Bank request for cash flow. Request to the bank for information sample form

You will need

  • bank details, details of the bank employee with whom the conflict occurred, identification document, organization documents, company seal, civil code of the Russian Federation, consumer protection law, computer, printer, A4 paper, pen.


A request to the bank must begin with its full name, the name of the organizational and legal form in accordance with the all-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms. If you are an individual or individual entrepreneur, write your last name, first name, patronymic in accordance with the identity document, the address of your place of residence (postal code, region, city, locality, street, house number, building, ). If you are a legal entity, enter the name of your company in accordance with founding documents, the address of the location of the company, the number of your contact . The above information should be placed in the upper right corner of an A4 sheet.

After the name of the request, which should be in the middle of the document, state the essence of the conflict situation that occurred with an employee of this bank. Indicate the exact date, time and address where the conflict arose. Write the last name, first name, patronymic and position of the bank employee who violated your rights.

Explore Articles Civil Code Russian Federation, consumer protection law and banking related to the provisions on the behavior of bank employees with bank customers. Provide links to them and write to what extent the law was violated in relation to you. Enter what you want to achieve with this request.

Referring to the legislation, indicate in this document what measures you will take if the bank refuses to fulfill your request or simply ignores it.

Put a personal signature if you are an individual, certify the document with the seal of the enterprise and the signature of the head of the organization if the request is made on behalf of legal entity.

Print the request in duplicate, send one to the central office of the bank to which it is addressed, on the second, ask the bank employee who receives your letter of appeal to put the number, date and acceptance mark on it.

If you do not have the opportunity to pay a personal visit to the central office of the bank and make a request, it is allowed to send this letter of appeal by mail to the address of its location. The postal worker will mark the receipt of the document, and you will be able to protect your rights in the event of a lawsuit.

Most likely, everyone will agree that privacy banking information- an unshakable thing. Bankers convinced almost the entire population that requesting information is a step that undermines the economy not only of a particular branch, but of the entire banking system.

And surprisingly, almost everyone is embarrassed to break the silence so dearly loved by money. People don't even ask for their account details. But this is fundamentally wrong.

The only thing that can be obtained from employees is the phrase that it is necessary to submit a written request for information without any samples. After drawing up such requests in a free form, you can achieve a maximum written refusal without explaining the reasons. The data simply cannot be provided.

Right below this article, you can download trial samples for free. If something in them seems incomprehensible, this publication will help. For questions that are not included in it, you can get a full consultation of legal advisers. So.

What you need to know about banking information

Customer banking institution clearly has the legal right to demand from him any data relating to his accounts. And this can be done at any time.

Bankers are not disingenuous when they claim that the request letter is written in a free style. It really is. There are no established forms for this. But there is general rules drafting . And they must be endured.

But more on that later.

Why are reports requested? current balances? Just to clear things up for everyone.

This refers to cases when, after prolonged use of credit money, it turns out that the borrower is no longer a borrower, but a large debtor. To avoid this situation, you need to develop the habit of requesting reports regularly. This is what a request letter is for.

What should be written in requests to banks

General form these requests can be compared with official letters in business correspondence. They have their own "cap". It indicates the full name of the branch (branch) of the creditor bank. Below you must provide information about the requester.

This data should be sufficient for identification. This means that in addition to the Surname, First Name, Patronymic, you need to indicate the address of residence (state registration) and the most complete passport data, including by whom and when it was issued. This is due to the fact that information regarding third parties is still confidential.

After that, without indicating any names, we proceed to the essence of the requirement. There is no need to indicate any reasons, we simply demand to provide data on something under such and such an agreement from such and such a date.

In some cases, the debtor individual lost loan agreement, loan application form, interest calculation, no copies of documents on partial repayment loan or other documents. At the same time, these documents must be attached to the debtor's application for bankruptcy. If the bank refused to issue certified copies upon oral request, you will need to prepare a written request to the bank to provide information on overdue debts.

In accordance with Article 6 federal law dated May 31, 2002 N 63-F3 "On advocacy and advocacy in the Russian Federation" art. 971, art. 973 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and in connection with the pending bankruptcy case OAS(**.01.1973, place of birth: the city of Orel, passport *********** issued by the Department for the Novogereevo district of the OUFMS of Russia for the city of Moscow in the Eastern Administrative District **.03.2009, subdivision code 770 -054, registered: Moscow, Korennaya st., **, building 2, apt. **),

please provide certified copies of the following documents (the following information):

  • information about the current contracts (agreements) concluded between O.A.G. and the bank for which O.A.G. is a debtor;
  • information about the current debt of O.A.G. under existing contracts (agreements), including information on the main debt, interest debt, accrued penalties, fines, other sanctions, as well as information on delays;
  • information on the assignment of the Bank's rights of claim to O.A.G. other persons.

Due to the partial absence of O.A.G. primary documentation, please provide certified copies of the relevant contracts and extracts of the movement Money confirming receipt borrowed money and their redemption.

Please send the requested information and documents to the address: 123154, Moscow, st. Generala Glagolev, 10, cor. 1, apt. 26, Garifulin D.V., or inform about the time and address for receiving them.

If there are doubts about the completeness or reliability of the authority to receive the requested information, the possibility of attributing the requested information to banking secrecy, personal data, etc., please send the requested information directly to O.A.G. at the postal address: 111141, Moscow, st. Korennaya, d.**, building 2, apt. **.

In case of refusal to provide the requested information, information about the possible debt will not be transferred to Court of Arbitration Moscow, and the risk of non-inclusion of claims in the register will be attributed to the Bank.

What are the payment methods wages worker? On what grounds can funds be transferred to your own bank card or to the card of another person? What are the nuances of this? You will learn the answers to these and some other questions from this article. Also, this publication contains sample applications for the transfer of funds to the bank card of an employee or another person authorized by him.


At the moment, labor legislation allows the employer to transfer wages to the employee and make other payments in various ways:

  • Cash payments in the accounting department or cash desk of the organization;
  • Non-cash payments to a bank account for a salary project;
  • Non-cash payments to a bank card at the request of an employee.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the right to choose cash or cashless payment remains with the employer. But if the accounting department of the organization transfers funds to accounts opened with the bank, the employee has the right to choose the most convenient method for him.

The employer should also pay attention to the fact that when transferring to a bank account, regardless of whether a salary project is opened in the bank or the employee opened a bank account on his own, an application for transfer is required.


The Labor Code of the Russian Federation, namely Article 136, allows employees to freely change the bank or account for the payment of funds. This right entered into force on November 5, 2014, previously tax code The Russian Federation did not allow such changes to be made - the bank and accounts for the transfer of wages were prescribed in the labor or collective agreement.

But not everything is so simple, in order to transfer funds to the desired bank card, the employee must submit an appropriate application. It should be noted that some banks, when issuing a debit bank card, for example, Tinkoff Bank, issue an application form for transferring funds to a bank account, which remains only to be filled out and transferred to the accounting department.


When making an application for transferring funds to a bank account, a certain structure should be followed. The list of details to be filled in should be as follows:

  • Name and position of the contacting employee
  • Full name and position of the addressee of the document - the employer represented by the chief accountant or director;
  • Name of the application;
  • Main text with reference to article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • The date the application was made.

The document must also contain the signature of the employee and, if necessary, the visa of the secretariat of the head or the accounting department.


It should be noted that when submitting an application, it is worth attaching an extract from the personal account and bank card details, which are taken from the bank.


There are situations when an employee wants to receive wages on a card issued to another person, for example, to a wife or husband. This desire is not prohibited by law if the employee was able to agree on this with the employer and filed a corresponding application.


First of all distinctive feature this statement is that it must be agreed with the head of the organization. The details are also different. bank account indicated in the application. For this, information about the account of another person is used. An example of such a statement is shown below.

The accountant, in turn, must indicate the purpose of the payment when transferring funds: salary (name of the employee).


Question number 1: Is it possible to transfer travel and other accountable amounts to a card opened for transferring wages?

Answer: The employer has the right to transfer any funds to the employee's account, including accountable or travel expenses. To do this, the organization must put into operation such a local regulatory act as the Regulation on settlements with accountable persons, and receive a written request from the employee to transfer accountable funds to the same card. These rules are established by the Letter of the Ministry of Finance of August 25, 2014 No. 03-11-11 / 42288.

Question number 2: Good afternoon! Need more advice than an answer to a question. How can I convince my employees to receive wages on a bank card? What arguments can I give in my favor?

Answer: If you want to convince employees of the need to transfer wages to a bank card, you can use the following arguments:

  1. If an employee participates in a salary project, then he can take part in concessional lending projects.
  2. For service bank cards, open within salary project, no commission is charged.
  3. With the participation of the organization in the project on wages, delays in the transfer of funds are practically excluded.
  4. The employee is relieved of the need to visit the accounting department twice a month and stand in line for the calculation.
  5. The Bank provides salary bonuses to the project participant when opening deposits and deposits.

Question number 3: Does the accountant have the right to refuse to transfer funds to any card convenient for me if I wrote an application in accordance with all the rules?

Answer: The employee has the right to change the financial and credit organization and the account opened in it, at his request to the employer. At the same time, this right is backed up by law, so the accountant has no right to refuse you.

The accounting officer has the right to refuse to transfer your salary to any card convenient for you, only if the application was submitted by you less than five working days before the date of payment of the salary or another method is specified in the local normative act or employment contract. This right is provided for by part 3 of article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.