Pension plus deposit in Sberbank. Pension Plus deposit in Sberbank: interest rates and conditions

When a person reaches retirement age, financial issues usually come to the fore. How to make your pension generate additional income? How to not only save, but also increase the profitability of your savings? Finally, what is the best deposit to use to store funds? Considering that pensioners don’t just have every penny, but every percentage counts.

Today, Sberbank offers a fairly extensive list of deposits for older people. Let's compare the main conditions for them, paying attention to the advantages of the Pension Plus deposit.

Please note that “Save” can also be issued through , which guarantees you increased interest rates. This is part of the institution's long-term strategy to increase the share of transactions performed through the remote service system. The “Pension Plus” deposit is made in the standard way at one of Sberbank’s institutions. This is justified by the fact that most people of retirement age do not have access to modern means of communication and prefer to contact the bank’s representative office, where any questions they may have regarding their deposit will be explained to them on the spot.

In most cases, you can open a deposit in a Russian bank only if you have a large sum of several hundred thousand rubles on hand - few older people can boast of such a volume of savings. In particular, the “Replenish” and “Save” deposit programs offer to open an account if you have at least one thousand or ten thousand rubles, while “Pension Plus” will be issued even to a person whose account contains one ruble.

A potential investor can appreciate the opportunity to increase the amount of funds on the “Pension Plus” deposit - the interest rate on it is slightly less profitable than on the “Replenish” deposit, but the user has more freedom in managing the account: this deposit allows you to replenish it. Finally, “Pension Plus” can be considered the most flexible deposit of the three: it offers the possibility of partial withdrawal of funds up to a balance of one ruble in the account.

It is important to know! Under the “Save”, “Replenish” and “Pension Plus” deposit programs of the financial institution Sberbank, the client has the right to issue a power of attorney and draw up a testamentary disposition - in this way the depositor can be confident in the future of his savings.

What else is beneficial about the Sberbank “Pension Plus” deposit for pensioners?

Sberbank has been operating in the financial services market for more than 170 years. Today, almost every second Russian trusts him with their savings. Making a deposit with Sberbank is the best and most reliable option to receive additional income. With Pension Plus you can start with a minimum deposit amount of one thousand rubles and a solid period of three years. What are the additional benefits of a deposit for seniors?

  • Sberbank is a member of the System register - older people will not have to worry about the safety of their savings in an era of financial instability.
  • The Pension Plus deposit offers favorable interest rates - one of the best offers for individuals of retirement age.
  • Flexible deposit terms - You can choose between paying accrued interest to the account or capitalizing it (adding to the deposit amount) over a period of three months.
  • “Pension plus” assumes that the bank carries out independently. This is an undoubted advantage of the agreement, because it significantly saves the time of both parties, as well as the effort of the investor.
  • The deposit holder has the opportunity on preferential terms - income for the actual period of storage of funds in the deposit is accrued based on the interest rate established by the bank on the date of opening the deposit.

Thus, the “Pension Plus” deposit in Sberbank is, perhaps, one of the best deposit programs today, allowing older people to increase their wealth with a guarantee and without risks.

How to make a deposit?

Clients can make sure that opening a deposit with Sberbank is a matter of just a few minutes. Step-by-step instructions include the following steps:

  1. The future deposit holder must contact one of the Sberbank branches, which will certainly be located in the region of your residence. The institution has an extensive network of representative offices - it includes about 17.5 thousand units in 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  2. The bank employee must present a passport or other identification document. For those wishing to make a “Pension Plus” deposit, such a document is a pension certificate.
  3. The next stage involves signing a deposit agreement.
  4. Next, the depositor needs to deposit the deposit amount into his account.

To find out in detail how to open a deposit on the terms you need and taking into account the personal circumstances of your life, contact the nearest Sberbank branch or call the institution’s hotline (number 8800) - support service specialists are always ready to answer your questions. To view a comprehensive list of documents required to register a deposit, you can also go to the official website of Sberbank.

The Pension Plus deposit in Sberbank is a convenient and reliable way to save money for pensioners. The conditions allow you to freely manage your money, receiving a fixed interest on the balance of funds placed on deposit.

Pension Plus deposit in Sberbank: conditions 2019

The main feature of the deposit is that it is intended only for individuals receiving a pension officially from the state. In this case, age and grounds for payment of a pension do not matter.

Advantages of a deposit for pensioners

The main advantages of the Pension Plus deposit, according to the conditions of 2019, include the following:

  • A fixed interest rate, which is not subject to changes in the policy of the central bank - for three years in a row it has remained at the same level and today stands at 3.5%.
  • Capitalization - your income will be slightly higher than the stated values, because accrued interest will be added to the body of the deposit once every three months, increasing its amount on which income will be accrued in the future;
  • Free management of funds - you can withdraw money up to the minimum balance (1 ruble) or replenish your account without restrictions at any time - this will not affect the terms of the agreement on the Pension Plus deposit. This is the main advantage of the deposit over most savings accounts, the balance of which being reset to zero often leads to a loss of interest (see);
  • The extension is not limited - there is no need to visit the branch every time and re-issue the contract. However, the extension of the deposit will be subject to the conditions in force at the time of extension.
  • The maximum amount is not limited. The minimum amount for opening a deposit or additional contribution is 1 ruble.

The deposit allows an individual to formalize a testamentary disposition (that is, you can leave it as an inheritance to a specific person) or a power of attorney (so that a relative or third party can carry out transactions).

The deposit is opened for a period of three years.

Interest rate for today

For the Pension Plus deposit, as mentioned above, in 2019 there is a fixed value that does not depend on the amount or term - 3.5%. Taking into account capitalization, this value is slightly higher - 3.55%.

An example of calculation on a calculator for Sberbank deposits:

Interest is calculated every three months and is added to the deposit amount, increasing it.

One of the disadvantages of the Pension Plus deposit is the condition for receiving interest - they are issued along with the body of the deposit (all your deposited amounts) only at the end of the term - i.e. on the date of extension or termination of the contract. There are no quarterly payments to a separate account.

Another advantage of the deposit is that in 2019, early termination does not lead to loss of interest. Those. you can withdraw the entire amount, up to 1 ruble, and then terminate the contract - all accumulated income will remain.

How can a pensioner open a deposit in Sberbank?

The Pension Plus deposit is opened only at a branch of Sberbank of Russia upon presentation of an identity card and documents confirming the right to receive a pension.

At the same time, it is not necessary for your pension to go through Sberbank.

The procedure for making a deposit today is as follows:

  1. Contact the operator at the branch;
  2. Fill out the agreement provided by the bank employee;
  3. Deposit any amount over the ruble into the deposit account through the cash register.

The contract is issued on site, at the branch, but you can first familiarize yourself with its standard example.

Extension and early termination of the contract

As stated, the contract is renewed automatically. If you wish to conclude a contract for only three years, ask the office to draw up an additional agreement to cancel the extension.

In 2019, early termination of the Pension Plus deposit, as indicated, does not lead to zero interest - they will be calculated at a rate of 3.5% based on the actual period of storage of money in the account.

If you have a small amount invested and urgently need funds, it is not always wise to terminate the contract. Just withdraw the required amount, the terms of the deposit allow this. Thus, you will be able to use the deposit in the future by replenishing it from your next pension or from another source of income.


The Pension Plus deposit in Sberbank today is an opportunity for pensioners to freely manage their finances, investing and withdrawing any amounts at a convenient time and receiving a constant percentage. Under the terms of 2019, the interest rate is fixed, as is the term - the contract is concluded for 3 years at 3.5%.

Sberbank offers deposits for pensioners in several options. They differ in the method of opening - in a branch or online - and the conditions for replenishing and withdrawing savings. Let's take a closer look at the special deposit for older clients and the special conditions for the standard line of deposits in 2018.

What deposits are there for pensioners at Sberbank?

Sberbank has always been a socially oriented bank, and pensioners make up a significant part of its clients. This is explained both by the exceptional reliability of the banking institution and by habit.

With the help of Sberbank, most older people receive pension payments on their cards, so it is logical that they would want to keep their savings in the bank.


Thus, deposits available to Sberbank for pensioners have a higher interest rate compared to standard offers. You can open Top up and Save deposits with the highest possible return. When transferring a pension to Sberbank, the “Pension Plus” deposit is available, which makes the pensioner’s debit card profitable by accruing interest on the balance. Accounts are opened at the branch upon presentation of the relevant documents or online.

Sberbank rightfully occupies a leading position in the Russian financial market. This banking structure has been successfully working for many years with a variety of categories of the population, both legal entities and individuals. Moreover, the impressive age of this banking organization rightfully makes it a favorite. Sberbank not only helps to increase savings, this bank also guarantees the safety of all deposits.

The bank has been working successfully with elderly Russians for a long time. On the basis of the financial structure, special preferential conditions have been created for pensioners who want to open an account with Sberbank. The most popular is the “Pension Plus” deposit at Sberbank, what it is, what the rules for concluding an agreement are and how profitable such a deposit is, we will tell you in this article.

The Pension-plus deposit was created specifically for pensioners

“Pension-plus” deposit: the essence of the program

This offer was specially created for representatives of the elderly part of our population. Precisely for those who have already joined the ranks of pensioners and regularly receive pension contributions. Moreover, the authority that pays pensions is not important for opening such a deposit.

The Pension Plus account helps pensioners increase their income by receiving interest on invested money.

Benefits of the program

The “Pension Plus” deposit in Sberbank, the interest of which is regularly accrued on the card, was created specifically for Russians who have retired or are already on a well-deserved vacation. The following persons can use this advantageous offer from Sberbank:

  1. Those who retired early for a well-deserved rest.
  2. Receiving a regular service pension.
  3. Pensioners registered with an organization that is authorized to make regular pension contributions.

The main feature of the Pension Plus deposit is the minimum initial capital required to open a deposit. To become the owner of such an account, you need to top it up with just a ruble. This deposit is replenished and has permitted capitalization (adding accrued interest to the principal amount of the account) and prolongation (extension).

The Pension Plus deposit has the following capabilities:

  • partial withdrawal of funds in the account;
  • accrued income can be added to the initial deposit amount.
  • Interest is credited every three months (the rate is 3.5%, with capitalization - 3.67% per annum).

The agreement to open a Pension-plus deposit is concluded for a period of 3 years. In case of early termination, all accrued income will be paid, but without taking into account capitalization.

Terms offered by the bank

How to open a deposit

To take advantage of this offer, you must visit one of the nearby Sberbank offices. There are also conditions for remote opening of a deposit - using the Online Sberbank Personal Account. You can become the owner of the deposit using the terminal or the Mobile Bank telephone application.

General rules

The only condition for making a deposit is the presence of a Sberbank card, where pensions are transferred. It is to this account that the accrued interest on the deposit will be received. In case of expiration of the contract (three years accepted under the terms of the deposit), the program is automatically extended (prolonged). Every pensioner - a citizen of Russia - can become the owner of the Pension Plus deposit.

Required documents

To open a deposit when visiting a bank, you only need to have two documents on hand:

  1. Passport.
  2. Pensioner's certificate.

After communicating with a banking hall consultant and filling out the necessary application, contracts will be drawn up. All you have to do is sign them and deposit the desired funds into the account.

Deposit features

Before finalizing the Pension Plus agreement, the future investor will have to sign an application for cooperation with Sberbank. It specifies information such as:

  • deposit terms;
  • interest rate;
  • amount of invested currency;
  • interest calculation rules;
  • expiration date of the contract;
  • amount of remaining residue;
  • minimum amount of additional cash contributions.

Also, the document must include the details of the parties and contact information. If the interests of the pensioner are represented by a trusted person, then both persons sign the drawn up agreement.

Common Questions

Projected profit

The standard interest rate when opening a Pension-plus deposit is 3.5% per annum. Moreover, this indicator does not depend and does not change on the term of the agreement or the size of the initially invested amount. Interest will be accrued according to the current terms of the deposit every three months.

If the depositor does not withdraw accrued income from the Pension-plus deposit, then the rate will increase and become equal to 3.55% per annum.

Participation in the deposit of several people

The Pension Plus deposit does not allow its opening through the participation of several people in the program at once. The only thing that is possible is to draw up the agreement on the basis of a valid power of attorney issued to the person representing the interests of the pensioner investor. But only a pensioner is the full and sole owner of the deposit.

The program provides access to certain individuals for certain operations. In particular, permission to receive income on behalf of the investor. A power of attorney can be issued directly at the bank, but with the obligatory presence of the account owner. Moreover, the issued power of attorney must undergo verification (certification) by a notary.

Possibility of extension

The Pension Plus deposit has the possibility of automatic renewal. If three years have passed from the date of conclusion of the agreement, the deposit, according to the established rules, is extended.

You can open a deposit using the Sberbank-Online application

What are the benefits

The Pension Plus deposit is designed specifically for pensioners and implies preferential conditions for this category of citizens. Benefits are primarily based on the accrual of the highest possible interest rate. At the same time, the interest rates established by the program do not depend on the amount for which the deposit was opened.

How to withdraw interest

According to the terms of the agreement, all interest accrued on the deposit amount is automatically added to the fixed assets. But it is possible to withdraw the income received in full or in parts. To do this, you can come to any bank branch or use the Sberbank-Online application. By the way, when drawing up an agreement, you can specify the card number, where all accrued income will flow to the open deposit.

What else can Sberbank offer pensioners?

An alternative offer to the Pension Plus deposit is the Piggy Bank service, which can also be opened at Sberbank. The main task of this service is the automatic accumulation of savings. “Piggy Bank” is a free service that works according to the following principle:

  1. The service is connected to the card.
  2. When setting up the program, the user notes the amount of money that he plans to regularly contribute to the “Piggy Bank”. The write-off date is also indicated.
  3. As soon as the next salary or other deductions are received on the Sber card, the specified part of the finances goes to the service.
  4. Once the required amount has been accumulated, the owner of the Piggy Bank can use it for any of his needs.

You can monitor and control the work of the Piggy Bank by visiting your Sberbank-Online personal account. Moreover, for each completed transfer, an SMS message will be sent to your phone about the operation performed.

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