Application form for a consumer loan at Sberbank: detailed instructions. Sample of filling out a form for a Sberbank mortgage

If it is necessary to apply for a loan for any purpose, the client must provide complete information about himself. This happens by filling out an application for a loan at Sberbank.

Today the bank offers its clients a whole line of loan products for different occasions.

The application form for a Sberbank loan is a standard six-page form. Any citizen has the right to enter data into it: borrower, guarantor, trustee, bank employee in writing or in printed form (using software). All sections must be filled out; skipping columns is not allowed. If there are corrections, the signature of the person affected by them must appear next to them.

The first thing a client needs to do is select a loan option. For the convenience of borrowers, a single version of the form is provided for providing information about themselves, regardless of what type of loan is issued - a mortgage, a car loan or any consumer loan. Five pages concern data about the borrower himself, and only the sixth indicates wishes regarding the type and parameters of the loan:

  1. The amount of the desired amount;
  2. Currency;
  3. Duration of interaction;
  4. Type of loan: consumer, mortgage, car loan.
  5. Description of the characteristics of the selected option: loan without collateral, secured, with a guarantee, for personal farming or make, type, year of manufacture of the car. With a mortgage - ready-made, for construction, according to NIS; description of the property and its value.
  6. Option for receiving a loan: to an existing account (enter the number) or you need to open a new one.

Sample forms of questionnaires and applications for obtaining a loan from Sberbank

You can obtain a sample of it in advance and familiarize yourself with all sections. What should you definitely pay attention to? In several places it is required to confirm the specified information with a personal signature. This applies to the following:

  • After specifying personal information and characteristics;
  • As confirmation that all data is true and current;
  • Certificate of the selected loan type.

The future borrower can download the form to fill out on the official website of the banking institution

Required documents to obtain a loan

If you download the form in advance, you can enter all the information about yourself in a comfortable environment. This will avoid mistakes and will have a positive effect on the correctness of the information presented. Since it needs to be provided to the maximum extent, certain documents will be required:

  • Passport ;
  • Labor book;
  • Personal income tax-2;
  • Property papers;
  • Pension and salary cards, if accruals occur through this bank.

The same documents will be needed if you decide to submit an application in person at a bank branch. This option makes it possible to use the help of an employee in difficult moments.

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Procedure for filling out the form

The procedure for filling out the data of the future borrower does not cause any particular difficulties. The form contains the following main points:

  1. Role in the program (borrower, guarantor, co-borrower).
  2. Personal and passport information. If it is changed (last name, first name), you need to note the previous ones and the reason that caused it.
  3. Contacts. It is recommended to leave the maximum number of phone numbers, because... this helps speed up the analytics process and decision making.
  4. Education.
  5. Addresses (residence, registration).
  6. Marital status, immediate family. It is mandatory to enter information about the spouse, about other relatives - optional. If among them there is an employee of Sberbank, you should indicate the department or branch where he works.
  7. Information about the employer, field of activity, position held, length of service. If this is a bank application for obtaining an individual entrepreneur loan, you need to tick the appropriate box.
  8. Financial data: salary income, additional, total family budget, fixed expenses.
  9. Property. Description of the apartment, house or car. Detailed specifications will be required. It is worth noting that you only need to submit information about those objects for which the borrower himself is indicated in the property documents.
  10. Card numbers for payment of pensions or wages (if available).

Before the Sberbank application form for obtaining a loan is signed, the form must be checked again. The client must check the box indicating his responsibility when providing false or irrelevant information. It is worth reading the 4-5 page text that describes the reasons for using the data.

If you choose mortgage lending, you need to select Housing Loan in the application form.

Then you should enter your credit number to check your history of previous loans through the credit bureau. Having entered the date and time, you should hand it over to the employee, who is required to confirm its receipt with a personal signature. This will be evidence that information about the applicant is being processed.

If a person decides to buy a home on credit, he will have to fill out a form to obtain a mortgage from Sberbank. Paper plays a significant role when deciding whether to lend money. For this reason, the mortgage application form must be completed correctly. Entering data into the form is not difficult, but a number of nuances should be taken into account in advance.

basic information

Sberbank's mortgage application form is a general document. It can be obtained and filled out at any branch of a credit institution. The document form is also posted on the bank’s official website. By downloading an application for a mortgage from Sberbank, the borrower will protect himself from the need to personally visit a company branch to receive the document.

Entering data into the form is not difficult. To fill out the document, the borrower must enter information in the fields of the document or make a selection by checking the appropriate box.

The applicant's signature must be present at the end of the application form. Its presence confirms that the citizen agrees to data processing.

Experts advise exercising maximum care when filling out the document. Incorrect data may cause a refusal to grant a mortgage at Sberbank.

Filling out the document

Filling out the questionnaire can be done on a computer or manually. The choice of method depends on the convenience of the client. When entering data, you need to take into account the following tips:

  1. The client must try to provide Sberbank with the most complete information by entering data into most fields of the questionnaire. The fields can only be left blank if the person does not have the information to fill them out. If the application is half-empty, the likelihood of it being rejected will increase.
  2. Only reliable information must be entered into the form. The data provided in the application is subject to verification. If Sberbank employees discover that a potential borrower has tried to deceive a credit institution, the loan request will be rejected.
  3. Before submitting an application, you need to check the accuracy of the information provided in it. The data must be entered without errors. Particular attention should be paid to your name, address and telephone number for prompt communication.
  4. The size of the desired loan amount should be indicated a little more than required. Statistics show that the bank often reduces this indicator.

The document form contains prompts indicating the information that needs to be entered in the fields of the application. If the applicant encounters difficulties during the paperwork process, he can be helped by a sample of filling out the application form for a mortgage at Sberbank, which we have attached below.

The presence of guarantors and co-borrowers complicates the procedure for filling out an application. The application form will require you to indicate their passport details. For this reason, experts advise filling out the form in the presence of co-borrowers and guarantors.

Section No. 1

The first section is general. It contains a comprehensive description of the mortgage loan being processed. Section No. 1 should contain the following information:

  • The purpose for which the borrower wants to receive funds;
  • Type of loan;
  • The period during which the borrower plans to make full payments on its obligations;
  • Features of closing debt to Sberbank.

When indicating the time period during which a person plans to repay the debt, it must be taken into account that the period must comply with the conditions of one of the existing mortgage programs. Failure to comply with the established framework may result in the application being rejected.

Particular attention should be paid to recording the specifics of debt closure. As part of this paragraph, a person must indicate the form of payments - annuity or differentiated. It should be remembered that debt closure under most mortgage programs is carried out using the first type of payment. To avoid making a mistake, experts advise clarifying this issue with a Sberbank specialist before entering data into the questionnaire.

Section No. 2

Section No. 2 contains information about the persons participating in the transaction. Typically these include:

  • A borrower who wants to borrow money to buy a home;
  • Guarantors;
  • Co-borrowers;
  • Pledgors, if they take part in the transaction.

According to the rules in force at Sberbank, complete information must be provided about each person involved in a transaction. In the section you must indicate:

  • Personal data of the applicant and other persons who will appear in the loan agreement if the bank agrees to lend money;
  • Marital status of the person;
  • Place of work.

When entering information about co-borrowers and guarantors, it is necessary to indicate their degree of relationship with the applicant, if any. Statistics show that if the parties to the transaction are relatives, the credit commission’s trust in them increases significantly.

The likelihood of approval of the application will also increase if the person wishing to receive a loan already has real estate or has an additional source of income.

Section No. 3

The third section is necessary to reflect information about the financial position of the applicant and other persons participating in the transaction. If a sample mortgage application form is used, Sberbank will ask the client to provide truthful information. When indicating information about the amount of income, you need to take into account that the credit commission will take into account only the monthly amount of money that the potential borrower receives at the official place of work.

The section contains the column “Additional income”. It is intended to indicate information about profits that are not part of the salary from the official place of work. This section includes income received from:

  • From the rental of real estate;
  • For carrying out labor activities at an additional place of work;
  • From relatives as financial assistance.

Having indicated information about income, the borrower must also mention monthly expenses. Expenses are usually not specified. A generalized figure is entered in the column.

Experts advise not to downplay its importance. Banks know the average amount of expenses a person incurs every month.

Section No. 4

If Sberbank is chosen to receive a loan to purchase a home, the mortgage application form will contain section No. 4, intended to indicate other unclosed loans. If a person has outstanding debt obligations, this fact is not always an obstacle to obtaining a loan to purchase a home. However, the borrower will have to notify the company about the availability of loans. When filling out section No. 4, you will need to indicate:

  • Credit institutions in which the applicant has unclosed debt obligations;
  • The amount of debt that the applicant has left to repay;
  • The period required to close loans.

Experts do not recommend hiding the fact of having unclosed debt obligations. The application form for obtaining a mortgage must contain information about their availability. Sberbank performs data verification of applied clients. If it turns out that the applicant has unclosed loans, the mortgage will be denied.

Before receiving a loan to purchase a home, small debt obligations should be closed. Performing the manipulation will increase the chance of approval of the application and reduce the amount of overpayment on the mortgage. The credit limit may also be increased.

Section No. 5

A mortgage is issued strictly against real estate.

This is the housing that a person purchases with bank money. The presence of collateral allows Sberbank to protect itself from loss of funds in the event of a borrower violating the provisions of the loan agreement.

Section No. 5 is intended to describe the real estate that will act as collateral. When thinking about how to fill out a mortgage application form at a credit institution, the borrower must enter the following information:

  • Property location address;
  • The physical condition of the apartment or house;
  • Size of the purchased object;
  • Property price.

When assessing the collateral, Sberbank takes into account not only the price of the property, but also its liquidity. The company is more willing to lend money for the purchase of housing that:

  • Located in an urban area;
  • Equipped with all communications;
  • It has a convenient layout.

Facts influence the speed of home sales. If the company understands that significant difficulties may arise during the sale of real estate, the likelihood of the application being rejected will increase.

Application form sample

Examples of filling out the form

Existing nuances

If a person has chosen Sberbank to borrow money to buy a home, the mortgage application form will be simple. However, a number of nuances are still worth taking into account.

The first thing a client will have to face when applying for a consumer loan at any credit institution is filling out the appropriate form. It is one of the official documents that a potential borrower must provide to the bank. The questionnaire serves as the lender's main tool for collecting information about the client. All data in the document is carefully checked by the bank's security service. You should approach filling out the application responsibly and competently, without making mistakes. The article describes in detail the instructions for submitting an application for a consumer loan at Sberbank.

Requirements for filling out an application for a consumer loan at Sberbank

Sberbank provides potential borrowers with several types of consumer loans:

  • without collateral;
  • under the guarantee of individuals;
  • secured by real estate.

They are available to persons who meet basic age and work experience requirements.

For any of the three types of loans, you must fill out the same version of the questionnaire.

Features of entering information into a document:

  • the data is entered in printed or handwritten form according to the borrower;
  • corrections may be certified by the signature of the person whose information needs to be corrected;
  • It is prohibited to exclude items from the application.

Entering false data into the application will result in denial of a consumer loan. The bank employee warns in advance about the client's responsibility for providing false information.

  • Education.

Choose from the proposed options.

Part 2

Designated to identify the address information and marital status of a potential borrower.

  • Permanent registration address.

Fill in the fields completely in accordance with the passport registration.

  • Address of the actual residence.

Indicate the length of stay and type of housing. If the address does not match the permanent one, then you should fill in the lower fields.

  • Temporary registration address.

To be completed only if available.

  • Family status.

Check the appropriate box.

  • Relatives.

For married people, be sure to enter the details of your spouse and children, if any. Indicate information about other relatives if they are co-borrowers or guarantors.

Part 3

It is reserved for filling out information about employment, income and property ownership.

The bank asks you to confirm your information about your place of work with a photocopy of your work record book. Information about real estate is indicated only if this is a house, apartment, etc. officially belong to the applicant. The bank needs a guarantee of the reliability of the future borrower.

Any false information may be considered fraud and will result in criminal prosecution. In the “Income” and “Expenses” items, you should not indicate inflated data.

Part 4

This section is for informational purposes only and should be read carefully. This is an additional part that also applies to applicants who are salary/pension clients at Sberbank. It is necessary to enter the card or bank account number, confirm the information and conditions of Sberbank PJSC.

The block with information about the individual insurance number is filled out only if the applicant’s income will be taken into account when determining the loan amount.

Part 5

The bank is not obliged to issue exactly the amount indicated in the application form. He determines the solvency of the applicant and gives as much as he considers necessary so that the client can repay the debt along with interest.

Part 6.1

It is filled out when submitting an application for a consumer loan for the purpose of refinancing loans.

Sample application form (download link)

It is not possible to submit the application form via the online service. But a potential borrower can download the form, fill it out and print it. Next, you just need to take it to the nearest Sberbank branch and give it to a credit specialist. The completed application form is not a loan agreement.

An example of the application form, as well as the document form itself, is on the Sberbank website in the “Good to know” section. If any difficulties arise when filling out the document, you can leave feedback about the correctness of the questionnaire.

It is almost impossible to buy housing without borrowing from a bank, given the ratio of the high cost of real estate and the low level of income among the population. Nevertheless, many, especially young families, need their own living space, and they, in turn, give preference to housing loans from Sberbank of Russia. There are several reasons: low rates and loyal lending conditions. Let's look at how to get a loan from Sberbank to improve your living conditions, as well as how to fill out the application form correctly.

About banking offers

Sberbank has several mortgage products that differ in terms and rates. In addition, there are programs for certain categories of the population - this is a military mortgage available to participants in the mortgage savings system. With the help of borrowed funds, the bank makes it possible to purchase finished or under construction housing, a country house or a dacha; in general, the bank has taken care of the client’s interests in full. And finally, depending on the chosen product, the bank takes an individual approach to lending to each borrower.

Let's consider a housing loan from Sberbank, terms and rates for loans:

  1. For young families, this is a promotion in which a certain category of citizens can purchase housing at a low interest rate, namely from 11.25% per year, for up to 30 years. The main condition for the borrower is to be at least 35 years old at the time of the loan.
  2. New building promotion for the purchase of housing in a new building, rate from 8.9% per year if the developer is a bank partner, 10.5% for electronic registration of the transaction and 10.9% for other borrowers. Duration from one year to 30 years.
  3. Mortgage with maternal capital, rates depend on the type of property purchased, that is, the primary or secondary housing market, on average they range from 10.9% and above.
  4. Military mortgages are available only to participants in the mortgage savings system. The interest rate is fixed 11.75% per year, the amount is not more than 2 million 50 thousand rubles, the term is not more than 20 years.
  5. Country real estate for the purchase of a plot and the construction of a dacha or house. Rate from 11.75%, contribution from 25%, term up to 25 years.
  6. Construction of a residential building is a targeted loan to pay for the costs of constructing and equipping residential real estate. Rate from 12.25%, term up to 30 years, contribution from 25%.

In addition, regardless of whether you plan to purchase real estate on the primary or secondary market, you have the opportunity to apply for a Sberbank home loan with just two documents. Here you will not need a salary certificate, only an initial payment under this offer of at least 50% of the cost of the property.

Please note that, regardless of the chosen lending program, the purchased property is pledged to the bank until the debt is fully repaid.

List of documents for borrowers

Requirements for a potential borrower

Now let’s look at what you need to prepare if you decide to take out a home loan from Sberbank. Terms and documents from the borrower:

  • the potential borrower must have registration in the Russian Federation, permanent or temporary, which he can document;
  • a permanent source of income, it must be confirmed with a certificate in form 2-NDFL, and employment will have to be confirmed with a certified copy of the work book;
  • a positive credit history is the main confirmation of the client’s financial responsibility and his acceptable level of financial burden, that is, the absence of large obligations to other creditors;
  • attracting guarantors and co-borrowers to increase the loan amount and as security, they must also meet all the requirements of the lender.

Please note that depending on the borrower's data, the lender has the right to request additional documents.

Now about the loan application procedure. First, you should prepare basic documents and fill out a loan application. Also decide on the value of the property, and also make sure that you can pay part of its cost, that is, the down payment. It is not necessary to look for housing yet, because after reviewing the application, you will have two months to do this, that is how long the positive decision of the bank is valid.

Filling out the form

One of the important stages of applying for a mortgage loan is filling out a questionnaire; quite a lot depends on it; the bank carefully reviews it and checks the accuracy of the data left. Actually, a correctly completed application form is already a significant part of success; pay close attention to this issue. By the way, you can fill out the application at home yourself online or download the form on the website, then fill it out and take it to the bank, or come to a bank branch and leave an application with the help of a Sberbank specialist.

Sberbank application form: information about the borrower/co-borrower

Let's look at a sample application form for a Sberbank housing loan:

  • in the top field you should indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the borrower; if the data is filled out by a co-borrower, then you must first indicate the borrower’s data;
  • then indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the person completing the form;
  • fill out the passport data section, indicate the series and number of the document by whom and when it was issued, if you have a foreign passport, then indicate this fact in the application form;
  • if you previously changed your last name, then note the date the data was changed, as well as what last name you changed and for what reason;
  • in the contacts section you need to indicate all the phone numbers by which a bank employee can contact you, namely mobile, home, work, and others, if any, leave an email address;
  • the next two sections are education and marital status, put crosses opposite the desired line;
  • the next two sections are devoted to registration and place of actual residence of the applicant;
  • further, in the family section, indicate all members of your family, including children living with you, indicate their last name, first name and patronymic in full, and the degree of relationship, for this you need to put a cross next to the desired line;
  • the following paragraphs are devoted to the borrower’s work activity, indicate under what contract you work in what position and in what organization, the approximate number of employees, indicate the scope of your activity, total length of service and in last place;
  • indicate your expenses and income, main, additional and total of the whole family;
  • if you own real estate or a vehicle, fill out information about it in the form;
  • Next, you need to indicate the parameters of the loan that you would like to receive, namely the amount, the purpose, for example, the purchase of finished or under construction housing, an apartment, a room, a residential building, the amount of your own funds, that is, a down payment.

This is the basic information; in conclusion, you need to provide some more information, for example, whether you are a participant in the bank’s salary project, receive a pension or social benefits. Do you want to get a bank credit card, if so, please put a cross as a sign of agreement. By the way, if you qualify for the young family promotion, then indicate this, also put a cross in the appropriate section, but only on the condition that you have enough money to pay half the cost of housing.

Sberbank application form: information about the requested loan

Carefully study the terms of the loan and put a cross to indicate your consent to the processing of personal data. Don't forget to indicate your SNILS number. Finally, enter the date and time of filling out the document, your last name, first name and patronymic in full, as well as your signature.

Please note that the bank checks all the data provided by the borrower and co-borrower, so provide only reliable information.

Actually filling out the application will not be difficult, especially if you have previously taken out loans, filling out the application will be easy. By the way, if you indicate the loan amount, then take into account the fact that the bank calculates the maximum amount in such a way that loan payments do not exceed half of the borrower’s total family income.

People need to either contact the nearest office of the financial institution or visit its official website. The pages of the official resource describe in detail all current offers, in particular, the line of loan programs. Visitors can find out under what conditions they are issued, as well as what other services are available to clients of the financial institution. In order to take part in lending, they need to fill out application forms, which have some features and nuances.

Features and nuances of the loan application form

To take part in lending from Sberbank, individuals need to fill out a form. Its form was developed by the financial institution and contains 6 pages that must be filled out by applicants. The form contains the following information:

  • personal information about the borrower;
  • civil passport details and TIN;
  • information related to official employment;
  • information about monthly sources of income;
  • address and contact information;
  • education data, etc.

note: an applicant for a mortgage, consumer or car loan must fill out the relevant sections of the application form in block letters, and some boxes must be checked to confirm the choice of one or another parameter.

Individuals can fill out the Sberbank application form for a loan in two ways:

  1. Download the application form from the official website of the financial institution, print it and fill it out manually.
  2. Download the form and fill it out using computer technology.

When filling out Sberbank’s application form for a loan, the applicant must take into account the following nuances:

  • The form can be filled out either personally by the borrower or by a representative of the financial institution (in his words);
  • if corrections are made in the questionnaire, they must be certified by a representative of the bank;
  • the applicant must provide answers to all questions posed, otherwise the application will be considered invalid and will not be considered by the lender.

Each applicant for a loan from Sberbank, when filling out the application form, must provide only reliable information supported by documents. If he tries to inflate his income level in order to get a higher credit limit, or provides false information about himself, this will entail very unpleasant consequences. A financial institution may perceive such actions as an attempt at fraud and blacklist it or contact law enforcement authorities to prosecute the client criminally.

Procedure for filling out the form

Today, complex settlement and cash services, Internet services, etc. have become available to individuals and business entities. Due to the fact that this financial institution shows loyalty and maximum care for its clients, it manages to actively promote both deposit and credit lines. To apply for consumer, mortgage and car loans, applicants need to fill out questionnaires, which must be done in a certain sequence:

  1. In the first section, the applicant must select his status, as well as indicate his full name, date and place of birth. The tax identification code and data from the passport are entered in the appropriate boxes. You should also include your gender, education and contact information.
  2. In the second section, the individual indicates information about his actual place of residence and permanent (temporary) registration address. A check mark is placed in the boxes determining marital status.
  3. The third section collects all information related to the borrower’s official employment, in particular, his monthly income. Data on the applicant’s personal property is also indicated here, since the bank wants to receive additional guarantees of his financial solvency.
  4. The fourth section is intended for salary and pension clients of the financial institution, who must indicate the numbers of their card and current accounts, insurance certificates, etc.
  5. In the fifth section, the applicant indicates the type of loan requested, the purpose of his participation in lending, and the number of the card or current account to which the bank will transfer funds.
  6. The sixth section of the questionnaire is filled out by a representative of the financial institution who worked with the client. Here he must indicate his personal data, the date of completion, note all copies and originals of documents that were provided by the applicant, etc.

note: after filling out the questionnaire, it is sent to the analytical department of Sberbank, where it is studied by highly specialized specialists. After its approval, the applicant can continue the procedure for applying for a loan product. It is worth noting that, having become a client of this financial institution, each borrower can connect