Ways to re-register an apartment as the property of another person. How to transfer an apartment to a relative without paying taxes? Legal ways to rewrite the owner of an apartment

In modern society, there are often situations when a father or another senior family member begins to think about how to transfer an apartment to his daughter or another close relative. This can be done in several ways and each of them has its own characteristics that must be studied in order to make the right decision.

According to Article 549 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a purchase and sale transaction provides that the seller undertakes obligations to transfer ownership of housing, a building, a structure or real estate to another person.

This is the easiest and fastest way to transfer an apartment to another person. With this option, the transaction is carried out between close relatives without the involvement of a realtor. The purchase and sale agreement states that one party, the seller, transfers the apartment or house into the ownership of the buyer, and he pays its cost. A minor child may also live on the territory of the property being sold. In this case, permission from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities should be added to the mandatory list of documents.

Nuances of real estate re-registration

When completing a transaction between relatives, a situation often arises when an apartment is transferred, but no funds are received. For example, a mother can re-register a living space in favor of one of her children, but in fact they will not pay her anything. This situation does not comply with current legislation, but is common nowadays. Therefore, an important condition when drawing up a contract is the mandatory indication of the transaction amount. The document is registered in the State Chamber, which is obliged to inform the tax office about the completion of the purchase and sale transaction. A seller who has completed a transaction worth more than RUR 1 million. rub. and who has owned real estate for less than 3 years, should be aware that real estate taxation in this case will be 13%.

Often, enterprising people, in order to avoid additional expenses, underestimate the real cost of an apartment or house. And the contract contains a figure not exceeding the above threshold. But everyone should remember that the tax office can check the accuracy of the information submitted. And if, as a result of the audit, it turns out that the specified cost deviates by 20 percent in the direction of its increase or decrease, then the seller will need to pay additional tax, as well as a penalty. Such “risky” transactions, where there is actually no transfer of funds into the hands of the seller, are now carefully monitored.

The second point is that persons who are in interdependent relationships will not be able to receive a property tax deduction. These include:

  1. People who are officially married.
  2. Adoptive parent and adopted child.
  3. Trustee.
  4. A person who is subordinate in his position to another person.

If the son or daughter in whose favor the property is registered are married, then their other half becomes a co-owner of the living space. Upon divorce, the spouse of the person in whose favor the re-registration is being carried out may claim part of the property, since he has a share in the apartment. This can be avoided by first indicating in the marriage contract the fate of this house or apartment after the divorce. Sometimes, after the transaction, an agreement on the division of property is drawn up.

To sell real estate, you must provide a notarized permission from your spouse to conduct the transaction. This procedure also applies to couples who are already divorced. In the event of his death, a death certificate must be added to the package of documents.

When re-registering an apartment to his son, the father has the right not to be discharged, but to continue to live in this territory. But the second party - the son, according to Article 292 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, can sell the living space without obtaining the consent of the father. This situation is quite unpleasant and can create inconvenience for the older generation.

Registration of property as a gift

In this case, re-registration of real estate is executed by the donor in favor of his relatives free of charge. To complete a transaction, you will need to obtain the consent of all parties. The document can be drawn up by either one donor or a notary. The transaction process takes up to 30 days.

What you need to know about real estate registered as a gift

The owner of the property becomes the sole relative for whom the document is issued. Even if a married couple divorces, where one of them received an apartment as a gift, it is not subject to division. But according to Article 37 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, if the spouse proves that he actively participated in the repair and restoration of real estate and thereby increased its value, then he can claim a part of it.

The donor does not pay any fees because he did not receive any income from the transaction. But with the second party, everything is more complicated - in a transaction executed between distant relatives, you will need to pay a gift tax. Otherwise, when spouses, parents, children, adopted children, and grandchildren take part, they are exempt from any additional expenses, according to subsection. 18.1. clause 1 art. 217 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

If the property belongs to a married couple, then the spouse must give appropriate permission. With its help, the second owner of the property alienates the living space acquired jointly during the marriage and makes it possible to register a gift to another person.

It is difficult to cancel a deed of gift, and in some cases it is even impossible (when the recipient himself does not renounce the real estate).


The third option to transfer real estate to your daughter or son is to bequeath it. In this case, the apartment becomes the property of the son or daughter after the death of the person. To do this, the document must be notarized. In rare cases, other persons act as a notary. For example, it is quite acceptable to have a will certified by the head physician of a nursing home or the head of a prison. The execution of the will must be recorded by the same notary who drew up the will. The positive aspect of this method is that the entire inherited living space belongs to the heir and cannot be divided.


There is a possibility that other relatives who have an obligatory share in the inheritance may lay claim to the property. These include disabled minor children, spouses, and parents. In this case, you can register the apartment under a purchase and sale transaction or as a gift.

It must be remembered that the testator can revoke his will at any time without giving a reason.

When drawing up a will, a testamentary refusal may be issued. For example, an heir receives ownership of a house or apartment, but on the condition that another person will live in the same living space during his life or the period specified in the will.

When selling real estate, the second person (legatee) will be able to live in this living space. Eviction of such a person is possible only with his voluntary consent.

If there are minor children, the testator is obliged to indicate them in the document.

Realtors and lawyers prefer not to work with apartments that have been inherited. This is explained by the fact that other heirs who suddenly arise may lay claim to such real estate.

Transaction process

A real estate purchase and sale transaction is formalized in writing in a simple form in the form of an agreement. In this case, certification by a notary is not necessary, but if you wish, you can use his services. In addition, an act of acceptance and transfer of real estate is drawn up. All documents can be completed independently. Both parties to the transaction must go to the registration chamber, where the contract and the rights of the buyer will be registered. The process itself takes 1 month, but the time period can increase due to the collection of a package of documents, drawing up an agreement and a deed.

If the living space is registered as a gift, then it is necessary to draw up a gift agreement between the parties to the transaction. It must contain accurate and complete information about both parties to the transaction and the object - the apartment, all signatures must be affixed and at the end certified by a notary.

In the case of registration of living space using a will, the registration process is slightly different. The heir formalizes the ownership right after the death of the testator. The heir owns the property from the date of opening of the inheritance, that is, from the date of death of the relative.

In order to formalize your right, you need to contact a notary office and write an application for the issuance of a certificate. The heir can accept the property within 6 months from the date of opening of the inheritance.

After receiving the certificate, he contacts the registration service to register ownership.

The most profitable way to register an apartment in the name of a close relative is through donation. This method does not require special financial investments.

Step-by-step plan for apartment renovation

So, to re-register real estate in favor of relatives, you need to do the following:

  • Carefully study each option, take into account all their advantages and disadvantages. If necessary, you can additionally consult with lawyers.
  • Collect all documents, check their completeness and correctness.
  • Have them certified by a notary office.
  • Pay all fees associated with the selected type of real estate re-registration.
  • Complete registration of ownership of residential space.

How much is the deal worth?

The price of registration in different places can be different - from 2 thousand rubles. rub. and higher. Additionally, you will have to pay a state fee, the amount of which is prescribed in Art. 333.24. NK.

When registering a sale and purchase transaction and donation for the state registration of property rights and the transaction agreement, you will need to pay a state fee in the amount of 2,000 rubles to the cash desk.

When registering a will, the testator will be required to pay a state fee of 100 rubles. This figure is not final and may increase depending on the services of the notary office. For example, they may offer to pay for the services of printing wills, documents or their firmware.

The heir pays the state fee for issuing the certificate. There are several nuances here:

  • If these are children, spouse, parents, then it is 0.3 percent of the cost of the apartment, but should not exceed 100 thousand rubles.
  • Other heirs will have to pay an amount of 0.6 percent, but not more than 1 million rubles. rub.

Registration of property rights costs approximately 1000 rubles.

All expenses must be paid on time and confirmed by a document - a receipt, which is presented at the place of request.

Documents for re-registration of an apartment

To complete a transaction, you must collect a complete package of circulars. This stage is the longest and most painstaking. The exact list can be found directly at the registration chamber, where they will inform you about the statute of limitations for each of them. Some are provided as photocopies, while some are accepted only in original condition. Such points need to be clarified in advance. After collecting all the documents, you need to contact the BTI, where they will issue a technical passport for the apartment. An extract from the house register, which is needed to complete the transaction, can only be obtained by the owners of the living space being sold at the passport office. The extract indicates the number of registered people in the apartment being sold.

When drawing up a donation circular, the following points must be taken into account:

  • The date on which the donee becomes the owner of the property.
  • The state of the donor (mental and physical, as far as he is aware of what is happening).
  • When registering a deed of gift for a part of an apartment, there must be the consent of the other co-owners.
  • If the apartment can be seized, it is under mortgage or lease, you must inform a lawyer or notary about this.

To complete the transaction you will need to have with you:

  • Circular from both buyer and seller.
  • Legal orders for property management.
  • Extract from the house register.
  • Consent from the spouse and permission from the guardianship council (if necessary).
  • Extract from the BTI.

After this, you need to contact the registration chamber, where the transaction is certified. A department employee takes the documents under signature and checks them, then they are returned back.

When it comes to making a will, you must have with you:

  1. Testator's passport.
  2. Documents for the apartment.
  3. Identification code.
  4. A certificate from a medical institution indicating the mental state of the testator. This step will prevent the will from being contested in the future. To do this, a person over 55 years of age undergoes a neurologist and psychiatrist, after which he is given a conclusion.
  5. Information about the heir.

In order for the transaction to be successful without additional time investment, it is advisable to immediately seek help from specialists in this field, who will explain the nuances of registering an apartment in the name of a son or daughter and answer pressing questions from a professional point of view.

The question of re-registration of an apartment sooner or later concerns almost every citizen. Housing can be inherited or donated by relatives. In any situation, the apartment requires re-registration.

According to the law, the re-registration process takes a lot of time, especially if there are errors or inaccuracies in the documents that were not noticed earlier. Legal practice has in its list several ways to re-register an apartment. A person should weigh the pros and cons, become imbued with the topic, so that the procedure goes as quickly and inexpensively as possible.

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Re-registration of an apartment for children (daughter/son)

Parents live and try for their children. Every parent wants to leave a legacy to their child. How to survive the re-registration procedure? A package of documents? Deadlines?

Several years ago, the Russian government made changes to the procedure for transferring property to children. The changes somewhat simplified the procedure, canceling it, which had a decent size, thereby complicating the process.

Today, the procedure for transferring property to children is not free, but it is much cheaper than before.

It’s worth starting with the documents that will be required:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • apartment documents confirming ownership;
  • confirmation of the completion of the purchase and sale agreement;
  • certificate from the BTI of the total cost of housing;
  • from BTI about the technical equipment and detailed components of the apartment;
  • from the tax authorities (only if manipulations with the apartment were previously carried out);
  • about family composition and status (issued by the local police department);
  • about the absence of utility debts (issued by the housing department).

After collecting documents, you need to visit a notary with your child.

How to transfer ownership of housing to a minor child?

There is a practice of transferring ownership of housing to children who have not reached the age of majority; such a procedure is somewhat complicated and will require additional features.

The procedure is based on a gift agreement, one of the copies is transferred to the State Registration Service. The optimal solution is to seek the help of a lawyer, he will prepare an agreement taking into account all the details.

For the procedure you will need:

  1. donor's passport;
  2. child's birth certificate;
  3. cadastral passport of the apartment (issued by BTI);
  4. apartment assessment from BTI;
  5. certificate confirming ownership;
  6. extract from the house register and personal account;
  7. certificate of family composition;
  8. consent of one of the spouses (when both have property rights);
  9. relatives who have the right to property;
  10. from parents/guardian to receive housing as a gift;
  11. permission from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities to represent the interests of the child by a parent who does not have personal housing;
  12. a receipt confirming payment of the state fee for registration;
  13. application from the donor to register the transfer of ownership of the property;
  14. o from a child who received real estate as a gift;
  15. real estate donation agreement.

To submit documents to the State Registration Service, the presence of the donor, the child and his legal representative is required.

Re-registration of housing in the name of a spouse (husband, wife)

Important! Registration of housing in the name of one of the spouses is a very common procedure in notarial practice. You should be aware of the fact that if real estate was acquired during an official marriage, it is already common, without taking into account the fact of initial registration.

The transfer of living space between spouses can occur using the following methods:

  • Drawing up a real estate donation agreement.
  • Arrangements according to which one of the spouses will inherit the housing first of all, along with the children.
  • Drawing up a marriage contract, which clarifies the wishes for the gift of property, or prescribes the conditions on the basis of which one of the spouses will become the owner of the property.

Important! If the intending party decided to draw up a donation agreement for part of his property and was already married, he must indicate the specific parameters and details of the bequeathed part of the housing. The position requires registration with the FUGRTs. Subsequently, the agreement is not subject to challenge not only by the former other half, but also by the children. Neglecting this information may ruin all your efforts.

Any of the methods of registering property in the name of a spouse will require a package of documents:

  • Documents confirming the identities of the spouses.
  • Apartment cadastral passport; if you don’t have one, you will need an apartment plan (ordered from the BTI).

How to re-register an apartment in the name of parents (mother/father)?

To avoid troubles associated with the fear of property passing into unwanted hands, people are increasingly seeking to secure what they have acquired with their closest relatives (parents).

The most convenient way to transfer property to one of the parents is to draw up a deed of gift certified by a notary.

To complete this task you will need:

  • Statements from the parent in whose name the housing is being re-registered, stating that the ownership of a specific property has been registered.
  • Passports (a certain number of copies and a passport).
  • Technical and cadastral passport for real estate or apartment plan with details.
  • Certificate from the Housing and Maintenance Department (HOE) confirming the absence of debts for utility services.
  • From the housing department about the number of registered people in the apartment being re-registered and documents confirming their identity.

Upon state registration, the parent receives a certificate of ownership.

The donor does not pay tax or state duty on the apartment in connection with the transaction between first-degree relatives.

If the donor and the parent in whose name the property is registered have different surnames, confirmation of the degree of relationship will be required to implement the procedure.

From the moment of the donation, the mother/father acquires lifelong registration in the apartment.

Important! People often “get rid” of real estate in order to get on the waiting list for municipal housing. This trick won't work here! Data on the availability of property is stored in the database for about ten years. You can apply for the queue after five years.

How to register an apartment for grandchildren?

For the procedure, you can use the following re-registration methods:

  • Will for a grandson.
  • Deed of gift.


The registration procedure takes place in the presence of a notary and requires payment of a state tax in the amount of 0.6 percent of the cost, after, according to Art. 333.24 of the Internal Revenue Code.

Donation agreement

It is not at all necessary to go to a notary to draw up a gift agreement; an example can be found on the Internet or in a book about agreements. When drawing up a document, it is important to indicate that the property is being given as a gift. It is impossible to demand from a grandson/granddaughter actions of courtship until death; all that remains is to rely on conscience. It will not be possible to refuse the decision to donate after the transaction, even if the grandson/granddaughter refuses verbal promises.

If the donor is officially married, the notarized consent of the second spouse will be required, since the rights to jointly acquired housing are equal. The gift agreement is contested only in the most extreme cases (Article 578 of the Civil Code), if the gifted person has attempted the life of a family member or caused bodily harm.

The contract can stipulate the cancellation of the donation in the event of the early death of a relative, before the donor. The law allows such actions in connection with possible dangers in service or at work (clause 4 of article 578 of the Civil Code).

Registration of the agreement in the state register is mandatory.

If the grandson/granddaughter has not reached the age of majority, the agreement is signed by the parents instead.

Rarely but aptly used is a good method in the practice of giving. The contract promises a gift in connection with the occurrence of a certain event in the life of a grandson (graduation from school, university, birth of a child, etc.). Registration of the contract occurs only after the occurrence of a specific event. It is also indicated that the apartment will be donated according to the deed. And only from the moment the deed is signed, the full transfer of the apartment will take place.

Do I have to pay tax?

Yes, but very small. Art. 217 of the Tax Code provides for tax exemption if a gift agreement is concluded between close relatives, grandparents and grandchildren inclusive.

Advice! It would be better to visit a lawyer and find out about all the possible pitfalls.

Transfer the apartment to a brother or sister

According to the law, blood brothers and sisters are considered close relatives, therefore, to transfer real estate from one to another, it is more convenient to use a gift agreement, but you can also draw it up (the procedure for transferring money before a notary is not necessary between first-degree relatives).

Does not include payment of taxes. When buying and selling, the selling person will have to pay a tax - 13% of the value of the real estate.

How to arrange an apartment profitably?

The benefit when registering an apartment includes a minimum payment for a certificate of ownership.

If an apartment is bought by spouses who are officially married, then it does not matter in whose name the certificate of ownership is issued; anyway, each spouse has the right to half of the property acquired during the marriage.

A gift agreement is beneficial if the transaction occurs between close relatives, then the clause is omitted. When concluding a deed of gift between distant relatives or strangers, it is more profitable to formalize the sale and purchase, because the gift in this case involves a decent tax.

Regardless of the chosen method of completing the transaction, it is more profitable to conclude an agreement in writing and then deliver it to the state registration service. If you make a transaction through a notary, he will have to pay 1% of the value of the property.

It is also better to collect documents yourself, without resorting to the services of real estate agencies, this will greatly save your budget. The amount of agency services varies between 30 and 50% of the cost of the apartment.

The apartment or share in it can be re-registered. Features of re-registration arise depending on the method, as well as the characteristics of the apartment itself.

What is apartment re-registration? This is a process as a result of which ownership of an apartment will transfer from the old owner to the new one. How to do this? What documents are needed for this?

As a result of many transactions, it becomes necessary to re-register the apartment. For example, receiving an apartment by inheritance, purchasing it under a purchase and sale agreement, or receiving it as a gift.

Regardless of the method of transferring the right to an apartment, it is necessary to re-register documents for the new owner. This implies mandatory registration of ownership of property.

When owners are faced with the need to re-register an apartment, the process can be complicated and complicated by many circumstances. For example, some participants in the process do not know where to start or how to act. Many people are afraid of the red tape involved in paperwork. The process is also delayed due to the incompleteness of the submitted papers. That is why it is worth familiarizing yourself with all the intricacies of the process in advance. This will save money, effort and nerves.

What are the options for re-registration?

In the case of re-registering an apartment to a close relative, the most profitable option may be a donation or purchase and sale. In any case, no matter which method is chosen, you will definitely have to carry out state registration of the right.

If you need to re-register an apartment that is in shared ownership, you must first draw up an agreement. It must be certified by a notary. Only with such an agreement can it be possible to obtain certificates of ownership with a definition of shares.

Only with the application and availability of such an agreement is it possible to transfer the apartment under various agreements. A purchase and sale transaction for such real estate means that the share of the apartment passes to one of the persons, however, without depriving everyone else of the right to register in it.

When the participants cannot reach an agreement on their own and resolve the conflicts peacefully, the court can intervene in the matter at the request of at least one party.

However, litigation means significant costs. In addition, the re-registration process itself involves some costs, which can be reduced for a particular participant due to his or her inclusion in a specific category of beneficiaries (pensioners, disabled people). In addition, re-registration between close relatives means some reduction in costs.

Re-registration involves changes in the actual content of some documents. Therefore, these documents and some others must be prepared in advance. They may differ in composition depending on the specific case, but the bulk is the same. Among these papers:

  • documents confirming the existence of the right to the object;
  • passport;
  • the consent of the remaining owners is notarized;
  • extracts from the cadastre authorities, as well as from the house register;
  • certificate of registration of owner's rights;
  • contract

Paper preparation procedure

First, to implement any of the planned transactions, you will have to issue cadastral extracts. They can be registered with the BTI authorities. However, if the property already has a cadastral passport, issued and received quite a long time ago, you should do it again.

To do this, you need to write a statement according to which specialists will come and measure the room. Based on the results of the measurements, they will draw up a passport, which will be valid for 5 years after issue. When the term expires, you will have to pay again to get a new one.

The consent of all owners of the property, certified by a notary, is considered mandatory as part of the documents. This is necessary according to the rules established in Article 244 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Also, regardless of the form of re-registration, you will have to collect some statements and certificates from personal accounts and the absence of various debts. The final stage of re-registration, in any case, will be an application for registration of the right to the transaction.

How to re-register a share?

In Russian law, there is the concept of shared ownership, which means that several owners have shares that are endowed with the ability to dispose of them, guaranteed by law. This procedure is enshrined in Article 224 of the Civil Code of Russia.

Re-registration of the share of one owner implies the availability and submission of documents to the competent authorities:

  • permission to the transaction and consent of all other owners;
  • passport of the applicant;
  • the agreement on the basis of which the share is re-registered;
  • documents for the share;
  • notification to all owners about the sale of shares.

Re-registering your own share of an apartment involves going through several steps:

  • 1. Submitting a court application for the desire to allocate a share. Among the main documents attached to the application is the cadastral plan, according to which the share is determined.
  • 2. The court will check the possibility of allocating the share in kind. It is not always possible, but only when the area allows it.
  • 3. Obtaining documents from the BTI (cadastral passport).

After receiving a share in ownership, it can be re-registered by any method: bequeath, sell, donate, etc.

However, re-registration should not be carried out without obtaining the prior written consent of the remaining owners. If such written consent is not obtained, then the re-registration may be challenged in the future.

In case of sale of a share, it is first necessary to offer to purchase it to the owners of other shares. Only if they do not agree can it be re-registered to the buyer.

In any case, as a result of re-registration, ownership will be transferred to a new person. The choice of re-registration method must be taken responsibly, since the costs and outcome of the transaction depend on the correct choice.

Ownership of real estate gives the owner the right to dispose of it as he pleases: give, sell, exchange, rent. the owner must be legally competent, and for this you need to understand the main nuances and features of this transaction. Let's look at all the key aspects in the article.

The risk in this case will be that other applicants may exercise their right to challenge the deed of gift for the apartment if the plaintiffs manage to prove in court the fact that their rights were violated when inheriting a share of the real estate.

Another risk may be that the will can be challenged if there are violations in the order of its execution or writing.

Alternative options

Alternative options for re-registering an apartment to a relative is to use the right to rent, but only if the owner needs appropriate care. The annuity can also be for life, if the persons have entered into an agreement that the citizen will care for the owner until the end of his days.

How taxation works

Taxation occurs in the following order:

  1. if the apartment is not re-registered in the name of a close relative;
  2. if the apartment is re-registered in the name of a direct relative.

In the first case, it will be necessary to pay a tax in the amount of 13% of the total cost of the apartment, and in the second, the payment of taxes is not provided for by the law of the Russian Federation.

Methods of re-registration of housing

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides five ways to best re-register an apartment:

  1. based on a purchase and sale agreement;
  2. based ;
  3. based on a will;
  4. in exchange;
  5. using rent.

Re-registration of an apartment through purchase and sale

In order to carry out the procedure for re-registration of an apartment through a purchase and sale agreement, it will be necessary to complete the following steps:

  1. Prepare the necessary package of documents:
  • statement;
  • documents for the apartment;
  • contract;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
  • consent of other co-owners;
  • receipt for payment of state duty.
  1. Sign a real estate purchase and sale agreement.
  2. Provide this package of documents to Rosreestr for registration of rights to the apartment by the new owner.

Re-register an apartment under a gift agreement

The main stages when re-registering an apartment to another person under a gift agreement are:

  1. The parties need to negotiate and draw up an apartment donation agreement.
  2. Pay tax.
  3. Submit documents with an agreement and an application to Rosreestr for registration of property rights.
  4. Pick up a document that confirms the transfer of ownership of housing from one citizen to another.

If a citizen has expressed his will to donate his share in the apartment, then the consent of the other co-owners is not necessary in this case. If this is a share in an apartment that was acquired during marriage, then the consent of the ex-spouse or ex-wife will need to be given in writing.


A will is a document that any citizen can draw up at a notary so that after death all property is distributed according to the will of the testator. To do this, a citizen must contact a notary with a passport and documents that establish ownership of real estate. The notary, in turn, will draw up a document (will) and certify it with the seal and signature of both the client and the executor (notary).

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The main points to consider are:

  • the will must be legally drafted;
  • it must comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • be written by a competent citizen.


Rent is the transfer of rights from one person to another with subsequent payment to the renter of the agreed amount.

For this type of re-registration of an apartment to another person, you must do the following:

  1. Prepare a package of documents (certificate of ownership of the apartment, extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, extract from the BTI, passports of the parties);
  2. The parties need to enter into an agreement.
  3. Submit documents for registration to Rosreestr.


Citizens of the Russian Federation also resort to exchanging one apartment for another. In this case, the stage of searching for new housing, for which the exchange will take place, is very difficult. Then you will need to draw up an agreement, pay taxes and transfer the business for registration.

Rules for re-registration of housing for relatives

If a citizen decides to re-register an apartment in the name of his relative (a child, for example), then he can do this in two ways:

  1. using a gift agreement;
  2. through inheritance (making a will).

Re-registration of housing for a minor

What do you need to know when re-registering an apartment for a minor child?

The first thing to consider is that all documents during this procedure must be signed by the child’s guardian, and to carry out this transaction, the consent of both parents is required, even if one of them does not live with the child.

The nuances of re-registration of housing for a spouse, grandchildren, brothers, sisters and parents

Let's look at each case in turn.

What is the best way to re-register an apartment in the name of a spouse? Of course, with the help of a real estate purchase and sale agreement, in this way you will bypass a tax deduction in the amount of 260 thousand rubles.

If the spouses are married, then in this case it is possible to draw up a document that provides for property division.

Is it possible to carry out the procedure without taxes?

How to re-register an apartment without paying taxes? The answer is simple: donate the apartment to a direct (close) relative. In this case, costs will be minimized compared to the procedure for registering an inheritance.

The only expense will be the payment of the state fee and the costs of the notary.