Payment deadline for Sberbank credit card. Terms of repayment of a Sberbank credit card

The peculiarity of a Sberbank credit card is that it provides the opportunity to use funds for 50 days without interest. The card is beneficial if you need money urgently for a short period, but don’t have it.

Conditions for obtaining a credit card

Sberbank issues credit cards to those who:

  • He is a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Has a work experience of at least 6 months.
  • Reached 21 years of age.
  • Not over 65 years of age.
  • Has a good credit history.
  • Has no loan debts or late payments, either from Sberbank or other banks.
  • The loan is provided to a borrower who has worked in one place for at least six months.

What documents are required to obtain a credit card?

In order for Sberbank to issue a credit card, you need to:

  1. Provide a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with the specified registration at the place of residence.
  2. Provide your individual registration code (you can get it from the tax office).
  3. If the loan limit exceeds 100,000 rubles, a certificate confirming income will be required.
  4. A 2-NDFL certificate is required if the borrower does not receive salary through Sberbank.

Common questions and answers

We will try to answer your most frequently asked questions regarding the terms and conditions of a credit card at Sberbank.

What is the credit limit amount?

The average amount for an individual ranges from 50,000 to 1,000,000 rubles. For regular customers with a good credit history, the limit may be increased.

You can check your credit card limit:

How are interest rates calculated?

Interest rates are calculated only on the withdrawn amount and depend on the terms of signing the agreement. For ruble loans are within from 26% to 34% per annum.

How is the grace period calculated at Sberbank?

The grace period consists of 30 reporting days (during which you make purchases with a credit card) and 20 days of the payment period. That is, if the reporting period began on June 7, and you made a purchase on the same day, then you have 50 days to repay the debt and not pay interest - until July 26. But if you made a purchase on July 26, then you have only 25 days left before repaying the full debt at 0% interest (5 days of the reporting period and 20 days of the payment period).

You can calculate the length of the grace period using interactive service, which was developed by Sberbank.

It is better to plan purchases using credit cards with a grace period for the first days of the month (the beginning of the interest-free period).

Loan repayment methods

There are several methods to pay off debt on a Sberbank credit card:

  • Cash at the nearest bank or ATM.
  • By non-cash method (a small commission is charged).
  • Debit card (in your Sberbank Online personal account).

The debt can be repaid either in full or in parts.

Pros of credit cards with grace periods

  1. Cards make it possible to use funds without paying for bank services.
  2. The borrower does not pay interest for using the loan.
  3. The card owner has the opportunity to withdraw money anywhere in the Russian Federation and abroad.
  4. It is possible to apply for a credit card online by leaving an application on the official Sberbank website.

Disadvantages that you may encounter when applying for and using a Sberbank credit card

  1. When cashing out funds, the client pays a commission fee of 3-4% of the withdrawn amount.
  2. If the loan limit is more than 100,000, then you will definitely need a certificate of income.
  3. The borrower must have a good credit history.
  4. Proof of employment is required.

Sberbank credit cards and terms of use

  • Visa Classic and MasterCard Standard– a card with a wide range of banking services.
    Limit – up to 600,000 rubles.
    Interest rate – from 25.9%.
    Commission for cash withdrawals is 3% (but not less than 390 rubles) in Sberbank.
    The amount allowed for withdrawal per day through an ATM is no more than 50,000 rubles, through a cash register - no more than 150,000 rubles.
    There is no charge for service.
  • Visa Gold and MasterCard Gold– premium card with a set of special offers.
    Limit – up to 600,000.
    The minimum rate is 25.9%.
    The cost of service is 0 rubles.
    You are allowed to withdraw no more than 100,000 rubles from an ATM per day and take no more than 300,000 rubles in cash at the cash desk.
  • Visa Signature and MasterCard World Black Edition– a credit card that allows you to return up to 10% of the cost of purchases.
    Limit – up to 3 million rubles.
    Interest rate – 21.9%.
    The cost of maintenance per year is 4,900 rubles.

Applying for a loan is not an easy and very tedious procedure. Having reached the bitter end and finally signing an agreement with the bank, many borrowers pay little attention to the instructions for repaying the debt. And only when the time comes for the first payment, they realize that they do not know when and where to make contributions, and also how much they will have to pay for it.
The biggest problems arise with credit cards - because they have the most difficult conditions for calculating and repaying fees. Today we will talk about how to repay a Sberbank credit card - after all, this financial institution currently has the largest number of borrowers in Russia.

So, you have chosen and issued a suitable credit card and are planning to use it. In order not to drive yourself into a financial hole and avoid delays that will have a detrimental effect on further cooperation with banks, you need to clearly understand several important points. Most of these can be found in your service agreement or credit card rates. Be sure to write down or remember all these points - it will be very useful in the future:

  1. The amount of the grace period is the time during which you do not pay interest on the loan. For example, 55 days of an interest-free period means that the bank does not charge interest during this time. If you keep your debt repayment within these limits, you will not lose money.
  2. The rules for using the grace period are also very important, although borrowers do not pay attention to them. First, check from what day the “grace” time is counted - in different banks it can be the date of payment, the first day of the month, or even the date of the next payment. Secondly, find out what operations are covered by grace. Very often, withdrawing money from an ATM does not qualify for the benefit.
  3. Minimum payment and its calculation scheme. In different banks, this can be a fixed percentage of the debt amount, or a fixed share + interest accrued per month. Please note that if there are fines and penalties, the minimum payment must be increased by their amount - otherwise there will be a delay again.
  4. Payment date – that is, the day by which you must place the next payment on your account. No matter how often you use your credit card, the due date is always the same - all purchases and withdrawals add up to a total. Thus, if the payment date falls on the 25th, and you paid with a credit card on the 23rd, then after 2 days you are required to make at least the minimum payment.
  5. ATM withdrawal fee – keep in mind that your debt increases by this amount each time you cash out.
  6. Commission for registration, card servicing, services (for example, SMS notifications) - find out their size and dates of debiting. Since they are all included in the amount of the card debt, you can easily underpay and become late.
  7. Find out what the consequences of late payment are. Even if you pay the loan debt in good faith, due to reasons beyond your control, the payment may be delayed. The bank can “forgive” the first delay, and charge a fixed fine, and accrue penalties, and increase interest on the loan until the delay is fully repaid. It would be superfluous to find out how this process occurs in your bank.
  8. The interest rate, while important, doesn't really provide any information to a credit card borrower. The fact is that you still won’t be able to accurately calculate the payment amounts, because... Interest is calculated every day on the balance of the debt and then summed up. In this case, the grace period is taken into account. In banks, the settlement process occurs automatically, and notifications are sent to the client.
  9. Track all your payments and debt dynamics through your online account. This way you can vary the payment amounts to reduce the overpayment on the loan.

Read also:

Ways to repay a loan with savings for the family budget

Credit card from Sberbank: conditions, repayment terms

Before we talk about how exactly debt is repaid on Sberbank credit cards, let’s discuss what they are and how they differ from each other. We offer you a comparative table on the current Sberbank product line:

Loan rate Maximum limit Maintenance cost Additionally
Visa and MasterСard Gold 25,9% 600 thousand rubles Discount and benefit program
Visa Classic Aeroflot From 25.9%* to 33.9% per year 300 thousand rubles 900 rubles 1 mile for every 60 rubles
Visa Gold Aeroflot 25,9% 600 thousand rubles 3.5 thousand rubles. 1.5 miles for every 60 rubles
Visa Signature Aeroflot 21,9% 3 million rubles 12 thousand rubles 2 miles for every 60 rubles
Visa Classic “Gift of Life” from 25.9%** to 33.9% per year 300 thousand rubles up to 900 rub. in year
Visa Gold “Give Life” from 25.9%** to 33.9% per year 300 thousand rubles up to 3.5 thousand rubles. 0.3% of the purchase amount is transferred to charity
Visa Classic and MasterCard Standard from 25.9%** to 33.9% per year 300 thousand rubles up to 750 rub. No
Visa and MasterCard Momentum 25,9% 120 thousand rubles Registration and delivery in 15 minutes
Youth 33,9% 200 thousand rubles 750 rubles For young people from 21 to 25 years old

Sberbank credit cards are quite different from each other in terms of tariffs and special conditions, but the principles for calculating and paying fees are identical. You should know this if you plan to become a Sberbank borrower:

  1. Calculation of the minimum payment. Sberbank uses a scheme of 5% of the debt amount + monthly interest + the amount of overdue payments, penalties, fines (if any). The amount of the next payment will be received in the form of SMS, email, notification in your personal account.
  2. The grace period for all credit cards is 50 days. However, it applies exclusively to non-cash transactions - if you withdrew money from an ATM, interest on this amount will be accrued from the next day.
  3. Grace period calculation is carried out from the first day of the billing period (that is, the last date of payment).

Example: the payment date was June 1, which means that the next grace period will end on July 19. All purchases made from June 1 to June 30 will not be subject to interest until that date. Thus, if you pay with a card on June 30, the grace will last only 19 days. But if the purchase was made on July 1, then interest will not accrue until August 18 - exactly 50 days from the reporting date.

Repaying a loan on a credit card - Many people actively use such a payment instrument as a Sberbank credit card, the terms of loan repayment for which we will consider in this material. After all, sometimes it’s quite easy to get a credit card, as well as to take advantage of all its advantages, including funds borrowed from the bank. But in this matter, the main thing is to pay off the debt, that is, return the credit money back to the card account. Typically, repayment of debt on all cards is carried out the same way. You just need to top up your account within the time limits set by the bank.

In fact, each individual credit card may contain its own debt repayment nuances. In many ways, this may even depend directly on its holder himself. After all, the bank can not only individually set the limit and rate for each borrower, it can also put forward individual rules for debt repayment for each individual client. This happens quite often, which is why we will consider repaying a loan using a Sberbank of Russia card.

What you need to know

As a credit card holder, you should always be clear about the amount of your debt and the monthly minimum payment.

This is necessary in order to calculate your budget taking into account monthly contributions towards repayment of debt. Specifically for the Sberbank card, such amounts can be found at the ATMs of the financial institution.

Sberbank Gold Debit Card

But modern holders of settlement “plastic” actively use the services of remote account management. In the case of Sberbank, these are Mobile Bank and Sberbank Online. Using these applications, you can quickly find out not only the total amount of debt and the size of the minimum payment, but also the entire history of transactions carried out using the card.

It is also worth adding that this financial institution always sends both electronic and paper letters, which indicate a report on all transactions, including the balance of debt. Well, now let’s take a closer look at how to repay a loan on a Sberbank credit card and discuss all the methods. But first it’s worth highlighting two main ones:

  • Return of the spent amount back to the card account during the grace period, which in Sberbank reaches 50 days;
  • Pay off debt with minimal monthly installments. As a rule, this is 5% or 10% of the amount owed.

Undoubtedly, the first option is much more profitable for the client. After all, in this case the bank does not charge interest at all. But not everyone can meet the deadline. In addition, many violate the rules of preferential lending by withdrawing money from an ATM. And such a procedure, as a rule, does not fall under the interest-free period on a Bank of Russia card. But the second option isn't too bad either. Moreover, the bank allows you to pay off the debt with minimum payments, which amount to only 5 percent of the amount, which sometimes is not very much. On the one hand, this is good, but it will take you too long to pay off the debt.

The rules for repaying a loan on a Sberbank credit card are such that most of the minimum payment is interest.

Thus, only a small part is used to repay the principal debt, which significantly increases the period for full repayment of the credit limit. Therefore, in such cases it is always better to contribute more.

Responsibility and attentiveness are paramount

When repaying any loan, it is very important to avoid delays. If you fail to make a payment on time, the bank will charge a fine or increase the interest rate. In the case of Sberbank, for late payment the interest on the loan usually increases by about 10%. And if the initial rate is 33.9%, then 43.9%, you see, is quite significant. In addition, failure to make payments on time will damage your bank account. This leads to the fact that in the future you will not be able to use the services of financial institutions in the field of lending.

Sberbank Autopayment service

At the same time, it is likely that the Sberbank credit card, the loan repayment terms of which you violated, will be your last for the next 15 years. Even if you are lucky and some bank approves a loan, then with a bad credit history, the terms on it, believe me, will not be the best. To avoid this, you should always make payments on time. And in order not to forget due to inattention, it is better to activate SMS notification. So, a few days before the payment date, the bank will send you notifications about the upcoming payment.

Ways to pay off debt on a Sberbank credit card

This financial institution offers several ways to repay a loan on a card account. This is done so that each holder can choose the most convenient and suitable option for themselves. So, you can repay a loan on a Sberbank credit card in one of the following ways.

  • Sberbank Online. If you have a debit card from a financial institution, you can easily make credit card payments from it. At the same time, you don’t have to go anywhere and be distracted from business for a long time. Log in to Internet Banking, visit the “Payments” section, and then “Credit”. Use the system prompts and pay with a salary or simple debit card.
  • Mobile bank. This is a mobile application through which you can pay a loan from anywhere. The scheme is similar to that described above, you just need to install the application on your mobile phone.
  • If you link a debit card to a phone number, which happens quite often, paying for a loan using a Sberbank card can be even easier. Just type a message with the combination “CREDIT account number payment amount” and send it to the bank’s short number 900. In a matter of seconds, funds from the debit account will be debited and transferred to repay the loan on the corresponding card.
  • Cash payment. This is the most common way to repay a loan. True, it often takes a lot of time. Payment in this way is carried out through terminals, ATMs and Sberbank cash desks. In addition, you can pay through the cash desks of other banks by transfer. But a commission will be charged for such an operation, since the loan is being repaid from another financial institution.

ATM for working with Sberbank cards

From all of the above, it is clear that if you have a Sberbank credit card, the terms for repaying the loan on it are quite simple.

The main thing is to make your monthly payments on time. And how you will do this is not very important for the bank.

To avoid paying too much interest, try to make large payments instead of minimum payments. This way you will pay back the borrowed money faster and overpay less. If you can’t make more payments, try not to delay payment and increase the payment amount as soon as possible.

If you do this, then in the event of an unforeseen situation when you cannot make even the minimum payment, the bank will be more loyal to you than to a borrower who cannot pay even the minimum amount. If possible, make payments several days before the due date. This will avoid delays in case of failures in the bank system or the device through which the payment is made. Also, do not forget that when cashing out money from a credit card, the amount to be returned increases not only by the amount of accrued interest, but also by the amount of the cash withdrawal fee.

Found a typo? Select and press CTRL+Enter

Applying for a loan is a rather complex procedure that requires a careful approach and time. This causes many borrowers to overlook important instructions regarding repayment. There are especially many problems with credit cards, which is why they deserve separate consideration. The repayment terms of the Sberbank credit card were no exception.

Sberbank offers clients credit cards

Making payments: things to remember

The client selects a specific credit card and begins using it. The main thing is to avoid delays and not worsen the current situation. Therefore, you need to become familiar with several important points. Knowing these points will help any client in the future:

  1. Grace period. This is the name of the time during which the debt to the bank can be repaid without overpaying interest. For example, a period of 55 days is often entered. If you stay within these limits, the client will be able to save a lot.
  2. Rules for using grace period. First of all, it is necessary to clarify from what moment the grace period begins to count. This rule works differently in different banks. Sometimes a specific payment date is indicated, in other cases the first day of the month is used. It is also recommended to find out which transactions are covered by the preferential use of the card. For example, cash withdrawals may not be eligible for the benefit.
  3. Minimum payment along with the calculation diagram. For example, some organizations set a fixed percentage of the debt amount or a fixed share along with interest accrued for the month. The minimum payment increases if there are additional fines and penalties. If they are not taken into account, the likelihood of delays increases.
  4. Dates for payments. This is the name of the day when the client must place the next payment on the account. This date always remains the same, regardless of the frequency of use of a particular instrument. All expenses are simply summed up according to the total. That is, if the payment date is the 25th, and the client disposed of the money on the 23rd, then two days later he is obliged to pay at least the minimum amount.
  5. Fees for withdrawals when using ATMs. Each time you cash out, the debt increases by this commission.
  6. Commission for issuing and servicing cards, use of services. Their sizes and write-off dates also need to be clarified in advance. After all, such payments are also included in the amount of debt on cards. The loan repayment terms should also describe this point.
  7. Punishment for delays. Even if the client plans to pay in good faith under the concluded agreement, circumstances may turn out differently. And this often happens for reasons that depend on no one. For example, banks can forgive the first delays. Or charge fixed fines, accrue penalties, and increase interest on the loan until it is repaid in full. It would also be useful to learn about how penalties are calculated.
  8. Interest rates are important, but for a specific credit card they provide virtually no information. After all, even after receiving this information, it will not be possible to accurately calculate the payment amount. Interest is calculated every day on the balance of debts. After this, the result is summed up. The grace period indicator is also taken into account. Notifications are simply sent to the client, and the entire process takes place automatically.
  9. Online account helps track payments and debt dynamics. Thanks to this, it is easier to carry out calculations and ensure that the overpayment is minimal. This is also true for those who are concerned about paying off their credit card early.

You can choose a card on the bank’s website

Specific conditions for the card from Sberbank

This organization has many options for credit cards, each with its own conditions for issuing loans. Interest rates typically range from 21 to 33%. The principles for calculating and paying contributions remain identical, despite differences in parameters. What current and future Sberbank borrowers should know:

  1. Rules for calculating minimum payments. Sberbank uses the following scheme: 5% of the debt amount, to which are added monthly interest, as well as amounts for late payments, penalties and fines. Clients usually send an SMS in advance with a message about how much they must pay. You can receive notifications in your Personal Account or emails.
  2. All credit cards have a grace period of 50 days. But this rule applies only to non-cash transfer transactions. If you withdraw money from an ATM, interest accrues from the next day.
  3. The grace period begins to count from the date on which the last payment was made.

If you take into account all the points described above, you don’t have to worry about serious delays.

Repayment of Sberbank credit cards

You can pay either the exact payment date specified in the notice, or a little more if you want to pay off your debts as quickly as possible. Sberbank supports many options for repayment.

  1. Through the bank's cash desk, without additional commissions. You need to have your passport with you along with the contract details and card number.
  2. Through reception ATMs, also without commission. All you need to do is take your card with you.
  3. From other accounts in Sberbank, using Mobile or Internet Banking services.
  4. From accounts in other banking organizations, using a standard transfer procedure.
  5. Through cashless payment terminals. You can use cards from any organization.
  6. Through electronic wallets, using appropriate services.

Each client of this organization can choose an option for themselves with the most suitable conditions. You just need to remember that some government agencies charge quite large commissions for transfer operations. It is better to clarify the details of interest in advance.

All credit cards have a grace period for repayment

A little about early repayment of Sberbank cards

Early repayment of debts can be full or partial.

The first option assumes that absolutely the entire amount that the client owes is paid. In the second option, the client pays in monthly payments, but their amounts are slightly larger than what is indicated in the notifications. Thanks to this, the loan period is reduced and the main agreement can be closed earlier.

When the debt is repaid in full, the client will need to visit the Sberbank office. There is a statement written there asking to close the account. For example, when a credit card is not needed in the near future. A certificate must be issued stating that all loan obligations to the bank are considered fulfilled.


It is better to arrange automatic debiting of funds, this also helps protect against delinquencies. To do this, it is enough to conclude an additional agreement.

Mobile and Internet Banking services will also be convenient for clients and will help simplify the procedure for tracking information regarding future or previous payments. The most profitable option is when you manage to pay the bank during the grace period. Then the client will be spared additional expenses due to interest. If you clarify all the details in advance, then clients should not have problems. Sberbank takes care of them, developing offers with the most flexible and favorable conditions.

It’s easy to figure out how to repay a loan on a Sberbank credit card if you correctly understand the essence of the process. Repayment involves replenishing your credit card account. At the same time, there are several ways to track the balance, receive information on mandatory payments, and deposit funds. Choose one that is convenient and does not require much time, which is important in the modern world.

Conditions for repaying debt on a Sberbank credit card

The main responsibility of credit card holders is to replenish the card account in a timely manner, without allowing... In this case, the deposited amount is distributed as follows:

  1. Sberbank will take 5% of the volume to pay part of the debt. Minimum – 150 rub.
  2. Interest accrued at the time of the transaction minus the “free” interest.
  3. Compensation for exceeding the limit established by Sberbank (specified in the service agreement).
  4. Fines. Subject to repayment of the loan on overdue credit cards, penalties and interest are expected.

The right to repay loans on Sberbank credit cards during the grace period is not excluded. No interest is charged in this case. The monthly payment will incur interest after it expires.

Sberbank does not oblige borrowers to strictly adhere to the total amount of the obligatory payment. Before repaying a loan issued at Sberbank, evaluate what is the maximum amount you can put on a credit card. Early repayment saves money. Interest is charged on the balance of the debt. If deadline obligations are violated, the next payment will increase by the amount of the delay with penalties and interest.

When lending, the repayment period is critical. Often this has to be done urgently. So that everyone can quickly top up their credit card, Sberbank has developed several ways:

  1. Via ATM. You will need a payroll or debit card. After entering the PIN code, select the transfer section in the menu. Enter the account or credit card number to which funds must be credited. The write-off amount is also indicated. Using cards from other banks requires payment of a transfer fee.
  2. Through the cash desk at a Sberbank branch. The loan can be repaid by the borrower, family member, relative, or any third party. The cashier is informed of the card details and amount. Money is paid in cash. The check is kept and given to the borrower if another person paid for it.
  3. Via Sberbank Internet Banking. There is a loans section in your personal account. Having selected the one that needs to be closed, the user fills out a form in the fields of which the amount is indicated. From the list of issued debit, savings, and salary products, select the account from which you want to write off money.
  4. Using the autopayment service. The Internet banking system allows you to set up automatic debiting of funds to repay Sberbank loans. It is enough to set the amount and date of payment once. This method is used by those who have spent all the money on their credit card and now want to pay off the debt. It is assumed that the amount is large and the loan will take several months to repay.
  5. Using a mobile application. You need to launch the application on your smartphone. Further actions are similar to those described in the previous paragraph. You can pay off your Sberbank credit card debt from the accounts of any banks if they have also developed software. An interbank transfer fee will apply.
  6. From the official website of Sberbank. In addition to the offered products, information and list of services, the official website has a payment button. The user fills out the form (details of the sender and recipient, amount), forwards the application and confirms that it was drawn up by the owner of the card from which funds are required to be withdrawn in favor of the loan payment.

If the transfer is intrabank, then the money will arrive on the same day. Most often this takes a couple of minutes. Interbank transactions take place within 24 hours. International transfers arrive within 3 business days (maximum).

The permissible repayment period is not all the necessary information so that debt does not arise and penalties are not assessed on the loan. How much to pay also needs to be clarified. This can be done in several ways:

  1. At the Sberbank office (any). No contract required. It is enough to have a credit card and passport with you. Contact an operator, manager, or consultant. Based on the card number and personal data, the bank employee will look in the database how much needs to be deposited into the account. Payment must be made on the same day. Otherwise, additional interest will be charged for each day.
  2. At an ATM. This is the case when there is a desire to close the loan completely. Having found out the account balance and knowing the card limit, it is easy to understand what amount must be received in order to fully equalize the loan and not remain a debtor to Sberbank. It is not possible to find out the amount of the required payment using this method. But you can use other methods of remote access to information.
  3. In your personal account Sberbank Online. All information about loans and savings is available on the Internet banking service. Here, the accounts and cards section contains the necessary data. For card loans, the site looks at how much you need to pay this month, when the last day comes, and how much money is required to pay off the debt in full.

If the branch requires a passport, you will have to enter a PIN at the ATM. Bank Online is a secure system, access to which appears after entering your login and password. For security, the service will require you to enter a code that will be sent via SMS to the phone number attached to the banking service agreement.

There are 2 effective methods of closing loans:

  1. Monthly payment of part of the money spent. An effective way is to pay 5-10% of the outstanding balance. The main thing that needs to be taken into account is that the amount of funds deposited should not be less than the mandatory payment specified in.
  2. Spending and reimbursement during the grace period. No interest is charged; funds allocated as part of the loan can be used in full or in part. This way all overpayments are eliminated. Sberbank allows you to buy goods and pay for services free of charge for 55 days.

The last point does not imply getting rid of the obligation to pay for bank card services. Credit is one thing, but servicing is another; it includes conducting transactions, recording expenses, accessing your personal account, etc. Every year for using cards they pay from 500 rubles. depending on the tariff and the service package offered (see on the official website).

Control is carried out using the same means that are used when depositing the amount onto the card. Any loan is tracked in your personal account. To do this, you need to log in with your username and password, go to the loans and accounts section, select the required one. The information on the screen reflects the objective situation. The amount of debt and the date of the next loan payment are indicated.

At an ATM, the procedure is to check your card balance. Knowing how much funds were available before, it is easy to determine whether the money has arrived or the transaction has not yet been completed. If funds have not been received, you need to contact consultants. Another way is to print out a bank statement. The document shows all transfers, balances, dates, balance.

A bank statement is requested at a Sberbank branch or in your personal account. In the first case, the service is paid, but the paper acquires legal force and can be used as evidence in court. Online money transfer is also displayed. The bank statement is saved electronically and can be printed at any time. Proof of sending money to pay the loan is a check.

It is important to understand that this is a means to confirm sending, not receipt. An error made at the stage of entering the initial data (recipient details) is the reason for the receipt of banknotes into someone else's account. This means the loan has not been repaid. Sberbank will calculate fines if there is a delay. If everything is correct, the procedure can be challenged. This is especially important when the time comes to abandon the services of a financial institution.

The main problem is that if you line up the loan, there will be a servicing fee. Sberbank will withdraw money from the credit card, and debt will form again. If you do not timely track the moment of the next payment, there will be a delay. The result is a fine, interest and new debt even if you do not use the loan as usual. Card loans issued in the form of bonuses are just such an option.

A visit to a Sberbank branch is mandatory. You must have your passport with you. No card required. An application is drawn up with a requirement to refuse to use the loan. Throwing away the credit card is not enough - the contract is officially terminated, the account is reset and closed. Within 45 days, the data is verified and the card remains valid. During this period, Sberbank has the right to challenge the balance, which should be equal to the loan.

After 45 days from the date of writing the application for closing the loan, a corresponding certificate is issued. You will also have to go to the bank office to get it. When a surplus of funds is detected, the loan is reset, but Sberbank returns the difference through the cash desk. Money is issued in cash upon presentation of a passport.