Sergey Aksyonov congratulated the employees of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation on their professional holiday. The head of the administration left his position early Kondratyuk Nikolay Fedorovich biography FSO

Nikolai Kondratyuk. Photo: Izvestia

Not far from the presidential residence of Novo-Ogarevo in the Moscow region, Republic journalists are in the closed elite village “Znamenskiye Prostory” for high-ranking intelligence officers. “The main guy in the village” in “Znamenskiye Prostory” is considered to be the deputy director of the FSO Nikolay Kondratyuk, who has almost 2 hectares of land and several houses in the village.

Wealthy Secretary of State

The closed village “Znamenskie Prosty” is located on Rublevskoye Highway in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region. A 10-minute drive away is the Novo-Ogarevo estate, where the residence is located Vladimir Putin. The security forces close to the first person of the state live in the “Znamenskiye Prostoras” geographically close to the president’s residence, Republic claims. Among them are the brothers of the governors of the Tula and Yaroslavl regions - Alexey Dyumin And Dmitry Mironov. The first guarded President Vladimir Putin in the FSO, the second guarded Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

Also next door to them was found the cottage of the Presidential Administrator Alexandra Kolpakova, the alleged sister of the ex-head of the “banking” department of the FSB and a probable relative of the head of the security Dmitry Medvedev— M Ikhail Mikheev, from whom journalists had previously found n in the village of Razdory.

“But most of the land in the village belongs to the family of FSO State Secretary Nikolai Kondratyuk, who is called the “supply manager” Viktor Zolotov", the former head of the presidential security service (SBP FSO), and now the commander of the Russian Guard," Republic notes.

Kondratyuk's journalists counted several land plots with a total area of ​​1.85 hectares. The cost of the land, together with the cottages and outbuildings built on it, can be about 900 million rubles.

The property is not registered in the name of the FSO general himself. The owners of the land are his wife and persons related to his family. Data taken from Rosreestr. Let us recall that earlier Nikolai Kondratyuk spoke in the State Duma, presenting a bill that expanded the powers of the FSO and allowed the agency to classify information about the property of officials. Soon after this, the FSO prepared a law and departments.

Kondratyuk’s official income last year amounted to 24 million rubles, and previously it did not exceed 12 million rubles. At this level of income, the general would have needed to serve for many decades to save up for the real estate attributed to him.

“With an annual income of almost 11.7 million rubles (this is how much on average Kondratyuk earned annually in 2016–2018), the Secretary of State would need about 76 years to acquire all of the mentioned real estate,” notes Repubic.

In last year’s declaration, Kondratyuk also indicated a land plot with an area of ​​2.6 thousand square meters. meters, residential building of 160.1 sq. meters, garage and outbuilding.

You can read about where and what kind of country houses law enforcement officers and intelligence officers have in the material ““.

Search by " Nikolay Kondratyuk". Results: Kondratyuk - 19, Nikolay - 5197.

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1. Putin’s personal security was built on Rublyovka. In 2014, Alexander Kolpakov was appointed manager of the presidential affairs of Russia; Alexander Kolpakov Sergei Shcherbakov, FSO Major General and President of the Moscow Federation “Universal Fight”; Sergey Shcherbakov Nikolay Kondratyuk In 2014, Alexander Kolpakov was appointed manager of the presidential affairs of Russia; Alexander Kolpakov Sergei Shcherbakov, FSO Major General and President of the Moscow Federation “Universal Fight”; Sergey Shcherbakov Nikolay. The first head of the FSO security service in Crimea from 2014 to 2017, and today - State Secretary and Deputy Director of the FSO. Nikolay Exactly
, as several of his colleagues from the FSO told Novaya Gazeta on condition of anonymity, was the main character in... In 2014, Alexander Kolpakov was appointed manager of the presidential affairs of Russia; Alexander Kolpakov Sergei Shcherbakov, FSO Major General and President of the Moscow Federation “Universal Fight”; Sergey Shcherbakov Nikolay Date: November 20, 2018 2. Resort under the thumb of the UDP.
- head of the FSO security service in Crimea. In 2014, Alexander Kolpakov was appointed manager of the presidential affairs of Russia; Alexander Kolpakov Sergei Shcherbakov, FSO Major General and President of the Moscow Federation “Universal Fight”; Sergey Shcherbakov Nikolay Date: 04/22/2015 3. The man from the palace. In 2014, Alexander Kolpakov was appointed manager of the presidential affairs of Russia; Alexander Kolpakov Sergei Shcherbakov, FSO Major General and President of the Moscow Federation “Universal Fight”; Sergey Shcherbakov Nikolay The co-founders were three more FSO employees, including a certain
. And this is where things start to get interesting. From 2008 to 2012 In 2014, Alexander Kolpakov was appointed manager of the presidential affairs of Russia; Alexander Kolpakov Sergei Shcherbakov, FSO Major General and President of the Moscow Federation “Universal Fight”; Sergey Shcherbakov Nikolay headed the administration of the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region, after which he moved to work “in the central apparatus of the FSO.” Date: 06/16/2014 4. Vladimir Vdovichenkov was the first to hit the shooter.... 11.2010 They are looking for the Yeltsins’ neighbor for the execution of Vdovichenkov In 2014, Alexander Kolpakov was appointed manager of the presidential affairs of Russia; Alexander Kolpakov Sergei Shcherbakov, FSO Major General and President of the Moscow Federation “Universal Fight”; Sergey Shcherbakov Nikolay Life News has learned the name of the owner of the jeep who fled on Wednesday from the scene of the shooting of 39-year-old actor Vladimir Vdovichenkov. According to documents, the Nissan X-Trail belongs to the head of the administration of the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region - a 53-year-old
Nicholas In 2014, Alexander Kolpakov was appointed manager of the presidential affairs of Russia; Alexander Kolpakov Sergei Shcherbakov, FSO Major General and President of the Moscow Federation “Universal Fight”; Sergey Shcherbakov Nikolay. Earlier, Novaya Gazeta found plots of land in another area of ​​Rublyovka - Gorki-2 - from the family of a federal security officer. But, as Project found out, the source is Rosreestr data, Date: 06/16/2014 4. Vladimir Vdovichenkov was the first to hit the shooter. and Alla Kondratyuk owned 3.6 thousand square meters since 2002. m of land here, in Gorki-10.. Now only Alla owns them Nikolay, judging by the fact that the plot passed to her through marriage...
Date: 05/23/2019 6. Declarations of officials of the Presidential Administration - 2016. Mr. Kolpakov, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, remained a co-founder of non-profit partnerships near Moscow - the NP of individual developers “Znamenskie Prostory” in “Gorki-2” and the NP of land users “Zarya” in Odintsovo , Mrs. Kolpakova is a member of the HOA “On Osennyaya” in Moscow (in all three legal entities their partner is the ex-head of the administration of the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region In 2014, Alexander Kolpakov was appointed manager of the presidential affairs of Russia; Alexander Kolpakov Sergei Shcherbakov, FSO Major General and President of the Moscow Federation “Universal Fight”; Sergey Shcherbakov Nikolay).
Date: 05/22/2017 7. The heads of the special services reported on income for 2018 - insert] In second place among the heads of the special services is the Deputy Director of the FSO (State Secretary) In 2014, Alexander Kolpakov was appointed manager of the presidential affairs of Russia; Alexander Kolpakov Sergei Shcherbakov, FSO Major General and President of the Moscow Federation “Universal Fight”; Sergey Shcherbakov Nikolay, who indicated in the declaration an income of 24.3 million rubles. The document does not explain the origin of these funds.
Date: 05/06/2019 8. Spanish cell of Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev) for €1 million. In 2014, Alexander Kolpakov was appointed manager of the presidential affairs of Russia; Alexander Kolpakov Sergei Shcherbakov, FSO Major General and President of the Moscow Federation “Universal Fight”; Sergey Shcherbakov Gorelov, having lost his son and wife and was left without a livelihood, became seriously ill and needed help. This is, so to speak, the humanitarian price of the magnificent Russian church in Spanish Altea. During the time after the consecration, due to the conflicting nature of the owner, the temple changed 5 abbots. The penultimate of them is Fr. Adam Nikolay- fled to the neighboring city of Benidorm, where “from scratch” he began to build a temple in the name of St. Seraphim of Sarov.
Date: 12/24/2019 9. Four apartments in Moscow, two hectares of land in the Moscow region. In 2014, Alexander Kolpakov was appointed manager of the presidential affairs of Russia; Alexander Kolpakov Sergei Shcherbakov, FSO Major General and President of the Moscow Federation “Universal Fight”; Sergey Shcherbakov Nikolay Among the local residents, Republic found numerous people from the Federal Security Service and their families: the head of the presidential affairs, the brothers of the governors of the Tula and Yaroslavl regions, a probable relative of the head of the security service, Dmitry Medvedev, and the main landowners turned out to be the state secretary of the FSO
and his sons. In 2014, Alexander Kolpakov was appointed manager of the presidential affairs of Russia; Alexander Kolpakov Sergei Shcherbakov, FSO Major General and President of the Moscow Federation “Universal Fight”; Sergey Shcherbakov Nikolay- headed the Security Service in Crimea from 2014 to 2017, later took the post of deputy director of the FSO - sent a letter to the Crimean branch of Rosreestr with a request not to be included in the unified cadastral database (USRN...
Date: 12/11/2019 11.

The president's guards built an elite village for themselves 2 km from Putin's residence

The publication found the largest landowner in the estate where generals and the FSO live. He turned out to be the State Secretary of the FSO, whose family owns real estate worth about 900 million rubles. Officers of the Federal Security Service and their colleagues from the state security prefer to settle next to the Novo-Ogarevo residence. A 10-minute drive from the estates of the country's first person, they discovered the closed elite village "Znamenskiye Prostory", in which mainly former and current employees live - the manager of the president's affairs, the alleged sister of the ex-head of the "banking" department, the brothers of the governors of the Tula and Yaroslavl regions ( immigrants from the FSO), a probable relative of the head of the security. But most of the land in the village belongs to the family of FSO State Secretary Nikolai Kondratyuk, who is called the “supply manager of Viktor Zolotov,” the former head of the presidential security service (SBP FSO), and now the commander of the Russian Guard. The face of the presidential guard “Attempts by radical forces to influence the internal political situation in the Russian Federation do not stop. State authorities and citizens are faced with new challenges and threats,” Nikolai Kondratyuk looked away from the papers lying in front of him on the podium for a split second, looked at the hall from under his half-glasses and continued reading, stuttering. In the spring of 2017, short, with with a receding hairline and a slightly wrinkled suit, the 63-year-old State Secretary of the Federal Security Service presented in the State Duma a bill that expanded the powers of the FSO and, in particular, allowed the department to classify information about the property of officials. The deputies asked the general several routine questions, after which they approved the document. It was signed by the president in the summer. Kondratyuk is the only high-ranking FSO employee who periodically speaks publicly. Thus, he spoke out in support of blocking the Telegram messenger, proposed banning the flights of quadcopters over protected objects, spoke at the opening of an exhibition of cars of Nicholas II and accepted the children of FSO officers into the ranks of the Yunarmiya. Such openness is rare for one of the most secret departments in Russia. The leaders, with the exception of Kondratyuk, do not communicate with the press, its structure is kept secret. At the same time, the FSO in recent years has been perhaps the main forge of personnel: heads of regions and even ministers are recruited from among Vladimir Putin’s former guards. Now everyone knows Governor Alexey Dyumin and the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Evgeny Zinichev well. But before such appointments, FSO generals are known only to a narrow circle close to Vladimir Putin. Against the background of such secrecy, Nikolai Fedorovich Kondratyuk stands out noticeably. This is a man from Putin’s generation, with a similar background. Born in 1954, he worked all his life in the state security agencies, says an interlocutor close to the leadership. His career took off after Putin settled in the Kremlin. In 2002, Kondratyuk, together with his colleagues in the FSO, established the non-profit partnership Zarya. Soon, Zarya acquired land in the village of Soloslovo from Agrocomplex Gorki-2 (the owners are Forbes list members David Yakobashvili and Gavriil Yushvaev, as well as Timofey Klinovsky, who is called the “owner of Rublyovka”) and distributed it among employees of the Federal Security Service. Kondratyuk played a key role in this process, Novaya Gazeta wrote. “He is close to Viktor Vasilyevich (Zolotov, at that time the head of the presidential security service). Consider him a “supply manager under Zolotov,” Kondratyuk’s former colleague told the publication. According to Novaya's calculations, Zarya's revenue from the sale of the plots amounted to only 6 million rubles, although their market value is approximately 60–120 times more.

The head of the Russian Guard Viktor Zolotov and the director of the FSO Dmitry Kochnev played an important role in the career of Nikolai Kondratyuk

In the 2000s, Kondratyuk, in the status of a seconded employee, worked at the capital’s mayor’s office as an assistant to Yuri Luzhkov, and then received his first public position. In 2008–2012, he headed the administration of the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region, on the territory of which the residences of the top officials of the state are located and where the Zarya partnership has already established itself. The local press reported that he remained an active FSO general and resigned from the post of Odintsovo leader to move to the central apparatus. For four years, local residents have not really gotten to know the head of the district: “Few citizens even know what the former head of the administration looks like. Not to mention the declaration of his income, which the citizens of the Odintsovo district never saw.” But a new mission awaited the Odintsovo boss. In 2014, a month after the annexation of Crimea, a FSO unit was created on the peninsula, headed by Kondratyuk. He worked in this position until 2017, after which (like other secret and overt heroes of Crimea) he made a rapid career in the central apparatus, moving up to the top and becoming State Secretary and Deputy Director of the FSO. Kondratyuk’s declarations have been available on the FSO websites since 2016 of the year. During this time, he earned almost 35 million rubles, but only through the sale of real estate in 2018. However, the general is probably a much wealthier man. Znamenskie expanses“The territory of the village has several levels of security. Professional private security companies are militarized and patrol the territories. Passage is carried out only through the checkpoint gates, says the description on the real estate agency’s website. – This place is chosen by respectable, wealthy, decent people. If you want to join a slow-paced life, find friendly, intelligent neighbors and friends, and relax in an ecologically clean area, then choose housing here.” A typical property for sale in Znamenskiye Prostory is a plot of about 18 acres and a house of 500 sq. m. meters, generously decorated with turrets and balconies. Such real estate will cost a modest 70 million rubles by local standards. More complex design solutions cost more. For example, for 25 acres of land and 800 sq. meters of the house, as well as for colorful wallpaper, massive dark furniture, heavy crystal chandeliers, tapestries with hunting scenes, an orange sofa and mirrors in gold frames they are asking almost 152 million rubles. On average, one hundred square meters without buildings on the site can be purchased for 2.1 million rubles.

Around there is a forest and a bend of the Moscow River, a little to the north is the Petrovo-Dalneye estate, which belonged to the princely family of Golitsyn. But most importantly, “Znamenskiye Prostory” is one of the closest elite villages to the presidential residence: “Novo-Ogarevo” is only two kilometers away, if you move towards Moscow. The road goes through the forest past several FSO facilities, but for the inhabitants of the village this is unlikely to become an obstacle: many of them themselves served in the department or still work there, and in leadership positions. Among them is the family of Nikolai Kondratyuk. The general’s relatives and persons associated with him own almost 1.85 hectares of land in Znamenskiye Prostory, according to Rosreestr data. For comparison, the same amount would be occupied by two and a half football fields of the capital's Luzhniki stadium. The Secretary of State himself now owns only one plot (it was purchased in 2005 and is indicated in the declaration). The rest are registered to Gleb Nikolaevich and Oleg Nikolaevich Kondratyukov. This is the name of the deputy director’s sons, Novaya Gazeta wrote. Oleg was born in 1987, Gleb - in 1989. They began to explore the Moscow region real estate market at a very young age: when they were 17 and 15 years old, respectively, they received land in the village of Soloslovo. They acquired property in Znamenskiye Prostory in 2009–2014. In calculating the holdings of the general’s family, he took into account Gleb Kondratyuk’s neighbor, Olga Alexandrova. Formally, according to the cadastral map, their plots are not united and are only located next to each other. But in reality, they are surrounded by one fence. And the house located on these plots belongs equally to Alexandrova and Kondratyuk. It is unlikely that the general’s son would share the property with a stranger. Two plots are now empty, their area is 6164 square meters. meters, and the cost is almost 130 million rubles. Another plot of 1500 sq. m Kondratyuk Sr. sold back in 2002. Now such a plot could cost 31.5 million rubles.

The rest of the land is developed: the Kondratyuks and Alexandrova have six houses, two of which are townhouses for two families. Three houses of 500 sq. m. meters and the land under them will cost 70 million rubles, 300 sq. meters in a townhouse (this is exactly half the house) - 40 million rubles. This is probably an investment property: it is for sale.

Plot of 3459 sq. meters and a house with an area of ​​just over 650 square meters. meters is not for sale, but on the websites of realtors you can find a neighboring dacha similar in parameters to the Kondratyuks’ house. The dacha is valued at 363 million rubles. The market value of the entire property of the family of the State Secretary of the FSO in Znamensky Expanses, if we sum up the above figures, can be about 894 million rubles. With an annual income of almost 11.7 million rubles (this is how much Kondratyuk earned on average annually in 2016–2018), it would take the Secretary of State about 76 years to acquire all of the mentioned real estate. General's sons The young man put his hand behind his back, took out a pistol and fired several shots almost point-blank. The bullets hit Vladimir Vdovichenkov in the chin and chest. This is not a scene from the TV series “Brigade”, which made the actor famous. The incident occurred in November 2010 in the center of Moscow: two crossovers were unable to pass each other on a narrow section of the road, the drivers quarreled and almost came to blows. It seemed that the conflict was over, Vdovichenkov was already driving, but suddenly found himself under fire. He was released from the hospital on the same day: the weapon was traumatic and did not cause serious harm. And law enforcement agencies soon stopped checking because the motorists abandoned their mutual claims and withdrew their statements. The shooter at the actor was 21-year-old Gleb Kondratyuk, the youngest son of Nikolai Kondratyuk. At that time, he and his brother studied at MGIMO in the programs “international private and civil law” and “financial: securities market”. There is nothing to indicate that after university they were able to earn a fortune in order to independently buy luxury real estate on Rublevskoye Shosse: at least, they do not hold senior positions in Russian companies and do not own shares in organizations, it follows from the register of legal entities. Three years ago Gleb Kondratyuk registered an individual entrepreneur, but it is unknown how profitable this activity can be. Over the past two years, the son of the Secretary of State has been actively investing in the purchase of debtors' property and city property through tenders. Thus, one of his most profitable acquisitions was non-residential premises with an area of ​​more than 650 square meters. meters on Vavilova Street near the Profsoyuznaya metro station. With a starting price of 71.3 million rubles, he got this lot for 39.2 million rubles. Another purchase - a hotel complex in the Tarussky district of the Kaluga region: 1.5 hectares of land and a four-story building with an estimated cost of 45.7 million rubles went to Kondratyuk Jr. for 17.1 million rubles, as follows from the tender documentation. There is no mention of business Alla Kondratyuk, whom Novaya Gazeta called the general’s wife. Judging by extracts from Rosreestr, the couple separated in 2011, sharing housing. Alla Kondratyuk still has a small apartment on Plyushchikha. The deputy director of the FSO himself and his sons owned an apartment on Osennyaya Street in Krylatskoye since 2009, but sold it in the summer of 2019. Lands of the Dyumins, Mikheevs and Mironovs A considerable part of “Znamenskiye Prostorki” at various times belonged to state security officers, primarily people from the FSO. Thus, an empty plot of 3082 sq. meters since 2005, owned by the current head of the presidential administration, Alexander Kolpakov. Until 2014, he “was involved in economic work in the FSO for a long time and in high positions” and worked as deputy head of the FSO special communications and information service. In 2015, as follows from Rosreestr data, he sold the land. His declarations suggest that he received approximately 69 million rubles for the plot - this is exactly the difference between his income in 2014 and 2015; He did not sell any other real estate. Nearby, on 33 acres, there is a house with an area of ​​almost 1200 square meters. meters, which belongs to Natalya Nikolaevna Mikheeva. The cost of these properties can exceed 400 million rubles. Novaya Gazeta suggested that the property of the head of security, deputy head of the SBP FSO, Mikhail Mikheev, was registered under Natalya Mikheeva. “It was possible to convey information to Medvedev, in particular, through the head of his security, Mikhail Mikheev,” Vedomosti wrote (the publication is not currently on the website). – Medvedev and Mikheev have developed a trusting relationship. And Medvedev’s gentleness led to the fact that various businessmen began to come to Mikheev with requests.” There are also relatives of other important people from the FSO. For example, two plots were owned by developer Yevgeny Mironov, the brother of the governor of the Yaroslavl region, who worked in the security service of the president. And one of the central houses in the village is occupied by another developer - Artem Dyumin, brother of the governor of the Tula region Alexei Dyumin, who also served in the SBP. Artem Dyumin bought several plots in Znamenskiye Prostory from Irina Klimentyeva, the wife of the first deputy director of the FSO and the personal adjutant of the President Oleg Klimentyev. Neighboring them are a native of the KGB, former Secretary General of the Collective Security Treaty Organization Nikolai Bordyuzha and Angelina Mefodievna Baluevskaya - the wife of the former head of the General Staff and member of the Russian Security Council Yuri Baluevsky. Several more plots belonged to Larisa Gennadievna Voronina. The same name is the sister of the former head of department “K” of the economic security service Viktor Voronin, RBC wrote and confirmed by an interlocutor close to the management. Voronin held this post from 2004–2016 and was responsible for combating the banking sector and other financial institutions. In the spring of 2019, former subordinates of Voronin were arrested on charges of taking bribes, who could be connected with the protection of banks. One plot of 2499 sq. meters was owned by Larisa Voronina in 2007–2011. The market value of this land could be about 52.5 million rubles. Soon after the sale of the property, the general’s sister received 10% in the Blago group of companies. This is one of the largest producers of vegetable oil in Russia, existing on the market since 1993. Former Deputy Minister of Agriculture Alexei Bazhanov accused the main owner of the Blago Group of Companies, Arkady Fosman, and General Voronin of a raider takeover of his business. Larisa Voronina owned another plot of 3,668 square meters. meter, which she bought in 2013, built a house there (832.7 sq. meters) and a garage (228.1 sq. meters). The approximate cost is about 300 million rubles. She sold this property at the end of June 2019. The deal coincided with the arrest of ex-colleagues of the former head of department “K”. Zinichev's rooms Another fact speaks about the nature of the relationship between the generals and Putin’s guards. They not only live together in elite estates, but even pass on to each other – probably as a kind of amulets – elite license plates of cars of the “protective” KMR77 series. Such combinations are usually used in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and in, but in recent years the number can be legally purchased through the traffic police. However, few people succeed in this. “By purchasing a criminal number KMR77, you will protect yourself from outright rudeness on the road, get rid of unfounded claims from the traffic police and be able to feel more comfortable and safe behind the wheel,” note resellers, offering to purchase a number from them for 400 thousand rubles. According to two interlocutors who have access to the traffic police database, one of the numbers went to Kondratyuk’s sons after it was used by the already mentioned Evgeny Zinichev, the president’s personal adjutant, who during his career briefly headed the Kaliningrad region and served as deputy director , and now heads the Ministry of Emergency Situations. It is unknown how much exactly the state security officers and their relatives purchased land in the “security guards’ village.” But based on indirect evidence, one can judge that they got it much cheaper than the market value. Thus, the first owners of Znamenskie Prostori were Agrocomplex Gorki-2, which sold land in Soloslovo to the presidential guards much cheaper, and the Veterok company. In the reports of the agricultural complex one can find references to the cost of selling some plots in Znamenskie Prostor - it is tens of times lower than the price currently indicated on the websites of real estate agencies. Veterok does not publish detailed reports, but it can be assumed that this land did not bring fabulous profits to the company: the organization’s accounting papers have been available since 2009, and during all this time the maximum revenue did not exceed 2 million rubles.

The FSO receives a free right to aircraft and other vessels - first reading. Andrey Svintsov How will the owners report later? Alexey Kurinny Recorded free of charge, the burden will fall on passengers Was there really no ban on foreign real estate before? Hartung You can block the operation of any facility and liquidate it as a business. And in principle, SR will support the bill.
10. 99654-7 The State Duma, as a result of discussion, approved the first reading bill “On amendments to the Federal Law “On State Security” and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” (aimed at increasing the efficiency of the activities of state security authorities in ensuring the safety of state security facilities and protecting protected objects ).
The document was introduced on February 11, 2017 by the President.
Presented by State Secretary - Deputy Director of the FSO Nikolai Kondratyuk.
Chairman of the Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption Vasily Piskarev.
The bill proposes:
1) grant state security bodies the right to:
- use airports, airfields, heliports, landing sites, sea and river ports free of charge, as well as receive flight and navigation support free of charge;
- ensure the security of parked aircraft and other vehicles used for transport services or ensuring the security of state security facilities;
- temporarily restrict or prohibit the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the routes of passage of state security facilities;
2) provide that citizens of the Russian Federation cannot be hired or employed by state security bodies also in the following cases: they have a criminal record (including expunged or expunged); exemption from criminal liability on non-rehabilitative grounds; carrying out business activities; use of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances without a doctor’s prescription, as well as new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances;
3) clarify the procedure for seconding military personnel of state security agencies to state bodies and organizations, the rules for the use of physical force, special means and weapons by employees of state security agencies, as well as the procedure for the alienation of property registered to them outside the Russian Federation;
4) establish the specifics of serving in state security agencies, while for certain categories of employees of state security agencies, an irregular working day and annual additional leave of up to 10 days are established;
5) legislate that the service ID of an employee of the state security authorities is a document confirming the identity, position, rights and powers granted to the employee of the state security authorities by this Federal Law, other Federal Laws and other regulatory legal acts of Russia, as well as the right to store and bear arms and special means;
6) supplement the list of persons subject to mandatory state fingerprint registration with employees of state security agencies;
7) not to extend the application of the Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation and the Inland Water Transport Code of the Russian Federation to ships used for the purposes of transport services and (or) ensuring the safety of state security facilities;
8) provide for the coordination of mandatory regulations in the seaport with the Federal Security Service of Russia in the event that the seaport, naval base or location of ships used for transport services or ensuring the security of state security facilities have adjacent water areas.
First reading 418 0 1 12:37

Transcript of discussion
10th question. On the draft federal law "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On State Security" and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation." Report of the official representative of the President of the Russian Federation, Secretary of State - Deputy Director of the Federal Security Service Nikolai Fedorovich Kondratyuk. Please.
Kondratyuk N.F., official representative of the President of the Russian Federation, State Secretary - Deputy Director of the Federal Security Service.
Dear Alexander Dmitrievich! Dear deputies!
More than five years have passed since the last significant changes were made to the Federal Law “On State Security”. During this period, the legislation of the Russian Federation, including in the field of defense, state security and law enforcement, was significantly reformed and improved, numerous changes were made to legislative acts regulating the activities of state bodies in ensuring security, the powers of these bodies and issues of ensuring their activities.
At the same time, this period is also characterized by a complicated foreign policy situation. Attempts by radical forces to influence the internal political situation in the Russian Federation do not stop. The state as a whole, public authorities and citizens are faced with new challenges and threats. These complex and extraordinary conditions raise the need to improve the legislative framework and increase the efficiency of the activities of state security bodies to ensure the safety of state security facilities and the protection of protected objects, as well as the staffing of these bodies and the procedure for serving and working.
In this regard, the draft federal law “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On State Security” and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” submitted by the President of the Russian Federation to the State Duma has important practical significance for the implementation of the tasks facing state security authorities.
The changes proposed by the bill are aimed both at improving legal regulation and fulfilling the tasks of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the purpose and related powers of state security bodies, and at strengthening military and labor discipline, as well as optimizing and staffing state security bodies.
Thus, in particular, the project provides for clarification of the concept of “protected object”, changing the list of persons from among foreign citizens subject to state protection, defining as a measure of state protection the provision of communications to the object of state security for the needs of state security authorities, vesting state security authorities with a number of additional rights related to the implementation of state protection.
In addition, the bill contains provisions clarifying the procedure for employees of state security agencies when using physical force, special means and weapons, as well as rules expanding the list of grounds for refusal to enroll in military service or employment and dismissal from service or employment.
The bill intends to supplement the Federal Law “On State Security” with an article establishing the requirements, obligations, prohibitions and restrictions associated with military service in state security agencies, and responsibility for their failure to comply, as well as a provision on irregular working hours for management personnel and certain categories employees, based on the specifics of the activities of the FSO of Russia, and the need to comply with the principle of continuity in the implementation of state protection and to provide them with additional annual leave.
The implementation of the bill will not require additional allocation of federal budget funds and will be carried out within the budget allocations provided for in the federal budget for state security agencies.
The adoption of the bill will not entail negative socio-economic consequences and will not require changes, suspension, adoption or recognition as invalid of other legislative acts of the Russian Federation, except those specified in the bill, as well as regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation.
The bill complies with the provisions of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union and other international treaties of the Russian Federation and will not affect the achievement of the goals of the state program of the Russian Federation.
I believe it is necessary to emphasize once again that the introduction of the changes proposed by the bill will help to increase the efficiency of the activities of state security authorities in ensuring the security of state security facilities and the protection of protected objects, carried out for the purposes of security and the unhindered exercise of state power in the Russian Federation and the fulfillment of international obligations by the Russian Federation.
In connection with the above, I ask the State Duma to support the bill and pass it in the first reading.

Co-report by Vasily Ivanovich Piskarev. Please.
Piskarev V.I., Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption, UNITED RUSSIA faction.
Thanks a lot.
Dear Alexander Dmitrievich, colleagues!
Official representative of the President Nikolai Fedorovich Kondratyuk outlined the concept of the bill in detail and comprehensively. In addition to what has been said, I would like to focus on the following.
The current Federal Law “On State Security” was adopted back in 1996, and since that time there have been practically no changes to this law on issues of rights, powers and staffing.
Therefore, the bill proposes to vest state security agencies with powers that are currently already vested in other special services and law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation.
In particular, by analogy with the FSB of Russia and the National Guard, the bill proposes to give state security agencies the right to free use of airfields, landing sites of sea and river ports, regardless of their form of ownership.
An important addition is the clarification of the rules for the use of physical force, special means and weapons, similar to how this process is regulated in the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Guard.
Thus, an additional guarantee appears that excludes the unreasonable use of physical force, special equipment and weapons.
In addition, the bill proposes to expand the list of cases in the event of which the right to use available means arises, including vehicles, when an emergency arises, or when the necessary defense arises and in the absence of the possibility of using special means.
It is worth noting that the FSB of Russia, the Russian National Guard and the police have similar rights.
And no less important, colleagues, is the addition of this tightening of requirements for citizens who enter service in state security agencies, as well as those who are already serving. The requirements for strict compliance with the Code of Ethics and Official Conduct are increasing, and the requirements for strict compliance with other rights and obligations are increasing. There are a number of restrictions and conditions, non-compliance with which excludes service in state security agencies.
Thus, the bill is aimed exclusively at increasing the efficiency of state security activities. The adoption of the bill will not require additional funding from the federal budget. The Legal Department of the State Duma Apparatus also has no conceptual comments on the bill.
The bill was considered at a meeting of the Security and Anti-Corruption Committee on March 23 of this year and was unanimously supported.
Dear colleagues, I ask you to support the decision of the relevant committee and pass the bill in the first reading.
Thank you for your attention.
Chairman. Thank you.
Will there be any questions?
Turn on question recording mode.
Show the list.
Neil o v Oleg Anatolyevich, please.
Nilov O. A., faction "A JUST RUSSIA".
Question for Nikolai Fedorovich. Dear Nikolai Fedorovich! If it’s a small state secret, can you name how many objects of state protection we have, meaning officials, if possible, show it in dynamics, how this number changes, increases, decreases? Well, there are proposals, for example, to reduce the number of such officials, including our various bills, to reduce them to almost several dozen.
In general, how do you feel about this in order, yes, to increase the capabilities of the security service, to increase protection, but by reducing the number of such officials? Well, of course, the corresponding reactions of many citizens are known when they stand in traffic jams for half an hour or more on the occasion of such officials being allowed to pass. Thank you.
Kondratyuk N. F. The number is determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, it indicates who has the right to state protection, eight such persons are officially registered, the rest are all by order of the President of the Russian Federation, which... Since our state still carries out large international activities , a lot of leaders and representatives of various states come to us, so their number varies depending on the activity of our foreign policy activities.
If you personally need to quantify statistics, let me present them to you individually.
Chairman. Svintsov Andrey Nikolaevich. Svintsov A.N., LDPR faction. Dear Nikolai Fedorovich!
So you propose to add subparagraph 8 to Article 15, paragraph “b”, it says about the free use of airfields, heliports, and another phrase: “Ensuring their activities.” Now, if I understand correctly, or correct it, that is, this is probably the supply of fuel, maybe some other services.
Tell me, please, how will the owners, if they are private owners, then report to the tax and other authorities, to their shareholders? If I correctly interpreted your proposal regarding subparagraph 8, that, indeed, to ensure the safety of first persons, objects must be used free of charge, but then here is the further development of events from the point of view of the tax authority, how will they then explain all this ? Are there any certificates or anything else?
Kondratyuk N.F. I’ll tell you this. The point is that the state generally pays for services. The owners of private heliports and other infrastructure projects have relevant agreements in this regard.
In this case, the FSO is relieved of this burden of having direct relations with, so to speak, the owners of these enterprises. Thus, in this case, the Government of the Russian Federation pays for the same fuel, for the same services that are provided, just like the FSB, just like the Russian Guard.
Chairman. Turn on the central stand.
Piska roar V.I. Yes, the question also caused a discussion in the committee. We propose to hold separate consultations with the FSO on this item and regulate this situation either with amendments or another wording. By the second reading, colleagues, there will be a completely clear picture of how this paragraph of Article 10... 15 will be finally formulated. Chairman. Kurinny Alexey Vladimirovich. Kuriniii.iii A.V., Communist Party faction. Yes, in continuation, Nikolai Fedorovich.
Indeed, the law says it is free of charge; no compensation is provided there. And what you say, the FSO will not interact in any way with private, non-private - any joint stock companies, this suggests that the financial burden will still be there, and in the end it will be redistributed, which means, to the rest of the citizens, to passengers, with whom we are talking, and the FSO does not seem to require additional costs, as written in your financial and economic justification. I would like clarity, maybe not for the second reading, but now.
And secondly, with regard to the possibility of entire water bodies, the transfer of entire water bodies under protection, that is, accordingly, access to them will be limited or completely prohibited. What is meant by a water body in this provision, and how many of these water bodies are currently under protection or are planned to be taken under protection?
Well, one last thing. This is what concerns the ban on FSO employees owning foreign real estate. Was this ban really not there before?
Kondratyuk N. F. Currently, the FSO has a number of water-related facilities, but they are small, ship berths, firstly, which serve the head of state.
As for this formulation, here the question is understood as, if in this territory, well, a ship and auxiliary support and security vessels enter the port, then this place, it is, as it were, allocated for, say, car parking and security these ships. That's all.
Chairman. Maksimov Vasily Yurievich. Maksimov V. Yu., faction "UNITED RUSSIA".
Nikolai Fedorovich, a question for you. There is an interesting point here, an addition. Provide that citizens of the Russian Federation cannot be recruited or employed by state security bodies in the event of carrying out entrepreneurial activities. This is how it should be understood that if a person was once engaged in entrepreneurial activity, he cannot get into service in the FSO? Or how is this point generally interpreted?
Kondratyuk N.F. He cannot conduct business while in the service. That's what we're talking about.
Chairman. Vodolatsky Viktor Petrovich.
Vodolatsky V.P. Nikolay Fedorovich, there are FSO departments not only in Moscow, but also in other subjects and federal districts. Will these standards also apply to them? And wouldn’t there be some element of corruption here if the head of a department in some region uses airplanes and helicopters at his own discretion? Thank you.
Kondratyuk N.F. In all districts there are no helicopters or airplanes. They simply cannot be there a priori. And he must fulfill those requirements when preparing the events that we are now discussing.
Chairman. Alshevskikh Andrey Gennadievich.
Alshevskikh A.G., faction "UNITED RUSSIA".
Thank you.
Nikolai Fedorovich, tell me, the law was adopted quite a long time ago, in 1996, they say, and judging by the co-rapporteur’s speech, it has not been adjusted or edited for a long time. But, based on the wording, paragraph 4, what is in the following edition, well, like a new edition: protected objects, buildings, structures, structures, and of course, adjacent land plots, territories, water areas and so on, What is the situation regarding the airspace above these protected objects? Because today there are quite a lot of technical equipment that can be in the air, hover, film, and so on. That is, it’s like a question of this nature. Is this already reflected somewhere or is it advisable to stipulate that in addition to land plots and water areas, the air space above protected objects is also included?
Kondratyuk N.F. But the fact is that at the moment the legislation of the Russian Federation is such that we do not protect the airspace. The airspace is protected by the Ministry of Defense.
Chairman. Kolomeytsev Nikolay Vasilievich.
Kolomeytsev N.V. Thank you.
Question for Vasily Ivanovich.
Dear Vasily Ivanovich, given, say, the adoption of this law and a number of others on the primacy of the subordination of certain services to certain officials, is there a conflict between the special services here? And did you hold synchronized, perhaps closed, hearings, so as not to create a problem for the future at the border?
Piskarev V.I. Nikolai Vasilievich, there is no conflict in this situation. We have synchronized, everything is fine and you can rest assured that the law is targeted and exclusively aimed at increasing the efficiency of ensuring the protection of state security facilities.
Chairman. Marchenko Evgeniy Evgenievich. Marchenko E. E., faction "UNITED RUSSIA".
Nikolai Fedorovich, I have the following question. Here, a candidate for the position of security officer or security officer has large accounts payable, for example, he took out loans from a bank and does not repay them, has writs of execution for this debt, or, even worse, declares bankruptcy.
Don’t you consider it necessary to introduce this restriction into the law, so to speak, on hiring him to work in the Federal Security Service? Thank you.
Kondratyuk N. F. Your remark and proposal are interesting. Allow us to consider this in due course.
Chairman. Thank you. Will there be anyone willing to speak? Turn on recording mode. Show the list. Break until 12.30. Speeches after the break.
(After the break)
Chairman of the State Duma V.V. Volodin presides
Chairman. Dear colleagues, please register.
Please enable registration mode. Please show your registration results.
Registration results (12 hours 31 minutes 05 seconds)
427 people present 94.9%
Absent 23 people 5.1%
There are 450 deputies in total.
Not registered 23 people 5.1%
Result: there is a quorum. There are 427 deputies present in the hall, 23 are absent, there is a quorum. Colleagues, we continue our consideration of issue 10. We stopped at performances.
Please, from "A JUST RUSSIA" Gartung Valery Karlovich.
Gartung V.K. Dear Vyacheslav Viktorovich! Dear Colleagues!
Of course, the bill introduced by the president is relevant, necessary and solves many problems that the state faces. At the same time, we have questions regarding the text of the bill. In particular, they have already been mentioned in the questions asked.
Well, first of all, we are talking about the fact that the FSO now has the authority to block roads, it does exist. Moreover, we know law enforcement practice, and we also know the reaction of citizens to this. Although according to the Constitution the number of protected persons is limited, nevertheless, by presidential orders this list is expanded. And law enforcement practice is such that it causes extreme irritation for motorists when they are stuck in hour-long traffic jams and, strictly speaking, we probably need to take some measures in order to somehow resolve this situation.
As for the highest officials of the state, that is, as far as I know, this problem is being solved in alternative ways.
Well, as for other protected persons, unfortunately, it is probably because of their passage that people suffer the most.
And the second note. This applies to the use of private infrastructure: airfields, heliports, ports, and so on, free of charge. Well, this may seem like an extreme situation, but if you judge by the letter of the law, as written here, then in fact, under the pretext of necessary needs, you can actually block the work of any such infrastructure facility that is privately owned and actually liquidate it as a business.
So that such extremes are even theoretically impossible... I understand that maybe this is an extreme position, an extreme situation, but so that even theoretically there is no such possibility, it seems to me that by the second reading it will be necessary to look at this situation and refine it . In general, A JUST RUSSIA supports this bill in the first reading. Thank you.
Chairman. Please, Valeev Ernest Abdulovich, "UNITED RUSSIA".
Valeev E. A., faction "UNITED RUSSIA".
Dear Vyacheslav Viktorovich! Dear Colleagues!
First of all, it should be noted that the bill does not contain any legal innovations that would be included in our legal system. As already noted, the law “On State Protection” was adopted in 1996. After this, legislation on civil service was formed in the country, restrictions and prohibitions were introduced for civil servants, an anti-corruption legislative package was formed, adjustments were made to the powers of all law enforcement agencies: the law “On the Police”, the law “On the Federal Security Service”, the law “On the State Security Service”. border." And all this, of course, requires introducing corresponding changes to the law “On State Protection”.
Therefore, all changes introduced and proposed are contained in other laws of the Russian Federation, and the law “On State Protection” is brought into line with those laws that already exist. This is the first.
Second. The question of the need for additional discussion of the possibility of free use of airports due to the fact that since that time the order of ownership and ownership of airports, including private structures, has changed, this point was noted in the conclusion of the committee, and in preparation for the second reading we We will certainly discuss the issue and make some decision.
In this regard, the UNITED RUSSIA faction proposes to support the bill. We will vote yes. Thank you.
Chairman. Thank you.
Would the Presidential Plenipotentiary would like to speak, please? No. Governments? No. The speaker's closing remarks. Nikolai Fedorovich, please.
Kondratyuk N. F. What can I say? I am very pleased that the deputies so carefully and carefully considered the law, which will work better in the work of the Federal Security Service.
Well, I think we will further refine all the comments for the second reading. Thanks a lot.
Chairman. Thank you, Nikolai Fedorovich.
Please have a final word from the co-speaker. Vasily Ivanovich?
Dear colleagues, issue 10 of our agenda is being put to a vote - on the draft federal law “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On State Security” and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation.”
Turn on voting mode. Show the results.
Voting results (12 hours 37 minutes 16 seconds)
418 people voted for 92.9%
Voted against 0 people 0.0%
1 person abstained 0.2%
419 people voted.
31 people did not vote 6.9%
Result: adopted The bill was adopted in the first reading.

The Head of the Republic of Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov, took part in a gala event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the formation of the security agencies of the Russian Federation. The event took place at the theater. A.P. Chekhov in Yalta.

The State Secretary and Deputy Director of the Security Service of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Nikolai Kondratyuk, and the Head of the Security Service in Crimea of ​​the FSO of the Russian Federation, Yuri Basov, addressed those present and congratulated their colleagues on their professional holiday.

Then a film was shown about the difficulties of the FSO's work.

In his welcoming speech, Sergei Aksyonov congratulated the employees of the Russian security agencies on their professional holiday. The head of the republic noted that the Federal Security Service is one of the most important structures ensuring the security of the state and society.

“Dear security officials, the result of your work is brilliant. In Crimea, interaction has been achieved with the leadership of the FSO. I would like to express my gratitude to all colleagues and employees who work in ensuring security, protecting the state and generally solving state problems. For my part, I guarantee that the executive authorities will interact with you just as effectively. You and I have one task - to carry out the instructions of the President. Thank you very much for your work in Crimea!” - said the Head of Crimea.

Sergey Aksyonov also thanked the service veterans who pass on their invaluable experience to young employees.

During the event, speeches were made by the Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District, Kirill Stepanov, and the Deputy Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea, Efim Fiks.

REFERENCE. FSO Officer Day is celebrated on December 20 along with all existing state security structures. This tradition began in 1995, when the corresponding decree of the President of the Russian Federation was issued. The tasks and functions of the Federal Security Service are: organizing security measures at federal facilities, calculating and analyzing possible threats in order to prevent them and protect objects of national importance, as well as the country's leadership and the interests of the state in the domestic and international arena, ensuring the personal safety of the country's top leadership at places of permanent or temporary residence, as well as on the routes of their movement, etc.