How to create mind maps online and for free. Mind map: how mind maps can help a student Mind maps

To get a high-quality result, you should think through all possible ways to achieve it.

The XMind mind mapping program will help you effectively create an action plan when solving complex problems, drawing up projects, making presentations, organizing data during brainstorming sessions, active self-analysis, memorizing a large amount of information, learning, as well as your own self-development and in many other situations.

It is thanks to maps that you will be able to clearly, compactly and in an accessible form display the course of your thoughts and/or further actions.

Programs have been creating mind maps for quite a long time, and during this time the functionality of many of them has advanced so far that they have made maps an ideal, interactive tool for planning and learning. However, not all of them are accessible, in terms of understanding, to the average user.

We will look at the work of the most popular, convenient, free and easy-to-learn XMind program in Russian, which is rightfully considered one of the most functional.

The xmind program in Russian can be found here download(there are two versions of the program in the archive) or in English in developer website. The program works the same under Linux.

We will not consider installing the program, since this is not necessary. It’s better to look at the creation of mind maps in detail using the example given in this manual. After installing the utility, launch it from a shortcut on your PC desktop.

When you first start, you will be asked to log into your account on the site, but you are not required to have one. Click on “Don’t show these messages when you start” (all screenshots are clickable)

after which you can start working.

In the picture above there is the inscription “Central Section”. It will be our starting point, that is, starting from it we will build an intellectual map.

To make it easier for you to learn the material, we will begin to create a map with which we will properly prepare for everyone’s favorite holiday, the New Year.

To change the name “Central Section” to your own, double-click on it with the mouse button. You can also right-click (right mouse button) and select “Edit”.

Write your section name (in this example it is “New Year”) and press “Enter” on the keyboard.

Now it’s time to make a plan for what exactly is needed in order to spend the holiday the way we planned for ourselves.

Well, how can you start the year without gifts for your loved ones? First of all, we will plan to buy gifts. To do this, right-click on the main partition and select “Insert” - “Partition”.

As you can see in the picture below, “New Section 1” has appeared.

Let's give it a name by renaming it in the way we talked about above. Let's call it "Gifts to the Family." Also, let’s add a few more important components of this holiday.

It is difficult to imagine the New Year without a Christmas tree, a festive table, and for children without Santa Claus and various fireworks or sparklers. Therefore, let's add these components in the way we just looked at.

It’s already better, but it’s not clear where to start preparing first. Therefore, for ease of perception, we will number the assigned tasks, setting priorities.

To do this, go to “Markers” and drag the desired number to the required section. In this example, we will start preparing by purchasing gifts for family members, and therefore we will drag the number “1” to the “Gifts for Family” section.

Do the same with the other points on your mind map, prioritizing them according to your goals.

As you can see in the illustration above, the map created looks more like a general plan of action. To create a mind map with full-fledged subsections, you should right-click on any section you created, then click “Insert” - “Subsection”. After that, rename it, coming up with an appropriate name.

For clarity, in the “Festive Table” section, using the method described above, several subsections will be created that will help plan the holiday.

You can create more subsections for the created subsections, and so on ad infinitum. They are created in a similar way, that is, right-click, “Insert” - “Subsection”. To speed up the process, use the “Tab” hotkey.

The screenshot above shows how two subsections were created with their own subsections. Just as in the case of arranging numbers (priorities), you can set various emoticons and icons to be more informative. Select the icon you like and drag it to any point on the mind map.

Now you know how to make a simple mind map. Thanks to the knowledge gained, you will definitely be able to create a more complex, informative and thoughtful map.

Be sure to take advantage of the opportunity to download the XMind program for free, with its help you can insert links, pictures, notes, tables into your map, change styles and appearance, create an unlimited number of links, connections, sheets and even attach !

We have reviewed the basic functionality of the program, so once you master it, be sure to experiment with other, more complex, but no less interesting and useful tools.

Another advantage of the program is the fact that it is cross-platform, that is, it can work not only under Windows, but also on MacOS and Linux.
In conclusion, I suggest you watch the video created by the authors of the Russified version of the xmind program:

Hello! In this article we will talk about mind maps.

Upgrading your brain is an interesting process. You can use different things to make it work faster, absorb information better, and remember faster. One way to improve brain function is Mind Map. In this article, I will tell you in simple terms what they are, where they are used, and how to make them yourself.

What is Mind Map in simple words

Mind Map is a technique for visualizing and structuring thinking.

The Mind Map is designed in the form of a diagram that resembles a tree. It depicts words, ideas, thoughts, tasks, or any similar information that diverges from one main thought at the center. Mind Map is one of the most effective tools for managing your knowledge, for which all you need is a pencil and paper.

The term can be translated into Russian as “thought map”, “mind map”, “memory map”, “mental map”, “associative map”, “associative diagram” or “thinking scheme”.

What is it for?

Mind maps have one application: improving brain function. This is achieved using:

  • Recording information. Even complex things can be depicted easily and clearly.
  • Memorization. When you draw something yourself, you remember it faster.
  • Easy access to information. It is enough to look at such a card to understand what was written in it and remember everything down to the smallest detail.
  • Analysis of all information. When creating such maps, it is easy to notice connections between points. The graphical method makes it easier to tie everything together.

Where are smart cards used?

Wherever you need to work with some information, Mind Map is useful. But there are certain areas where cards will perform best:

  • Education. Instead of recording lectures, seminars or courses, it is better to sketch them. This way you get rid of water, build logical connections and remember better.
  • In planning. If you have ever had grandiose plans for the year, you are well aware of the “I don’t know what to do right now” state. Mind Maps allow you to break down individual tasks into smaller ones, see connections and do better.
  • To analyze any business processes. It is enough to analyze everything that is presented graphically. When drawing up a map, you can write down the main indicators, and in the branches what they depend on. This approach will help you build the correct logical chain and understand what needs to be changed.
  • Provide a summary of books. This is a somewhat unusual application, but if you put the central idea of ​​the book in the middle, and then draw branches from it, you will get an interesting and unusual result that will help you better understand what the author wanted to convey.

Mind maps can be used in any area where you need to somehow structure knowledge. Instead of regular lists, it is better to use smart maps.

How to Mind Map

Now let's take a closer look at how to make mind maps yourself.

Step 1. Highlight the main idea.

The construction of a thought map starts from the middle. You need to put the main idea or goal in it. It is important not to deviate from this rule if you are drawing a mind map on paper. And it is desirable that the center be three-colored.

Step 2. Identify the main topics.

The main ideas should come from the central thought. These are the things you need to do, or the main things you need to understand the main, central idea. If you draw the map yourself, make them different colors.

Step 3. Select additional topics.

From each main topic, we highlight additional ones that help to better understand or follow a given topic. They will lead us to the main idea.

Step 4. Design the card to suit you.

Mind Map is an individual thing that should only be understandable to you. This means that you need to start designing it. Add the colors you like, choose fonts. In general, your task is to make sure that at any moment you can look at the center, notice everything else out of the corner of your eye and remember every detail.

Here are some examples of good mind maps:

Programs for compiling Mind Maps

Mind Map is quite a popular thing, and many programs have been made to create it. I have prepared for you the TOP 5 free programs in which you can create your own mental map.


Free program from Google. The interface is simple for beginners, but there are many different functions for advanced users.

The program allows you to use your own images. They can be downloaded in a few clicks.

Once created, you can export the file to PNG or PDF.


There is a free version with basic functionality, which is enough to create simple Mind Maps. And there is an advanced, paid one, for professionals.

The main advantage of the program is its compatibility with Microsoft Office.


Free program, you can buy a paid version. The basic version has everything you need to create high-quality mental maps: different block styles, colors, changing text and fonts. You can add blocks in a few clicks.

One of the best applications in its niche. The free version is more than enough for simple mind maps.


The best program for beginners. There's nothing complicated. All actions are performed in 1-2 clicks, and the cards turn out beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. You can easily understand what is written there. You can customize it by adding different photos.

Suitable for those who want to make their first mental map.

MindJet Manager

A more complex program for creating large mental maps. The site has a lot of educational materials that will allow you to customize the cards to your taste.

To work with MindJet, you will have to thoroughly study the program. This will take 3-4 hours, but after that you will easily be able to create the most convenient mental maps.

Mind Map is a convenient tool for working with your own thoughts. It helps to better structure and assimilate information, and also answers the question “What should I do right now.” If you start creating mental maps, you will very soon see that your brain begins to work faster and remembers information better.

Surely you have come across the concept of Mind Map, or as it is also called a mental map, a thought map or an intelligence map.

“Mind Map isa method of structuring concepts using graphical notation in the form of a diagram

To put it simply, it is a tool with which you can better process information. Such cards can be made for anything. It doesn't matter if you take English lessons or develop games. Information and summary can be conveniently organized in the Mind Map.

How to create a Mind map?

Making such maps is very simple, the main thing is to adhere to the basic principles:

  • Put the most important things in the center! This could be the title of your card or the main idea.
  • Dedicate each thread to one topic, and each item in the thread to a subtopic.
  • Remember that intelligence cards are individual. Therefore, it is unlikely to be possible to introduce them into the work of a company where many employees use one card. But for you, it will be more than convenient. And all because the card will be structured individually for you.
  • Use color, symbols and emojis in your cards. Get creative :)

I use a map from Google - Coggle . For me it is convenient and fastmind map online, not overloaded with unnecessary functionality and intuitive. I’m also especially pleased that I can use the card anywhere as long as I have internet.

See what your cards will look like in the service:

You can compose them, edit them at any time and share with friends.

Let's look at where you can use such a handy tool as Mind Map.

Any studieswill get better with structured lectures in the mind map. I still remember with trembling the lectures at the university, where I had to write, write, write. And then, when I tried to understand the information, it turned out that most of the lectures were pure water. Also, if you are undergoing some kind of training, course or participating in a seminar, a brief summary of each lecture will simply save you. Not that oneI should have listened to a lesson on investing a long time ago. Look at mine map . Thanks to her, I can reconstruct the entire lecture and remember the main points.

  • If you are making upmenu of the weekor just planning to do this - make a Mind Map Menu. In each thread, describe what you can cook for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The subparagraphs contain the names of the dishes. Now that they are all in your sight, you can quickly choose what you want to cook.
  • Describe Grand plan of goals for the yearin your mind map. Make branches on all points of the wheel of balance: relationships, family, health, finances, career, personal growth, spirituality and relaxation. In the subparagraphs, indicate goals for each branch. Then you will already have a clear p la n improvements for the whole next year.
  • Also try to make a Health Plan - where the branches could be: sports, nutrition and care. Write down everything you would like to change and take action - you will definitely succeed!
  • My favorite use of a map is as a book summary. I’ll show you with an example from one of the best books on finance.Bodo Schaefer “Mani, or the ABC of Money” . This is a book that I return to every few years, and it still remains relevant to me. The story about the girl Kira and her Labrador Mani was a bestseller. Read book , she really deserves it.

If you write blog articles or lectures, sketch out a plan in Mind Map before writing. You'll be surprised how much easier it will be for you

work with good instructions.

As you can see, the use of mind maps is possible for any structuring of knowledge. Use your cards alone or with others. Set goals, write them down using a map andplan in your.

It's safe to say that Mind Map is an excellent tool for self-organization, planning and learning.

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Mind maps(also called mind maps, mind maps, and mind maps) are a way to visualize ideas and show the connections between them using diagrams.

The technique of creating such a mind map emerged long before the online tools listed in this article appeared.

Now there are dozens of services that allow you to create mind maps that include not only text, but also other elements such as images, links and videos. You can also work on maps with other users, share maps on social networks, and embed them in websites.

How can a teacher use mind maps in his work?

  • When explaining new material, to organize and visualize the material.
  • For brainstorming - both when discussing new material and for solving organizational issues.

How can students use mind maps in their learning?

  • To write a draft of a written paper to organize your ideas.
  • When studying a complex topic to better understand the material.
  • As an independent task, as an alternative to a presentation, poster or report.

This article lists 3 free and easy to use tools -, Coggle and Popplet. If you have never created mind maps before, then it is advisable to start with them. If you need more advanced features, you should pay attention to paid programs such as Lucidchart, Mind42, MindMeister, SpiderScribe and Stormboard. is a very simple online tool. Well suited for those who need only text to create a memory card, and who do not need elements such as images or attached files (the paid version allows you to add images, the free version only allows text).

Coggle is a free service that allows you to create beautiful online maps. Here you can create any number of branches, bend them, change colors, and move elements.

To use Coggle you need a Gmail account. A good option for educational institutions where they are already actively using .

At first glance, Popplet seems like a very simple tool, but in fact it has a number of interesting features that allow you to create beautiful multimedia mind maps.

Popplet cards can consist of many elements containing text, uploaded images, drawings, or videos. Elements can be highlighted in different colors, changed their size and moved. You can zoom in on an element to see it in detail, or zoom out to see the entire map.

You can work on the map together with other users, who can either add comments to map elements or create their own elements. The finished map can be printed, shared on Facebook or Twitter, or exported in PDF or PNG format. The interface is in English. There is an online version and applications for iPhone and iPad. You can create up to 5 cards for free. For $3 per month you can create an unlimited number of cards. Group discounts are available for schools.

Discussion: 9 comments

    Mind maps can be used in many different ways, depending on the experience with them and the creativity of the teacher and students. For example, my students drew the tense system of the French language. The most important thing is that mind maps are a good motivator for studying.

    1. I also used similar tasks, only I did not have the French tense system, but ways of expressing the future tense in English and different meanings of modal verbs.

      On the Internet you can also find many ready-made mind maps dedicated to learning English, which is quite convenient for both students and teachers.

      I myself often build mind maps, but not for work, but, as they say, for myself, in order to structure my own ideas.

      1. But it seems to me that students can and should make these maps. When compiling, they reflect on new material.

        1. But teachers also sometimes need to make a mind map - not for students, but for themselves.

          1. This can be done by different people with different goals, I just shared my view on the place of cards in the learning process.

    To create mind maps, I recommend In my opinion, this is the best software for mind mapping. There is everything you need - cloud storage, card sharing, mobile applications for Android and iOS, as well as many other features.

    There is also mind42 com - I’ve been using it for a long time

    Coggle looks nice, I like it. Tell me how convenient it is?

    1. It's hard to say, convenience is a subjective thing :).

      I find Google to be a simple and intuitive tool. But if you need advanced features, then you should choose a different solution.

An intelligence map, or mental maps (mind-maps) is a display of an effective way to think, memorize, recall, solve creative problems, as well as the ability to present and visually express your internal information processing processes, make changes to them, and improve them. Mind maps - This is a tool that allows you to:

  • It’s easier to work with information: remember, understand, restore logic.
  • convenient to use for presenting material and visually explaining your position to interlocutors
  • makes it easier to make decisions, create plans, develop projects.
offers a fresh selection of 8 excellent mind mapping programs. We are confident that these programs will help you use mind-mapping technology 100%. In the selection you will find many free applications and you can easily choose the best option for yourself.

1. Google

Coggle is a free online application that supports collaboration on projects. In this program you can develop convenient, beautiful mental maps. The program's interface is simple, but at the same time it has many functions that make the process of creating a mind map incredibly simple. The program supports the use of images, custom color schemes and the ability to view document history. Keeping a history of changes allows you to revert to earlier versions of the map you created if you get stuck in the current version. Mind-maps created in Coggle can be exported in PNG or PDF format.

2. Xmind

XMind is a popular cross-platform mind mapping program that runs on Windows/Mac/Linux platforms. The program has several versions: free with reduced capabilities and paid with expanded functionality. One of the main advantages of the program is its support and compatibility with the Microsoft Office suite. And a nice addition is the program’s ability to work with Gantt charts.

3. Freemind

The program is an open, free application that runs on any platform that supports Java. In general, the program has all the necessary set of functions to create high-quality mind maps. The only drawback of the program is the outdated design of intelligence cards.

4. MindNode

MindNode is a paid application for creating mind maps on Mac / IOS. The program has a modern minimalistic design and is very easy to use. It supports integration with all Apple devices and works well on both iPad and mobile versions. The application allows you to export created mind maps in the following formats: JPG, PDF, TIFF, text formats, and also supports exporting mind maps to the format of the competing program Freemind. For users unfamiliar with the program, a trial version of the program with a limited set of MindNode Lite functions is available.

5. BubblUs is a free web application for online mind mapping. The application allows you to create simple mind-maps and export them in image format. The functionality of the program in comparison with the simple solutions MindNode and Coggle seems a little sophisticated, but still the program solves the problem and creates good mind maps. The program runs on flash and will not work on smartphones.

6. MindMeister

MindMeister is a paid online mind mapping application. Provides several options for subscription fees, and also provides the opportunity to use the program for free. For free, you can build 3 mind maps with limited export capabilities. The application has a user-friendly interface and the entire necessary set of functions, which allows you to understand the simplicity and convenience of smart card technology. The disadvantage of the program is that it can only be fully used if you pay regularly, so it is more suitable for those who use mind maps regularly. The program is Russified.

7. Mapul

Mapul is a paid online application for creating mind maps. Like MindMeister, Mapul operates on a monthly subscription basis. The program stands out among all other applications with its fancy mind map design.

8. WiseMapping

WiseMapping is a free online mind mapping application running on HTML5 open source code. The program can be used directly on the developers’ website, or you can download the open source code of the program and install it on your own web server. The application has the full range of functions for working with smart card technology.