Cost of construction: how much does a square meter cost? We determine the cost of premises Real cost per square meter of housing

The Moscow (and not only) authorities have been saying for a relatively long time that it is necessary to revive the cooperative movement, which flourished in Soviet times and helped a significant number of people solve their housing problem. Today, money, or rather the lack of it, prevents you from getting a new home. Cooperatives allow future new residents to actually save money. But so far the idea of ​​​​creating cooperatives - for starters, within the framework of the “Affordable Housing for Young Families” program - is being implemented with great difficulty.

This article is a reference and information material; all information in it is presented for informational purposes and is for informational purposes only.

Today there are two youth cooperatives in Moscow: the Interdistrict Youth Housing and Construction Cooperative of the Northern Administrative Okrug (began operating in 2004) and the Interdistrict Youth Housing and Construction Cooperative of the Northwestern Administrative Okrug (began operating in 2003). These non-profit organizations are based on a number of decrees of the Moscow government and the city program “Affordable Housing for Young Families.”

The task of cooperatives is to give young families the opportunity to build, which will cost them about a third less than the market price. Savings are achieved, first of all, due to the fact that the city allocates land plots (not on a competitive basis: only another non-profit cooperative, and not a commercial developer, can challenge the right to occupy a plot) and does not charge a fee for infrastructure development. The cooperative orders all construction work from the contractor directly, i.e., again, without extra charges.

In addition, in order to receive additional funds for the cooperative fund, part of the space can still be sold on the market, at prices current at that time.

Who can participate
Not everyone can become members of the cooperative, but only those who fall under the requirements of the “Affordable Housing for Young Families” program. “We set ourselves the task of helping those not on the waiting list,” says Chairman of MM ZhSK Northern Administrative Okrug Gennady Sushkov, - to those families who cannot register for housing, but live in cramped conditions.” That is, when each person has less than 18 square meters. meters.

Muscovites (of course, Russian citizenship is also required) who are no older than 35 years old and have been married for three years can apply for membership in cooperatives. Moreover, spouses can live in any district of the capital, and not just where cooperatives operate.

On the same basis, couples who have been married for less than three years, but have managed or are about to become parents, as well as pregnant women and single mothers/fathers, can join the cooperative.

If one of the spouses has a metropolitan residence permit and the other does not, they cannot join the cooperative—the program is supported by the city. You will not need to provide proof of income or other financial documents.

Those planning to join a cooperative should visit local authorities (prefecture or council), where they can obtain information about cooperatives and fill out a special questionnaire at the MMHSK, which will be sent to the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund (DZhPiZhF) for verification. You can also visit the reception office of the chairman of the cooperative you have chosen to “find out everything” first-hand, including a preliminary forecast about whether the DPWF will approve the questionnaire. The verification procedure (completely free) takes about six months, during which time those wishing to join the cooperative may well change their mind...

But let’s immediately make a reservation that for now the Northern District cooperative is not accepting new participants. About the reasons - a little later.

How to save for housing and how much an apartment will cost
Those whose plans have not changed must pay entrance and membership fees and prepare to pay a certain amount monthly to repay their shares and membership fees.

Today, the membership fee in MM ZhSK Northern Administrative Okrug is 1000 rubles, and the entrance fee is calculated as follows: 1000 rubles. multiply by the number of square meters of housing.

You need to focus on the following areas: one-room apartments - 40 sq. m. meters, two-room apartments - 60, three-room apartments - 80 square meters and the largest, four-room apartments - 100 square meters. However, we must take into account that these prices were adopted back in 2005, so the amounts of both membership and entrance fees will be increased.

Today, the cooperative does not yet offer a unified and universal scheme for the accumulation of shares and their redemption. For the “oldest” members of the cooperative, the following formula was provided - accumulation of a share over several years (about half), and then it was assumed that the cooperative would provide interest-free installments.

“The system developed 5 years ago will change,” says Gennady Sushkov. “For a small group of shareholders who joined the cooperative a long time ago, the conditions will remain the same. And with the rest we will enter into contracts that will be linked to the construction schedule. That is, we will pay based on the results of each stage of construction: the design work has been carried out - we pay, the foundation has been installed - we will pay.”

Each family will have an individual financial plan, chosen together with the chairman. As for the amount of share contributions and the price per square meter, the main guideline is the investment cost per square meter, which today in Moscow reaches $2000 .

Shareholders will also be able to attract mortgage loans. Moreover, according to Gennady Sushkov, mortgage banks will be willing to cooperate with young families, since shareholders will need a smaller loan amount, since the calculation will be based on the same $2,000 per square meter.

But how can we protect both the money of investors and the very cost of a square meter of housing from inflation? The cooperative uses a completely logical equivalent for calculations - square decimeter. That is, money received from shareholders is counted in decimeters.

“A share is a financial instrument, the price of which grows along with the growth of other prices that are significant for this market (cadastral value of land, energy prices, etc.), says the chairman of the cooperative. “Money can be withdrawn at any time without losing nothing, moreover, you can also earn money by selling shares.” However, only a participant in the program can sell a share or part of it in a youth cooperative.

Well, and finally, one more important note. Joining a cooperative empty-handed, you know, is no good. You need to have on hand “starting capital” of 10-12 thousand dollars. To promise that a member of the cooperative will get an apartment for a very specific price would be too reckless in this article, so we will limit ourselves to the following conclusion. “Cooperative apartment” will be a third cheaper than market value.That's for sure.

Based on this premise, the cooperative operates. He is looking for such partners - technical customers and contractors - who are willing to work not at a loss to themselves, but without the super-profits characteristic of the Moscow housing market, they will be able to give shareholders time to raise funds and “work on credit.”

"Northern" cooperative is waiting for plots
The result of all the gigantic work should be new houses for shareholders. But in life, as usual, not everything is smooth sailing. The cooperative of the Northern District would have been rebuilt long ago, but the allocated plots of land had to be abandoned: local residents opposed the construction. Although the potential homes would set the old development back from the railroad, the project was designed so as not to overburden the area's infrastructure. But it was not possible to win the “war” with the residents; according to the corresponding decision of the Interdepartmental Commission of the Moscow Government, the sites fell under the concept of spot sites. The cooperative was among the “injured investors” (those who were forced to stop construction due to the fight against infill development) and is waiting for new plots, which will most likely be allocated in Western Degunino. It is clear that because of these ups and downs, the cooperative suspended the admission of new shareholders.

Well, the Northwestern District cooperative was luckier. Last year, the city transferred (not free of charge - the cooperative compensated for the cost of design and preparation of the site) a project for the construction of a monolithic house (with a total area of ​​10.5 thousand sq. m at the address Kurkino, microdistrict 15, building 6), and the cooperative implemented it. Now the “cooperatives” are exchanging apartments in this building, since the area is larger than they need. As for the cost, a square meter cost shareholders approximately 1000-1100 dollars. That is, at the price that was provided for those on the waiting list - participants in city housing programs.

“It is extremely difficult to achieve effective operation of a cooperative,” concludes our conversation Yuri Averin, advisor to the chairman of MM ZhSK SZAO. “We probably spent too much time on everything, I hope things will go faster in the future.”

The first experience of the revived cooperatives and the first big bumps will certainly be useful. After all, the ideologists of the national project “Affordable Housing” assign a very significant role to the cooperative movement. There will be active people who are ready to participate in deciding their own destiny - there is no doubt about it. It's the state's turn.

Today, according to various estimates, from 40 to 50 percent of Russians need improved housing conditions and at the same time do not have the opportunity to realize their dreams. The crisis has caused a drop in demand for new buildings, which is in the interests of the state to fuel. Otherwise, the consequences will be irreversible - the entire construction industry will collapse. A number of legislative initiatives coming into force in January 2017 should help both developers and home buyers.

Despite the economic difficulties that the country is currently experiencing, new housing continues to be built, albeit on a smaller scale. The Ministry of Construction notes that today we cannot expect a repetition of the high indicators of the recent past.

2015 was a record year: we reached the figure of 85 million square meters of built housing,” said the Minister of Construction and the Russian Federation at the IV All-Russian meeting on housing construction Mikhail Men. - This year it is unlikely to succeed. Therefore, the main task is to maintain at least the level of industrial housing construction. This is what our ministry and Government influence first of all.

Realizing that it is difficult to sharply increase the purchasing power of Russians, whose real incomes continue to fall, the authorities have aimed at reducing the costs of builders in order to reduce the cost per square meter of housing. According to developers, their reserves for reducing the cost of apartments have long been exhausted. What does the state offer?

Let's save on insurance

While any domestic construction will be classified as high-risk, requiring developers to make 100% reservations, construction companies are forced to attract money from shareholders.

By investing at the stage of zero construction, the co-investor already receives an apartment almost at cost, but this price can be further reduced thanks to the latest amendments to Law 214. In particular, after the creation of a compensation fund for shared construction. This institution will replace the ineffective mechanisms of bank guarantees and the costs of which the developer includes in the price of housing. For example, today insurers make up about 1 percent of the amount specified in the share participation agreement. In the federal fund it will be approximately 0.5 percent.

According to information from the Ministry of Construction, work on creating the fund will begin on October 2, and it will begin to function in the new year.

Infrastructure at a discount

In two record years, builders have completely developed all available sites in the country with ready-made engineering and infrastructure. And if earlier local authorities, when issuing a construction permit, could “burden” the developer with the construction of a kindergarten or a transport interchange at their own expense, today few can afford such increased obligations.

According to Mikhail Men, a decision has already been made at the Government level to allocate 20 billion rubles to support infrastructure, and now the Ministry is deciding how to spend it.

We understand that this is not so much money if it is direct investment in infrastructure,” the minister explained. “But if these funds are used to subsidize interest rates on loans for companies that build networks or social facilities, then this can have the effect that we saw in the example of mortgages. In 2014, thanks to government support, Russians took out mortgage loans worth 1.76 trillion rubles. A targeted injection has serious payoffs.

In addition, from January 1, 2017, legislation allows the developer to include in the cost price the costs of creating infrastructure if this was a condition for issuing a construction permit. They used to do it for profit. This means that they paid VAT and still contributed to the price per square meter. We are now creating conditions to reduce the cost per square meter.

Industrial zones will be melted down

Starting next year, it will be possible to recycle abandoned industrial zones, which are already provided with almost all the necessary infrastructure. To this day, these objects remain an ugly blot on the face of many Russian cities. There are 83 industrial and communal zones with an area of ​​18.8 hectares alone, which is more than 17 percent of the city’s territory within the old borders.

The new Federal Law 373 provides a mechanism for the integrated development of the territory according to two algorithms: at the initiative of copyright holders and by decision of local governments. Until the end of November, the Government is waiting for proposals on the list of territories that will be developed under the program.

Transparent prices

Today, the Ministry of Construction, once a quarter, by a separate order, determines the average market value of one square meter of housing for the regions of the country. These figures are intended for local social benefits that are provided for the purchase of apartments using federal budget money. It is noteworthy that real market prices for housing in these regions are usually twice as high.

The ministry admits that the rules for setting prices in the construction industry are outdated and no longer meet modern realities, including economic ones. Therefore, starting next year, it was decided to launch a state pricing system in construction - abbreviated as GIS CA. It will contain up-to-date information on prices for building materials, the cost of technical and labor resources throughout the country, but taking into account regional characteristics. Some large regions may have several price zones. And in the country as a whole - about 150.

Now work is underway on a whole block of by-laws that will regulate the system of constant prices of all three resources that make up the cost of housing. Ultimately, the starting maximum price for the future contract will be determined, from which the competitive bidding procedure will begin.

This information will become in demand not only among private buyers, but also among authorities at all levels. It will become easier for federal and regional officials to understand the maximum cost of constructing a facility during negotiations to justify investments. Today we know of examples where the final cost of an object is often many times higher than the previously approved estimate. Thus, the Krestovsky stadium during construction increased in price from 6.7 billion rubles to 43.8 billion.

Leonid Kazinets, President of the National Association of Housing Developers:

In 2016, according to statistics, the exhibition period for finished housing or preschool housing increased. Previously, the developer understood how long it would take on average to sell completed apartments. Now this period is stretching by about 30 percent. It's not very good. This means that people's purchasing desire is not as high as we expected when building 80 million square meters of housing.

Delays are directly related to money. The purchasing power of the population is not growing, and developers' costs are indirectly increasing. If the steps taken by the Ministry of Construction do not change the situation, we will not be able to reduce prices. On the contrary, they can even grow, which, given the current purchasing power of Russians, is fatal for builders.

Elena Nikolaeva, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma for Housing and Communal Services :

The crisis in the industry is obvious - in January-July 2016, 37.2 million square meters of housing were commissioned in the country. This is 7.4 percent less than in the same period last year. In 2015, 679,197 equity participation agreements were concluded, which is 20 percent less than the previous year. This is alarming. We have always supported subsidizing mortgage rates, but now we see that this norm has exhausted its potential. If at first there was significant growth, now this demand has reached a certain plateau, which indicates the need to introduce additional measures to stimulate demand to maintain an active policy.

Legislative changes, which will come into force on January 1, 2017, are aimed at improving the conditions for investing in housing construction.

Cost per square meter of housing in Russia

* “On the standard cost of one square meter of total residential area in the Russian Federation for the second half of 2016 and the average market value of one square meter of total residential area in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the third quarter of 2016.”

The cost of one square meter in a new Moscow economy class building

Materials + work - 40 thousand rubles

Connection to communications - 40 thousand rubles

Encumbrance (kindergartens, school) - 10 thousand rubles

Purchase of a plot (depending on location) - 20 thousand rubles

Insurance, loan interest - 4-5 thousand rubles

Marketing services (cheating) - 12-20 percent (the final price is regulated by the market)

The cost of construction of a residential apartment building in the mass segment in Moscow in 2016 ranges from 28 to 35 thousand rubles. per square meter, follows from the data of the company RD Construction.

We are talking specifically about the cost of construction work - the developer’s costs for acquiring the site, developing the project, its implementation and marketing are not taken into account.

The study clarifies that the use of domestic building materials in mass segment projects can today reach 100%. Objects are mostly designed and implemented according to approved SNIPs, which require minimal costs.

At the same time, in the construction of individual technological residential complexes in the high-budget segment, modern and mainly imported materials are used. In this regard, the cost of construction varies from 45 to 65 thousand rubles. per sq. m, and the price has no upper limit. The final cost depends on a number of factors: total area, complexity of the facility, the presence and volume of underground parking, the level of engineering systems and finishing materials. It was the last two items that especially became more expensive in 2015 due to the depreciation of the ruble.

“It is generally accepted that “lifting the box” always goes the same way. In practice this is not the case. Business, premium and elite class projects always include underground parking. Depending on the class, the ratio of apartments to parking spaces increases from 1 to 4. Construction of one underground parking level costs 2-2.5 times more than a ground level and significantly increases the cost of construction and installation work,” the report notes.

It is noted that the difference in the height of interfloor ceilings can reach from 0.5 to 1 m, which further increases the cost of monolithic work in luxury projects. Significantly increases the cost of the facility and a complex façade using expensive and often imported finishing materials. Their price compared to domestically produced materials can be 3-4 times higher. And the price of complex engineering equipment for an elite class facility in terms of 1 sq. m can be comparable to the costs of all construction and installation work in a typical economy class project.

According to RD Construction, during 2015 there was a slight decrease in prices for basic building materials - concrete and reinforcement. However, it is impossible to say that construction has become noticeably cheaper, since prices for other materials and services have simultaneously increased: the cost of sand, transport costs, prices for engineering equipment and finishing materials.

Prices for foreign engineering and finishing materials increased at the beginning of 2015. During the year, their price fluctuated in the range of plus or minus 20-30%, depending on the ruble exchange rate: during the first half of the year prices decreased, in the second they increased.

Full cost cap. construction rub./sq.m (MIN-MAX)
Segment 2014 2015
Economy 22 000 – 25 000 24 000 – 27 000
Comfort 25 000 – 29 000 26 000 – 30 000
Business 32 000 – 45 000 35 000 – 50 000
Premium 45 000 – 65 000 56 000 – 70 000
Elite 56 000 – 100 000 62 000 – 120 000

For the construction of one square meter in new buildings in the mass segments of Moscow and the nearest Moscow region, contractors spend up to 60 thousand rubles.

Photo: Mikhail Pletsky/Russian Look

In the mass segment, the cost of housing construction in Moscow and the region ranges from 28 thousand to 35 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m and over the last year has grown by 5-7%, according to a study by the construction company RD Construction. Similar figures for RBC Real Estate were also reported by the companies MITs and Granel. For comparison, in high-budget segments of new buildings, where the share of imported materials is high, the cost of 1 sq. m now amounts to 45-65 thousand rubles, which is 10-20% more than in 2014.

In this case, we are talking only about the cost price, taking into account construction and installation works (CEM) and materials. If we add to this the developer’s expenses for project management, network installation and all social infrastructure, the cost will double and amount to about 55 thousand rubles, said Daromir Obukhanich, First Deputy General Director of the development group of companies “MIC”. In 2014, he said, the price was 7-10% lower. “The increase in cost was due to the rise in prices of materials. Even Russian manufacturers have raised prices due to currency volatility and the need to use imports to some extent,” Obukhanich explained.

Full cost of capital construction (RUB per 1 sq. m, min-max)


Source: RD Construction

Developers provide similar figures for the nearest Moscow region. Cost of 1 sq. m during the implementation of a comprehensive development project in August 2015 in the Moscow region amounted to 57.5 thousand rubles, notes a representative of the Granel development group. “Compared to the previous year, the cost of comprehensive development of land plots in the Moscow region increased by 21.8% (not taking into account inflation),” a company representative told RBC Real Estate. In the calculations, Granel's estimators took into account the cost of the land plot, the costs of relocating emergency housing in the development area, construction and installation work and landscaping, utility networks, social facilities, and parking. It turned out that over the year the share of social infrastructure facilities and parking lots in the cost structure has increased especially strongly - their share now accounts for 18.5% and 11.7% of costs, respectively (a year earlier 11.1% and 4.8%). This is due to the tightening in regional urban planning regulations of the requirements for providing residential areas with parking spaces, schools, kindergartens and clinics.

Construction costs by type of work

Name of works

Share in the project cost structure, %

Engineering systems

Construction of external networks taking into account connection

Site preparation and excavation work

Unexpected expenses

Improvement and landscaping of territories