What is cvv cvc on a bank card. Security codes CVV2 and CVC2 on plastic cards: what are they for and can they be changed? How to use the CVV2 or CVC2 security code

Do you know what cvv cvc is on a bank card? Don't know yet? What, you have a plastic card, but you still don’t know why you need it and why scammers need this code? The answer is below.

Hi all!
The earth is spinning, but life does not stand still, now even a pensioner has a bank card!
Meanwhile, you can use it to pay for purchases or services not only in real, but also virtual, on the other side of the screen stores, that is, on the Internet.
Meanwhile, it is now impossible to carry out a single operation on the Internet without a cvc2 or cvv2 number.
Nowadays, when making any purchase on the Internet, you are required to enter this.
For a person doing this for the first time, it is not at all clear what the hell the English letters are, what is cvv on a bank account?! Where to look for them?

I remember the first time I was asked for this abbreviation about 7 years ago.
I probably spent half an hour looking for it; it was difficult to find information on this topic back then, especially since it only began to appear then).

By the way, not only the person who doesn’t know is looking for them, but also the person who knows, scammers are also looking for them).
Next, I’ll tell you what a cvv code on a plastic card is, where to find it, what it’s for, and what to do with it.

What is cvv cvc on a bank card, how to find this code?

In general, these 3 English letters indicate the security number.

What are they?
3 digits.

Where are they located on the payment counter?
On the reverse side (back side).
There is a black stripe, followed by a white one, on it in the corner on the left.
See the picture below.

What is the fundamental difference between cvc and cvv?
cvv - this designation is indicated on the visa (card for use in the territory of the country of Russia).
cvc - designation of MasterCard (plastic card of international format).

What are they needed for?
This is an additional means of protecting your work from being used by scammers.
If you noticed, not all bank cards have these numbers; older cards do not have such protection.

PIN code and cvv cvc are the same thing or not?
No, these are completely different numbers, although both are made to protect your money.

Is it worth making purchases online using a bank card?

Guys, it's definitely worth it!
It's the 21st century, for those who don't know.
Nowadays, many people make purchases on the Internet, and if we say things from China on AliExpress, many have been buying for several years now (it’s 2-3 times cheaper to order from there than to buy them from us), then beds and cabinets are a relatively new phenomenon.
Do you know why they order?
Yes, all because it’s cheaper!
And that’s not all, have you heard about pizza delivery?)
How can you order a whole table of food from an online store?
And this is a new trend, and I’ll tell you, it’s not uncommon.
Why do you think they order?)
But because it’s cheaper, isn’t it?) lazy people?!
No guys, not lazy.
It's just more convenient.
With such a frantic pace of life, sometimes you just don’t have time to go to a friend’s birthday party or go to the store for groceries.
I think I have convinced you of the need for online shopping.
Or not?)
Next, let's talk about scammers and safe use of money online.

How not to lose money when paying with a card on the Internet

First of all, keep in mind that there are even more scammers online than on the street!
Therefore, it is very important to be careful when handling your personal data online.
I’ll say right away that cvv and cvc provide you with additional protection.
Now, with any purchase, on any website on the Internet, these numbers will be required.
If you enter these codes incorrectly several times, you will not be able to complete the purchase.
The system will block the card for a while.

In addition, as you can see, these numbers completely merge with the bank number, unlike the convex number.
This was done on purpose so that this number could not be detected.

In addition, it happens that this code is overwritten, so I strongly recommend that you remember it!
This is not a PIN code that can be restored; this data will only be restored when the card is reissued.
Yes, under no circumstances disclose these 3 numbers to anyone, well, I think this is what you yourself should understand).

Precautions to take online when dealing with plastic.

  • Do not under any circumstances respond to letters with sweepstakes or promotions where you are asked to enter your passport details, telephone number, or card number.
  • Before ordering something, read reviews about the store you are going to order from.
  • Do not conduct monetary transactions from someone else's computer
  • Do not link your password, phone number, work number to social networks, be it VKontakte, Odnoklassniki.
    Very often such pages are hacked by hackers.

Now you know what a cvv code is, what it is needed for and how to work safely on the network.
And I am calm for you.

Many consumers, when making payments via the Internet, often have to use three numbers on the back of the card, which the system requires to indicate. However, not all consumers know what their purpose is and why they are needed. Meanwhile, this is one of the key elements of preventive protection against the actions of attackers during a transaction without actually using the card.

What is CVV2 CVC2 called?

CVV2/CVC2- special verification codes for payment systems. Combination CVV2 (CardVerificationValue 2) owned by Visa, and the designation CVC2 (CardValidationCode 2) uses MasterCard. The mechanism was introduced to reduce the number of fraudulent schemes when making purchases using a stolen card or using its illegally copied number.

Both payment systems use exclusively a three-digit code for designation. Finding out where the CVV2 CVC2 is located on your Visa card is very easy. Most often, numbers are applied using indent printing on the back of the card. They are located on the strip for painting the holder following the four extreme values ​​of its number. Therefore, they are not difficult to notice even for an inexperienced user. The code is created as an independent security mechanism, and therefore does not relate to the plastic card number.

In some cases, the verification code is not indicated on the card, but is still generated at the time of issue. Such payment instruments include:

  • Visa Electron;
  • MasterCard Cirrus/Maestro.

You can find out the meaning of the secret combination of numbers by contacting the issuing bank.

The presence of the number 2 in the abbreviation on a Sberbank or other financial organization card indicates the existence of the first security code. It is required for verification when making payments with the physical use of a payment instrument.

Why do you need the CVV2 CVC2 code?

This code is necessary to make payments on the Internet without the actual presence of a plastic card. It may also be needed for other virtual payments, for example, when purchasing via a mobile phone. Its use is required by service providers who do not support 3D-Secure technology. Entering a three-digit code confirms consent to carry out the transaction and is permission for the system on the part of the owner to write off the designated amount from the plastic card.

With each new payment, we have to remember what CVV2 CVC2 is on a bank card. This is due to the fact that, in accordance with the accepted PCIDSS security standard, sellers do not have the right to store received code information even for a short time. Therefore, they cannot use it for any future transactions.

Rules for using a three-digit code

  1. Go to the seller's page.
  2. Select the products you need and follow the link to checkout.
  3. You will receive a request in which you will need to indicate your card details and CVV2/CVC2. Enter them in the fields provided.
  4. Upon completion of the comprehensive check, you will be informed by text message or email that the paid amount has been debited from your card account.

Example: paying for a purchase in an online store

If this code is missing, this operation will not be completed. In this case, to make purchases, you should use another card with security numbers printed on it.

Like other important details, the CVV code on the card is confidential information that is not subject to disclosure to third parties. Otherwise, there is a risk of funds being used by criminals who do not need to have your payment instrument.

Is there an alternative

Payment protection methods do not stand still and many online stores have switched to using technology 3D-Secure. It completely excludes the participation of the seller from the transaction scheme, without requiring the consumer to know what CVC CVV codes are and where they are located.

Instead, the bank directly transfers the specified amount to the financial institution where the seller has an account. The user only needs to send a one-time password sent to him by SMS message. As a result, increased payment reliability is ensured and the risk of unauthorized intervention is significantly reduced.

To pay with a plastic card on the Internet, you sometimes need to use CVV2/CVC2/CID, that is, the bank card code. What is a bank card code, in what case is it used, where is it located on the card, what does it mean?

So, depending on the technologies used by online stores or other service providers on the Internet, when making a payment, the client is asked to enter the basic card details (card number, expiration date, embossed name), and also additionally confirm his authority with one of the following ways:

  • using a bank card code - CVV2, CVC2 or CID;
  • using technologies: 3-D Secure; Verified by Visa (VbV), MasterCard Secure Code (MSC)
  • using MirAccept technology, which allows you to undergo full 3D Secure authentication (MIR cards).
Attention- payment for a purchase or service on the Internet using the CVV2 / CVC2 code is carried out only in cases where the online store or other service provider does not support 3 D-Secure technology.

Each payment system that issues bank cards has its own card code name, except for Maestro cards, which do not have a code. Leading payment systems operating in the Russian market have the following bank card codes:

  • the VISA payment system has a code CVV2(full name - Card Verification Value 2);
  • MasterCard payment system has a code CVC2(full name - Card Verification Code 2);
  • the American Express system has a code CID(full name - Card Identification);
  • The MIR payment system has a code based on MirAccept technology.
What if there is no code on the bank card? This may mean that such a card is not originally intended for making payments on the Internet. In this case, to make payments online, you need to apply for another card. And in general, for security reasons, to pay for purchases on the Internet, it is best to have a separate card and transfer to it only the amount for which a specific payment will be processed.

With Mir cards, online payments are protected by our own MirAccept technology, which allows you to undergo full 3D Secure authentication. In addition, the Mir payment system will soon implement technology for ensuring the security of mobile and Internet payments - the 3D Secure protocol version 2.0 (which will replace 3D Secure 1.0). The copyright holder of the new 3D Secure protocol version 2.0 is EMVCo (International Association for standards in the field of electronic payment technologies), whose partner since 2015 is NSPK (National Payment Card System of Russia)

There are no Maestro/Maestro cards in the above list - this means that this payment system does not support online payments.

What is the code CVV2, CVC2, CID, MirAccept

The CVV2, CVC2, CID code is an additional digital security code, also called a security code, printed on the card or sent in the card details (for example, for virtual cards it is transmitted via SMS code). The code printed on the card cannot be replaced or restored without re-issuing the card.

CVV2, CVC2 or CID is a special bank card code that is used to verify the authenticity of the card issued by the bank. If such a code is not on your card, then it is impossible to carry out transactions to pay for goods and services on the Internet.

Code CVV2 / CVC2 printed on the back of the card, on the signature strip, immediately after the card number, or after the last 4 digits of the card number. It always consists of three digits and is not a continuation of the bank card number, i.e. This is an independent element of protection.

Code CID- means card identification code. The code on the American Express card is printed on the front side and consists of a four-digit number on the right side of the card.

Code MirAccept is a technology that ensures the security of payments on the Internet of the MIR system. It consists of three digits and is an independent element of payment protection.

The digital security code that is stamped (stamped) on a bank card, unlike the PIN code, can only be changed when the card is reissued.

The table shows the security codes of individual payment systems operating in the Russian financial services market:

In some online stores, the payment form filled out by the buyer often contains a double value - CSC/CVV2. C.S.C.(Card Security Code) is also the name of the card security code, which is considered to be a generalized name of all used codes. In other words, each payment system that issues bank cards has its own CSC code (Card Security Code), so when you are asked to enter a CSC, you enter the same code that is indicated on your card. And yet, if you have a CSC/CVV2 record, you do not need to enter a personal PIN code. CSC and PIN are different codes. PIN code is a secret card code that cannot be filled out in open access forms outside banking systems.

How is the presence of a CVV2/ CVC2/ CID code, etc. on a bank card determined?

The presence of a CVV2/CVC2/CID code (security code) is determined as follows:

  • on the classic map- a three-digit digital code (CVV2/CVC2, etc.) is on the back of the card, a four-digit code (CID) is on the front side. If there is no code on the card, it means that it is impossible to carry out an online transaction using this card.
  • via virtual card, which does not have a tangible medium - a 3-digit code is transmitted to the Client on his mobile phone in the form of an SMS message or communicated by a special phone. The client must remember it and keep it in a place inaccessible to third parties.
Placing the code on the map:

  • CVV2/CVC2 codes on Visa and MasterCard cards are a code set of 3 digits that is located on the back of the card on or next to the signature strip. Sometimes this code is also found on the front of the card. For example, on MC Virtual Alfa-Bank cards, this code is placed on the front side of the card.
  • The CID code on AmericanExpress cards is a 4-digit code set that is located on the front of the card next to the card number and is indicated in small print. It is usually located above the last or first two digits of the card number (with the remaining digits shifted to the left or right).
  • The code on cards of the MIR payment system is a code set of 3 digits, which is located on the back of the card below the magnetic stripe.

Bank24.ru very clearly depicted the location of the CVV2/CVC2 code on a Visa and MasterCard bank card for its clients. (shown below). This explanation is acceptable for all bank cards of any bank.

Location of the secret code on bank cards of individual payment systems:

The bank card code is used:

  • To make payments online as a security element when conducting CNP transactions when neither the card nor the holder is present during the transaction. The code is used as an addition to the card number and card expiration date.
  • When making purchases not only on the Internet, but also in other cases when the magnetic stripe of the card is not read (for example, when paying for purchases by phone, when completing a transaction using an imprinter).

In addition, when working with online stores, you must remember that the field for entering this code on the site can be called differently:

  • Codes CVV2/CVC2/CID
  • "security code"
  • credit card identification code
  • "security number"
  • and so on.
It should also be noted that recently thefts of this number have become more frequent, and therefore, some payment systems have begun to use other technologies to protect CNP transactions.

The procedure for paying for purchases / services on the Internet using the CVV2 / CVC2 code

Carrying out a CNP transaction using the CVV2/CVC2 code is carried out in the following order:

  • Go to the website of an online store or other service provider on the Internet, select a purchase or service;
  • Make a payment by entering the card details requested by the online store;
  • If the store asks for a security code CVV2 or CVC2, enter this code indicated on your card or sent to you by SMS message. If there is no CVV2 or CVC2 code on the classic card, the transaction is impossible;
  • You are waiting for the result of the operation.
  • Possible outcome of the operation:

    • If the code is entered correctly, the operation will be approved or rejected depending on the result of checking other conditions that are checked when performing a card transaction (sufficient funds in the account, status and validity period of the card, available transaction limits, etc.).
    • If the code is entered incorrectly, it is not requested on the online store page, or the online store does not transmit the CVV2/CVC2 code to the Bank, the payment will be rejected. The correctness of the entered information includes the requirement to enter a code, the sufficiency of funds on the card account, the status of the card and the compliance of the payment being made with the restrictions established by the online store or other service provider on the Internet.

Sitting at your laptop, you can use your bank card to make a purchase, for which you need to pay via the World Wide Web. You can make such a purchase without getting up from your chair, in five minutes.

Thanks to this progress, queues at the offices of banking organizations have significantly decreased. People have realized that saving time resources is beneficial. To ensure payment from a bank card, you must enter the CVC code of the bank card. This is a security measure implemented by banks.

But not all owners have an idea of ​​what it is and where to find digital symbols. Let's indicate the answer to the problem. What is the CVV2 and CVC security code on a bank card?

This topic is becoming relevant. Entering digital characters is required exclusively for performing bank card transactions via the World Wide Web. For example, when paying for purchases or a mobile phone bill. This will come in handy when shopping online. This will also be useful when paying utility bills.

If you make a payment for a purchase at a point of sale, proof occurs by entering a pin.

You enter the PIN manually on the terminal provided by the seller. The pin is known only to the owner of the bank card. This is another way to be safe. The CVC, like the PIN code, is known only to the bank card holder.

In this case, CVC is indicated on the card. The code is located on the second side of the plastic and there are three characters in it.

What are the CVC2 and CVV2 numbers?

What does CVV2 (CVC2) mean on a bank card? Let's look at the card. The bank card number is written on the first side of the card. The first and last name and the validity limit of the card are also indicated here.

You can find out cvv2 and cvc2 by looking at the second side of the bank card. There you will see three digital symbols.

These digital symbols represent a guarantee that the person who pays for the purchase via the World Wide Web is the owner of the bank card. Thus, the number of fraudulent transactions is minimized. Present on bank cards of the Visa, Mastercard and Mir systems. You won't be able to miss the digital symbols when you look at the other side of the plastic. CVV information is located on a light-colored strip on the second side of the bank card. The plastic number is also re-written there. You can see the signature next to it. Or an empty space where the signature should be located. The code is designed to consist of three digital characters. If there are more digital characters, then these are the wrong numbers.

What does this CVC code mean? As stated earlier, safety comes first. These bank card details are presented to the bank card security tool. Safety for use on the Internet. Using these numbers, you can compare the data entered by the owner of the bank card when paying for a purchase on the Internet with the secret code written on the bank card. Only the card holder can know the numbers. Don't confuse PIN with CVC. These are different numbers, and they have different functionality. You will not see the CVC on the receipt after making a purchase, just as no ATM will be able to count the numbers. The numbers can only be read visually. These numbers are subject to change only when re-ordering a bank card. You have the right to change your PIN whenever you want through an ATM. When using a virtual bank card, the numbers are sent via SMS to a mobile phone or requested via call. Sometimes this method takes some time.

Why do you need a CVC code?

The only task of the code is to ensure security when paying with a bank card via the World Wide Web. Currently, many sites offer the opportunity to deposit money from a card. When you enter a code on a third-party site, only you have the opportunity to see the numbers; they are hidden from third parties. This effect is ensured by a special security system. For platform holders, when making a transaction, only your last name, first name and patronymic are available. This data is usually sufficient. For greater protection, it is usually recommended to set a bank card service limit. The limit is indicated on the first side of the card.

Protection for Sberbank bank card holders

Sberbank has implemented a security system for funds stored on bank cards and other holder accounts. This is one of the most reliable financial companies. What methods does this lender offer to protect its clients' funds? How does he fulfill such a responsible duty? What security methods apply when making online payments using a Sberbank bank card? The following protection methods are suggested.

  • Magnetic stripe and chipping. A chip bank card is more securely protected than a regular one. The chip is located on the front side of the product. Counterfeiting of such a bank card is impossible. The plastic is reliably protected. The chip is a microprocessor with a large amount of stored data. The information contained in the chip can only be read using special devices. The use of a bank card with a counterfeit chip is prohibited. This will become immediately noticeable. For even more reliable protection of credit cards, the bank places a magnetic strip on their surface. The strip is located on the second side of the card. The output is a combined proposal. A combination card has even more reliable security.
  • Code CVV2. The numbers guaranteeing protection are written on the second side of the card. Available on all modern offers. It is composed of three digital characters. Entering numbers is necessary in almost all payment services. Its official name is CVV2 or CVC2. Another security method. It provides payment protection for online purchases.
  • Pin. When you receive the card, you will also be given an envelope containing your card pin. It is formed when plastic is released. It is used to perform operations through an ATM or cash terminal at a point of sale. It is not needed anywhere else. If the card is not assigned a pin, you will assign it yourself when you receive the card. The process of assigning a pin occurs under the control of the operator.

Safe use of the card

You use the card every day. Plastic has become an integral part of your life. You need to know and remember basic safety rules when using your card. Otherwise, the possibility of running into scammers cannot be ruled out.

  • In the Internet. Pay attention to the payment services that sites use. The most secure are Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode. After you enter your card details in a special form, you will be automatically redirected to a secure page. To confirm that the payment is made by the credit card owner, you must enter a password with a security code. The password will be sent to your phone number. Under no circumstances enter your PIN when making online payments.
  • Mobile app. For greater security, create a password for your phone. If your mobile device is lost or you have changed your phone number, immediately notify the bank. After your message, SMS services will be disabled. Use only the official version of the application. Install an antivirus program on your phone.
  • ATMs. Cover your keyboard from prying eyes when typing your PIN. After the operation is completed, do not forget to pick up the money and plastic.
  • In shops. Do not give the card to other people. Always insert the plastic into the terminal yourself. When entering a pin, cover the entered numbers. Before autographing a receipt, check the purchase amount, the name of the organization, and the date and time of the transaction. When paying for purchases using a contactless method, entering a PIN is not required.


Fraudsters use veiled messaging. If you followed any link from a message from an unknown person, immediately block the card by calling the financial company's support service. The next step is to contact the police. Be careful when using plastic.

What to do if there is no CVC code?

You will not be able to find a security code on every card. Cards without a code are not suitable for paying for online purchases. They can only be used to withdraw money. There are cards with a hidden code. In order to pay for the purchase with such plastic, you should make a phone call to the bank. You will be given a code over the phone and you can make a purchase. These credit cards can also be used in systems that do not require entering a code. But sites with such payment systems should be treated with great caution.

Is there any danger when entering a CVC code?

When you enter the security code, do not forget that it is worth familiarizing yourself with the reputation of the service platform on which the payment is made. There is a danger of downloading a virus program that can read the information you enter. Such a virus can be downloaded by following a link from an unreliable source. Be careful when downloading information from third-party sources onto your computer. Install a proven antivirus program. Under no circumstances should you enter these three numbers on sites with an unclear rating and reputation. Otherwise, scammers may gain access to your funds.


In the article, we answered in detail the question of what a CVV code is. Don't forget to take the necessary precautions to save money on plastic. By maintaining security when using your card, you can easily use this payment instrument. Good luck!

One of the benefits of modern technology is that shopping can now be done without leaving your home. You just need to select the product on the website of the desired online store, indicate the place and date of delivery, and also make a payment. The last point implies that you need to fill in the card details, including the security code, in a special form. On different sites it may be called differently: CVV2/CVC2, security code, etc. This article provides information about what CVV2, CVC2 code is and where to look for it. This data is very important when making any online payment, since an incorrectly entered code will result in the payment not being processed.

Types of codes

Each payment system uses an individual secret code. The exception is that they do not have a security code. The most popular bank card codes:

  • CVV2 (Card Verification Value 2) - on Visa cards;
  • CVC2 (Card Verification Code 2) - MasterCard system code;
  • CID (Card Identification) - American Express code.

What is CVC2 and where to look for it

CVV2 or CVC2 is a special code that is located on the back of the card, on a small light stripe, next to the signature strip, immediately after the full number or the last 4 digits of the card number. It consists of 3 digits and is an independent security element. Designed to check the consistency of user data with card data. What CVV2, CVC2 is and its location on the map can be seen in detail in the images presented in this section.

CID is the identification code found on the right side of the front of your American Express card.

It is very important not to confuse the card PIN with the security code. The latter cannot be read from the magnetic stripe of the card or chip; it is not on the receipt. It cannot be changed in the same way as a PIN code. It changes only with the release of a new card.

If the question arises, what is CVV2, CVC2 and how does it differ from CVV1 / CVC1, then the answer is carrier. CVV1 and CVC1 are used to verify the card when paying directly at retail outlets, and CVV2 and CVC2 are used when paying for goods via the Internet, including using virtual cards.

Why is it needed?

The secret code helps confirm that the client is the real owner of the card. This system is used to prevent fraudulent payments made with a stolen or electronically copied card. It is an additional precaution. The big advantage of the code is that it is printed in flat letters, and not raised, like a card number. You can't touch it. As another precaution, banks may block purchases that are suspiciously large or from an unusual location.

Answering the question what is CVV2, CVC2 on a bank Virtual or MasterCard Virtual, which do not have a physical medium, it should be noted that the secret code on such cards is sent as an SMS to a mobile phone. In rare cases, it is displayed on the screen when registering a card.

What to do if CVV2 / CVC2 is not on the card

Having figured out what the CVV2, CVC2 code is on a bank card, we move on to the question of what to do if it is not on the card. First of all, you need to double check the card type. As previously mentioned, this code is not available on Maestro cards. Also, the code is not on first-level debit cards (with the Electron or Electronic prefix in the name). These cards are initially intended only for withdrawing cash from ATMs, and not for paying for online purchases. Although a CVV2 is still generated when a Visa Electron is issued, it is not visible on the card, and the ability to pay for goods via the Internet is determined by the issuing bank.

If there is no security code on the card, you can try to make a purchase of goods on the website of a store that accepts Maestro cards, or spend time searching for an online store that does not require entering a secret security code when making payments. One and the other are rare, but they exist because some buyers are afraid to enter a security code when making online payments.

Internet fraud

For cardholders, both virtual and physical, payment security is of great importance. Therefore, it is so important to know what CVC2, CVV2 code is. Although it provides additional security measures, fraud still occurs. Unscrupulous “craftsmen” only need to know the card details to gain access to the money. They receive these details through phishing, that is, under the guise of well-known sites and portals, they send mass messages asking for passwords, logins and credit card information. The letters contain links to fake Internet pages. By clicking on the link and entering your data, you can lose all the money in your account. Using phishing, scammers steal data not only from virtual plastic cards, but also from those cards that are physically in the wallet.

With the development of financial technologies, payment systems are actively introducing 3d-Secure technology, which complements the main payment protection methods. Before the transaction, a password is generated and sent to the cardholder via SMS to a mobile phone. Payment is made only after entering the password in the appropriate form.


The secret code on payment cards is an additional precaution when making online payments. It consists of three or four numbers, located on the back or front of the card (depending on the type of card). Without this code, it is impossible to make a payment in most online stores. This is what CVV2, CVC2 code is.