal entities is a specially designed program with a convenient mechanism for managing the finances of companies and enterprises of various profiles. Internet banking capabilities allow you to save time and carry out most transactions and mutual settlements online.

Installation and registration in Internet banking

The Internet client service for legal entities at Otkritie Bank is issued upon the appropriate application. At the bank branch, after registering RBS, clients are given an installation kit for the Internet client system, which will be required to activate the program.

A prerequisite will be the presence of:

  • A computer or laptop with Windows version 7, 8 or XP installed;
  • Internet Explorer browser and installed driver for the Rutoken program.

Following the instructions, the user activates Internet banking, registers in his personal account and can begin to work.

System capabilities Internet client of Otkritie Bank

Internet bank Otkritie for legal entities allows the service user to carry out the following operations:

  • Use online accounting to manage your business;
  • Prepare payment orders;
  • Use the payroll project with 1C accounting;
  • Use currency documents;
  • Use an electronic signature in payment documents, etc.

The convenient functionality of Internet banking will significantly simplify the financial activities of an enterprise, provide the opportunity to constantly monitor it and carry out most payment transactions remotely online.

Instructions for installing and using the Internet client service for legal entities of Otkritie Bank allows users to independently install and use the bank client. For convenience, there is a list of the most common questions and answers to them regarding use, as well as recommendations for independently eliminating common errors during operation, which can be found on the website of the financial institution.


Otkritie Internet Bank for legal entities is provided under a banking service agreement (BSA), which is concluded with each client. If necessary, bank employees provide information and technical support to service users.

Otkritie Bank - deposits, cash loans, credit cards, cash settlement services, small business loans, mortgages, deposits

Otkritie Bank is one of the top 10 largest banks in Russia and is a systemically important bank. The bank has been operating in the financial market since 1993.

Otkritie Bank has a diversified business structure, developing the following key areas: corporate, investment, retail, small and medium-sized, as well as Private Banking.

Otkritie Bank is the parent organization of the Otkritie Group, which includes PJSC RGS Bank, as well as companies occupying leading positions in key segments of the financial market: insurance company PJSC IC Rosgosstrakh, pension funds JSC NPF LUKOIL- GARANT", JSC NPF Electric Power Industry, JSC NPF RGS, brokerage company JSC Otkritie Broker.

The number of ATMs of Otkritie Bank is 2,990 (in addition, the network of ATMs of the subsidiary bank and partner banks totals 6,000 units). Otkritie Bank has 364 offices located in 55 constituent entities of the Russian Federation (including its subsidiary bank and partner banks - 69 regions and 930 offices, respectively).

A significant part of the business is concentrated in the Moscow, St. Petersburg and Leningrad regions, the Tyumen region (including the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug), Yekaterinburg, the Novosibirsk region, the Khabarovsk and Krasnodar regions.

The main shareholder of Otkritie Bank is the Bank of Russia with a share in the authorized capital exceeding 99.99%.

At present, the most important stages of the bank's reorganization have been completed: additional capitalization has been carried out and management bodies have been formed. The bank operates on the same conditions for all market participants.

A current account or RKO is a special bank account for individual entrepreneurs and companies. With a current account, the company transfers taxes, issues salaries, pays for the services of partners, and purchases goods.

Is it possible for a legal entity to work without an account?

By law, legal entities can operate without cash settlement services, but in this case the law imposes restrictions:

  • a legal entity without cash management services receives or pays no more than 100,000 rubles under one agreement. For exceeding the limit - a fine of up to 50,000 rubles. To avoid a fine, the company divides one large payment into several smaller ones. Not all partners are ready to work like this - it looks dubious in the eyes of the tax authorities;
  • The tax office does not allow companies to hold large amounts of cash - this is called a cash limit. A businessman calculates the cash limit independently using the formula from Bank of Russia Directive No. 3210-U. If you exceed the limit, the tax office will fine you 40,000 - 50,000 rubles.
  • Payment by cards or cashless transfers cannot be accepted.

Why do you need a current account for a legal entity?

The financial institution where the cash settlement service is opened for a legal entity records each transfer. The legal entity sees which of the partners have paid and which have not yet. If you have a mobile service, you can control your balance from anywhere in the world.

After opening an account for legal entities, the business reduces the tax base. LLC, at a simplified rate of 15%, indicates the costs of servicing cash registers in the tax return, and the company pays less to the budget. The financial organization generates documents for the tax office, and the legal entity transfers the tax with the click of one button.

Some institutions charge interest on the balance. If a business has free money, it generates income.

Opening cash settlement services in a bank for legal entities - documents

To open a cash register, you need to collect a package of documents. The bank wants to make sure that the legal entity operates honestly, without fraud. Different organizations request different documents, but there is a minimum that they are all asked to provide:

  • certificate of registration with the tax authority and registration of a legal entity;
  • extract from the register of legal entities and activity codes;
  • orders for the appointment of a director and accountant, their passports and sample signatures;
  • constituent documents: charter or agreement;
  • agreement for the lease of premises or ownership.

When the founder brings the documents, the manager asks to fill out an application to open a settlement service. Questions in the application, requirements and required package of papers vary. To avoid surprises, you need to ask in advance for a sample agreement and a list of documents for opening a bank account for legal entities.

How to choose a bank to open a current account for legal entities

The company provides settlement services every day - in the branch, in your personal account, in the mobile application. The ease of management, cost of service and speed of resolution of issues depend on the financial organization. In order for cash register services to help you work and not hinder you, you should carefully choose where to become a client. What to look for when choosing:

  1. Quality of service. A good practice is to call the financial institution first and ask a few questions. Record how long you wait for an answer and how quickly the operator resolves the issue. Find out which problems can be resolved over the phone and which can only be resolved in person.
    Before signing the contract, ask the manager to show the interface of your personal account and mobile application. A good indicator is when the controls are clear at first glance. It's bad if you get lost in the buttons.
  2. Price. The company pays for cash management services every month. Tariffs are different: with and without a subscription fee. The tariff without a subscription fee has high commissions for transferring money, so this tariff is suitable for businesses with infrequent transfers.
    The larger the financial institution, the more difficult it is for it to improve service and introduce technology, and the more expensive the service. It is cheaper and more convenient for small businesses to become a business client of a small organization.
  3. Reliability. When an organization’s license is revoked, the government pays money to clients. The queue often does not reach legal entities. In order not to lose money, you need to check the reliability of the bank not by ratings, but by real financial indicators.
    For example, on the website of the Central Bank there is a “Handbook of Credit Institutions”. The guide contains two parameters: capital adequacy and liquidity ratios.

Capital adequacy shows whether the bank will have enough money if all creditors refuse to pay their debts. For a reliable bank this figure is at least 8%.

Liquidity ratios show whether the bank will have enough money if all depositors cease to be clients at one point. A reliable bank has an indicator of at least 15%. It should be understood that licenses are also taken away from seemingly reliable banks, so an entrepreneur cannot guarantee uninterrupted operation.

Our series of articles about banks is still relevant - especially for you. Otkritie Bank is one of the largest in the country. It serves about 200 thousand corporate clients from 53 regions of the Russian Federation. To become a client of the bank, a resident legal entity must submit a package of documents to the bank.

Documents for opening an account at Otkritie Bank

Check the list of documents required to open an account:

  1. Bank account agreement in 2 copies and Application for opening an account.
  2. Application for adherence to the Banking Rules.
  3. LLC Charter.
  4. Certificate of registration with the tax authority.
  5. Certificate of state registration.
  6. Card with samples of signatures and seal impressions.
  7. Agreement on the procedure for using signatures and their possible combination when disposing of funds from a bank account.
  8. Documents (orders, protocols, decisions, powers of attorney, etc.) confirming the authority of the persons indicated in the card with sample signatures and seal impressions and persons authorized to use an analogue of a handwritten signature (if any).
  9. Information about the legal entity.
  10. Identification documents of the persons indicated in the card with sample signatures and seal imprints and the person applying to open an account.
  11. If a bank account for an LLC is opened by a representative of the organization (for example, a lawyer or deputy director), then a power of attorney is required confirming that he has the appropriate authority.
  12. Licenses for the right to carry out activities subject to licensing (if necessary).
  13. Documents confirming the transfer of powers to the management organization (manager): decision (minutes), agreement; as well as documents that allow identification of the management organization (manager): constituent documents, certificate of state registration (certificate of making an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about a legal entity registered before July 1, 2002).
  14. Lease agreement for real estate at the actual address of the Client’s location (containing complete data of the lessor, information about the area of ​​the rented premises); and (or) - documents confirming ownership of real estate at the actual address of the client.
  15. Information about the Beneficial Owner.
  16. Information about the Beneficiary (if there is a Beneficiary).
  17. Self-certification questionnaire for the identification of a client - a legal entity in order to identify persons who are subject to the laws of a foreign state on the taxation of foreign accounts, including the FATCA Law / Self-certification questionnaire for legal entities that are a financial institution, in order to identify persons who are subject to the legislation of a foreign country on the taxation of foreign accounts, including FATCA.
  18. Information about the financial situation (all documents are submitted in the form of copies certified by the signature and seal of the client): a copy of the annual (or quarterly) tax return with marks from the tax authority on its acceptance, or without such a mark with an attachment or a copy of the receipt for sending a registered letter with an inventory attachments (if sent by mail), or copies of confirmation of delivery on paper (if sent electronically); and (or) a certificate of the client’s fulfillment of the obligation to pay taxes, fees, penalties, fines, issued by the tax authority; and (or) information about the absence of insolvency (bankruptcy) proceedings, judicial decisions on declaring insolvency (bankruptcy) that have entered into force, liquidation procedures, as well as the absence of debt in fulfilling the obligation to pay taxes, fees, penalties, fines and obligation to submit a declaration at the beginning of the reporting period.
  19. Information about business reputation (in any written form, if it is possible to obtain it): reviews of the client from other clients of the Bank who have business relations with the client; and (or) reviews from other credit institutions where the client was served, with information from these credit institutions about the assessment of the client’s business reputation.

Opening a bank account Opening in terms of requirements and opportunities updated: November 30, 2018 by: Everything for individual entrepreneurs